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OS/28/2004 09:03
PAGE 03/03
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Mr. Mark T. Monroe
May 18, 2004
Page 2 of3
5. T AC Review/Drawings submitted for approval:
We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and
be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for
construction until all issues have been resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings
submitted for final approval. This office will require a minimum of four-sets of approved drawings
after all issues have been resolved and the construction drawings have been approved. The drawings
will be stamped approved and signed by the City Engineer. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set
which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Our Construction Manager will receive
one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. Carmel Utilities will receive
one-set. If more than the minimum four-sets are reques~ed to be approved, the additional sets
(maximum total of two additional) must be submitted with the four required sets.
6. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated right of
way and/or dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the
Owner/Developer and the City of Carmel. This Agreement requires Board of Public Works and Safety
7. Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Moley" and should be contacted directly for all water
main and sanitary sewer main locations.
8. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project for sanitary sewer issues.
9. I am including copies of the following with this correspondence:
· Commercial Project Approval Procedures.
· Permit Data, Contacts, etc.
· Commercial Permitting Procedures.
· Current Utility Fee Schedules
I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Commercial Irrigation System Requirements
upon request.
10. The following bonding requirements may apply to this project:
Performance Guarantees
It does not appear Performance and Maintenance Guarantees will be required.
Street CutlRight of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements
Any work in dedicated right of way of 96th Street or Gray Road will require a Right of Way Permit and
a License and Permit Bond. The bond amount will be determined by the number of instances of work
in the right of way (commercial curb cuts, storm sewer work, etc.) @ $2,000.00 per instance. Open
pavement cuts in dedicated streets require approval bv our Board of Public Works and Safetv.
Please contact Fred Glaser, Department of Engineering Right of Way InspectorlManager for details
regarding this issue.
11. Has Lot #2 been platted and recorded? If so, will there be any revisions required?
12. Are there separate drainage calculations for Lot #2? Please provide a copy. Ifnot, we will require
certification that this site was included in the overall CarMax drainage plan and calculations and falls
within the guidelines of the original drainage plan.
13. Please indicate on the drawings where the multi-use path will be installed.
14. The building sewer is extremely long.
15. ALTA text on Page 2 of2 is illegible.
16. Does the existing structure indicated to have the casting changed need to be relocated so that the
casting can be set in the proposed curb line?
17. Please add a depressed curb across the proposed entrance to maintain street drainage. Add a depressed
curb detail to the detail sheets. Show 1-2' of pavement removal and replacement to accommodate the
depressed curb and curb tie-ins on the demolition plan.
18. There are two grease interceptor details. Please remove one of the details.
19. Will the delivery trucks be able to maneuver entering and exiting the proposed entrance?
20. Sheet C2 - Site Layout Plan
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Technical Review and Comment (Form 1)
Project Name: Steak'n Shake at Gray Road
Plan Submittal Date: 05/05/04 Hydrologic Unit Code:
Project Location Description: NW comer of 96th and Gray Roads
Latitude and Longitude: not provided
Civ~~!~~nship: Clay ........... Quarter:
County: Hamilton
~ Project Own~;Name: Steak'n Shak:~ ..........
E Contact: Mr. Mark Monroe with Drewry Simmons Pittsand V omehm LLP
~ Address: 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1200
~ City: Indianapolis State: IN
.~ Phone: 317-580-4848 FAX: 317-580-4855 E-Mail:
~ Plan Preparer Name:
Affiliation: Weihe Engineering
Address: 10505 N. College Avenue
City: Indianapolis
Phone: 317 -846-6611
.. .
Zip: 46240
State: IN
317 -843-0546
Zip: 46280
Review Date: 05/14/04
~ Principal Plan Reviewer: John B. South P.E. CPESC
.~ Agency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District
~ Address: 1108 South 9th Street
; City: Noblesville
5: Phone: 317 -773-2181
Assisted By:
State: IN
Zip: 46060
E-Mail: john-south@iaswcd.org
PLAN IS ADEQITA1'E: A comprehensive plan review has been completed and it has been determined that the
plan satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327 lAC 15-5.
o Please refer to additional information inclnded on the following page(s).
o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of
the NOl A NO! must a/so be sent to the SWCD,
o A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day
review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and
revisions to the plan may be required at that time to address deficiencies.
o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
o Submit Notice ofIntent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours follOWing the submittal of
the NOI. A NO! must a/so be sent to the
o PLAN IS DEFICIENT: Significant deficiencies were identified during the plan review.
o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
o DO NOT file a Notice of Intent for this project.
o DO NOT commence land disturbing activities until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan re-
submitted, and notification has been received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied.
Plan Revisions
Deficient Items should be mailed or delivered to the Principal Plan Reviewer identified
in the Plan Review Section above.
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation
Page 1 of 1
Revised 12/09/03, Form 1