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231392 04/08/14
r Coq `� ;'� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350958 4 ® i' ONE CIVIC SQUARE SAMS CLUB DIRECT CHECK AMOUNT: S'".....700.04" CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P 0 BOX 530930 CHECK NUMBER: 231392 'd„�.oN.�` ATLANTA GA 30353-0930 CHECK DATE: 04/08/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 102 4467099 006725 259.96 OTHER EQUIPMENT 1120 4239099 006725 92.31 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 1120 4355100 006725 103.36 PROMOTIONAL FUNDS 1203 4359000 006725 43.44 SPECIAL PROJECTS 601 5023990 006725 200.97 OTHER EXPENSES SAWS CLUB DIRECT CREDITRCIAL Account: 0402 70240115 9 Statement Date:03120114 Page:1 of 2 Ilrl�rl�lllll�ll�'lJill llrr�ll'��I'��II'lll'llll�lrirlrll'I��II�I CITY OF CARMEL 7315 ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0101 TWO CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 Customer Service Online at www.samsclubcredit.com This account is not registered. The authentication code Is: SONLC951 Paymetn. Received 02/21114 0229189 11.- AYMENT RECEIVED-THANK YOU Current Months Invoices (Details Enclosed) Date Invoice Original Due Date Club Reference Amount 02/24/14 008921 43.44 04/08/14 8168 022414 02/28/14 006725 455.63 04/08/14 6316 0228 03/05/14 003664 200.97 04/08/14 6316 03052014 a Past Due Invoices Oat ` Voice Original Due Date Club Ref reotce a Amount a 01/27114 07257 19.96 03/08/14 6316 Current invoices: $700.04r Send payments to: Past Due Invoices: $19 Be $ P.O.Box 530930 Unapplied Payments 8 _,,. Atlanta GA 30353.0930 Credits: fg i Send inquiries(not payments)to: ea P.O.Box 8726 Dayton OH 45401.8726 "1�� For Customer Service: Call 1.800-362.6196 Credit Line $10000.00 Air Retain left hand portion for your records,send right hand portion noting Hems paid by a with your payment.If not sonding stub,note account number,Invoice number and amounts being paid on your check. a �ULf V U 596 .0001 Cal 07 PAGEN1 01 2 SAWS CLUB DIRECT CREDITRCIAL Account: 0402 70240115 9 Statement Date:03120114 Page:2 of 2 manwmmmm SAM'S CLUB DIRECT P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930 CITY OF CARMEL Date of Sale: 02124/14 Account: 0402 70240115 9 Invoice: 008921 Club/Name: 8168 P.O.: 022414 Buyer: NANCY HECK 0 S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE 025199363 30CT CUPCAKES 1.00 EA 14.48 14.48 025420541 30CT WHITE 8 CHOC 2.00 EA 14.48 28.96 Subtotal: 43.44 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 43.44 = SAM'S CLUB DIRECT = P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930 dl'0>� ,�MEL "' Date of Sale: 02128114 ~ 402 70240115 9 Voice: 006725 C Clu am , 6316 P.O.: 0228 ® Buyer: GARY CARTER S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE 000665591 GRANULATED SUGAR 2.00 EA 4.23 8.46 ® 005521020 DIAL COMPLETE FOAM 5.00 EA 6.58 32.90 ®_ 023436013 FOLGERS 5.00 EA 18.98 94.90 025178246 KEURIG 2.00 EA 129.98 259.96 026760080 FLATWARE SET-DI 1.00 EA 19.97 19.97 026760082 SS STE,A��'tC IVES DI 1.00 EA 7.48 7.48 031700696 KLEENEXyl.O�N 2A0 EA 15.98 31.96 Subtotal: 455.63 a : 0,00 Balance Due: 455.63 . SAM'S CLUB DIRECT P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930 CITY OF CARMEL Date of Sale: 03/05114 Account: 0402 70240115 9 Involce: 003664 Club/Name: 6316 P.O.: 03052014 Buyer: JERRYSMITH Sk4WJ200.97 DESCRIPTION 'ttt QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE SOLAR SALT COARSE 63.00 EA 3.19 200.97 Sub Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 200.97 5966 0001 OOI 07 PAGE 2 of 2 COLR654A 7315 �oty vvJ t-e �f35 gUoO Self Check®uf CLUB MANAGER RYAN SIMPSON (317; 585-1619 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 02/24/14 08:41 8921 8168 093 9093 CITY OF CARMEL FIRE DEPARTME T E 461025 CUPCAKES F 14.48 N E 461025 CUPCAKES F 14.48 N E 423773 CUPCAKES F 14.48 N SUBTOTAL 143.44 TOTAL 1 43.44 SAMS D CREDIT 43.44 P.O. # 022414 ACCOUNT # 1159 APPROVAL # 000213 TERMINAL # MX035307 CHANGE DUE 0.00 Visit samsclub.com to see Hour sdvings Cry � # ITEMS SOLD 3 SfrVr IfTC# 3875 3580 1202 7767 9293 aplo reu�,-c� Please tel!its about your slM)pping expel it,nce eV 4 v f hit p:/Mrvwv.survey.s:ausclub roar " IN RE TURN FOR YOUR*TIME YOU COULD RECEIVE_ ONE OF FIVE$I,000 SAM'S CLUB SHOPPING CARD: �I aZ c( Must be-18 or older and a legal resident of the 60 US e DC to enter No purchase necessary to enter or win. I, enter wittrout purchase and for official rules visit: www.ent r y.aurvey.saurscl tit).win Sweepstakes period ends on the date strown in the official rules.survey must be taken within TWO weeks of today. Eata encuesta tarnbi6n se encuentra en espaiiol en la phgina de Internet. *+� MEMBER COPY * * VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Sam's Club IN SUM OF $ P. O. Box 530930 Atlanta, GA 30353-0930 $43.44 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Community Relations PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1203 I 008921 I 43-590.00 I $43.44 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday,April 03,2 14 Direct6r, Community Relations/Economic Lvelopment Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 02/24/14 008921 $43.44 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 120 Clerk-Treasurer SAWS CLUB DIRECT CCO RE©TRCIAL Account: 0402.70240115-,9 Statement Date:03/20/114 Page:1 of 2 (irl(il(fil�i{11{alllrfl"{li'({1'{{tl'Itlrl11l(Irlrlrll'I{{If{f CITY OF CARMEL 7315 ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE oloi TWO CIVIC SQUARE CAR2-SEL, IN 46032-2584 Customer Service Online at www.samsciuberedit,com This account Is not registered, The authentication code is: SONLC951 w. al P me s:Received 02/21114 02.29189 1'TIYMENT{vfCEIV[D-711ANK YOU _ Current Month's invoices (Details Enclosed) Date invoice Original Due Date Club Reference Amount 02124/14 008921 43.44 04/08/14 8168 022414 0228114 006725 455.63 04/08114 6316 0228 W 03105/14 003664 260.97 04/08114 6316 03052014 j Past Due Invoices D to j fee. Original Duo Dato Club Refit p ce Amount 0112,Wil 7257 19.96 03/08/14 6316 Cunani invoices: $700,04 Send payments to: Past"Duo Invoices: $19 W, P.O.Box 530930 Unapplied Payments!i Atlanta GA 30353.0910 Credits: $'00� Send inquiries(not payments)lo ' P.O.Boz 8726 Dayton OH 45401.8726 1 For Customer Service: Call 1-800362-6196 Credit Lina $10000.00 i Reialn left hand porilon for your records,send right hand portion noting Items paid by a Ji { with your payment.It not sending stub.note account number,invoico number and amounts being paid on your check, 596 'tI,01 Dal 07 PAGE"' "" 2 C: SAWS CLUB DIRECT CCOM RREDITRcIAL Account: 0402=7024011 5 9 Statement Date:03120114 Page:2,of 2 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930 CITY OF CARMEL Date of Sale: 02t24114 Account 0402'10240115 9 Invoice'. 008921 Club/Name. 8168 P.O.: 022414 Bu}er: NANCY DECK S:KU. -DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE 025199363 30CT CUPCAKES 9.00 EA 14.48 19.48 025420541 30CT WHITE 8 CHOC 2.00 EA 14.48 2896 Sublofal; 43.44 Tax: 0Z Balance Due: 4344 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930, CAR EL }aile Gf'Sale: 021281x4 402 70740115 9 e 4� Iiwoice. 006725 �. Gu 6316 A P 0.: 0228 Buyer; GARY CARTER S.KU, DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE U00fi6J$9 z . GRANULATED SUGAR 2DO EA 4.23 8,46' 005521020 DIAL COMPLETE FOAM 5.00 EA 6.58 32:90 023436013 FOLCERS 5.00 EA 18.98 94;90 _ 025178246 KEURIG 2.00 EA 129.98 259196 �► 028760080 FLATWARE SET-DI 1.00 EA 19.97 19.97 02676M82 SS STEAKY.IVES-DI 1.00 EA 7.48 7.48 031IDN36 KLEENS,kitC3T�fif,N 2,00 EA 15.98 31.96 as' Subtotal' 455.63 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 455.63 SAM'S CLUES DIRECT P:O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353=0930 CITY OF CARME..L, Dale of Sale: 03!05114 Account 0402 70240115 9 Invoice: 003664 CUb1Name` 6316 P.O: 03052014 Buyee JERRY SMITH S K DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE �,6§ SOLAR SALT COARSE ia.1 63.00 EA 3.19 20097 Sub air' 200.97 Tax: 0.00 z Balance Due: 20 .97 I �V 5466 D401 001 D7 -� � PAGE 2 of 2 COLP654A 7315 VOUCHER # 134561 WARRANT # ALLOWED 00350958 IN SUM OF $ SAM'S CLUB DIRECT PO BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 003664 01-6200-06 $200.97 Voucher Total $200.97 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00350958 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT Purchase Order No. PO BOX 530930 Terms ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930 Due Date 3/31/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 3/31/2014 003664 $200.97 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer SAWS CLUB DIRECT CREDITRCIAL Account: 0402 70240115 9 Statement Date:03/20/14 Page: 1 of 2 i (lil��l�lllll�ll��llltilln�ll'��I'��II'lll�llil+l�lrlrll'I��fl�l CITY OF CARMEL 7315 i ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0101 TWO CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 Customer Service Online at www.samsclubcredit.com This account is not registered. The authentication code Is: SONLC951 Payment'sReceived SIU 02121114 0229189 9:39.96) AYMENT RECEIVED-THANK YOU lSI Current Month's Invoices (Details Enclosed) Date Invoice Original Due Date Club Reference Amount ® 02/24/14 608921 43.44 04/08/14 8168 022414 02/28/14 006725 455.63 04/08/14 6316 0228 ' 03/05/14 003664 200.97 04/08/14 6316 03052014 Past Due Invoices DateInvoice Original Due Date Club Refer nce Amount a 01/27/14 007257 19.96 03/08/14 6316 Current Invoices: $700.04 Send payments to: Past Due Invoices: $19 96". $ P.O.Box 530930 Unappiled Payments& �`\1 : Atlanta GA 30353-0930 Credits: $000 1'•"�, oAm Send inquiries(not payments)to: f/ esa PA.Box 8726 Dayton OH 45401-8726 For Cuslomer Service: Credit Line $10000.00 Call 1-800-362-6196 Retain left hand portion for your records,send right hand portion noting items paid by a IZ with your payment.If not sending stub,note account number,Invoice number and amounts being paid on your check. -Conti ue- �s�sutr 5966001 001 07 PA E\l.ol 2 i SAM'S CLUB DIRECT CREDITRCIAL Account: 0402 70240115 9 Statement Date:03/20/14 Page: 2.,of 2 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930 CITY OF CARMEL Date of Sale: 02/24/14 Account: 0402 70240115 9 Invoice: 008921 Club/Name: 8168 P.O.: 022414 Buyer: NANCY HECK 0 i S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE 025199363 30CT CUPCAKES 1.00 EA 14.48 14.48 025420541 30CT WHITE&CHOC 2.00 EA 14.48 28.96 Subtotal: 43.44 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 43.44 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT = P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930 �CFEKOF�GARMEL � Dot of Sale: 02/28/14 Acca6yt0402 70240115 9 0voice: 006725 = ClublName. 6316 P.O.: 0228 Buyer: GARY CARTER s S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE 000665591 . GRANULATED SUGAR 2.00 EA 4.23 8.46 005521020 DIAL COMPLETE FOAM 5.00 EA 6.58 32.90 a 023436013 FOLGERS 5.00 EA 18.98 94.90 025178246 KEURIG 2.00 EA 129.98 259.96 026760080 FLATWARE SET-DI 1.00 EA 19.97 19.97 026760082 SS STE�,,KNIVES-DI 1.00 EA 7.48 7.48 031700696 KLEENEX LOTION 2.00 EA 15.98 31.96 Subtotal: 455.63 :fax: 0.00 Balance Due: 455.63 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930 CITY OF CARMEL Date of Sale: 03/05/14 Account: 0402 70240115 9 Invoice: 003664 Club/Name: 6316 P.O.: ; 03052014 Buyer: JERRY SMITH kux'U DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE �ootal- 544 SOLAR SALT COARSE o 63.00 EA 3.19 200.97 Sub200.97 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 200.97 i i i i i i o i i 5966 0001 001 07 PAGE 2 o1 2 COLR654A 7315 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Sams Club IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 530930 Atlanta, GA 30353 $455.63 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 006725 43-551.00 $103.36 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 006725 42-390.99 $92.31 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1120 I 006725 1102-670.99 I $259.96 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and P received except APR 20114y ry i � � 1 r n /fes jr—-- 6b' r� Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 006725 $103.36 006725 $92.31 006725 I I $259.96 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer