HomeMy WebLinkAbout229083 2/11/2014 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351017 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY o CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 664117 CHECK AMOUNT: $151.13 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 CHECK NUMBER: 229083 CHECK DATE: 2111/2014 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4350080 S107249086 140 . 72 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 2201 4350080 S107322733 10 . 41 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT e e 95776 ERIC 210 NET 30 DAYS ER SO N SHIP VIA SALESP . • PHONE NUMBER, SHIP DATEFFia MARK S BAYS PK PICK-UP ERIC FISHERS 317-598-6170 01/30/14 ebNT, CASH DISC ••. • • lea lea KIDD 112060(REPL 1276E) 10.41 lea 10.41 120V AC W/9V BACKUP, HUSH FRONT LOAD Billing Questions: Billing-request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 1130120141103:01AM 5107322733.001 Invoice Number S107322733.001 Subtotal 10.41 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 03/01/14. f� Sales Tax 0.00 ERIC U ` / o ® 10.41 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Pagel of 1 TJ,'.R.'US AND ("ONDITIONNS OF SALF AC(TPTANUE(0-1111E,GOODSPURCHASED ON I'MS UTFPTANCI?OF THE'rEMIS AND CIADITIONS CH!SALE M111:11 1431A MV, S i uvk"�I '.fit .aa is st Ibliclo�l JL,x­,,i') a \ invo',�C�, a�lo,!)c,and pri'a I4 unLss we un swov a-!Wum. AvAsAwkno" hun to i to (ISHMWI, agrucs thm A A, pum33w,of pHxk End snNATs n= Q., ti. IM, iinplicd wansubm of nv"%n;*UQ4md 6wwx nar mypodaMr Wamwi a uns Mat So% wdl not be MAQ Or any CKWAYIntid WL0 VK WiNd M !T�WJW,'�� Jlti .,,�Ockvicd whK To: goods puy0onind Won hovkvr 1 a%YY May ,Wwn do not includiv sales or 4nr to x,as Aqond on the YK id .win 1 rum or m nann uqwmd upm W" av 41( me7,s 011 bw mided to thy pinalwiss phon qkI,agno,W KmUnwoor MY lbr:wy such tan rw Inovick Sala"In ac4able mx exemNkan cm;Kvi to) QQ in Del €.;""3'—sdor is WE to ba accounwhic for Mays W d3hvery oxonionad 10-mc� &Uod v- %sont (nor%vh&Av So%has ini OkTt convoL &0q, Qvw" oy Wv"y An,a Q,�, Vni Mnimcs J(aar supplier and in no case shvIl li,,JljcloaF:Ul� 1"Al from anv in diolivery, t 7) Thid.vur-- Be to Un(9 SAW to psi M qNW Nw PosswinmWe OF any M:we U raw or Co MA an 0 of W i)l,too wy QM hmmmdor skH nox he den ,a w be 8 wayn of such Ono in he AMM% nm'41H It hC Wma took a "MWW­of Wq Ussnamm MWKV or sialt undol IT AMMaMm oflirms and (AindiUms—No konas and com519c931'+odwv Gh N We swuni wafit and in)agrainnem or inany Pk.H'P.0r(n1g to th"'so he Krding ori Solkornithout ,vrilton ConsuaL, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETACH UPPER PORTION AND.^77;RN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 95776 FIXTURE PARTS NET 30 DAYS MARK S BAYS DIRECT FISHERS 317-598-6170 01/31/14 Mom 20ea 20ea LURA CLF7 4.29 lea 85.80 T5 REPLACEMENT SOCKETS KRPNM **SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** lea lea LURA 18" PNDKT WHITE 35.84 lea 35.84 PENDANT KIT KRPNM **SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** Billing Questions:Billing—request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Number S107249086.001 Subtotal 121.64 S&H Charges 19.08 Invoice is due by 03/02/14. Sales Tax 0.00 • ® 140.72 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ACCEPTANCIE OF THE GOODS PU11CHASED ON THIS INVOICT CONSTITUTES AND A('..'CEPTAIVT OFTHE TERMS AND CONDITION'S OF SALE'\8411CH FOLLONV: (1) Stock Merchandise, Is-Subject to return,charge, No goods may be returned without a shipr)irw ticket xid/or invoice number and 111101'Mithorization. (2) Non-Stock Merchandise is not returnable unless -vc can secure a"Returned Goods Authority" front the vendor. (3) 1 he CUM011`1017 ACkH0Wl0d_i_1CS ,,wd agrecs that in all purchases ot'goods and services Frorri Seller,- Seller gives no express warranties,or implied ~-.warranties foranyp.zirticular purpose. (4) The Customer agrees that Seller will not be liable for any consequential and incidental damages arising 1'rom;,mv cause associated Vkjth the gOMS P1.11-ChaSOd front Sellcr. (5) Taxes Priccs shown do not illClUdC SaICS Or AM'taxes imposed on the sale oto goods. T�ms now,or hereafter itnpOs­d Upon sales or shipments-will be added to the purchasc price. �iuver to 1Vj.1_nhLJ1'Se Seller 11or any such.tax or provide Seller with acceptable taxexemption certificate. (6) Dclay in Delivery—Seller is not to be accountable for delays in delivery occasioned by acts, ol'God or whQr circurnStariccs Over%,.hick Seller hay no direct control. lactory shipment or delivery tl ttes are the best estimates Of our suppliers,and in no case shall Seller be liable for any cowequenual or.speciat damaacs arisinL, tram anv delay in deliver'. (7) Waiver—The failure of Seller to insist upon the performance of any of the tei-ins or conditionis of this contract or to ow-cise anv right hereunder shall not be deemed to be a ',V,1iVCF Of'Such IffinS, conditions or r4flit in the future,not-shall it be deerned to be a waiver of arty'other term. condition,or right under thin;contract. (9) Modification of Terms and Conditions—iso terms and conditions other than those stated herein,and no agreement Or understanding, in 2111Y' way I)LIrporting,to modify these wr.w!n, or conditions, "hall be binding 011 SCIICI'WitI.101-11 Seller's written.consent. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Kirby Risk IN SUM OF $ P. O. Box 664117 Indianapolis, IN 46266-4117 $151.13 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 S107322733.001 43-500.80 $10.41 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 S107249086.001 1 43-500.80 $140.72 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except t o Fridd Fe #!u ry 07, 2014 treet Commissi&n r trept r`,nmmiccippor Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 01/30/14 S107322733.001 $10.41 01/31/14 S107249086.001 $140.72 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer