HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutPZ-2020-00120 A: Kedanis Short Term Residential Rental AppealAerial View & Street viewAgenda BZA HO 07-27-20Agenda TAC 07-15-20ApplicationApplication SECorrespondenceCurrent in Carmel Article: 'Seismic Shift' in Lodging Carmel considering how to handle room-renting sites like AirbnbCustomer Airbnb Reviews submittedDepartment Report 07-27-20Findings of Fact & Ballot SheetFindings of Fact, NegativeLetter #01 Shelley CareyLetter #02 Tom FoleyMinutes HO 07-27-20No Parking Sign located on Beechmont DrivePacket for BZA HO 07-27-20Public NoticeReceiptRegistered Retail Merchant