HomeMy WebLinkAboutPUD Ordinance DRAFT 3.2. Maximum Building Height: The maximum Building Height shall be three (3) 8t01;.68not exceed fifty (50) feet. 3.3. Maximum Density. There shall be a maximum of eighty (80) Dwelling Units on the approximately five (5) acre Townhouse Area. 3.4. Minimum Square Footage. The minimum square footage for an individual Dwelling Unit shall be one thousand four hundred (1400) square feet, exclusive of any garage. Attached hereto as Exhibit "BE" are renderings of proposed To\vnhom.eTownhouse floorplans. 3.5. Architectural and Design Elements. Architectural and design elements on all Buildings shall be coordinated and should contain common elements. All BuildinQ:s shall be constructed with exteriors ored.ominatelv comorised. of brick'! stone.. and other natural TIlaterials. All Buildin2:s shall have front and rear balconies. A BuildinQ: shall contain windows and similar architectural and desiQn elenlents on each side or exterior face. Attached hereto as Exhibit "fiG" are renderings of proposed To\vnhomeTownhouse exteriors and elevations. 3.6. Roofs. All roofs shall have a pitch of ten to twelve (10:12) or less. 3.7. Parking. Each To\vnhomeDwellinQ Unit shall contain a minimum of a two (2) car garage. There shall be additional guest parking provided within on-street parking spaces and other spaces to be provided within the District as shown on the Final Development Plan. 3.8. Lighting Requirements. Each To\vnhouseDwellin2: Unit shall have one (1) light fixture on the front exterior, t\'/o (2) lights innear the entry seffitdoor, one (1) light fleafbetween the garage door(s)doors.. one (1) liQht near the front .balconv, and one (1) light eftnear the rear exteriorbalconv. Attached hereto as Exhibit "GH" are depictions of proposed light fixtures. 3.9. Mechanical Ea.uionlent. Anv Inechanical eauinnlent visible fro.m an adioining: IJublic street shall 11e screened \vith suitable landscaninQ: or fencine: in Qenera"l architectural cOffiuatibilitv with the buildin{!( s) \vith \vhich it is associated. Fencing: ~materials Jnav include brick.. \v()od and other attractive screeninf! nlaterials. 3.10. ~Homeowners Association and Declaration of Covenants. The Townhouse Area shall be subject to a Declaration of Covenants that shall contain various provisions regarding the Real Estate as determined by the Developer of the Townhouse Area, including, without limitation, provisions for mandatory assessments and maintenance of common areas. The Declaration of Covenants will also provide for the establishment of a Homeowners Association in which membership shall be mandatory. INDY lS6S829v.~~ INDY 160S048v.l Section 4 Uses and Development ReQuirements for the District 4.1. Prohibited Uses. The following uses are prohibited in the District: A. Automobile Service Station. B. Automobile/Boat Sales. C. Automobileffruck Repair. D. Recreational VehiclelMobile Home Sales. E. Manufactured Housing Sales. F. Lumber/Building Materials Sales. G. Shooting Gallery. H. Sexually Oriented Business. I. Grain Elevator. J. Sanitary Landfill, Junk Yard, Salvage Yard. K. Penal or Correctional Institution. 4.2. Accessory Buildings and Uses. All Accessory Buildings and Accessory Uses shall be permitted except that any detached Accessory Building shall have on all sides the same architectural features or shall be architecturally compatible with the principal Building(s) with which it is associated. 4.3. Materials. All Buildings other than Accessory Buildings shall use brick masonry and glass as the predominant (i.e. at least 50% of the exterior waIlsof each wall) exterior building materials. Exterior walks, steps, ramps and paving shall be masonry or stone pavers, or poured or pre-cast concrete. i^,.ttuched hereto as "Exhibit "F" are renderings of proposed Building exteriors. 4.4. Minimum Building Separation. The minimum distance between Buildings, measured from the exterior face of the foundation, shall be ten (10) feet. 4.5. Trash Areas. Screened trash areas shall be provided to the rear of Buildings. Screening materials may include brick, \'/ood or other attractive fencing materialsstone.. and wood and doors may be constructed of metal and/or wood. INDY 1565829v.~~ INDY 1605048v.l 4.6. Communications Equipment. Cell towers shall not be permitted in the District. Satellite dishes not exceeding thirty-six (36) inches in diameter shall be permitted in the District. 4.7. Neighborhood-serving Use Area. The Final Development Plan shall serve as the primary plat and secondary plat for the Neighborhood-serving Use Area. No further platting shall be required to sell any portion of the Neighborhood-serving Use Area. 4.8. Townhouse Area Platting. The platting of the Real Estate into smaller tracts shall be permitted, so long as the proposed plat complies with the requirements set forth herein, and the creation of a new property line within the Real Estate shall not impose or establish new development standards beyond those specified herein for the entirety of the Real Estate. However, the development of any parcel shall conform with Section 5 below, and all other applicable requirements contained in this PUD Ordinance. 4.9. Landscaping. Landscaping shall be required in accordance with the Landscape Plan for the Neighborhood-serving Use Area and Townhouse Area. All areas of the site not to be covered by buildings, hardscape materials or other improvements as shown on the Development Plan shall be planted with trees, shrubs, hedges, ground covers, and/or grasses, unless such area consists of attractive vegetation to be retained. A. Planting Standards. Landscaping shall be integrated with other functional and ornamental site design elements, where appropriate, such as hardscape materials, paths, sidewalks. or any water features; and planted at a ratio of six (6) shrubs per unit and (1) one tree per unit. Deciduous trees planted to satisfy the landscaping requirements of this Ordinance shall have at least a two and one half (2 1/!2) inch caliper and StWeftsix (~) feet in height at the time of planting unless otherwise specified herein or otherwise indicated on the Landscape Plan. Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of six (6) feet in height at the time of planting. Shrubs shall be two (2) feet in height at the time of planting. All trees, shrubs and ground covers shall be planted according to accepted horticultural standards. Landscaping materials shall be appropriate to local growing and climatic conditions. Plant suitability, maintenance and compatibility with site construction features arc critical factors that should be considered. Plantings should be designed with repetition, structured patterns, and complementary textures and colors, and should reinforce the overall character of the area. B. Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the owners and their agents to insure proper maintenance of project landscaping approved in accordance with this PUD Ordinance. This is to include, but is not limited to, irrigation and mulching of planting areas, replacing dead, diseased, or INDY 1565829v.~~ INDY 1605048v.l EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 35 and the Southwest Quarter of Section 36, in Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Southeast Quarter Section; thence South 88 degrees 49 minutes 34 seconds West (assumed bearing) along the South line of said Southeast Quarter Section a distance of 23.00 feet; thence North 01 degrees 10 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 100.00 feet to the intersection of the North line of 116th Street (per "Limited Warranty Deed" to the City of Carmel recorded as Instrument number 200400022719 in the Hamilton County Recorder's office) with the East right of way line of College Avenue (per "Dedication of Street Right-Of-Way" recorded as Instrument number 8742050), being the Point of Beginning, (the following five courses are along the East lines of said College Avenue per said "Dedication"), said point being on a non-tangent curve concave Easterly having a central angle of 20 degrees 02 minutes 28 seconds and a radius of 707.00 feet; 1) thence Northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 247.30 feet (said arc being subtended by a chord having a bearing of North 08 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds East and a length of 246.04 feet); 2) thence North 18 degrees 17 minutes 09 seconds East a distance of 100.00 feet; 3) thence North 18 degrees 51 minutes 31 seconds East a distance of 71.39 feet to a tangent curve concave Westerly having a central angle of 48 degrees 21 minutes 28 seconds and a radius of 162.00 feet; 4) thence Northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 136.73 feet (said arc being subtended by a chord having a bearing of North 05 degrees 19 minutes 13 seconds West and a length of 132.71 feet); 5) thence on a tangent line North 29 degrees 29 minutes 57 seconds West a distance of 111.19 feet; thence North 89 degrees 09 minutes 48 seconds East parallel with the South line of said Southwest Quarter Section a distance of 596.48 feet; thence North 00 degrees 22 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 58.02 feet; thence North 89 degrees 09 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 220.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 22 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 725.72 feet to the North line of 116th Street (per "Limited Warranty Deed" to the City of Carmel recorded as Instrument number 200300127285 in the Hamilton County Recorder's office); (the remaining 4 courses being along the North lines of said 116th Street as conveyed to the City of Carmel recorded as said Instrument number 200300127285, Limited Warranty Deed recorded as Instrument number 200300127280, Personal Representatives Deed recorded as Instrument number 200300088446 and said Instrument number 200400022719); 1) thence South 89 degrees 09 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 494.22 feet; 2) thence North 82 degrees 18 minutes 41 seconds West a distance of 66.35 feet; 3) thence North 89 degrees 13 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 261.39 feet; 4) thence North 57 degrees 22 minutes 41 seconds West along said North line a distance of 29.80 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 12.417 acres, more or less. INDY 1565829v.~~ INDY 1605048v.l X <<S E ~.... .... 0 c:: 0 QJ :J 0 ~ CO ~ :5 Q) Q) 0. .~ > ~ ca on .J:: ~ c: '- c:: 0 RS .C ",.0 on 0 .s;:.tO .En 0.: '" 9 .9 .... ~ QJ u : co 0 .0 \t- 9 QJClO ~+-' 0.'- ~ ....., E~ ~ en b c: QJ ON ,.. '- ~ 2a. .9 + 't: + c::.t::. ~ + 0 on ._ to ...., .- '- ~ ~ . QJ 0 ca ~ ..c: .J:: 0. on c: . .... c: OJ OJ .~ U (l) V1 '-- 0. ~ 0 c: : . Po .a-J (l) ~ '+- 0 U . . <<S - 0 c:: Qj ~ ~ '" 'is :c u on OJ .5 '" c: Q) ~ 0 . .... 4j 0 ~ '- N .I-J E .D 0 '- Vl CU '- ..c G.I U ~ V") 0 ..c ~ u c:: .I-J 0 0 ~ . .... .a-J ~ U OJ ~ V") -- ttj U . .... 0. ~ I- ~ o u ~ :J CJ ~ OWNERS SUITE 14'-1")(11'-11" OPT, VAUlT CLHG r;:-- I I I WIC I I L..::__ BELAIRE 1 840 ~=~~ r.:-- I I I WIC I I ~-- OWNERS SUITE 14'-1")(11'-11" OPT. VAULT Q.N<: LIVING AREA LOWER LEVEL_370 LIVING AREA MID LEVEL_729 LIVING AREA UPPER LEVEL__741 LIVING AREA TOT AL______ 1 840 GARAGL__________________411 OI'T. IIAIA. T CLNG ~1OGl - - \~~~t;';-- - - ~~~;lf~~~~ - - \ . Of'f. VA~ T ClNC ,-2~c t= =:j I ~~~ f-- ---! :=:::i ~ ~~ :"~. ~ ;'ClI.C ~.PX.' . ( \ H.()WNE~ \ ) ffBATH LI ~ Dro~ ~ ~(J~ ~.n ;-~ -BATH L I L._Jl ~ .~~ ~ ~~r;~~~7 'I\A.'fT 51iU1 . OPT VA... r l1J;G ON r-i--~ 1-'"_1 i---'"_ !--I-- i--i-- t:~S '=~ -I-- -I-- -i-- -I-- ~E: - Ir\ I ~WNERS \ ,ftBATH tt .:i:!... 0. T 0" .;u;: <'r(J~ ~~O~N ~sl ~-if BATHr:J ~77~ ~X \lr~.~~:: BELAIRE 1840 :~~~~~a1( BEDROOM 2 ,. -4"lI1 0'-0" 0f'T. VAULTCUIG ~.... BEDROOM 3 ,.....")(10'-0" OPT. VAULT Q.NC - J R OWNERS SUITE 2 \3'-0"11\1'-1\" OPT, VAULT CLNG :..- -..,===::----:, LIVING AREA LOWER LEVEL_370 LIVING AREA MID LEVEL____729 LIVING AREA UPPER LEVEL__725 ..-.. --.... LIVING AREA TOTAL_______1824 GARAGL___________________411 UPPER LEVEL PLAN OPT. SECOND OWNERS SUITE OPT. POWDER ROOM ...:'::::::J! ~LCONY -il pi~~ ,/-~ ~ ~A l-1~~l lIl~~~._~OOM ~ -Tur.l:.. ..--I..t+- -- ENTRY'l .... 2-STORY I . =T;:lIr~OIl:RlYB- h <' STUDY '\ 11'-0".11'-\1. It--=l ItHJpOWOERI MEC~ ~.r'> ,.J -:0 0J = -'., v;u MEC~f L_ l_." ~ GARAGE 'f-"'''-3' l T OPT. STUDY H- REC 10'-6"x1 1'-1 I. --- ..tlN -+- == ,-~ ~ ~ . .~LLlJ):?i' W;~ 11~l=t=um~11' 1t1:1 -UP Jkl KiTCHEN ! 1-+ BREAKF~A!SfEE. I ~ +11'-9'112'- --r- r=~+ 9 ~ OFT. RAAJNI;.2~ ~~ R= ~~ORY : IrJ-' ~ 'NIT1l'I DINING 15'-o"lrr-S' -...+.. . --t1 ---'1 ::~l ~I~ ~~RI~~ ~r BALCONY OPT. GUEST BATH J ,/ - :J : ~Pwor eft / 5mrn RQ ~> .!. /:l* LIVING ROOM _ _ CLOSET _ ... ... 1-- ~ ENTRY ~ GUEST ROOM H 2-~Y - - 11'-0"."-6' ! U-UU-l.\ ... . -ENTRY~ >-12-ri:f.~t }.-+ :J "I II I ............ I EJr OPT. GUEST ROOM LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN O~T. FIREPLACE AND MEDIA MID LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Elevations and floorplans are artist's renderings and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. All room dimensions are approximations only. Plan dimensions and features are subject to change without notice or obligation, as a result of actual site conditions which may dictate variations in style of windows, doors and ceilings. Features may also be altered to keep pace with the builder's on-going design improvement program. Options indicated are available at additional cost and may not be available in all locations. This brochure is for illust.rative purposes only and is not part of a legal contract. See sales representative for specific details. Gl: EQUAL HOU6lHO OPPORTUNITY ~~~ffi! ~- ~ 'K tN~ ~j on, '0 II I (CA ~' !t-~ .~./'7 .~"':"\ IIr-l~ - OPr.~~:~~it. oPT. VAUl T Cl.IK. .IOC( -.~~'f:frft..~ ~~~-....~~~~ CLOSET OW~!~r~UITE 2 SI_WI~ OPT, VAULT CUIC . _ - -.. .-f~~~~~ - - - _.J m:f-Jj0 ~L I:tBAtHi~ I ~f[t~ U~N .-..It~ :it .. ....... I EN I f.I r- -j] ~7 ~ IJ1~ ~-; !-~I/'\ ,r 7~~ ~~~L, :rn._.,l--m'+ - - Q;f. ~Ii"T~ = j - ::...... . 0I'f. VIllA. T CI.NC lfF-l ~l OPT. GARDEN BATH WITH SECOND OWNERS SUITE BEDROOM 2 "'-4"lrlO'-4' 01'1', VAULT CLHC BEDROOM 3 14'-S"lll1'-6' OPT. V.-ulT CUIC r-~::lcuc: -4~~Vl~~r-.,:; - ~r~[f~~ OWNERS SUITE IS'-S'lll J'-o' OI'T. VAUlT a.NG 1~~r'.D .... ATH ~ , ON af-+ '" d::, ~.J~. m~l ~l OWNERS SUITE , S'-S"xU'-o' on. VAULT ClMC _lilY WINDOW MAT J.T IDIMTlON"'tA'1l!-irr ()IlOWfJ> ClK. I(lII( ."y "11l1OOW ~T i.'f f'lfWiOON-'A'WY ~O'PED CtHe ~ R9E~ P1t~~? I~~~ [t ~ nEN ( ~ .I.L.. ~ 7f\ 10 I*_~? (ii ~J ~ UPPER LEVEL PLAN OPT. SECOND OWNERS SUITE OPT. GARDEN BATH OWNERS surt~-. OPT. POWDER ROOM iiiiiiil .'- .- J 1,;:..._ " j GARAGE 21-Z".I9'-o' 11-'..'... -~~LCONY ... I. .~ f.iF'j L..-.. in=c~ Q 1 ..j...: iO'~o'.l j' H-0 ~ g!}~ ... _. ~f );..- ..... Itf, I I . I I ~ -:::- ~I GARAGE /1 ~\ III \~ . orrr.~ bJ " 'IPPr~~frf~~ ~._.l-=': OMECHli2rr'. I::' :I~= _~ 1._____......__......._.. GARAGE /'1 . Q'~J~J' B~T~ ~ :: IOMECHILJff.~AI'~~ r4= ~ ::r:: UP DINING 13'~JlJT..o' OPT. STUDY or--- i pjlIlTa't DIN ING 0IQPfJr0Jtl11 tttn R+R+R __,$~I.Hftffl) XI'~ lXJ~~FtINEN ~ I:f::I:::f::tH: ./- L L ~ tQ:+ I . LIVING ROOM L .] . I GUEST ROOM ~m.I_~=. 1S'.Tzu'-r 1-5 ENTRY-UP 2,- : II . ,/] g\Jls~~"~ ~ OM ECH I JIO'M)fJl ~ ~ iiiO_~ . l.i~~;;0~' . "/I OI'T. J,~~ / / F llNbi . ~_~3::.L.LLL I OI'T. eN lVlIIOC ~ W ~PWD ,~ OPT. GUEST BATH LIVING ROOM I T-<rlcl T-T d: ~ Uf'mt -I II 0I'f.1AIUNC .2 2-ST~Y OPEN OPT. FIREPLACE REC 14'-r.11 '-r c :iJ == +1== -t-~ -- rENt.i RYfiry .,;: c~.~~ /I I fl LANGLEY 2227 /f', UVlNG AREA LOWER LEVEL 461 UVING AREA MID LEVEL_887 UVING AREA UPPER lEVEL_879 UVING AREA TOTAL-.-2227 GARAGE 489 I II BALCONY II OPT. GUEST ROOM LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN MID LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Elevations and floorplans are artist's renderings and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. All room dimensions are approximations only. Plan dimensions and features are subject to change without notice or obligation. as a result of actual site conditions which may dictate variations in style of windows, doon and ceilings. Features may also be altered to keep pace with the builder's on -going design improvement program, Options indicated are available at additional cost and may not be available in all locations. This brochure is for illustrative purposes only and is not part of a legal contract. See sales representative for speciflc details. G:t EQUAl HOUSING OPPORTUNITY