HomeMy WebLinkAbout229315 2/25/2014 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 150002 Page 1 of 2
CHECK AMOUNT: $17,335.97
CHECK DATE: 2/25/2014
1110 4349000 148 . 48 026205048005065612
1205 4349000 45 . 98 026003856835453681
1205 4349000 276 . 46 026204184595342836
1205 4349000 89 . 84 026205048005509338
1205 4349000 111 . 18 026209100755120860
1208 4349000 587 . 34 026201673935642842
1208 4349000 1, 141 . 44 026205048005709777
1208 4349000 3 , 213 . 24 026212752235857760
2200 4239099 35 . 73 026204184595342744
2200 4239099 17 . 00 026209343485287274
2201 4349000 620 . 87 026002558165731213
2201 4349000 3 , 148 . 20 026002558165731215
2201 4349000 2 , 293 . 95 026002558165731220
CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 6246 CHECK AMOUNT: $17,335.97
CHECK DATE: 2/25/2014
601 5023990 17 . 70 026003856835121869
601 5023990 209 . 92 026003856835455200
601 5023990 3 , 528 . 22 026003856835697440
601 5023990 96 . 32 026003856835741831
601 5023990 1, 299 . 47 026003856835802919
651 5023990 93 . 00 026003856835288781
651 5023990 361 . 63 026003856835731757
Account Number: 02-600385683-5741831 2
Service Address: 301 W 136TH ST
CARMEL IN 46032 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 11,2014
Allow 5,business days for mailing
Enroll in eBiU
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1241099 Gas mmin�onnn Therms U�dTh�Pohod -------------',�516
Service Beginning 010014 100Dixtributim and Service Charges ............................$93.91
Service Ending 02/0784 75Gas Cost Charge -----------------.$2.41
Number of Days 30 — Total Qm Charges-.
Meter Readings 50 General Sales Service ------------''$O8.32
�--Beginning 513 Estimated
Ending 57 Estimated m
CCF Used 4
Therm Conversion 1.008000 o
Pressure Factor 1120000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Fob
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
030612014 Average Temperature__>Current pmwvvo Last Year
for This Billing ponvo xr m" 28"
Bill Message
Due toextreme weather conditions,we were unable to mad some customer meters in January.Your bill may hoestimated for this period.We attempt oprovide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this.inconvenience.
^ /
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140210.001-4137-000018755
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Plumbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or i-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
i Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service T erms & Definitionswhere applicable)
� p )
Distribution and Service Charges—Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges—Includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission.
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. G Energy Charge—Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period,
Gas Cost Charge—Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
j Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home,or businoss. This cost is passed on to yor.i. The Indiana Energy Adjustment-- Portion of the bill which reflects the
j Utility Regulat{ury Corrtrnission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments.
m Service Charges—Charges billed each month to recover
i Demand—Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
I` highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
i gas i;,stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities;
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF(100 Cubic Feet)—Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand--Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm—The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes (kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor—The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)=Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor—Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier—Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges
i Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may Mclude but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
Name: CITY OF CARMEL - ® -livery
Account Number: 02.600385683-5802919 7 . ;127-13 62 7
Service Address: 3450W 131ST ST UNIT MAINT
WESTFIELD IN 46074 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 12,2014
Total Amount Due: $1,299.47 Previous Bill Amount $917.78
Due Date: Mar 1,2014 Payment(s)Received ...............................................$917.78
Amount.Due after Mar 1,2014: $1,299.47 _ Balance Carried Forward ............................................$0.00
rVectren Energy Delivery Charges ............$1,299.47
Charges This Period ............................................$1,299.47
1=� Total Amount Due $1,299.47
Allow 5 business days for mailing
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1124554 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .....................................1788.273
Service Beginning 01109114 7800 Distribution and Service Charges ..........................$342.36
Service Ending 02110114 1350 _ Gas Cost Charge .....................................................$957.11
Number of Days 32 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 9G0 _ _� _�_ _ _ General Sales Service ..............:.......................$1,299.47
–Beginning 52987 Estimated
Ending 54571 Estimated 450
CCF Used 1584
Therm Conversion 1.008000 —
Pressure Factor 1.120000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
0310712014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 20° 231 29e
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140211.001-4733-000019636
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges-Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges- Includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission.
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. C Energy Charge-Charges billed aach month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge-Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home or business. This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana G Energy Adjustment - Portion of the bill which reflects the
Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments.
c Service Charges-Charges billed each month to recover
Demand-Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing dernand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF(100 Cubic Feet)-Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand-Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm-The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor-The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)-Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor-Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier-Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges-Examples of miscellaneous charges
Miscellaneous Charges-Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where
performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units,
price per unit, etc.
VECTREN -46206 Purchase Order No.
PO BOX 6248 Terms
INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-6248 Due Date 2/18/2014
Invoice Invoice Description
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount
2/18/2014 N 1124554 $1,299.47
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and
correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6
Date Mcer
150001 IN SUM OF $
VECTREN - 46206
PO BOX 6248
Carmel Water Utility
Board members
PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code
N 1124554 01-6360-06 $1,299.47
Voucher Total 13 9t� -7
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid under vehicle highway fund
Account Number: 02-600385683-5288781, 4
Service Address: 9609 HAZEL DELL RD
CARMEL IN 46032 i Charges
Billing Date: Feb 14,2014
Total Amount Due: $93.00Previous Bill Amount ...............................................$93.00
Due Date:,, Mar 3,2014 E Payment(s)Received ................................................$93.00
Balance Carried Forward ............................................$0.00
Amount Due after Mar 3,2014: $93.00
i V
QUO ectren Energy Delivery Charges .................$93.00
Charges This Period ................................................$93.00
y Total Amount Due .........$93.00
Allow 5 business days for mailing s
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1124560 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period ..........................................0.000
Service Beginning 01110114 4600 Distribution and Service Charges ............................$93.00
Service Ending 02111114 3450 _ _ _ Total Gas Charges-
Number of Days 32 General Sales Service ........•..................................$93.00
Meter Readings 2300 – – —
Beginning 45601 Actual
Ending 45601 Actual 1150 – – —
CCF Used 0
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0 '---- --- –� – – —
Pressure Factor 2.012000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
0311112014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 19° 24° 30° I tri r
Bill Message ®l � � ()S
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low. If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140213.001-17244-000008289
' ' important VeohenEnergy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1'800-2271376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382'5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions orconcerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vaotren.00morcontact usbetween 7am and 7p.m.. Monday through Friday, ai1-8OO-227'137O. Please dnriot include any
wnttoncorrespondence with nronyour payment stub. |fyou would like|owrite toVect/enEnergy Delivery, please send
| co/nenpondenoou, PD. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definition Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges-Portion ofthe bill which Current Electric Charges- Includes the(oUow�ngthree
reflects the costs hzdeliver natural gas 10your homeor components that are reviewed and appruvedbythe Indiana |
business, The Customer facilities charge that iubilled each Ud|ityRegulatory Commission,
� month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. ° Energy Charge -Charges billed each month for the.
amounto(electric.oonaunriptio:during the biUingperiod. \
Gas Cost Charge-Portion ofthe bill which reflects how much Thiocharge includes base commodity and delivery '
VeotrenEnergy Delivery paid for the natural gas used inyour | charges,
Domeo/ businasc This cost ispaan*don8ayou The Indiana / " Ener0yAcjvs/me:t Porti:nof\he �iUwhiohreflcc(� the
Utility Roguiatn,yCommissivn reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel awl electricitywell as
natural gas costs onaquarterly basis. other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments,
Service Charges -Charg&s billed each month to recover
Demand-Charge for some larger customers based ontheirvarious costs the company incurs regardless ol
highest usage within udefined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes meterinq, mete, reading
gosiostated intherms. operation and maintenance oil service delivery facilities,
CCF (100Cubic Feet)-Gas consumption iomeasured hyyour
meter inhundreds nfcubic feet-
Therm-The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm
eeTherm-Thevo|umeo/UanmCCFmu|dpUedby{hethe,mi highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or ki lovolt-a ry)pores (kVA)
ThermCmnvepsiunFaotur-TheAeatconientofihegecused kWh (kilowatt hoursl-Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF totherms. measured by your moter in kilov!att hours.
Pressure Factor-Factor used 10calculate consumption oo Multiplier-Used to Calculate the kWh consumption on Iiigh
meters inwhich delivery pressure ivhigher than standard usage meters.
pressure and apressure compensation instrument isnot used.
Miscellaneous Charges-Ex-.3rnples of miscellaneous
/ #XiaoeUan000a Charges- Examples of m/yueUaneous charges | |/mi\a�10 reconnect oha�Aya returned rnay/ndvdebu� are no' |/m/trdtodeposits ,acunnac|charges, | '~~~` ~~^`�~ ''~' � ~` \
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where
performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units,
price per unit, etc.
VECTREN -46207 Purchase Order No.
PO BOX 6248 Terms
INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Due Date 2/18/2014
Invoice Invoice Description
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount
2/18/2014 0260038568: $93.00
1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are) true and
correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6
Date Officer
150001 IN SUM OF $
VECTREN - 46207
PO BOX 6248
Carmel Wastewater Utility
Board members
PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code
02600385683 01-7362-05 $93.00 j
Voucher Total $93.00
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid under vehicle highway fund
Account Number: 02-600385683.5455200' . 2, •' ;A A'
Service Address: 10675 N GRAY RD
Billing Date: . Feb 18,2014 Char9 es
Total Amount Due: $209.92 f Previous Bill Amount .............................................$101.47
Due Date: Mar,Z,2014 :1 Payment(s)Received ...............................................$101.47
Amount Due after Mar 7,2014: $209:92 Carried rd $ .00
Balance arr Forward .. 0
■ ��: ■ Vectren Energy Delivery Charges ..$209 92
Total Amount Due ............................................. $209.92
Charges This Period ..$209 92
-Allow 5 business days for mailing
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N0455995 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .......................................262.080
Service Beginning 01/14/14 300 Distribution and Service Charges ............................$69.29
Service Ending 02/13114 225 Gas Cost Charge .....................................................$140.63
Number of Days 30 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 150 General Sales Service .........................................$209.92
Beginning 9220 Estimated
Ending 9480 Actual 75 _
CCF Used 260
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0 — —, —�—®—
Pressure Factor 1.000000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
03/13/2014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 17° 26° 29°
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low. If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140217.001-22608-000000740
--------- - ------- --- — _ --
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Nearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vectren com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren EIaergy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges—Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges— Includes the following three �
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana l
j business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission,
g month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. Energy Charge—Charges billed each month for the l
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge—Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery 1
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home or business. This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana . Energy Adjustment—Portion of the bill which reflects the
? Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as F
natural gas cosis on a quarterly basis, other environmental and regulatory cost ad;ustmenis.
Service Charges--Charges billed each month to re=,over
Demand—Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities;
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF (100 Cubic Feet}--Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
r meter in hundreds of cubic feet. t
! Demand—Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm—The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for 1
conversion factor. electric is slated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor—The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)—Electric energy consumption is j
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours. I
l Pressure Factor—Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier—Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges— Examples of miscellaneous charges f
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not'imited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
Account Number:; 02.600385683.5697440 9
Service Address:` 4915 E.106TH ST UNIT PLNT 1 9
CARMEL'IN 46032 t
Billing Date: - Feb 18,2014 . h s
Total Amount Due:., ." $31528.22 Previous Bill Amount ..........................................$3,657.72
Due Date: ., Mar,7,2014 Payment(s)Re ............................................$3,657.72
Amount Due after Mar 7,2014: $3,528.22 t .��1, ......•••• $ .00
s ..........
Balance Carried Forward .. 0
; Vectren Energy Delivery Charge $3,528.22
w'L. 1 4'U A Charges This Period ..$3,528 22
1: a Total Amount Due ................................................$3,528.22
',,Allow'5 business days,for mailing,
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1229736 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .....................................4850.012
Service Beginning 01/14/14 5300 Distribution and Service Charges ..........................$925.86
Service Ending 02/13/14 _ Gas Cost Charge ..................................................$2,602.36
Number of Das 30 3�7s
Y Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 2650 – – _ — General Sales Service ......................................$3,528.22
Beginning 20979 Actual I
Ending 25275 Actual 1325 – – – – – — i
CCF Used 4296 _ ® � w ® ® �
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0 – – —
Pressure Factor 1.120000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
03/13/2014 Average Temperature__> Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 17° 26° 29°
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140217.001-22609-000000739
� Important VedenEnergy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1'800'227'1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-742'3333
Customer Service sdconcerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding bill or service, visit uyonline at
www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376 Please donot include any �
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren El,�`Iergy Delivery, please send �
correspondence ioP.O. Box 209. Evansville, |N47702-U209
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges-Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges- Includes the following three
\ �
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission.
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. a Energy Charge- Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge-Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home or business, This cost is passed On to You. The Indiana 0 Energy Adjustment-Portion of the bill which reflects,the
Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas cosis on a quarterly basis. other environmental and tegulatory cost ad:ustmeriy�-
Service Charges-Charges billed each inwith to rec.-over
Demand-Charge for sorne larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF (100 Cubic Feet)-Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery,
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand-Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm-The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-arnperes(kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor-The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)-Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor-Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier-Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges-Examples of miscellaneous charges
Miscellaneous Charges-Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges. returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc
Account Number: 02-600385683.5121869 2 e
Service Address: 4425 E 126TH ST
CARMEL IN 46033 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 17,2014
Total Amount Due: $17.70 Previous Bill Amount $17.00
PaymenDue Date: Mar 6,2014
Amount'Due after Mar 6,2014: $17.70 Balance Forward .......................................... $ .00
Received .. 17 00
®�_r® ed 0
„,.. ._ :, � ■ ■ ectren Ener Delivery Charges ............... $17.70
i lti�:�;1e11 Charges ThisPeriodery.......................................... ....$17.70
f Total Amount Due ....................................................$17.70
Allow 5 business days for mailing J
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N0726967 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period ..........................................1.008
Service Beginning 01/13/14 1
Distribution and Service Charges ............................$17.17
Service Ending 02/12/14 5 Gas Cost Charge ........................................................$0.53
Number of Days 30 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 50 General Sales Service ...........................................$17.70
Beginning 2169 Actual
Ending 2170 Actual 25
CCF Used 1
Therm Conversion . 1.008000 0 — -- --
Pressure Factor 1.000000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
03/12/2014 Average Temperature__,, Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 17° 26° 30°
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low. If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage Wil be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
3� �J
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140214.001-587-000022789
important VectenEnergy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-80-227-1376
Call Before,You Dig 811o, 1-800382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-B00-743-3333
Customer Service questions mrconcerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at |
wv*w.veo(ren.00morcontact uobetween 7am. and 7p.m.. Monday through Friday, at1'8OO-227'137G. Please donot include any �
written correspondence with or on your payment Stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send |
correspondence boP.O. Box 209. Evansville, |N477O2'O20&� �
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
� argeses' reehome or business. This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana 0 Energy Adjustinent--PorJon of the bill wh"ch reflects the �
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission.
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. 0 Energy Charge- Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric conSUMption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge-Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges,
Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost oil purchasing fuel anrl electrin.ity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. other efivironrne �`.al and legulator� cost adliustmer's.
0 Service Charges --Charges billed each month to recover
Demand-Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption, This includes meteting, meter reading.
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF(100 Cubic Feet)-Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand-Rate for some larger Customers are based on their
Therm-The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts(KW)or kilovolt-arTiperes(kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor-The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)-Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor- Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier-Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used. Miscellaneous Charges- Examples of miscellaneous charges
Miscellaneous Charges-Examples of miscellaneous charges rnay include. but are no',limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where
performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units,
price per unit, etc.
VECTREN -46206 Purchase Order No.
PO BOX 6248 Terms
INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-6248 Due Date 2/21/2014
Invoice Invoice Description
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount
2/21/2014 N0455995 $209.92
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and
correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6
Date Off' er
150001 IN SUM OF $
VECTREN - 46206
PO BOX 6248
Carmel (Nater Utility
Board members
PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code
N0455995 01-6360-03 $209.92
�11Zz�-13� Ir 35a�22 ,
17,'7 C>
Voucher Total �r �� $
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid under vehicle highway fund
Account Number: -02-600385683-5731757 3
'Service Address: 901 N RANGE LINE RD BLDG C
CARMEL IN 46032 °
Billing Date:'. Feb 11,2014
Total Amount Due: $361:61 ...........................................
Due Date-,: Feb 28;2014" Payment(ss)IRece Received ...............................................$375.35
Amount Due after Feb 28,2014:.
Balance Camied $ 00
® Vect en Energy Delivery Charges ...............$361.63
' � Charges This Period� '- .:.::'$361 63
-.. �– � Total Amount Due ..............................................::..$361:63
Allow 5 business days for mailing
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1075548 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .......................................480.937
Service Beginning 01108114 boo Distribution and Service Charges ..........................$104.83
Service Ending 02107114 450 Gas Cost Charge .....................................................$256.80
Number of Days 30 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 300 – _ — General Sales Service .........................................$361.63
Beginning 8141 Actual
Ending 8567 Estimated 150 – – – – —
CCF Used 426
Therm Conversion 1.008000
Pressure Factor 1.120000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
0310612014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 21° 24° 29e
Bill Message
Due fo extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,.the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience. -
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB14o2io.00i-12229-000011715
Important VactnanEnergy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions orconcerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.voutronoomorcontact usbetween 7a.m and 7p.m.. Monday through Friday, a{ 1'000-227'1376. Please donot inc|udeany
written correspondence with or on your payment Stub. If you would like to write to VeGtren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 289. Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where
performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units,
price per unit, etc.
VECTREN -46207 Purchase Order No.
PO BOX 6248 Terms
INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Due Date 2/24/2014
Invoice Invoice Description
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount
2/24/2014 1075548 $361.63
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and
correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6
Date fficer
150001 IN SUM OF $
VECTREN - 46207
PO BOX 6248
Carmel Wastewater Utility
Board members
PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code
1075548 01-7360-01 $361.63
Voucher Total $361.63
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid under vehicle highway fund
Account Number: 02.600255816-5731215 2
Service Address: 3400,W 131 ST ST BLDG MAINT
CARMEL IN 46032 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 12,2014
Total Amount Due: $3,148.20 Previous Bill Amount ..........................................$2,264.14
Due Date: Mar 1,2014 Payment(s)Received ............................................$2,264.14
'Amount Due after Mar 1,2014: $3',148.20 ®,.-1,® ......••••• $0.00
s ;j; ® Vectren Energy Delivery Charges ............$3,148.20 0
r; Charges This Period ............................................$3,148.20
i 5 Total Amount Due $3,148.20
Allow 5 business days for mailing ..
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1078378 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .....................................4386.816
Service Beginning 01109114 4800 Distribution and Service Charges ..........................$800.22
Service Ending 02110114 3600 _ — Gas Cost Charge ..................................................$2,347.98
Number of Days 32 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 2400 _ _ — General Sales Service ......................................$3,148.20
Beginning 60483 Estimated
Ending 64835 Estimated 1200-
zoo CCF Used 4352 —�—� ' — 1
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0 — —
Pressure Factor 1,000000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
0310712014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 20° 23° 29°
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 N8140211.001-4424-000019920
Important V*utnsnEnergy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811or1'808-382'5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800'743-3333
Customer Service questions orconcerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
vmww.wsc1mn.00morcontact uobetween 7am. and 7pm.. Monday through Friday, ai1'R0O-227'137G. Please donot include any
written correspondence with oronyour payment stub. |fyou would like 8awrite 1oVootnenEnergy Delivery, please send
correspondence ioP.U. Box 20S. Evansville, |N47702'O2O9�
o ® '
Account-Number: 02-600255816-5731220:; 5
• :1/
Service Address: 3400 W 131ST ST UNIT SB,
CARMEL IN 46032 , Charges
Billing Date: Feb 12,2014
Total Amount Due: $2,293:95 ......................$1,595.19
Due Date: Mar 1,2014, Payment(s) ............................................$1,595.19
Previous mount
Amount Due after,Mar,1,2014: $2;293.95 Balance Carr Forward .......................................... $0.00
lP Vectren Energy Delivery Charges ............$2,293.95 0
:;#NA Charges This Period $2,293.95
t:– Total Amount Due ................................................$2,293.95
Allow 5'.business days for mailing
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1084188 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .....................................3156.048
Service Beginning 01109114 3600 Distribution and Service Charges ..........................$604.72
Service Ending 02110114 2700 _ Gas Cost Charge ..................................................$1,689.23
Number of Days 32 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 000 _ _ _ General Sales Service ......................................$2,293.95
Beginning 23906 Estimated
Ending 27037 Estimated goo – – – – —
CCF Used 3131
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0 – -- – – —
Pressure Factor 1,000000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
0310712014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 201 23° 29°
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 --- _ `_ _ NR`140211.001:4422-00001%20_
Important VnctmenEnergy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1'800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811or1-800'382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743'3338
Customer Service questions nrconcerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
vmww,vncirenoomurcontact unbetween 7am and 7pm . Monday through Friday, at1'80O-227'1376 Please dnnot include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write toVoctmnEnergy Delivery, please send
correspondence ioPO Box 20S. Evansville, |N47702'0200
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges-Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges- Includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission.
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. Energy Charge-Charges billed oach month for the
amount of electric consumption (luring the billing period
Gas Cost Charge-Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and deliver
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home or business. This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana _
RE �t��Ene • ® 'ii ivery
Account Number: 02-600255816-5731213 4 e
Service Address: 3400 W 131ST ST BLDG ADMIN
CARMEL IN 46032 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 12,2014
Total Amount Due: $620.87 Previous Bill Amount .............................................$485.34
Due Date: Mar 1,2014 Payment(s)Received ...............................................$485.34
Amount Due after Mar 1,2014: $620.87 �–
Balance Carried Forward ............................................$0.00
��r Vectren Energy Delivery Charges ...............$620.87
Charges This Period ...............................................$620.87
Total Amount Due ..................................................$620.87
Allow 5 business days for mailing
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1083806 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .......................................811.722
Service Beginning 01/09114 900 Distribution and Service Charges ..........................$186.43
Service Ending 02110114 675 _ Gas Cost Charge .....................................................$434.44
Number of Days 32 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 450 _�_� �_ _ _ General Sales Service .........................................$620.87
Beginning 6126 Estimated – – —
Ending 6845 Estimated 225
CCF Used 719 �–
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0 – –®– –�–o– —
Pressure Factor 1.120000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
0310712014 Average Temperature._>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 20° 231 291
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low. If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140211.001-4423-000019920
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges—Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges—Includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission.
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. G Energy Charge—Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge—Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home or business. This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana O Energy Adjustment--Portion of the bill which reflects the
Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis, other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments.
C Service Charges—Charges billed each month to recover
Demand—Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF(100 Cubic Feet)—Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand—Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm—The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor—The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)—Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor—Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier—Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev. 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Purchase Order No.
Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s))
02/18/14 300255816-57312 $3,148.20
02/18/14 300255816-57312 $620.87
02/18/14 300255816-57312 $2,293.95
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5-11-10-1.6
I 20
Vectren Energy Delivery
P. O. Box 6248
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6248
Carmel Street Department
2201 02-600255816- 43-490.00 $3,148.20 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
2201 02-600255816- 43-490.00 $620.87 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the
2201 02-600255816- 43-490.00 $2,293.95
materials or services itemized thereon for
which charge is made were ordered and
received except
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Street Commissioner
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund
Account Number: 02.620504800.5065612 5WWW a
Service Address: 361 RIDGE POINT DR
CARMEL IN 46032 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 7,2014
Total Amount Due: $148.48 Previous Bill Amount .............................................$107.83
Due Date: Feb 24,2014 Payment(s)Received ...............................................$107.83
Amount Due after Feb 24,2014: Balance Carried Forward ............................................$0.00
$148.48 E '0 ® Vectren Ener Deliver Charges ...............$148.48
❑��.:❑ 9Y Y 9
!t 14." 1' Charges This Period ...............................................$148.48
Total Amount Due $148.48
Allow 5 business days for mailing _ ❑� ..
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N0701135 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .......................................184.464
Service Beginning 01103114 200 Distribution and Service Charges ............................$50.33
Service Ending 02104114 Gas Cost Charge .......................................................$98.15
Number of Days 32 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 100 _ _ _ _ General Sales Service .........................................$148.48
Beginning 685 Actual
Ending 868 Actual 50-
CCF Used 183Therm Conversion Conversion 1.008000 0 —
Pressure Factor 1.000000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
0310412014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 21° 26° 30°
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140206.001-13846-000011 745
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges—Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges— Includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission,
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. C Energy Charge—Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge—Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges. I
i Home or business. This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana C Energy Adjustment— Portion of the bill which reflects the
Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments. 1
Service Charges—Charges billed each month to recover
Demand—Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for !
g g p g consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy '
CCF(100 Cubic Feet)—Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand—Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm—The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for I
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA). �
Therm Conversion Factor—The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)—Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours. °
Pressure Factor—Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier—Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges-- Examples of miscellaneous charges
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Purchase Order No.
Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s))
02/14/14 monthly payment $148.48
1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5-11-10-1.6
Vectren Energy Delivery
P.O. Box 6248
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6248
Carmel Police Department
1110 43-490.00 $148.48 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the
materials or services itemized thereon for
which charge is made were ordered and
received except
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Chief of Police
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund
• ! - ivery.
Account Number: 02.620418459-5342744 9: e
Service Address: 870 ENCLAVE CIR
CARMEL IN 46032 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 7,2014
Total Amount Due: $46.98 Previous Bill Amount ...............................................$31.14
Due Date: Feb 24;,2014 Payment(s)Received ................................................$19.89
Amount Due after Feb 24,2014: '$46.98 Balance Carried Forward $11.25
■ ��,:�■ Vectren Energy Delivery Charges .................$35 73
Charges This Period ............................:$35.73
Allow 5 business days for mailing ® Total Amount Due :.................... $46.98
Enroll in eBiil
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N0524568 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period ........................................30.240
Service Beginning 01/03/14 100 Distribution and Service Charges ............................$19.64
Service Ending 02/05/14 75 Gas Cost Charge .......................................................$16.09
Number of Days 33 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 50 Residential Sales Service .....................................$35.73
Beginning 4346 Actual
Ending 4376 Estimated 25
CCF Used 30
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0 — —
Pressure Factor 1.000000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
03/04/2014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 21° 26° 29°
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140206.001-11958-000013565
Important YootrenEnergy Delivery Numbers
� .
Customer Service Number 1-800' 27-1370
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-808-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800'743-3333
Customer Service questions mrconcerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
� vm*w.vectnen.00morcontact usbetween 7em. and 7p.m, Monday through Friday, at1'O00-227'1378, Please donot include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209. Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
• � '
Account Number: 02-620934348.5287274 4 -800-227-1376
Service Address: 1301 STAVE SW
CARMEL IN 46032 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 7,2014
Total Amount Due: $17.00 Previous Bill Amount ...............................................$17.00
Due Date: Feb 24,2014 Payment(s)Received ................................................$17.00
Amount Due after Feb 24,2014: Balance Carried Forward ............................................$0.00
$17.00 M ''1' ® Vectren Ener Deliver Charges .................$17.00
❑��.:❑ 9Y Y 9
41.Y: Charges This Period ................................................$17.00
i Total Amount Due ....................................................$17.00
Allow 5 business days for mailing
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N0400906 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period ..........................................0.000
Service Beginning 01106114 100 Distribution and Service Charges ............................$17.00
Service Ending 02105114 75 Total Gas Charges-
Number of Days 30 General Sales Service ...........................................$17.00
Meter Readings 50
IBeginning 5308 Estimated
Ending 5308 Estimated 25
CCF Used 0
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0
Pressure Factor 1.000000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
0310412014 Average Temperature__> Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 21° 251 30°
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be ester aced.f 44 or-this.period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates:Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If youLee
hvvek n estiimattA rea�d.a ny shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconveniencto
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6248 NB140206.001-13847-000011744
- i
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges—Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges—Includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission,
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. O Energy Charge—Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge—Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home or business This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana C Energy(adjustment—Portion of the bill which reflects the
I Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments.
Service Charges—Charges billed each month to recover
Demand—Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF (100 Cubic Feet)—Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand—Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm—The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts (kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor—The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)—Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor—Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier—Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges— Examples of miscellaneous charges
i Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom,
rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Vectren Energy Delivery Purchase Order No.
POB 6248 Terms
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6248 Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s) Amount
1/0/1900 0 Enclave Utilities $ 35.73
1/0/1900 0 Field Office Utilites $ 17.00
Totall $ 52.73
1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5-11-10-1.6.
Vectren Energy Delivery ALLOWED 20
POB 6248 IN SUM OF $
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6248
$ 52.73
Board Members
DEPT# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),
0 0 2200-4239099 $ 35.73 or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the
materials or services itemized thereon for
0 0 2200-4239099 $ 17.00 which charge is made were ordered and
received except
City Engineer
Cost Distribution ledger classification if Title
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund
e � -
Account Number: 02-620504800.5509338 5 wwWmectrenxom -800-2277 376
Service Address: 111 STAVE NE
CARMEL IN 4603 5y'r= Charges
Billing Date: Feb 7,2014
Total Amount Due: $89.84 Previous Bill Amount .............................................$120.90
Due Date: Feb 24,2014 Payment(s)Received ...............................................$120.90
Amount Due after Feb 24,2014: $92.63 _ Balance Carried Forward ............................................$0.00
�■ Q Vectren Energy Delivery Charges .................$89.84
Charges This Period
(Includes Late Payment Charges of$3.84) ..................$89.84
Allow 5 business days for mailing ❑� Total Amount Due .......................................... ........$89.84
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1103680 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period ........................................96.768
Service Beginning 01/03/14 200 Distribution and Service Charges ............................$34.49
Service Ending 02/05/14 150 Gas Cost Charge .......................................................$51.51
Number of Days 33 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 100 General Sales Service ...........................................$86.00
Beginning 4930 Actual
Ending 5026 Estimated 50
CCF Used 96
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0
Pressure Factor 1.000000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 20
03/04/2014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 21° 26° NA
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Submitted To
FEB 2 4 2014
Clerk Treasurer
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140206.001-11524-000013779
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearin Impaired (Relay Indiana 1-800-743-3333
g p ( y )
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209,
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges—Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges—Includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission.
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. C Energy Charge—Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge—Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home or business. This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana C Energy Adjustment—Portion of the bill which reflects the
Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis, other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments.
C Service Charges—Charges billed each month to recover
Demand—Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF(100 Cubic Feet)—Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand—Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm—The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor—The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)—Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor—Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier—Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
• 0-
Account Number: 02.600385683.5453681 5
• :11 •
Service Address: 2101ST AVE SW REAR
CARMEL IN 46032 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 7,2014
Total Amount Due: $45.98 Previous Bill Amount ...............................................$50.18
Due Date: Feb 24,2014 Payment(s)Received ................................................$50.18
Amount Due after Feb 24,2014: $45.98 ,_ Balance Carried Forward ............................................$0.00
❑■ ��r Q■ Vectren Energy Delivery Charges .................$45.98
Charges This Period ..........:..............................
eriod ... .,-.$45.98
1=� Total Amount Due $45.98
Allow 5 business days for mailing
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N0818115 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period ........................................40.320
Service Beginning 01106114 100 Distribution and Service Charges ............................$24.50
Service Ending 02105114 75 Gas Cost Charge .......................................................$21.48
Number of Days 30 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings- 50 General Sales Service ...........................................$45.98
Beginning 9077 Estimated
Ending 9117 Estimated 25
CCF Used 40
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0 —
Pressure Factor 1.000000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
03104/2014 Average Temperature__:,Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 21° 25° 30°
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Submitted To
FEB 2 4 2014
r7@,ork- `reasu re
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140206.001-11523-000013779
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges—Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges— Includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission.
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. G Energy Charge—Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge—Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home or business. This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana G Energy Adjustment—Portion of the bill which reflects the
Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments.
G Service Charges—Charges billed each month to recover
Demand—Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF(100 Cubic Feet)—Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand—Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm—The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor—The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)—Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor—Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier—Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
-101 VECTRE N Elergy belivery
Account Number: 02-620418459.5342836 8 www.vies,ariE�n4olm, 71376,
Service Address: 15 1 STAVE NE
CARMEL IN 46032 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 7,2014
Total Amount Due: $276.46 Previous Bill Amount .............................................$246.12
Due Date: Feb 24,2014 Payment(s)Received ...............................................$246.12
Amount Due after Feb 24,2014: $276.46 1_ Balance Carded Forward ............................................$0.00
V.41 ff] Vectren Energy Delivery Charges ...............$276.46
- 'r" Charges This Period ...............................................$276.46
❑ Total Amount Due ..................................................$276.46
Allow 5 business days for mailing � ..
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1165433 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .......................................363.888
Service Beginning 01103114 400 Distribution and Service Charges ............................$82.72
Service Ending 02105114 300 _ Gas Cost Charge .....................................................$193.74
Number of Days 33 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 200 — — _ — General Sales Service .........................................$276.46
Beginning 7142 Actual '
Ending 7503 Estimated ,00 — — — —
CCF Used 361
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0-
Pressure Factor 1.000000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
0310412014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 21° 26° 29°
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low. If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Submitted To
FEB 2 4 2014
L__EC,erk Treasurer
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140206.001-11959-000013565
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges—Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges—Includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission.
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. O Energy Charge—Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge—Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home or business. This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana G Energy Adjustment—Portion of the bill which reflects the
Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments. i
C Service Charges—Charges billed each month to recover
Demand—Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF (100 Cubic Feet)—Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand—Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm—The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor—The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)—Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor—Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier—Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
Account Number: 02-620910075-5120860 4 i
0-227 13
Service Address: 2101 STAVE SW }, � S
CARMEL IN 46032 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 7,2014
Total Amount Due: $111.18 Previous Bill Amount ...............................................$97.07
Due Date: Feb 24,2014 Payment(s)Received ................................................$97.07
Amount Due after Feb 24,2014: $114.63 ,_ Balance Carried Forward ...........................:................$0.00
Vectren Energy Delivery Charges ...............$111.18
111111ru;1''4.,r Charges This Period
(Includes Late Payment Charges of$3.12) ....'.Wj1.8_.
Allow 5 business days for mailingII`- Total Amount Due
_ ........................................ ........$111.18
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N0383941 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .......................................127.008
Service Beginning 01106114 Zoo Distribution and Service Charges ............................$40.41
Service Ending 02105114 750 Gas Cost Charge .......................................................$67.65
Number of Days 30 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 100 — — General Sales Service .........................................$108.06
Beginning 4154 Estimated
Ending 4280 Estimated 50-
0 CCF Used 126
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0 — — — — — — —�—�—
Pressure Factor 1.000000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 20
0310412014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 211 25° NA
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Submitted To
FEB B 4 2014
LC,eim, 'Treasurer
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 N6140206.001-13844-000011747
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges—Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges— includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business.The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission,
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. o Energy Charge—Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge—Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
l Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home or business. This cost is passed on to You. The Indiana Energy Adjustment—Portion on of the bill which reflects-the. I
Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. other environmental and regulatory cost aojustments.
o Service Charges—Charges billed each month to recover
Demand—Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF(100 Cubic Feet)—Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
f meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
I Demand—Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm—The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor, electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes (kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor—The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)—Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor—Factor used to calculate consumption on
p Multiplier—Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
I etc.
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by'
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Purchase Order No.
Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s))
02/07/14 02.07.14 02-620504800-5509338 CSO $89.84
02/07/14 02.07.14 02-600385683-5453681 $45.98
02/07/14 02.07.14 02-620418459-5342836 $276.46
02/07/14 02.07.14 02-620910075-5120860 Fire Buffs $111.18
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5-11-10-1.6
Vectren Energy Delivery
P.O. Box 6248
Indianapolis, IN 46206=6248
Administration Department
1205 02.07.14 43-490.00 $89.84 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the
1205 02.07.14 43-490.00 $45.98
materials or services itemized thereon for
1205 02.07.14 43-490.00 $276.46 which charge is made were ordered and
1205 02.07.14 43-490.00 $111.18 received except
Monday, February 24, 2014
Director, Administration
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund
Account Number: 02=621275223.5857760
Service Address: 777 3RD AVE SW PLANT ENRGY
CARMEL IN 46032 I Charges
Billing Dater Feb 6,2014
Total Amount Due: $3,213.24 Previous Bill Amount $2,771.87
Due Date:` Feb
Payment(s)Received ..$2,771.87
Amount Due after Feb 23,2014: $3,213.24 Balance Carried Forward ............................................$0.00
t Charges This Period $3,213.24
Total Amount Due $3,213.24
Allow 5 business days for mailing
Gas Meter Information
Meter Service Period Number of Meter Readings CCF Pressure
Number Beginning Ending Days Beginning Ending Used Factor
N1171074 1 01-01 02-01 31 82490 Actual 12784 Actual 30294 1.120000
Demand 0 Therm Conversion Factor 1.009000 Total Dekatherms Used 3423.000
Gas Transportation Service Distribution Detail
Throughput Charges. $2,886.58 First 250 Dekatherms at 1.7100 per Dekatherm $427.50
Customer Facilities Charge $200.00 Over 250 Dekatherms at 0.7750 per Dekatherm $2,459.08
Pipeline Safety Adjustment Charge $92.43 0
Universal Service Fund Charge $3.42
Gas Cost Adjustment $30.81
State Sales Tax $0.00
Total Current Charges-Rate Schedule 245 $3,213.24
Bill Message
For questions,call Randy Crutchfield 317-776-5560
Submitted To
FEB 2 4 2014
Clerk Treasurer
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6248 NB1 40205.001-11918-000012681
' Important uectrenEnergy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811or1'800-382'5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions orconcerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service. visit us online at
www.veoinan.oum orcontact ombetween 7 a.m. and 7pm.. Monday through Friday, at 1'800'227-1376, Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery. please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209. Evansville, IN 47702-0209,
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges-Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges- Includes the following three
� r__- -_ costs — delivernatural gas _your home or
Account Number: 02.620504800.5709777 9 wwwxectrem�om' '800
Service Address: 918 S RANGE LINE RD
CARMEL IN 46032 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 7,2014ej0
Total Amount Due: $1,141.44 Previous Bill Amount .............................................$665.07
Due Date: Feb 24,2014 Payment(s)Received $665.07
Amount Due after Feb 24,2014: $1,175.29 _ Balance Carried Forward ............................................$0.00
��1 Vectren Energy Delivery Charges ............$1,141.44
`',��1; Charges This Period
(Includes Late Payment Charges of$20.16) ............$1,141.44
Allow 5 business days for mailing Q Total Amount Due $1,141.44
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1067967 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .....................................1537.644
Service Beginning 01/03/14 1600 Distribution and Service Charges ..........................$303.17
Service Ending 02/04/14 1200 Gas Cost Charge .....................................................$818.11
Number of Days 32 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 800- General Sales Service ......................................$1,121.28
Beginning 28692 Actual
Ending 30054 Actual 400
CCF Used 1362
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0 _ —'
Pressure Factor 1.120000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 20
03/04/2014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 21° 26° NA
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Submitted To
FEB 2 4 2014
Clerk Treasurer
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6248 NB140206.001-11525-000013779
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges—Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges— Includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission.
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. C Energy Charge—Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge—Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
home or business. This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana C Energy Adjustment—Portion of the bill which reflects the
Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments.
G Service Charges—Charges billed each month to recover
Demand—Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading,
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF (100 Cubic Feet)—Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand—Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm—The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor—The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)—Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor—Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier—Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges— Examples of miscellaneous charges
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
Account Number: 02.620167393-5642842 7xom �,07 o
Service Address: 777 3RD AVE SW
CARMEL IN 46032 Charges
Billing Date: Feb 7,2014
Total Amount Due: $587.34 Previous Bill Amount $497.56
Due Date: Feb 24,2014 Payment(s)Received ...............................................$497.56
Amount Due after Feb 24,2014: Balance Carried Forward ............................................$0.00
$587.34 ® '; . ® Vectren Ener Deliver Charges ...............$587.34
❑��-:❑ 9Y Y 9
11�:'A.Y-y Charges This Period ...............................................$587.34
:– 4 h Total Amount Due $587.34
Allow 5 business days for mailing _ ..
Enroll in eBill
Gas Meter Information Gas Usage Comparison Gas Usage Detail
Meter Number N1200675 Gas use in therms Therms Used This Period .......................................751.887
Service Beginning 01106114 800 Distribution and Service Charges ..........................$186.75
Service Ending 02105114 600 _ Gas Cost Charge .....................................................$400.59.
Number of Days 30 Total Gas Charges-
Meter Readings 400 _ _ _ _ _ _�_ _ _ _ _ _ — General Sales Service ........................................$587.34
Beginning 20423 Estimated
Ending 21089 Esiimated 200 – – —
CCF Used 666 '–
Therm Conversion 1.008000 0 – – – —
Pressure Factor 1.120000 Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Next Scheduled Read Date 2014 2013
03104/2014 Average Temperature__>Current Previous Last Year
for This Billing Period 21° 25° 300
Bill Message
Due to extreme weather conditions,we were unable to read some customer meters in January.Your bill may be estimated for this period.We attempt to provide accurate
estimates.Due to the colder than normal weather driving energy usage higher,the estimate may be low.If you have an estimated read,any shortfall in billed usage will be
reflected on your next bill with an actual read posted to your account.We apologize for this inconvenience.
Submitted T®
FEB 2 4 2014
Clerk Treasurer
Remit to:P.O.Box 6248 Indianapolis,IN 46206-6248 NB140206.001-13845-000011746
Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers
Customer Service Number 1-800-227-1376
Call Before You Dig 811 or 1-800-382-5544
Hearing Impaired (Relay Indiana) 1-800-743-3333
Customer Service questions or concerns: To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service, visit us online at
www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-227-1376. Please do not include any
written correspondence with or on your payment stub. If you would like to write to Vectren Energy Delivery, please send
correspondence to P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209.
Natural Gas Service Terms & Definitions Electric Service Terms & Definitions (where applicable)
Distribution and Service Charges—Portion of the bill which Current Electric Charges— Includes the following three
reflects the costs to deliver natural gas to your home or components that are reviewed and approved by the Indiana
business. The customer facilities charge that is billed each Utility Regulatory Commission.
month regardless of consumption is included in this line item. G Energy Charge—Charges billed each month for the
amount of electric consumption during the billing period.
Gas Cost Charge—Portion of the bill which reflects how much This charge includes base commodity and delivery
Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the natural gas used in your charges.
Ihome or business. This cost is passed on to you. The Indiana e Energy-Adjustment— Portion of the bill which reflects the
I Utility Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these market cost of purchasing fuel and electricity as well as
natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments.
Service Charges—Charges billed each month to recover
Demand—Charge for some larger customers based on their various costs the company incurs regardless of
highest usage within a defined period. The billing demand for consumption. This includes metering, meter reading;
gas is stated in therms. operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,
billing, and administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy
CCF(100 Cubic Feet)—Gas consumption is measured by your Delivery.
meter in hundreds of cubic feet.
Demand— Rate for some larger customers are based on their
Therm—The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm highest usage with a defined period. The billing demand for
conversion factor. electric is stated in kilowatts (kW)or kilovolt-arriperes(kVA).
Therm Conversion Factor—The heat content of the gas used kWh (kilowatt hours)—Electric energy consumption is
to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. measured by your meter in kilowatt hours.
Pressure Factor—Factor used to calculate consumption on Multiplier—Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high
meters in which delivery pressure is higher than standard usage meters.
pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used.
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges
Miscellaneous Charges—Examples of miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges, returned
may include but are not limited to deposits, reconnect charges, check charges, etc.
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Purchase Order No.
Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s))
02/06/14 02.06.14 02-621275223-5857760 Energy $3,213.24
02/07/14 02.07.14 02-620504800-5709777 Shapiros Bldg $1,141.44
02/07/14 j 02.07.14 02-620167393-5642842 Energy Center $587.34
1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5-11-10-1.6
PO Box 6248
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6248
Building Operations Account
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
1208 02.06:14 43-490.00 $3,213.24
- bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the
1208 02.07.14 43-490.00 -$1,141.44
materials or services itemized thereon for
1208 I 02.07.14 I 43-490.00 I $587.34 which charge is made were ordered and
received except
Monday, February 24, 2014
Director, Adminstration
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund