HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes TAC 04-16-14Page 1 of 8 WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV ONE CIVIC SQ. CARMEL, IN 46032 (317) 571-2417 CARMEL TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 Place: Dept. of Community Services Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Carmel City Hall. Time: 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Docket No. 14030017 DP/ADLS: JC Hart Lakeside Apartments Phase 1A (Atapco PUD). The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for 17 multi-family apartment buildings and one clubhouse building on 14 acres. The site is located at approximately 600 W. Carmel Dr., bounded by Clark St., Carmel Dr. and City Center Dr. It is zoned Atapco PUD/Planned Unit Development (Z-581-13). Filed by Charlie Frankenberger of Nelson and Frankenberger, on behalf of Atapco Carmel, Inc. and J.C. Hart Company, Inc. Jon Dobosiewicz and Jim Shinaver with Nelson & Frankenberger, Brad Schrage with StructurePoint, and Randy Sherman with Weaver Sherman Design presented on behalf of the petitioner. Mr. Dobosiewicz said if necessary, the developers will meet with any utility providers who need additional information, and added that this project will be in front of the Plan Commission during the May meeting, and be up for approval in June. Mr. Dobosiewicz said in July or August, the project should be ready for permitting. Greg Hoyes – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Letter sent. There are some questions on how the reworked pond matches up with the master plan for the Carmel Science and Technology Center. Joanie Clark – Vectren Energy - No comments. Shirley Hunter – Duke Energy - No comments. Dan Davenport – Indianapolis Power & Light - No comments. John Thomas – City of Carmel Engineering Department - This will require a storm water permit, as well as a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Mr. Thomas also said there will need to be modifications to the Best Management Practices (BMP). Mr. Thomas asked if a water delineation completed for the site. Mr. Schrage said there was one area that will be modified, and he will provide a report to Mr. Thomas. Mr. Dobosiewicz said this project will be applying for a permit to start site work. Gary Duncan – City of Carmel Engineering Department - Project is still being reviewed. Chris Ellison – City of Carmel Fire Department - This project will require two additional hydrants. Mr. Ellison also said when possible, the department would like to see Fire Department Connections (FDC) within 100-feet of hydrants. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Landscaping - Final comments will be sent soon. Page 2 of 8 WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV ONE CIVIC SQ. CARMEL, IN 46032 (317) 571-2417 Damond Williams – Duke Energy - No comments. Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Preliminary comments sent, and these will be finalized soon. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation Coordinator - Letter sent. No further comments. 9:15 a.m. Docket No. 14030018 ADLS Amend: Tom Wood Audi (former Volkswagen), East 96th Street Auto Park Subdivision. The applicant seeks approval to modify and renovate the former Tom Wood VW dealership building for Tom Wood Audi. The site is located at 4610 E. 96th St. It is zoned B-3/Business and lies partially in the Special Flood Hazard Area. Filed by Jim Shinaver of Nelson & Frankenberger, on behalf of Tom Wood Management. Jon Dobosiewicz and Jim Shinaver with Nelson & Frankenberger, and Roger Ward with Roger Ward Engineering presented on behalf of the petitioner. Mr. Dobosiewicz said this project will involve a building addition on the north side of the building, a remodel on the east side, and very little site modifications. There will not be any new parking or perimeter adjustments to the site. Greg Hoyes – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Letter sent. This project does not fall under HCSO watershed. No comments. Joanie Clark – Vectren Energy - Asked if there will be additional loads for this building for gas. Mr. Ward said he was not sure if there would be new load requirements but he will check. Dan Davenport – Indianapolis Power & Light - There is no interference with the existing facilities, so no comments. John Thomas – City of Carmel Engineering Department - Project is still in review. It will require a SWPPP. Mr. Thomas said he briefly looked at the plans, and the concept looks good. Mr. Dobosiewicz said this project will be in front of the Special Studies Committee in May, and at that time, the construction plans would be submitted for review to start the permitting process. Gary Duncan – City of Carmel Engineering Department - The official review is still being completed, but the plans so far look good. Mr. Duncan said the revised flood hazard area needs to be located within an easement. Mr. Duncan also said the department would like to know what the flood protection grade will be, and if the finished floor elevation in the addition is the same as the current building, there will need to be a variance. Mr. Ward said there would not be fuel stored on the site. Mr. Ward said the LOMR has not been approved, and asked if this will hold up the permitting process. Mr. Duncan said when this situation arose before with Butler Hyundai, it was problematic for the department, however, this project will receive the same consideration that Butler Hyundai received. Chris Ellison – City of Carmel Fire Department - No comments. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Landscaping - No comments. Mr. Shinaver said the owner will need to work through some issues with Audi, because Audi would prefer to not have landscaping next to the building. He added that it can be challenge for the dealer to try and negotiate with a world-wide company on a detail like this. Page 3 of 8 WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV ONE CIVIC SQ. CARMEL, IN 46032 (317) 571-2417 Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Draft review comments sent to the architect. Additional architectural review comments will be sent later this week. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation Coordinator - Letter sent. No further comments. 9:25 a.m. Docket No. 14030019 PV: H.C. Burnett Subdivision Plat Vacation, for Blackwell Park, Phase 2. The applicant seeks plat vacation of 6 lots, easements, and road right-of-way, for the creation of Blackwell Park, Phase II. The sites are located at 510-531 Burnett Court, just north of 5th Street NE and east of 2nd Ave NE. They are zoned R-2/ Residential and are not located in an overlay zone. Filed by Andrew Greenwood of Old Town Development, LLC on behalf of Blackwell Park Development Partners, LLC. And Docket No. 14030020 PP Amend: Replat of CW Weidler’s Subdivision, Lots 62, 63, 64 part, 65 part, and 66 part, for Blackwell Park, Phase 2. The applicant seeks primary plat amendment approval to create 19 lots on 4.39 acres (including HC Burnett subdivision listed above) for Blackwell Park, Phase II. The sites are located generally at and around 240 5th Street NE. The lots are zoned R-2/ Residential and are not located in any overlay zone. Filed by Andrew Greenwood of Old Town Development LLC on behalf of Blackwell Park Development Partners, LLC. Andrew Greenwood with Old Town Development and Dustin Myers with Crossroad Engineers presented on behalf of the petitioner. Mr. Myers said this project is essentially an extension of Blackwell Park Subdivision which is just south of this development. Mr. Myers said this project will also extend roughly 600-feet of public street which will also be known as Third Avenue. Greg Hoyes – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Letter sent. No comments. Joanie Clark – Vectren Energy - There is a gas main at the existing Burnett Court. Ms. Clark said the developer will need to contact Vectren to have gas services removed, and if gas services will be added to the new subdivision, an AutoCAD file will be required. Shirley Hunter – Duke Energy - No objections to the primary plat. Ms. Hunter said there is one pole and a couple services that will need to come down. Ms. Hunter said she noticed that the developer is paving the alley to the west, and added that this is probably the worst place that could have been chosen for paving, due to the driveways being brought out to the alley. Dan Davenport – Indianapolis Power & Light - No comments. John Thomas – City of Carmel Engineering Department - This project will require a SWPPP, and a minimum of two BMPs. Mr. Thomas asked what the two proposed BMPs would be, and Mr. Myers said he was not sure, but would like to set up a meeting with the Engineering Department to discuss their options. Mr. Thomas said this site has also been a site for dumping in the past, and asked if any sort of environmental study has been done. Mr. Greenwood said the environmental test just came back and there were no concerns, but the developer will also be doing boring at the site. Mr. Thomas said storm sewers are not shown on the plat, and said this is a requirement. Gary Duncan – City of Carmel Engineering Department - Mr. Duncan said this is an incredibly incomplete submittal, so there is not much for the department to review at this point. Mr. Duncan said the storm sewers are not shown, as well as surface drainage, and sub- surface drainage tiles. Also, minimum flood protection grades, approximate location and size capacity for Page 4 of 8 WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV ONE CIVIC SQ. CARMEL, IN 46032 (317) 571-2417 detention, FEMA base flood elevations, flood routing, and a basic outline of post-construction storm water quality features are not shown. Mr. Duncan also said the width of the proposed road does not meet the requirements of the comprehensive plan for the area. Chris Ellison – City of Carmel Fire Department - There is a lack of fire hydrants shown on the plans. The requirement would be for one at the entrance. Also, the department would like to see one at the mid-point and one at the rear of the property. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Landscaping - No comments for primary plat. Comments have been sent for secondary. Mr. Mindham said if the area to the north gets added and total area exceeds five acres, this subdivision would go from a minor to a major, and therefore be subject to open space requirements. Damond Williams – Duke Energy - No comments. Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Comments sent. Awaiting a response. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation Coordinator - Comments sent. 9:35 a.m. Docket No. 14040002 PP: 14050 West Rd. Minor Subdivision. The applicant seeks primary plat approval for a residential subdivision of 2 lots on 5 acres. The site is located at 14050 West Rd. It is zoned S-1/Residence. Filed by Ben Deichmann of SJCA Surveyors & Engineers, on behalf of Jay Gaddy, landowner. Ben Deichmann with SJCA Civil Engineers and property owner Jay Gaddy presented the project. Greg Hoyes – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Letter sent. This does not fall under HCSO watershed, but there is a regulated drain that ends near this property. There are about 250-acres that come through this area so Mr. Hoyes said a flood plain study is recommended. Joanie Clark – Vectren Energy - No comments. Shirley Hunter – Duke Energy - No comments. This project belongs to Boone County. Dan Davenport – Indianapolis Power & Light - No comments. John Thomas – City of Carmel Engineering Department - This project will require a storm water permit, SWPPP, and two post construction BMPs to treat all of the water leaving the site. Mr. Thomas said he has seen some conceptual drawings of the detention and water quality, but he will need to see more detail in the construction plans. Mr. Thomas asked what type of BMPs will be used on the site. Mr. Deichmann said this hasn’t been finalized but this is being approached as a combination infiltration and rain garden. Gary Duncan – City of Carmel Engineering Department - Overall this plan looks good. There are some easement issues. Mr. Duncan said there is a perimeter easement requirement in the subdivision control ordinance that says if the project is not adjacent to an existing subdivision, the easement will need to be 15-feet. Mr. Duncan said the proximity to the creek looks to be a little short, so the department will work with petitioner to figure out where the direct discharge will Page 5 of 8 WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV ONE CIVIC SQ. CARMEL, IN 46032 (317) 571-2417 need to be. Mr. Duncan also said there will need to be a basic study on the creek to determine a base flood elevation, to help ensure that basements do not flood. Regarding the driveways, Mr. Duncan said he would like to see what was done for the Park Grenshire subdivision, which is a similar two-lot subdivision. Park Grenshire was a 6-inch concrete driveway, 30-feet wide, with 15-foot return radiuses. Chris Ellison – City of Carmel Fire Department - Mr. Ellison asked if both lots will have access to West Road. Mr. Gaddy said both will have access off the shared driveway. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Landscaping - No comments on the primary plat. Initial comments have been sent for the secondary plat. Damond Williams – Duke Energy - No comments. Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Review comments sent. Awaiting a response. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation Coordinator - Letter sent. There is a 10-foot asphalt path required with this project. 9:45 a.m. Docket No. 14030021 SP: Jackson’s Grant on Williams Creek, Section 1B. (to be called Jackson’s Grant on Williams Creek.) The applicant seeks administrative secondary plat and construction plans approval for a residential subdivision of 67 lots on 53.15 acres. The site is located at approximately 11960 Springmill Rd. It is zoned Silvara PUD/Planned Unit Development and is partially in the Special Flood Hazard Area. Filed by Brett Huff of Stoeppelwerth & Assoc., for Silvara Development Company, LLC. Doug Wagner and Matt Harlan with Republic Development, and Brett Huff with Stoeppelwerth & Associates presented the project. Mr. Wagner said this project is a continuation of section 1A. This project will have a bridge included so Spring Mill Road and Clay Center Road will be connected. These projects will be done concurrently as long as permitting allows. Section 1B will most likely not be paved until spring of 2015 so from a utilities standpoint it would be more of a spring installation. Mr. Wagner said they would like to sanitary, storm, and earthwork as far along as possible. Mr. Wagner said the developer has not resubmitted section 1A, so when all of the plans are submitted, the name will be listed with the new name, Jackson’s Grant. Mr. Wagner said the developers will also come up with some neighborhood names within the community which will be attached to these as well. Greg Hoyes – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Project is still being reviewed. Comments will be sent shortly. Joanie Clark – Vectren Energy - AutoCAD file will be required. Shirley Hunter – Duke Energy - Duke and IP&L are in the process of dividing this area between the two electrical providers. Ms. Hunter said Duke will be on the west and IPL will be on the east. She added that the creek is the dividing line with the exception of the far north end. Ms. Hunter said the poles that have just been installed at the entrance will need to be changed, but she was not aware these were being put in. Dan Davenport – Indianapolis Power & Light - Mr. Davenport said the two electrical providers have signed an agreement on splitting the subdivision, and it is currently going through the process of filing this with the commission. John Thomas – City of Carmel Engineering Department - Comments will be sent very soon on section 1A. Section 1B is currently in the queue to be reviewed. Page 6 of 8 WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV ONE CIVIC SQ. CARMEL, IN 46032 (317) 571-2417 Gary Duncan – City of Carmel Engineering Department - One of the main items from the review of section 1A is the decision on the county regulated drains. Mr. Duncan said hopefully as the issues are resolved with section 1A, it will take care of many of the issues for section 1B. Mr. Wagner wanted to note that section 1B was submitted prior to the receipt of the department’s comments. Mr. Duncan said the department’s job is to manage risk for potential issues and they need to really look at how much water can flow over the roadway before it really becomes an issue to these homes. Chris Ellison – City of Carmel Fire Department - Mr. Ellison met with one of the developers last week to address some fire issues. No further comments. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Landscaping - Comment letter sent. No major concerns. Damond Williams – Duke Energy - No comments. Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Review comments sent. Department is waiting for a response. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation Coordinator - Comment letter sent. 9:55 a.m. Docket No. 14030022 SP: The Ridge at the Legacy, Section 3. The applicant seeks secondary plat approval for 27 lots on 24.05 acres. The site is located approximately 2,000’ west of Community Dr. and approximately 200’ south of 146th Street. It is zoned Legacy PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Brett Huff of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. on behalf of Tim Walter of Platinum Properties Management Co, LLC and Rajai Zumot of Falcon Nest II, LLC. And Docket No. 14030023 SP: The Overlook at the Legacy, Section 2. The applicant seeks secondary plat approval for 18 lots on 9.37 acres. The site is located east of Community Dr. and approximately 2,200’ south of 146th Street. It is zoned Legacy PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Brett Huff of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. on behalf of Tim Walter of Platinum Properties Management Co, LLC and Rajai Zumot of Falcon Nest II, LLC. And Docket No. 14030024 SP: The Meadows at the Legacy, Section 3. The applicant seeks secondary plat approval for 27 lots on 24.05 acres. The site is located approximately 2,000’ west of Community Dr. and approximately 200’ south of 146th Street. It is zoned Legacy PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Brett Huff of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. on behalf of Tim Walter of Platinum Properties Management Co, LLC and Rajai Zumot of Falcon Nest II, LLC. Tim Walter with Platinum Properties and Brett Huff with Stoeppelwerth and Associates presented the project. Mr. Walter said this project is three new sections of existing subdivisions within the Legacy. Mr. Walter said the Overlook project also includes an extension of Cherry Creek Boulevard from existing Community Drive. The project does not, however, include a connection to River Road, because this will be part of the River Road reconstruction. Greg Hoyes – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Letters have been sent on all three projects. On the Ridge project, HCSO will need an additional permit. Regarding the Overlook, Mr. Hoyes said they will need information on who will perform maintenance on the Page 7 of 8 WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV ONE CIVIC SQ. CARMEL, IN 46032 (317) 571-2417 pipe shown on the plans. On the Meadows project, Mr. Hoyes said the department has all permits, but they will need revised plans. Joanie Clark – Vectren Energy - No comments at this time. Shirley Hunter – Duke Energy - Ms. Hunter asked the time frame on this project and if the developers anticipate utilities this year. Mr. Walter said the developers anticipate utilities by October of this year if not sooner. John Thomas – City of Carmel Engineering Department - Stormwater permit will be required for this project. Mr. Thomas said on lots 62 through 76, it looks like the overland flow will shed off the back of the lots, and asked if there is any way to get these to shed into the pond system. Mr. Thomas said there is only a ten foot easement behind lots 43 through 47, and there should be a minimum of 15-feet for drainage. Mr. Huff said this is actually 15-feet if measured from the top of the bank. Mr. Thomas asked if there are any details on how the pond will be filled. Mr. Walter said the intent would be to fill it with the well that is in wet pond #5. This would include placing a sandbag in front of the box in wet pond #3 to force the water to fill the drain to #5. Mr. Thomas said it will be critical that wet pond #4 gets completed first before any lots are allowed to start. Regarding the Overlook, Mr. Thomas said a worksheet will be required per the master plan for the filling of the flood plain. Mr. Thomas said there is a series of tiles that appears to be daylighted to the north of this that will be drained to an end section and down to an existing tile, and asked if these can be directly connected. Mr. Thomas said he would hesitate to have surface drainage enter this system and bypass the detention and water quality. Mr. Walter said there were several discussions on this, but there are five or six drainage tiles that flow to an existing box. Mr. Walter said the intent was to capture all of these fingers and let them drain into the 18-inch tiles and under a heavy flow situation, they would spill out through VS6. Mr. Thomas said the outlets on lots 14 through 31are shown as being tied into this current tile system. Mr. Huff said these are separate from the existing tile system that was just discussed. On the Meadows project, Mr. Thomas said he had the same 15-foot easement comment as before, but it looks like it was already addressed. Also, Mr. Thomas said it looks like the 100-year for the existing rain garden, wetland basin goes on to some residential lots, so these will need to be taken to the common area. Gary Duncan – City of Carmel Engineering Department - All three sections are still being reviewed. Mr. Duncan said since this is just extensions of current roadways, and since the drainage is master planned, hopefully there will not be major issues found during review. Mr. Duncan said the flood route, and flood protection grades will need to be discussed, and what is a reasonable amount of protection. Mr. Duncan said his gut feeling is there is much more protection than what is needed, which is a good thing. For example, Mr. Duncan said if we would need to have three 100-year floods in a row for the water to reach the flood elevations being proposed, that is a little unreasonable for the department to ask for. Mr. Walter asked where the plans are located in the queue, and Mr. Thomas said since the plans are in the middle, there are about 15 projects ahead of them to be reviewed. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Landscaping - Mr. Mindham said the main comments are regarding tree preservation along the east perimeter, and showing fencing and other details. On the Overlook, Mr. Mindham said he has one set of approved plans for the infrastructure of phase 2, and another set of plans for the master for the subdivision. Mr. Mindham said the Cherry Creek Boulevard trees in 2012 were planned differently than the infrastructure, so the question is which set of plans is the developer proposing for the trees? Mr. Mindham said he has no comments on the Meadows project. Damond Williams – Duke Energy - No comments. Page 8 of 8 WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV ONE CIVIC SQ. CARMEL, IN 46032 (317) 571-2417 Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Review comments sent a few weeks ago. The department is awaiting an official response. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation Coordinator - No comments. Mr. Huff asked about the bicycle lane for the Ridge. Mr. Littlejohn said this was shown on the master plan. Mr. Walter said the PUD includes the bike Promenade that starts at Cherry Creek Boulevard and ties into the development. Mr. Littlejohn said this is acceptable, as long as the plan is to include the bike lane.