HomeMy WebLinkAbout231942 04/23/14 c' CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 027235 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BOSE, MCKINNEY & EVANS CHECK AMOUNT: $*****4,832.00* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 111 MONUMENT CIRCLE,SUITE 2700 CHECK NUMBER: 231942 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 CHECK DATE: 04/23/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1180 R4340000 31299 594902 1,352.00 LEGAL FEES 1180 R4340000 31299 594903 3,480.00 LEGAL FEES B®SE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKI NE 1 I I I Monument Circle,Suite 2700 EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 03-24-14P12 :56RCVD 008824 City of Carmel ATTN: Douglas C. Haney March 14, 2014 One Civic Square Invoice No. 594902 Carmel, IN 46032 Fed. I.D. 35-0957980 For Legal Services in Connection With: Matter: 008824-0158 SW Clay Disannexation/Breach of Settlement Claim .___02/.05/14. B. . Babb--.-- - -1.4 - 497..00 - Confer-ence-with-oppos-ing-- -- counsel regarding settlement schedule/coordination of process; attention to analyzing possible 02/06/14 B. Babb 0.7 248.50 Attention to: continue analyzing possibleqglEgM 02/07/14 B. Babb 0.3 106 .50 Attention to: continue analyzing possible jjjjjxW 02/10/14 B. Babb 0.3 106.50 Attention to coordinating mediation dates. 02/10/14 J. Hughes 0.8 204.00 Correspond with potential regarding EgGINEW on use of in review lim and evaluate in the 02/13/14 J. Hughes 0.4 102.00 Correspond with City officials regarding UNZymm of connection with NOAX disannexation/breach of settlement allegations. B®SE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNE 1 I I I Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 2 March 14, 2014 Invoice No. 594902 02/13/14 B. Babb 0.4 142.00 Conference with opposing counsel regarding proposed course of conduct for adjusting Case Management _ _.____ . __ __.._. ____. _ . .. _ ..Plan -deadlines;.-.-,receive-- discovery and conduct initial review of same. 02/14/14 B. Babb 1.1 390.50 Draft and send detailed email to the client regarding responding to .discovery; analyze whether we need to .1=111 0§1528m 1 . 1001j ; conference with .J. Hughes regarding same; - conference with Mayor regarding setting a ME conference with S. Buschmann regarding same. 02/14/14 J. Hughes 0.8 204.00 Review discovery propounded by NOAX. 02/14/14 T. Kearney 0.4 64.00 Review discovery and calendar deadline for response; calendar deadline for providing expert information. 02/18/14 B. Babb 0.9 319 .50 Conference with M. McBridge and his replacement, J. Cashman, regarding strategy to respond to discovery; follow up with S. Buschmann regarding alternate dates; respond to C. Martin regarding keeping the 02/26/14 B. Babb 0.3 106.50 Coordinate with G. Duncan for confirmatory support B®SE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKEVNEY 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n V O 1 C e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 3 March 14, 2014 Invoice No. 594902 02/28/14 B. Babb 0.6 213 .00 Continue coordinating with fAMINIMP receive email from ljgjjjM nd update -Duncan.-regarding--.,same;-- conference Duncan._regarding_..same;__conference with S. Buschmann regarding various issues; finalize mediation date and send toMmallaw Total for Services $2;704.00 Total This Invoice $2,704.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES: DATE NUMBER AMOUNT CREDITS BALANCE 02/17/14 592558 $9472.40 $.00 $9472.40 Prior Outstanding Balance $9,472.40 Total Balance Due $12, 176.40 B®SE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: MCKIMVE 1 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 EVANS LLP I n V O 1 C e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 4 March 14, 2014 Invoice No. 594902 * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * + ATTORNEY SUMMARY * * * * * ..._...... Billed -Hours - -BillPer Hour Worked Amount -------- ------- --------- B. Babb 355.00 6.00 2130.00 J. Hughes 255.00 2.00 510.00 T. Kearney 160.00 .40 64 .00 TOTALS 8.40 2704 .00 " - BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNEY 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANSLLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 5 March 14, 2014 Invoice No. 594902 REMITTANCE COPY .-Matter.:._.008824-0158 -.SW. -Clay Disannexation/-Breach of Settlement - - Claim OUTSTANDING INVOICES: DATE NUMBER AMOUNT CREDITS BALANCE 02/17/14 592558 $9472.40 $.00 $9472 .40 Prior Outstanding Invoices $9,472.40 Total Due Invoice 594902 $2,704.00 Total Balance Due Upon Receipt $12,176.40 PLEASE SEND WITH CHECK TO: BOSE MCKINNEY & EVANS LLP 111 MONUMENT CIRCLE, SUITE 2700 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 Please call (317) 684-5140 with any questions. THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING BOSE MCKINNEY & EVANS! WE APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU. B®SE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNEY 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel QC1 ;06 HCVD 03-- ATTN: Douglas C. Haney March 14, 2 One Civic Square Invoice No. 594903 Carmel, IN 46032 Fed. I.D. 35-0957980 For Legal Services in Connection With: Matter: 008824-0159 adv. Buckingham Properties / Code Enforcement Advice -19-.-50-----Discuss--backg-r-ound--facts- with B. Babb, who assigned a memorandum regarding the police powers of a municipality to investigate/inspect an _. . ------ . - - - - apartment "complex when there is 01/31/14 J. Huang 1.5 292.50 Conduct legal research in preparation for drafting a memorandum regarding the police powers of a municipality to investigate/inspect an apartment complex when there is 02/03/14 B. Babb 1.1 390.50 Review Indiana law as it concerns planned inspection of an apartment complex. 02/03/14 J. Huang 1.0 195.00 Conduct legal research and read City of Vincennes v. Emmons and other Indiana caselaw in preparation for drafting research memorandum on police power of municipality to conduct an administrative inspection of an apartment complex based on I BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKI N Y 11 I Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EV lA�NS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 2 March 14, 2014 Invoice No. 594903 RAN. INEW 02/04/14 B. Babb 1.4 497.00 Continue reviewing Indiana law as it concerns planned --inspect ion---of--an--apar--tment- complex and more generally a municipality's police powers in this regard. 02/06/14 J. Huang 0.8 156.00 Conduct legal research and read Indiana caselaw _. .____.-----_---.... ..... _. ... regarding- warrantless __. administrative searches of municipalities in preparation for drafting 'research memorandum on police power of municipality to conduct an administrative inspection of an apartment complex based on 02/06/14 J. Huang 1.6 312.00 Conduct legal research on" Indiana State Department of "Health regulations, Hamilton County Department _- _ --of-_Health_.regulations,. the Carmel City Code, and the Indiana Unsafe Buildings Act; spoke with Carmel City Attorney Ashley Ulbricht to retrieve portions of the Carmel Code. BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNEY I I I Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 3 March 14, 2014 Invoice No. 594903 02/07/14 J. Huang 3 .1 604.50 Draft research memorandum on police power of municipality to conduct an administrative inspection -of---an--apartment-.,comp 1 ex. based on MEN 02/07/14 B. Babb 0.8 284.00 Continue reviewing Indiana law as it concerns planned inspect ion--of--ary--apartment complex and more generally a municipality's police powers in this regard. 02/08/14 J. Huang 643 .50 Draft research memorandum on police power of municipality to conduct an administrative inspection of an apartment complex based on 1 1119114 02/09/14 J. Huang 0.8 156.00 Draft research memorandum on police power of municipality to conduct an administrative inspection of an apartment complex based on 010MENEEMMIMP 02/09/14 B. Babb 0 .9 319.50 Review draft memorandum that is being sent to the client; revise same. Total for Services $3,870.00 Total This Invoice $3,870.00 �B®SE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: 1Q•_ t 11r S cKIN Tc E 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVLLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 4 March 14, 2014 Invoice No. 594903 Total Balance Due $3, 870.00 ATTORNEY SUMMARY Billed Hours Bill Per Hour Worked Amount -------- ------- --------- B. Babb 355.00 4.20 1491.00 J. Huang 195.00 12.20 2379.00 TOTALS 16.40 3870.00 BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNEY 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & E i' ANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 5 March 14, 2014 Invoice No. 594903 REMITTANCE COPY _-,Matter:._._0-0.8824.-.0.159_.___adv..__Buckingham_P_ropert ies__/Code_..Enforcement—____._______ _. ...__. .. _.._. Advice Total- Due--Invoice 594903– .- - _$3-;-870.00 Total Balance Due Upon Receipt $3,870.00 PLEASE SEND WITH CHECK TO: BOSE MCKINNEY & EVANS LLP 111 MONUMENT CIRCLE, SUITE 2700 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 Please call (317) 684-5140 with any questions. THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING BOSE MCKINNEY & EVANS! WE APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City FormNo.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Bose McKinney & Evans Purchase Order No. 111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700 Terms Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date. Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 3/14/14 594902 Legal services rendered to the City of Carmel Indiana $1,352.00 per the attached Invoice (1/2 to be paid by Engineering) 3/14/14 594903 Legal services rendered to the City of Carmel Indiar $3.480.00 per the attached invoice Total $4,832.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 rIno-i --V-nS Bose - . NiIN SUM OF $ 111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 $ $4,832.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Law 1180 430-40000 Legal Fees Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), 31299 E 594902 4340000 $1,352.00or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that 31299E 594903 434000 3,480.00the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 / Wignature Cost distribution ledger classification if Ti le claim paid motor vehicle highway fund