HomeMy WebLinkAboutUS Bank 32M021302 March 2014 '15395032M021138 013001312965- 00-0-M -0-PC -091-01 3950 17.71b -nk,� 0005386-00-02965-01 Page 1 of 5 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 32M021302 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TAX INCREMENT REVENUE BONDS OF 1998 (MERCHANTS SQUARE) TAX INCREMENT S This statement is for the period from March 1. 2014 to March 31, 2014 1I I'I'III Itr,lil'''l'I1"III'II IIIII'II±IIili•iIIIIII1IIII1 000003879 3 SP 106481520272467 P QUESTIONS? CITY OF CARMEL ATTN SHARON KIBBE If ou have any y questions regarding OFFICE OF THE MAYOR your account or this statement; please 1 CIVIC SQUARE contact your Account Manager or Analyst. CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 Account Manager: LOiIS MOORE HO-IN-WM11 10 W MARKET ST SUITE 1150 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 Phone 317-264-2503 E-mail lais.moore1@usbank.com Analyst: SHARADA JOSHI Phone 651-466-6184 • • 00-0-M -0-PC -091-01 00395001 3950 0005386-00-02965-01 Page 2 of 5 uS sk` ACCOUNT NUMBER: 32M021302 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TAX INCREMENT REVENUE BONDS OF 1998 (MERCHANTS SQUARE) TAX INCREMENT This statement is for the period from March 1. 2014 to March 31, 2014 MARKET VALUE SUMMARY Current Period 03/01/14 to 03/31/14 Beginning Market Value $0.00 Contributions 39.543.00 Distributions - 39.543.00 Adjusted Market Value $0.00 Ending Market Value $0.00 MARKET VALUE SUMMARY MASSAGES ACCOUNT CLOSED ON 03/27/14 '15395032M0211313 013001312965'' 00-0-M -0-PC -091-01 00395001 3950 =bnk. 0005386-00-02965-01 Page 3 of 5 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 32M021302 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TAX INCREMENT REVENUE BONDS OF 1998 (MERCHANTS SQUARE) TAX INCREMENT • This statement is for the period from March 1, 2014 to March 31. 2014 ASSET D E TA I L MESSAGES ... ......................................................................................................................................................... No reportable securities for this statement period • 00-0-M -0-PC -091-01 00395001 3950 0005386-00-02965-01 Page 4 of ,USA b ACCOUNT NUMBER: 32M021302 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TAX INCREMENT REVENUE BONDS OF 1998 (MERCHANTS SQUARE) TAX INCREMENT This statement is for the period from • March 1. 2014 to March 31; 2014 CASM SUMMARY Income Principal Total Cash Cash Cash Beginning Cash Balance as of 03/01/2014 $39,543.00 - $39,543.00 $.00 Cash Receipts 39.543.00 39;543.00 Cash Disbursements 39.543.00 39.543.00 Ending Cash Balance as of 03/31/2014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 • • "15395032M021138 013001312935^' . 00 0 M Q 00395001 3950 Us ari .y 0000-005-3M86- 005386-00-02965-0011 0-60P C-02-099615- Page 5 of 5 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 32M021302 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TAX INCREMENT(MERCHANTS SQUARE)REVENUE BONDS OF 1998 TAX INCREMENT This statement is for the period from March 1. 2014 to March 31, 2014 TRANSACTION DETAIL Date Income Principal Tax Posted Description Cash Cash Cost Beginning Balance 03/01/2014 $39,543.00 $39,543.00 $0.00 03/26/14 Cash Disbursement - 39,543.00 Transfer To Another Trust 03/26/14 Cash Receipt 39,543.00 Transfer From Another Trust Ending Balance 03/31/2014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 •