HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 12-15-87 - - _________
The regular meeting of the Carmel Plan Commission was called to order by
Richard Albright , President , at 7: 35 P. M. , December 15, 1987 at the City
Meeting Hall . The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The roll was called and members present were as follows: Richard
Albright , Jeff Davis, Ila Badger, Minnie Doane, Henrietta Lamb , Bob Boone,
Max Moore, Vaughn Story, Paul AYers, Sue McMullen , Jim O 'Neal . Absent were
Jim Schneider and Sandra Long who was absent due to illness.
Staff members present were Chuck kiphart , Dave Cunningham, Rick
Brandau, Gordon Byers and Dorthy Neisler.
Mr. Albright made an addition to the November 17, 1987 minutes on
Docket 87-87 Z Rezone Application that should read: Petitioner was assured
that he could withdraw and repetition without prejudice.
Mrs. Badger moved that the November 17, 1987 minutes be approved as
Mr. O'Neal seconded.
Minnie Doane has completed her term as of December 31 , 1987 and
expressed to everyone how much she enjoyed her term.
Mr. Albright reada letter from Bruce Cordingley thanking the Planning
Commission for their assistance in connection with Bridlebourne Subdivision.
Mr. Albright wrote a letter to Mr. Jack Isenbarger , Executive Director
of Indiana Department of Highways regarding mutual concerns we may have
regarding the Meridian Corridor requesting a meeting with him and his
planning and development people. We have received an indication from one of
his staff members that there would probably be such a meeting after the first
of the year
Mr. Albright also contacted the State Board of Health , Mr. Daryl
Patterson who works in residential sewage disposal . Mr. Patterson said that
if we needed assistance on any items they would be available. Mr. Patterson
said he would commit to a meeting after the first of the year .
1g. Commission to consider Docket No. 112-87 6P Secondary Plat
application for Wood Park , Sec. 2 consisting of 38 lots on 11 . 52
acres. Site is zoned R-1 , located on the SE corner of 116th and
College in Clay Township.
Filed by Dean Ziegler.
Mr. tiphart said that all department requirements have been met and
does conform with the primary plat.
Mrs. McMullen made a motion to be approved.
Seconded by Ms. Doane.
Motion was carried.
1h. 7: 30 P. M. , Public Hearing on DocVet No. 87-87 Z Rezone Application
for . 24 acres of land located at 82 Sixth Street , Carmel , IN also known as
Lot 9 of David Kinzer Subdivision. Petitioner requests a change in zoning
from R-2 to B-7 for the elimination of a use Variance BA-16-76.
Filed by Dr. Linderman , Owner.
The public hearing opened at 7: 43 with Dennis Andrews of Gordon Mess
and Associates Architect of 8802 N. Meridian Street making presentation.
Dr. Linderman was present.
The proposal is to add a 600 foot square addition to an existing
structure of 1200 feet . An existing house on property zoned R-2 and because
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of zoning regulation would lite to rezone to o D-7 which is a business zoning
for residential neighborhood
The construction of the addition will be identical tp, currently
constructed building.
The addition will be made on the west side of parking loL extending
out 21 feet.
Site plans were presented to show location of addition.
Mr . Holloway, a neighbor was unopposed to B '7 zoning.
The public hearing was closed at 7: 48 P. M.
Mrs. Badger questioned if the B '7 requirement and the parking
requirements have been met .
Mr. Kiphart said it will be a 7 phase process rezone to B-7,
approval of development plan in a B-7 , and a set back variances for the
side yards and landscape buffer for any additions put on.
Rear yard set back for the addition and the 7,0 ' landscape buffer
variance will be required.
This is not here by speeza] use permit it is here hy a very
specific use variance that was approved in 1976.
There was further discussion by the board members and Mr. Kiphart .
This item was sent to the Land Use Committee, January 5, 1980 at
the City Meeting Hall .
2h. 7: 7,0 P. M. , Public Hearing on Doctet No. 103-87 P. P. Primary
Plat Application for Newark Village Subdivision , replatzng of
Juts 61 , 62, 63 consisting of 3 new lots on 1 . 49 acres. Site
is zoned R- 2 located at the northwest corner of Winona Drive
at Pawnee Road, Carmel , lN.
Filed by Mr. Larry Dunier1y.
The public hearing was opened at 7: 54 P. M. with Stan Neal of Weihe -
Engineering making presentation.
Larry Dunkerly was present
Development plans passed out to each member indicating location.
Sewage and Water hookups are available.
The property owner has been before Technical Advisory Committee and
Sub Division Committee.
There are not any improvements. The streets and sewers are all
e:isting in Newark Village.
Kenneth Crider , property owner 1 block south of said property in
Newark Village, do not have any complaints and is glad La see it remain
as residential . They had a concern that property was going to be rezoned
for businesses.
Jeff Deihl . 726 Pawnee Road are concerned about this property being
rezoned as business. Mr. Deihl received a certified letter approximately
30 days ago.
The public hearing was closed at 8: 00 P. M.
Mr . Davis read Sub Committee Report (which is a part of the
official minutes attached to the Master Copy) .
A motion was made to suspend the rules to consider this tonight.
Motion was approved.
Mr . (iyers made a motion to approve the Primary Plat as presented
tonight .
Seconded by Mrs. Badger.
Findings of fact were completed.
Motion was carried. -
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7i . Commission to consider DocFet No. 104-87 SP Secondary Plat
Application for Newark Village consisting of 3 lots on 3
acres , site is zoned R-Z located at the northwest corner of
Pawnee and Winona, Carmel , IN.
Filed by Mr . Larry Dunkerly
Mr. Davis moved for approval of Secondary Flat.
Ms. Doane seconded.
Motion was carried.
3h. 7: 30 P. M. , Public Hearing on Docket No. 113-87 DP/ADLS
Development Plan/Architectural Design lighting and signage for
U-Lnk-It Storage located 950 N. Range Line Road , Carmel , IN.
Site is zoned B-2 and is in the U. S. 31 Meridian Corridor
Overlay. Propose 72,500 square foot warehouse and offices
with one apartment.
Filed by Larry Lawhead for Harry Elliott.
The public hearing was opened At 8: 05 P. M. by Mr. Larry Lawhead ,
Attorney representing Northview Realty, Inc. .
The real estate is divided in half by the U. S. 31 overlay zone.
Development plan was shown and location given.
The variances have been fully examined , discussed and approved by
the Land Use Committee and Board of Zoning Appeals.
The closest point to the real estate to US 31 is approximately 400
feet. Property is split as shown due to direction of US 31 .
Looking at project from entrance we have five offices and a
__ management apartment.
Front exterior will be comprised of brick. There will be a green
strip along Range Line Road. Landscaping along the perimeter of the
The lighting plan was shown , proposed lighting meets requirements
with . 1 candlelight.
Signage and Paring will meet ordinances as shown on e :hibits.
The drainage will follow the natural flow of the land.
The trash container will be enclosed.
The public hearing was closed at 8: 12 P. M.
There will be a total of 9 buildings. The front buildings are 5
offices and one managers apartment for security.
There will not be any other improvements except for electricity in
the other 8 buildings.
There will be 53 white pines, 5-6 ' in height for screening of the
Project will be completely curbed.
Detention will be in front.
There will be a roof mounted sign of about 4» square feet .
This item was sent to Industrial & Commercial Committee on January
5, 1988 at City Meeting Hall .
11 . Commi ssion to consi der Dc'cl,et No. 59-07 7 , Rezone Application
- for 68. 568 acres located at S. E. corner of 116th 9t . and
Spring Mill Road. Petitioner requests a change from the
existing S-2 zoning to B-6 Zone District for a proposed
multi -building office complex . Petitioner also commits to
certain covenants and conditions as part of the rezone
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Filed by Jim Nelson , Attorney for Dr. John B. Pittman ,
Property Owner.
. . . '
Mr. Albright received a letter from Jim Nelson dated November 19,
1987 expressing concern that if he withdrew the rezone request of John
Pittman it could not to be placed again on the agenda for consideration
within a period of si: months after withdrawal (letter is a part of the
official minutes and attached to the Master Copy) .
If there are material ehanges made in the petition it will be
treated as a new petition. Original petition could be withdrawn.
Mr. Nelson said appro :imately 10 days ago he reached an agreement
with Chuck Wilson , who represented the homeowners in Spring Mill Place ,
which is the residential subdivision to the south. At this time
petitioner has requested Paul I . Cripe Inc. to prepare revised plans
representing this agreement in principal when they are completed they will
be submitted to Mr. Wilson for approval , and then will be presented to the
Plan Commission.
Mr . Vaughn Story moved that the Commission should adopt a rule
relative to this petition that if there are substantial changes in the
plan, the petitioner should withdraw this petition and file a new
Seconded by Mrs. McMullen
Motion was carried.
Mr. Jim Nelson withdrew the original petition.
2i . Commission to consider Dodet No. 95-87 P. P. Primary Plat
application for Crossfields Subdivision consisting of 101
lots on 153. 2 acres of land. Site is zoned S-1 and located
west of Towne Road between 126th and 116th Streets.
Filed by William Olson , Developer.
Mr. Davis read report from Sub-Division [ommittee (copy is made a
part of official minutes and attached to master copy) .
Mr . Davis moved peLition be approved.
Seconded by Mrs. McMullen.
AL the request of Mr. Boone there was discussion by Mr. Byers
regarding the who are e:perts on sewerage, draining , traffic. We are not
to decide whether the e'perts are correct or what we need. It is up to
the State to approve. We received a letter from County Sanitarians
stating it will probably work .
Towne Road runs along entire East Side, 116th across the entire
south side, 126th across the entire North side. There are no existing
entrances to south side.
The intentions are to upgrade Towne Road.
A letter of approval on the better drainage plan is in Mr. Kipharts
The peak increase in water elevation for the 100-year storm will be
7 1/2 feet. Mr . Neal said there is adequate elevation for this.
Findings of fact were completed by members.
It was approved 11-V.
3i . Commission to consider Doct'et No. 99-87 Z , Rezone
Application for 113. 8 acres of land located at the Southwest
corner of Haverstick Road and 106th Street , Carmel , IN.
Petitioners request a change in zoning from S-1 to 5-2 from
the development of a future subdivision.
Filed by Mr . Mark Boyce for C. P. Morgan , Inc .
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Mrs. Badger gave the Land Use Committee Report (which are a part of
the official minutes and attached to the Master Copy) . Mrs. Badger
submitted letters from homeowners in opposition and in favor of (which is
a part of the official minutes and attached to Master copy) .
The committee recommended against approval .
Mrs. Badger moved this be sent back to Land Use Committee for
fur+her review.
Seconded by Mr. Ayers.
Petitioner obtained from Dan Young an easement to construct a
roadto connect to 96th Street. Petitioner obtained preliminary approval
for a stub street that would exit along the east property line providing
for future access to east to Gray Road.
There will be a rerouted entrance at Vale Drive to minimize the
amount of traffic that would use as point. of ingress and egress.
Motion to send this back to Land Use Committee failed.
Mrs. Badger made a motion that Docket 99-87 Rezone Application for
C. P. Morgan be approved as presented this evening.
Seconded by Mrs. Lamb.
A letter is to be presented to Mr. Viphart from traffic consultant
stating that with redesign of Vale Drive connection that traffic on Vale
Drive would be substantially reduced.
Mr. Morgan will sell lots to other custom home builders, build some
homes himself and will maVe some lots available for sale to the public
with the right to approve the builder that the homeowners select.
A conceptual development plan was presented to all board members.
Mr. Rick Burleson , Architect with C. P. Morgan made presentation.
Entrance will consist of brick walls, then enter into a boulevard
with landscaped median going past pond area. The amenity area consists of
a pool , club house, tennis courts and walking trails through wooded area.
There will also be two lakes.
Entrance treatment exhibit showed sculptured bric[. work and
patterned paving.
There will be 176 single family lots.
Mr. Albright acf. nowledged letters he had received from homeowners
expressing concern about the subdivision, with some in favor of and some
in opposition.
Motion is to recommend approval of rezone to City Council with
information as presented tonight from S-1 to 5-2, it passed unanimously.
4i . Commission to consider Docket No. 100-87 P.P. Primary
Plat/cluster development application for Walden Pond
Subdivision Subdivision consisting of 126 lots on 40. 9 acres
of land. Site is zoned R-1 and located at the northeast
corner of 99th Street and Westfield Blvd. , Clay Township.
Filed by Mr. Jim Nelson for Mr . Paul E. Estridge, Jr.
Mr. Davis read Subdivision Committee Report (which is a part of the
official minutes and attached to the Master Copy) .
Mr. Davis moved the petition be approved as presented.
Ms. Doane Seconded.
Mr. Kiphart said he talked to Kent Ward and indicated he has no
problem with the project being approved by Plan Commission.
There was further discussion by the board members.
Findings of fact were completed by members.
It was voted 10 for and 1 against (Mr. Albright)
5i . Commission to consider Docket No. 102-87 ADLS Signage
Application for One Meridian Plaza located at 10585 N.
Meridian. Petitioner wishes to establish a new sign package
for One Meridian Plaza. Site is zoned B-5, and located at
the south east corner of Meridian Street and 106th Street ,
Clay T'`wnship.
Filed by Mr. Rusty Rirhardson. 4 ' ^
Mr . Coots made presentation of new sign pact.age. Both items on the
agenda 5i and 61 have been combined for identical sign packages.
M, . tiphart stated that he had a disagreement on one sign. Mr.
riphart felt that the two signs should read differently, as it stands now
they both read Meridian Plaza.
A sign variance will be needed.
The signs on Meridian Plaza , 75 sq. ft. for Meridian Three and 85
sq. ft. for Meridian One. The sign material will be the same as the wall
on which the sign will be placed. There will be individually internally
lighted letters of green and will me mounted on the wall which is
constructed for each of the signs. The Wainwright sign currently on the
Meridian One building will be converted to conform with this sign package.
Mr. Boone moved that we approve both sign pact:ages as presented.
Seconded by Mrs. McMullen.
Mr . tiphart does agree that with the eigns reading Meridian Plaza
One and Meridian Plaza Three meet the ordinance as presented tonight.
Mr. CootS stated that the building tenants sign will be the same as
the signs that will be constructed on this wall . They do meet the
Items 5i and bi were approved unanimously.
61 . Commission to consider Doc| et No. 107-87 ADLS, Siqnage
Application for Three Meridian Plaza located at 10333 N.
Meridian. Petitioner wishes to establish a new sign package
for Three Meridian Plaza. Site is zoned B-5 and located at
the northeast corner of Meridian Street and 103rd Street ,
Clay Township.
Filed by Mr. Rusty Richardson
Item 61 was combined with item 5i and approved.
71 . Acted on with Item 2h.
8i . Commission to eonsider Doclet No. 1()5-57 P.P. Primary Plat
Application for Leising Estates Subdivision consisting of 3
lots on 3 arres of land. Site is zoned 6-2 and located at
the South east corner of 104th and White Oat Drive, Clay
Filed by Mr. Ron Leising.
Mr. Davis read the Sub Division Committee report (which is a part of
the official minutes and attached to the Master Copy) .
Dennis Grump from Schneider Engineering made presentation on behalf
of Ron Leising. This petition was presented to the County Commissioners
on December 7. There attorney is issuing us a letter to the effect they
will accept the improvements to 104th Street in front of the project
rather than the impact fee.
The improvements to 104th Street is the widening and repaving
along the 361 foot of frontage in front of 104th Street. The pavement
will be improved to 22 ft. , current pavement is approximately 16-17 feet.
The petitioner is giving a total of 50 ft. right of way from White Oat
Drive to La Salle.
The petitioner has committed to providing a sidewalt across 104th
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_ Street to Briar Creek. Does not want to put sidewalk on West Side of
/ White Oat, Drive.
Mr. Davis moved thiAt we accept this project as presented including
the variance for the sidewalk down White Oat. Drive.
Motion died for a lack of a second.
Mrs. McMullen moved the approval of what has been presented with
the sidewall,s being built along White Oak Drive.
Seconded by Mrs. Badger.
Mrs. McMullen amended the motion to instruct the petitioner to
amend and bring it bact wi+h that plan plus the sidewalt. .
Seconded by Mrs. Badger.
Amended motion passed.
9i . Commission to consider Doctet No. 108-87 D. P. Development
Plan for Pnowles Office Center located at the southeast
corner of Winona Drive and Range Line Road , Carmel , IN.
Site is zoned B-7. Proposed 3007 Square Feet office
Filed by Mr. Al Hughey for Mr . William W. Vnowles
Mr. Boone read the Industrial and Commercial Report (which is a
part of the official minutes and attached to the master copy) .
Mr. Boone moved the petition be approved.
Seconded by Mr. O 'Neal
Mr. John Hughey made presentation for Al Hughey.
Site plan shown. Changes regarding the landscaping and lights were
shown on site plan.
A sample of the red brick to used was shown.
The roof will have black shingles.
The s`:terior color will be semi - gloss white.
The ordinances have all been met.
Petition with changes approved unanimously.
Mr. Boone moved that Mr . Coots be allowed to make a presentation
regarding an item that was not on the agenda.
Mr. Coots wanted to mat,e a clarification
Mr. Fiphart made two announcements which were as follows:
1 . Copyright building at Meridian Technology Part, would lite to move
location of their sign from the North side to the East side and will be 2
feet smaller.
2. Woodfield Subdivision developer has submitted a plat that shows street
names different that the final plat of street names that was approved by
the Plan Commission. It has been my understanding that approving street
names is a Plan Commission requirement. The staff has always done the
addressing so the Plan Commission didn 't have to get bogged down with
addressing things and we have just done that. Some of the street names
are going to be changed. The staff will chect them out to make sure the
new ones do not correspond with any e: isting street names and if its
agreeable with everyone we will leave it at that.
There was no further business brought before the board and the
meeting was adjourned.
Rich ard °. Albri ht