HomeMy WebLinkAbout229302 2/25/2014 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358200 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE AMERICAN MESSAGING CHECK AMOUNT: $30.06 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 5749 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-5749 CHECK NUMBER: 229302 CHECK DATE: 2/25/2014 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 Y24295200B 30 . 06 Y2-429520 I 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name: CARMEL UTILITES American LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number: Y2-429520 r , Messaging For All Inquiries: 888 223-4123 �PAYMENTDUE'y02+f`tT15/14 � ..�.Yv`. Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 1 of 1 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y24295200B 02/01/14 $62.97 $0.00 $30.06 $93.03 .• Description PRIOR BALANCE 62.97 317-553-2411 KINKEAD, ROBBIE Service From 02/01/14 To 02/28/14 CC: E404641164 7.20 317-553-2439 KLEINSMITH, JORDAN Service From 02/01/14 To 02/28/14 CC: E407004097 7.20 _ 317-553-3470 OPERATOR ON CALL Service From 02/01/14 To 02/28/14 CC: E404640521 7.20 _ NETWORK ADMIN FEE 01/24/14 1.08 PAPER INVOICE FEE 01/25/14 4.95 FED UNIVERSAL SVC FEE 01/25/14 0.31 REGULATORY CHG 01/24/14 0.18 IN UTILITY RECEIPTS SURCHARGE 01/25/14 0.31 GOVERNMENT FEES AND TAXES IN USF SURCHARGE 01/25/14 0.09 INDIANA UTILITY SALES TAX 1.54 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $93.03 IMPORTANT MESSAGES Effective January,the Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) increased from 1.872%to 1.968%. FUSC is our charge that recovers government mandated costs and is subject to change each calendar quarter based on an FCC assessment rate. This surcharge is our charge, not a tax. Thank you for your prompt payment.We appreciate your business. A"Late Payment Fee"will be assessed on the past due balance In the amount of the lesser of:(a)the maximum amount allowed by law or(b)the greater of:1.5%of the unpaid balance or current minimum Late Payment Fee. Billing errors are not waived if American Messaging is not notified In writing within 60 days from the invoice date. 6 -y 11wV—'r,-4"'f TRWn �IG ,u.rr���r� n�� `4 � � � � •` ® "� ���+� m n. .,5��, Y'•. ,. +m+ Payment Due-The date payment is Aecount Overcalls-I 17you cxc�xd the nionthk km P.O. B.. Account Nu e H,"00000 due to 11'paynicut &AAmerican Ty 75029 call linia,an acklitional per pace 1i�:k 0 PAYNiNi"DUE:,'01115106�L7,;' I this 'ZZ—'Messaging i! tUll is not received by h� date. All 1nqui­­ 688-247.7891 charged.You can noL cany over inniset! late I�will he assessed on the unpaid Fie--0-h- n­­­,e4.iu u,1.­,,­�t­ Peg. I f 1 calls to the f6lio"vii"",illondl. balance. I Invoice I Payments Current A..Uh' Charge, a.. Number -O-S $110,00 S149.76Q Contribution Reimbursements Prior Balance-'Total an Wort due on At nerican Messa&,ingasscsies a tileprevious invoice. Fcdel'.11 Universal Service Chat-ge to PPIOR BALANCE iwover costs inifloscAl oil Anicrican NT SAL OISRAY WH 5TV" 125,OG 0 " ....... "N. I Messaging by the Federal Govcnirricnt 55 1 , 4�0 to suprx)a univet,,,ilservice.arlda 12 C, Amount Due-Aniount to be paid 1TV Regulatory Ch rte to ircoverArrierican the Ftyinerit due elate.Includes 121D a;ro„nc ...L O'!U1 -urrunt charge,,;,flay V ICEMAII 0 1 " 13 01 -Wance,L I"C, �i.coo t )d Is 2i'r OVE CA-'LS: 10 CALLS 0 20 LI.A9.'rum i2il4l/Gc mcssqgill"'s costs ofCornplying,witil CMlitS allplied 10 the aCCOL111t. certaiti,,,overirnentally irnpo'scA_ cMs Pager Phone Number-Pager MTY nurnh-,rorper,ional identification I nuillher. TOTAL&WONT rUF_ ------- -9 76� Government Fees and Taxes- IMPORTANT MESSAGES hlclukias WnC!`71!110lt Tilalidd-W 10,'al. Yw k"i,r.-h w Of you;ip.�r',Lr swic and'Cdcrnl taXeS.PUC SU1uh;qcs Sale-Cilarge for 1xii2i We"' . - u� L,, Ac' ,ta�xcs where - -Ing Lx1tilipilleill --rhemO­., Will fL ral and i PLIJICII�ISe(f. Thank you for your prompt payment.American Messaging appreciates your business. applicable. N O Serial Number-Uniquely Important Messages-Bc sure identifies your paging''quipilleill. to check this section for important •41nL:rielut Mcsstasinl• notes and Paging Service Charges-Charge!" Pk,hre dehhh he,,and Wuh,Oue Portion Wrih Y-wy­ CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NO:141-000001 J&American t6r niontfily paging service. A pronati INVOICE NO, HIOODOOIZA BILLING DATE: :Nessaging charge fora partial period of'sciviLv Late Fees-Irnrlonant inforrnarion yapNir oil your invoict-The llartial CURRENT CHARGES regardint,late tec rates is noted her-,. :1111�olnth char Ail UNTDUE 01115,05 5149,6 ge on this invoice is fior 8 1 1 A ;0061 10061 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO service rrorn 12'15,,05 to 12/31/05. .,are 6 11.4 AMERICAN MESSAGING AIIN ANNA WIT, .1 75 SINPHAH LACE AM UNT SUITE 120 PPAI01) S Ell]El Ef 11 OALLAG rY'!nLi?S AMERICAN WLSSAGING Enhanced Services-Charge for !7502510591201 P 0 R..vllm Ah,I.,h ZL 99999,9^9A optional enhanced service(s),sitch as Voicemail,Pager Replacernerit I'voi-pin. !604291059120! Custom Greeting,11ageSaver"".etc. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 358200 AMERICAN MESSAGING Purchase Order No. PO Box 5749 Terms Carol STream, IL 60197-5749 Due Date 2/18/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/18/2014 Y24295200B $30.06 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1. Date icer VOUCHER # 137421 WARRANT # ALLOWED 358200 IN SUM OF $ AMERICAN MESSAGING PO Box 5749 Carol STream, IL 60197-5749 Carmel Wastewater Utility '. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR a Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code Y24295200B 01-7362-06 $30.06 i f Voucher Total $30.06 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund r I