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230372 03/26/14
�V,�C,p1jF %�>�_' CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 357616 ,_ d ONE CIVIC SQUARE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS, 9WCK AMOUNT: $****76,467.63* x. so CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 355 W CITY CENTER DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 230372 '.y,�roN. CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 03/26/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1208 4348000 02282014 16,622.97 ELECTRICITY 1208 4350900 02282014 59,844.66 OTHER CONT SERVICES The Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. Invoice 355 West City Center Drive Date Invoice# 2/28/2014 02282014 Bill To City of Carmel Carmel City Council Clerk Treasurer Office One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 k P.O. No. Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount Invoices paid by The Center for the Performing Arts-See attached detail 76,467.63 76,467.63 Total $76,467.63 THE CENTER FOR THE PEFORMING ARTS 1 INVOICES AS OF MARCH 5,2014 FOR FEBRUARY,2014 1 INVOICE DATE INVOICE PAYEE (AMOUNT 1 01/22/14 1 IABUELOS -ON NATL BANK OF INDY 1 29.821 01/30/14 JAMERICAN FLOOR MATS-ON CC 1 89.951 01/22/14 1317 574-0827 624 3 JAT&T 1 538.941 02/07/14 1317 706-0107 8610 IAT&T 81.661 10/24/13 1 1383901 1ARAB 400.001 12/24/13 1 1436311 ARAB I 400.001 01/31/14 JAIN0708232639 AUTOMATED DOORS + 1600.001 01/07/14 1 1 185745231 CINTAS I 1 134.821 01/14/14 1 185774101 1CINTAS 144.011 01/21/14 1 185803261 CINTAS 134.821 01/28/14 1 185832871 CINTAS 179.131 02/04/14 185862811 CINTAS 1 134.821 02/11/14 185891091 1CINTAS 1 1 134.821 02/18/14 1 185919181 1CINTAS 1 134.821 02/06/14 1• 6825943001 1CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES 1 1060.631 11/04/13 1763190-11042013- DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 1 340.001 02/04/14 13590-3717-01-5 1 1DUKE ENERGY 16622.971 01/09/14 213141 ESG SECURITY 1800.001 02/11/14 216711 ESG SECURITY 1 1 1526.251 02/17/14 216891 ESG SECURITY 1 1687.501 02/24/14 217871 1ESG SECURITY 1 1 1691.251 03/03/14 218941 1ESG SECURITY 1 1687.501 12/20/1314097 1GALA SYSTEMS 1 1 5150.001 2/1/20141 1 HYLANT MONTHLY 1 844.341 01/31/14 829601 IJ R CLANCY 1 1 7750.001 12/16/13 31100811 KOORSEN FIRE&SECURITY 1 304.021 01/30/14 25105990 LOWES-ON NATL BANK OF INDY -3.951 01/30/14 101056311 LOWES-ON NATL BANK OF INDY 60.331 01/29/14 1 15931 MARQUIS 12257.861 02/14/14 1 1 16461 MARQUIS 1 12147.561 1/26/20141 126141 ED PENMAN l 525.001 02/02/14 202141 ED PENMAN 1 672.001 02/09/14 209141 1 E PENMAN 1 630.001 02/16/14 1 1 216141 7 E PENMAN 1 1 630.001 02/01/14 1170401 1REAL MECHANICAL 1 1 1925.001 01/31/14 13-0761-1027243 REPUBLIC SERVICES 1 596.271 02/19/14 12991-6 1 1SHERWIN WILLIAMS 1 1 52.991 02/20/14 13132-6 1 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 1 446.851 02/05/14 1 1577691 1VANCO 1 1065.001 02/25/14 1 1582541 1VANCO 834.411 02/17/14 25756551 1WHITESACE HARDWARE 1 14.761 01/31/14 1 25696551 1WHITES ACE HARDWARE 11.481 1 1 76467.631 1 I I I I 11 JOSHUA L ELLIOTT THE NATIONAL CARMEL PERFORMING ARTS FID ; [AI�.APOLIS Account Nurriber.############4601 Page.1 of 2 °t' "': 1<a COUIit 11 L Credit Limit $1,500.00 Call us at. (868)'409`79749 BiIIIng.Cycle 01/26/2014 ,.. Lost or.Stolen•Carcl (866)639=3485 Days In Billing.Cycle 32 r Purchases and Other Charges + .$29:82 Go to�NBofl.com Cash + $0.00 V Credits - $0.00 Wnte us at 107 N PENNSYLVANIA STREET, Payments 50•0b INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46204-3126 'TOTAL ACTIVITY $29.82 4 _ _, �. Traris Date Post Date• Reference NuMlidn Descripti6ri Arnourrt 01/22 01/23• 24493984023200399200086 ABUELOSARMELCARMEC' 29,82 t.✓i t t rj�?i✓, til{��. I(� f "� MANAGE YOUR CARDACCOUNTONLINE.IT'S FREE 1 ITS EASY_I SIMPLY GOT O WWW,EZCARDINFO:COM AND„ENROLL IN OUR ONLINE SERVICE:YOU,CAN REVIEW AC INFORMATION,,TRACK;SPENbiNG,_SET ALERT NOTIFICATIONS, DOWNLOAD FILES,AND MUCH MORE.MANAGING YOURACCOUNT IS FAST'SECURE AND EASY WITH EZCARDINFO. ENROLL TODAY I THE TOTAL FINANCE CHARGE PAID ON YOUR ACCOUNT DURING THE PAST YEAR WAS ;.00. PLEASE DETACH COUPON AND RETURN PAYMENT USING THE ENCLOSED.ENVELOPE•ALLOW UP TO 7 DAYS FOR RECEIPT THE NTL BK INDIANAPOLIS 107 N PENNSYLVANIA STREET THE NAnoHAL ############4601 INDIANAPOLIS IN 462043126 6ANYRO OIANAPOLIS Check box to indicate nam'e/addiess change' on back of thls coupon-AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ENCLOSED I "Memo Statement**No Payment Required 01/26/14 50.00 JOSHUA L ELLIOTT _ MAKE.CHECK-PAYABLE IO: CARMELPERFORMIN ` FID . 355WCITYCENTER DkE MNS R� JEMENTS ��Ii�IJ�I��i��i�I�L,LLI�J CARMEL IN 460323806 x� ' FL I P.O.BOX 61.58. INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206-6158 21 4485 1200. 0007 4601 00000000 00000000 6 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 1013 ARTS AccountNumber 317 674-0827 6243 %..NANCY HAMI.TON Billing Data Jan 22,2014 , - -� 36SCITYCENTER OR M CARMEl,1N46032a=6 Web Site att.CoM long lka a invoice Nowber 317514082701 � EIVr' ZSLE FEB 3 2014 Monthly Statement ��._ &I�s5�1 Dec 23•-Jan 22,2014 -"M abhq to ; Pre Ida Bill t; � . 539 8 L •Total AT&T Savings 690 Payment Ret eived i 21.=Thaifilc Youl{ 539 8t3CR AdJustiments� r 60; ' -, .• . Balance ,00 Monthly Service-Jan 22 thm Fab 21 Chargasfar317 574-0827 Current Charges 539.94 Monthly Charges 5,00 Bus local Galling Unllmited B 45.00 Total Amount Due $538.94 Individual Message Business Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display Amount Due in.Fuil by Feb,14,2014 Caller identification By choosing Bus local Calling Unlimited B, Ypu are saving$77.15 over the cost of thesama services purchased separatefy, Billing Questions?Visit att,com/billing Charges for317 574-1708 Monthly Charges 5,90 Platte and Services 5$5.53 Bnstocai Calling Unlimited B 45.00 1 SD0 48p$p8B Individual Message Business Repair Service: Unlimited Loc'ld Usage 1-8O0-AOG-8088 Calling Name Display For more information on products and services call Caller Identificadoii 1-840.480-80B8 by choosiii0 Bus focal'Calling Unlimited B, AT&T k ong Distance 3,41 you are saving$77,15 over the cost of the Sallie 1.800.48.0.808$ services purclias.ed separately. Total of Current Charges 538.94 Cllarges for 311574-1725 Monthly Charges 5.90 Bus Local Calling Unlimited 13 45.00 individual Message Business Unlimited Local Usage Calling Naine Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are savhtg$77,15 overtire costo(the same services purchased separately. Charges for$17 574.1736 Monthly Charges 5.90 PREVENT 019CONNECT •CARRIER INFO UNIVERSAL,SVC FEE See'News You Can Use'for additional information, Local Services provid4d by AT&T Iliinole,AT&T Indiana,AT&T Michlgen. AT&T Ohio w AT&T Wisconsin based upon the service Olt tmss iycutfdn. , .� i'iah:A On netr�4hly PalAfr Return bottom portion_with your chockin the enclosed envelope, (30 GREEN-Enroll in paperless bnone. -.....,,•�rrn.a:^.t.:.1."".d.3F'°i?xY`�'.t,�.s*.:.,..z k ;T t az; qy`^{� .t„`�,.,`4 iL'4 >.r ti . f 7Z�.•.xYr� -A"x...'�.w.f:�T' "�v.ja=�P�'%"":x�ai�r`.?,-``'°r `"z-.+,¢-�t'l.�t`f�.,.1,r>,..�f�a�{ '41" L.S.;i �aa3•an''� !'r"}en ..-,• A— d IN � �I - - "a�`�=• ,?''"''"y'-t''. G'�ln � s _ .kov... ..�,.---(^t_.� �.'.._,,.•rr.. ^w-. 31aE+^'zd-a-'h'.�['n-•- rz THECENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 2of3 AHTS Accoun(Number 317574.08276243 %NANCYHAMILTON Billing Date Jan 22,2014 355 CITY CENTER OR t&t CARMEl,iN 48032.3808 invoice Numhar 317574082701 40 '. Monthly Service-Continued Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 45.00 Monthly Service-Coullnued. Individual Message Business Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 45,00 Unlimited Local Usage Individual Message Business Calling Name Display Unlimited Local Usage Caller Identilfcatfott Calling Name Display By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited D, Caller Ide0tication you are saving 577.15 over the cost ofthe same By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited 8, services purchased separately, you are saving$77.15 over Via costo€the same services purchased separately. Monthly Charges Charges Charg 844.5898 es 5.S0 Charges for317574-1780 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 45,00 Monthly Charges' 5.90 Individual Message Business Bus Local Calling Unlimited 8 45.09 Unlimited Local Usage Individual Massage Business Calling Name Display Unlimited Local Usage Caller Identification Calling Name Display By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, Caller Identification you are saving$77.15 over the cost of the shine By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, services purchased separately, you are saving$77,15 overtire cost of the same Total Monthly Service 458.10 services purchased separately. Charges for 3175741774 AdditIons and Changes to Service Monthly Charges 5.90 This section of your bill reflects charges and c redits resulting from Bits Local Calling Unlimited B •48.00 accauntactiVfty, Individual Message Business Item Monthly Amount Unlimited Local Usage No. Description Quailtity Rate Billed Calling Name Display Date:Jau23,2014 Caller identification Order Number 89045447182 Effective Jan 1,2014,ycur By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, Bill reflects an increase of you are saving$71,15 over the cost of dhe same $.83 in your Monthly services purchased separately. Service charges,Charges are prorated front Jan 1,2014. Charges for 317574.1862 thru Aa 21,2014 Monthly Charges 590 1, Monthly Service ,44 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 45.00 individual Message Business Local Calls Unlimited Local Usage Calls)Charged to 317 514-1862 Calling Name Display Unflmited Local Usage Plan Summary Caller identification 6 Chills)billed at no charge per call ,06 Total Call Is)Charged to 317 574-1882 .00 By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, Call[sJ Charged to 317 844 5896 you are saving SIMS overthe cost of the same services purchased separately. Unlimited Local Usage Plan Summary 2 Calks)billed at no charge per calf .00 Charges(ar317574-1873 Total Chills)Charged to 317 844.5898 00 Mondtlycharges 5.90 Total Local Calls 00 Surcharges and Other Fees 9-1-1 l;mergency System Billed for the State of Indiana 8.10 Federal Universal Service Fee 14.70 IN Universal service Surcharge 1,50 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 4,96 Telecommunications Relay Service .27 Total Surcharges and Other fees 29.59 7324.007.060986,01.02,0000000 NNNNNNNY 55841.122095 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 3 of 3 ARTS AccounlNrnnber 317574.DB276243 t&t 355 NANCY HAMILTON Billing Date Jan 22,2014 y CENTER DR CARIVI CARMEL,IN 460321806 luvofce Number 3175740827111 AI TE .1f TaxesPREVENT DISCONNECT Federal at 3% _ 13.80 Thank you for hefng a valued customer, Itis important to inform you State at 7% 33.60 thatall charges must be paid each month to keep your account current Total Taxes 47.40 and prevent collection activities. In addition,please he aware that we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST he paid in Total Plans and Services 535.53 order to prevent interruption of basic local service.These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are S536.94, If you don't agree with Ute amount due,you should dispute tit a portion you disagree with before the payment due data. CARRIER INFO Message Regarding Terms&Conditions: AT&T Long Distance,or a company that resells their service, Toviewyour Terms&Conditions for AT&T Long is your long distance and local toll carrier. Distance,access www.attcom/servicepubiications or call AT&T at the toll free number on your hill, UNIVERSAL SVC FEE Invoice Sumuary The Federal Universal Service Fee increased on 1/112014.This fee (as of January 00, 2014) supports telecommunication needs of low-income households,consumers Current Charges living in high-cost areas,schools,libraries and rural hospitals.Your Service charges 3,00 current hill reflects the change.For more Information,please contact Credits and Adjustments .00 an AT&T Service Representative atthe phone number listed on the front Call Charges .00 of your hill. Surcharges and Other Fees ,29 Taxes .12 Total Invoice Summary 3.41 Service charges Monthly Service Charges Type of Service Period Qty 1. BUS CLING 01107-02108 1 3,00 Total Monthly Service Charges 3.00 Total Service Charges 3.00 Surcharges end 2. Federal Regulatory Fee .03 3. Federal universal Service Fee .23 4. IN Universal Service Surcharge .01 5. IN Utility Receipts TaX Recovery .02 Total Surcharges and Other Fees .29 Taxes 6. Federal .00 7. State .12 a. Municipal 00 9. Ron Rome State .00 Total Taxes .12 Total Invoice Charges 3.41 Total AT&T Long Distance 3,41 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 1 of 2 ARTS Account Number 317 706-0107 8610 355 CITY CENTER DR Billing Date Feb 7,2014 CARMEL,IN 46032-3806 I Web Site att.Com Invoice Number 317706010702 MontNy ° Jan 8 - Feb 7, 2014 Previous Bill 81.54 -Total AT&T Savings 77.15 Payment Received 1-21 -Thank You 81.54CR Adjustments .00 Mons NO-10molm- Balance .00 Monthly Service-Feb 7 thru Mar 6 --- ------------- ------------- - Monthly Charges 11.39 Current Charges 81.66 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 45.00 --- --------------------------------- Individual Message Business Total Amount Due $81.66 Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display — ---"--- — --- Caller Identification Amount Due in Full by Feb 28,2014 By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving$77.15 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. e e Total Monthly Service 56.39 Billing Questions]Visit att.com/biding Surcharges and Other Fees Plans and Services 64.54 9-1-1 Emergency System 1-800-321-2000 Billed forthe State of Indiana .90 Federal Universal Service Fee .96 Repair Service: 1-800-246-8464 IN Universal Service Surcharge .17 For more information on products and services call IN Utility Receipt Surcharge .70 1-800-321-2000 Telecommunications Relay Service .03 Total Surcharges and Other Fees 2.76 AT&T Long Distance 17.12 1-800-321-2000 Taxes Federal at 3% 1.70 Total of Current Charges 81.66 State at 7% 3.69 Total Taxes 5.39 Total Plaits and Services 64.54 Message Regarding Terms&Conditions: To view your Terms&Conditions for AT&T Long Distance,access www.att.colm/servicepublications or call AT&T at the toll free number on your bill. Invoice Summary (as of January 22, 2014) Current Charges Service Charges 15,00 Credits and Adjustments .00 RX Call Charges .00 Surcharges and Other Fees 1.53 Taxes .59 •PREVENT DISCONNECT •CARRIER INFO Total Invoice Summary 17.12 See"News You Can Use'for additional information. Local Services provided by AT&T Illinois,AT&T Indiana,AT&T Michigan, AT&T Ohio or AT&T Wisconsin based upon the service address location. Return bottom portion with your check in the enclosed envelope. GO GREEN-Enroll in paperless billing. THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 2 of 2 t' ,�✓� ARTS Account Number 317 706-0107 8610 at 355 CITY CENTER DR Billing Date Feb 7,2014 1 CARMEL,IN 46032-3806 Invoice Number 317706010702 Invoice Billing Continued Service Charges Monthly Service Charges Type of Service Period Qty 1. BUS BOT 250MIN II 1Y 01121-02120 1 15,00 Total Monthly Servi(.Charges 15.00 Total Service Charges . 15.00 Surcharges and Other Fees 2. Federal Regulatory Fee .23 3. Federal Universal Service Fee 1.14 4. IN Universal Service Surcharge .05 5. IN Utility Receipts Tax Recovery All Total Surcharges and Other Fees 1.53 Taxes 6. Federal .00 7. State .59 B, Municipal .00 9. Non Home State .00 Total Taxes .59 Total Invoice Charges 17.12 Total AT&T Long Distance 17.12 � t PREVENT DISCONNECT Thank you for being a valued customer. It is important to inform you that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current and prevent collection activities. In addition,please be aware that we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in order to prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are 581.66. If you don't agree with the amount due,you should dispute the portion you disagree with before the payment due date. CARRIER INFO AT&T Long Distance,or a company that resells their service, is your long distance and local toll carrier. 2696.008.065992.01.01.0000000 YNNNNNNY 65657.132133 JOSHUA L ELLIOTT THE.NATIONAC CARMEL PERFORMING ARTS FD 'M. .' Account Number.####.########4601 Page;1 of 2 ■yj 7.�'cc+oun1: nqu .Creditlimit $1',504.00 Call us at: (866):409.-,R74 9 Billing,Cycle. 41�26/?014 LOSEor Stolen Cafd (866)839=3485 Days:Iii Billing.Cycle 32 Purchases and,Other Charges + $29:$2. Go'to'NB.ofl.Com Cash + $0:00 v Credits $0.00 5::;� 'Wnte us ai 107 N PENNSYLVANIA STREET, Payments x•00 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46204-3128 'TOTAL ACTIVITY $29.82 r .. ROMMIff Trans.Date Posf,Date' RefeFence Niiintier Description Amount=`v" 01/22: 01123 24493984023200399200086 ABUELOS CARMEL CARMEL IN 29,82 L✓i it Sw� C:v`t%� �-ll�7,1�C1`'1 MANAGE.YOUR CARD ACCOUNT ONLINE:IT'S FREE,I ITS EASY 1 SIMPLY GO TO WWW,EZCARDINFO.COM AND,ENROLL'IN OUR ONLINE SERVICE YOU,CAN REVIEW. ACCOUNT INFORMATION'TRAc0l$ ENDING;SET ALERT NOTIFICATIONS, DOWNLOAD FILES;AND MUCH,.MORE.MANAGING YOUR'ACCO,UNT IS FAST;SECURE AND EASY.WITH EZCARDINQO. ENROLL TODAY'i THE TOTAL FINANCE CHARGE PAID ON YOUR ACCOUNT DURING THE PAST YEAR WAS $.00. PLEASE DETACH COUPON AND RETURN PAYMENT.USING THE ENCLOSED.ENVELOPE-ALLOW UP T07 DAYS FOR RECEIPT THE NTL BK INDIANAPOLIS 107.N PENNSYLVANIA STREET n+e NATIONAL ## ######!###4601 INDIANAPOLIS IN 48204-1261 BAINWNDI.ANAPOLIS Check hox to indicate name/eddress change'17 ❑ on back of thls,coupoq AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ENCLOSED' Memo Statement"No Payment Required 01/26/14 50.00 JOSHUA L ELLIOTT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE t0: 355RWCITYCENTERDFD e I: i I II I II 1 CARMEL IN 460323808 NB fl CLOI,�C YMENTS' c P,O.BOX 6158: INDIANAPOLISIN 46206-6158 21 44851200 0007 4601 00000000 /30000000 6 ARAB TERMITE & PEST CONTROL INC. 11 Lf, INDIANAPOLIS (317) 545-1275 GREENWOOD (317) 888-1999 w 4035 NiILLERSVILLE ROAD ANDERSON (765) 642-4208 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 MARION (765) 664-6812 f i d• eoo 51nco'929 www.seeabug"net MUNCIE (765) 282-7600 el anon: INVOICE/ SERVICE TICKET P.O. No: 'L I00 SERVICE-DESCRIPTION CHARGES ONE CENTER GREEN Previous Balance 0.00 C 'RMEL IN 46032 201-PEST CONTROL. 400.00 Phone No: 317-423-6151 JOSH EL IOT 1 Customer No: 2002479 Sales Tax 0.00 Invoice No: 138390 400 00 Total Due Date: 10/24/2013 ii I 3; �= SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS SEE MICAAEL ANDERSON CHECK M NT SECURITY/DOCK SEE SERVICE SCHEDULE EVEN MONTH SERVICE F Name JOSH ELLIOTT 403-6649 Phone No. ; Street{address City/State/Zip My Name/Account No. Material/ Product EPA# Qty % COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS i '. t� , Invoice: 138390 Ii nice: 13839b Invoice: 1388390 Route No, 09 Technician's Name Tiecoura Traore Technician's License Number 2)46"-9 g Time 1n ,0 Time Out �� C.� Date 10/24/2013 Services Completed Satisfactorily(sign below) r Technician's Signature i. !j c4 l Customer's Signature � r A V_ AR,A B TERMITE & PEST CONTROL, INC. INDIANAPOLIS (317) 545-1275 GREENWOOD (317) 888-1999 N ' 4035 MIL=_E.RS1 II LE ROAE? ANDERSON (765) 64274208 iNDIANAPOl_I5, IN 45205 MARION (765) 664-6812 -� www.seeabug.net MUNCIE (765) 282-7600 Yom,,,._-s?a3�o,00 sin cee"i o24 . ocation INVOICE/SERVICE TICKET P 0. No: pAI?Lpt�IUM SERVICE DESCRIPTION CHARGES 'SONE CENTER GREEN Previous Balance 400.00 CARMEL 1N 46032 201-PEST CONTROL 400.00 Phone No: 317-423-6151 JOSH ELI AOT] Customer No: 2002479 Sales Tax 0.00 Invoice No: 143631 800.00 Total Dm:Date: 121267 013 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS SEE MICHAEL ANDERSON CHECK IN AT SECURITY/DOCK Name SEE SERVICE SCHEDULE EVEN MONTH SERNTJCF —' JOSH ELLIOTT 403-6649 Phone Street Addrns ; 4AY NarnelAccount No. Material/Product EPA# city % COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS r J 9 �;. Iris 9 � - r. ;? r Invoice: 143631 Invoice: 143631 Invoice: U143691 Route No. 09 Technician's Name Tiecoura Traore Technician's License Number Time In 11704 Time Out Date 12/2"612013 Services Completed Satisfactorily(sign below) Technician's Signature Customer's Signature k f i -- NVOICE AUTOMHED ORS ACCESS,'INC �� Qusfify Is Automat c" v ww,qu dity.is iutomttic. orrl PLEASE REMIT TO INVOICE�,NUMBER, AIN0708232639, INVOICE DATE 1/31/2014 Automated Doors&Access,Inc., - 6334.E 32nd Court REeTEI.; PO NUMBER lndianapolis,IN 46226 Phone (866)470-8009 �-�'R 201 TOTALrDUE,E �, ;. 3>$1 X600 00 BILL TOY; LOCATION AccouMs Payable _ ThePalladium The Center for the.Performing Ads The.'Palladium Cprmel Carmel,IN 46032 Attn:-Accounts Payable 355 Gdy Center Dave: Contact Josh Elliot(' Carmel, IN 46032 �� (� Phone (317),403.6649 Phonr, (317)',660 3387 Description Approval of quote to furnish and install One(1)LCN 2600 Series Operator to replace existing LCN.Operafor currently Installed;Installed all parts per quote a"See;all attached documentation,for'informalion,`""2MMH see.&&Call 131106=0602 'PALLADIUM-DOQRS.LEAKING AND D 5 's p'v ,. f uyv .ss w.-+,3x' s i ;, i - �.i ^2 _- _* 4 rae-.'L >'h. �- Salesperson 1 Customer Number. S Orde�rADate, _ �Co�mptetioµDatetf ifPayment<Terms u,; Shlp#,jig1Method Ryan F'Kell CTRPERFORMARTS 1/31/2014 1/31%2014: LOCAL:D.ELIVERY Cost Cade Totals EQUIPMENT W'00 MATERIAL •$1,220:00 LABOR $300:00 Sl18CONTRAGTOR ;$0,00 TRAVEL $80.60 Subtotal $1.,600,00. SIlbtotat 51;600-00 Tax Tofaf $1 600 00 { °PAe.1 of 1 Automated Doors&Access,Inc.,6334 E..32nd Court, Indianapolis, IN,46226 Phone (866).470 K99 Fax(317.)47277451 E-mail accou h tin g@qualityis au t6mi tic.com z� *.yQ�{r�M �� 6334 East 32nd Court 1105 Stones Fiver Court AUTED,2: I Indianapolis IN 46226 LaVergne, Tennessee 37086 a aka i ACCESS,IkIc Office: 317.472.7450 Office: 615-471-5366 "Quality is Automatic" Fax: 317.472.7451 Fax: 615-471-5367 Toll Free: 866.470.8089 servicerequest@qualityisautomatic.com www.qualityisautome,tic.com SERV1,CL }V0Pff 0,RBJ=1 ,r / NT(3T AN LT V0;1CT CUSTOMER NO.: P.G.NO.: \V.O.LD.NO TIME IN: `i f s' TIME OUT:7�j(/ ZONE: DATE: /-,Y- LOCATION:.. 13 ADDRESS: ESTIMATE 0 PROPOSAL D PARTS 0 PLANNED MAINTENANCE 0 UNIT NO.: REGULAR,0 EMERGENCY 0 RETURN 0 WARRANTY 0c CITY,ST,ZIP: INTERIORV EXTERIOR C] ENTRANCE C? EXIT 0 CONTACT: SLIDE 0 SWING OTHER O DOOR NO.: BI-PART 0 SINGLEPW PAID DOOR LOCATION: I FULL B. .C1 FIXED SIDELITE 0 INSWING 0 OUTSWING C BRAND: �IMODF .' ---------.----- -------_.._..�------- PROBLEM REPORTED: h DaeI�r ,r Ora vT CLo 5,�1._5 74 q- 0eo SSGC irri:T�. 000,9, 0e,¢Q- SERV-1—CE PERFORMED: _. rkt/ l ode L 05 ADDITIONAL FORMS ATTACHED YES O w NO(a PROPOSAL REQUIRED: D FAX# —_ — QTl'. ADA PART NO. DESCRIPTIO TRUCK OR WAREHOUSE N0. J DOOR&OPERATOR INSPECTION-MAR OR IN COMPLIANCE (�f FOR NOT IN COK4PL!ANC£ (NA)IF NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS ROOF, MEC'HANIC'AL — SFEWS&FORCE SWITCHING ACCESSORIES TRACK&CAP OPENING SPEED ON;OFF SWITCHING TRANSFORMERS W LS&HANGERS CLOS ' 'SPEED PRESENCE SORS DEC S:SIGNAGE — BOTTN4GUIDES TIME DELA_ _ SAFETY BEAMS _ DAILY SA Y CHECK PIVOTS& NGES LATCH AND BACK CH ACTIVATION SENSORS S T GUIDE RAILS,'- ES — � DRIVE BELTS CUSHIONS SAFETY SENSORS'MATS THRESHOLDS OPERATOR 1 GFARBO OPENING CLOSING FORCE WALL.SWITCHES I LOCKS 'INDICATORS__ MOTOR EMERGENCY BREAKOUT CORD&CONNECTIONS I I GLASS i STOPS ADA has completed an inspection of the above noted door.This inspection is intended to assess the doors safety compliance by performing a physical inspection and conducting practical field tests designed to approximate the requirements ofthe current.ANSI'BHMAstandards.Individual manufacturers may has e additional requirements orrecommendaur ns for their equipment.It is strongly recommended that the door remain in compliance of these standards for safe operation.We recommend immediate discontinued door operation if any of the above items are noted•'X-NOT IN COMPLIANCE-within the standards of the inspection. RECOMMENDATIONS TO CUSTOMER: QTY. PARTS REQUIRED: 0 PARTS RECOMMENDED: TECHNICIAN I.D, NO.: TECHNICIAN INITIALS:� J� AWE KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A.CHOICE, THANK YOU FOR CHOOSUNC AUTOIt1ATED DOORS AND ACCESS, INC. WAS THE SERVICE PERFORMED TO YOUR SATISFACTION'? OPTIONAL RESPONSE: YES© NO NV V4/13 CLJSTOMEbK,NATURE PRINT NAME DATE STORE STAMP •_ AUTOMATED DOORS 6334 East 32nd Court 1105 Stones River Court Indianapolis IN 46226 Lavergne, Tennessee 37086 &ACCESS,INC _ Office: 317.472.7450 Office: 615-471-5366 "Quality Is Automatic" Fax: 317.472.7451 Fax: 615-471-5367 0Toll Free: 866.470.8099 servicerequest@quatityisautomatic.com www.qualityisautomatic.com SERVICE WORK G-RDER /NOT AN INVOECE CUSTOMER NO.: P.O.NO.: W.O.I.D.NO.: LOCATION: TIME IN:/30 TIME OUT: ZONE: DATE` ADDRESS: St� 1 ESTIMATE 0 PROPOSAL 0 PARTS 0 PLANNED MAINTENANCE rj UNITNO.: REGULAR a� EMERGENCY 0 RETURN 0 WARRANTY 0 CITY,ST.ZIP: �I✓L!// �-�, J INTERIOR(3 EXTERIOR E ENTRANCE .- E:I� CONTACT: SLIDE 0 SWING OTHER C DOOR NO.: BI-PART 0 SINGLE pMR l� DO9,R LOCAT N• + /! FULL B.O.0 FIXED SIDELITE 0 INSWING 0 OUTSWINt� s" e _tJV L e� ✓AGI'' �I ��M BRAN MOD L: n �� 33c�, PR( .EM REPORTED: SE VII PER ORMED: Y14 ADDITIONAL FORMS ATTACHED: YES O NO❑ PROPOSAL REQUIRED: 0 FAX# QTY. ADA PART NO. DESCRIPTION ' TRUCK OR WAREHOUSE NO. t i • r r DOOR&OPERATOR INSPECTION-MARK Q- FOR IN COMPLIANCE (X)FOR NOT IN COMPLIANCE A)IF NOTAP LICABLE T HIS DOOR MECHANICAL SPEEDS&FORCE SWITCHING ACCESSORIES i TRACK&CAP OPENING SPEED " ON OFF SWITCHING TRANSFORMERS WHEELS&HANGERS CLOSING SPEED PRESENCE SENSORS WA DECALS SIGNAGE BOTTOM GUIDES teTIME DELAYS SAFETY BEAMS IJk DAILY SAFETY CHECK PIVOTS&HINGES ✓ LATCH AND BACK CHECKS ACTIVATION SENSORS MATS GUIDE RAILS. SHOES DRIVE BELTS M CUSHIONS r SAFETY SENSORS MATS A14 THRESHOLDS v OPERATOR GEARBOX OPENING CLOSING FORCE WALL SWITCHESCKS INDICATORS MOTOR EMERGENCY BREAKOUT CORD&CONNECTIONS GLASS STOPS ADA has completed an inspection of the above noted door.This inspection is intended to assess the doors safety compliance by performing a physical inspection and conducting practical field tests desiened to approximate the requirements of the current AN S UBHMA standards.Individual manufacturers may have additional requirements or recommendations for their equipment.It is strongly recommended that the door remain in compliance of these standards for safe operation.Nle recommend immediate discontinued door operation ifany of the above items are noted';X-NOT IN COMPLIANCE"within the sta ards of the inspection. RECOMMENDATIONS TO CUSTOMER: QTY. PARTS REQUIRED: El PARTS RECOMMENDED: 0 TECHNICIAN I.D. NO.: TECHNICIAN INITIALS: WE KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A CHOICE, THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING AUTOMATED DOORS AND ACCESS,INC. WAS THE SERVICE PE 7E'D'O YOUR SATISFACTION? OPTIONAL RESPONSE: YES 0 NO 0 A CUSTOMER SIGNATURE PRINTNAME DATE STORE STAMP ^ . . 11U5 �oneoR1mrCou� O334Em�32ndCou� AUTOMATED DOORS Indianapolis IN 46226 LoVorgno.Tennessee x/uon ACCESS, office: 317.472.7450 Office: 615-471-5366 ^ouao�Is,Avmmaoo' Fax: 317.472.7451 Fax: 615-471-5367 Toll Free: 8OO.470.800S ^ oemioemqumst@qua|ityioautomaVu.00m www.qua|ityisautomaUo.00m CUSTOMER NO.: P.O.NO.: W.O.I.D.NO.: TIME IN: &3C� TIME OUT: 120-0 ZONE: DATE: ADDRESS: I & ESTIMATE El PROPOSAL 0 "ARTS 0 PLANNED MAINTENANCE 13 �I 'O. JW.e6C WARRANTY 011 CONTACT: SLIDE C3 SWING\�__ OTHER(3 60OR NO.: BI-PART El SINGLE�� PAIR C3 BRAND- MODEL PROBLEM REPORTED: -------- ' -- ------------- PROPOSAL REQUIRED: 0 FAX 4 ADDITIONAL FORMS ATTACHED: YESO NO 0 QTY. ADA PART NO. DESCRIPTION TRUCK OR WAREHOUSE NO; DOOR&OPERATOR INSPECTION-MARK(%/)FOR IN COMPLIANCE (X)FOR NOT IN COMPLIANCE—LJNA2 IF NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS DOOR MECHANICAL SPEEDS&FORCE SWITCHING ACCESSORIES TRACK&CAP OPENING SPEED ON.-OFF SWITCH1NG TRANSFORMER(S) WHEELS&HA..NGERS CLOSING SPEED PRESENCE SENSORS gf DECALS SIGNAGE BOTTOM GUIDES — TIME DELAYS SAFETY BEAMS 'WW- _DAJLY SAFETY CHECK PIVOTS&HINGES LATCH AND BACK CHECKS L_ ACTIVATION SENSORS MATS I Vj4- GUIDE RAILS SHOES DRIVE BELTS Alp, CUSHIONS SAFETY SENSORS MATS A)7y THRESHOLDS OPERATOR I GEARBOX— OPENING CLOSING FORCE WALLSWITCHES i�;;;;:71-OCKS INDICATORS MOTOR EMERGENCY BREAKOUT :ONNECTIONS ASS STOPS I ADA has completed an inspection of the above noted door.This inspection is intended to assess the doors safety compliance by performing a physical inspection and conducting practical field tests des igned to approximate the requirements ofthe currentANSLBHMA standards.Individual manufacturers may have additional requirements or recommendations for their equipment.It is strongly recommended that the door remain-in compliance ofthese standards for safe oper.ation.We recommend immediate discontinued door operation ifany ofthe abo%e items are noted"X-NOT IN COMPLIANCE"within the standards ofthe inspection. RECOMMENDATIONS TO CUSTOMER: QTY. PARTS REQUIRED: 0 PARTS RECOMMENDED: Q 1 o C RIG AL INVOICE REMIT TO: C.INTAS.CORPORATION #018 LOCATION,18, SHIP TO: THE CENTER •F T PERFOR. P.:O,BOX 630.803 THE `MALL. .': CINCINNATI, 'OH 45263-0803 33.5 .CITY .CENT 888=924-6827 iNv6ICENO. CARMEL,:IN 46 D•E2M2 018574523 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE SOIL TKT CNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 21 W102000 R 1/07/14 BILLTO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY,CENTER DR Loc ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMERP.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 2/10%14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: JOSH ELLIOTT TAXCOOE 317-660-3373 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 1 LINE SOIL MIN ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY PRICE INVOICE T NO. CNT CNO. .1 BB EMPLOYEENAME N0. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED AMOUNT X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 6 6 8..750 52..50 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 11 11 2.257 24.83 N 33X10..BLACK. MAT OF 84035 6 6 6.699 40:19 N a 4X6;BLACK'MAT OF 84435 2 2 4,.378 8.76 N 5 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 x 19 1 8:547 B.54 N INVOICE TOTAL 134.82 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 9.187 N 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 6.699 N 9 4X6 BliACK MAT UD 4 84435 9 4.378 N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERV CE HOTLENE NUMB R 888-924-6827 OR 888-9CINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CONTACT BErSEr HENlY @ 937-237-376C; HENR B@CINTA�.COM ACCTS. N-Z CONTACT.O ET HEN 4K AT 37-630-3504 WKG@CINrAS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT .MAS ER ARD, VISA, DISCOVER &; AMERI AN EXPRESS TO SERVICE OUR CUSTOMER, BETrER, CIN AS CORP ;LOC 01 ****ACCOUNTS RECEIV LE HAS DW'RE IT TO ATJDRESS ************ go� REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 018574523 TOTAL ORIGINAL INVOICE: REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 SHIP TO THE CEN R R. THE PERFOR P :0 BOX 630803 THE MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CITY E ER DR 888-924-6827 INVOICE NO, CARMEL; IN "46032 D E1M3 018577410 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO, STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE SOIL TKT CUT INVOICEDATE 05293 05293 20 T4102000 R 1/14/14 BILL To: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR Loc ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 2/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: JOSH ELLIOTT TAXCODE 317-660-3373 TAX EXEMPT PAGEIlwol1 LINE SMIN G ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP, ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY AMOUNT E T OIL NO. : I CHG. O BB EMPLOYEE NAME NO, NO. INVENTORY INVOICED PRICE AMOUNT X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 6 6 8.750 52.50 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 .11 11 2.257 24.83 N 3 3X10 BLACK MAT OF 84035 6 6 6.699 40.19 N 4 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 84401 2 1 9.,187 9:`19 N 5 4X6 BLACK.MAT OF 84435 2 2 4:378 8.76 N 6 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 x 15 1 8.547 8;54. N INVOICE!TOTAL 144.01 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 6.699 N 9 4X6 BLACK MAT UD 4 84435 9. 4.378 N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERV CE HOTLENE NUMB 'R 888-924-6827 OR 888-pgINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CONTACT BE SE HEN O 937-237-376Q HENR BQCINTAS.COM ACCTS. N-Z CONTACT G ET HEN AAWK AT 37-630-3;504 WKGQCIN�AS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT MAS ER ARD, SA, D SCOVER & AMERI AN EXPRSS TO SERVICE OUR cuvromER3 BETrER;, CIN ASCORP ;LOC 01 ****ACCOUNTS'RECEIVABLE HAS 9DW RS IT ,TOrALjDRESS ************ REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE ## 018577410 TOTAL ORIGINAL INVOICE REMITTO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 �_ LOCATION .18 S {P.TO, THE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P O .BOX.630803 / THE MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263.-0803 335 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827 INVOICENO. CARMEL, IN 46032 D E2M4 018580326 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE SOIL TKT CNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 21 W102000 R 1/21/14 BILL TO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 2/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: JOSH ELLIOTT TAX CODE . 317-660-3373 TAX EXEMPT PACE 1 LINE SOILMIN C ITEM DESCRIP71ON OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY INVOICE T NO. CNT CHO. O BB EMPLOYEE NAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED PRICE AMOUNT X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 6 6 8.750 52.50 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 11 11 2:257 24.83 N 3 3X10 BLACK MAT OF 8.4035 6 6 6.699 40.19 N 4 4X6 BLACK;MAT OF 84 1.435 2 2 4 3.78 8.76 N 5 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 X ` 547 8.,54 N INVOICE TOTAL 134.82 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 9.187 N 8 3X7.0 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 6.699 N 9 4X6 BLACK MAT UD 4 84435 9 4:378 N i ***NEW CUSTOMER SERVICE HOTLINE NUMB:EPR 888-924-6827 OR 888-9CINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CONTACT BE SE HEN Q 937-237-376d, HENR BOCINTA, .COM ACCTS. N-Z CONTACT GZETqtk`iAWK AT 37-630-3504 WKG@CINrAS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT'MAS ,ER ARD, ,.ISA,.D SCOVER & AMERI EXPRESS TO SERVICE OURiCUSTO ER BET E CIN AS CORP ;LOC _01 ' ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVA3LE HAS DW. RE IT TO AgDRESS k****** Cil ss qo I 1 1 1 I 1 REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 018580326 TOTAL ORIGINAL.INVOICE tCARMEL, REKlITTO; CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 HE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803HE MALLCINCINNATI, OH. 45263-0803 35 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827 wvoiCENO. IN 46032 D E1M1 018583287 CONTRACT NO_ ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE SOIL TKT CNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 20 W102000 R 1/28/14 BILL TO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 . 018 . 51 2 05293 DUE 2/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: JOSH ELLIOTT TAX CODE 317-660-3373 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 1 LINE SOIL MIN C REM DESCRIPTION OR EMP: ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY INVOICE T NO. CNT CHG. p BB EMPLOYEENAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED PRICE AMOUNT % 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM IIF 84401 6 6 8.750 52.50 N 2 . 3X5 SCRAPER MAT IIF 2477 11 11 2.257 24.83 N 3 3X10 BLACK MAT UF. 84035 t 6 6 6.6.99 46.19 N 4 4X6 BLACK,MAT OF 84435 2 2 _ 4.378 8.76 N 5 3X10,BLACK.MAT UD 84035 17 4 6.699 26 80 N -. .: : 6 4K6 BLACK'M d UD 84435 9 1 4 4:378 17.51 N . 7 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 X '15 1 8.547 8.54 N INVOICE;TOTAL 179.13 9 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 9.187 N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERV CERN TLW NUMBER 888-92;4-6827 OR 888-yCINTAS ** ACCTS A=M,CONTACT BE SEEN @ 937 237-3766 HENR ,�CINTAfi COM ACCTS. N-Z CONTACT G ET . AT 37-630-3;504 WKG@CINTAS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT MASTER ,- .ISA; DISCOVER § AMERI EXPRESS TO SERVICE OUR CUSTO ER BETE , CIN AS CORP :LOC 01 ***ACCOUNTS RECEIVA LE HAS DW RE IT TO ADDRESS *******b**** C�l(55goq JLC REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 018583287 TOTAL EI ORIGlNALiNVO10E REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 SHIP TO, THE C ER FOR THE PERFOR. P 0 BOX 630.803 DEE;FI D MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CI,Y CENTER DR 888-924-682.7 INVOICE No. C. IN 46032 D E2M2 018586281 1. CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNTNO. STOPSEQ DEUVERY CODE SOILTKTCNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 21. W102000 R 2/04/14 BILL TO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR LOC ROUTE DAY DUST NO. DEPARTMENT CUSTO MER P.O.NO. "TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 3/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: JOSH ELLIOTT TAX CODE 317-660-3373 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 1 UNE SOIL IN C ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY INVOICE - T NO. CNT CHG, 0 BB EMPLOYEENAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED PRICE AMOUNT - X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 6 6 8.75.0 52.50 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT [JF 2477 11 11 2.257 24.83 N 3 3X10 BLACK MAT OF 84035 6 6 6.699 40.19 IJ 4 4X6 BLACK MAT OF 84435 2 2 4.378 8.75 N 5 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 N 15 1 8.547 8.54 N INVOICE:TOTAL 134.82 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD, 2 84401 2 9.187 N 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 6.699 N 9 4X6 BLACK MAT UD 4 84435 9 4.378 N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERVICE HOTLINE NUMBER 888-924-6827 OR 888-9CINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CONTACT BE SE HENlY @ 937-237-3760,' HENR B@CINTA�.COM ACCTS. N-Z CONTACT G='-HEN K .AT 37-630-3504 WKG@CIN�AS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT MASCERARD- ISA, DISCOVER & AMERI AN EXPRESS TO SERVICE OUR.CUSTO ER BET E CIN AS CORP ;LOC 01 ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE HAS NDW U. IT TO ADDRESS LRETIEWED13Y SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE .# 018586261 TOTAL j c RI NAL INVOICE REMITTO: CINTAS CORPORATION #016, LG(ATION 18 SHIP TO: .THE CENTER" F T E PERFOR P :O BOX 630.803 DEERFIELD MAL QINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CITY-CENT D, . 888=924-6827 INVOICE N0. CARMEL.; IN 4._ 3ti D EIN13. 0185891Q9 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. §TOP SEQ DELNERY CODE SOIL TKT CNT INVOICE DATE - 0529,3_ 05293 20 W102000 R 2/11/14 BILL To: THE PALLADIUM " 335 CITY,_CENTER DR _ Loc ROUTE DAY cU5T NO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO: TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE '3/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: GOSH ELLIOTT TAxc6bE 317-660=3373 TAX EXEMPT PADS 1 LINE: SOIL MIN C 6B ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY PRICE INVOICE T No. CNT CNG.. 0 EMPLOYEENAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED AMOUNT X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUMOF 84401 6 6 8. 750 52:50 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 11 11 2.257 24:83 N 3 3X10 BLACK MAT UE 84035 6 6 6.699 40.19 N 4 4X6 BLACK MAT OF 84435 2 2 4.378 8.76 N 5 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 Y 15 1 8.547 8.54 N INVOICEITOTAL 134.82 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 9.187 N 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 6.699 N l 9 4X6 BLACK MAT UD 4 84435 9 4.378 N 1 ***NEW CUSTOMER SERV CE HOTLrNE NUMBER 888-924-6827 OR 888-BCINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CONTACT BE SE HEN @ 937-237-376d HENR BQCINTA$XOM ACCTS. N-Z CONTACT G ET HEN AT 37-630-5504 WKG@CINrAS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT MAS ER , VI SA, DISCOVER Sq AMERI AN EXPRESS TO SERVICE OUR CUSTMER3 BET E , CIN AS CORP.;LOC 01 ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE HAS W RE IT TO AdDRESS �IISS�( b ' �LC REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE #$ 018589109 TOTAL 1 I RIGINAL INVOICE 4 REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 SHIP TO: THE C kER R THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803 DEE RFIIiLD L CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CI 'Y CE IPER DR 888-924-6827 INVOICE NO. CARMEL' IN X16032 D E2M4 018591918 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEO DELIVERY CODE SOIL TKT CNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 21 W10200D R 2/18/14 BILL TO: THE PA ADIU t 335 CIT_ C ER DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 3/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: JOSH ELLIOTT TAX CODE 317-660-3373 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 1 LINE SOIL MIN C gB ITEM DESCRIPTION OR -EM-PITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY PRICE INVOICE T NO. CNT CHG. O EMPLOYEE NAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED AMOUNT X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 844016 6 8.750 52.50 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 11 11 2.257 24.83 N 3 3X10 BLACK MAT OF 84035 6 6 6.699 40.19 N 4 4X6 BLACK MAT OF 84435 2 2 4.378 8.76 N 5 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 x 15 1 8.547 8.54 N INVOICE!TOTAL 134.82 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 9.187 N 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 6.699 N 9 4X6 BLACK MAT UD 4 84435 9 4.378 N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERVICE HOTLINE NUMBER 888-924-6827 OR 888-9CINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CONTACT BE SE HEN @ 937-237-3760 HENR B@CINTA�.COM ACCTS. N-Z CONTACT G ET HEN K AT 37-630-3,504 H WKG@CIN$'AS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT MAS ER ARD, VISA, DISCOVER 4 AMERI AN EXPRESS TO SERVICE OUR CUSTO ER BET E , CIN AS CORP ;LOC 01 ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVA3LE HAS W RE IT TO ADDRESS *******-**** REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 018591918 TOTAL City of iirel Utilities Account Number 0682594300 P.O. Bdx 109 Carmel, IN, 46082-0109 Amount Due $1,060.63 { �' Due Date 03/05/14' ..V stomer Service www.carmelutilities.co (3117) 571-2442 _ _. `1 FB 1 3 Mon- Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due $1,060.63 1 After Due Date BY: CITY OF CARMEL- PALLADIUM 4y _ 355 W CITY CENTER DR CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46032 G 00 rI v s! i ,e y e 4 � yr- V yC8 e' 0 0 PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (1,129.71) 01/08/14 02/06/14 67265522 686 709 WATER 23 $93.23 SEWER 23 $144.92 Total Location Charges For: 1 CENTER GREEN#D $238.15 01/08/14 02/06/14 67265521 652 678 WATER 26 $100.79 SEWER 26 $156.20 FIRE LINE $64.07 Total Location Charges For: 1 CENTER GREEN#C $321.06 01/08/14 02/06/14 69067102 631 657 WATER 26 $100.79 SEWER 26 $156.20 Total Location Charges For: 1 CENTER GREEN#B $256.99 01/08/14 02/06/14 69101903 579 603 WATER 24 $95.75 SEWER 24 $148.68 Total Location Charges For: 1 CENTER GREEN#A $244.43 0 LL U ° Retain this portion for your records. ELEVATOR OPERATING CERTIFICATE INVOICE CITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT. COMMISION 355 W. CITY CENTER DR. CARMEL IN 46032 1.If Code = An annual test report is due before a permit is issued. 2.If Code = # A 5 year Test report is due before a permit is issued. 3.Over due fees must be paid before a permit is issued. If elevator(s) are not in service please request an "ELEVATOR OUT OF SERVICE AFFIRMATION" form. State No.Code Due Over Due Location Address 113345 $120.00 $ 220.00 ONE CENTER GREEN, CARMEL IN 46032 Reference Number Invoice Date Please submit ENTIRE document with payment 763190-11042013 -1 11/04/2013 Unit(s) 1 Total Due upon receipt of 1 $ 340.00 of $ 340.00 ------------ Owner Id'" 763190 Ref.Num. :763190-11042013 -1 $340 of $ 340.00 Invoice Date 11/04/2013 If Paying by check, include a check made payable to the Department of Homeland security. You can pay all your payments online at TDHS web site-https://zryorae2e.ir,.gov/dfbs/idhsFeesFines/start.do with Visa/Master Card/Discover cards. Use Owner Id on this letter or State Number on the invoice to pull up information when paying the dues online.OR complete the following information and return by mail :Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Fiscal Department, 302 W.Washington St., Rm : E221,Indianapolis, IN 46204 or fax to (317)233-0401. Questions? call(317)232-6427 or E-mail:elevator-invoiceOdhs.in.gov 2,25% convenience fee charged on all credit card payments. Full Name on Credit Card Billing Address: Street City State Zip Code CC type:Visa/Am.Express/Discover/Master Card ONLY (circle one) Acct. Number Exp.Date (mm/yy) CVV2 Number Contact Phone Number Signature By signing, cardmember agrees to the obligations set forth by the Cardmember's Agreement with the issuer. Ref.Num. :763190-11042013 -1 $340 of $ 340.00 Invoice Date, 11/04/2013 DUKE ENERGY - �� Account Number 3590-3717-01-S Cm 03 Feb 27,2014 $ (6,622.97 For more detailed billing information on yourmonlhly bill,check box on right $ $ HelpingHand Contribution Amount Enclosed #35X0 87BL 61CM SW08# (for Customer Assistance) 0000166 01 AV 0.399^AUr0 I P237.646032-38065S -COT•P00166-1 4 [[utill°1oe11��111°�Icr�'li[ttff[f[lerll[I'l6['[I'�°{'°li)�°II�I City Of'Carirtel The Center For The PO Box 1326 Performing Arts Charlotte NC 28201-1326 355 City Center Or Cannel IN 46032-3806 900 00016622974 35903717015 022720147 0001662.2974 PLSASERETURN THE TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT Page 1 of 1 dEt3 f e if A d z a (tt)atC� t alt s z s p", tf� � . .%.qc: S<� la< •.,. �.....'of.Y>.,:... �.:'. k.r,j ^'d «.:.:�.!.:f... •:i:.a:r.\c+'.L x.,,.,o... ....-.,,i�i�"Y: �.��,,1�.. City Of Carmel Duke Energy 1-87T 499=7859 3590-371.7-01-5 The Centel For The For A6count.Servic0s,please contact Perfgrming Arts Jessica Jackman 7253Rd Ave SW Carmel IN 46032 :,.: ;:.::.`"•"%. ,M x d,{ S i Vv c tv A ,. :.r su.)`.C:�.?.E.!t.;:'%.f�ai}rY: •y C' - �i�fdl(;}Z.a�y�:�t7fc5�1j7' PO Box 1326 payments after Feb 05 not included Bill prepared on Feb 05,2014 Charlotte. NC 28201-1326 Last payment received Jan 21 Next meter reading Mar 06,2014 Efec 108124394 Jan 06 Feb 04 29 0 Elec 108124396 Jan 06 Feb 04 29 184,495 On Peak 395,20 $it{rrt~ �o' tir'er�ist.�.. !t•..t;'�.. : �,r..: . �Tlr�eil=.r Tn '� "� u � .,.>; 3�- Usage- 184;495 kWh 395.20 kW Amt Due.-previous Bill $20',327:64 74,40 kVar Payment(s)Received 20,327.64cr Duke Energy-Rate HSNO $16,622,97 Balance Forward 0.00 Current Electric Charges f-1-60--21-9-7 Current Electric Charges 16,622,07 Current Amount Due i6,fi22.97 (,171 `L )Q 1llci-I 4 Val 10 N14 N �CW+ B ❑1 .D - x•T.�r Ave'rnge Cost,. $0.0901 per kWh Feb 2-1,2014 $16,622.97 UKE 41 5 ENERGY. 2326•U]•UU-0000146•UOU1•IXi0b26% - www.duke-energy,eom r S Mwice ESG SECURM, INC. 1/9/2014 LL1 21314 Center for the Performing Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel IN 46032 ry i yA; '' 'r i .3•ic'Y - ":hr*,3-`'r`hcit :.'� - •V 1'„_ �l. t}r4_ }� Ji va Saturday, January 4,2014 1/4/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 1/4/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Due Upon Receipt Total $1,800.0 1060 N. Capitol Ave., Sup.r i7„1:; = In•,Ii ,,.;L,_ I ', [317]261.0833 4 fax[317]261M55' ` 1/9/2014 21314 Center for the Performing Axts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 1 _ 1479001 72/294/4/14 weekiv, . } Q 'Y ` { ` f .� 'rna K `s Fry •i8n L i�d'; >c' `f Sunday,December 29,2013 12/29/201 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 12/29/201 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Monday,December 30,2013 12/30/2013 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:45 pm 9.25 15.00 138.75 12/30/201 One Guard 4:45 pm to 11:30 pm 6.75 15.00 101.25 Tuesday,December 31,2013 12/31/2013 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 12/31/201 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1/1/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 22.50 180.00 1/1/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 22.50 180.00 Thursday,January 2,2014 1/2/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 1/2/2014 One Guard 3:30 prn to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Friday,January 3,2014 1/3/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 11:30 am 4 15.00 60.00 1/3/2014 One Guard 11:30 am to 3:30 pm 4 15.00 60.00 1/3/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Dene Upon Receipt Total 1060 N. Capitol Ave., Suit;'_*•;�10 G u_I;; ;t,Pr c?j IN I= ;tt=�= 1001 j317]261.0833 a faxj317]261.0955 Date qty�a✓fir. • 1 _ Contact (1 f Color _ � r � 1 r rto WN £i �.�` i't.�,, '�3��� .,��.. ` �.�:.`'�•�`"�`U�tr'�Y� °�'k t"+'`�'r tx�+' z,�tf`�t: .� 'r,'= ...` ,.as, $ 11J�, y<. I I � i T" i t I ----- ------ --I ; I rt _- r �s - � Invoice ESG SECURI'T'Y, INC. 2/11/2014 21671 { ,T r `s Center for the Performing.Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 j2lI S Y Z S 1478{01)61/2=7/.8d 14 VITCe-kIY Saturda},February 8, 2014 2/8/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/8/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 12:15 am 8.75 15.00 131.25 Due Upon Receipt Total $1,526.2 1060 N. Capitol Ave., Sujtn Fl;-,,U r ii liana _, IM elii:'!a 1 `[01 e [.317]261.0833 fax[317]261.0955 0 �n� Ice ESC SECURITY INC. 77 2/11/2014 21671 Center for the Performing Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 .147-8006 ?i2-2.18114 %Ve.*,INS R.;� tj{,'✓- 1 P� ;e� z rs.; � t hr� l ''� :'3 y1 1 ,[ 1 `-6 a �� �. iG 1s _� Sunday-, February 2,2014 2/2/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120 .Q0 2/2/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Monday,February 3,2014 2/3/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/3/2014 One Guard 3.30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Tuesday,February 4.2014 2/4/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/4/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Wednesday, February 5,2014 2/5/2014 One Guard 1st Shift Cancelled 0 0.00 0.00 2/5/2014 One Guard 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm 5 15.00 75.00 Thursday,February 6,2014 2/6/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 11:30 am 4 15.00 60.00 2/6/2014 One Guard 11:30 am to 3:30 pm 4 15.00 60.00 2/6/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Friday, February 7,2014 2/7/20141 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/7/201 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Dine Upon Receipt T 1060 N. Capitol Ave., Seine E.,10 'JN 46204-1001 [317]261.0833 fax[317]261.0955 EsG SECURITY Inc. 'Event:- a �d u5 1060 N. Capitol#E210 a Indianapolis, IN, 46204 Location LL14D t u a� pm-x m,Lmi w P 317.261.0833 Data 1./?/ �� Contact 1 Oki Gs �>R 13y� F 317.261.0955 esgsecurity.com Umfform L-W Color CK -«�. �`i.... •.•�'cv--�— hr's_ i' s ....._ 12, 7.36,mn 3, S).() yj 14 ft . 3AV 5 Y o tai 6 7 a '� 6# q �k s 't-5RqO 3o M S o rat 2- 379- 64(o t �v5 9 10 T tF rt e 6A 1 USC Es D 12 13 hj6a� P4L�9 El/ 44 t—Sa T a ��'O�w, 31/:30 LL'14 Cr Z/V ' 61 16 , 6 rzz—,-,�-�tz 17 FP— I 18 19.. LIZ 0' 0 21 �- 22 23 24 25 I .'r•,''.*�ti�il.-ikl6�llili/� � � �./8" Ih117'JLL+'�1.. y'..:�..�:�.'.'�1.-•)a-"� ._. _. __ ' ''^^ 7 ' fl II rJ N_l tl lS.e #-i 1 2/17/2014 I 21689 f 'f �" '!•�,,.+RC2 � �. � � , r Y CC-liter for the Performing tarts 355 'West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 :f'�" "�"'""'"S ? to t t 1�.),�iJJ '� .2w.� 2. r•sl 1478007?-19-2,115/14 ruV.r 2/14/2014 One Guard 7:30 pm to 11:30 pm 4 15.00 60.00 Saturday,February 15,2014 2/15,2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/15/201€ One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Due Upon Receipt Total $1,687.5 1060 N. Capitol /eve., Suiir _.10 [3171261.0833 fax[3171261.0955 Mvcke ESC SECURITY INC. 2/17/2014 21689 Center for the rertorming Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 y 1;, b 147fit�7 - -� t • r .�... :�y� '3 .��.,.m��-..._�.,.--r d'��.�-.._A„_,;, .. n_�.,..,, �e-_smtAb t --' Q `7�S. 1��' Sunda-, February 9,2014 2/9/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/9/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Monday, February 10, 2014 2/10/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3.30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/10/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2/11/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:00 pm 8.5 15.00 127.50 2/11/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 "Alednesday,February 12, 2014 2/12.Q2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 11:30 am 4 15.00 60.00 2/12/2014 One Guard 11:30 am to 4:00 pm 4.5 15.00 67.50 2/12/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 Thursday.February 13, 2014 2/13/2011 One Guard . 7:30 am to 4:00 pm 8.5 15.00 127.50 2/13/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 12:00 am 8 15.00 120.00 Friday, February 14, 2014 2/14/201 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/14/201 One Guard 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm 4 15.00 60.00 Due Upon Receipt Total 1060 N. Capitol Ave., Suie,r.: F2I: 1N, `5'((-l_`r'i.?1 0 [3171261.0833 fax[317]261.0955 L 11 Date 21911q > 514 , --� - • f• r - •, _. (/ - -�r�l.$+ ,," �:r ■I7 7� l � v w q t�'+{I ,q �p• �F� z l.� �i, 'cx�'�` �,,. �y � c,�� '�+. !` � ''4 y �-M _ 1 T �_-s .�._; _•w �s- .��I`rte- '---—- y i ''wry' � a,� , - . � -- - - --- -- -- s u r Z -- f V' Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. ; : . 2!24/2014 21787 Center for the Performing Arts x 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 !l t Y a l4?8006 Vwrzkl� Saturday,February 22, 2014 2/22/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/22/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Due Upon Receipt Total $1,691.2 1060 N. Capitol Ave. Suite t?1'0 • l,idiam .-,Ilii."IN 46204-1001 0 317 261.0833 o fax 261.09 91( p _ _ S [ ] [317] 55 Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. a � �-- j.:: ..� 2/24/2014 21787 Center for the Performing Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 1.475r�Q;t 22114 eekly Sunday,February 16,2014 2/16/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/16/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:45 pm 8.25 15.00 123.75 Monday,February 17, 2014 2/17/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:00 pm 8.5 15.00 127.50 2/17/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 Tuesday, February 18, 2014 2/18/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/18/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Wednesday,February 19, 2014 2/19/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/19/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Thursday, February 20, 2014 2/20/2014 One Guard 7:00 am to 11:30 am 4.5 15.00 67.50 2/20/2014 One Guard 11:30 am to 4:00 pm 4.5 15.00 67.50 2/20/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 Friday, February 21, 2014 2/21/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 2/21/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 I)ue Upon Receipt Total 1060 M Capitol Ave., Sulte -11 hi�lit�tt ipoliS, lR '�I , i9 -1601 Q 13171261.0833 4 f,ix[3 17]261.01355 • ` ESG SECURITY INC. FEvent: A0 Qs1060 N. Capitol#E210 Indianapolis, IN,46204 i�f-�U,��k 0 �-F 317.261.0 55Ii S 'i'- Contact .L�BUrs- t i-TUV � Date �i- z�/,t ,a, r F 317.261.0955 esgsecurity.com Uniform - Color 4 > "Si l(FT ill' S O 17 J; f 2 - f` SuN 3 3q Pff NON 6 9 10 P. W eb 12 13l 's � .0 Dot 1410--- , 6- i Thvrs 16 c2u ►3` 1�1 Z 3 -C � / �/:ro �.. 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Location -_P�nLLM D: i - • • UniformaL 1 i $`�� �"4'=2:}�$�� +�°'Nk<�5 t2": ,�..... -..�.,,- '�A, r�..�-*•.+ -�>f ^ •�"" >Y' ;�,�,c,+-`��~5•"xF��'y �� �„t"K'y. rYStu�r 'jj.•,c r,a Z S..t �, tt .�' �d yy�� ��14��� r�/.s /�/'Q�■ {!� � t/q�yRn�y...�:+ � n + 132'�Y '�J �.e"•�a q`Y,;fi^i1f 5� M $�� 1 ,.�. ��c rr.' 1,�°� �+�th{� ^YiV Z J ... u., •' { F i i j w z. fm I,''.� ll..__- �_`�_, ei. .., � .�•...� _...:n .$-,�-�krR' -. _ "_ >_attv�-�_ mss�" .�'�ii: .�� i i I. r-- _ ..0�,"`a•.,y.�r ,y ^.S'rs=r ., .}"rat's FS -�'`§ ;[t ;;'+l:: }"�}•mac" 14 ,�'*xl' . ,'f'` ;•$ K'? MAP, +s+ar �`'ia- -r }•7`i1`kl+..�.y tet+`=jr`�y#fir F"::// 'Yh=f,f ar ,�y,� i 'J ,�•^!ifl° `n t,��ii"i7 "Y Y .� b�.7�y7�tid 11�4y V V M. S5t J. hx5'sf` -Y��i "' ,5,tyq ..?��••w " '4, o ,(r'g tt t,7' .'a r{ o '� j'a.. ,e 1 -'tom- i S5e t t. ._ �l•.> .&�-.tj:+E�. ., £;ih"�-r;,�.C:wL k,'�a.t''Z. _� ...:�,._ .°�.^_T_�..�. _ u�...e_ -.c_ �_ .ff VR'•� a c•nk.fi-�?��r ,+.!'�w.t'_._.iL+,..'�.. w _ - GALA SYSTEMS Invoice Number: 14097 3185,PREMIERE rue ,page: I Of I St-Hubert QC BY 8Y6 Date: 12/20/2013 cnLn sysrsMs. 450-678-7226 Salesperson; LT.RE1' Regular Invoice FEDERAL: PROP: FEDERAL: Currency:USD USD PROV; P000798 9999 B CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS,THE S KYLE LEMOI 1 355 CITY CENTER DR. D PALLADIUM,THE L CARMEL IN 46032 1 1 CENTER GREEN T UNITED STATES P CARMEL 1N 46032 O O UNITED STATES Fax: 317-660-3374 I , lia.Se,Ord -:} 'acicairs ,1Wi�4tn , -- - Sp�Via ( ! '3 .-:.�._..,,:...�c,A_.y.� ._..:�..>. F...^.-..i3.,'. �,.ti..... COOOQ02847 N ET 30 DAYS :rlaine/Rel k f>nQaBeredtf— J r QtydShrppedr ,1 f K Baclsx0rd�r _,' r 't7mt Pxic�e��` "' "Extended+Pnce , 1 1.000 1.000 0.000 5,150.00000 $,150.00 CI: Item: INS-G Description REGULAR INSPECTION MAINTENANCE U/M: EA Date Shipped: 12/20/2013 REE PROJECT 101-05684 TECHNICIAN: MARC 13TENVENU DATE OF VISIT 17-18 DEC 2013 Z55-10 q. D t'"'}SaI%sTAmounk 5,150.00 Mise Charges 0.00 Freight 0.00 FEDERAL 0,00 PROV Prepaid Amount 0.00 y' w`TOt91 5,150.00 P. INSURANCE CONT-KRAGE -r Pet a - 5 X253 Property : 9026X 7 Gene_ ZU� I 55N35_t ral Liability 13,500 g7,ti°'/.CC,,h+' s 3y,3S 55753-5 vf. ,3% S57.53'E °A) Ci i-Y So(a 25 SSy35-4 Inland Marine 3,782 .��1� Cestrf(; 5o,w3 55253ji . Crime � 2,779 231,y� (Automobile - I 1,271 `ice%-Ctt�{ 018.50 552531 1 Workers Compensation 13,045g f a po? 81,pg $512q- RAftc_fomr: . LCD t 5 3 -1,_ Umbrella 4 6,000 _ !f /n Cel���" Z j ,oa. 5,52 { I?4010 Pn F.y 1,20,&0 552531 55135- 'Ir &O, EPL( 6,392`��` �, �r.Cry 11� y5`s.77 55253- Total 55,795 F06, 0V.V,'2t_/ Disclaimers: The abbreviated outlines.of coverage used throtpress any legal opinion as to the nature of coverage. They are only visuals to a basic understanding of or do they alter any policy conditions. Please read your policy for specific coverages,limitations and All Hylant Group documents are subject to our record retentioq.hylant.com for a complete listing of all document types.and retention periods. J. R. Clancy Phone: 1-315-451-3440 7041 Interstate Island Road Fax: 1-315-451-1766 Syracuse NY 13209 USA Design,Manufacture and Inatallatlon of Theatrical Equipment Vyur — ISO 9001 Certilied "`-ISN~•-- ��'��/ ,Q,t.•r Quallly Manrigomont System Invoice,62960 NVOICE Page: i 1 of 1 -- " --Date:--I 1/31/2014 Project Name: Sold To: Ship To: THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS KYLE LEMOI 355 W CITY CENTER DRIVE THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING CARMEL. IN 46032 ARTS USA 355 W CITY CENTER DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 USA Fax: Email: Customer#11959 PO Number: verbal/Kyle Terms: Net Due 30 Days F.O.B.: JOBSITE Sales Rep: Ordered: Ship Via: Not applicable Packing Slip: 2869 Sales Tax ID: Ship Date: 1/27/2014 Per Service Agreement dated 11/11/13 Sales Order#: 62527 Line Part Number/Description Quantity Unit Price Ext Price 1 000-INSPECTION 1.00 EA 7,750.00000 11 7,750.00 INSPECTION PO Number. verbal/Kyle Warehouse Code: Main Annual inspection Of rigging. Digitally signed by Kyle Lemoi 611 ®55712-0000 DN:cn=Kyle Lemoi,o=The Center for the Performing Arts, _ ou, email=klemoi@thecenterforthep erformingarts.org,c=US Date:2014.02.1908:46:31-05'00' PuvnrentSch€drrlr, PLEASE REMIT T'O: J Total: X7,750.00 Due Date Afnount 1 3/2/2014 7,750.00 U R Clancy, Inc. --_-- ----— NW 6370 mal 7,750.00 P.O.Box 1450 Minneapolis, MN 55485-6370 ARForm:001:00 K INVOICE FIR I% SECURITY 3110081 Date of 12/162013 Gust.older 1'1/14. REMIT TO:Koorsen Fire&Securify N 0,, Work: a. 2719.N Arlington Avenuo Indlanapolis,IN492183322 Invoice Date: 12/17/201'3 Sp#: .2682447 Date 01/11/2014 1 88MOORSEN Include invoice#on check. Due: Cust ID. 01CAR0355JoHa SERVICE,01 / 6 Sold To: Locatlon: CARMEL PERFORMING ARTS li�prlrr CARMEL PERFORMING ARTS 355 W CITY CENTER DRIVE - 3:55 'W CITY CENTER DRIVE- , IN 4.6032 ; Ifp 2 CARMEL, IN 46'0.3:2 01-VANAGS. / 01=3:72114 DECEMBER• RESTAURANT SYS SERVICE Semi=Annual 1.0a ICAP=RESTI-B-S ADVANTAGE. PLAN,BASIC. REST SYS -TANK SEM 244..17: 244.17 1.00 KAP-FE-TI-A ADVANTAGE• PLAN,TEST&INSP FIRE EXTNG ANNUAL 59.:85 59.85 1.00 INSP--RESTI-S. INSPECTION OF RESTAURANT SYS - 1 TANK SEM -A N/C QQ.. 1._.00 INSP RESTPIPE-S TNSPECTION.DISCHARGE' PIPE /ACTUATION LINE _S N/C .00 3.00 BRG500ML. LINK,FUSIBLE,:500* GLQBE MDL ML 10=40.# LOAD P20 N/C 00 1.0.0 BRGTLI LINK,FUSIBLE,TEST LINK. MODELS ML,K,B P1.0 NIC, 00: 4.00 AN77695 CAP,BLOW OFF,REST,RUBBER R-102 ANSUL P50. N/C .00 1.00 BRG45 GASKET;REPLACEMENT: REST ANSUL(181)/AMEREX N/C 00; 1.00 CIKTO09 TAG,INSPECT.ION-KOORSEN SUPPRESSION,WHT P50 4# N/C .00 2:00 BRIZSR.:SEAT.,TAMPEP, ICOORSEN LOGO YEAR 2013 RED. P1000 N/C' 00 1.00CIICT023 COLLAR,SERVICE VERIFICATN SMALL P100 N/C, •00' - 1..00 INSP=FE-A INSPECTION OF FIRE EXTINGUISHER ANNUAL N/C 0:0 1.00 CIICT001 TAG,INSPECTION-KOORSEN *F/E -PAPER YEL P50 NIG .00 1.00' CIKT0.03 TAG,.OSHA-KO:ORSEN PAPER MONTHLY INSPECT-BUFF P50 N/C: 00 TOTAL SALES/S.ERVICES XMP# 0125990804000 3Q4.02: TOTAL 304.02 Pay'onlihe @ www.koorsen.com.. To pay bycredit card,please phone or return to us; Circ1e:V15A MC AMEX Card Number.____- Name on Card Expiration Date_/_ Total Sales Taxable Sales Tax Amount Shipping Charge 304.02 0'.00 0.00 Invoice Total ,— 304.02: 1 t 1 . 1 Lowtxl ITWTSVINo LOBE'S HOME CENTERS, INC. 8002 NORTH SHADELAND AVE. LOBE'S HOME CENTERS, INC. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46250 (317) 578-2200 8002 NORTH SHADELAND AUE. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46250 (317) 578-2200 — SALES#: S0288TH2 1851681 TRANS#: 10105631 01-30-14 EXCHANGE — SALES#:R SO288DM2 1421892 TRANS#: 25105990 01-30-14 298083 PVC.WHT 3/4IN KIT 33.92 2 @ 16.96 — RETURN 26236 — 237168 SCOTCH 3/4INX350IN INDR M 10.98 RET 298083 PUC UHT 3/4IN KIT 33.92- j 40074 3M FIRE BARRIER CP25 SLNT 11.48 2 @ 16.96- BRIG. STORE: 288 DATE:013014 INU:2704SI iSUBTOTAL: 56.38 RET 237168 SCOTCH 3/4INX350IH INDR H 10.98- TAX: 3.95 BRIG. STORE: 288 DATE:013014 INU:27049 INVOICE 27049 TOTAL: 60.33 RET 40074 3M FIRE BARRIER CP25 SLNT 11.48- VISA: 60.33 ORIG. STORE: 288 DATE:013014 INU:27049 ! fC� �'ck INVOICE 28236 SUBTOTAL: 56.38- VISA:XXXXXXXXXXXX4601 AMOUNT:60.33 AUTHCD:641119 SWIPED REFID:1 05650028627 01/30/14 13:14:10 — SALE — CUSTOMER CODE: na 298083 PUC UHT 3/4IN KIT 33.92 2 @ 16.96 237168 SCOTCH 3/4INX350IN INDR M 10.98 STORE: 0288- TERMINAL: 27 40074 3M FIRE BARRIER CP25 SLNT 11.48 7 01/30/14 13:14:38 INVOICE 28237 SUBTOTAL: 56.38 OF ITEMS PURCHASED: 4 EXCLUDES FEES, SERVICES AND SPECIAL ORDER ITEMS INVOICE 26236 SUBTOTAL: 56.38- INVOICE 28237 SUBTOTAL: 56.38 �Il���h�tliI�� �I��� I� ilidl�lljl lllVlilfl�9lV;li��lf li��l ill�I�il�l!)�!i I�I �I�11 SUBTOTAL: 0.00 TAX: .3.95 I THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING LOBE'S. TOTAL: 3.95- SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR RETURN POLICY. VISA: 3.95- STORE MANAGER: TODD BYCZEK UISA:XXXXXXXXXXXY,4601 AMOUNT:56.38 EXCHANGE WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES, GUARANTEED! UISA:XXXXXXXXXXXX4601 AMOUNT:3.95- IF YOU FIND A LOWER PRICE, WE WILL BEAT IT BY 108. KEYED REFID: 01/30/14 13:20:04 SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. ------------------------------------------------ STORE: 0288 TERMINAL: 28 01/30/14 13:20:00 ** * * * * * * 44 OF ITEMS PURCHASED- 4 � YOUR OPINIONS COUNT_! EXCLUDES FEES, SERVICES AND SPECIAL ORDER ITEMS REGISTER FOR A CHANCE TO UIN A $5,000 LODE'S GIFT CARD! �i�I�f�.��I!��I�Ii�O�ll���l���f�l�•.���I�I�I�.II91�I�I�iI������ill�l�I�l�lII'��� * iREGISTRESE PARA TENER LA OPORTUNIDAD DE GANAR UNA TARJETA DE REGALO DE LOBE'S DE $5000! THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING LOBE'S. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR RETURNPOLICY. * REGISTER BY COMPLETING A GUEST SATISFACTION SURVEY STORE MANAGER: TODD BYCZEK WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: tiuw.lowes.cou/suruey Y 0 U R I D # 27049 0288 030 WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES, GUARANTEED! IF YOU FIND A LOWER PRICE, WE WILL BEAT IT BY 10%. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * * OFFICIAL RULES h WINNERS—AT: wim.lowes.com/survey * * YOUR OPINIONS COUNT! * STORE: 0288 TERMINAL: 27 01/30/14 13:14:38 REGISTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A * j $5.000 LOBE'S GIFT CARD! iREGISTRESE PARA TENER LA OPORTUNIOAD DE GANAR UNA Marquis Commercial Solutions, Inc Marquis Commercial Soiutions,Inc Invoice 5905 Osage Drive ;_• "4w. x nVoice No. Carmel,IN 46033 ,c Date„ i 01/29/2014 1593 317-514-9021 dsajdyk@marquiscs.corn ' ��rTFer` LDue Date http://www.marquiscs.com Net 15 02/13/2014 ' The Center of Pefforming Arts 355 W.City Center Dr Carmel,IN 46032 �a'Amo nt Due�`��r�-�;En osetl}�F. $12,257.86 Please detach top portion and return With vour payment ------------------_ >� °�' `d'4 tst)•a"*�P` �.�5."+<�4t�1 l�i�ry�i� �z�`'���'�f:1;'�ACtIV4''�}4'` ',t�'•, �,�YS'J.�y�',�'y ..f��•��"Yt�x�`,�at �,,"'�`�:'-�� _ ion i'i t`t..;�-.. a..5�, •Bi-Weekly Cleaning of The Palladium(113 thru 1/26/14)586 hrs 11,229.50 •Will send invoices via Email 934.88 • 10%Handling Fee for Materials 93.48 9cw 9- 3.v3 o l 5 5 4i`oc- z-10-7 . 3 a ,/b Thank you for the Business. '� y � ot�' alt $!122=57 6 y �` a e E x _:fes Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts Week Ending Date: >1/49/2014E - �,PALLADIUM Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun .µ-- r� a f . E 'P v i y {v T p'.. yp �p 'A Name: Title Rate _ _ _ t ,�1/13/2014i 1/14/201,4 1L,1.5/2014' Q/�1.6/2014��'�1/n1c7/2014 1/,1.8/20/14 ;1/n19/20�14iHours Co Joe S-Daily salary LL�u { 40 $ 1,442.11 Margorito S-Daily $ 27.70 0 $ - IS-Event $ 23.27 i 0 $ - S-Daily O/T $ 41.54 0 $ - S-Event O/T $ 34.91 ( 0 $ - Derek$Sajdyt��j Owner/Supervisor $ 40.60 ( ( ( ( 01 $ - Todd Flalliyard MOwner/Supervisor $ 40.60 ( ( ( 01 $ - Jorge,S�.- t TL-Daily $ 18.98 8.00 { 8.00 8.00 8.00 4.00'1 36.00 $ 683.28 TL-Event $ 18:86 0 $ - TL Daily O/T $ 28.48 0 $ - TL Event Orr $ 28.29 ( 0 $ - LiridaT~`a, S-Daily $ 27.70 ( ( - $ - S-Event $ 23.27 4.00 4 $ 93.08 j IS-Daily Orf $ 41.54 0 $ - {S-Event O/T $ 34.91 i 0 $ ' ITL-Daily $ 18.98 0 $ - TL-Event $ 18.86 01 $ - jTL TL EDvent O $ 28.29 0{ $ - Ttiff_any t ;re:;.-'t ?zP`vr A-Daily $ 15.53 8.00 8 $ 124.24 A-Event $ 17.22 0 $ - Daily O/T $ 23.29 _--------- 01 $ - { Event Orf I $ . 25.83 ( 01 $ - Tniciaki'i._r� A-Daily $ 15.53 1 8.00 1 8 $ 124.24 1A-Event $ 17.22 { 0 $ - Daily Orr $ 23.29 { 0 $ - !Event O/T $ 25.83 0 $ - Oma_ ..; a_ a+:; ., <A-Daily $ 15.53 ( 6.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 ( 29 $ 450.37 IA-Event $ 17.22 0 $ - {Daily O/T $ 23.29 0 $ - Event Orr $ 25.83 0 $ - 'S-Daily $ 27.70 0 $ - TL-Event $ 18.86 ! 0 $ - TL Dail O/T $ 28.48 0 $ - TL Event Off $ 28.29 0 $ - Imeldsc- `A-Daily $ 15.53 0 $ - A-Event $ 17.22 0 $ Daily Orr $ 23.29 { 0 $ - Event O/T $ 25.83 ( 0� $ - M ,,IA-Daily 1 $ 15.53 1 ( 01 $ - C:\Users\jelliott\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OQSDIS1V\Time Sheets Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts A-Event $ 17.22 Daily Orf $ 23.29 0 $ - l Event O/T I $ 25.83 1 1 01 $ _ 0 $ - Graciela !A-Daily $ 15.53 8.00 7.50 8.00 ( 8.00 7.00 j j 38.5 $ 597.91 JA-Event $ 17.22 L4 Daily Orf $ 23.29 0 $ 0 $ - Event Orf $ 25.83 j� fille; A-Daily $ 15.53 U. $. - 0 $ A-Event $ 17.22 0 $ Daily Orf $ 23.29 I I 0 $ E Event Orf $ 25.83 I 0($ -- j rtheresa s - A-Daily $ 15.53 f ( 8.00 1 8 $ 124.24 A-Event $ 17,22 1 Daily Orr $ 23.29 0 $ ;Event Orf $ 25.83 i 1 01 $ t smael A-Daily $ 15.53 8.00 8 $ 124.24 IA-Event $ 17.22 j 0 $ - Daily Orf $ 23.29 0 $ Event Orf $ 25.83 0 I _ Marco . - �?,-A-Daily $ 15.53 8.00,1 6.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 0 $ { fA-Event ! $ 17.22 ( 37 $ 574.61 ! jDaily Orf $ 23.29 j 0 $ - Event O/T $ 25.83 f !a_mi?'f 'Tx '_: '.a ;'TL-Daily $ 18.98 fit-- 0 $ _ {TL-Event $ 18.86 j- I j I 0 $ - TL Daily Orf $ 28.48 j i 0 $ - 0 TL Event Orf $ 28.29 j 0 $ .S-Daily $ 27.70 j 8.00 - 8 $ 221.60 --IS-Event $ 23.27 j 5.00 5 $ 116.35 S-Daily O/T $ 41.54 0 $ - S-Event Orf $ 34.91 - i 0 $ - nna , ,r , A-Daily $ 15.53 1 8.00 8.00 j 7.00 1 23 $ 357.19 IA-Event $ 17.22 Daily Orf $ 23.29 I 0 $ - Event Orf $ 25.83 I I 0 $ � j � Oj $ - g2p -:, � r�A-Daily $ 15.53 A-Event $ 17.22 ' - 8.00 ( 8 $ 124.24 Dail O/T j 5.00 L51$ 8610 Y $ 23.29 j $IEvent O/T $ 25.83 , ( $ - bdon.:I- >fvo A-Daily $ 15.53 j 8.00 1 7.50 1 8.00 8.00 7.00 38.5 $ 597.91 ,A-Event $ 17.22 0 $ Daily O/T $ 23.29 0 $ _ Event Orf1 $ 25.83 1 01 $ k j j j I TOTAL s3.o8 , 0.00 202.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( o.00 it3:04 $h_ 5841ir70 C:\Users\jelliott\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OQSD1S1V\Time Sheets Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts Neek Ending Date:,,.-. -. ' :1/26/2014' s '. E 'PALL�ADIUMj�:� Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun \lame: jitle�J V Rate 1/20%2014 '1'/21/2014° 1/22/2014 1723/2014 .1724720114t 1/25 Cost Joe �S-Daily salary h- - - -�� _ 40 $ 1,442.11 1Aargorito �S-Daily $ 27.70 0 $ _ S-Event $ 23.27 p $ S-Daily O/T $ 41.54 0 $ _ S-Event Orr $ 34.91 p $ _ 7erek Sajdy Owner/Supervisor $ 40.60 I I I I 01 $ - foH,alkyardal Owner/Supervisor $ 40.60 01 $ _ 'Jorge^wSr. . ::TL-Daily $ 18.98 13.50 7.00 8.00 28.50 $ 540.93 TL-Event $ 18.86 I 9s _ TL Daily O/T . $ 28.48 01 $ _ TL Event Orr $ 28.29 , 0 $ _ wind-a�' +`a S-Daily $ 27.70 0 $ - S-Event $ 23.27 7.50 7.5 $ 174.53 f S-Daily O/T $ 41.54 1 0 $ _ Event Orr $ 34.91 p $ _ M-Daily $ 18.98 0 $ _ TL-Event $ 18.86 01-$ _ TL DailI Off $. 28.48 p $ TL Event-O/T , $ 28.29 I 0 $ _ tiffany ,n ,,,•., z.;;H A-Daily $ 15.53 ; 01 $ _ 'A-Event $ 17.22 7.50 7.5 $ 129.15 Daily O/T $ 23.29 01 $ _ Event Off $ 25.83. ( 0 $ _ fjyicia ,,i r;-A-Daily $ 15.53 p $ _ A-Event $ 17.22 ! 1.00 1 $ 17.22 Daily O/T $ 23.29 p $ - EEvent Orr $ 25.83 p $ _ A-Daily $ 15.53 1 7.50 1 7.50 8.00 7.50 7.50 38 $ 590.14 A-Event $ 17.22 01 $ _ jDaily O/T $ 23.29 p $ _ 'Event O/T $ _ 25.83 01.$ _ S-baily $ 27.70 I 0 $ _ TL-Event $ 18.86 0 $ TL Daily O/T $ 28.48 0 $ _ TL Event O/T $ 28.29 p $ _ r re7l.$a .%,W_.s,r r.�,,^A-Daily $ 15.53 p $ _ A-Event $ 17.22 p $ _ Daily 0/1' $ 23.29 01 $ _ Event OFF $ 25.83 0 $ _ L A-Daily $ 15.53 0 $ - C:\Users\jelliott\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OQSD1S1v\(Josh)Time-Sheet-1-26-14 Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts A-Event $ 17.22 j -� p $ - Daily Orr I $ 23.29 01 $ - Event O/T $ 25.83 1 0 $ - 3raciela ~ w A-Daily $ 15.53 8.00 7.50 8.00 8.00 1 8.00 j 39.51 $ 613.44 A-Event $ 17.22 0 $ - Daily Orf $ 23.29 0 $ - Event Orr $ 25.83 , 0 $ - fi A-Daily $ 15.53 0 $ A-Event $ 17.22 ' 0 $ - �Daily Orr $ 23.29 I 0 $ - Event Orf $ 25.83 1 1 0 $ - fjhe_resa ;: 7. « ; :A-Daily I $ 15.53 j j pi $ - A-Event $ 17.22 7.50 7.5 $ 129.15 Daily O/T $ 23.29 0 $ - Event Ort' $ 25.83 1 0 $ - smaell"� A-Daily j $ 15.53 ' 7.00 1 6.50 13.5 $ 209.66 A-Event $ 17.22 0 $ - Daily Orf $ 23.29 0 $ - Event Orf $ 25.83 0 $ - 1Aarco A-Daily $ 15.53 1 8.00 1 7.50 1 8.00 1 8.00 1 7.00 1 1 38.5 $ 597.91 * A-Event $ 17.22 0 $ - Daily Orf $ 23.29 I 0 $ - Event Orr $ 25.83 1 01 $ - Jamie :: t,a::^�'*.: ,TL-Daily $ 18.98 j j 0' $ - TL-Event $ 18.86 1.00 1 $ 18.86 TL Daily Orr $ 28.48 1 0 $ - TL Event Orf $ 28.29 0 $ - S-Daily $ 27.70 j i Z$- - S-Event $ 23.27 p $ . S-Dail Orr $ 41.54 0 $ - S-Event O/T 1 $ 34.91 1 1 1 0 $ - A'nna _. .:,;A-Daily $ 15.53 18.00 j 8.00 ( 1 16' $ 248.48 A-Event $ 17.22 0 $ - Daily Orr $ 23.29 0 $ - Event Orr $ 25.83 j I 0 $ - Denny;..:;a;.f y ''a�"��v A-Daily $ 15.53 0 $ - A-Event $ 17.22 , I 5.00 5 $ 86.10 Daily OR $ 23.29 i t 0 $ - Event Orf 1 $ 25.83 1 0 $ - Atidon $ 15.53 1 8.00 1 7.50 8.00 1 6.50 8.00 1 38 $ 590.14 IA-Event $ 17.22 1 1 0 $ - Daily Orf $ 23.29 0 $ - Event Orf $ 25.83 0 $ - (_ j.. . ' TOTAL 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 j 0.00 I 0.00 555.01 1 -282v",,$:'15;3 8,V8 W: C:\Users\jelliott\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OQSD1S1v\(Josh)Time-Sheet-1-26-14 r Women-awned Business Enterprise(WBE) Excellence in-Distribution HP Products CORPORATE OFFICE ISO 9001:2008 . INVOICE 4220 Saguaro Trail Indianapolis,IN 46268 Certificate Number,2006-005 Phone:317-298-9950 FAX: 317-293-0459 Date.:1/15/2014 Sold To#: CO26229 Ship To#: 3 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIOI THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMI 5905 OSAGE DR ONE CENTER GREEN DR CARMEL, IN 460.33 CARMEL, IN 46032 US Invoice No. Invoice Date Terms Customer Purchase Order No. Sales Representative 11873244 1/15/2014 CC PAID Mike Lewis () Order No. Order Date Ship Via Customer Reference Customer Service Contact S02021066 1/15/2014 IN00 Extension#1300 Notes ****WATCH OUT FOR LADDER IN DOCK AREA"" BACK UP TO OVERHEAD DOOR, SOUND HORN, BACK UP TO DOCK ON WESTSIDE Ordered B/0 Shipped UOM Item No. Description MFG Item# Unit Price Amount 10.00 10.00 BX 106717 Vinyl Indust/MP Grade 106717 3.36000 33.60 PF Glove Medium 100/bx 10bx/cs 10.00 10.00 BX 106716 Vinyl Indust/MP Grade 106716 2.77000 27.70 PF Glove Large 100/bx 10bx/cs 60.00 60.00 EA 111824 3M Scotch Brite Light 07445 1.47000 88.20 Duty Cleaning Pad 6x9 #98 3/20/cs 10.00 10.00 BX 106719 Vinyl Indust/MP Grade 2.77000 27.70 PF Glove XL 100/bx 10bx/cs 1.00 1.00 CS 104519 HP Stainless Steel CP841 59.64000 59.64 Polish/Clnr.Oil Base Aerosol 12/20oz/cs 4.00 1.00 3.00 CS 154105 Ecolab Monostar Ultra 64895513 170.75000 512.25 High Solids Finish 64895513 2/2GL 1.00 1.00 CS 163174 Ecolab Eco Shine Metal 18440 115.11000 115.11 Polish 18440 6/32oz 1.00 1.00 CS 110533 Johnson 3350727 RTD 3350727 63.96000 63.96 #52 Alpha HP MultiSurface Clnr 1.5L 2/cs 1.00 1.00 CS 110502 Johnson 3145310 RTD 3145310 58.76000 58.76 #44 Crew Bath&Scale Pagel THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! HPHj- � Women-owned Business Enterprise"BE) Excellence in Distribution HP Products CORPORATE OFFICE ISO 9001:2008 INVOICE�\�//O I r 4220 Saguaro Trail V Indianapolis,IN 46268 Certificate Number 2006-005 Phone:317-298-9950 FAX: 317-293-0459 Date.:1/15/2014 Sold To#: CO26229 Ship To#: 3 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIOI THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMI 5905 OSAGE DR ONE CENTER GREEN DR CARMEL, IN 46033 CARMEL, IN 46032 US Invoice No. Invoice Date Terms Customer Purchase Order No. Sales Representative 11873244 1/15/2014 CC PAID Mike Lewis () Order No. Order Date Ship Via Customer Reference Customer Service Contact S02021066 1/15/2014 IN00 Extension#1300 Notes ****WATCH OUT FOR LADDER IN DOCK AREA`*** BACK UP TO OVERHEAD DOOR, SOUND HORN, BACK UP TO DOCK ON WESTSIDE Ordered B/O Shipped UOM Item No. Description MFG Item# Unit Price Amount Cleaner 1.51-2/cs 2.00 2.00 CS 111889 3M 7200 Black Stripper 08379 27.97000 55.94 Pad 17" 5/cs 4.00 4.00 CS 111445 3M 5300 Blue Cleaner 08410 29.98000 119.92 Pad 17" 5/cs 1.00 1.00 CS 137278 3M Surface Prep Pad 02590 171.90000 171.90 Maroon 20x14(SPP) 10/cs Backorders UOM Description Remaining Item No. quantity 154105 CS Ecolab Monostar Ultra 1.00 High Solids Finish 64895513 2/2GL !mit to and make checks payable to: Processing Fee: 0.00 HP Products Subtotal: 1,334.68 PO Box 68310 Sales tax: 93.42 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Invoice total: 1,428.10 Amount paid: 1,428.10 Total due: 0.00 Page 2 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Women-owned Business Enterprise,(WBE) Excellence in Distribution HP Products CORPORATE OFFICE ISO 9001:2008 INVOICE4220 Saguaro Indianapolis,IN 46268 Certificate Number 2006-005 Phone:317-298-9950 FAX: 317-293-0459 Date.:1/15/2014 Sold To#: CO26229 Ship To#: 2/COMMODITIES MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIOI THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMI 5905 OSAGE DR ONE CENTER GREEN DR CARMEL, IN 46033 CARMEL, IN 46032 US Invoice No. Invoice Date Terms Customer Purchase Order No. Sales Representative 11873245 1/15/2014 CC PAID Joe Arbuckle Barbara Roberts () Order No. Order Date Ship Via Customer Reference Customer Service Contact S02021220 1/15/2014 IN00 Extension#1300 Notes ****WATCH OUT FOR LADDER IN DOCK AREA**** BACK UP TO OVERHEAD DOOR, SOUND HORN, BACK UP TO DOCK ON WESTSIDE Ordered B/0 Shipped UOM Item No. Description MFG Item# Unit Price Amount 3.00 3.00 CS 114441 KC 17713 Kleenex 17713 50.75000 152.25 Cottonelle 2ply Tissue Wht 60rl/cs 17713 3.00 3.00 CS 136564 KC 01980 Scottfold-M 01980 41.80000 125.40 Towels 9.4x12.4 Wht 25/175/cs 25/cs 1.00 1.00 CS 112133 HP Can Liner 33x39.8 RX-S4460-X 25.04000 25.04 Mil White 150/cs(6/25) 6 rolls/25 liners per roll/ case 22097 117/skid 2.00 2.00 CS 140658 HP Can Liner 37x50 1.3 31.37000 62.74 Mil Black 100/cs flatpack 1.00 1.00 CS 114066 KC 91072 Air Freshener 91072 57.20000 57.20 Ocean 6ea/bx 1.00 1.00 EA 121590 KC 92621 Kimcare Air . 92621 0.00000 0.00 Freshener Dispenser- Black 092621 !mit to and make checks payable to: Processing Fee: 0.00 HP Products Subtotal: 422.63 PO Box 68310 Sales tax: 0.00 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Invoice total: 422.63 Amount paid: 422.63 Total due: 0.00 Page 1 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Marquis Commercial Solutions, Inc Marquis Commercial Solutions,Inc Invoice 5905 Osage Drive Carmel,IN 46033Daten i` Invoice No. 317-514-9021 02/14/2014 1646 dsa d k mar uises.com '� 7 _;� 1 / @ a Terms I Due;Dat y.. http://www,marquiscs.com Net 15 03/01/2014 The Center of Performing Arts 355 W.City Center Dr Carmel,IN 46032 ! Ampunt�D,ue ; _ Enclosed + $12,147.56 Please detach top portion and ictum with porn Payment 471't,P m ty-a14 � y�°G' !i(i µ ¢r '3{ l rn�S `r F `Activi X ? Amount { u r=tYi_�es K. ".,'ss,x. .x5 `r T,t;; w.�.USN."�i, •Bi-Weekly Cleaning of The Palladium(1/27 thru 2/9/14)595 hrs 11,575.64 •Will send HP Invoices Via Email 519.93 • 10%Handling Fee for Materials 51.99 (S o0c -1030 71 55- q0& __ io) ) (Oq1� �L k` Thank you for the Business! T4. iM al ` ' t ` $1�2 7 .ts}4,. };nor:luw,?r.- :•# �x�.,ti1:%3R t Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts ,Week Ending Date: .:21212014' PAL . _........ _ 1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun i Name Title Rate .i 1/27120.jk7..1/28/2014 1/29/2014 x1/3.0/2014:'1/31/2014 2%1/2014 2/2/2014.Hours Cost _ :I IJ�L S-Daily salary 40 $ 1,442.11. Ma:ocitoF S-Daily $ 27.70 0 $ _ S-Event $ 23.27 0 $ S-Daily O/T $ 41.54 0 $ S-Event O/T $ 34.91 I 01 $ _ DereKSajdykJOwner/Supervisor $ 40.60 I 0 $ - JToddjHalKyard �J Owner/Supervisor $ 40.60 I 1 ( 0 $ _ ;lorge;$r:.*;� } s,. TL-Daily $ 18.98 8.00. 8.00 8.00 8:00. 8.00 40.00 $ 759.20 TL-Event I $ 18.86 p $ _ TL DailyOff 1 $ 28.48 p $ _ TL Event O/T $ 28.29 01 $ - Lintlaw ,TMx S-Daily $ 27.70 0 $ S-Event $ 23.27 5.50 7.50 13 $ 302.51 S-Daily Off $ 41.54 p $ _ S-Event Orr $ 34.91 p $ TL-Gail $ 18.98 _ p $ _ TL-Event $ 18.86 p $ _ D TL Daily Orr $ 28.48 t 0 $ _ �- TL Event Orf $ 28.29 - p $ Tiffan _,�,�A�;; A-Daily $ 15.53 _ 0 $ A-Event $ 17.22 7.50 7.5 $ 129.15 Daily Orr $ 23.29 p $ Event 0,(T $ 25.83 p $ _ JTricia�;„ex"a�t`Ay ""'�A-Daily $ 15.530 $ 00 _ A-Event $ 17.22 4. _ 7.50 11.5 $ 198.03 Daily Orr $ 23.29 - p $ _ Event Orr $ 25.83 J p $ - (Oma`�' < ;s y;K,wJA-Daily $ 15.53 8.00 8.00 3.00 8.00 ( 27 $ 419.31 A-Event $ 17.22 _ p $ Daily Orf $ 23.29 0 $ _ Event Orr $ 25.83 p $ _ S-Dailv $ 27.70 0 $ TL-Event $ 18.86 p $ _ TL Daily O/r $ 28.48 p $ TL Event Orr $ 28.29 p $ _ IriieliJa' , ?? 3 A-Daily $ 15.53 1 11 p $ _ A-Event $ 17.22 p $ _ Daily Orr $ 23.29 p $ _ Event Orr $ 25.83 01 .$ _ Mike�z , '^ A-Daily1 $ 15.53 C:\Users\elliott\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OQSDI S1 V\(Josh)Time_Sheet_2_2_14 Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts Week Ending d Date;. PALLADIUM I IMon ITue Wed IThu Fri ISat ISun Name: -Title Rate 2/3%2014 2/4/2014 2/5/2014 2/6/2014 2/712014- 2/8/2014.. :262014 Hours. Cost salary I I j _� 32 $ 1,442.11 IlMargneito ..,�„; � I S-Daily $ 27.70 ; -- - I- S=Event $ 23.27 �j $ -- 0 $ _ S-Daily Orr $ 41.54 I-- I -i� I 0 $ - I S-Event Orr I $ 34.91 I --� I I 0 $ !DerekcSajdy! ;i Owner/Supervisor I_ $ 40.60 . I I ; 01oy -40.607- $ $ 40.60 I ( I i !. { 01 --- JorgeSr r'� TL-Daily I $ 18.98 I--1 8:00, ( 8.0011 8.00 i 124.00 $ 455.52 TL-Event $ 18.86 f ! ! 0 TL Daily O!T $ 28.48 -r i --i i 0I $ = l I ITL Event Orf $ 28.29 11i Il I I I 0 $ ---I Lindau S-Daily I $ 27.70 ___ j I I + I 0 $ S-Event $ 23.27 j I j _1.00 13.00 ( 3.00 171--$ 395.59 I S-Daily Off $ 41.54 S-Event Off I $ 34.91 0 $ TL-Daily $ 18.981 _ TL-Event 1 $ 18.86 _ �_- - 0$_ I_ TL Daily Off j $ 28.48 $ TL Event Orf 1 $ 28.29 1 0 Ls (1 T�iffanl! A Daily $ 15.53 { __-� _ I $ _ A-Event -$-1 7.22 Daily Off $ 23.29 Event Off $ 25:83 j I -01 $ - Tricia ]A-Daily I $ 15.53 II I I 0 $ _ �.. A-Event j $ 17.22 -�_ 1.00 i_ ; 1 $ 17.22 Daily OR $ 23.29 1 0 - Event Orr $ 25.83 I - - _ 0I $ - Omar, =x ?, °SIA-Dail y $ 15.53 j 8:00 8.00 I 8.00 I 8.00 �_ 32 $ 496.96 A-Event $ 17.22 j !_ I j -� 0 $ _ Daily Off $ 23.29 -- I _ 0( $ I Event Off $ 25"83 i 0 $ _ �- S-Dail j $ i 0�$ 17 $ 8TL-Even6 TL Dail Orr $ 28.48 _ 01 $ 1 (TL Event Orr $ 28.29 I 0 $ Lillianr ✓ "kS?sIA-Daily I $ 15.53 8.00 . 8.00 -� 161 l $ 248.48 j I1j-- A-Event I $ 17.22 , 0 $ Daily Orf _ $ 23.29 I 0 _$ _ Event O/TI $ 25.83 ( 1 01 $ - !M`ike � A-Daily I 01 $ - C:\Users\jelliott\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OQSD1S1V\(Josh)Time-Sheet-2-9-14(2) Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center For the Performing Arts A-Event -j $ 17.22 1.00 12.50 { 13.5 $ 232.47 Daily Orf { $ 23.29 �� r i -0 $ - I Event Orf $ 25.83 �- I t 0 $ ,IA-Daily ; $ 15.53 8.00 8.00 8.00 I 8.00 1 i I 32 $ 496.96 A-Event $ 17.221 { I 0 $ IDaily Off $ 23.29 01 $ - Event Orr $ 25.83 0 $ - IR'otandol A-Daily 1$ 15.53 1 0 A-Event $ 17.22 1_ _ 3.00 31 $ 51.66 Daily Orr 1 $ 23.29 0' $ Event Orr 1 $ 25.83 ITheresa ,_r .s,,: A-Daily 1 $ 15.53 1 0 $ A-Event $ 17.22 I i I 0 $ Daily Off $ 23.29 -- t 01 $ - Event O/T { $ 25.83 I - (--- I 01 $ Ismael ;(? klA-Daily $ 15.53 8.00 1 8 $ 124.24 �. A-Event 1 $ 17.22 + 0 $ Daily Orr 1 $ 23.29 1 0 $ _ 1 Event Off I $ 25.83 I 0 $ !Marco ,,, �A-Daily I $ 15.53 8.00 { 8:00 i 8.00 1 8.00 1 32 $ 496.96 A-Event I $ 17.22 1 i I i 0 $ - IDaily Orr 1 $ 23.29 ' --� I i p i $ (Event O/7 $ 25.83 I -� --i i 0 $ Jam_iep�i tr-r-_r 'TL-DailY $ 1898 0 $c�TL-Event ---I .86 1 I 0 $ _ 1 TL Daily Orr $ 28.48 I 0 $ _ TL Event Orr $ 28.29 I -j 0-$ _ S-Dail_ 1 $ 27.70 I I 0 $ _S-Event $ 23.27 0 $ _ S-Daily OST $ 41.54 _ i 1 0 $ - S-Event Off IS 34.91 1 10 $ - Ahnaf 's - A-Daily 1 $ 15.53 { 8.00.1 8.00 1 1 8.00 I 24 $ 372.72 IA-Event 1 $ 17.22 f _21S - Daily Off 1 $ 23.29 -� ) 01 $ 1 Event Orr I $ 25.83 I 1 I )- I I 0 $ Denny,M � IA-Daily $ 15.53 I 1 I I I1 of $ _ IA-Event 1 $ 17.22 �-` � L _ 7.50 7.5 $ 129.15 Daily OIT $ 23.29 �- 0 $ Event Off $ 25.83 I 1 1 0 $ 146doii' 'fit ,MM rr A-Daily $ 15.53 1 8.00 8.00 8.00 1 8.00 1 32 $ 496.96 A-Event $ 17.22 Daily Orr $ 23.29 Event OIT $ 25.83 I 1 0 $ - _ I I I I I_ I I 1I �1`O'fXC 0 00 { 0 00 1 0 00 0.00 57.71 1 698.57 1 69.81 ` --274""$-'5;457-00" 577r C:\Usersyelliott\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OQSDIS1\I\(Josh)Time-Sheet-2-9-14(2) Women7o%4he*dBusiness Enterprise.(WBE) Exceliance in Distribution HP Products CORPORATE OFFICE ISO 9001:2008 INVOICE p� /O I/'�C �y\ 4220 Saguaro Trail Certificate Number 2006-005 I V v G Indianapolis,IN 46268 Phone:317-298-9950 FAX: 317-293-0459 Date.:2/6/2014 Sold To#: CO26229 Ship To#: 2/COMMODITIES MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIO! THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMI 5905 OSAGE DR ONE CENTER GREEN DR CARMEL, IN 46033 CARMEL, IN 46032 US Invoice No. Invoice Date I Terms Customer Purchase Order No. Sales Representative 11893048 2/6/2014 CC PAID Joe Arbuckle Barbara Roberts. Q Order No. Order Date Ship Via Customer Reference Customer Service Contact S02038784 2/4/2014 IN00 Extension#1300 Notes ***.*.WATCH OUT FOR LADDER IN DOCKAREW— BACK UP TO OVERHEAD DOOR, SOUND HORN, BACK UP TO DOCK ON WESTSIDE Ordered B/O Shipped UOM Item No. Description MFG Item# Unit Price Amount 3.00 3.00 CS 136564 KC 01980 Scottfold-M 01980 41.80000 125.40 Towels 9.412.4 Wht 25/175/cs 25/cs emit to and make checks payable to: Processing Fee: 0.00 HP Products Subtotal: 125.40 PO Box 68310 Sales tax: 0.00 Indianapolis,IN 46268 Invoice total: 125.40 Amount paid: 125.40 Total due: 0.00 Page 1 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! ft Women-owned Business Enterprise(WBE) Mp e _t`, � Excellence in Distribution HP Products CORPORATE OFFICE ISO 9001:2008 INVOICE�//O 4220 Saguaro Trail Certificate Number 2006-005 Indianapolis,IN 46268 Phone-317-298-9950 FAX: 317-293-0459 Date.:2/4/2014 Sold To#: CO26229 Ship To#: 2/COMMODITIES MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIOI THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMI 5905 OSAGE DR ONE CENTER GREEN DR CARMEL, IN 46033 CARMEL, IN 46032 US Invoice No. I Invoice Date Terms Customer Purchase Order No. Sales Re resentative 11890157 2/4/2014 CC PAID Joe Arbuckle Barbara Roberts O Order No. I Order Date Shi Via Customer Reference Customer Service Contact S02038784 2/4/2014 INOO Extension#1300 Notes ****WATCH OUT FOR LADDER IN DOCK AREA'*" BACK UP TO OVERHEAD DOOR, SOUND HORN,BACK UP TO DOCK ON WESTSIDE Ordered B/0 Shipped UOM Item No. Description MFG Item# Unit Price Amount 3.00 3.00 CS 114441 KC 17713 Kleenex .17713 50.75000 152.25 Cottonelle 2ply Tissue Wht 60rVcs 17713 4.00 4.00 CS 140658 HP Can Liner 37x50 1.3 31.37000 125.48 Mil Black 100/cs flatpack 1.00 1.00 CS 109460 GOJO 1812 White 1812-04 28.95000 28.95 Coconut Skin Cleanser Gallon 4/cs 1.00 1.00 CS 114066 KC 91072 Air Freshener 91072 57.20000 57.20 Ocean 6ea/bx 1.00 1.00 CS 112193 HP Can Liner 30x36.7 RX-34913-X 30,65000 30.65 Mil Clear 250/cs(10/25) 10 rolls/25 liners per roll /case 22181 Backorders UOM Description Remaining Item No. quantify 136564 CS KC 01980 Scottfold-M 3.00 Towels 9.4x12.4 Wht 25/175/cs 25/cs :mit to and make checks payable to: Processing Fee: 0,00 HP Products Subtotal: 394.53 PO Box 68310 Sales tax: 0.00 Indianapolis,IN 46268 Invoice total: 394,53 Amount paid: 394.53 Total due: 0.00 Page 1 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Ed Penman Painting 5103 St Charles Place DATE: 1.26.14 Carmel, IN 46033 INVOICE# 12614 Phone 317-370-2091 FOR: 1.20-1.26.14 Bill To: The Center for the Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 t: DESCRIPTION �AM,OUNT- Completed work as directed by Dir. of Building Operations Misc. Painting Drywall Repairs Misc Repairs Misc Tasks Hours Worked: 25 x$21 per hour=$525 Manager Signa Date: TOTAL THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! r Ed 'Penman Painting ". 5103 St Charles Place DATE: 2.2.14 Carmel, IN 46033 INVOICE# 20214 Phone 317-370-2091 FOR: 1.27-2.2.14 Bill To: The Center for the Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 tDESCRIPTION; Completed work as directed by Dir. of Building Operations Misc. Painting Drywall Repairs Misc Repairs Misc Tasks Hours Worked: 32 x$21 per hour=$672 Manager Signatttr . Date: TOTAL THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Ed Penman Painting 5103 St Charles Place DATE: 2.9:14 Carmel, IN 46033 INVOICE# 20914 Phone 317-370-2091 FOR: 2.3-2.9.94 Bill To: The Center for the Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 no DESCRIPTIQN' AMOUNT �. Completed work as directed by Dir, of Building Operations Misc. Painting Drywall Repairs Misc Repairs Misc Tasks Hours Worked: 30 x$21 per hour=$630 Manager Signatu e' Date: C, TOTAL $630 l THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Ed Penman Painting 5103 St Charles Place DATE: 2.16.14 Carmel, IN 46033 INVOICE# 21614 Phone 317-370-2091 FOR; 2.10-2.96.94 Bill To: The Center for the Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 DESCR1PT10N Completed work as directed by Dir. of Building Operations Misc. Painting Drywall Repairs Misc Repairs Misc Tasks Hours Worked: 30 x$21 per hour=$630 Manager Signatur Date: TOTAL $630 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! r `2Date:01/14/2014 R , "R, & Invoice#: 117040 W AF D Customer#:3935 M[cMANIcAL COWRACTORS I `1^ Work Order#: 475 Gradle Drive Phone# :(317) 846-9299 JAN 16 2014 Dispatch #: Carmel, IN 46032 Fax#(317) 575-34941 ---- I Job Site#: 3934 Job Site Bill To :The Center For The Performing Arts The Palladium 355 City Center Dr. 1 Center Green Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 P.O. #. Net 30 Days- No Interest JOB#1 Plan C [PP] Contract$ $1,925.00 Service Performed Maintenance #213 February 2014 Monthly Billing ( 12 of 12 ) Per HVAC P.M. Contract- Plan "A" L Thank You for using Real Mechanical Service Department. INVOICE TOTALS Contract $1,925.00 Total Invoice $1,925.00 Terms:The Customer Is Responsible For All Legal And Collection Fees Deemed Necessary To Collect Amount Of This Invoice. Page 1 of 1 rR����R/l a+9YY THE CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS Invoke SERVICES Pagel of 2 832 Langsdale Ave Indlanapolfg,IN.46202.1150 Payments/Adjustments Rate Descfttlon Reference Amount 0'1121 Payment-'thank You 8387 $596..27 Account Number 3-,T,,,-,027243 Current Invoice Charges Invoice Date January 31,2014 The Palladium I Center Green (1-1) CSA V00278 Invoice Number 0761.901926237 Carmel,IN Pf8VIDUS Balance $596.27 PaymentslAdjustments 4598.27 1-Rolloff(30 Yd Comp) Qn Calf Service (S2) Unpa[dBaiance $0.00 Date Description Reference quantity Unit Price. Amount Current.Invoice Charges $590,27 01131 Rantal01/01114-D1/31/14 $541.27 $64127 1-Front Load Recycling(3 Yd) Scheduled Service (86) Cormirtgled Date Description Reference Quantlty Uhit Price Amount n 0131 Recycling Service 02101114-02128114 $55.00 $55,00 596.27 Current Invoice Charges $596.27 Due By: 02/20114 a a CustomePService (317)917-7300 ao 0 0 Effecliva411sl4u12.:SERVICEINTER Ri1PTI N r�� POLICY.CHANGE All accounts Willi a balance over )tea,• 91 fig dayswlll experience a service fntenupgon unless 7 i pricrarrangementsare made, FEB 10 20M a 'nCt N :�; r�,x, �:Q E3 >'{: 1��� •si�Htit w "Q 696.27 0.00 O.QO 0.00 To pay on-line or sign up for convenient auto pay,go to; DA • Visit our website,wwwAlsposaLcom to make your payment electronically wuvw.disposalsom or to sign up for our convenient automatic p6yrne..ntplan. Please see reverse side for terms and conditions Pay This Amount $596.27 y9 Please Return This Portion Account Number 3.0761-1027243 eT OPUO IC Willi Payment Invoice Date January 31,2014 40 SEPWOES 832 Larlgsdale Ave Invoice Number 0761-001926237 Indianapolis,IN 462024150 Payment Due Date February 20,2014 Retum Service Requested 026146-000001.000001-026146 2326828 2240ST03 S 3 0 Make Checks Payable To: THE CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS 355 CITY CENTER Det AkIIiI11114nirel10 11111111111 CARMEL IN 46032-3806 REPUBLIC SERVICES#761 PO BOX 9001099 LOUISVILLE,KY 40290,1099 30761102724"30000001926237000E59627110DQ596278 1.f y - L' ME Store IIZL 831 S RA E '; N1: RD STE 1 4 CARMEL, N::' 6032 2539 -1088 SHERW N-WI{.LIAW, Fax (3 43-1091 W;9I1),she rr,i9n=Niliiams.com ` INDY - CARMEL Store 1122 iGE 12: � l # 2991-6 02/1 831 S RANGE LI14E RD STE 1 (12099CARMEL IN . 4603? 2539 ` VEY (317)843-1088 Order # OE020099701122 Fax (317) 843=1091 CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS I Account XXXX-4633-0 114aar.sher4tin-aiilliams.com ob 1 CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARI i To; CHARGE ��C� b q 12:56pm j � ER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS J[g!3gDe- Tran # 3132-6 02/20%14 CITY CENTER DR �(� SYDNEY099 �—� 11 IEL, IN 46032 3806 a ! CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING RTSa(t 1)281-1900 ala l Account XXXX-4633-0 ]2-68725 GALLON B3]4!]153 Job 1 CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS wrote: i PROCL LTX SG DEEP Bill To: Tax 1.00 C 52.99 4 CENTER FOR THE PERFORMI;IG ARTS ?....can read entire receipt? Calor: Custoo P-22 HC160 CHELSEA OR' 355 CITY CENTER OR i CARMEL, Irl 46032 3806 C_CE*Color Cost ;Z 32 64 128 (317)281,-1900 111 4lhite _ 34 - 6501-75425 5 GAL B3OW2651 B1 Black 2 35 - 1 Ph 200 TFL EXTRA'. R2 Maroon 7 - No Tax 15.00 C 29.79 446.85 Y3 Deep Gold 52 - - Custan Sher Color Fornula Match SUBTOTAL 446.65 i1BTOTAL No Tax SALES TAX:4-154603200 0.00 CHARGE $446.85 o Tax SALES TAX:4-154603200 HARGE $5 Merchandise Received in Good Order by: Merchandise Received in Good Order by JOSH LL if Date. NET PAYPENT CUE ON NAR. 20th j D ( Centralized Invoice ) NET PAYNENT DUE.ON NAP. 20th STORE HOURS ( Centralized Invoice ) SJNCAY 10:00 All - 6:00 PH STORE HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 AM - 6:00 PH SUNDAY 10:00 AM - 6:00 PH SATURDAY 8:00 AN - 5:00 PH MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 AN - 8:00 PM SATURDAY 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM -------- Thank You ------- -- receipt required for refund Thank You - -----receipt required for refund �lsi32 (' x12099/316-02-20 2014* fnstocer Cony !I11111'1?fll!l�Ilft{'►llilf G11�1{r1f31'{I1±If Ill,�l.11 �ll1�14 *12099/29916 02-11-2014* Custooer Capt VAMCO. 8435 Georgetown Road, Suite 600,Indianapolis,IN 46268 '9S ti2IQ(1��5�'s iV � �Zf - 3lp•�'t? 'r"E 'A•1" �� t 317-870-7888 800-878-3777 Fax 317-870-7887 Invoice Date: 2/5/2014 FEB rl 2014 ! Invoice No.: 157769 ' Biu to. The Center for the Performing-"Ar-ts•-=---.._.�__s�er_v.i_ce at: The Center for the Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive 355 City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 Customer ID: 8448 Description: Work Order 124590 Various-Refrigeration Terms: Net 30 Das PO Number: .Item Description Quantity Unit Price Amoun Labor 1/16/2013 Planned Maintenance 1.00 $1,065.00 $1,065.00 Labor Subtotal $1,065.00 Parts Parts Subtotal $0.00 :�- IeLl- /0 //7'� Subtotal: $1,065.00 Sales Tax: $0.00. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT VANCORR.COM Payments: $0.00 Total Due: $1,065.00 Accounts not paid by the due date are subject to a finance charge of 1 11/2%per month. All parts returns require a return goods authorization.Stock parts may be returned within 15 days with no restocking fee provided they are unused.Non-stock parts carry 20%restocking fee. No return on electronic parts.Call us immediately in case of shipping damage.Save items and shipping carton. N�IANA cnv o ® ® CFEEW Scftool Nu4lYen Azzoclotion �n iol pooA fyvlpm n[S![I'ic[Af la[la[�an C1P_ ' . . Service ` icket Orden#. �. r_ EST -MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO.. -. Customer r, f ;? Date Address _ i / Phone City ` /�' St. - f Zip Contact VANCO Experts in foodservice equipment repair Bill to V Contact Phone 8435 Georgetown Road,Suite 600 Address Estimate Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-870-7888 Fax:317-870-7887 Manufacturer Model Serial# Voltage Phase Amps Complaint Type10 30 L1 t2 0 q ❑Warranty ❑Contract ❑ Normal Service o. . o s /%`�5//,✓ C U jre t�fc-_s ?`r�:�lf�v' �!` +b"i/ > k•• ® . o . - •-e Total Material 15 Sales Tax Total Labor Service Call Travel Time Mileage Freight Total Due Accounts not paid by the due date are subject to a finance_:charge of 1 1/2% per month Total Material vin The undersigned has the authority(o order the above labor ands aterial on behalf of the purchaser.The labor and materials described above have been completely and satisfactorily performed.The materials shall remain the property of Vanco R&R Service until payment is received in full. ® INDIANA tS `� 0 .) AA 4, Authorized ,o ���� `SINCE 1971 /se o4,N,WUonAssoelaUon asd qi•,nzn 5eivi zA� 6o it 8435 Georgetown Road, Suite 600,Indianapolis, IN 46268 Expei-ts Z? ood set--vic' Gquii.pro'YIemt F epa .f'.;`;.;',+-si �317�0-Z 8 800-878-3777 Fax 317-870-7887 _ $..�� Invoice Date: 2/25/2014 Invoice No.: 158254 Bill to: The Center for the.Performing Arts Service at: The Center for the Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive 355 City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 p_ Carmel, IN 46032 Customer ID: 8448 Description: Work Gfder 125310 Dishmachine AVENGER LT Terms: Net 30 Das PO Number: Item Description Quantity Unit Price Amoun Labor 1/16/2014. Bob 0.75 $86.00 $64.50 2/3/2014 Bob 1.00 $86.00 $86.00 2/3/2014 Adam 1.00 $60.00 $60.00 Parts Labor Subtotal $210 .50 6401-003-80-83 Timer Kit 1.00 $595.94 $595.94 Parts Subtotal $595.94 Miscellaneous Labor Discount 2.75 -$5.00 -$13.75 Miscellaneous Subtotal -$13.75 Subtotal: $792.69 Sales Tax: $41.72' VISIT US ON THE WEB AT Vi4RICORR.COi1� Payments: $0.00 Total Due: $834.41 Accounts not paid by the due date are subject to a finance charge of ' 11/2% per month. All parts returns require a return goods authorization.Stock parts may be returned within 15 days with no restocking fee provided they are unused.Non-stock parts carry 20%restocking fee. No return*on electronic parts.Call us immediately in case of shipping damage.Save items and shipping carton. ' INDIANA IST SCM1ooI NuWLLon Aswclallon carvnemeiFwe EGWcm.ni soevia AswNaibn Service Tucket Order # >151.716 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Date t F �J/ cr TT__ Phone Y - St. zip Contact 1 Experts in faodservice equipment repair Contact Phone B01'10� 8435 Georgetown Road,Suite 600 Estimate Indianapolis, IN 46268 Address 317-870-7888 Fax:317-870-7887 Manufacturer Model Serial# Voltage Phase Amps .—&C4-1�e h 19 Lypi1g;rz a-2^161? 2 7 - Complaint Type 30 L1 L2 L3 ❑Warranty ❑Contract ❑ Normal Service i 5° e alo � 'Ar- J;`E f G` Z`"w is C 7Y ,r ybi o t 7 J T • a • -• ` ®- • • • - .-• Total Material Sales Tax Total Labor Service Call Travel Time Mileage Freight Total Due Accounts not paid by the due date are subject to a finance charge of 1 1h% per month Total Material he undersigned has the authorily to order the above lab rand material on behalf of the purchaser.The labor and materials described above have een completely and satisfactoril p ormad.The ma ri s sha11 main the property of Vanco R&R Service until payment is received in full. wthorized Signature 1 SINCE 1971 Setfool Nu4ili��AS5OC1'dton Cc .:::f/oeG EV-OMrn15ervi:r Arroriel:cn Ail Whit in�v �a ite 8ACA.-rHardware Thanks for shopping our friendly ,tcirE o ry'iwrrl -ch-wry,9164v Wh i te ' IcD �%c e 11ardivare- Thanks far shopping . H4 sur friendly store. a r im e L 73- S Rangeline Rd Ace Hardware . [N 116032 carme L 317-846-2111 731 S Rangeline Rd CARMEL PERFOR.M::NG ARTS Foijtjo)01011 C-irmel. IN 46032 L (ACCOUNT # 317-846-2311 'ry EXT ITEM 0 SALE/REC 1. 0 4--2.49 PERFORMING ARTS FOUNDATIONJ/JG�11( 16067 1190607 EACH EMPTY PAINT Cl',t QT QTY SALE/REG EXT -I— 07000z 2.00 1.38 14.76 1714971698 1.00 8.515 8.99 9 EACH 1394915 PK/6 ONE PAINT 9.8XSIWH PNTR CHOICi7 CVR. 3/8" 611K 14 76 SUBIOTAL 4, 11.48 TAX 0.00 'FAX 1; 0.00 I-, CTAL 1; .48 . . _&H A i FG 1-4 -7-6-1 —iT CHARGE '181 E TO Ply THE ABOVC TOTAL ACCORDING TO STEP. TERMS Aul) CONDITIONS I AGREE TO PAY THE AB0,11: TOTAL-ACC)RDING TO THE POSTED "ERNS AND CONDITIONS .- x�F /e 'URE -::0 PINMAN SIGNATURE E 1) ['1 N VIA 14 'EE TERM INvil TIME DATE 15 WIA 2575655 01:02 17-Feb-714EMPLOYETIME. DATE E r 1:R1.1 -Jan-14 88809 'IS -12=22- 31 Your receipt guarantees Y0uP no-hassle-return. )our receipt guarantees VoUr 110-hassLe-retUr'n, We're your source for SPfirig, Summer. Winter and Fall forI&B,re your, ,.,ou-,,(! for v.1t your hardware needs Sppilg, SurniTler, tflater, and 1'aLl for ;:ILL your hardware needs. Nv I C E �� II�01� 4���� .� 160 lam VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. - ' ALLOWED 20 - The Center for the Performing Arts, Inc _. IN SUM OF $ 355 W. City Center Drive Carmef; IN 46032 $76,467.63 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Building Operations Account PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or.- bills) is (are)true and correct and that the 1208 02282014 -480.00 $16,622.97 materials or services itemized thereon for 1208 I 02282014 I -509.00 I $59,844.66 which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, March 24, 2014 Director, Adminstra on Title Cost distribution ledger classification-if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 02/28/14 02282014 $16,622.97 02/28/14 02282014 $59,844.66 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer