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2012 Sewer Bond pay request 26
, ,. : o 7.-‘ , . v r3: x Carmel';: Utllitiesi City of Carmel Utilities 760 Third Avenue S.W,Ste.110•Carmel,IN 46032 Phone,(317)571-2443•Fax:(317)571-2265 www.carmel.in.gov EXHIBIT B Disbursement Direction #26 E-Mail or FAX the signed Disbursement Direction to: The Huntington National Bank Corporate Trust Department(INHF22) Attn: Kim Wilson Tel: (317)229- 4094 Fax: (317)229-4094 E-Mail: Kim.Wilson(w.huntington_com Re: Depositary Agreement between the City of Carmel and The Huntington National Bank, dated May 16, 2012 -Trust#4087000067 Dear Kim: On February 24, 2014 ,you are hereby authorized and directed, as the Depositary under the above- referenced Agreement,to pay the amounts set forth on the attached Register of Claims from the above- referenced Trust account and overnight checks to: Carmel Utilities Attn: Lisa Kempa 30 West Main Ste 220 Carmel, IN 46032 City of Carmel, Indiana By: 444),6)651. Name: Diana L. Cordray Title: Cler -Treasurer (*)Your Alternate contact at Huntington National Bank will be: Ellen Campbell-Tel 14 (616)235-5941 Ellen.Campbell @huntington.com CARMEL UTILITIES Register of Claims 2/24/2014 PAYMENT REQUISITION NO 26 AMOUNT OF Wire VENDOR ADDRESS FUND CLAIM MEMORANDUM Instructions 8365 Keystone Crossing Ste 300 H.J. Umbaugh&Associates Indianapolis, IN 46240 Cons $ 808.80 services 322 N.Concord Lane Jim&Eleanor Sparks Carmel, IN 46033 Cons $ 3,650.00 services 3103 Executive Parkway Ste 300 Jones&Henry Engineers Toledo,OH 43606 Cons $ 10,158.00 engrg services 3103 Executive Parkway Ste 300 Jones&Henry Engineers Toledo,OH 43606 Cons $ 9,989.00 engrg services 3103 Executive Parkway Ste 300 Jones&Henry Engineers Toledo,OH 43606 Cons $ 7,998.00 engrg services 4520 N.State Road Layne Inliner LLC 38 Orleans,IN 47452 Cons $ 198,878.62 construction PO Box 2533 MK Betts Engineering Anderson, IN 46018 Cons $ 207,377.00 construction TOTAL $ 438,859.42 ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS We have examined the claims listed on the foregoing Register of Claims,consisting of 1 page,and except for claims not allowed as shown on the register such cla• s are hereby allowed in the total amount of $438,859.42 /// � �, 0laoliy John D�' ,Uti ity Dir r Date PLEASE'OVERNIGHT CHECKS TO Carmel Utilities Attn: Lisa Kempa 30 West Main St Ste 220 Carmel,IN 46032 p3QN�l H. J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Public Accountants, LLP 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46240-2687 (317) 465-1500 City of Carmel c/o Ms. Diana Cordray, Clerk-Treasurer One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice No. 135458 Date 01/22/2014 Client No. C006003.WA T2 For professional services for Cash Advisory Services rendered in accordance with the Engagement Letter. 2012 Construction Account See attached for detail of fees_ February 19, 2014 Memo To: Cindy Sheeks From:John Duffy RE: Reimbursement to Jim Sparks—322 Concord Lane The attached invoice is for a sanitary sewer lateral replacement at 322 Concord Lane. The lateral was replaced by the owner, Mr. and Mrs. Sparks. Part of the lateral replacement was in the public right-of-way and under the street.This portion of the lateral replacement cost$7300.The cause of the problem was significant root intrusion, much of which originated from the City's sanitary sewer line and grew up the homeowner lateral. Given the large cost, and the fact that the issue was caused in part by our sewer line, we agreed to reimburse the Sparks 50% of their cost, or$3650. Submitted By, l UJ'ohn Duffy Director of Utilities ,r , � � Mr. Plumber by Metzler if Hallam . THIS IS YOUR INVOICE () M4??F+ �,. 1077 3rd Avenue SW,Carmel;IN 46032 Tr ' • ; Local:317-452-4547 e Fax: 317-848-8744 DATE jt i /.I 1 ❑r ATTN SUPERVISOR w p�i �/ E Mall:service @MrPlumberindy.com TECH NUMBER / l ! % � 4�z z 4 � SEtONL.{[•yew -, �� � Plumbing License#: C050800249 r € n -, M= 877-599-4328 TECH NAME S sOibi S 4 � 1 ! CALL SLIP NUMBER 3 V kW 3 ° ,, " ' c far < Y: h ry ,Call Not r Customer Name: i C#n�° ,,l,_5 a �� Payee: Job Location x• '24. .�u' Cr'I Cr-(47 ! �` 4' Address: t��? - t,-.a , - p(,�s City. r f � '7 to Source Ot .(Materials Used 41 State: Zip. - . City: ! y Y State: Zi HMI/C#: q.Y6'r,;� }. p 1 HMI/C#: HMI/C#: H/W/C#: �• ' I 1 Email: - � '/I e. 71/ r rC# �7'7/, 2 f i27�' Email: • _ l3 ` EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION Type Make Modela(tSenal � 'ia¢ ' Age Goad � .. a arc CONDITION i-5 (5.BEST) WH 4 ;<a n I Soft 7Tt,' til LT t e d 1 j Ift_r e'v,e Sum ! (� Cl f� ® P r �R ( U < / ' C} fi T " Ai ',4 1 EW T ro t'f'/ L� h Pf,✓ t,Ugr,i e-R, 1 1 tt, e /.UG's 1 I 8 i • Filter f j} t fu f! r*/, z: e Qt Stat }/•X21,. _. .. ..rDescrt_tEOn = Total $ a ( i CAIRfree Savings Agreement: ` I k ` This program has been explained, 1 • f i 1 -ll't In i-16 S.e. To :,5,• f ca/ (� 11f7 Current participant Exp. �/. 7 I C d / �` / P - Q Decline artici ation LUG 1 '(9 L cr r e�G,�'� � rt./ i,; �, , : P P Ye -t 1— Customers Initials ` x § I i y partfdpate rniourgG AiRfree�preventative I i I .rmarntnance pragriam�You wli4MC..elve ( I I { dis oc unt:;•%-�strandarJ pncmg for a!1`re atr I I have received a detailed proposal vie the I 1 - p seances as well asseegtalpm nt,dlscaunts ands SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, rii als preferred customer4 status You wll(als 0 s W? t PAYMENT/ACCEPTANCE OF WORK PERFORMED k a �` � nti hevevassurance tha�ati manufcfurer,R and • iT04 A �s� r ARG��i fi y'` 4.M - - � ;s y-•> M z,-,PirJmbe--.-_,arra fn les wi(IEremam vahtl ftir� i� CREDIT CARD NR Cd CASH ❑ CHECK GIFT CARD a'"''°� ' Athe duration of the''war anty perrod� $ $ $ $ YCD0A i� S RI iii' i7$ , 39 Qa�by 0 R _. .___ , I have discussed the CAiRfr,_ • Savings Authorization Code CJ � � > ir". Check Number �;' i�ru gyp"-,t j Agreement with the customer I have giver. a•Signature --. '� '. Dated /9, 1,- �zl�a� �" ` ` 7 a-s '��.".�" "- � z copy of this invoice w rk euiled in I ~ave -- � '4 e ' ` - -exi-k• $ �"° - • po.saactn r' done all work detailed in she aro My nature above ackno.v!e f aYOUI CAr ~Tee$AVIN1 StTodayi q ._,. �. osal in .compliance with Mr: Plumber Y 9 dges that all work has been satisfactorily completed. I agree to the , -' `f Aug � ; -- � �•..,,,. 4 P '�''��"'' �-`�'-'`�- - 4- t.`• # standards of excellence in workmanship andin total charges that are now due and the payment method.Mr.Plumber(MP)retains ownership of all material listed until payment is made in full.Terms include 1.5%monthly service charge if notrl ri , e paid in 30 days If this invoice is not paid w y g y property y p p p y compliance with applicable burldirig codes p within 30 days,a lien a ainsYm may be pursued and I will be responsible for Tactical attorney fees,collection costs and interest.MP is not � < . responsible for insured losses.Customer agrees that MP may scan,fax,email,image or otherwise convert this document into an electronic format of any type or form,now known ordeveloped ih Technician's Signature .'- -the future;and any unaltered or unadulterated copy of this document produced from such electronic format wi!1 be legaliy b nding upon all the parties and equivalent to the original for all purposes. i I . � t ' 4 Change'`Order �. AMRif E Job Name: '° ! . C,�3//.�`,f � Y /� r�" �" Job Number �PL`UMB�EIU` Job Location: 7,0, - Al 0.4.,4r 40.0 Date )-//6//' 7 s yMETZLER HALLAM ` City: eer—. .€. 7 StaterZ: Zip: e Valid for 30 days from above date. H/W!C#: pr"'/© - z .-°-/ 1-1/W/C#: _ Approx.Start Date 4)//;-?//? Email: Approx.End Date / _h7l i:•--", irfr ,:,ask'i"4. &.r. Syr f etii?H k �a r'0 g „... a�,w a w a '{5,�, r ' Y"rSy"'A s� e '1` m � � ��l•tsth�X i`f�Y� .f't ,z � d. , r e..k �x' .� T m r ti*, t De�scri monn'o r ,A.A t� . gs w *, �, ,At.r , �Q eti, ,A4 s ?Sr l�'fi�`,..,, .1.:, p.,..1,,Yc°, ,fd„d^. '.,” i,'f,F' ,,,„„.+:„..Chu`y0„,, a' .f ^...�,'.' c ,�; a i,v �q ,11...,-,,,,.,-..,.s°' k, •,',' :;sL„ra.�a^, r Cep ?''f ' � 414 c 14/7(7 . �IJ / 717, gipf)f` , • lti/ / - eh.f,/-„.-/ . cr J /7 .a'`- 'r's-°2..,..; z..,..» ,04- 4' ,4 0,4 2cc,' Cam- - ,� '- .-. ' - ▪ //1/r /'J/(// / I/9// / ,r a/.,. i.'// i�9�1J /rJ .�/1 t'`,A &'.. •... le • yf I !f /gyp le' / I �r—f A • br' V ! ! ( A1. i r/ILi .4 41.E ±. .�-e ' � " .. _:r, ./`.tires^ s''. I\ eA ) ., ,r�e0— :5-2.7) e rY.-, / , �4.,,�_. - ..� . ' ` /to /A},;// atw r ,...... `/��, 1 /I it ' r i Date /02/.//o / /2 _ ____A__m_ Total Change Orer ount $ 72,0e 6)C2 Date j)-I ,/.-- 1 I__.3" Original ContracfArount-- $'l r� " Date/ I/4P,/ /...? New Contract Amount ( $r j Q I- cepted 'v";f�. iP�Ssz> arm' r� s�;t ^.� r 5 "l k n+r }.:a�r ,rr'�i '�1W11- 't. ,i. 77^ S�eoli..-r-, �>� r_ d �rO f �� �k', ¢ v�v is a4Authonzatton anerptccepltance!, Pk a„,t IYA1 r ol ''r:WINY: ^,4',4; 6' tr y .�..r "E n r,” :r a 'f �Ci'ii:M �,. '.,..,4—,"6-4.,-.:4: , ri :", •'`L/ All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work is to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to industry standards ar�d practices.All work proposed is contingent upon weather,strikes, accidents andlor any other delay beyond our control. Owner is to carry fire,tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are covered by our workman's compensation insurance.This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted in writing and returRd to us within 3030'days. Company Representative Name:Printed ,,,�.1 —,_,aa^--"'���i✓.ir Signature _�"_�__ __:_ "�"- By my signature below,I represent and agree that:(1)This proposal is accepted.An changye equiring extra costs will be presented on a sep rata e proposal.. 2)•I unde�,�f t th'i proposal now becomes a legally binding contract for the work at the price set forth;(3)I acknowledge that the estimated price does not include unforeseen parts or labor which may 5e needed,aft"er the work begins.(For example,aged and deteriorated plumbing,piping and appurtenances may no longer be serviceable,and Williams Comfort Air/Shelby Air/Mr.Plumber by Metzler&Hallam(referred to as WCA/SAIMP)cannot be held liable for damage or destruction of those items as a result of conventional repair efforts);(4)I have the legal authority to enter into this contract for this work at the location identified and hereby authorize the work to be done;(5)I will remit payment when due and if i fail to remit when due,I will be responsible for all collection costs,attorney fees and interest at 1.5%per month;(6)WCAISAIMP retains the right to file a mechanic's lien upon completion;(7)WCAISAIMP shall retain title to the above-described materials until all of the terms of this agreement have been performed,including payment in full of the balance due. Customer Name:Printed 4''•c Z.7 !+' _�=x� r'4f'r7 Signature `,i.r' s; '✓ �. i Customer Address .3a ' .r!/, f'e')4Tc±Ah 2.41VE f,9�/nf f10, 1/, "'� � x, :1077 3rd Avenue SW• Carmel,IN 46032 * (317)844-3944 ® Fax: (317)848-8744 0 E-Mail:Service@WiIliamsComfortAir.com • Service®MrPlumberindy.com ' A HVAC License#H0002400•Plumbing License#:C050800249 t ■ . Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd. Cu ! 3103 Executive Parkway, Suite 300 Toledo, Ohio 43606 '"" limey Ltd. 419.473.9611 CITY OF CARMEL Invoice number 64157 MR. JOHN DUFFY Date 01/10/2014 UTILITY DIRECTOR 30 WEST MAIN STREET SUITE 220 Project 00451-6733 106TH ST. PUMP STATION CARMEL, IN 46032 INTERCEPTOR Professional services performed through December 31,2013 Professional engineering services in connection with the design and construction of capacity improvements to the 106th St.Pump Station and the North-South Interceptor in conformance with our agreement no.4-12. The project fee is$280,000. 9-001 PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS Labor Billed Units Rate Amount INTERN 9.00 45.00 405.00 9-002 N-S INTERCEPTOR Labor Billed • Units Rate Amount CONSTRUCTION SERV SPECIALIST 24.00 84.00 2,016.00 SENIOR ENGINEER 29.00 105.00 3,045.00 TECHNICIAN 68.00 69.00 4,692.00 Labor subtotal 121.00 9,753.00 Phase subtotal 9,753.00 Invoice total 10,158.00 Contract Summary Contract Prior Current Total Description Amount Billed Billed Billed 9-001 PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS 9-002 N-S INTERCEPTOR 9-003 CONSTRUCTION Total 280,000.00 161,319.15 10,158.00 171,477.15 Thank you for your business. Page 1 Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd. • 3103 Executive Parkway, Suite 300 Toledo, Ohio 43606 b"' ferry&gip noers. . 419.473.9611 ThInkiege CITY OF CARMEL Invoice number 64156 MR. JOHN DUFFY Date 01/10/2014 UTILITY DIRECTOR 30 WEST MAIN STREET SUITE 220 Project 00451-6531 WWTP SECONDARY CARMEL, IN 46032 EXPANSION Professional services performed through December 31,2013 Professional engineering services in connection with a new final calrifier, septage receiving, belt filter press, diversion structure covers and modifications to final clarifier 1 in conformance with our Letter Agreement No. 1- 12 as authorized by Professional Services Agreement dated November 3,The projected fee is$386,000. 9-002 CONST-SECONDARY EXPANSION Labor Billed Units Rate Amount CONSTRUCTION SERV SPECIALIST 52.00 84.00 4,368.00 PRINCIPAL 14.00 139.00 1,946.00 SENIOR ENGINEER 35.00 105.00 3,675.00 Labor subtotal 101.00 9,989.00 Phase subtotal 9,989.00 Invoice total 9,989.00 Contract Summary Contract Prior Current Total Description Amount Billed Billed Billed 9-001 DSGN-SECONDARY EXPANSION 9-002 CONST-SECONDARY EXPANSION Total 386,000.00 340,321.07 9,989.00 350,310.07 Thank you for your business. Page 1 Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd. } F 3103 Executive Parkway, Suite 300 Toledo, Ohio 43606 .bn,&I "�€" `� 419.473.9611 mad Ild,d,i CITY OF CARMEL Invoice number 64158 MR. JOHN DUFFY Date 01/10/2014 UTILITY DIRECTOR 30 WEST MAIN STREET SUITE 220 Project 00451-6770 SEWER REHAB CARMEL, IN 46032 Professional services performed through December 31,2013 Professional engineering services in connection with the review and evaluation of the collection system and assistance during sewer rehabilitation projects in conformance with our agreement No.4-12. The project fee is$130,000. 9-001 SEWER REHAB Labor Billed Units Rate Amount ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 2.00 40.00 80.00 CONSTRUCTION SERV SPECIALIST 46.00 87.00 4,002.00 ENGINEER 4.00 87.00 348.00 INTERN 14.00 45.00 630.00 PRINCIPAL 7.00 142.00 994.00 SENIOR ENGINEER 18.00 108.00 1,944.00 Labor subtotal 91.00 7,998.00 Phase subtotal 7,998.00 Invoice total 7,998.00 Contract Summary Contract Prior Current Total Description Amount Billed Billed Billed 9-001 SEWER REHAB Total 130,000.00 90,215.98 7,998.00 98,213.98 Thank you for your business. Page 1 Contractor's Application For Payment No. 1 Application Period:November 1,2013-December 1 2013 Application Date:December 11.2013 To(Owner): City of Cannel,Indiana From(Contractor): Layne Inliner,LLC Via(Engineer):Jones&Henry Engineers,LTD Project: Contract 81(Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation) Contract: Contact 81 Owner's Contract No,:Contract 81 Contractor's Project No.:27882 Contract P.O.Number. Application for Payment Change Order Summary Approved Change Orders 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE $438,550.00 Number Additions Deductions 2. Net change by Change Orders 583,410.00 Change Order No.1 $ 83,410.00 3, CURRENT CONTRACT PRICE(Line 1±2) $521,960.00 4. TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE $209,345.92 5. RETAINAGE: a. 5%.x$_Work Completed $10,487.30 b. 5 %x$ Material $0.00 c. Total Retainage(Line Se+Line 5b) $10,487.30 6. AMOUNT ELIGIBLE TO DATE(Line 4-Line 5c) $198,878.62 TOTALS $ 83,410.00 $ - 7. LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS $0.00 8. AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION $198,878.62 NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS $ 83,410.00 9. BALANCE TO FINISH,INCLUDING RETAINAGE $323,081.38 is recommended by: Z.V4 S1 Contractor's Certification (Engineer) (Date) The undersigned Contractor certifies that: (1)aA previous progress payments received from Owner is recommended by: on account of Work done under the Contract have been applied on account to discharge (Date) Contractor's legitimate obligations incurred in connection with Work covered by prior Applications for ! 7�iQ Q / Payment:(2)title of all Work,materials and equipment Incorporated in said Work or otherwise listed Payment of:5 / U C ]-2.g.Ct7Z in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to Owner at time of payment free and dear of J at liens.security interests and encumbrances(except such as are covered by a Bond acceptable to (Line 8 or other-attach explanation of other amount) Owner indemnifying Owner against any such Liens,security Interest or encumbrances);and(3)at Work covered by this Application for Payment is In accordance with the Contract Documents and Is is approved by: not def ive. (Owner) (Date) By: Date: Pe Q�P'261,S Approved by; Funding Agency(if applicable) (Date) EJCDC No.C-620(2002 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers'Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by the Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specifications institute. Page 1 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT A/A DOCUMENT 0702 (Instructions on reverse side) PAGE ONE OF PAGES TO (OWNER): City of Carmel PROJECT: Final Clarifier & Misc. APPLICATION NO; Eleven (17istribution to: Once Civic Square Improvements — Contract 79 C OWNER Carmel, IN 46032 PERIOD TO: 01/31/14 ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ CONTRACTOR FROM (CONTRACTOR): VIA (ARCY41 : ARCHITECT'S 0 M. K. Betts Engineering Engineer: Jones & Henry Engineers PROJECT NO: C & Contracting, Inc. CONTRACT FOR: Invoice 13-124. 11 CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR. PAYMENT Continuation Shet,fAlA Document G703,1iss below, in attached.connection with the Contract. CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM $ 3,423,000.00 Change Orders approved in l ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS 2. Net change by Change Orders $ —0— previous months by Owner 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE (Line 1 =2) $ 3,423,000.00 TOTAL 4. TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO DATE $ 2,233,507.32 Approved this Month - (Column G on G703) Number I Date Approved 5. RETAINAGE: — a. _ % of Completed Work $ , (Column D+E on G703) b. _ % of Stored Material $ (Column F on G703) Total Retainage (Line 5a+5b or TOTALS Total in Column I of G703) $ 171,150.00 Net change by Change Orders 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE $ 2,062,357.32 The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, (Line 4 less Line S Total) information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been PAYMENT (Line 6 from prior Certificate) $ 1,854,980.32 paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were . 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE $ 207,377.00 issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETAINAGE $ 1,360,642.68 herein is now due. (Line 3 less Line 6) CONTRACTO • M. K. Betts Engineering & Contracting, Inc.. State of: Indiana County of: Madison Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of Jan. , 2014 Notary Public: �2./....., i '= • d ,-- Date: January 31 , ,2014 My Commission expires: October 28 , 2015 AMOUNT CERTIFIED S ARC a ITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for.) In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site observations and the ARCHITECT: data comprising the above application,the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect's knowledge,information and belief the Work has progressed as By: - Date: Z—yU—ic/ indicated,the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents,and This Certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. Contractor named herein. Issuance,payment and acceptance of payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. AIA DOCUMENT(.7(12•.+.FPI I(ATIr'4.,ANn rfRTICI(ATf cr1P PAvk.iCt1 • .uv 1.4a cr rir,..• .IA• • . gnu,