HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence MAY 04 '01 04:26PM CENT EX HOMES e P .1/4 e Centex Homes - Indianapolis 6602 East 75th Street, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Ph: (317) 915.2200 FAX TRANSMlnAL DATE~ May 4,2001 CENTEX: (317) 915-2201 Fax TO: Citvof Carmel FROM ~ Rodney Muller 31 1st Avenue, N.W. Land Dev. Project Manager Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Haverstick ATTN: Laurence Lilli2 Settler's Rida-e 2A FAX NO: 571.2426 THIS SHEET PLUS 1 ADDITIONAL PAGES COMMENTS Laurence, Following is the letter from Cel"ltex to yourself showing the check for the Settler's Ridge Section 2A filing fees, a copy of the check, and a copy of the receipt received from the DOCS office. Let me know if you are needing different information or additional information. Call me with any questions or concerns, Thank you, Rodney Muller 915.2200 ext 251 714.4110 CeU ~ RECEIVED NAY 4 2001 DOCS Rodney Muller Centex Homes · ~ndianapolis . APR-1601 10:18 FROM:STOEPPELWERTH ASSOC. 317-849-5942 TO:317 571 2426 : ST!PPELWERTH &; ASSOCIATEAc. : 9940 ALLISONVllJ..E ROAD : FISHERS, INDIANA 46031-%005 : PHONE (317).84'-5'35 . FAX (311)-849.5942 facsimile 1ransmittal . PAGE: 01 ~~~! J"'~S'~() .u ~. ~" To: LAURENCE LILLlG Fp: 571-2416 Fram; ED FLEMING D8t1J: 4/16/01 Re: SETTLER'S RIDGE 1A Pagel: 2 JOb -= 18465SR2 Cc: x UIgInt ,.. AIQUIW ....... CamIMnt o ForYaurU. [J . . . . . . . . . . lIa1Ie: SOIL &. WATER APPROV AL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'" · .. Page 20f3 Yes No ~ 0 lif 0 ~ 0 fil 0 ~. 0 Yes No '" ,0 KJ 0 ~ 0 KJ 0 .KT 0 (;J 0 ~' 0 . ......~!1~<:.'-~~h~b , .~,~~12',":;;N 0 . .Ii .": .. 0 O. rg Yes No o if M. 0 "'V'(;.,;db: '.DI.r<;,~) [] O. ,:;.S ,'!$ '~.f.'" 0 "':;;.!:it,,,:;;. d . '.},'::,::~C(;.~1>~~\:':" .,0.' . '.:..:'riJ'~'f: :\-: ,01 "Jil.;., 0 . - ;,...,:-~\_,~:-., j - .' :::~l. ':. ~~:~ }I<~~~~..- ~ _~,_, ....' 2H .21" 4A 4B .'.4C, 4>>:. 4E. 4G 4H .41 41,' 4K "~;~' .."...'M;}/J]'~~,~~~~\~...;; 'ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ADEQUA~LY ADD~SED'ON THE PLANS 1, (AU Plans Must Include Appropriate Legends; Scales, and North, MOW) (Items that are Not Applicable to this Project are designated by NA) , ,. PROJECf INFORMATION. IA Project Location Map (Show project in relation to other areas olthe county) IB Narrative DeScribing the Nature and pUrpose of the Project I C Location of Planned and/or Existing Ro~dSt Utilities, Structures, Highways, etc.. ID Lot and/or Building Locations IE Landuse of Adjacent Areas . (Show the Entire Upstream ff'atmhed and Adjacent Areas Within 500 Feet o/the Property Lines) 2A 2B 2C 2D TOPOGRAPIDC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES Existing Vegetation (Identify and. Delineate. ) Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes and Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site 100 Year Floodplains, Floodway Fringes, and Floodways (Noie if None) Soils lIiformation (Ifhydric soils are present, it is the responsibility of the owner/developer to investigate the existence of wetlands and to obtain penn its froJn the appropriate government agencies.) Existing and Plalined Contours at an Interval Appropriate to Indicate.Drainage Patterns . Locations of Specific Points Where Stormwater'Discharge Will Leave the Site Identify AIl Recei~ Waters ( lfDischarge is to a Separate Municipal Storm Sewer, Identify the' . Name of the Municipal Operato~ ~:tI,t~.l!{!f~e.1leceiving'~~l; . Potential Areas Where Storm ~~)\f~iEnter Groimdwater (Note if None) ,: ',';' :,..'4t. _",,"',: ~""'. :'- _~~V+.-,',->, .:. - ,~ ,.,'. :'-"~~_'-- ~. '.' ~tion of ~tormwater Systeif!{r;J~~~Iflyertf, S(Oi".~:~ewer!'I~eIs, andSwales) "~:';:I;i~;~~}:~<y';. .. LAND DISTURBING A(;i~iV:jwiEs "', ,_:' , : ",./ : . - .' . : _: .:. ~~.~ -<"'.;"~-'~_:(~~~"~~:,~~~~,~>f,~:'t~_~~:"-' ..':' "; ---':,--~'." '.', LoCation and Approximate Dimens~o~'ofAII Disturbed Areas [i.e., Construction limits] (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Will Be P~erved Should be Clearly Des;~ Soil Stockpiles and or Borrow AreaS (Show Locations or Note ifNorJe) 2E 2F 2G: 3A 3B. 4F , . EROSION AND SEDIMENT' CONTROL MEASURES Sequence of When Each Measure, W~ Be Implemented (Relative to Earth Disturbing Activities) Monitoring and ~tenance .Guid~~ for Each Measure . ., ,Pe~eter Sediment Control ~~~.::(Location,~ct!o/' D~il~. Dimensions. T,.._~:, -..' -. ',' . .:. ",;,'.",~. f. " ',:",~"~'_""'~..::,:f,.,>:,,.', ; ,,' ,'.' , ", ...:",' -. -,;~_~4.~. _:"::'~_t,,., ..> ,-~ T~por;u-y ~g (Spedficatit!1lf:{ng,l'f1iniSeed Mir,.' Ferti~ Lime, and Mulch Rates) T~~r.aryErosion and ~!~~I~ (LoCati~~ Construction DeIJlil, Dim~~~ilnt1 Specifications) Perinanent Erosion and SecIimeDt'COatrOlMeasures ':' t\,.. . : (Loca~mi,~ctionDel!Zil#Di.n.~~<~SpedfiCQtions) ," ,'. Stotm Drain Inlet Protedion~d;,,(:onnructioir DeIJliI. f)ime:.nons, , ;,,;"~', ..... .' .' .,; ", ",'. . Stonmrater Outlet Protection,(~on:COnstntCtion DeIJliI.~... . fons. : . . '.' .' ", . .' , ,... ...........,.,W:.< '. . . . " . Stable Construction Entran~{~~'~Cmstntction DeIJlitDbirfti01lS. : . ErosioD and ~imentCO.DtrOl.oliIlidividual.BuiI~ Lots '(Specifications) .' Permanent Seedfug . (Specifications; Including Seed Mix, Fertilizer, lime,. and Mulch RDt~),,' } i Date: Place: 9:00 a.m. 9:10 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. e e ~~ ~ CARMEL/CLA Y TECHNICAL ADVISORY fEll ~~~ COMMITTEE AGENDA 00;: ltl(); February 21, 2001 Department of Community Services Conference Room · 3rd Floor Carmel City Hall Merchants' Pointe, Lot 5 - Border's Books (199-00 ADLS) The site is located southwest of East 116th Street and Keystone Avenue. The site is zoned B-S/business. Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for The Linder Group. Merchants' Pointe, Lot 6 - General Office (200-00 ADLS) The site is located southwest of East 116th Street and Keystone Avenue. The site is zoned B-S/business. Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for The Linder Group. Merchants' Pointe, Lot 7 - Retail (201-00 ADLS) The site is located southwest of East 116th Street and Keystone Avenue. The site is zoned B-S/business. Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for The Linder Group. McDonald's (15-01 ADLS; DSV) The site is located at 750 East Carmel Drive. The site is zoned B-8/business. Filed by Joseph D. Calderon of Dann Pecar Newman & Kleiman for McDonald's. Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section 2a (18-01 SP) The site is located northwest of East 131st Street and River Road. The site is zoned 5-1/ residence. Filed by Edward E. Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates for Centex Homes. Long Branch Estates, Section 1 (Secondary Plat) The site is located northwest of West 116th Street and Shelborne Road. The site is zoned S-l/residence. Filed by Bruce Hagen of Paul I. Cripe, Inc. for Pulte Homes of Indiana. Long Branch Estates, Section 2 (Secondary Plat) The site is located on the northwest corner of West 116th Street and Shelborne Road. The site is zoned S-l/residence. Filed by Bruce Hagen of Paul I. Cripe, Inc. for Pulte Homes of Indiana. F~anhand~f3 f:.as'tEHTl rJipeiine Co. has no cornpany Facilities involv8rj in this (a'oject _~. . ~ . -P. .z4.:~__. _._?:::!l:..aL Si~~".~' ()ate c{e t(c c{t t)~ ic DIG 1c