HomeMy WebLinkAbout229132 2/11/2014 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358765 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE NORTH AMERICAN SALT COMPANY CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 CHECK AMOUNT: $240.71 PO BOX 277043 ATLANTA GA 30384 CHECK NUMBER: 229132 CHECK DATE: 2/11/2014 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 71113791 240 . 71 OTHER EXPENSES A/ North American Salt Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page- 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT TO:!! FEDERAL ID#: PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER P.O..11 BOX 277043 ATLANTA, GA 30384-7043 48-1047632 NET 60 DAYS 1/28/2014 71113791 SOLD TO: 462129 / C54512 CARMEL UTILITIES SHIP To: 505808/CS54514 3450 W. 131 ST STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CARMEL UTILITIES 5484 E. 126TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46033 UNITED STATES SHIPPED FROM DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995-AUGUSTROBBENSSONS _ —12/19/13 _! W01.3005 '" 1_263382 _ 1282019_ SR CARRIER RAIL I TRUCK# EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 76599 - PRODUCT DELIVERED TRUCK C08 TAX STATUS TAX ID# RELEASE# SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 - C08 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOIA UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 7517 COARSE ROCK SALT Y 2.8500 TN 84.46 240.71 SUMMARY: PRODUCT 240.71 FREIGHT& FUEL SUBTOTAL 240.71 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: billing for additions 2.85 tons not billed on order 1263382. TOTAL WEIGHT . . . 5,700.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1-800-743-7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY > > > 240.71 WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www.nasalt.com). IN US DOLLARS J ERNIS AND CONDITIONS OF sALE I OM R,No wins stated b,. R­,,r i,its!std,pure,,ace order,ackno.ledpoznt.U otho: form shall be Min,ing upon dic S:flio "x"IT!-,,ezp,cssly a�rcM by til"S"!," B,yo,is hi:,chy noWkd ofthe Sed'o7,oble0jon to and rclocnon of any add!t;onal or dofercil:lenge Ill bld,xnSNa order. or other font- 'ME SEELLR S PROPOSAL IS EXPRESS(Y M% (ESI)10 ACt_EP IAN(...E,(TON THE I--'TEWOS AND CONDI I IONS cONI A I N- LD IN THESE IERMS=AND CONI)ITH.lNS OF SALE(rctc rc,i his A i. 2, PAYMENT. Bl:yo,attic~to o,akc payment at SollQr's locatu",and at!hQ Bute arl'i in fl, cimency spc-lincL on it,,,Seller's."-.:Seine jocunle,n, loa S;,i,,,r r.n,,in o sole� _,t, oza.u!rc su"ll Jhol T)a"loW to=ms:is it&cnjo appropriate. iudSng fall or ritnual paytilcl'! ill advance of slltpir ,tar be lonar of c(w,. 3. PAST DUF,ACCOCINIS. A flnnrlcl4rg ,f hz,;ie;',of per rilorilli f I ..ASR) x fr ll'till""t r..Pc liio i— nc uk S ass i ori all to d aC10"W's recd l Past duo ill bc as,,­,,d from lh;,dloo of:he invoice. -'wiown, ,,oil cy Ri.,,:,with rcsr—!to ht h P s.is no disputc 1 baa; -iilloul so-olf I"i m;,311i"Unt ­ly by sella- Buy ari,.cs Ill cliart,cv.fees.and 'i cormcc ri t"Inns by y- B L :IF ED IN TfII5_&QRFUpENT PRIUS ARL'�UBJFCT JO HAN(&\%11ftlLi- N ss �j It,C` RL)ERS 011-1FRWISE SITC11 J-A)IN THIS ACREUMENT.M THE,ELI�,TS­MRIMN OF SHIP"'I('N`f� a,_.on "Ocnolc!)l zlic l,I of a i ipplicahlc di,couw,and rl,mi,000 In! RCfc,cnca.,,to tons sh'I'll mean"ho!I('ll,12,000 lbs'l 5. CANCELLATION. Orders llla;he oanc,,Icd by Eo'c only upou 11)wrium or oral notic,In the S',�Ikcr m1b;zq,;c"tly accep%',l iii by:itw ScHo and"i plyincil to 11, col-,.`I,horl cha,,�i:s ton o.oi% b,the Seller. Exccfd its agreed it rills_ lillt;I 0W PrOdLlt till' I$ &'r,:Ij,:d on c t). _of 0—lrr,,;:.Lj Ploki,,,; i 1I 1,"Slie'lly'll!Und",aM, older'Ilhillittcd oy Buyer 'and ma,,:anvoi the lIt.my oixe plior to 6. CREDIT. ( ed't pa,mcni:tcmi,n,":t.ac ill-,non.,npp'oval of the S_._,'s 0eJit and.0.;r"n" PJkd in litine on Ill,' wvouitg,i:oCum",:, W at an ,i 13,0�'r iolp�rad to t,,-,Seller.So'lcr escr"N"the ghl to stopoil rlofficllw�i Rilwt ll:,rd to cl�',r'nrlo pl-,:,;oo o)ad',,cc or jeh,:� "I to-,Tlll,'orlin ccoolly salilacoa) to ill-,Scllo,and in Inc !oolwc th"o:oi,!"u. ccl, 's1)1h',,tet:untlilod 7. 7ANU-S. A;, i,:,,ill otil;,i o,cnune,tai Jmruc no, )I ho,aft;:i ici,c iron olodilool", C',Qlnnc".lnam,6Ct,.0, sac_ljx, Silera or",d,is neat -h dcci J­Cal"!"life be flhc Eloyo;. S. DELAY', x,­�Ji:ct L„ih, ola;,c del ova t at ill"tiage and in the quanrtl Inc 1;ell,r ra,i oo-be liable ll 11,if'locli sr fol the o ,:,og'rlipincnis The Sc 1'e \I'Al w,t nor&13e,or ektanll,in dchve!, lino S-I", i�wr, lot 1,,tcc to avl hs, ae.,auLs by Urlca, cola olltllr. or total taii,oc of Scjk�r,irt'n&d picidt"!i"il, 011,l Ill(Wil,oar ji::of o"He-ilenlN ro, coil Al,kos, ock.....is,sho,­al_,,,o: ,ho, and­rrh,,Orclud. o*_ol, ..ot'�or,ly,o: o*,i c­l;). flle B,I,cl ],,!I li,fi:hle icl,any 1111111 cl r­.r.<o by tit,SIM of ll I, 1,om o"i", ihane,Il, ol, or nelay.m unloa,,.og, I do,c,y jlg­' ulat lo,ow I_,1.0 of Buyer. 9. S111PNIENT cos'IrsfTRANSPORTATION MATTERS. nhcT,i3O svcltkd on the "' in tieing docorncrn,of,: iic...ibut Got to,ill.'o�-ii�,l .r arges liar ll,i fic:no)l� to dchvcly, caiiyeif by Buvci,delay in unit Gia divers on,or .ill be pt,ii 1, the Buyer. Risk '11,1,o<s ctld T!tie to Products u3nSiers to the Buyer upon delivery sit the F.O.B.point identified on the Seller's invoicing document. Products held or Gored by Sellcl tl)r Buyer will he of lb,_sole risk of Buyer and Buyer%kill he Iw"bic for the expense to Seller of holding or.,raring Product at Buyers request. Oil passage of title.tile Rul%eIr is their l'or jlrl)per piolecticril ,if Products and compliance with all regulations and ordinances and will inderalliN the Seller against all claims for pc somal injuries or property damage iliicing iloil the storae,use of handling of such Products, (Uni,t'01 damage or shortage in transit must by woi&by the Buyer against the carrier. Tile il,iver has the r notisibility to inspect shipments before or duan unloading to ifhoilifv any such damage or shortage and see(flat appropriate Potation Is made on the deliveiy ticket, )I all inspection report furnished by the local agent of the carrier I n order to support it clairn. Buyer shall,bc solely responsible"or the cari,and, condi6oin of railcars in their pos-Ission and for their 6inely return in good condition. 10, NA'ARRANTY,JIME FOR lMAKING CLAINTS. The Seller warrant;only that it will convey good titlett,the Product and that.at:he tune ofshipincrii.the Product will coril"Pril to the pe bushed ;,:cificaliclns of the Seller.Seller'specifcatfo.ns are subject to change at any time without notict-,to Buyer- NO OTIl!_R WARRANTY Of-ANY KIND,EXPPESSED OR IMPLIED,IS MADE BY SFLLf-.R.iNCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MEW,'HANTABILITY.F(IA NI-SS I-OR A PARTWIULAR PUR?OSI_`-OR NONINFRIN16FOENT. Buyer must notify Seller of any cfzurn'A Ith respect to P10JOCI."arrancy,0f olik,other chlim llpdvr this Agreement a ithin doity(30)days of Seller s delivery Of'Product or such claim I,,e aived. In the event of all alleged hraach heicot by the S0,n,the sole teinei1y aVilliabit iQ the kilyeT on 21CCOUnt of any defect in the Product shall be limited to the replacementof'such detective Product by the Seiler. In the cent the rcnledy piovided hcnain shall he deemed to have failed its essential purpose,then the Buyer shelf be enlikil only Lo a refund"I'the amounts paid to the scll,�l for such elcfectico Product, sobicet to file notilic-fion of claim provision above.no action t,0 r breach of the,oontlici for sale or otherwise with ivapsm willIll Pinduct t;! he omnienced nioie than one f I I year after the accrual of the cause of action thereto. 11. LIMITA1[ON OF IAABIIATV. SFLLER S LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIM ARISING LINDER THIS A(.;REE%IENFr'WILL BE LIMI1 1;I)To 1-11F AMOUNT OF III-'NET P!eRC;iASE PRICE OF HE PRODUCTS SOLE)TO BUYER BY SEF.I,rk PI.RSUANI TO THIS INVOI(E- SELLER SHALL IN\0 E\,ENT of LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY TIIIRII)PART)'I OR ANY INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL,('ONSEQUIENTIAL,FXEiNAHILARYOR IIUNJ�l IV[.',I)ANIAGE1,I-k)R ANY CLAIN1.WIH-ITI-1H BASED ON WARRANTY.CONTRA(T.TOR r(INCLUDING 'Li.DING INI'�.GLIGLM'U)OR OTHERWISF'. 1 he Buyerasswv��,all risk's ilind 1-illihiv I'll any darnlig,to peer�,,fl S of property TeMIIIHIV front the use of the Prk,duct delivered hereunder in nttrnufacnning ploce'.W"of the Buyer or in combination with o0wi suhmiinces or othei,,ie. 12. lNf)U',NjNjJlC.�I'lO.N. f3i:,l FR SHALL INDE%IMFY,HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND SELI_Eltl AND I IS AFFILIA TSS AM)THEIR RLSPE(MIL I_MPLOYEES,01 l 10ti'RS, DIRECTORS,Sl11%Pf711OI_M­Wti, AGENTS AND RF.rR1_SE\1A_HVE,,' THE I,ERONI ALL Cf.;tibia.U,011 ME::', PR("(t1rI)IN(S.COSJS AN;-)EXHNSES(INCI.1-DING REASONABLE At CORNET'S I L1ESW'OLLECJIVFI,`y.THE FOR ;NV DANIA61,INJURY.I)[--A rt{ I OS5()k DKS11il,1I- ION kW AN}'KIND Ril,v IING 1`0OR ARISIN6 Or,.;TOF THE PERFOWAANCLOr THIS AGRFUMt NT,INCLUDIN(;'WiTHOUT I.IMITATION,LOSS OR DVMAGE ii)AN) PROPER I Y(j R INJURY-10 OR DEA I-It()I-ANY PERSON(INCLt,DI\(i.',\'I riiot,:I P,411 A I ION-BUYER OR I IS 1_MPI_Qy FES).WHETHER ARISING AS A WORKERS M'­Itlf-NSA I ION (I-A!.%t OR I'N)LR 1 l IB-)RIES Of NEGLIGEN(E.TORI.STRICT HABILE1 Y,IN I EN I IONAL MIS(O\D1'Cr.OR I'AUL_T OF ANY KIND.AND 11 1 Ili-RESIT,Ti OR A!.lJ_(J:D RESUI,I 0,�_.-I HL CONM,Cl,NEGLIIG17M ,ERROR.OMISSION',OR BREACH OF THIS WREEMEN-1 OR\0N4,'OivIPt_IA\l(_E WITH APPLIC ABU LAWRANY PAR I 11,S ';HIS I"Ri)VIMI'lN SHALL>t RV,IVE,EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION OF I HIS AGREEMEN 1. 13. SECURIT� INTEREST, The Buyer hereby grants to file Seller and the Seller hereby retains it yccuiny Interest 11 311 Products I'llroO-Wil by the SCH,-.r a',rsd&c j)r0cVVd1 flw!':of,untill the purchase price therefore is fully'paid. Buyer agrees to execute such fillarmlig and SIlel nwiv de(,fnilnc,i_be sec,5sary to pci-lect such security irimcm. 14. GOVERNING, LAW/jt.111SIDICTION.This Agreement and all snius helculider will be goQrned by the laws cf the state of Kansas%,ithout lcgard 1(>colii'licts or Lnk rules Both parties consent I(?the jurisdiction of Johnson County, Kansas courts over tiny matters arising out of'his Aglecinent on any szflcs hoieundcr, 15, ASSIGNAMIA11, This Agzrcclnent Is not a'signanic by the Bever w=ithout the prior wlitten consent of the ScHl.!,and any purpo;!cJ a:sienmcni dlou( sleek consent will bv void, 16, EN IRE AGREEMENT. These Terms and Conditions of Sales constitute the entire agreenito-il of sale and purchase of Plo'hwi No illoilificiutioln ill'this ,li"WenleM Sit. =...I be of any force or affect unless in w,nfinlz and signed by the parties sought to 1),,bound thereby,and ,it)rnodificafion'shtdl be effected by Ili, acknou ledgroont of ncceptance of PUIChirse order foinns containing different Icruls or conditions. 17. NO WAl\FIR, the faillne by 5cllei to enforce at any finne any ofthe provisions of this Agneellient,oI to exeiciw any lights provictcd heicin,vv-ill not lhe conmliwd I as a waiver ill".Such provision.,or options.nor in any ways be constilted to affect the validity oftho,ALn"inct"t,or file right of Seller lheealtio tel ell"onx each a:ld es eiv such provision VOUCHER # 134050 WARRANT # ALLOWED 358765 IN SUM OF $ NORTH AMERICAN SALT PO BOX 277043 ATLANTA, GA 30384 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 1 Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 71113791 01-6180-03 $240.71 I 1 G d Voucher Total $240.71 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 358765 NORTH AMERICAN SALT Purchase Order No. PO BOX 277043 Terms ATLANTA, GA 30384 Due Date 2/5/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/5/2014 71113791 $240.71 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer