HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence e a t::,:GJii"Q~ix:51... J:j& ., ... :. ",... rt"'t!Jt~'1 . ~ October 17, 2005 CI EL Nrr.DemllsL.Lockwood Mark Swanson Associates, Inc. 10610 North Park Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR RE: Nightingale Home Healthcare, 1036 South Range Line Road-Project Revielv #2 Dear Mr. Lockwood: The City has received your comment letter and drawings dated September 19, 2005 based upon the City review of May 11, 2005. The comments from the City review have been satisfactorily addressed with the following exceptions: PROJECT COMMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS 16. Please label and dimension the sidewalk. The 9.1- foot lvide integral walk and curb do not match the existing sidelvalk in the vicinity. Please provide a sidewalk to match the existing. 17. Is the entrance existing or is it proposed in a new location? What is the width of the entrance? The entrance cannot be wider than 30 feet face to face at the right-of-way line. Within the right- of-way, a concrete apron must be provided for the entrance. Did not find the concrete apron indicated or labeled, or details of the concrete apron on any of the three sheets you indicated. in your response (C1.0, CI.t, and A1.0). Please provide sufficient information so that a contractor will know hOlY to construct the concrete apron. 18. APA ramps must be provided to cross the entrance. Thank you for your response "ADA ramps have been provided to cross the entrance. Please refer to the Architectural Site Plan, A-I." There is a ramp sholvn, but not labeled, on the south side of the entrance. Please indicate and label an existing or proposed ramp on the north side of the entrance. ~Complete information for the ADA ramps needs to be sholvn on the civil site plan. 19. Please provide depressed curb across the entrance. If you will need to cut any of the Rangeline Road pavement to modify this entrance and place the concrete apron and depressed curb, Board of Public Works and. Safety approval is reql1:ired and. repair must ~tch City standard street cut patch detail. The sheet you referred to, Sheet A-t does not have suffi~ient information regarding a concrete apron. Please provide complete information for the concrete apron on the civil site plan. 21. Please indicate and label the curb return radius at the entrance. The curb return radius must be 40 feet. Thank you for your response "Please refer to the Site Grading Plan, C2.0 and the Architectural Site Plan, Al.O." The curb return radius is labeled on neither of these sheets. The curb return radius is incorrectly labeled 20 feet on Site Plan, Ct.1. 22. Will new sidewalks, curbs, or street pavement be constructed in the right-of-way as part of this development? The City standard details must be utilized in the right-of-way and delineated as such on the plans unless the standard details for the development meet or exceed the City requirements. 23. The Department will not approve the connection to the storm sewer in Veterans Way. With the existing swale to the east of Veterans Way it is unlikely that the V et~rans Way piping system was designed to accommodated the runoff from the Nightingale property. The detention system must outlet to the existing s\vale. Thank you for your response "The proposed underground detention system lvill outlet to the existing ditch on the ease side of Veterans 'Vay." This lvill be considered during the drainage revie,v. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CMC SQUARE, CARNIEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineering@ci.carmel.in.us e Mr. Dennis L. Lock\vood ~'1ark S\vanson Associates, Inc. 10610 North Park Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 CI EL ~ htCt/llfo !lAY 2 6 200s DOCS ' May 11, 2005 ].A_\lES BRAINARD, Mt\YOR RE: Nightingale Home Healthcare, 1036 South Range Line Road-Project Revie\v #1 Dear Mr. Lockwood: \Ve have revie\ved the construction plans submitted for the !vIay 18, 2005 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. '-tVe offer the follo\ving comments: GENERAL INFOR'I...\ TION 1. The project site is located \vithin current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. 2. Jurisdictions: . Street and Right of\Vay - City of Carmel (Range Line Road). . Water - City of Carmel Utilities . Sanitary Se\ver - City of Carmel Utilities . Storm Se\ver - City of Carmel .. 3. Board of Public \\Torks and Safety Approval Requirements: . Water and Sanitary Se\ver Availability. . Commercial Curb Cut (including the apparent modifications to the existing curb cut). The request for Board approval should include 8 Yi" x 11" exhibits that \vill indicate the existing curb cut (if applicable), the proposed curb cut and all appropriate data and dimensions including width, radii, etc. Please indicate all existing and opposing drive\vays and their relationship to the proposed curb cut for this development. . Temporary Construction Entrance. Separate BP\VS approval \\!ill be required if this entrance is to be located anJ~vhere other the site of the permanent curb cut. . Consent to Encroach approvals for any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated easements and/or dedicated right of way. . Secondary Plat approval (if applicable). . Dedication of Public Right of\Vay (if applicable) I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public \V orks and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. AllY submission to tlte Board requires prior final approval by the Carnzel Clay Plan Contmission and/or the Board..ofZoning Appeals and cOltlpletion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All >>.ritten requests to be place on the Board's agenda mllst include the appropriate Docket Numbers and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Comlnission and/or BZA. 4. TAC Revie\vlDra\vings submitted for approval: \Ve request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a dra\ving reflecting requested revisions. Final dra\vings \vill not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. All Carmel Utility issues must also re resolved. The design engineer must certify all dra\\ings submitted for final approval. This office will require a minimum of five-sets (maximum of seven-sets) of approved dra\vings after all issues have been re~olved. The dra\\ings \vill be stamped approved and signed by both the City Engineer and Director Carmel Utilities. The Developer/O\\ner \vill receive one-set \vhich is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities \vill receive t\vo-sets. Our Construction Manager \vill receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering.. If more than the minimum of five-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets (maximum total of two additional) must be submitted \vith the five required sets. DEPART~IENT OF E~'\GINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CAR~1EL, IN 46032 ()FFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 Etv1AII. engineeringCf~;ci .carn1el.in. us e e T 5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated easements and/or right of way will require Consent to Encroach approval. Provide a traffic study which compares the traffic generated by the current use to the proposed use. This traffic study shall be submitted to the Plan Commission for their approval of the project. 6. Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Moley" and should be contacted directly for all water main and sanitary sewer main locations. 7. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project for water and sanitary sewer issues. 8. I am including copies of the following with this correspondence: . Performance and Maintenance Guarantees . Commercial Project Approval Procedures. . Building Permits . Permit Data, Contacts, etc. . Commercial Permitting Procedures. . City of Carmel Street Sign Standards BONDING REOillREMENTS 9. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project: Performance GuaranteeslEngineer's Estimates Please provide a detailed and itemized Certified Engineer's Cost Estimate for 100% of the cost of labor and materials for the construction of the following improvements: . Right of Way Improvements including demolition of old entrance, new entrance and public sidewalk in the right of way of Range Line Road. It is our assumption that the storm se~er/storm drainage system will be privately owned and maintained. If this is not the case, Performance Guarantees will be required for storm sewers. Individual Performance Guarantees will be required in the amount of the Engineer's Estimate. Street Cut/Right of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements Any work in the dedicated right ~fway of Range Line Road will require a Right of Way Permit. If the work in the right of way is not included in the scope of work of a Performance Bond, a separate License & Permit Bond will be required. The bond amount will be determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way @ $2,000.00 per instance. Open pavement cuts in dedicated streets require separate approval by our Board of Public Works and Safety. Please contact our Right of Way Manager, Fred Glaser, to arrange right of way permitting and right of way bonding. 10. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers to review all drainage plans and calculations for all projects submitted to this office for review and approval. We will share all Crossroad reviews as they are received. If you have not already done so, please send I-set of plans and drainage calculations for this proj ect to: Mr. Greg Ilko, PE Crossroad Engineers, PC 3417 South Sherman Drive :Beech Grove, IN 46107 The City assumes that plans and drainage calculations have been submitted to Crossroad Engineers as a TAC member. Comments from this review will be provided when said revie\v is complete. If plans and calculations have not been submitted to Crossroad, please do so immediately. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 11. Availability (acreage) Fees Availability ( acreage) Fees are not applicable to this project. Connection Fees - Based upon the dra\vings submitted and information supplied by Dennis Lockwood on May 10, 2005, the proposed building will be 3-stories plus a basement. The building will contain 30,000 square feet of office space and 7150 square feet of inside parking on the lower level. The Current Water Connection Fee is $1,31 O.OO/EDU. The current Sanitary Sewer Connection Fee is $795.00IEDU. Based upon our ordinance, the office classification is calculated at 0.5 EDUs/1,000 ft.2. Thus: e e 30,000 ft.2 X 0.5 EDUs/1,000 ft.2 = 15.0 EDUs Based upon your current usage, a 1.0 EDU credit will be allowed. Thus, additional water and sanitary sewer connection fees \viB be based up a net of 14.0 EDUs: 'Vater - 14.0 EDUs @ $1,310.00/EDU = Sanitary Sewer - 14.0 EDUs @ $795.00/EDU = Total Additional Connection Fees $18,340.00 $11 ~ 130.00 $29,470.00 PROJECT COMMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS 12. Please provide a traffic study \vhich compares the traffic generated by the current use to the proposed use. This traffic plan shall be submitted to the Plan Commission for their consideration of approval of this project. 13. Did not find water on Sheet 3.0 - Site Utility Plan. Please indicate water line locations. In legend, please complete "UFO." Please indicate locations of all utility connections on Utility Plan. 14. Please label the widths of all internal drives, drive aisles, alleys, and streets. 15. Label the existing and proposed Rangeline Road right-of-way. If existing does not meet the Thoroughfare Plan requirements, additional right-of-way must be dedicated. 16. Please label and dimension the sidewalk. 17. Is the entrance existing or is it proposed in a ne\v location? What is the width of the entrance? The entrance cannot be wider than 30 feet face to face at the right-of-\vay line. Within the right-of-way, a concrete apron must be provided for the entrance. 18. ADA ramps must be provided to cross the entrance. 19. Please provide depressed curb across 1he entrance. If you will need to cut any of the Rangeline Road pavement to modify this entrance and place the concrete apron and depressed curb, Board of Public Works and Safety approval is required and repair must match City standard street cut patch detail. 20. Please label the existing wall. Will the wall be disturbed during the new construction? 21. Please indicate and label the curb return radius at the entrance. The curb return radius must be 40 feet. 22. \Vill new sidewalks, curbs, or street pavement be constructed in the right-of-way as part of this development? The City standard details must be utilized in the right-of-way and delineated as such on the plans unless the sta~dard details for the development meet or exceed the City requirements. 23. Please confirm that there are no planned open cuts of Rangeline Road or Veterans Way. Connection to the storm structure in Veterans Way must be completed by a contractor bonded with the City. Contact Fred Glaser within the Department of Engineering for additional requirements. 24. The Department \vill not approve the connection to the storm sewer in Veterans Way. With the existing swale to the east of Veterans Way it is unlikely that the Veterans Way piping system was designed to accommodated the runoff from the Nightingale property. The detention system must outlet to the existing swale. 25. \Vhat is represented by the three diagonal dashed lines on the south side of the project on Sheet 3.0? Please provide a label. 26. Please complete the Structure Schedule on Sheet 3.0. 27. Please provide construction details for the detention facility. 28. Sheet L-l Landscape Site Plan - Please remove Landscape Plan from set of plans submitted to Department of Engineering for approval. The Department of Engineering doesn't approve the Landscape Plan. These comments represent the Department of Engineering's initial review of the construction plans for this project. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in \vriting. Failure to provide written responses may result in delay of the review process. We assume all of the storm sewer system is private. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being resubmitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "ne\v" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies, or other committee meetings. m_ mue~. -...-... ...... .... Nlay 11, 2005 Mr. Dennis L. Lock\vood ~/Iark S\vanson Associates, Inc. 10610 North Park Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 CI EL DOCS ]Al'v1ES BRAINARD, 11AYOR RE: Nightingale Home Healthcare, 1036 South Range Line Road-Project Revielv #1 Dear Mr. Lock\vood: '-tVe have revie\ved the construction plans submitted for the May 18, 2005 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. '-tVe offer the follo\ving comments: GENERAL INFORl\'l.A.TION . 1. The project site is located vvithin current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. 2. Jurisdictions: . Street and Right of\Vay - City ofCa~el (Range Line Road). . Water - City of Carmel Utilities . Sanitary Sewer - City of Carmel Utilities . Storm Se\ver - City of Carmel ... 3. Board of Public \Vorks and Safety Approval Requirements: . \Vater and Sanitary Se\ver Availability. . Commercial Curb Cut (including the apparent modifications to the existing curb cut). The request for Board approval should include 8 Y2" x 11" exhibits that \vill indicate the existing curb cut (if applicable), the proposed curb cut and all appropriate data and dimensions including width, radii, etc. Please indicate all existing and opposing drive\vays and their relationship to the proposed curb cut for this development. . Temporary Construction Entrance. Separate BPWS approval will be required if this entrance is to be located anj'VIhere other the site of the permanent curb cut. . Consent to Encroach approvals for any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated easements andior dedicated right of way. . Secondary Plat approval (if applicable). . Dedication of Public Right of \\ray (if applicable) I am enclosing a schedule for Boar~ of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. Any submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carnlel Clay Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals and conzpletion of review by the_Technical Advisory Committee. All HJritten requests to he place on the Board's agenda nzust include the appropriate Docket Numbers and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and/or BZA. 4. TAC Revie\v/Dra\vings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a dra\ving reflecting requested revisions. Final dra\vings wiU not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. All Carmel Utility issues must also re resolved. The design .engineer must certify all dra\vings submitted for final approval. This office will require a minimum of five-sets (maximum of seven-sets) of approved dra\vings after all issues have been resolved. The dra\vings \vill be stamped approved and signed by both the City Engineer and Director Carmel Utilities. The Developer/O\vner \vill receive one-set \vhich is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carn1el Utilities \vill receive t\vo-sets. Our Cons~ction Manager will receive one-set and one-set \vill be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If more than the minimum of five-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets (maximum total of t\VO additional) must be submitted \vith the five required sets. DEPARTi\lENT OF E~'\JGINEErUNG O:\E CIVIC SQCARE, CAI{J\lEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAx 317.571.2439 EMAll, engineering([Lci .carlnel.in. us e e 5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, \valls, irrigation systems, etc. \vithin dedicated easements and! or right of way will require Consent to Encroach approval. Provide a traffic study \vhich compares the traffic generated by the current use to the proposed use. This traffic study shall be submitted to the Plan Commission for their approval of the project. 6. Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Moley" and should be contacted directly for all water main and sanitary sewer main locations. 7. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project for water and sanitary sewer issues. 8. I am including copies of the following with this correspondence: . Performance and Maintenance Guarantees . Commercial Project Approval Procedures. . Building Permits . Permit Data, Contacts, etc. . Commercial Permitting Procedures. . City of Carmel Street Sign Standards BONDING REQUIREMENTS 9. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project: Performance GuaranteeslEngineer's Estimates Please provide a detailed and itemized Certified Engineer's Cost Estimate for 100% of the cost of labor and materials for the construction of the following improvements: . Right of Way Improvements including demolition of old entrance, new entrance and public sidewalk in the right of way of Range Line Road. It is our assumption that the storm se~er/storm drainage system will be privately owned and maintained. If this is not the case, Performance Guarantees will be required for storm sewers. Individual Performance Guarantees will be required in the amount of the Engineer's Estimate. Street Cut/Right of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements Any work in the dedicated right of way of Range Line Road will require a Right of Way Permit. If the \vork in the right of way is not included in the scope of work ofa Performance Bond, a separate License & Permit Bond will be required. The bond amount will be determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way @ $2,000.00 per instance. Open pavement cuts in dedicated streets require separate approval by our Board of Public Works and Safety. Please contact our Right of Way Manager, Fred Glaser, to arrange right of way permitting and right of way bonding. 10. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers to review all drainage plans and calculations for all projects submitted to this office for review and approval. We will share all Crossroad reviews as they are received. If you have not already done so, please send I-set of plans and drainage calculations for this proj ect to: Mr. Greg Ilko, PE Crossroad Engineers, PC 3417 South Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 The City assumes that plans and drainage calculations have been submitted to Crossroad Engineers as a TAC member. Comments from this review will be provided when said review is complete. If plans and calculations have not been submitted to Crossroad, please do so immediately. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 11. Availability (acreage) Fees Availability (acreage) Fees are not applicable to this project. Connection Fees - Based upon the drawings submitted and information supplied by Dennis Lockwood on May 10,2005, the proposed building will be 3-stories plus a basement. The building will contain 30,000 square feet of office space and 7150 square feet of inside parking on the lower level. The Current Water Connection Fee is $1,310.00/EDU. The current Sanitary Sewer Connection Fee is $795.00/EDU. Based upon our ordinance, the office classification is calculated at 0.5 EDUs/l,OOO ft.2. Thus: e e 30,000 ft.2 X 0.5 EDUs/l,OOO ft.2 = 15.0 EDUs Based upon your current usage, a 1.0 EDU credit will be allowed. Thus, additional water and sanitary sewer connection fees will be based up a net of 14.0 EDUs: Water - 14.0 EDUs @ $1,310.00/EDU = Sanitary Sewer - 14.0 EDUs ((i) $795.00/EDU = Total Additional Connection Fees $18,340.00 $11..130.00 $29,470.00 PROJECT C01\'IMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS 12. Please provide a traffic study which compares the traffic generated by the current use to the proposed use. This traffic plan shall be submitted to the Plan Conunission for their consideration of approval of this project. 13. Did not find water on Sheet 3.0 - Site Utility Plan. Please indicate water line locations. In legend, please complete "UFO." Please indicate locations of all utility connections on Utility Plan. 14. Please label the widths of all internal drives, drive aisles, alleys, and streets. 15. Label the existing and proposed Rangeline Road right-of-way. If existing does not meet the Thoroughfare Plan requirements, additional right-of-way must be dedicated. 16. Please label and dimension the sidewalk. 17. Is the entrance existing or is it proposed in a new location? \Vhat is the width of the entrance? The entrance cannot be wider than 30 feet face to face at the right-of-way line. Within the right-of-way, a concrete apron must be provided for the entrance. 18. ADA ramps must be provided to cross the entrance. 19. Please provide depressed curb across the entrance. If you will need to cut any of the Rangeline Road pavement to modify this entrance and place the concrete apron and depressed curb, Board of Public Works and Safety approval is required and repair must match City standard street cut patch detail. 20. Please label the existing wall. Will the wall be disturbed during the new construction? 21. Please indicate and label the curb return radius at the entrance. The curb return radius must be 40 feet. 22. Will new sidewalks, curbs, or street pavement be constructed in the right-of-way as part of this development? The City standard details must be utilized in the right-of-way and delineated as such on the plans unless the sta~dard details for the development meet or exceed the City requirements. 23. Please confIrm that there are no planned open cuts of Rangeline Road or Veterans Way. Connection to the storm structure in Veterans Way must be completed by a contractor bonded with the City. Contact Fred Glaser within the Department of Engineering for additional requirements. 24. The Department will not approve the connection to the storm sewer in Veterans Way. With the existing swale to the east of Veterans Way it is unlikely that the Veterans Way piping system was designed to accommodated the runoff from the Nightingale property. The detention system must outlet to the existing swale. 25. What is represented by the three diagonal dashed lines on the south side of the project on Sheet 3.0? Please provide a label. 26. Please complete the Stnlcture Schedule on Sheet 3.0. 27. Please provide construction details for the detention facility. 28. Sheet L-l Landscape Site Plan - Please remove Landscape Plan from set of plans submitted to Department of Engineering for approval. The Department of Engineering doesn't approve the Landscape Plan. These comments represent the Department of Engineering's initial review of the construction plans for this project. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in delay of the review process. We assume all of the storm sewer system is private. It is critical that our office be made. a\vare of all modifications made on the plans be.ing resubmitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "ne\v" or fall outside of our previous reviews. . Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Conunission, Special Studies, or other conunittee meetings. _e_ -- 6~oo\ y?J;4'J>LJ Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Technical Review and Comment (Form 1) Project Name: Nightingale Home Healthcare Plan Submittal Date: 05/04/05 Project Location Description: 1036 South Rangeline Latitude and Longitude: Lat Long Civil" . -r Quarter: County: Hamilton Hydrologic Unit Code: = = .,.. ~ Project Owner Name: Nightingale Home Healthcare E Contact: Kevin Roberts .Q 1: Address: 1036 South Rangeline ~ 't City: Carmel ~ .e Phone: J-c ~ Section: ~ 1 . . - .a- State: IN Zip: 46032 FAX: E-Mail: Plan Preparer Name: Dennis Lockwood Affiliation: Mark Swanson Associates, Inc. Address: 10610 North Park Avenue City: Indianapolis Phone: 317 844-1315 FAX: State: IN 317 844-1758 Zip: 46280 E-Mail: Review Date: 05/17/05 ~ Principal Plan Reviewer: John B. South P.E. CPESC ~ .S: Agency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District ~ ~ Address: 1108 South 9th Street ; City: Noblesville ~ Phone: 317-773-2181 Assisted By: FAX: State: IN 317-776-1101 Zip: 46060 E-Mail: john-south@iaswcd.org PLAN IS ADEQITA1"E: A comprehensive plan review has been completed and it has been determined that the plan satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327 lAC 15-5. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of the NO!. A NOI must also be sent to the Reviewing Authority (e.g. SWCD, o A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and revisions to the plan may be required at that time to address deficiencies. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of the NO!. A NOI must also be sent to the o PI.JA.N IS DEFICIENT: Significant deficiencies were identified during the plan review. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o DO NOT file a Notice of Intent for this project. o DO NOT commence land disturbing activities until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan re- submitted, and notification has been received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied. Plan Revisions Deficient Items should be mailed or delivered to the Principal Plan Reviewer identified in the Plan Review Section above. DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 1 of 1 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1 MARK SWANSON ASSOCIATES INC. ARCH ITECTU RE 10610 NORTH PARK AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA 46280 317-844-1315 FAX 844-1758 e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL e To: Date: 05-03-2005 Attention: Cindy Klaiber Regarding: Nightingale T AC submission Carmel Postmaster United States Post Office 275 Medical Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032-9998 DOCS Docket No.: 05050001 DP/ADLS We are sending you: D Under Separate Cover I Attached D Presentation Dwgs. D Shop Drawings D Change Order I Preliminary Plans D Clarification dwg. D Construction doc. D Specifications D Samples D Reproducibles D Copy of Letter D D For approval D For your use D For distribution I Review and Comment D Correct and Resubmit D For your files D As Requested D Approved as submitted D Approved as noted o Copies/Sets 1 copy each Number T-01 C-01 C-02 C-03 C-04 C-05 C-06 C-07 C-08 L-01 Description Title Sheet. Existing Conditions/Demolition Plan. Site Grading Plan. Site Utility Plan. Site Erosion Control Plan. Erosion Control Details. Erosion Control Notes and Details. Site Specifications. Site Details. Landscape Site Plan. Remarks: Drawings submitted for Carmel/Clay Technical Advisory Committee Members project review. Copies to: Sianed: L;:(~~ MARK SWANSON ASSOCIATES INC. ARCHITECTURE 10610 NORTH PARK AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA 46280 317-844-1315 FAX 844-1758 e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL e To: Date: 05-03-2005 Attention: Greg Hoyes Regarding: Nightingale T AC submission Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton Square, Suite 188 Hamilton County Judicial Center Noblesville, Indiana 46060 DOCS Docket.No.: 05050001 DP/ADLS We are sending you: D Under Separate Cover I Attached D Presentation Dwgs. D Shop Drawings D Change Order I Preliminary Plans D Clarification dwg. D Construction doc. D Specifications D Samples D Reproducibles D Copy of Letter D D For approval 0 For your use o For distribution I Review and Comment D Correct and Resubmit o For your files o As Requested o Approved as submitted D Approved as noted o Copies/Sets 1 copy each Number T-01 C-01 C-02 C-03 C-04 C-05 C-06 C-07 C-08 L-01 Description 1 copy Title Sheet. Existing Conditions/Demolition Plan. Site Grading Plan. Site Utility Plan. Site Erosion Control Plan. Erosion Control Details. Erosion Control Notes and Details. Site Specifications. Site Details. Landscape Site Plan. Storm Drainage Report Remarks: Drawings submitted for Carmel/Clay Technical Advisory Committee Members project review. Copies to: Sianed: L/~~ . c y. City of Carmel May 4, 2005 Post-itS> Fax Note 7671 To mavlL S~VlS6h Co./Dept. Date 5'- S --0 5 ta8~s ~ L From A Vl f ( C<.'f l-1 V1 Co. - - __d_UI-L FAX: 844-1758 )riginal by mail Mark Swanson Mark Swanson Associates, 10610 N. Park Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 Phone # Phone # S -7 (,- 2L1l, S,I -L42-.~ Fax # 84Lt ' f7S Fax # C y ij { h u j by M fA / J RE: Nightingale Home Healthcare (#05050001 DP/ADLS) - Development Plan and Architecture, Design, Landscaping, Lighting & Signage Applications Dear Mr. Swanson, This letter is in response to your DP/ADLS Application for Nightingale Home Healthcare. Members at the TAC Meeting will make additional comments on May 18. Please complete the following items after you have received additional comments at the T AC Meeting. 1. Please provide copies of the letters of transmittal to T AC members as proof plan were delivered. 2. Please add Docket No. 05050001 DP/ADLS to the site plan. 3. Please provide the official list of adjoining properties form the Hamilton County Auditor's Office. 4. Check with the Building & Code Enforcement department regarding demolition permits for the building. 5. Extend the pedestrian walk/access to the parking lot to Veteran's Way. 6. Modify the west building fa9ade to acknowledge Veteran's Way; show brick relief/patterns (design as if window openings were bricked in) on center area of the west elevation. 7. Work with the Urban Forester to address the Overlay Landscape requirements and tree preservation. 8. Please provide a copy of the approvalletter/e-mail from Scott Brewer, Urban Forester. 9. Foot-candles at the property line must be less than .5 foot-candles. Please correct. 10. Please submit the Findings of Fact sheet that accompanies the Development Plan application, which can be found at http://www.cLcarmel.in.us/services/DOCS/DOCSA.htm. 11. The maximum lot coverage (buildings and pavement) for this B-3/Business district is 80%; please show/provide the lot coverage of this site plan. 12. The logo on the wall is considered a second sign. A variance will be needed for sign area & # of SignS. 13. Please provide the detail sheet of the metal letters wall sign. 14. Provide parking access to the south by an interconnecting driveway or alley (Chapter 23F.15.04). 15. Please provide the shared parking agreement with the neighbor to the north. 16. Please provide mechanical equipment screening details and the mechanical equipment locations. 17. Please provide dumpster screening details. Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CAR1vffiL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417