HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes TAC 02-21-01
Carmel/Clay Technical Advisory Committee Minutes
February 21, 2001
9:00 a.m.
Members present:
Laurence Lillig – Carmel DOCS John South – Ham. Co. Soil & Water
Scott Brewer – Carmel Urban Forester Chuck Shupperd – Indiana Gas
Steve Cash – Ham. Co. Surveyor Kelli Hahn – Carmel DOCS
Dick Hill – Carmel Eng. Gary Hoyt – Carmel Fire Dept.
Steve Broermann – Ham. Co. Highway Bill Akers – Carmel Communications
Jeff Kendall – Carmel Permit Services Rick McClain – Cinergy
Merchants’ Point, Lot 5 – Border’s Books (199-00 ADLS)
The site is located southwest of East 116 Street and Keystone Avenue. The site is zoned
B-8/business. Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for The Linder
Merchants’ Point, Lot 6 – General Office (200-00 ADLS)
The site is located southwest of East 116 Street and Keystone Avenue. The site is zoned
B-8/business. Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for The Linder
Merchants’ Point, Lot 7 – Retail (201-00 ADLS)
The site is located southwest of East 116 Street and Keystone Avenue. The site is zoned
B-8/business. Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for The Linder
Attorney Jim Nelson presented the above cases that represent the first three buildings
proposed in Merchants’ Point. The following persons were in attendance: Phil
Warrenburg, Weihe Engineering, Kevin Woodman, Cedarwood Development, Inc., Budd
Bort and Scott Barnes, Shiel Sexton, Richard Hennessey, Linder Co., and Barbara Eden,
Carson Design. The 14-acre parcel is located at the southwest corner of 116 Street and
Keystone Drive. Approximately one year ago the real estate was rezoned from R1 to B8
to be consistent with Merchants’ Square. The primary plat was approved by the Plan
Commission that provided subdivision of the real estate into seven lots. Today Linder
Group seeks ADLS review for the first three buildings on Lots 5, 6, and 7 on the southern
most edge of Merchants’ Point. Borders Books will occupy Lot 5. A two-story office
building will be constructed on Lot 6. Lot 7 will have a small retail/service/office
Elevations show Borders Bookstore, the office building (this is the exact same picture
that was shown as part of original rezone request) and the 11,000 square foot
retail/service/and office facility. Mr. Nelson received a number of review comments.
Phil Warrenburg and Barb Eden have communicated with most of the TAC members.
Jim Nelson will provide the landscape plan for ground identification signs to Kelli Hahn.
Dick Hill sent a letter to everyone for these five lots. The main issues concern the Board
of Public Works’ approval for sewer and water availability. The petitioner may provide a
history of a year’s water usage on a similar development. Mr. Hill will consider those
numbers. Phil Warrenburg met with Kate Weese and Terry Jones regarding commercial
curb cuts. Another meeting will follow. The petitioner is attending to the BPW remarks.
One curb cut has been eliminated; it now aligns. Phil Warrenburg would like to meet
with Dick Hill. Friday is the deadline for the March 7, 2001 BPW meeting. Jim Nelson
stated the primary plat has been approved; the petitioner seeks secondary plat approval.
The land is now annexed. The bonds must be approved before the Board of Public
Works will sign off. The project will be recorded in entirety, not lot by lot. Dick Hill
commented that when reviewing lots separately, they look at the master plan. One
question not answered involves sidewalks and paths. Laurence Lillig stated the plan calls
for concrete but they discussed asphalt at the last TAC meeting. Either one is acceptable.
John Lester requested the same information. The walking paths will be asphalt and the
connections to the buildings will be concrete. Phil Warrenburg stated most of the
irrigation would be community use. Linder Group will do the ground maintenance.
There are two systems with individual meters for each. They do not cross under the road.
There might be an individual system around Borders. Dick Hill said if anything is
installed in a dedicated easement, a letter of encroachment is needed. Phil Warrenburg
will ask for curb cuts, right of way infringement, and open cut.
Chuck Shupperd assumes these will all be gas usage. There are two cuts on 116 Street
now. The Gas Co. will run service and do the individual work later.
Rick McClain understands that the City wants under ground service. He will meet with
Kate Weese and the petitioner in regard to street widening. Cinergy needs to feed the
golf course with a three-phase lift station. Their engineer is working on this.
Steve Cash had no comments.
Jeff Kendall requested extra site plans. There will probably be three retail spaces on lot 7
and a single tenant in the general office space. This could change. Mr. Kendall stated an
ILP would not be issued until a secondary plat is approved. Jim Nelson is working on a
secondary plat now; it will be completed in 30-45 days. The petitioner will want a
building permit in July and will move soil sooner.
John South believes everything is okay. He met with Phil Warrenburg previously. Mr.
Warrenburg stated the rest of the lot sets (1, 2, 3, 4) will show previous overall plans.
These will be cut outs of the overall. The overall erosion control will be used for each
lot. The same contractor will be employed for each lot.
Scott Brewer asked if the petitioner planned to apply for secondary plat as one complete
whole. Jim Nelson responded that the petitioner agreed to do so. All landscaping must
be shown for each lot. Phil Warrenburg said the overall landscaping will be shown on
sheet one. The lots will be individual sheets. There have been minor pad revisions. The
lots could change depending on the tenant. Jim Nelson added that each lot will have to
come back to TAC and Plan Commission for approval. The final set of plans might be
filed Friday. Mr. Brewer said the plan needs more trees. A specific number will be cited.
The parking lot line between lots 5 and 6 runs down the middle. The crab apples have
been removed.
Kelli Hahn said the sign on the west drive entrance and the sign on lot 6 will need
variances. The signs need to be 10 feet from the right of way. There is a specific section
of the Ordinance for multi tenant building complexes that requires 10 feet. The petitioner
can change the location or apply for a variance.
Gary Hoyt has sent letters on all three lots. He assumes all buildings will be sprinkled.
He wants exterior access to the riser rooms. This is also the best place for the Knox
boxes. Phil Warrenburg stated lot 5 connection will be on the south west corner, lot 6
will be on the east side of the building, and lot 7 will be in the yard next to the hydrants.
Mr. Hoyt requested a Knox box on each building. As lot 7 will be a multi tenant, a
master building system key is requested.
Richard Hennessey, Linder Co., said six of the seven lots will be leased. Borders Books
will buy their lot.
McDonald’s (15-01 ADLS; DSV)
The site is located at 750 East Carmel Drive. The site is zoned B-8/business. Filed by
Joseph D. Calderon of Dann Pecar Newman & Kleiman for McDonald’s.
Attorney Joe Calderon, John Zant, The Schneider Corporation, and Chris Mullay, Project
Manager for McDonald’s were in attendance. John Zant stated the rebuild of the existing
McDonald’s will be at the corner of Keystone and Carmel Drives. He asked for
Dick Hill mailed his comments late. Engineering has drainage concerns; a meeting with
Kate Weese is suggested. She recommends eliminating the exit on Carmel Drive. Mr.
Hill requested a sidewalk on Keystone Way. The petitioner needs to speak with John
Lester at the Parks Department.
John South asked about Rule 5. It was a typo.
Chuck Shupperd stated it looks like this is a relocate on the service and meter set.
McDonald’s plans to raze the building. Mr. Shupperd will completely shut down service
and at a future date run new service. There might be a need to increase service. There is
a one week time frame for disconnecting service. Chris Mullay stated the pavement will
be completely removed.
Rick McClain inquired about the location of the transformer. It will be 25 feet to the
west. The easement will have to be extended. An easement is required; it must be 25
feet away from the door. Chris Mullay wants to keep the service behind the building.
Mr. McClain believes they will probably use the same transformer. It will be 800 amp.
Project work will start late this summer.
Steve Cash said no permits are required. He faxed his letter yesterday.
John South covered his comments earlier.
Jeff Kendall believes this matter was at TAC on January 19, 2000. He understands
McDonald’s plan is to demolish the entire building and tear out the pavement. He
encouraged the petitioner to save as many trees as possible.
Scott Brewer faxed his comments. The petitioner has questions on the landscape
requirements. Along Keystone Drive, there are several large trees now. They are
concerned about blocking visibility of the store and signage from Keystone. Mr. Brewer
responded that if they preserving what is there, grouping the trees will not be a problem.
Scott Brewer suggested an on-site meeting. John Zant will meet with him. Chris Mullay
would like to have three new trees grouped at the center, eliminate two existing trees, and
move one tree back to the dumpster. Scott Brewer said selecting a more upright variety
would be helpful. The petitioner will substitute the Austrian Pines with another type.
They understand the comment about the snow fence.
Kelli Hahn had no comments.
Gary Hoyt sent a letter to the petitioner. He understands there will be no sprinkler system
for the building and the basement will no longer exist. Mr. Hoyt wants a Knox box on
building. Chris Mullay said McDonald’s will want a recessed box. It should be installed
before exterior finishes are added.
Laurence Lillig stated the landscape plan for the ground sign will require landscaping at
its base equal to the square footage of the sign. John Zant commented that a new sign
has been coordinated with Mr. Wilson. The existing sign is out of the right of way. Mr.
Lillig commented that the Mayor signed the contract because the existing sign was in the
right of way. Mr. Zant believes it might have encroached a foot or two and thinks it was
pulled back a foot or two. The sign is outside of the vision triangle and five feet back
from the right of way. John Zant will provide an exhibit. Mr. Lillig feels the lighting
intensity at the north and west is excessive. The sign package shows several signs. The
suspended sign is not permitted. John Zant will provide new sign drawings for Plan
Commission as soon as possible. This case will be on the New Business portion of the
March 20, 2001 Plan Commission agenda. The packets must be submitted to DOCS 10
days prior to the meeting. The TAC comments should be addressed in time for Plan
Commission submittals. This can be done as a supplemental.
Setter’s Ridge at Haverstick, Section 2a (18-01 SP)
The site is located northwest of East 131 Street and River Road. The site is zoned S-
1/residence. Filed by Edward E. Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates for Centex
Ed Fleming, Stoepplewerth & Associates, and Rodney Muller, Centex Homes, attended
the meeting. Rodney Miller stated Section 2a is extended out from the first section. They
will try to preserve as many trees as possible and will build their executive series homes.
The trees will be cleared lot by lot as homes are built. There are 19 lots.
Dick Hill wrote no comment notes on this project but he will do so. The matter can be
covered when Section 6 is reviewed. Kate Weese has drainage concerns about the run off
to the street from lots 36 to 40. She recommends a new structure and a pipe to alleviate
some of those problems. The tree preservation may need to be reduced to accommodate
Chuck Shupperd does not contemplate any problems as this is just a continuation from
Section 1.
Rick McClain inquired about start dates. Rodney Muller said they hope to begin work
later in summer. A request must be made to Cinergy. The petitioner should tell the
Cinergy engineer when they need conduit crossing.
Steve Cash sent a letter yesterday. Centex Homes must submit an application for an
outlet permit. Mr. Cash will defer to the City Engineer’s office, but he is concerned with
erosion on some of the lots. There are some good slopes; erosion control must be in
Jeff Kendall had no comments.
John South wrote a letter. He needs a unique construction sequence. There are several
on the plans now. This is important for the contractor. Once road work starts during the
construction phase, there will be storm water flow. A sediment trap is needed. Rodney
Muller said they have seeded the hill to the breaking point and a silt fence is at the end of
the first section. The street is stone. The proposed street is seeded and grass is coming
up. Mr. South believes it would be a good idea to bring the area up to grade. A gravel
berm would filter any water that might run to the new section. The outlet of structure 959
needs additional stabilization. It drops 5 feet quickly. Extending the pipe or using some
kind of a product would enhance the grass stability. There are products that can be
buried. Grass grows through and the roots are strengthened. It would be appropriate to
use C350. Lots 28, 29, and 59 need to have silt fences around the lots. Lot 30 needs a
silt fence along the side and back. Lot 35 needs a silt fence in the back. These fences
should be shown on the erosion control plan.
Gary Hoyt wrote a letter and has no comments. He inquired for Bill Akers whether the
street name Sour Wood has been changed to Red Cedar Way. It has.
Laurence Lillig commented on the secondary plat. At the southwest corner of common
area 3 and the northwest corner of common area 2, the markers are missing. In the
Legend, the monuments and markers do not meet standards of Section 8.2. Common
areas 2, 3, 4 are not marked as to their use or purpose. Ed Fleming indicated they are just
for drainage and will be marked. In the Deed of Dedication on the right hand side, the
spelling needs to be corrected. Some detail needs to be added to the key map. On either
sheet, a note should be added indicating the primary and secondary plat document
numbers for the project. Centex Homes needs to discuss reduction of the tree
preservation with Scott Brewer.
Long Branch Estates, Section 1 (Secondary Plat)
The site is located northwest of West 116 Street and Shelborne Road. The site is zoned
S-1/residence. Filed by Bruce Hagen of Paul I. Cripe, Inc. for Pulte Homes of Indiana.
Long Branch Estates, Section 2 (Secondary Plat)
The site is located on the northwest corner of West 116 Street and Shelborne Road. The
site is zoned S-1/residence. Filed by Bruce Hagen of Paul I Cripe, Inc. for Pulte Homes
of Indiana.
Tim Walter, Platinum Properties, introduced the following individuals: Michael
Meneguzzi, Pulte Homes, and Chris Hinkle, Greg Murray, and Rick Radabaugh, Paul I.
Cripe, Inc. Mr. Walter explained that Platinum Properties has purchased Long Branch
Subdivision from Pulte Homes and will build the houses. The petitioner is prepared to
pay their filing fee and invited questions from the TAC members.
Steve Broermann gave the petitioner a copy of his original letter. Comment # 13 states
all offsite storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main extensions shall be placed outside
the future right of way. Regarding the storm sewer that is currently proposed on the
south side of 116 Street, as long as that is up sized to handle future capacity, it can be on
the back edge of the right of way. Structure 701 makes a turn on south side of 116
Street. Structure 702 can be relocated to the north to avoid any future conflicts. Then
from that structure to the outlet, they can up size that one size. The offsite water can
leave it at the back edge of the future right of way also. Tim Walter will wait to make
commitments on the relocation of Shelborne Road until jurisdiction is determined. Mr.
Broermann’s letter calls for a 120 full right of way at the intersection. This was forgotten
or missed at the time of primary platting. Rick Radabaugh stated it would pinch the
common area. Steve Broermann said it might not be necessary to extend the entire 500
feet. Steve Broermann found his letter of May 30, 2000 that contains the right of way
information. The realignment should be done now to eliminate the problem even if the
area is annexed by Carmel. A roundabout could fit in the space in the future. Mr.
Broermann will consider waiving the requirement to widen and a meeting will be
scheduled. Platinum Properties will only construct Section 1 this year and Section 2 a
year later. Steve Broermann suggested then approving just Section 1 unless they can
come to agreement now.
Chuck Shupperd stated there is gas on 116 Street. He will call Ron Barker regarding the
road encroachment on the north side of 116 Street.
Rick McClain understands the poles will be on the south side of 116 Street. Cinergy
will need to cross the easement. To get below their gas line, Platinum must bore
underneath. A four-inch conduit will be needed. This can be worked out will Ron
Barker. They hope to start this year.
Steve Cash sent a letter listing procedural items needed. He has problems with
subdivisions that discharge into ravines. The velocity and amount of water, even though
they are detained, result in erosion. In the last three or four years a need for more up-
front erosion control has occurred. They need to address the easement on the east side.
On the west side of the property, there is a storm sewer outlet at the common area. It
needs to go to the creek. Mr. Cash will have some additional minor comments. He has
met on site previously with Sean Degen and Ken Brasseur regarding treatment of the
creek. The work will need to be done with the first section. Mr. Cash wants the work
done all the way up the creek. He will write a letter next week.
John South distributed copies of the letter he recently wrote. On the demolition plan,
abandonment of existing wells should be listed. Basin 8 has a deep cut. Mr. South
recommends utilization of topsoil. The existing soil should be evaluated. He
recommends the same for Basin 3. Reseeding needs to be shown on all disturbed areas.
The slotted barrels are not currently used. Mr. South recommends changing to some
thing that is used in the field. The outlets for drain basin 8 and 9 need inlet protection.
Construction limits must be shown. Additional information is needed for erosion control
during the rough grading. Additional sediment traps are needed. There is nothing to stop
the sediment from leaving site on the west side. They need a temporary sediment trap.
Detail is required to describe the basin. John South stated the effectiveness of the erosion
control plan must be provided. A minimum of 18,000 cubic feet of storage is required
per acre of disturbed area. If there is a sediment trap, the petitioner needs to show what
kind of flow will go into it and how to size the out flow pipe.
Jeff Kendall inquired how lots would be identified for the inspectors. Tim Walter
responded numbers would be painted on the curbs and signs added later. Steve
Broermann said signs are not required until the streets are accepted. The County will
install stop and speed signs. The developers will install street name signs. Tim Walter
will try to put up street signs early.
Scott Brewer made comments on the subdivision when the primary plat came through.
He wants to make sure these are followed. Mr. Brewer is especially concerned about
clearing along the creek for phase 1. He will write a letter.
Gary Hoyt sent a letter to Bruce Hagen saying he has no conditions at this time.
Laurence Lillig inquired about the widening. Mr. Broermann’s letter requested 500 feet
to the north and 100 feet south of the stub. However, Mr. Walter wants to decrease it to
300 feet from 116 Street. Shelbourne Road now is a 90-foot right of way. Tim Walter
will expand it at the buffer. Steve Broermann said this is important as future plans show
four lanes. This will affect the common areas on the east and west sides. However, there
are no existing trees in the common area.
Rick Radabaugh asked about keeping the scale at 1 to 100. He believes they are legible.
If this scale is acceptable to Kelli Hahn, it can be used.
College Hills Planned Unit Development (Rezone)
The site is located northeast of the intersection of East 96 Street and North College
Avenue. The site is zoned R-1/residence. Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson
& Frankenberger for Hazel Dell Office Development, LLC.
Attorney Charlie Frankenberger, represented the petitioner in it’s request to reclassify the
real estate zoning from R-1 to a PUD to permit development of an office campus which
will include either two or three buildings. Two alternative site plans and elevations were
distributed. A tax map of the site location was shown. The real estate is the part of
College Hills that is south of and severed by the extension of I-465. East of the parcel on
96 Street is the Five Seasons Sport Club and to the west is College Avenue. The
balance of College Hill is north of I-465. Mr. Frankenberger invited questions.
Dick Hill said the parcel is out of the corporate limits. He asked if it would be annexed.
Charlie Frankenberger thinks there is sufficient continuity to annex the property now.
Laurence Lillig does not know if I-465 is annexed? They are working from that premise.
Steve Broermann said if the parcel is annexed, then the County is not involved. If it is
not, then he wants reconstruction of 96 Street to be similar to what is west of College.
The road has two twelve-foot lanes with 16-foot center lanes. This should extend back to
the entrance into Five Seasons. Drainage items to be addressed include water that lies at
the southwest corner. The traffic impact study indicated a signal at the east entrance.
Mr. Broermann wants an agreement that the signal will be removed if not warranted. It is
okay to plan for it.
Chuck Shupperd stated the gas service needs to be retired on the two streets when
residents move out.
Steve Cash commented there is storm drainage in the area that needs to be incorporated
into their plan. Steve will fax his letter. Along the back of the commercial area, there is
a storm sewer that needs to be investigated. The petitioner needs to preserve storm
sewers that serve that area. That portion in College Hills has not been petitioned to be
part of the county drain. Mr. Cash asked to be informed regarding annexation. The
petitioner needs to vacate the existing plat and covenants. Charlie Frankenberger said
they have disappeared and were probably unconstitutional.
John South assumes the project will have municipal utilities. They are important for a
commercial application. The drainage has been talked about somewhat. This
development will create a change in hydraulic conditions on the site. Therefore, it is
reasonable to ask for more detail on storm water discharge, whether they are able to meet
County requirements, and where discharge points will be. There is a tremendous amount
of hard surface. Mr. South suggests more green space, perhaps compact car spaces, and
over flow parking. He believes Carmel has parking lot banking. Currently, the buildings
and parking area take up the entire site. Soils are adequate.
Jeff Kendall inquired about the correct number of houses to be demolished. The accurate
number is 37. Hamilton County Health Department is asking for a “sign off” on every
demolition. Each property will have to be inspected for wells and private sewerage
systems. The State will require proper asbestos removal. The petitioners have been
working with owners for more than a year. Charlie Frankenberger will provide a copy of
the site plan.
Scott Brewer has not written a letter. Mr. Frankenberger has filed a PUD ordinance that
will be revised. It is substantially similar to Parkwood West. Mr. Brewer will want to
review the landscape comments. The landscape plan is identical to Parkwood West’s
plan. Charlie Frankenberger believes the two-building option will be constructed. Scott
Brewer stated they need to increase the green space. The plan is to clear the site. He
wants an initial woodland evaluation of what is there. In lieu of preserving any trees, he
will ask for a reforestation program. This might even be at another site. Mr.
Frankenberger corrected his earlier statement. The landscape plan is not exactly similar
to Parkwood West. Scott Brewer said his letter would give suggested amounts for the
number of trees. With large construction sites, he recommends reconstructed soils for
landscape islands. The use of the soil vastly improves the survival rate of landscape
Gary Hoyt sent Charlie Frankenberger a letter. His three points of concern are: will the
buildings be sprinkled, where are hook ups, and where is the exterior access door to the
riser room. He wants a water distribution plan when available. A Knox box should be on
each building.
Laurence Lillig had nothing new to add.
Meadowlark Office Park Subdivision (23-01 SP)
The site is located on Pro-Med Lane. The site is zoned B-6/business. Filed by Charles
D. Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger for Dauby O’Connor LLC.
Charlie Frankenberger, Mike DeBoy, and Steve Dauby attended the TAC meeting.
Charlie Frankenberger represented Dauby O’Connor in connection with their request for
secondary plat approval of Meadowlark Office Park. He requested questions from the
TAC committee.
Dick Hill, Steve Broermann, Chuck Shupperd, and Steve Cash had no comments.
John South stated it appears on the plat that the floodway is only a narrow area. The
floodway should be everything south of the northern line. Mike DeBoy will investigate
and make an amendment if Mr. South is correct. Even if it is floodway fringe, the area
needs to be delineated floodway.
Jeff Kendall also commented on floodway and how the proposed buildings are situated.
They will not be too close to the north line. Lots three and five are vacant; lot four is
under construction. The parcel was never platted. Mr. Frankenberger stated the
landscaping concerns surrounding the first two buildings have been resolved.
Scott Brewer understands the landscape problems were resolved last year. The replat or
secondary plat does not affect landscaping of the other lots. Charlie Frankenberger stated
this action will not impact the existing landscaping. The primary plat shows the
configuration of the buildings on the lots. The lot lines proposed on the secondary plat
are the same as on the primary plat.
Gary Hoyt sent a letter; he has no comments.
Laurence Lillig cannot find a completed secondary form application. He does have a
copy of the plat. Mr. Frankenberger wants to be on the Board of Public Works agenda
for March 7, 2001 and believes Dick Hill needs a revised plat by Friday, February 23.
Mr. Hill responded that it would be sufficient if Laurence Lillig can get it reviewed and
approved by the meeting date. The letter will suffice to get the matter on the agenda.
The setback variance information is also required to be on the plat. One mylar and two
paper copies of the plat are required.
Village of WestClay, Section AG01 (3-01 SP)
The site is located southeast of West 131 Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned
PUD/planned unit development. Filed by Keith Lash of The Schneider Corporation for
Brenwick TND Communities.
Village of WestClay, Section AG02 (4-01 SP)
The site is located southeast of West 131 Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned
PUD/planned unit development. Filed by Keith Lash of The Schneider Corporation for
Brenwick TND Communities.
Village of WestClay, Section 6502 (5-01 SP)
The site is located southeast of West 131 Street and Town Road. The site is zoned
PUD/planned unit development. Filed by Keith Lash of The Schneider Corporation for
Brenwick TND Communities.
Keith Lash spoke on behalf of the petitioner for the review of the secondary plat and
construction plans of the three sections. Mr. Lash missed the TAC meeting last month.
He cited location and told that infrastructure is in place. Brenwick will extend some
eyebrows and one main street. Comment letters have been received from almost all
members, Keith Last has the revised plans on his desk.
Steve Broermann believes his comments and suggestions were added to the plans.
Chuck Shupperd understands this is just a continuation.
Steve Cash sent three letters in January. All that he needs are the procedural items.
Brenwick plans to begin construction June 1. Depending on lot sales, the date could be
moved up one month.
John Lester’s letter was received. The drainage easement at the rear of some lots has
been added. The alley grade appears to be lower than the street. Mr. Lash double
checked it and thinks it is okay. The center line grade is on top of a curve.
Jeff Kendall had no comments.
Scott Brewer received landscape plans and has no problem with them.
Gary Hoyt has no problems.
Laurence Lillig needs to see the new plans. Mr. Lash gave Mr. Lillig subdivider
agreement forms for the three sections. Until revised plans are submitted, there will be
no comments.
On a related project, Provost Park, a variance was obtained from Hamilton County. Mr.
Lash said it was for lots 663 and 667. Mr. Lillig needs documentation on that project.
The meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.