HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence .. ~ 0"5 D&,DD lfo/q Il.Jj)~ EL ./~ /. ~<S) ~x-\J r:. '1\)\\~ (),-,'\ ... '0 \>~\,s October 4, 2006 JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR Mr. Matthew G. DeLaruelle Ice Miller One American Square, Box 82001 Indianapolis, IN 46282-0200 RE: 11~ & College PUB I ProJeet Review ##4 Dear Mr. DeLaruelle: The City has received your drawings dated August 28, 2006 based upon the City review of April2S, 2006. The comments from the previous City reviews have been satisfactorily addressed with the following exceptions: PROJECT COMMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS I. Previous comment: If the sidewalk and curbing details shown on C801 do not meet or exceed the Department's standards, Department Standard detai1s must be added and delineated for the walk and curb to be installed within the existing and proposed right-of-way. De details provided to not ~eet the City's standards. For installation of curb and sidewalk within the City rlght-of- way, the appropriate City standard details shaD be provided. As installation on-slte wID be different from that In right-of-way, reference (preferably by keynote) to these differing details shaD be made on the site plan. 2. Previous comment: Please indicate and label the asphalt path or sidewalk along College Drive and 116* Street. Thank you for Indleatlng the path. The multl-ule path Indleated was recently eonstneted as a part of the road proJeet. De City eonstnetlng this path does not reneve the developer from the financial responslbWty for the eonstnetlon of this path, as the Alternative Transportation Plan requires It. 3. Previous comment: Sheet CB02 Detail for Road Cut Patch detail- Please indicate a depth of one foot for the plain concrete. The Road Cut Pateh detaD Is stlU on Sheet C802. Please delete this detaD If It does not apply. 4. Previous comment: Either place a street name label or "PRIVATE" label on each of the entrance driveways. Please place a "PRIVATE" label on each of the private streets on the site plan and any plat developed for this proJeet. S. Previous comment: Please delineate aU street cuts on the plan for saw cut, removal, and replacement. Thank you for Indleatlng the work In the right-of-way on sheets C401 and C402. A legend on each sheet Indieates "shading" for speelfic pavement types. De shading Is not apparent on the sheets. De Department would expect that removal of the curbing wID require sawcuttlng and replacement with asphalt In aeeordance with the "CoUege Avenue Pavement Seetlon" of the area that was prevlouly curbed. Also, If curbing Is removed and replace within the CoDege Avenue median (see eomment 7 below), the Department would expect some portion of the malnUne pavement to be sawcut, removed and replaeed with the "CoDege Avenue Pavement Seetlon". Please Indieate this work on each sheet. 6. Previous comment: ADA ramps are required at aU locations where the sidewalks or asphalt paths cross the streets on 116* Street and College. Also, ADA ramps must have truncated domes within the City right-of-way. No ramps are indicated where the sidewalk within CoDege Avenue right-of-way crosses the proposed entrance&. These crossings are Indieated interior to the site. De City requires pedestrian eonneetlvlty within the right-of-way. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineering@carmel.in.gov . .. Mr. Matthew G. DeLan1elle October S, 2006 I 16th &: College PUD I Project Review #4 Page 2 of3 7. Previous comment: The curb removed on College needs to be replaced with City standard depressed curb. A detail for this is on the City's website. Tbe Department rescinds this request as It relates to the eurb on the east side ofCoUege Avenue given the undentandinlofthe eross seetlon ofCoUege Avenue. However, a City standard depressed eurb will be required aeross the median break In CoUege Avenue to maintain the drainage on the inside eurb One. Please Indleate the instaUatlon of this curb on the appropriate sbeets. 8. Please provide more detail for constructing the median break on College Avenue. This work shall be completed by the petitioner. Does drainage need to be maintained with deep recessed curbs on inside median? Please provide additional Information related to the eonstruetlon of this median break, including the construetlon of the left turn lane for southbound CoUege Avenue per comment 17 below and bow drainage will be maintained In this area. Please refer also to eomment 7 above. 9. The City will require the petitioner to construct the median break and aU associated work for the full cut oft' of 116* Street, or provide a monetary commitment equal to the value to construct these improvements. Tbe Department undentands that tbis median break was construeted as a part of the road projeet and tbat responslbUlty for the funding of this Improvement is belnl negotiated between the developer and the City. 10. The City requests the petitioner to pay the unpaid commitment requested for the 116* Center project that was requested in lieu of the initially requested roadway improvements. Tbe Department undentands tbat payment of this commitment is being negotiated between tbe developer and the City. II. Previous comment: The City has adopted a new paving policy. Please revise any notes, specifications, and details to accommodate this policy. The language of this policy must be added to a specification sheet on the plans. Please provide tbis lanpale to a sbeet In the drawing set. 12. Previous comment: The City has adopted a new curbing policy. Please revise any notes, specifications, and details to accommodate this policy. The language of this policy must be added to a specification sheet on the plans. Please provide tbis lanpage to a sbeet in the drawing set. Based upon review of the latest submittal, the City offers the following comments: 13. Please provide a detail for the following pavement section for pavement within the right-of-way of College Avenue and reference such detail on the site plan, Sheets C401 and C402 and any hatching references in legends on sheets having such legends: I.S inches lIMA # II surface on 2 inches lIMA #8 binder on 3 inches lIMA #SD base on 7 inches #S3 stone on 4 inches #2 stone or match existing, whichever is greater. 14. Sheet C201. The different hatching in the legend for the varying pavement types is not apparent on the sheet or the site plan. IS. Please label the bicycle parking spaces just south of the northernmost College Avenue entrance. 16. Please confirm that the utility conflicts at the 116* Street entrance have been resolved with the road project. 17. As has been previously discussed, please indicate the construction of the left turn lane for southbound College Avenue on aU appropriate sheets. 18. As has been previously discussed, please confirm that the proposed College Avenue median break is aligned with the existing curb cut on the west side of the street and that the left turning movement out of the development and out of the existing curb cut are aligned. 19. Sheet C80t. Where does the detail "Typical Collector Street Cross Section" apply? If it does not apply, please delete from the set. If the detail does apply and pavement is being placed within City right-of-way, the pavement section per comment 13 above needs to be referenced. The City will not accept concrete pavement 20. Please delete the concrete pavement section detail from C801 unless such pavement is indicated for placement on-site and out of the existing or proposed right-of-way. ; Mr. Matthew G. DeLaroelle October 5, 2006 116th " College PUD / Project Review #4 Page 3 of3 These comments represent the Department of Engineering's fourth review of this project. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in the delay of the review process. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being resubmitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other committee meetings. All bonds and performance guarantees must be posted prior to Engineering Department approval of construction plans. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department approval. Please confirm that drainage review approval has been obtained by the County and Crossroads Engineers. If you have questions, please contact me at 571-2441. cc: Matt Griffin, Department of Community Services John Oufty, Carmel Utilities Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engineers Dann Small, Equicor Companies KashifKhan, P.E., Melton-Packard Project File Engineering Department Review S:\PROJREVOS\ll61HCOLLEGEPUDf#4 Page 1 of2 '" Griffin, Matt L CR50(a0()40.:e, From: Duncan, Gary R Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 8:59 AM To: Griffin, Matt L Cc: Redden, Nick; McBride, Mike T Subject: RE: 116th @ College PUD Matt, As you develop the commitment for this project, please consider the following: Path will be constructed by the road project on 116ttl Street. If they do not construct, they should provide the money to otherwise construct the path. We are willing to withdraw the requirements for auxiliary lanes, widening, milling and resurfacing on both frontages contingent upon the petitioner providing a monetary commitment equal to the value of these improvements. We should also request a monetary commitment equal to the value to construct half of the improvements prescribed by the City's Thoroughfare Plan for the College Avenue and 116th Street frontages. We will not ask for any improvements to these roadways. We will require the petitioner to construct the median break and all associated work for the full cut off of 116th Street, or provide a monetary commitment equal to the value to construct these improvements. If they do the physical construction, this work should not be credited against the commitments. The City also requests the petitioner to pay the unpaid commitment requested for the 116th Center project that was requested in lieu of the initially requested roadway improvements. The work to construct the median break(s) on College should not be credited against any commitments. Please let us know what you work out. We have a review letter ready to be issued, but we need these issues resolved so we can edit our letter accordingly. Thanks so much, Gary -----Original Message----- From: Redden, Nick Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 15:31 To: Duncan, Gary R Subject: FW: 116th @ College PUD From: Griffin, Matt L Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 3:04 PM To: Redden, Nick Subject: RE: 116th @ College PUD I am working through it with Mike Hollibaugh Matthew L. Griffin, AICP Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square 5/3/2006 Page 2 of2 .. ..' Carmel, IN 46032 phone: 317.571.2417 fax: 317.663.3208 email: mgriffin@G<!xmeJ,in.QQV From: Redden, Nick Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:43 PM To: Griffin, Matt L Cc: Duncan, Gary R Subject: FW: 116th @ College PUD From: Redden, Nick Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:45 AM To: Griffin, Matt L Cc: Duncan, Gary R Subject: 116th @ College PUD Matt, Would you please let me know the status of the commitments for the above? Nick 5/3/2006 W ater Availability Fees are based upon total acreage of the project. Current Water Availability Fees are $1,010.00 per acre. Based upon the legal description on Sheet C201 of the plans, the following W ater Availability Fees would be assessed: 12.417 acres @ $1,010.00/acre = $12,541.00 Water Connection Fees Water availability approval from the Board of Public Works and Safety is based upon total EDU's. EDUs are determined by type of use from our Utility Ordinance. I am enclosing copies of our Equivalent User Contribution Multiplier from the Ordinance. The current Water Connection Fee is $1,310.00 per EDU. Office/Retail We will require a listing of the buildings, tenant spaces per building and type of tenants (business) ifknown. Based upon a strictly retail usage, the following estimated calculation is offered: North Building - 17,182 sf Southwest Building - 39,097 sf East Building - 15..185 sf Total 71,464 sf@ 1.0 EDU/l,OOO sf= 71.464 EDUs Restaurants are based upon total seating capacity @ 0.1 EDU/seat. Office space is calculated at 0.5 EDUs/l,OOO sf. Please refer to the enclosed Equivalent User Contribution Multiplier for other typical uses. Residential It appears there are a total of 10-residential buildings with 60-townhome units. If these were all3-bedroom units, the calculation would be: 60 3-bedroom townhome units @ 1.0 EDU/unit = 60 EDUs @ $1,310.00/EDU = $78,600.00 5. TAC Review/Drawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. All Carmel Utility issues must also re resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. This office will require a minimum of four-sets (maximum of six-sets) of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped approved and signed by both the City Engineer and Director Carmel Utilities. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive one-set. Our Construction Manager will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. Ifmore than the minimum of four-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets (maximum total of two additional) must be submitted with the four required sets. 6. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated easements and/or right of way will require Consent to Encroach approval. 7. Carmel Utilities subscribes to "Holey Moley" who should be contacted directly for all water main locations. 8. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project for water issues. 9. I am including copies of the following with this correspondence: . Performance and Maintenance Guarantees . Commercial Project Approval Procedures. . Building Permits . Permit Data, Contacts, etc. . Commercial Permitting Procedures . Utility Fees 10. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers to review all drainage plans and calculations for all projects submitted.to this office for review and approval. We will share all Crossroad reviews as this office receives them. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 11. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project: Performance Guarantees/Engineer's Estimates Please provide a detailed and itemized Certified Engineer's Cost Estimate for 100% of the cost of labor and materials for the construction of the following improvements: . Perimeter street right of way improvements including curb cuts but excluding concrete sidewalks/asphalt paths. . Site 8-inch water mains and service lines (from proposed City of Carmel 12-inch 116th Street water main extension). . Concrete sidewalks/asphalt paths constructed in dedicated right of way. . Storm sewers in dedicated right of way. It is assumed that the internal streets and the internal storm sewer/storm drainage system will be private and would therefore not require Performance Guarantees Individual Performance Guarantees will be required in the amount of the Engineer's Estimate. Upon completion of these improvements and release of the Performance Guarantees by our Board of Public Works and Safety, individual3-year Maintenance Guarantees will be required in the amount of 15% for Streets and Curbs and 10% for all other improvements. Street Cut/Right of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements Any work in the dedicated right of way of College Drive and/or 116th Street, not included in construction covered by a Performance Guarantee, will require a Right of Way Permit and a License and Permit Bond. The bond amount will be determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way @ $2,000.00 per instance. There appears to be at least 2-instances. There is a downspout connection shown in College Drive and a sanitary sewer connection indicated in 116th Street. If either of these reauires an ODen Davement cut" Board of Public Works and Safety aDProval will be reauired for the open cuts. Please contact our Right of Way Manager, Fred Glaser, to arrange permitting and bonding. PROJECT COMMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS 12. Please show the existing pavement widths and existing centerlines of 116th Street and College Drive. 13. Are the entrances shown for College Drive existing or proposed entrances? Please label appropriately. 14. Please do not consider the curb cuts as indicated on this set of plans as being approved curb cuts. The City will require additional time to determine the feasibility of the proposed curb cuts and auxiliary lanes. 15. Have the 116th Street plans been incorporated into the construction plans submitted for this project? 16. We are requesting that appropriate right of way, per the City ofCarmel20-Year Thoroughfare Plan, be dedicated for 116th Street and for College Drive. Please refer to the 116th Street Plans for any additional right of way requirements beyond the Thoroughfare Plan. 17. Site Grading Plan - Sheet C202 . . Label and dimension all right of way lines. 18. Any storm piping in the right of way shall be Rep, even if a private system. 19. . The City recommends that all private streets be constructed to City standards to facilitate future dedication~ These standards include:. . . Sub-surface drain under the curbing on each side of the roadway meeting the Department's standard detail. . The plan should accommodate a future 50-foot right-of-way to include the street and any sidewalks and the pavement width should be a minimum of 30 feet. . The pavement face curb-to- face curb width should be 40-feet for parking on both sides or 32-feet for parking on one side only. . Please continue curb and gutter to the limits of the on-street parking spaces at intersections. This would require locating the curb and gutter out 8-feet (or as required) at each intersection. . Locate any sanitary or storm manholes (except inlets) and valve boxes outside of street pavement, sidewalks or curbing and add a note to this effect. . The pavement section is constructed to conform to the local street pavement section. . The sidewalk and curbing are installed to the Department's standard details. 20. Please indicate widening across the property frontage or to the extents of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is greater for 15- foot travel lanes on the property side of College Drive and 116th. Street. Auxiliary lanes shall be measured from the edge of the IS-foot travel lane. Please add a note to the site plan that all existing pavement shall be sawcut to a clean edge where new pavement (for widening or for auxiliary lanes) is to be installed aqj acent to existing pavement. Any new pavement placed in the