HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout09030007-10 Blackwell Park09060014 SW Withdrawn 08-07-0911100002 SDR 338 3rd Ave NE, Blackwell Park Lot 3ACorrespondenceLarge format in fileMinutes Sub 09-01-09Public Notice infoTAC infoTree PreservationApplicationblackwell park context 014blackwell park context 016blackwell park context 020blackwell park context 021blackwell park context015blackwell park context017blackwell park context019BZA InfoCovenants_withStaffRevisions_8-7-09Dept Report 08-18-09Dept Report 09-01-09Findings of FactIDEM letterLetter of GrantMinutes PC 08-18-09Minutes TAC 07-15-09Packet 08-18-09Property values near Blackwell ParkReceiptsStormwater CalculationsV&B_Service Agreement