HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated right of way and/or dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner/Developer and the City of Carmel. This Agreement requires Board of Public Works and Safety approval. 6. I am enclosing the following items for your use: . Commercial Project Approval Procedures. . Performance Release Procedure. . Permit Data, Contacts, etc. . Commercial Permitting Procedures. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 7. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project: Performance/Maintenance Guarantees This project may be required to provide Certified Engineer's Estimates and Performance/Maintenance Guarantees for the following improvements: . Perimeter monumentation if the monuments were not previously installed. . Perimeter concrete sidewalks/asphalt paths. . Perimeter road improvements. Provide detailed/itemized Certified Engineer's Estimates in the amount of 100% of the cost of labor and materials for the requested improvements. Provide individual Performance Guarantees in the amount of the Engineer's Estimates. When the improvements have been constructed and accepted and the Performance Guarantee is released by our BPWS, 3- Year Maintenance Guarantees will be required in the amount of 15% of the Performance amount for streets and curbs and 10% of the Performance amount for all other improvements. Street Cut/Right of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements Any work in the dedicated right of way of Carmel Drive or Adams Street will require a Right of Way Permit. If the work is included in the scope of work of a required Performance Guarantee, a separate License and Permit Bond will not be required. If the work is not included in a Performance Guarantee, a License and Permit bond will be required. The bond amount will be determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way @ $2,000.00 per instance. Ooen oavement cuts in dedicated streets require aooroval bv our Board of Public Works and Safetv. Please contact Fred Glaser, Department of Engineering Right of Way Inspector/Manager for details regarding this issue. PROJECT COMMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS 8. Please label City Center Drive. 9. Please provide Maintenance of Traffic plans for Adams Street entrance, Carmel Drive entrance, and City Center Drive entrance. 10. The Adams Street entrance shall be a full access entrance. The Carmel Drive entrance shall be a full access entrance with the understanding that it may be changed in the future. The City Center Drive entrance shall be right in/right out only entrance. 11. The distance between Adams Street/Carmel Drive intersection and the proposed Carmel Drive entrance needs to be maximized. Please confIrm that the proposed Carmel Drive entrance is aligned with the location of the entrance proposed by the development to the southwest. 12. Please indicate and label Thoroughfare Plan right-of-way for Carmel Drive. 13. Please indicate and label Thoroughfare Plan right-of-way for City Center Drive. 14. Please provide a minimum 45-foot half right-of-way width for Adams Street even though it's not on the Thoroughfare Plan. 15. Please label the paths along Carmel Drive and Adams Street as multi-way paths and show such that the back edge of the path is one foot inside the right-of-way line. 16. Please indicate depressed curbs at each of the three proposed entrances. 17. Please provide 30-foot curb return radii at each of the three proposed entrances. 18. Please provide 20-foot curb return radii at the interior street intersection. 19. Please provide and label a multi-use path along Adams Street. 20. Coordinate construction of the sidewalk within the right-of-way of City Center Drive with the road project. The City may consider constructing this with the road project if the developer commits dollars for this construction. Please place "BY OTHERS" on this sidewalk. 21. Please show all of the City Center Drive plans, including storm drains, to ensure that there are no conflicts with the proposed median on Carmel Drive and the storm inlets proposed as part of the City Center Drive proj ect. 22. The Department assumes that regional detention is provided as part of Carmel Science & Technology Park, but you need to confIrm that the drainage design factors of the fmal development (c factors and acreages) are in line with expectations during master planning. 23. Please provide auxiliary lanes (deceleration and acceleration) for the Carmel Drive and City Center Drive entrances. 24. If the existing entrance on the north side of Adams Street has an exit left turn lane and an exclusive exit left turn lane is proposed for the proposed entrance on the south side of Adams Street, align the opposing left turn lanes. 25. Please mill and resurface entire width of Adams Street along the property frontage. The City typically requires 1" milling with 1.5" H.A.C. #11 resurfacing for the entire width of the existing roadway across the property frontage or to the limits of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is greater. The roadway would then also need to be restriped with thermoplastic striping. Please develop a plan for the restriping and for striping of the auxiliary lanes. Please add a note to this plan that all striping shall be thermoplastic. Please delineate the milling and resurfacing areas with hatching on the plans and appropriate reference in the legend. 26. The City assumes that the proposed streets within the limits of the site will be public streets. The City requests that these streets be constructed to City standards to facilitate future dedication. These standards include: . Sub-surface drain under the curbing on each side of the roadway meeting the Department's standard detail. . The plan should accommodate a future 50-foot right-of-way to include the street and any sidewalks and the pavement width should be a minimum of 30 feet. . Locate any sanitary or storm manholes (except inlets) and valve boxes outside of street pavement, sidewalks or curbing and add a note to this effect. . The pavement section is constructed to conform to the local street pavement section. . The sidewalk and curbing are installed to the Department's standard details. . The pavement be installed with a normal croWn with inlets on each side. In most cases, the storm piping is already in place for the installation of a curb inlet or would require a short extension of the proposed piping. . Utility crossing and storm sewer installation conform to City standards for bedding, backfill, and cover. 27. The portions of the entrances within right-of-way must meet mainline street pavement section. 28. The features along Adams Street and Carmel Drive labeled as key note "D", new 5' sidewalk, should be labeled as 1 0' asphalt paths. 29. Sheet C3.0, GRADING NOTE 6 - Please revise to City standard for utilities in right-of-way. 30. All bedding, backfill, and cover notes and details need to be revised to incorporate attached City standards. 31. Storm sewer needs to be connected to the existing outlet for the site from the master planning of the CS&TP unless the road project intercepted the existing run of sewer that served this block. 32. Sheet C7.0, Site Specifications · If General Note 4 refers to areas under City pavement, must be per City standard. · Please revise the notes under PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION to conform to the following: All paving within the existing and proposed City right-of-way shall conform to the requirements of the Department of Engineering. Please add a note to the drawings that the Contractor shall contact the Department of Engineering to schedule a pre-construction e e Post-it@ Fax Note To M ~ lQ. Co./Dept. 7671 Date -~ \ -, # of.... ......, t5 .'~ I '- pages'" z- AV1. 0' e C~ V1 ~l From Co. Phone # Phone # 'j-,1'-7L(1 Fax # II 0 ~ I CCJ P Fax # VIA FAX: 317-770-1821 Original by mail August 12, 2005 Mike DeBoy DeBoy Land Development Services, Inc. 501 South 9th Street, Suite 100 N oblesville, IN 46060 RE: Carmel Science & Tech Park, Blk 7 (#05080009 SP & 05080010 DP) - Secondary Plat & Development Plan Applications COP\, Dear Mr. DeBoy: This letter is in response to your Secondary Plat & Development Plan Applications for Carmel Science & Tech Park, Blk 7. It is anticipated that you will be heard at the August 17 TAC meeting, where additional comments may be voiced. Please complete the following: Secondary Plat 1. The Primary Plat application is not needed. Instead, fulfill all requirements on the Secondary Plat application Checklist. A second review letter will be sent once the Dept. receives the secondary plat. 2. Please add docket no. 05080009 SP on plat. 3. Place the flood statement on the plat. 4. Fill in all instrument nos. referred to on the plat. 5. Place the zoning, M-3/Manufacturing, on the plat. 6. Label street names. 7. Show/label the 20-ft half road right of way of Adams Street, the 45-ft ~ right of way of Carmel Drive, and the 70-ft ~ (140-ft) right of way of 126th St. 8. Please provide a copy of the covenants, if any. 9. Lot 1 already exists east of this site within block 7. Renumber the lots to read 2 through 6. 10. Show/label a 20-ft BSL along the internal drive. Development Plan. 11. Amend the location map to show a greater shaded area to represent the site. 12. Please provide the official list of adjoining properties form the Hamilton County Auditor's Office. 13. Per the Alternative Transportation Plan, please show/label a 10-ft asphalt path along Carmel Dr and 126th Street. 14. Please submit the Findings of Fact sheet that accompanies the Development Plan Application, which can be found at http'//\VWW ci carmel in lls/services/f)O(~S/f)OrSA htm. Remember to include this page in your info packets. Regarding the Secondary Plat: Please submit a revised Secondary Plat after the T AC meeting with the above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and comments addressed, please produce a Mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the Mylar prior to recording, and three Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417