HomeMy WebLinkAbout229757 03/10/14 '��,q... �'��'" ���^'� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350929 ,; .;, d �1• ONE CIVIC SQUARE INDIANA DEPT OF REVENUE CHECK AMOUNT: $*;"******0.19* }. ,= CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Po eox�zzs CHECK NUMBER: 229757 .9�,,��,�`� INDIANAPOLIS IN aszo� CHECK DATE: 03/10/14 ��.... DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 101 5023990 F & B-2/14 2 .19 GOLF F & B-FEB 2014 Authociaed �. � � .� . .. .�� F A B—10 3 0 812 . �S� awre ♦ /� 8� I declare i�e il i ofperjury t�t lhis is a tru�orrect and�mpl r m. � , � / /��^ ,� Total Sales of Pood&Beverages(Do Noi Include Tax)_ A. 6 �1 L' Dat Phone ,li � � � � �- Total Exempt Food&Beverage Sales B. . CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIRE GOLF COUR NetTaXab�esales(sUbtra�tt,�nestTornL�ne.4) C. l � Z�p CARMEL UTILITIES - � Taxpayer ID Number For Tax Period TaxDue(1%ofLineC) D.. 1 FEB 2 019 Collection Allowance(.73%of Line D) Do Not Use this Line if the Payment is L.ate �i, 0003120155 004 0 Due on or Before MAR 31 2 014 Net Tax Due(Subtract Line E from Line D) R. � Penalty is Greater of$5 or]0%of Line I'(Plus Interest)* i County/Town Use tliis line only if return is filed late G. I `The 20I4 Annual Interest Rate is 3% � Check if Amended Carmel-29291 Adjustments(An explanation must be attached) g. �„�,�,�,�,��,,,�,�„��,,,,,,��,�„�� � q Total Amount Due(Total Lines P and G plus or minus In_ I. - INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE P.O. BOX 7229 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46207-7229 1�I��I�II����I�III���I���ll���l��l�l��1�11�1����l�ll�l��ll���l D800001135549510],�252929115970228201403 � � �: xs,g`na u�� � ,���� � F A B-1 D 3 0 812 I declare u d r penal ies¢f perjury that this is a true,corzect and comp etum. � Date � �U I�Phone ✓'�� �' (1 � To[al Sales ofFood&Beverages(Do Not Include Tax)_ A. � � �J � Total Exempt Food&Beverage Sales B. CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIRE GOLF COUR CARMEL UTILITIES NetTa�cableSales(SubtractLineBfromLineA) C. � � ?i�Q< Taxpayer ID Number For Tax Period Tax Due(1%of Line C) ll. � q , FEB 2 019 Collection Allowance(.73%of Line D) Do Not Use this Line if the Payment is I.ate Ei, 0003120155 009 0 Due on or Before MAR 31 2 019 Net Tax Due(Subtract Line E from Line D) F. Penalty is Greater of$5 or]0%of Line F(Plus Interest)* � � County/Town Use this line only ifretum is filed late (',, ❑ Cheek if Amended Hamilton-29000 *The2014q�uaunieresixaie;s3i Adj�stments(An explanatioi�must be attached) g, I��I�I�I�I��'���I�I��'I������II�I��II Tota]AmountDue(TotalLinesFandGplusorminusH)_ I. 1 � INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE P•0- BOX 7229 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46207-7229 I�I��I�II����I�III���I���II���I��I�I��I�II�I����I�II�I��II���I 080�001],355495001,02529��015970228201403 � Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Fortn No.201(Rev.7995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOIJCHER CITY OF CARiViEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee � � l�t� Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s) � _ b � . l Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 � � IN SUM OF $ � � �� ���� I� �.�. � l� �4-��o�-- ���'I � - �� ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR �i� �;�d-N� Board Members PO�or INVOICE NO. ACCT#lTITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), � . I or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 ' Signatu Cost distribution ledger classification if Tltle claim paid motor vehicle highway fund