HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication • • APPLICATION FOR SECONDARY PLAT OR(REPLAT) FEE: $500.00 OR($400.00) i a DATE: 12/22/00 DOCKET # ' 42)0sk The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement jyeloca ,ofv alteration of structure, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application -. ' will comply with, and conform to, all applicable laws of the State of Indiana, and the`Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana- 1980, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Lam 178, Sec. 1, et. Seq. General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Name of Applicant: KOSENE & KOSENE Phone # (317) 299-9999 Address of Applicant: 4495 SAGUARO TRAIL; INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 Name of Subdivision: GUILFORD PARK Legal Description (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached). Area(in acres): 36.12 Number of Lots: 109 Length in miles of new streets to be dedicated to public use: 1.13 Surveyor certifying plat: BENCHMARK SURVEYING,INC. Surveyor's address and phone # 9855 CROSSPOINT BLVD.;SUITE 110 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46256 (317) 841-1506 Signature of Applicant: .��tc - (, d (Print) f iAAI Leo 5S Title: AGENT OF DEVELOPER ****************************************************************************** STATE OF INDIANA -SS: COUNTY OF CY\Ct(Zl � Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for C1,2 J - County, State of Indiana, personally appeared and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this cgD, day of r_, . , 2000. Notary Public My Commission Expires. ; 09.:∎ * County of Residence: 0621—e.r1T1(A 5 1 10 Application for Secondary Plat. Two (2)copies, or more if necessary, of the secondary plat and of the construction plans together with supporting documents shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner with this application and the application fee as indicated in Section 29 6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Additional plans to be distributed to necessary authorities by applicant. FEE: Received by: ® • ike r LA \ D DESCRIPTIO \ A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, described as follows, to—wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 1, thence East on and along the north line of said Quarter Section 2463.7 feet to a point; thence South parallel with the East line of said Northwest Quarter 1412.00 feet to a point; thence Westerly 1600.00 feet to an iron stake; thence North parallel with the West line of said Quarter Section 250.00 feet to a point; thence West 871.5 feet to the intersection with the West line of said Northwest Quarter; thence North on and along said West line of this Northwest Quarter; thence North on and along said West line of the Northwest Quarter 1083.0 feet to the place of beginning, containing 72.70 acres, more or less. EXCEPT: Beginning at the northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 17 Noorth, Range 3 East, run thence East along the North line of this Quarter 1319.6 feet to a point, thence South parallel with the West line of this Quarter 1375.2 feet to an iron stake, thence Westerly 448.1 feet to an iron stake, thence North parallel with the West line of this tract 250 feet to an iron stake, tence West 871.5 feet to the intersection with the West line of this Quarter, thence North along this West line 1083.00 feet to the place of beginning, containing in said exception 36.02 acres, more or less. Containing of ter said exception 36.72 acres, more or less, in Hamilton County, Indiana. SANN ) Hamilton Co., IN - Online Reports Page 1 of 1 s ,.T�� �, .{5ff.(111 f�4vertnm8iit sits of }t�a11to . ` _4. �c �.wmi...a `w'.F.^x��: �es«r 3 s3�a,.; ✓.x'r�wiy, .snn •u3.-. ...$55f?.�.. so«....a. Parcel Information Report 1.report type 2.property search 3.view reports Reset new search"°. IPy gene"ral'parcel'info"x 1 spring'tax statement tax payments t rr property,card' J 4 fall tax statement; Disclaimer: The information available through this program is current as of 9/29/2006. This program allows you to view and print certain public records. Each report reflects information as of a specific date;so the information different reports may not match.All information has been derived from public records that are constantlyundergoing change and is not warranted for c accuracy. It may not reflect the current information pertaining to the property of interest. Parcel No: 17-13-01-00-01-112.000 Property Address: Deeded Owner:Dura Development Corporation Scheel Ln Owner Address: CARMEL,IN 46032 7050 116th St E 1 Fishers,IN46038 Legal Description. GUILFORD PARK BLOCK C Section/Township/Range: 01/17/03 Subdivision Name: GUILFORD PARK Block: Deeded Acres: 2.23 Political Township: Clay Lot Number(s): Most Recent Recorded Date: 10/23/2002 (Recorded Date might be due to a variety of changes; such as annexation,right-of-way,split,or deed.) This application is developed and maintained by the Information System Services Department.If you have any questions or comments,please contact t ©2005 Hamilton Co. Website Suggestions or Issues Conditions of Use I Privacy Policy I Site Map Technical Help I HOME (©)2006, Hamilton County, Indiana-all rights reserved S ,coc c--)q Su co co,„„„, g((q owners C http://www co.hamilton.in.us/app/reports/rptparcelinfo.asp 11/1/2006