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Tingley, Connie S From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 2:22 PM To: Tingley, Connie S Subject: FW: CARMEL TECH PARK - Re: City of Carmel Docket 14010002 SU Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center& Pennsylvania Hi, Connie—please print off this email for the BZA file, and also please scan it into laser fiche.Thank you! From: Preble, Traci [mailto:tpreble @ godgrouo.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 11:56 AM To: Duncan, Gary R Cc: MARILYN KLEIST(mkleist @vertexacquisition.com); Vatti, Babu; Venable, Douglas; Evan Roach (ERoach @jdhcontracting.com); Chris.Lowe (clowe @JDHContracting.com); Barker, Lee; Cummins, Drew; jennifer Jack (Jennifer.Jack @VerizonWireless.com); Kaufman, Mike A. (Mike.Kaufman @VerizonWireless.com); Vatti, Babu; Malbone, Clare Catherine; Grant, James; ssontag @jdhcontracting.com; Barnes, David R; Conn, Angelina V; Glaser, Fred J; Greskamp, Dan; Jordan, Alex; Kashman, Jeremy M; Keesling, Rachel M; Lopez, Alexia K; Thomas, John G; Mishler, Nicholas F Subject: RE: CARMEL TECH PARK- Re: City of Carmel Docket 14010002 SU Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania Thank you Gary, We will incorporate your comments. Respectfully Submitted, Traci Preble Project Manager GPD GROUP Glaus, Pyle,Schomer, Burns& DeHaven, Inc. 8275 Allison Pointe Trail,Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46250 gpdgroup.com tel/317.299.2996 cel/317.407.5370 fax/317.293.1331 AKRON/ATLANTA/CHARDON/CLEVELAND/COLUMBUS/INDIANAPOLIS I LOUISVILLE/MARION/PHOENIX/SEATTLE/YOUNGSTOWN From: Duncan, Gary R [mailto:gduncan @carmel.in.gov] Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 11:37 AM To: Preble, Traci Cc: MARILYN KLEIST(mkleist @vertexacauisition.com); Vatti, Babu; Venable, Douglas; Evan Roach (ERoach @jdhcontracting.com); Chris Lowe (clowe @JDHContracting.com); Barker, Lee; Cummins, Drew; jennifer Jack (Jennifer.Jack @VerizonWireless.com); Kaufman, Mike A. (Mike.Kaufman @VerizonWireless.com); Vatti, Babu; Malbone, Clare Catherine; Grant, James; ssontag @jdhcontracting.com; Barnes, David R; Conn, Angelina V; Glaser, Fred J; Greskamp, Dan; Jordan, Alex; Kashman, Jeremy M; Keesling, Rachel M; Lopez, Alexia K; Thomas, John G; Mishler, Nicholas F Subject: RE: CARMEL TECH PARK- Re: City of Carmel Docket 14010002 SU Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania Good afternoon Traci. Thank you for submitting the revised plans. Please find the following comments: Comment 1. Please get the application and $5,000 license and permit bond to Fred ASAP if you have not already done so. Comment 2.Thank you. No further comment. 1 Comment 3. Please break out the estimate into line items so that we may assess the unit costs for each line item. Comment 4. Thank you. No further comment. Comment 5. For the final plan set, please provide a typical swale detail (showing the side slopes) Comments 6-10.Thank you. No further comments. Comment 11.Thank you. For the final plan set, please indicate specifically that mulched seeding is required.The note added states something to the effect of"the disturbed area is to be reseeded" and this note is not specific enough. Comment 12.Thank you. No further comments. Comment 13.Thank you for adding the blanket. I failed to mention previously that all conveyances are to be blanketed. Please indicate on the final plan set blanket throughout the entirety of the swales and adjust the erosion control estimate accordingly. Comment 14-17.Thank you. No further comments. Comment 18. See comment 13 above. Comment 19.Thank you. The silt fence has not been indicated to wrap back into the site. Please indicate a continuation of the silt fence along the eastern limit of the construction site back west on each side of the construction entrance at least two standard section of the silt fence being used. Please revise the quantities on the estimate accordingly. Comment 20, 21.Thank you. No further comments. The plans are ready for approval pending the following: o A right-of-way permit is obtained from Fred Glaser. o Revisions are made to the plans per the response to Comment 5, 11, 13, 18 and 19 above.The final sets may be submitted with these revisions ASAP. o A revised engineers estimate is provided with line item break outs and updated to reflect any additional quantities per this response to Comments 11 (if mulched seeding is additional cost then presently indicated on the plans), 13, 18 and 19. o A performance bond is provided based on the final, approved engineers estimate of the erosion and sediment control measures.The performance bond shall be equal to 100%of the approved estimate. Once the plans are approved, a pre-construction meeting may be scheduled and then construction may start. Thanks so much, Gary From: Preble, Traci [mailto:tpreble@ gpdgroup.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 7:26 PM To: Duncan, Gary R Cc: MARILYN KLEIST(mkleist(thvertexacquisition.com); Vatti, Babu; Venable, Douglas; Evan Roach (ERoach©jdhcontracting.com); Chris Lowe (clowe©JDHContracting.com); Barker, Lee; Cummins, Drew; Jennifer Jack (Jennifer.Jack(aVerizonWireless.com); Kaufman, Mike A. (Mike.Kaufman(aVerizonWireless.com); Vatti, Babu; Malbone, Clare Catherine; Grant, James; ssontag(ajdhcontracting.com Subject: RE: CARMEL TECH PARK - Re: City of Carmel Docket 14010002 SU Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania Mr. Duncan, Thank you for taking the time to clarify a few of your comments concerning the Carmel Tech Park site. Attached are the Rev 2 Construction Documents with the revisions indicated. 1. A right-of-way permit with a $5,000 license and permit bond is required for construction equipment access to the site from the public right-of-way. We will need to know where this will occur. JDH Contracting will provide when they resubmit the plans for permitting. 2. A pre-construction meeting is required prior to starting any work on-site. JDH Contracting will contact the City for the preconstruction meeting prior to construction. 3. An estimate of the value of the construction phase erosion and sediment control measures shall be provided for review. Upon approval of the estimate, a performance bond equal to the value of the estimate shall be provided to the City. JDH Contracting will provide. 2 4. Please indicate the construction limits on all sheets. Construction Limits have been added to the C-2 sheet. 5. If the perimeter of the overall pad is flat (all at the same elevation) and certain parts of the pad near the tower are to be elevated for drainage away from the tower,there will be an area of ponding water along the northern limits of the overall pad. A swale has been added to the north side of the site on C-2. 6. Please indicate the intent of the second Sheet C-5. Sheet numbering has been revised. 7. Please indicate the slope from the proposed access drive to the existing grade.There appears to be several feet of fall to the existing flow line. The top of the asphalt elevation has been added to the C-2&per detail 2/D-2. 8. Detail 3-D/2 shall be replaced with the City standard detail for such curb. 3—Dj2 detail has been replaced with City standard curb detail. 9. The City curbing policy shall be added to the plan set. City Curbing Policy added on D-3. 10. The Department assumes that a concrete washout will be needed. Please indicate the location and provide a detail of the area.The location must be interior to the perimeter erosion control measures. Concrete washout has been added to C-2&detail 3/C-S. 11. The permanent erosion stabilization measures shall be indicated. At a minimum, mulched seeding is required. Erosion control measures have been added to C-2. 12. In general,the erosion and sediment control measures need to be more clearly defined on the plans. Additional erosion and sediment measures have been identified on multiple sheets. 13. The City standard is for all slopes 6:1 and greater be stabilized with an erosion control blanket. Drainage Swale added on C-2, only area with slopes 6:1 or greater. 14. Scour protection is needed on each end of the proposed drive culvert. Scour protection added to C-2. 15. A check dam is required on the downstream end of the proposed culvert. Check Dam added to C-2. 16. The silt fence along the southern limits of construction shall extend across the entire limit of construction and may tie into each side of the check dam. The silt fence has been extended on C-2. 17. The western end of the silt fence along the southern limits of construction shall be extended and run perpendicular up the slope for a minimum distance of 8-feet (if that is the standard section of the silt fence being used). The silt fence has been extended on C-2. 18. The sides of the swale on the east side of the overall pad shall be stabilized with erosion control blankets. The sides of the slope are not greater than 6:1 slope. 19. The silt fence shall be wrapped to run parallel to the construction entrance a minimum of 16-feet (or two section of the silt fence being used) on each side of the entrance. The silt fence has been extended on C-2. 20. The City minimum cover does not appear to be provided over the proposed culvert.The Department is OK with this as this is a private culvert under a private drive. Ok as is. 21. The proposed culvert does not meet the minimum culvert size of 18-inches. Was the 12-inch culvert determined to be adequate for the watershed that will drain through this culvert. Culvert size has been revised to 18"on C-2& C-3. Please let me know if you have any further comments. Respectfully Submitted, Traci Preble Project Manager GPD GROUP From: Preble, Traci Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 2:40 PM To: 'Malbone, Clare Catherine'; Grant, James Cc: MARILYN KLEIST(mkleist @vertexacquisition.com); Jennifer.Ellis4 @VerizonWireless.com; Vatti, Babu; Venable, Douglas; Evan Roach (ERoach @jdhcontracting.com); Chris Lowe (clowe @JDHContracting.com); 'Lee Barker (IBarker @opdgroup.com)'; Drew Cummins (dcummins @gpdgroup.com) Subject: RE: CARMEL TECH PARK - Re: City of Carmel Docket 14010002 SU Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania Clare, We have addressed several of the points and reached out to Gary Duncan from the City Friday to clarify three points. 3 We did not get a response so I called today and he is out of the office. I sent the inquiry to another person to obtain some assistance. Hope to get something back today or tomorrow from them. We also sent the GC a list of items that pertain to his team and they are working on their portion as well. I confirmed with Chris today. Depending on the responses, I hope to have these resubmitted the end of the week.Thanks. Respectfully Submitted, Traci Preble Project Manager GPD GROUP From: Malbone, Clare Catherine [mailto:Clare.Malbone @VerizonWireless.com] Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 2:18 PM To: Grant, James; Preble, Traci Cc: MARILYN KLEIST(mkleist @vertexacouisition.com); Jennifer.Ellis4 @VerizonWireless.com; Vatti, Babu; Venable, Douglas; Evan Roach (ERoach @jdhcontracting.com); Chris Lowe (clowe @JDHContracting.com) Subject: RE: CARMEL TECH PARK - Re: City of Carmel Docket 14010002 SU Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center& Pennsylvania When do we expect to get all these points addressed, and have the building permits in-hand? From: Grant, James Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 12:48 PM To: Preble, Traci (tpreble @opdgrouD.com) Cc: MARILYN KLEIST(mkleist @vertexacquisition.com); Jack, Jennifer Michelle; Vatti, Babu; Venable, Douglas; Malbone, Clare Catherine; Evan Roach (ERoach @jdhcontracting.com); Chris Lowe (clowe @JDHContracting.com) Subject: FW: CARMEL TECH PARK - Re: City of Carmel Docket 14010002 SU Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania Traci, Let me know what items need the attention of the construction team. Thanks, Jim From: MARILYN KLEIST[mailto:mkleist @vertexacquisition.com] Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 7:57 AM To: Harper, Amy J; Jack, Jennifer Michelle Cc: Grant, James; Traci Preble; Dave Coots; Dan Coots Subject: CARMEL TECH PARK - Re: City of Carmel Docket 14010002 SU Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania Amy and Jennifer, After requesting that Verizon paint the tower/antennas white, the city engineers have assembled a long list of additional items. The items below are being reviewed by GPD and the Vz construction team. Please note we received this list last night at 5:35 and haven't had a chance to thoroughly review the challenges. Marilyn Kleist VERTEX Acquisition 4 February 20, 2014 RE: Proposed Verizon Wireless Communications Facility Site Name: Carmel Tech Park To Whom It May Concern: As a radio frequency engineer for Verizon Wireless, I am providing this letter to state the need for a Verizon Wireless site called Carmel Tech Park. The Carmel Tech Park site is proposed with the below objectives: 1. Offload 4G traffic from busy site to the Southwest. 2. Improve 4G Throughput to existing heavy data users. 3. Improve 4G network reliability by increasing the amount of time our customers operate on 4G instead of 3G. Currently the area is experiencing high demand for wireless high -speed data. Growth forecasts have triggered the need for an additional site in the area. The tower is needed to provide all Verizon customers in the area with the best experience on their 4G wireless devices. Raw Land — Design plans for a new tower would provide an antenna height of 95'. The new structure will be placed near the center of the area with high traffic demand and offload the surrounding sites greatly. The new tower design meets stated objectives. Verizon Wireless cares about the communities as well as the environment and prefers to collocate on existing structures when available. It can be noticed from the map that Verizon Wireless is currently collocated on existing structures in the area. We prefer collocation due to reduced construction costs, faster deployment, and environment protection. However,GVerizon Wireless was unable to find a suitable structure to collocate the proposed Carmel Tech Park site. Below is list of collocation opportunities we have pursued but failed to meet our requirements. Hampton Inn Rooftop — Site does not meet the design requirements including a height of 95'. The rooftop has a max available antenna height of 45'. The limited antenna height would not provide the needed offload to adjacent sites and would require additional sites in the vicinity in the near future. Meridian Mark I — The rooftop meets the height requirements with available antenna height of 120'. The offload objective as the location is too close in proximity to another Verizon site. This location would provide interference to the neighboring site and would end up exhausting its own capacity. Additional sites would be needed in the vicinity in the near future. Meridian Mark II —The rooftop meets the height requirements with available antenna height of 120'. The offload objective as the location is too close in proximity to another Verizon site. This location would provide interference to the neighboring site and would end up exhausting its own capacity. Additional sites would be needed in the vicinity in the near future. Verizon Wireless design engineers establish search area criteria in order to effectively meet coverage objectives as well as offload existing Verizon cell sites. When met, the criterion also reduces the need for a new site to cover the area in the immediate future. Each cellular site covers a limited area, depending on site configuration and the surrounding terrain. Cell sites are built in an interconnected network; which means each cell site must be located so that their respective coverage areas are contiguous. This provides uninterrupted communications throughout the coverage area. Since collocation is generally the most cost - effective means for prompt deployment of new facilities, Verizon Wireless makes every effort to investigate the feasibility for using existing towers or other tall structures for collocation when designing a new site or system expansion. However, collocation on an existing tower or tall structure is not always feasible due to location of existing cell sites. Cell sites are placed in a way so they provide smooth hand off to each other and are placed at some distance from each other to eliminate too much overlap. Too much overlap may result in a waste of resources and raise a system capacity overload concern. This cell site has been designed, and shall be constructed and operated in a manner that satisfies regulations and requirements of all applicable governmental agencies that have been charged with regulating tower specifications, operation, construction, and placement, including the FAA and FCC. Sincerely, Christopher Britt RF Engineer, Verizon Wireless Donahue -Wold, Alexia K From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 11:21 AM To: Donahue -Wold, Alexia K Subject: FW: (SU). Venzon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania ( #14010002 SU) Attachments: cell tower landcape plan pdf; Evergreen Detail - Carmel.pdf FYI - Daren's landscape plan review comments... Angie From: Mindham, Daren Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 11:01 AM To: 'Dave Coots' Cc: Conn, Angelina V; Keesling, Rachel M Subject: RE: (SU) Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania ( #14010002 SU) Dave, I reviewed the newest drawing in the packet (attached) and only have one request. URBAN FORESTRY REVIEW COMMENTS • I have attached our Carmel standard tree planting detail for evergreens. Our detail shows removing the basket and all transportation material including the basket and burlap. Please replace this detail with the one on the plan. • Also, the darkness of the plan did not print well. Could the plan be darkened? Please send me a response /revision and the landscape review should be complete. Thanks! It is important that this office be made aware of modifications made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered new or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please illustrate how these revisions will be addressed, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings by letter or revised plan. If you have questions, please contact me at 571 -2417. Thank you. Sincerely, Daren Mindham 1 Urban Forester One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 Ph: 317-571-2417 From: Mindham, Daren Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 11:37 AM To: 'Dave Coots' Cc: Conn, Angelina V; Keesling, Rachel M Subject: (SU) Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania ( #14010002 SU) Dave, 1 Coots Henke heeler ATTORNEYSSAT LAW `P: C E. DAVIS COOTS* JANIES K. WHEELER* JAY CURTS JAMES D -CRUM JEFFREY S. ZIF'ES* 1I'IATTHEW •r.. I-I INRLE ,DANIEL E. Coors BRANDI A. GIBSON# JILLIAN C. KEATING, JOHN V IVIAUROVICH RYAN 1-I. CASSMAN* CATHY !\'I..BROWNSON ERIKA N. SYLVESTER CORY C. YOIGFIT KENT J. PERKINS *CERTIFIED.NIEDIAFOR OF COUNSEL: STEVEN H. HENKE '255 East Carmel Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 -2689 . 317 -844 -4693. FAX. 317- 573 -5385` www.chwlaiv.com February 14, 2014 C.onriie Tingley Cityof Carmel BZA One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 • RE • - Board ofZoning Appeals. Special Use Application for Verizon Wireless " • - North .Pennsylvania"City•Center. Drive; Carmel, IN Our File NO.: 20420.036 ° r - • Dear Alexia: - :'Enclosed please find nine (9) .sets•of the Findings of Facts (ballot. sheet), Findings of Facts (question sheet), Statement in Support of Special Use, Location Map and Site Plans for the site located at North Pennsylvania City Center Drive, Carmel, Indiana. Alsoenclosed is our firm's check in the amount of $953.50 for the filing fees associated with the Special Use Application. Please confirm that`our Special Use Application.is currently scheduled to be heard at the public hearing by the Board of Zoning Appeals on February 24, 2014. i y Please don't hesitate to contact me with any additional items we may need to process the Special Use Application. We look forward to working with you .on this project through the zoning. process. . DEC /jj Enclosures Very truly yours, COOTS, HENKE •& WHEELER, P.C. Daniel E. Coots February 13, 2014 City of Carmel Mr. Dave Coots Coots Henke & Wheeler 255 East Carmel Dr. Carmel, Indiana 46032 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES RE: Verizon Wireless Cell Tower at City Center and Pennsylvania St. Dear: Mr Coots, The following letter represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of alternative transportation. I have reviewed the drawings submitted for the February 19, 2014 Technical Advisory Committee meeting and have no comments regarding this project. It is critical that this office be made aware of all modification made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans indicating all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings. The Department of Community Services reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews. If you have questions, please contact me at 571 -2417 Sincerely, David Littlejohn Alternative Transportation Coordinator Department of Community Services cc. Angie Conn, Department of Community Services Alexia Donahue -Wold, Department of Community Services Engineering Department Review Project File ONE CIVIC SQUARE Page 1 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 Donahue -Wold, Alexia K From: Donahue -Wold, Alexia K Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 3:42 PM To: Donahue -Wold, Alexia K Subject: FW. Docket 14010002 SU, Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania, Additional Comments From: Donahue -Wold, Alexia K Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 3:40 PM To: 'Dave Coots'; Conn, Angelina V Cc: Dan Coots; MARILYN KLEIST Subject: Docket 14010002 SU, Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania, Additional Comments Thanks for the photo Dave. Below are additional comments from Planning & Zoning regarding this project. 1. We are not in favor of the antenna configuration proposed and shown in the photo. We prefer the antennas be mounted so as to present the smallest possible silhouette, profile, or cross section. We would like panel antennas that are slick /flush- mounted against the tower. Please revise the drawings to show this. We would also accept antennas that are internal to the pole. 2. This tower needs to allow for co- location. Please describe how this will be accommodated. 3. Please provide a map showing the existing coverage gap and a map showing the proposed coverage of the cell tower. 4. Please provide a map /documentation which illustrates nearby towers and antennas and their approximate distances from this tower. 5. Will the tower be lit, or need to be lit in some form? 6. Please provide a written commitment pursuant to Chapter 25.13.6 regarding collocation; which will need to be recorded if the Special Use is granted. Sincerely, Alexia Donahue -Wold Planning Administrator City of Carmel, DOCS One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 317.571.2417 awold@carmel.in.gov APlease consider the environment before printing this e-mail From: Dave Coots [mailto:DCoots @chwlaw.coml Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:31 PM To: Conn, Angelina V; Donahue -Wold, Alexia K Cc: Dan Coots; MARILYN KLEIST Subject: FW: CARMEL TECH PARK - Monopole pic Attached is a photo of the type of monopole and antennae we will install. 1 Conn, An • elina V From: Sent: To: Subject: Cefi Tawerr- Ron Farrand <RFarrand @ccs.k12 in.us> Friday, February 07, 2014 10:28 AM Conn, Angelina V RE: Feb 19 Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda Docket No. 14010010 SP: Silvara, Section 1A - Secondary Plat: CCS has no comments. Docket No. 14010019 SP: Overbrook Farms, Sections 2 & 3: CCS has no comments. No comments on other projects on agenda. Ron rarrand Director, jracilities and Transportation Cannel Clay 5c1,00ls 317 -815 -3962 Follow CC5 Transportation on / wftter! Confidentialitei Notice: This e - -mail message, including any attachments. is for the sole use of the intended recipients) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review use. disclosure or distribution is prohibited. jf you are not- the intended recipient, please contact the sender Lic1 reply e -mail and destroy all copies of the original message. From: Conn, Angelina V [mailto:Aconn @carmel.in.gov] Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 9:31 AM Subject: Feb. 19 Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda Good morning, TAC members! The Wednesday, February 19 Carmel Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting agenda is attached in 2 file formats. Please let me know if you did not receive plans for a project on this agenda, or if you have any questions /concerns. See you then, Angie Conn, Planning Administrator City of Carmel Planning & Zoning Division Dept. of Community Services 1 Civic Square, 3rd Fir., Carmel, IN 46032 Office: 317- 571 -2417 1 Direct: 317- 571 -2281 1 Fax: 317 -571 -2426 www.caimeldocs.com Please consider the environment before printing this e -mail 1 E -mail: aconnPcarmel.in.gov 1 Web. Donahue -Wold, Alexia K From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 3:33 PM To: Donahue -Wold, Alexia K Subject: FW: (SU) Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Penn ( #14010002 SU) (Forestry Dept. Comments) Attachments: SKMBT_C552D13122614290.pdf; Evergreen Detail- Carmel.pdf; Tree Preservation Detail.pdf Hi, Alexia — Here are the Forestry Department's review comments for the BZA Cell Tower petition. Angie From: Mindham, Daren Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 11:37 AM To: 'Dave Coots' Cc: Conn, Angelina V; Keesling, Rachel M Subject: (SU) Verizon Wireless Cell Tower, City Center & Pennsylvania ( #14010002 SU) Dave, Below are my comments for this project specifically addressing the area of landscaping. URBAN FORESTRY REVIEW COMMENTS Requirement: Landscaping. A fifteen foot (15') landscaped and maintained area, composed of trees not less than two and one half (2i') inches (caliper) in size (measured at forty (40) inches and spaced fifty (50) feet on center), and including a solid visual buffer or screen of at least five (5) feet in height, shall be provided on all sides of a tower, unless otherwise determined by the Commission (pursuant to ADLS review) or unless otherwise required by the Board for Special Use or Special Exception. o Please show the name and size of the species of trees to be installed on the site plan including a tree planting detail. I have attached a planting detail for you to use. ® I would request an evergreen species, namely 6' Norway spruce, be used for this project. It will provide year around screening and is less maintenance because of no leaf drop or seeds. o Please include a tree preservation detail on the site plan as well as where the tree preservation fencing will be installed around the trees to be saved. A separate landscape plan may be prudent. It is important that this office be made aware of modifications made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered new or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please illustrate how these revisions will be addressed, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings by letter or revised plan. If you have questions, please contact me at 571 -2417. Thank you. Sincerely, Daren Mindham 1 Urban Forester One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 Ph: 317-571-2417 1 C Hei? heeler AI•'TORNEYSAT -LAW, PC E. DAVIS COOTS* JANIES K. WHEELER* JAS CURTS JAMES D Cam! JEFFREY S. 'GIFTS* MATTHEW L. HINKLE DANIEL E. COOTS BRANDI A. CIBSDN* JILLIAN C. KEATING JOHN V MAUROVICH CATHY M. BROwNSON ERIKA N. SYLVESTER' CORY C. VOIGHT • KENT J. PERKINS *CERTIFIED MEDIATOR OF COUNSEL. - STEVEN H. HENKE RYAS H. CASSMAN* 255 East Carmel Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 -2689 317 -844 -4693 • FAX. 317 - 573 -5385 www.chwlaw.com January 31, 2014 Alexia K..Donahue -Wold Planning Administrator City of Carmel, DOCS One Civic Square. - Carmel, IN 46032- RE. Board of Zoning Appeals Special Use Application for -Verizon Wireless North Pennsylvania City Center Drive, Carmel, IN Our File No • 20420.036 Dear Alexia: Attached is a revised Survey Plan of the Verizon Tower Special Use 'Application Docket Number 14010002SU showing the relocation of the lease area 30 feet South of the original plan to allow for a drainage easement along the north boundary of the parcel per the City Engineering Department's request. I will include this drawing together with other supporting documentation in the packets to be delivered to you on or before Noon; February 14, 2014. EDC/jj 'Enclosure Very truly yours, COOTS, HENKE & WHEELER, P.C. E. Davis Coots El_Li a 1 000z s U Conn, Angelina V From: Foley, Amanda J Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 1:58 PM To: 'Joy Jackson' Cc: Thomas, John G; Redden, Nick; Barnes, David R; Duncan, Gary R; Conn, Angelina V Subject: RE: Cell Tower Petition Joy, Reviewing the proposed site plan, our department has the following comments: o A Right -of -Way Permit is required for construction access from the City's right -of -way. Please specify where the construction access will be located from the right -of -way (is construction access planned from Hancock Street ?). Please contact Fred Glaser regarding the Right -of -way permit, flaser @carmel.in.gov. ® Please ensure this project does not negatively impact stormwater drainage in this area. I believe there is an existing 20 -foot drainage easement on the east side of the shared property line with Atapco, that runs along the entire extent of the property line. Drainage shall be perpetuated in this area, and stormwater runoff shall not be inhibited by the construction of the pad for the cell tower or by the access driveway which is proposed to cross the referenced drainage easement. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these comments. Thank you, Amanda Foley Staff Engineer City of Carmel 317 - 571 -2441 From: Joy Jackson [mailto:JJacksonOchwlaw.com] Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:45 PM To: Conn, Angelina V; Donahue -Wold, Alexia K; Mindham, Daren; Littlejohn, David W; Lux, Pamela K; Huffman, David; greg .hoyes @hamiltoncountv.in.gov; ailkoOcrossroadengineers.com; Thomas, John G; Duncan, Gary R; Foley, Amanda 3; Redden, Nick; Barnes, David R; david.lucas@hamiltoncountv.in.gov; Hohlt, William G; Blanchard, Jim E; Duffy, John M; Green, Timothy 3; Strong, David C; Ellison, Christopher M; Krueskamp, Theresa A; Forward for Westermeier, Mark; jason .lemaster @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; brooke. gajownik@hamiltoncounty.in.gov; jason .kirkman @mybrighthouse.com; JD.Trueblood @mvbrighthouse.com; shirlev.hunter duke- energv.com; garv.mcnamee duke- energv.com; ilclark @vectren.com; dan.davenport @aes.com; dwhiting @citizensenergvgrouo.com; rfarrand@ccs.k12.in.us; ryan.hartmar actrwd.orq; trov.vackle@sug.com; sk4986©att.com Cc: Dave Coots Subject: Cell Tower Petition Attached is the Application for Special Use for the proposed cell tower for the City Center & Penn location which was submitted to the City today. If any of you would like paper copies of the attached, please let us know. 1 Thank you, Joy R. Jackson Paralegal Coots Henke &. Wheeler P.C. 255 East Carmel Drive Carmel. Indiana 46032 317- 844 -4693 (Phone) 317 - 573 -5385 (Fax) itackson @chwlaw.com Please visit our website at www.chwlaw.com for more information. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE. This email originated from the law offices of Coots Henke & Wheeler, P C. The information contained in this email transmission (and any attachments thereto) are confidential and intended only for the use of the individual addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is not permissible. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender via telephone at the number listed above Thank you. 2 elm r i meniL Nie 'L r7Ta,df'3LPCit .l T' i'b ;O52 January 14, 2014 Joy R. Jackson Coots Henke & Wheeler P.C. 255 East Carmel.Drive Cannel, IN 46032 RE: Cell Tower at City Center & Penn Dear Ms. Jackson: The above mentioned project.has been received and reviewed. At the present tine, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully T r othy J. Green Chief of Police TJG :tka 13 7) 571-2500 A Nationally Accredited ;Lv.EriforcementAgency F.13117) 71 -2E-12 Conn, An From: Sent: To: Subject: elina V Joy and Angie, Whiting, Duane A. <DWhiting @citizensenergygroup com> Thursday, January 02, 2014 4.28 PM Joy Jackson, Conn, Angelina V RE: Cell Tower Petition This site is not in Citizens Water's Service Territory, it is in the Carmel Utilities Service Territory, therefore Citizens Water has no objection to the cell tower site. Regards, Duane A. Whiting Real Estate - Property Planner 1220 Waterway Blvd Indianapolis, IN 46202 office /fax (317) 263 -6418 dwhiting @citizensenergygroup .com From: Joy Jackson jmailto:JJackson @chwiaw.coml Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:45 PM To: aconn @carmel.in.gov; awold@carmel.in.gov; dmindham @carmel.in.gov; dlittlejohn @carmel.in.gov; plux @carmel.in.gov; dhuffman @carmel.in.gov; greg .hoves @hamiltoncountv.in.aov; ailko @crossroadenaineers.com; ithomas @carmel.in.aov; ciduncan @carmel.in.gov; afolev @carmel.in.gov; nredden @carmel.in.gov; dbarnes @carmel.in.gov; david .lucas @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; whohlt @carmel.in.gov; jblanchard @carmel.in.gov; iduffv @carmel.in.gov; tareen @carmel.in.gov; dstrong @carmel.in.aov; cellison @carmel.in.aov; tkrueskami @ carmel.in.gov; mwestermeier @carmelclayparks .com; iason. lemaster @hamiltoncountv.in.aov; brooke. gajownik @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; jason .kirkman @mybriahthouse.com; JD.Trueblood @mybriahthouse.com; shirlev.hunter @duke- energy.com; aarv.mcnamee @duke- energv.com; ilclark @vectren.com; dan.davenport@aes.com; Whiting, Duane A.; rfarrand @ccs.k12.in.us; ryan.hartman @ctrwd.orq; troy.yackle @sua.com; sk4986 @att.com Cc: Dave Coots Subject: Cell Tower Petition Attached is the Application for Special Use for the proposed cell tower for the City Center & Penn location which was submitted to the City today. If any of you would like paper copies of the attached, please let us know. Thank you, Joy R. Jackson Paralegal Coots Henke & Wheeler P C. 255 East Carmel Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 317- 844 -4693 (Phone) 317 -573 -5385 (Fax) ilackson@chwlaw.com 1 Please visit our website at www.chwlaw.com for more information. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE. This email originated from the law offices of Coots Henke & Wheeler, P C. The information contained in this email transmission (and any attachments thereto) are confidential and intended only for the use of the individual addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is not permissible. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender via telephone at the number listed above. Thank you. 2 Conn, Angelina V From: Greg Ilko <gilko @crossroadengineers.com> Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:17 PM To: 'Joy Jackson' Cc: Greg Noyes; Duncan, Gary R, Foley, Amanda J; Thomas, John G; Redden, Nick; Barnes, David R, Bob Bleich; Conn, Angelina V Subject: RE. Cell Tower Petition Joy, Based on the construction plans, it appears that less than % acre of land disturbance will occur. With that, my office will have no comments in regards to the petition. Sincerely, Gregory J. Ilko, P.E. CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 Office: 317 - 780 -1555 ext. 112 Mobile: 317 - 408 -3609 Fax: 317 - 780 -6525 From: Joy Jackson f mailto:JJackson @chwlaw.coml Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:45 PM To: aconn@carmel.in.gov; awold@carmel.in.gov; dmindham@carmel.in.gov; dlittlejohn @carmel.in.gov; plux @carmel.in.gov; dhuffman@carmel.in.gov; greg .hones @hamiltoncountv.in.gov; gilko @crossroadengineers.com; jthomas @carmel.in.gov; gduncan @carmel.in.gov; afoley@carmel.in.gov; nredden @carmel.in.gov; dbarnes@carmel.in.gov; david.Iucas@hamiltoncounty.in.gov; whohlt @carmel.in.gov; jblanchard @carmel.in.gov; jduffy @carmel.in.gov; tareen@carmel.in.gov; dstrong@carmel.in.gov; cellison@carmeLin.gov; tkrueskamp@carmel.in.gov; mwestermeier @carmelclavoarks.com; jason. Iemaster @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; brooke. gajownik@hamiltoncountv.in.gov; jason .kirkman@mvbrighthouse.com; JD.Trueblood @mybrighthouse.com; shirlev.hunter @duke - energy.com; garv.mcnamee @duke- energy.com; ilclark@vectren.com; dan.davenport@aes.com; dwhiting @citizenseneraygroup.com; rfarrand@ccs.k12.in.us; ryan.hartman@ctrwd.org; troy.yackle @sug.com; sk4986 @att.com Cc: Dave Coots Subject: Cell Tower Petition Attached is the Application for Special Use for the proposed cell tower for the City Center & Penn location which was submitted to the City today. If any of you would like paper copies of the attached, please let us know. Thank you, Joy R. Jackson Paralegal Coots Henke & Wheeler P.C. 1 Conn, An • elina V From: Joy Jackson <JJackson @chwlaw.com> Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:45 PM To: Conn, Angelina V, Donahue -Wold, Alexia K, Mindham, Daren; Littlejohn, David W, Lux, Pamela K; Huffman, David; greg.hoyes@hamiltoncounty.in.gov; gilko @crossroadengineers.com; Thomas, John G, Duncan, Gary R, Foley, Amanda J, Redden, Nick; Barnes, David R, david.lucas @hamiltoncounty in.gov; Hohlt, William G, Blanchard, Jim E, Duffy, John M, Green, Timothy J; Strong, David C, Ellison, Christopher M; Krueskamp, Theresa A, Forward for Westermeier, Mark; jason.lemaster @hamiltoncounty in.gov; brooke.gajownrk @ hamrltoncounty in.gov; jason .kirkman @mybrighthouse.com; JD.Trueblood @mybrighthouse.com, shirley hunter @duke- energy com, gary mcnamee @duke- energy com; jlclark @vectren.com, dan.davenport @aes.com, dwhiting @citizensenergygroup.com, rfarrand @ccs.k12.in.us; ryan.hartman @ctrwd.org; troy yackle @sug.com, sk4986 @att.com Cc: Dave Coots Subject: Cell Tower Petition (NEC of City Center & Penn) Attachments: SKMBT_C552D13122614290.pdf Attached is the Application for Special Use for the proposed cell tower for the City Center & Penn location which was submitted to the City today. If any of you would like paper copies of the attached, please let us know. Thank you, Joy R. Jackson Paralegal Coots Henke & Wheeler P.C. 255 East Carmel Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 317 -844 -4693 (Phone) 317 -573 -5385 (Fax) packson chwlaw.com Please visit our website at www.chwlaw.com for more information. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email originated from the law offices of Coots Henke & Wheeler, P C. The information contained in this email transmission (and any attachments thereto) are confidential and intended only for the use of the individual addressee(s) If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is not permissible. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender via telephone at the number listed above. Thank you. 1