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2006 Road Bond pay request 118
`irrr�n'ti CITY-OF CARIVIEL JAMES BR2AINARD, MAYOR, CITY OF CARIVIEL, INDIANA,REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY COUNTY OPTION INCOME TAX LEASE RENTAL REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2006 CONSTRUCTION FUND DRAW REQUISITION NO. 118 Regions Bank 401 Union Street, 11th Floor Nashville; Tennessee 37219 Attn: Corporate Trust Department Fax: (615)726-4280 Date: 10th of April , 2014 RE: Trust Indenture between the City of Carmel Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority"), and Regions Bank, as trustee, dated as of August 1, 2006 (the "Indenture"), securing $72,000,000 City of Cannel, Indiana, Redevelopment Authority County Option Income Tax Lease Rental Revenue Bonds, Series 2006 {the "Bonds") The undersigned certifies that: (a) The undersigned is an officer of the City of Cannel, Indiana; (b) The amounts set-forth on Schedule A are requested to be paid from the City of Carmel Redevelopment Authority 2006 Project Construction Fund (the "Construction Fund") (created by Section 3.01 of the Indenture); (c) Each obligation as reflected by the amounts set forth on Schedule A has been properly incurred, is a proper charge against the Construction Fund, and has not been the basis of any previous withdrawal from the Construction Fund; and (d) Supporting information with respect to each payee designated on Schedule A as to the amount owing is attached hereto. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA BY: ) Diana L. or ray, Clerk-Treasurer Authorized Officer DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE Civic SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAN 317.571.2439 I.EIAII, engineering©carmel.in.gov SCHEDULE A TO CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA,REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY COUNTY OPTION INCOME TAX LEASE RENTAL REVENUE BONDS,SERIES 2006 CONSTRUCTION FUND PAYMENT REQUISITION NO.118 10-Apr-14 AMOUNTS PAYEE'S NAME&MAILING ADDRESS REQUISITIONED COST ITEMIZATION Clay Township Regional Waste $44.41 Pennsylvania Street(R/W Services) PO Box 40638 Proj.06-18 [ndpls,IN 46240-0638 Parcels 5&6-Water/Sewer Bills RE:Acct No 0333831274254,0333830274255, Acct No.0681276274258,074003274258 Total $44.41 ALL CHECKS LISTED IIEREON TO BE OVERNIGIITED TO: l . CrossRoad Engineers,PC • Attn:Jill A.Newport i 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove,IN 46107 A-I The Mission of the District-to provide a high quality,cost- o „.. effective sanitary sewer service to our community. •cTRwD- Clay Township Regional Waste District P.O.Box 40638 Month0y Statement Illip. Indianapolis,IN 46240-0638 . A,. /' Customer CITY OF CARMEL Service Address: 10401 PENNSYLVANIA ST Account Number 0743003274258 Billing Date 04/06/2014 07/1211009303 0096589 20140402 J0291,102 CLAYSTMT 1 o1 008 J112VIA10000'1595,11 llI illIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIII1IIII1l IIIIIIIIIIIII11II11IIiIIIIIIIII1IIII Customer Message CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC CENTER ATTN: ENGINEERING DEPT CARMEL IN 46032-7569 kW Previous Balance $12.79 Period From: 03/06/2014 Payments -$12.79 Period To: 04/06/2014 Adjustments $0.00 /, 2.3456>8 \ Total Past Due $0.00 Service Description a i 5C1=tVED ',Meter Number Cons. (1000aallonst Amount Metered Res Primary-518 In Meter 2014 w;0616775 1.00000 B 12.79 r-ti ;1;4\ Lci CARMEL ci 41—' CITY ENGINEER a) ea,ee2CL, Important Information . Please l; MD Amount D $12.79 Give the gift of life; please join the District staff on April 16 from 8:00-11:00 a.m.for a blood drive. Help save the environment by dropping off Due Date > 04/20/2014 newspapers,magazines and catalogs in the Abitibi Recycling Bin located in our adjacent parking lot. Since the Government Center is a polling location, Amount DM our office will be closed on Tuesday May 6 for the election.( $12 79 02-1x09-2750(12109) Retain this portion for your records Please return this portion with payment when paying by mail Please bring entire statement when paying in person. sERV,LCE 10401 PENNSYLVANIA ST ADDRESS/ Please( Amount D $12.79 CITY OF CARMEL Due Date Account Number: 0743003274258 04/20/2014 Amount t3 AZEPCMCE132 $12.79 11 .11111111 1111111 II I I 111111 II 11111 Amount Enclosed > :.7 . l Please use return envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. CLAY TOWNSHIP REGIONAL WASTE DISTRICT P.O. BOX 40638 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240-0638 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIIII111IlIIII1IIl IIIIIIIIII The Mission of the District-to provide a high quality,cost- �^w „, effective sanitary sewer service to our community. Clay Township Regional Waste District y Stateme crRwo,� P.O. hw wally �� a Box 40638 !/ I I�I�I Indianapolis,IN 46240-0638 k gEDpglF>•WR' Customer CITY OF CARMEL Service Address: 10403 PENNSYLVANIA ST Account Number 0681276274258 Billing Date 04/06/2014 07112110 09.30 3 0000588 20140102 20290102 CLAYSTMT I az 000 J02,110000'1595.11 UT IIIIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..IIIIu.IIIIIIIIIIIIII!Willi Customer Message CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC CENTER ATTN: ENGINEERING DEPT CARMEL IN 46032-7569 Previous Balance $10.54 Period From: 03/06/2014 Payments -$10.54 Period To: 04/06/2014 Adjustments $0.00 Total Past Due $0.00 Service Description Meter Number Cons. (1000gallonst12 5 6,B9 Amount Metered Res Primary-5/8 In Meter 80561437 0.00000 / B �0, 10.54 C0 er) 1zCtt\1E-15 Na 0) V.\ co P a d vi " Important Information Please ITZMID Amount $10.54 Give the gift of life; please join the District staff on April 16 from 8:00-11:00 a.m.for a blood drive. Help save the environment by dropping off Due Date > 04/20/2014 newspapers, magazines and catalogs in the Abitibi Recycling Bin located in our adjacent parking lot.Since the Government Center is a polling location, Amount D our office will be closed on Tuesday May 6 for the election. $10.54 0 o-. 02-1x09-2750(121091 Retain this portion for your records Please return this portion with payment when paying by mail Please bring entire statement when paying in person. ADDRESS./ 10403 PENNSYLVANIA ST Please PVC&Amount $10.54 CITY OF CARMEL Account Number: 0681 276274258 Due Date 04/20/2014 Amount MT ID3RD $10.54 11111 III II IIIII IIII I I IIIIIIIIII I I I. II Amount Enclosed D Y Please use return envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. CLAY TOWNSHIP REGIONAL WASTE DISTRICT P.O. BOX 40638 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240-0638 I'IIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIuIIIIIIIlI�IIIIIIII'I'IIJLIIIIIIIII„IIl1Ill. The Mission of the District-to provide a high quality,cost- AO •„„, effective sanitary sewer service to our community Clay Township Regional Waste District •CTRWD• P.O.Box 40638 l(DIflthDy Staf f re d IWP? Indianapolis,IN 46240-0638 Customer CITY OF CARMEL Service Address: 10407 PENNSYLVANIA ST Account Number 0333831274254 Billing Date 04/06/2014 071121 1009000 000658720140002002Yfi1102 OLAYSTMT 1oz QOM 10 20 0 10000'109,11 UT 'IIIII'LII'IIIII"I'IIIiiIIll,111IIiiiii'II"11111.111'Iii'11111 Customer Message CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC CENTER ATTN: ENGINEERING DEPT CARMEL IN 46032-7569 Previous Balance $10.54 Period From: 03/06/2014 Payments—,A 66 -$10.54 Period To: 04/06/2014 Adjustments ,p $0.00 Total Pas Due 12. > $0.00 I ,-, Ct1Vi b 4 Service Description Meter Number Cons. (1000 nallonst 2.04A 'Amount Metered Res Primary-5/8 In Meter 81193595 0.00000 B�EI ET.; 10.54 teez 9- important Information Please G jM Amount $10.54 Give the gift of life; please join the District staff on April 16 from 8:00-11:00 a.m.for a blood drive. Help save the environment by dropping off Due Date 04/20/2014 newspapers, magazines and catalogs in the Abitibi Recycling Bin located in our adjacent parking lot. Since the Government Center is a polling location, Amounts • our office will be closed on Tuesday May 6 for the election. $10.54 02-1x09-2750(12109) Retain this portion for your records Please return this portion with payment when paying by mail Please bring entire statement when paying in person. SERVICE 10407 PENNSYLVANIA ST Please G M Amount $10.54 CITY OF CARMEL Account Number: 0333831274254 Due Date > 04/20/2014 Amount att&CMDEOlD $10.54 � IIII1111III ��IIIIII .IIIIIIIIIIII Amount Enclosed > Please use return envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. CLAY TOWNSHIP REGIONAL WASTE DISTRICT P.O. BOX 40638 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240-0638 ILiiiIII IIIII1"111IIIIIlliIiill'IIIIIIIIIIIII'IiiI'IiIIIIIIII'I The Mission of the District-to provide a high quality,cost- .H'� effective sanitary sewer service to our community. '" Clay Township Regional Waste District •cTRwD• , P.O.Box 40638 'hilionthlly SRat8m n lipro-- Indianapolis,IN 46240-0638 Customer CITY OF CARMEL Service Address: 10409 PENNSYLVANIA ST Account Number 0333830274255 Billing Date 04/06/2014 0/112110 09:90 3 0005589 20140402 J029%1102 CLAYSTMT 1 oz DOI I J021(1410000'159541 UT IIIIIII I1III"IIIIIIIIII"I"IIIIIIIIII'II 1.1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Customer Message CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC CENTER r��r ATTN: ENGINEERING DEPT J:r-= CARMEL IN 46032-7569 rl- / e'e Previous Balance $10.54 Period From: 03/06/2014 �`G*I Payments -$10.54 ci Period To: 04/06/2014 ?- N al Adjustments $0.00 cP. Cp���`�s��� Total Past Due $0.00 cl v``t FNS' �c� Service Description �`�cs,+, �' Meter Number Cons. (1000 aallonst Amount Metered Res Primary-5/8 In Meter y''Z'EZ eZCZ 81193112 0.00000 B 10.54 • important Information Please GEVIllb Amount i> $10.54 Give the gift of life; please join the District staff on April 16 from 8:00-11:00 a.m.for a blood drive. Help save the environment by dropping off Due Date 04/20/2014 newspapers,magazines and catalogs in the Abitibi Recycling Bin located in our adjacent parking lot. Since the Government Center is a polling location, Amount COD 1 our office will be closed on Tuesday May 6 for the election. G' "E- D $10.54 02-1909-2750(12!09) Retain this portion for your records Please return this portion with payment when paying by mail Please bring entire statement when paying in person. ADU ESS. 10409 PENNSYLVANIA ST Gtm Amount D, Please •. $10.54 CITY OF CARMEL Due Date > 04/20/2014 Account Number: 0333830274255 Amount DED G`II2BIbg $10.54 -- 11. 1111 11111 Iiii I I Hi I I Ii iiiHii I llI Amount Enclosed D gi Please use return envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. . CLAY TOWNSHIP REGIONAL WASTE DISTRICT P.O. BOX 40638 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240-0638 •lI"111'III"lI1'IIIIIIIIIIIII'Illllllfl'IIIIIllIIIII'l11I1"I