HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice Notice of Public Hearin, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Section 106 Cultural f NOTICE OF APPLICATION Cumberland Plan CommisSion BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD Resources Public Notice TO ESTABLISH AB~ANCH Notice is hereby given. f)f a of ZONING. APPEALS-Docket Proposed Construction.of the Notice is hereby given that public hearing to be held ~y.. ~he No.O .110007 V--r accessory PennsyTrail, Cumberland, Fifth Third Bank, 'Ill Lyon Cumberland Plan CommISSIon I mg UI. eTore principal; Indiana STP-9949 () St.re~t, NW, ?rand. Rap!ds, on Tuesday N.ovember 22, a005 05110008 V height greater The Town of Cumbe,rland pro- ~Ichlg.an, has fIled an appllca- at 7:00 p.m. m the Cumberfand an. . poses a landscapearchn:ectu- tlon WIth the Federal Reserye Town Hall. located at 11501 Notice is hereby given that the ral design and engineering of B.ank of Clevela.nd for perrT!fs- East Washm~ton Street, C~m- Carmel/Clay Board of. Zoning the Cumberland pennsy Trail sfO.n ~o establish a bankmg berland I!1dlana to con~lder Appeals meeting on The 28th from German. Church Road in office at 14585 Hazel pell the adoption of the NCltlonal of November, 2005 at 5:15 p.m. Marion County to County Road Parkway, Carmel, IndIana Roa.d Overlay, a spedal zoning in the City Coundl Chambers, 600 West ;0.. Hancock County 46033. . .' ordmance. for new deyelop- 2nd ~Ioor of the City HaU, One along sections of the aban- You ar~ invi~e.d to subf!llt corT!- ment alo.ng ~ast, ~ashmgton (1) Civic Square, Carmel, Indi- doned penn. Central Railroad. me~ts m ~ritmg on thiS apph- Street (Hlstonc National Road, ana 46032 will hold ..a Public The project IS located appro~i- ~atlon to Cu:,dy.C. West, Bank- US ~O) In the Hancock County- Hearing upon the following:. mately 4 miles east of 1-465 In 109 SupervIsor, The Federal por:f;lon of the Town. Peter and Kathy Gray are own- Indianapolis,. Indiana and Reserve Bank of Clevelan~, All Interested persons are wel- ers of the subject parcel. The approximately 900 teet south P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, O~IO come to attend the public subject parcel is located at of afld parallel to U.S. 40. More 44101. The comment penod hearing and to make oral com- 4100 W. 131st Street being in speCifically, the project is will not end before November ments concerning the pro- the Southwest Quarter of Sec- located in Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 25, 2005, and may be some- posed .Ordinance. Copies of tion 30, Township 18 North, Township 15 ~orth, Range.5 wha,t longer.. The. Federal the Ordll:,ance and related doc- Range 3 East, located in Clay East and Section 6, TownshIp Reserve Boa,rd's P~hcy Stab=:- um~ntatlon are <?n file and Township. The subject parcellS North, Range 6 East on, the me~t regarding. notIce of apph- avaIlable for. examm.ation prior contains 5.0 acres, more or U.S.G.5. Cum~erland, Indiana cations may be found at. 12 to the publiC heanng in the less. Quadrangle. In Warren . and C.F.R. Part 262.25. To obtain a office of the Planning and 1) Development Standards SugarCreek Townships, Mar- copy of the Federal Reserve Development Department as Variance Request, Docket No. ion and Hancock Counties, Board1s procedures, or if you well as the Cumberland Clerk- 0511000lV. The owner is Indiana. . need more information about Treasurer Office between the requesting a variance of an It is proposed to construct a how to submit your comments hours of 9:00 a.m.. and 4:00 accessory building built before 10 f~ot to12 foot bituminous on the app.lication, contact p.m. Monday through Friday the principal structure. The trail with 1 foot to 2 foot shoul- Cindy C. West at The Federal and in the office of the Cum- owner plans to construct a ders. The total length of the Reserve Bank of Cleveland at berland Police DepartfJlent 2160 SQuare foot structure trail will be approximately 3.5 (216) 579-2934. The Federal between the hours of]:OQ~a.m. with an attic storage area of miles. Trail connectfons to U.S. Reserve System will consider and 10:30 p.m.' Motday an additional (approximately) 40 will also be constructed your comments, including any through Friday. TheseQlces 1020 square feet. Building'win between Meijer and the Town request for a meeting or for- are located at the cumb. e~tand featu.re residential architec- Hall and afProXimately 1,400 mal hearing on the application, Town Halt, 11501 East~sh- ture mcluding a full porch and feet east 0 Buck Creek. A new if theY8re received by the Fed- ing~on Street, Cumberlftnd, do.rlT!ers, and will replac.e a,n pedestrian crossing will be eral Reserve. Bank on or be- IndIana 46229.Writte.n. _.~om- eXlstmg structure that IS In constructed at Carroll. Road. fore the last day of the com- ments regarding the .."rdi- poor condition. Theexi.sting railroad bridge ment period. nance and related docu~ta- 2) .' Development Standards spanning Buck Creek will be Date: November 10, 2005 tion may be filed witfl~ the Variance Request, Docket No. utiHzed. and upgraded. Trail- FifthThird Bank Secretary of the PlanCortVnis- 05110998V. The. owner is ,heads will be cC?nstructed. at -Grand Rapid~, Michigan sion within ten (10) days."fter req~estlng a. variance of the the U.S. 40 t~~11 conn.ection (S -11/10 -4087032) the publication at the ~"ove maxlmulT! h.elght of an acces- east of the MeiJer. parking lot referenced' address. The:plan sory. bUIlding from 18 ft and also at County Road 600 Commission will consider all reqUired to 22-ft proposed. West. An optional trailhead comments. The public hearing !he current ~oning of th.e sub- may be c.on.structed ~t the si~e may be continued from til'J'le to Ject parcel IS. S-l/Resldence ~f the eXIsting Sch~el~er pavl.l- time as may be found netes- Estate. . . Ion and storage bUlldmgs. It IS sary. ... The subject property is known anticipated that approxim~tely Cumberland Plan Commission as 4100 West 131st Street, 26.5 acres of permanent nght- Cumberland Indiana f Carmel, Indiana. . of-way will be acquired. No (S -11/10 .; 4088747):3 The application is identified as temporary right-of-way is '. Docket No. 0511000lV acces- anticipated to be needed. sory building built before prin- Section 106 of . the National cipal; 05110008V height. Historic Preservation Act greater than 18-ft. . (NHPA) requires that the Fed- The real estate affected by eral Highway Administration said application is described (FHWA) take into considera- 241 JEFFERSON Studio Apt. as follows: tion the effects that the project Incl. all uti!. $110wk + dep. LAND DESCRIPTION may have on historically sign if- 251-0522 or 294-8043 ~~\~E~f JrEs~~6HNW~~ ~~~rd~~~~r~it~r~~:r~~~uir~~ $50 MOVE In Special TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE ments of Section 106, the fol- 1st week free \ 3 EAS"f, LOCATED IN CLAY lowing consulting parties, 5 NTempte 2rm $111wk TOWNSHIp, .' HAMILTON namely the Eastern and Cen- 3222 E New York 2rm$485mo COUNT, INDIANA; BEING' tral Districts of th.e Histori.c l~~l~ ~ift~~h3~~m$lli~'tk DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Landmarks FoundatIon of Indl- 631 N Oxford 4rm $148wk BE~INNING AT THE STONE AT ana, . the Indiana . Historical 43 S Ritter 5br $225wk i~~ N~~J~i1TCO~~~~T~~ ~?~~~~cal t~;ci~~i~~ H~~~~~k _ Utilities paid~ EHO ~2-1505 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 18 County Histor~cal Society, Inc., SHORT TERM APTS. Fully NORTHi. RANGE 3. EAST; and the Marlon County and Furnished Full Kitchens THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES Hancock. County Historians, Studio 1 2 &3 bdrms. Free 51 MINUTES 18. SECONDS have been contacted as con- local calls & Free voicemail WEST ASSUMED BEARING) suIting parties to identify his- FROM ONLY $249/WKf . 311.43.. FEET ON AND ALONG toric properties that might be PICKWICK FARMS . THE, NO,*TH. liNE OF SAID impacted due to the this pro- NORTH: 872-6506 SOUTHWEST QUARTER TO A ject. A determination has been AIRPORT: 240-3567 MAG NA~L; THENCE SOUTH 00 made that this project does not www.borilsmgt.com , DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SEC- impact any property listed in or ONDS 699.36 FEET TO AN 5/81l eligible for the National Regis- *SPECIAL * IRON ROD WITH YELLOW CAP ter of Histor!c Places, and the 56th St. & Franklin Rd. STAMPED S0083;. THENCE FHWA has Issued a Section area. Studio efficiencies. SOUTH 89 DEGREES 51 MIN- 106 finding of .110.0 historic Clean,guiet,' secure. UTE .lftO SECONDS EAST pro,perties affectedll within the . One adult. NOJ~ets. 311.43 FEET TO A 5/811 IRON Area Of Potential Effect (APE) Si)( month lease. $375/mo ~~RMP~rw08j~~~~E ~~~~ ~~ thi~~~~td~~ce witn. the *$Av{2~i~6~~ ~~~Iease ~~fRT~; ~~WNc~O~J~~Eija ~~ii~~:lv~;:i~ith~e~~bIi~~~~ '25~ec~?(f~~~~~~~f~~nt DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SEC- being sought. in . regard to .. 8 A'ty1- 5 PM Monday thru ONDS. 699.36 FEET TO. THE effects of the project on histor- . Friday. (31'7) 542-0346 POINT OF BEGINNING. . . ically significant cultural ~":~wi>'.~1 ~;J~;~~~~~;~~~~f!~~ 1~I~f~j;Fw~~~;~~~1~ ill:' .1 · given ... an ,opportunity to.. be . mentation that the FHW A used ""_*,~","',,,?"''I'o'''''''''''''~' .'*,*"",'>>"'>;'ow,-:<JK,o,,,,"'''''' heard at the above-mentioned as the basis for. their Section 3330 N MERIDIAN Gated park date. and place. Written com- 106 finding is available for ..inSl.lbr. heat ~aid. specia men~s may be filed prior to The pubHc inspection at the office qUIet, lrom.$389.925-404( ~~~~tiif:~:~e::d i~~~{i~~i~~ ... Files may be examined at: ject. Please direct any ques- DOWNTOWN Woodruff Place Department of Community... tions or comments, in writing, Ibd wlporch, park $495-519 Services Division of Planning to. Aaron.. Davenport, Butler, Lg. 2bect bale. hdwds~ $589 and Zoning. Carmel City Hall, Fairman.. and. Seufert,. Inc . 2 bed, ~ baths 1000 sg. ft. 3rd Floor, Carmel, IN 46032. 8450 Westfield Boulevard: heat furn. grt share apt.$695 (317) 571-2417 . . Suite 300 Indianapolis IN 1 mo. free on lease. All new Peter Gr:ay. Petitioner .. 46240 by December 9, 2005. Oean, Sharp,..Cat OK 631-8333 ($ ;.11/10 - 4088340) (S -11/10 -4088612) Allow ~our ad the IMMEDIATE MOVE IN 21st and Franklin Studios starting at $350 1 BRts wI wastier dryer hookup starting at $480 Call 357-1701 Today! SPACIOUS quiet 1&2br, new carpet, 6 mo free satellitei '~1d~~~4~1~7~ChOOIS, hea 1 MONTH FREE.. 2 neighbor- hoods, near GreenWOOd Mall. Lrg 1 & 2BR. Sedien S oJ<. Heat pd.$399 +881-8362 3920 S. MERIDIAN (Meri Ct) 2rm studio private $299-310 Ibd, 1st floor, air $369-$409 Lg priv 2bd 1st floor $429-439 One mo. free on 13 mo. lease $99 Deposit. Cat OK. 631-8333 N NORTHSIDE 2100 N Broad- way, upstairs unit, private outside entry, 1br, 3 Ig rooms, electric & water paid. $375 mo. 317-923- 7 466 after 5pmor 847-3047 , 2613N BROAI Lk1t,3f~ar~fns~~ elec, (~i~)~g~ti eil'I'llj:I'!:.',lill'~lill, 11~I'I:I'I'i!"III:II:llj '.1'.1:11,'11:::"1'11111'1'1' For more Information call 317-444-4360 -Salesperson's D (easy sate) No sales experience Strong desire to learn Must be reliable and . dependable Need dependab The Indianapolis Star is recruiting' individuals for independent Single Copy distributorshIps in the following area: ~i~lt;if~:~:li~~~y~~~~~~: tions, and sales growth of newspaper vending machines and retail ac- counts. A valid driver's license, proof of automo- ~~re i~~~ri~~~~a~i~~ r::~ required. Northside Area For additional tion, pfease cal Job Seekers Federal law requires employers to verify that all new employees have the legal right to work in the U.S. An employer will ask for documentation to establish your identity and work authorization. www.dol.gov Hairstylists Booth rental salon seeking Stylist in Fisher's area. Some cliente needed. Call- Art (317) 578-4247 JANITORIAL position for Auto Body shop. Clean shop, move cars, etc. Must have valid drivers license, & ianitorial. expo Ap.ply an person: .' 2534 W.16tti St.., Indpls. Act Now Help Wanted Man~g~~ti.O~ie~~~~able $2,34~ monthly* 390-2000 (* per company policy) 2 BRTOWNHOUSE FOR THE PRICE OF A 1 BR APARTMENT..PLUS.. ONE MONTH FREE RE on a 14 mo. lease Co~~~~tPts Notice of Public Head ;g Under IC 4-22-2-24, 0.01 ;eis hereby given that on NCl~em- ber.29, 2005 at 8:00 a.lll, at the Department of Worktprce Development, 10 North senate Avenue. Room 301A, Indiatlap- otis, Indiana the Departrpent of Workforce Developmen~ wi" hold a public hearing on pro- posed amendments to 6~IAC 3-1-7 and new rule 646 lAC 3- 4-12, which are relateg to transfers of a portion.tf a trade or business for purp"ses .of unemployment insur:~nce and pursuant to Senate Enrolled Act 612. .}'I These changes will not adel any additional costs to smaff~usi- nesses. Copies of thes&rJ,Jles are now on file at 10ttOrth Senate Avenue, Room Sl202 and LegiSlative SerVices Agency, One, North Cajitol, Suite 325, Indianapolis~lndi- ana and. are open for . p~blic inspection. . . . . .'.~. Ron Stiver, ComlJlissioner;i Department of Workforc&'1 Development .. . ')J (S - 11/3 , 11/10 - 40787.4) PIKE TWP Very nice,- spaciow: ~:~r;~~' g~~'~~i~le P~~ii~i clean fri.endly I>lace to cal ~~~g~1~~~9i-~~ hookup: MAKE EAGLEPOINTE llo~~~~~rt~'W;'D hkups starting at $5151 ;~~%B~~at~l.r~9~?~~~~ for your 'c:tppt.l Notice of Public Hearh'1~ Under IC 4-22-2-24,. noti~e is hereby given that on NI":' em- ber 29, 2005 at 8:30 a. -. , at the Department of Wor .., rce Deve lopm ent.., 1,.0 North S~............. ate Avenue, Room 301A, Indi . ap- olis, Indiana the Depart'. ent of Workforce Devetopmetllwill hold. a public. hearing on;~pro- posed amendments and r~eal of rules that were previqusly used in the administratiG'l of federal programs that ar. no longer in operation. ..~; These changes will not add any additional costs to small tiusi- nesses. Copies of theseiJles are now on. file at 10 Nbrth Senate Avenue, Room.. 51202 and. Legislative . Se~ces Agency, One North Capitol, Suite 325, Indianaporis,~ndi- ana and. are open for PtIblic inspection. Ron Stiver, Commissioner; Department of Workforce.} Development.. .. .1 (S -11/3,11/10- 4078707) ***** "Independent Newspaper Distributors Are Needed!" ***** Inde&endent con- trac ors are needed for the distribution of the. Indianapolis Star in the: Fortville! Geist Fishers' Area If you are interested ~~ut~~ev~~~a ~ao~~~~ and have relia~le trans- portation, please call: Tom 317-595-0788 THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR 1NDYSWI.<:OMI SH WHAT HAPPENS. ***** ulndependent Newspaper Distributors Are Needed!" ***** Independent con- tractors are needed for the distribution of ... the Indianapolis Star in the: RushviUe - ~ush County Area If . you are interested in ,an early morning route seven days a week and have reliable trans- portation, please caU:. ,444-2919 TIlE INDIANAPOLIS STAR INDYS1Al.COMIS.HAmHS 11:111111;':::lllllill LEGAL NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING Notice. is hereby given. that there.will be an Indiana Educa- tion Savings Authority Board Meeting onTuesday, November IS, 2005, at 10:30 a.m. in the One . North Capitol Avenue Building First Floor Confer- ence Room, IndianapOlis, Jndi..;' ana 46204. (S - 11/8, 11/10 - 4083878) ~ . 16TH.. Ie PENNSYLVANIA Stu- dio &. IBr's all Util Pd Gated parking, Quiet 925-4040 R..? The following. vehicles win be sold on. 11-26-05. for unpaid storage of $1,500 @; 5045 N. Post, 8 a.m.: 83 GMC IGTDC14 H3CF709229; 95 CHR 4C3A442 t.;I~~~.~~!l:~g~ 9?_F.9_~1~~~~ Carpenters, electricians 'plumbers.. Find a wide.. choice of local. companies to service your home . or .. business in. the .daily. Busi- ness & Service Oi- rectoryfocated in CJ (0 I ~ N ....Jo. c.... ~ t\) (0 c ...... 0 I\.) 0 ...... 3 01 en 6 01 :r 6 I\.) " z 0 ::J '< U) 01 U) ~ w CJ) c.... W III 0 < CJ) 0 5:. b r= (") b c: r :r 0 ::J 0 CD b m CD b CiJ w a: w :J b ~ b (") N ~ Qo N () ...... 0') z CD (:) Z CD CJ (:) c. 0 en 0 0 t\) 0 - 0 ..., ;0 :J ::0 c. (") 0: co CD Z Z ~ CD ~ CD 0) cO' 0) cO' 0 ::r 0 ::r w '" I\.) 0'" '" 0'" 0 0 ~ ~ -L.. ~ ~ ~ \J' \J' @ @ CJ (0 I ~ ~ ~ ~ b 3 I\.) 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U AI. 131ST ST w 13 ~ I ) ..."'" ,/ ='-\~, '" \ ! 1 I ,,/ -.--/8 LUCKY F'ORWARD LUCKY F'ORWARD O.QJ [ED QQ2 0 (OU (02) a: t- 2.10 AI AI en r - ~ J."2 AI. ~ UC ~ - 0., C w.m .... lie. w ..... c claywest1_p.dgn 11/2/2005 11 :25:04 AM