HomeMy WebLinkAbout230172 03/12/14 u,c�AM t� - CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 331060 js ® 'I ONE CIVIC SQUARE WESTFIELD STEEL, INC CHECK AMOUNT: $**.....133.30* �., r CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 7477 SOLUTIONS CENTER CHECK NUMBER: 230172 +,;,.ro�.�� CHICAGO IL 60677-7004 CHECK DATE: 03/12/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4235000 639498 133.30 BUILDING MATERIAL Page: 1 Westfield Location DATE WESTFIELD INC 530 State Road 32 West.Westfield Indiana 46074 800.6 2 2.49 84.317.89 6.5587 fax.317.896.5343 02/28/14 Working for your business. Terre Haute Location INVOICE NO. 3345 Ft.Harrison Road.Terre Haute Indiana 47804 800.804.34 07.812.46 6.35 00 PLEASE REMIT TO: Westfield Steel Inc. fax.812.466.9755 7477 Solution Center f' 0498 Chicago, IL 60677-7004 153852 SOLD TO CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT SHIP TO CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT 2 CIVIC SQUARE ** CPU AFTER 3:30 CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 HAMILTON HAMILTON CUSTOMER P.O. SALESPERSON NO. ORDER NO. SHIPPED VIA TERMS WALK IN 100 5376265 02/28/14 1/2% 10 NET 30 1 ' I 1 DESCRIPTION 1 6 6 '-i--T/-2x 1 X 11 RECT. TUBE 8' 11.2111T 89 44.2-51EA 85.50 4 4 1/2 HR ROUND BAR 10' 12R 27 11.95EA 47.80 NET INVOICE 133.30 TOTS L INVOICE 133.30 CUSTOMER COPY INVOICE PAGE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Conformation of this firm order constitutes an agreement with WESTFIELD STEEL, INC. {thereafter referred to as "Seller") as to price, terms.and conditions specified anti is'uncancefable. 1. ACCEPTANCE-The authority of Seller's salesmen or safes rejsresentatives or agents extends only to the solicitation of orders. All orders placed with seller are subject to acceptance by Seller at its office.the terms and conditions set forth herein shall constituta the,sole ternis aha- conditions of this Agreement.Terms or conditions,whether contained in purchaser's confirmation.purchase or sfrippirffs ieleasi� orjt?s.or else- where.inconsistent with or in addition to the terms and conditions stated herein are objected to by Seller,and purchaser's�"acceptance of deliv- ery of all or any part of the goods shall constitutepurchaser's acceptance of the ter,!rrs and conditions of sale-contained herein. ll prop%afs; negotiations and representations, if any, made prior to the date of Seller's confirmation are merged ins the terms and conditionsstated here rl. 2. QUOTATIONS-All Quotations made by Seller or its agents are subject to change without nonce or prior sale and uniess otherviise agreed, are binding only for imrnediate acceptance. All sales are made subject to strikes, accidents or other causes beyond Seller's control. Seller reserves the right to cancel contracts upon which full specifications have not been given within the time agreed.Special material is not subject_ to cancellation vvi"rh Seller`s written consent. 3. CONFIRMATION ORDERS.-Confirming orders should be marked"Confirmation"-preferably across the face of orders-Confirmation orders not so marked'may be treated as original open orders and duplicated-In such cases. Seller will not he responsible of Ube expense and in-con- VVence Inc reed. 4. TELEPHO—HE ORDERS-Telephone orders are accepted at the risk of the purchaser,and shipments made before the receipt of confer?ration are for the special convenience of the purchaser. 5. CREDIT APPROVAL - Shipments, deliveries, and performance of work shall at all times be subject to the approval of the Seller's Credit Department,The Seller may at any time decline to make any shipment or delivery or perforin any vvork except upon receipt of payment of secu- rity or upon terms and conditions satisfactory to said Department. 6. TERMS-SERVICE CHARGE- Unless otherwise expressly provided. Seller's payment terms are X of 1/-10 days-net 30 days iron?the date of invoice. The Seller reserves the right to charge up to 1 Alper month on the unpaid balance commencing 30 days after the invoice date. 7. TAXES-Any taxes which,under any existing or future lave,Seller may be required to pay or collect with respect to the sale,purchase;deliv- ery, storage: processing, use, consumption or transportation of any of the goods or services covered shall. if not separately shown, be added as separate item to the quoted price, and shall be paid by the purchaser to Seiler on demand.The foregoing shall not apply to an,.,,taxes_, the payment or collection of which by Seller is excused by reason of delivery to Seller of valid tax exemption certificates. 8. DELIVERY - Delivery promises are made in good faith subject, however.to unavoidable delays or conditions beyond Seller's re;;4scr?able control. Promises of delivery on orders are estimated as carefully as possible, and although, Seller does its best to ship v ItNn the tinic Men- boned;Seller cannot guarantee to do so. Late delivery due:to causes as follows,as well as all others beyond Seller's control.,V ill not cancel the order:fire,flood or other catastrophe,strikes,lockouts,or other differences with employees;war,riot,or embargo delays,millconditions,.0ort- ages of transportation, or non-delivery by suppliers;or compliance vvith any Federal or State lave or administrative regulations issuer;pursuant thereto. Prices quotations, shipments, and deliveries are FO.B. Seller's warehouse. Delivered prices are computed by addmn l to Sellers F.O.B. price actual transportations costs from Seller's warehouse to destination. if freight rates are increased or decreased prior to shipment,the deliv- ered price on the. u,rshinped portion of an order or contract so priced vvill be increased or decreased accordingly. 9, WEIGHTS-Variation in check weighing by the purchaser up to 1f is a permissible variation fronn invoiced vvwigNs lo account for differ- ences in kind,type,location,and accuracy of scales and possible errors of the vveighers. 10. TOLERANCES AND VARIATIONS- All goods shall be subject to tolerances and variations consistent vjith usual teade practices regarding dimensions, straightness, section,composition, and mechanical properties and normal variations in surface and internal conditions and quality= and shall also be subject to deviations from tolerances and variations consistent with practical testing and inspection methods. 11. CLAIMS-Claims for shortage or defective material should be made immediately upon receipt of goods.When such an occasion does arise Se':let asps that;wu baser notify Seller irnmediateiy and hold the material for Seller's inspection.The purchaser is not to return tl.e evils?- out Seller's reasonable time,provided it has been properly worked or used.Seller cannot be held responsible for damage„beyond actual replace- ment of, or credit for,the material itself. Duty of immediate inspection of goods shipped shall be that of the purchaser. Failure of purchaser to inspect delivered goods immediately upon receipt thereof shall constitute waiver of purchaser's rights for non-conforn?ance,defects.shortages, or other mateiial variations of the delivery and shall be deemed an acceptance of the goods.Such liability on the pari of Seller trill expire unless a claire has been submitted within two days of delivery.No allowance k�Jll be made to the purchaser for materials or labor involved in tyre move- ment of rejected materials from its plant. 12. WARRANTIE-S-There are no twarranties, express or implied, including that of merchantability,except that all goods shall comorn,to their description,subject, however, to commercial tolerances and variations. Provided. however,a notice of such alleged nor? ronformance rritrst be received by Seller within two days from delivery. 13. LIMITATION-OF LIABILITY- Purchaser's exclusive remedy and Seller's only liability hereunder shard be replacement or repair of such goods, or repayment to purchaser of the purchase price paid by purchaser for such goods,whichever such remedy Seller shall select,and if Seller elects to repay the purchase price of any such goods and so advises purchaser,purchaser must return such goods to Selier 'irrrrnediately. In no ever:t will seller be liable for incidental or consequential damages. 14. APPLICABILITY' All orders placed with Seller shall be subject to these conditions.The authority of Seller's agents is restricted by these conditions. 15. GOVERNING LAW-All terms and provisions of this agreementshall be governed by the laws of the State of Indiana. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Westfield Steel Inc. IN SUM OF $ 7477 Solution Center Chicago, IL 60677-7040 $133.30 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 I 639498 I 42-350.00 I $133.30 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except MAR 10 2014 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 639498 $133.30 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer