HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationsDonahue -Wold, Alexia K
• •
From: Donahue -Wold, Alexia K
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:04 PM
To: Barnes, David R; Blanchard, Jim E, Conn, Angelina V, Donahue -Wold, Alexia K; Duncan, Gary R;
Foley, Amanda J; Haney, Douglas C; Hollibaugh, Mike P; John Molitor; Kass, Joslyn; Keeling,
Adrienne M; Keesling, Rachel M; Littlejohn, David W; Lux, Pamela K; Maki, Sue; Martin, Candy;
Mindham, Daren, Mishler, Nicholas F; Motz, Lisa; Redden, Nick; Stewart, Lisa M; Thomas, John G;
Tingley, Connie S
Cc: Jennifer Jones (jennifer @jbtowers.com)
Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (SU) Keystone Woods Cell Tower ( #14020014 SE, 14020015 -16 V)
I have issued the necessary Docket Numbers for (SE, V) Keystone Woods Cell Tower. They will be the following:
(SU, V) Keystone Woods CeII Tower
The applicant seeks the following special use approval and variances for a new cell tower in a residential district:
Docket No. 14020014 SE ZO CH 25.13: Towers: Permitted as Special Exception in Residential Districts
Docket No. 14020015 V ZO CH 25.13.i: Min setback 250 ft, 125 ft requested from north & south and 100 ft from west
Docket No. 14020016 V ZO CH 26.01.04: Max Height 120 ft, 150 ft requested
The site is located northeast of Keystone Parkway and 106th Street, and is zoned S -2 /Residence within the Keystone
Overlay. Filed by Jennifer Jones with JB Towers, LLC.
Jennifer can be contacted at 260 - 482 -5454 or at Jennifer @ibtower.com.
Special Exception
$1609 plus $128.00 per acre(.15 acres)
1st Variance
Each Additional Variance $579
Total fee due:
Filing Dates & Deadlines. Petitioner, please note the following:
1. This Item will be on the March 19, 2014 meeting agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). If not done so
already, the petitioner must submit plans to all TAC members, via email and /or mail. The updated TAC members
list is online at http: / /www.carmel.in.gov/ modules /showdocument.aspx ?documentid =4340.
2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than February 27, 2014. Published notice is required within
the Noblesville Times. Get the public notice ad to the Times by 11:00a.m., two days prior to the public notice
deadline, in order for them to publish it on time (765- 365 -2316 or legals@thetimes24- 7.com). Note: the placement of a
public hearing sign on the property is also required by the BZA Rules of Procedure, Article VI, Section 6 (see
application). Make sure the public notice meeting time to the newspaper and neighbors reads 6:00 PM and the location
reads City Hall Council Chambers.
3. The Filing Fee and Nine (9) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than
NOON, Friday, March 14, 2014. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling
of the petition.
4. The Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, March 21, 2014. Failure to
submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition.
5. This Item will appear on the Monday, March 24, 2014 agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals Regular Meeting under
Public Hearings at 6:oo pm.
6. The petitioner will need to provide a fully filled -out Findings -of -Fact sheet for the petition the night of the meeting for
the Board's use (Sheet 10 of the application). On Ballot sheets, only fill out docket number, petitioner, and date (Sheet
7. Either the Petitioner or someone representing the Petitioner must be present at the meeting for the item to be heard. If
no one appears, it will be tabled.
Please refer to your instruction sheet for more detail.
Planning Department's Preliminary Review Comments; petitioner please respond to the following:
V%1. Please provide the Affidavit of ownership. Page 6 of the application.
✓ 2. Please provide filled out and notarized Placement of Public Notice Sign affidavit once the sign is in place. ' Py "D
/3. Provide the filled out Petitioner's Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing form. - 4-1■44zti ce�Fy
I/4. Provide the filled out Notice of the Public Hearing before the BZA form.
5. Please provide proof of notice from the Noblesville Times, once you receive it.
6. Please provide green signed return receipts from the certified mailings once you receive them.' NErcS> Huh (-011E5
7. Please make checks payable to the City of Carmel.
✓ 8. Could you provide a photo example picture of what the monopole will look like, maybe of a similar, existing pole with
the flush mounted antennas?
C) A 15 foot landscaped area is required on all sides of the tower. (see Section 25.13(3)) Please revise the plans to show
this. 5140 Q Pi_4►3S 3or- ov)sIDE cam- 4cdx.,s This ours,br se >ti12t
J10. Please provide a written commitment pursuant to Chapter 25.13(6) regarding collocation; which will need to be
recorded if the Special Exception is granted.
✓11. Will the tower be lit, or need to be lit in some form? No
/12. Could you provide a map which shows that there is not a tower within %2 mile on which collocation is possible?
13. Additional review comments may be issued from the Planning /Zoning Department.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Alexia Donahue -Wold
Planning Administrator
City of Carmel, DOCS
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
awold @carmel.in.gov
APlease consider the environment before printing this e-mail
kibTO f �S
2602 Cass Street
Post Office Box 8096
Fort Wayne, In 46898
260 - 482 -5454
fax 260 -483 -5998
Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Alexia Donahue -Wold
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46302
Dear Ms. Donahue -Wold,
JB Towers, LLC is submitting three applications for consideration by the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals.
The first is the application for Special Exception. This application is requesting approval for JB Towers,
LLC to build a 150' Communications tower.
The second and third applications are for variances in development standards. One of the applications is
for the height of the tower and one is for the setbacks.
The next page is the site plan. After the site plan is all of the supporting evidence for all three
applications in the following order.
1. County Map of the tower parcel
2. Engineer letter stating need for coverage and capacity.
3. Map showing current coverage
4. Map showing projected coverage
5. Sabre fall radius letter
6. In Favor of tower petition signed by neighboring residents
7. Tower elevation
8. Pictures of site
We look forward to working with you on these applications. Please feel free to contact me with any
ers, LLC
ifer Jones
n Fee: $1,570 plus $125 per acre
FEB - 7 2014
1) Applicant: JB Towers, LLC
Address 2602 Cass Street Fort Wayne, IN 46808
2) Project Name Keystone Woods Phone & Fax: 260- 482 -5454 260- 483 -5998
Engineer /Architect: Phone
Attorney: Paul Helmke Phone
Contact Person. Jennifer Jones Phone. 260 -482 -5454
Email: jennifer(c�ibtower.com Fax: 260- 482 -5454
3) Applicant's Status (Check the appropriate response)
(a) The applicant's name is on the deed to the property
(b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property
X (c) Other: Applicant is leasing an 80' x 80' area on the property from the owner.
4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following
Owner of the property involved Woods Swim Club Inc.
Owner's address: 10636 Lakeshore Dr.
5) Record of Ownership*
Deed book No. /Instrument No Book 273
Page 546 Purchase Date N/A
Phone 317 -691 -4453
Page 1 — filename: special exception application 2013.docx rev. 01/2/2013
• •
6) Common address of the property involved. 10636 Lakeshore Dr. W
Legal description The legal description for this property is a metes and bounds. Section 6, Township 17,
Range 4, Covering 2.03 deeded acres.
Tax Map Parcel No . 16- 14- 06- 04 -05- 028.000
7) State explanation of requested Special Exception.
JB Towers is requesting permission to construct a 150' monopole for collocation purposes. The current zoning on this
Parcel is S -2. S -2 zoning requires a Special Exception to build a Communications tower. This parcel is along the
KPyStnnP Overlay
8) State reasons supporting the Special Exception (Additionally, complete the attached question sheet
entitled "Findings of Fact - Special Exception ")
1.) The Homeowners association President contacted us to build the tower on their land. Neighboring residents are in
in favor of this tower. 2.)coverage /capacity is needed in this area. See maps. 3.) We are building a monopole tower.
See picture 4.) The base of the tower will be hidden in trees. 5.) The plan will provide additional parking for Woods
Swim Club. This will help keep the street clear during swim meets.
9) Present zoning of the property (give exact classification) S -2 Residential District
10) Present use of the property: Recreation, This parcel has the association swimming pool and tennis courts.
11) Size of lot/parcel in question: 2.03 acres
12) Describe the proposed use of the property The use will remain the same. The communications tower will be
hidden in the wooded area away from the pool and tennis court.
13) Is the property Owner occupied Renter occupied Other X
14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this
property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes, give date and
docket number, decision rendered and pertinent explanation
15) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details.
Building Permit Number: no work has started
16) If proposed special exception is granted, when will the work commence?
May —July 2014
17) If the proposed special exception is granted, who will operate and /or use the proposed improvement for which
this application has been filed?
JB Towers is building this tower to hold 4 cellular companies, wireless Internet, city and state fire and safety, and 2 -way
radio companies.
Page 2 — filename: special exception application 2013.docx rev 01/2/2013
NOTE. LEGAL NOTICE shall be phed in the Noblesville Times a MANDATt twenty -five (25) days prior to the
public hearing date_ The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the
night of the hearing
LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY, two methods of notice are
1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners. (The white receipt
should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty -five (25) days prior to the public hearing date )
2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting
property owner acknowledging the twenty -five (25) day notice should be kept for verification that the notice was
The applicant understands that docket numbers will not be assigned until all supporting information has been submitted
to the Department of Community Services.
Applicant Signature `---),g TaUn-Sz L ' -� ' Date —% y-
The applicant certifies by signing this application that h y she has . en advised that all representations of the Department of
Community Services are advisory only and that the applicant should rely on appropriate subdivision and zoning ordinance and /or
the legal advice of his /her attorney
Page 3 — filename: special exception application 2013.docx rev. 01/2/2013
I, hereby.swearthat I am the Ovvrker/contract,purchaser;Of property inYolyed „in-this 'app§,catioivand thatithe foregoing
signatures, statements an d'„arisviers,herein contained and tnesinforrnatiiin:tiereWitttiiuhrnitterd'are in allrespects true and
correct tepthe best of Myknowiedge and,befiet 1 the undersigned autherize,,theapP0cant tO act orvmy behalf with regard
to this appUcation and,subSeqUent hearings and tea-lima
The undersigned, having been duly swam upon oathsaystha the a
and bebeves.
OrPrOpertY OWn'eesToWe
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eilt Attorney, (Date)
cirrnatio istrue and correct and he is informed
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County of _ - . (3efore ntetheuridersigned,.a NotaryPubffc
(Cdunty in whiChnotarilationtakei PlaOer- -
for fif County,,Stateottndiana,,Perstinally.appeared
(Notary PubDc's toirrity:Of residende). -
and acknowledgethe execution ofthe foregoing instrument this
(Property Owner, AttOmey, orPower ofAttorney)
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My commission expires:1( atil
Page 6— lionarre. special exception application 2014 rev 12/1V2013
REL1\1.17 312704
• •
During the summer of 2012, Connie Murphy, the President of the Homeowners Association of
Keystone Woods, contacted JB Towers about the possibility of building a tower on the parcel
of land owned by the association's swim club. She had received our name as a possible contact
after an inquiry with the city.
We met with Connie and did internal due diligence on the actual need of additional coverage
and /or capacity at this location. Our search included a one mile, and two mile radius of this
location. We were able to determine that this area does need a communications tower. There
are some coverage holes that can be filled but mostly it is capacity issues that will be solved
with this proposed tower.
Our attached site plan was developed by taking into consideration maintaining the aesthetics of
the property and the residents of the surrounding area. We have located the wood fenced tower
compound in a grove of trees on the Woods Swim Club property. Within the wooded area we
chose a spot currently filled with dead trees and underbrush. Building the proposed tower in
this spot allows the large healthy trees to remain.
Locating the tower in the woods also blocks the view of the tower from the area residents and
from the people driving on Keystone Parkway. This location is the best way of making it a win -
win for the residents. They receive better cell usage and the tower is well hidden from the
normal line of site.
The access and utility easement placement allows us to not infringe upon utility easement with
the City of Carmel. There is small area that needs to be crossed to enter the compound.
The access and utility easement location is also allowing JB Towers to give Woods Swim Club
additional parking. This will aid in keeping the street clear during swim meets.
Section 21.3 items 1 -26
1. Topography: Our plan works with the existing topography to maintain the visual aesthetics
currently at the property.
2. Zoning on site: Special Exception is required.
3. Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: The surrounding zoning is also S -2. The residents of this
area are in agreement with this tower.
4.- 15. Do not apply to this project
16. Special and general Easements: We will have an access and utility easement to our site.
However, the line of access for service vehicles will be through the existing parking lot.
17. Landscaping and trees: As mentioned above we are placing the tower in a small wooded
area. We can also place some additional landscaping along the south property line of the parent
18. Necessary screening and buffering: N/A
19. Necessary fencing: We will place an 8' wood fence around the base of the tower.
20. Necessary exterior lighting: This tower is less than 200' and won't be lit.
21. — 26. N/A
FEES. Single Family (Primary Residence) $302 for the first variance, plus $93.00 for c�h addLonal section,of the
ordinance being varied. All Other $1,197 for the first variance, plus $565 for each additional section of the
ordinance being varied Or, see Hearing Officer Option & Fees. ' Ecelt.1
DOCKET NO 1 `iOP 5e V 5 DATE RECEIVED (E® 2014 •
1) Applicant: JB Towers, LLC
Address. 2602 Cass Street Fort Wayne, IN 46808
2) Project Name: Keystone Woods
Engineer /Architect: N/A Phone.
Attorney. Paul Helmke Phone
Contact Person. Jennifer Jones Phone: Cell: 260- 418 -8191
Email: jenniferAbtower.com
3) Applicant's Status (Check the appropriate response)
Phone* 260 -482 -5454
(a) The applicants name is on the deed to the property (b) The applicant is the contract
purchaser of the property (c) Other* X Applicant is leasing an 80' x 80' area from owner
4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following
Owner of the property involved: Woods Swim Club
Owner's address. 10636 Lakeshore Dr. Carmel, IN 46033
5) Record of Ownership
Deed Book No. /Instrument No Book 273
Page 546 Purchase date N/A
Phone. 317- 691 -4453
6) Common address of the property involved: 10636 Lakeshore Dr. Carmel, IN 46033
Legaldescription: Metes and Bounds Section 6 Township 17, Range 4, 2.03 acres
Tax Map Parcel No: 16- 14- 06- 04 -05- 028.000
7) State explanation of requested Development Standards Variance. (State what you want to do and cite the
section num ber(s) of the Carmel /Clay Zoning Ordinance that applies and /or creates the need for this request)
We are requesting to build a 150' monopole. The 150' height is allowed in Business, Industrial, and Manufacturing
districts. The parcel we are requesting to locate the tower on is zoned S -2. However, it is currently used for a swimming
pool, tennis court and club house. The current use of this property compares directly to a business use instead of
residential. It is also important to note that the legal description is metes and bounds. The legal description is not a lot
in the Keystone Woods subdivision. Per Code 26.01 in the S -2 classifications the height max height is 120'.
8) State reasons supporting the Development Standards Variance: (Additionally, complete the attached question
sheet entitled "Findings of Fact - Development Standards Variance ") _
We are asking fora variance from this because....
1.) The tower will be located in a wooded area therefore providing coverage from eye sight for up to the height of the
trees. 2.) 1 he parcel is bordered by heavily traveled roadways on the south and west. It is bordered by a fire station on
the east and to the north the swim club building is between the closest houses. Also, the three property owners to the
North have signed the petition in support of the tower. 3.) The taller tower provides room for additional collocation.
This tower will be designed to hold all four wireless carriers that currently have licenses in the area plus have room for
additional uses like fire and safety, wireless Internet and 2 -way radio.
Please see attached pictures showing the visual difference of a 120' tower and a 150' tower.
9) Present zoning classification of the property: SS =2
10) Size of lot/parcel in question. 2.03 acres
11) Present use of the property: Association swimming pool and tennis court
12) Describe the proposed use of the property. The use will remain the same. We are proposing to add a tower on a
small 80' x 80' parcel away from the current uses.
13) Is the property. Owner occupied Renter occupied Other X
14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this
property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes, give date and
docket number, instrument no , decision rendered and pertinent explanation No
15) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details
Building Permit Number No work has been started
16) If proposed appeal is granted, when will the work commence?
May to June 2014
17) If the proposed variance is granted, who will operate and /or use the proposed improvement for which this
application has been filed?
The tower will be built to hold 4 wireless carriers, wireless internet, city and county fire and safety, 2 -way radio
NOTE. LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the Noblesville Times a MANDATORY twenty -five (25) days prior to the
public hearing date. The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the
night of the hearing
LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY, two methods of notice are
1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners (The white receipt
should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty -five (25) days prior to the public hearing date )
2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting
property owner acknowledging the twenty -five (25) day notice should be kept for verification that the notice was
The applicant understands that docket numbers will not be . ssigned until all supporting information has beert
submitted to the Department of Com may, y Services,
Applicant Signature: ' � `, /73 l Date
The applicant certifies b gning this pli r ion that he /she has been advised that all representations of the Department of
Community Services a e advisory only and hat the applicant should rely on appropriate subdivision and zoning ordinance and /or
the legal advice of his /her attorney
FEES. Single Family (Primary Residence) $302 for the first variance, plus $93 00 for eachAadditional section of the
ordinance being varied. All Other $1,197 for the first variance, plus $565 for each add tj Mtiai of the
ordinance being varied O r, see Hearing Officer Option & Fees. ,i FEB -7 2014
DOCKET NO Lib Qrxo \ ( V DATE RECEIVED' '' O('' %
1) Applicant: JB Towers, LLC
Address: 2602 Cass Street Fort Wayne, IN 46808
2) Project Name Keystone Woods
Phone. 260- 482 -5454
Engineer /Architect: N/A Phone:
Attorney Paul Helmke Phone:
Contact Person Jennifer Jones Phone Cell: 260- 418 -8191
Email: jennifer Abtower.com
3) Applicant's Status (Check the appropriate response)
(a) The applicant's name is on the deed to the property (b) The applicant is the contract
purchaser of the property. (c) Other X Applicant is leasing an 80' x 80' area from owner
4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following
Owner of the property involved: Woods Swim Club
Owner's address. 10636 Lakeshore Dr. Carmel, IN 46033 Phone. 317 -691 -4453
5) Record of Ownership.
Deed Book No. /Instrument No Book 273
Page.546 Purchasedate. N/A
6) Common address of the property involved: 10636 Lakeshore Dr. Carmel, IN 46033
Legaldescription Metes and Bounds Section 6 Township 17, Range 4, 2.03 acres
Tax Map Parcel No.: 16- 14- 06- 04 -05- 028.000
7) State explanation of requested Development Standards Variance (State what you want to do and cite the
section number(s) of the Carmel /Clay Zoning Ordinance that applies and /or creates the need for this request)
This request is for a variance in setbacks as written in 25.13.01, B, i. We are proposing a 150' monopole tower.
We are requesting the setbacks be reduced to 125' from the North and South property line. We are also requesting
The setback to the East property line is reduced to 100' so the compound fence can remain hidden in the trees.
8) State reasons supporting the Development Standards Variance: (Additionally, complete the attached question
sheet entitled "Findings of Fact - Development Standards Variance ") See attached sheet. 1,) Monopole towers
if they fall will break apart in sections. See the attached letter showing the 100' fall radius. Please note the
tower is also designed for Wind speeds of 90 mph or 40 mph while with an inch of ice. 2.) This is the best
location on the parcel because of tree coverage. 3.) The location won't be injurious to the public health
safety, morals and general welfare.
9) Present zoning classification of the property. S -2
10) Size of lot/parcel in question 2.03 acres
11) Present use of the property. Association swimming pool and tennis court
12) Describe the proposed use of the property. The use will remain the same. We are proposing to add a tower to
In the trees.
13) Is the property. Owner occupied Renter occupied Other X
14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this
property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes, give date and
docket number, instrument no , decision rendered and pertinent explanation No
15) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details.
Building Permit Number No work has been started
16) If proposed appeal is granted, when will the work commence?
May to June 2014
17) If the proposed variance is granted, who will operate and /or use the proposed improvement for which this
application has been filed?
The tower will be built to hold 4 wireless carriers, wireless internet, city and county fire and safety, 2 -way radio
NOTE. LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the Noblesville Times a MANDATORY twenty -five (25) days prior to the
public hearing date The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the
night of the hearing.
LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY, two methods of notice are
1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners. (The white receipt
should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty -five (25) days prior to the public hearing date )
2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting
property owner acknowledging the twenty -five (25) day notice should be kept for verification that the notice was
completed )
The applicant understands that docket nun, • ers will not be assigned until all supporting information has been
submitted to the Depart e t of Commu ty S : rvicesa
Applicant Signature
The applicant certifies by signi this appycatip that he /she has been advised that all representations of the Department of
Community Services are ad 'sory only and that the applicant should rely on appropriate subdivision and zoning ordinance and /or
the legal advice of his /her attorney
426 West Ludwig Road.
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
260 490 8500
Department of Community Services
Planning /Zoning
Alexia Donahue -Wold
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46302
Re: Coverage and Capacity for JB Tower site at 10636 Lakeshore Dr. W Carmel, IN
Dear Ms. Donahue -Wold,
Fax 260 490 5505
FEB - 7 2014
The purpose of this letter is to state the with the addition of JB Towers proposed tower and collocation
on this tower by Wireless Carriers the residents around this site and residents within 1 to 2 miles should
see an increase in coverage and capacity.
Robert M. Peters
Peters Broadcast Engineering Inc.
PBE Wireless, RF and Microwave Engineering
Ms. Jennifer Jones
JB Towers, LLC
RE: Proposed 150' Monopole at Carmel, IN
Dear Ms. Jones,
SabrE IndustriEsM
Towers and Poles
February 4, 2014
Upon receipt of order, we propose to design and supply the above referenced monopole for a Basic
Wind Speed of 90 mph with no ice and 40 mph with 1" radial ice, Structure Class II, Exposure
Category C, and Topographic Category 1, in accordance with the Telecommunications Industry
Association Standard ANSI/TIA- 222 -G, "Structural Standard for Antenna Supporting Structures and
Antennas ".
When designed according to this standard, the wind pressures and steel strength capacities include
several safety factors, resulting in an overall minimum safety factor of 25 %. Therefore, it is highly
unlikely that the monopole will fail structurally in a wind event where the design wind speed is
exceeded within the range of the built -in safety factors.
Should the wind speed increase beyond the capacity of the built -in safety factors, to the point of
failure of one or more structural elements, the most likely location of the failure would be within the
monopole shaft. Assuming that the wind pressure profile is similar to that used to design the
monopole, the monopole will buckle at the location of the highest combined stress ratio within the
monopole shaft. This is likely to result in the portion of the monopole above "folding over" onto the
portion below, essentially collapsing on itself. Please note that this letter only applies to the
above referenced monopole designed and manufactured by Sabre Towers & Poles. In the
unlikely event of total separation, this, in turn, would result in collapse of the section above, within a
radius of 100 feet. woo
Robert E. Beacom, P.E.
Design Engineer II
*visa or
2 alb
FEB -72014
Sabre Towers and Poles • 2101 Murray Street • P.O. Box 658 • Sioux City, IA 51102 -0658
P: 712 - 258 -6690 F: 712 - 279 -0814 W: www.SabreTowersandPoles.com
Petition to Install Cell Tower on V° oods Swim Club Property
Petition summary and
Action petitioned for:
JB Towers LLC desires to install a cell tower on the property of Woods Swim Club Home Owners Association in the wooded
area to the west of (behind) the swimming pool This cell tower will improve cell phone reception within a 1 -2 mite radius of the
cell tower. JB Towers LLC will lease a section of land to the west of the swimming pool for the installation of the cell tower.
This lease will provide additional income to the Woods Swim Club Home Owners Association for the 30 year life of the lease.
We, the undersigned, are affected citizens who urge the City of Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) to approve the
application of JB Towers LLC for the installation of a cell tower on the property of Woods Swim Club Home Owners
Printed name
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Petition to Install Cell Tower on Woods Swim Club Property
Petition summary and
Action petitioned for:
JB Towers LLC desires to install a cell tower on the property of Woods Swim Club Home Owners Association in the wooded
area to the west of (behind) the swimming pool. This cell tower will improve cell phone reception within a 1 -2 mile radius of the
cell tower. JB Towers LLC will lease a section of land to the west of the swimming pool for the installation of the cell tower.
This lease will provide additional income to the Woods Swim Club Home Owners Association for the 30 year life of the lease.
We, the undersigned, are affected citizens who urge the City of Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) to approve the
application of JB Towers LLC for the installation of a cell tower on the property of Woods Swim Club Home Owners
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