HomeMy WebLinkAbout231696 04/23/14 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 120950 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DOUGLAS HANEY CHECK AMOUNT: $*—....868.68' ?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 C/O DEPT OF LAW CHECK NUMBER: 231696 /raN.�o C/O DEPT OF LAW CHECK DATE: 04/23/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1180 4343002 723.54 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA 1180 4343004 145.14 TRAVEL PER DIEMS `'Al of CANM 4 .x•x,,,Aft CITY OF CARMEL Expertise Report (required for all travel expenses) NDIANP EMPLOYEE NAME: Douglas C. Haney DEPARTURE DATE: 03/27/14 12:00 PM DEPARTMENT: Law Department RETURN DATE: 03/28/14 TIME: 7:44 PM REASON FOR TRAVEL: PLI Employment Law Seminar DESTINATION CITY: Atlanta, GA EXPENSES ARE FOR (check all that apply): TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL PER DIEM Date Transportation Gas/Tolls/ Lodging Meals Misc. Total Air-fare Car Rental Other Parking Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem 3/27/14 $65.00 $65.00 3/28/14 $65.00 $65.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3/27/14 $330.00 $330.00 3/27-3/28- 14 $36.00 $36.00 3/27/14 $225.04 $225.04 3/28/14 $ 0 $5.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 Total $330.00 $0.00 $ .00 $36.00 $225.041 $0.001 $0.001 $0.001 $0.001 $130.001 $0.00 DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: I hereby affirm that all expenses listed conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. II 9 Director Signature: Date: City of Carmel Form#&6 Revision Date 4/18/2014 Page 1 Haney, Douglas C From: PLI Program Department[eacknowledgement@confirmation.pli.edu] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:40 AM To: Haney, Douglas C Subject: PLI Program Registration Confirmation (#2790892) P L Im a w � PRA.(:T!1-,JN;LAW INS711TUTE" Douglas Haney Customer* 873092 City of Carmel Dept of Law Phone: 3175712472 1 Civic.Sq Fax: 3175712484 Carmel, IN 46032-2584 Email: dhanevacarmel.in.gov Thank you for registering icor the program. P9ease tale a moment to review your registration: PROGRAM: Understanding Employment Law 2014 ITEM #: 53289 REGISTRATION #, 466763 ORDER ##: 2790892 DATE(S): 3/28/2014 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Add to Outlook calendar Start and end times are subject to change, so please consult www.l)li.edu to reconfirm. LOCATION: Atlanta Bar Association 229 Peachtree St NE 400 INTERNATIONAL TOWER Atlanta, GA 30303-1602 CLE: PLI offers CLE credit in all jurisdictions that have mandatory CLE requirements. Please check this program's webpage for this program's credit details, eligibility and approval status for your particular jurisdiction(s). Please note that you must arrive on time for full CLE credit. So that we can process your CLE credits properly, please be sure to bring your bar/registration number for all states in which you seek credit, and verify your account information and address by logging in here. If we can assist you further, please contact us at(800)260-4754 or email us at infoRpli.edu, and one of our Customer Service Representatives will be happy to answer any of your questions.We look forward to seeing you at the program. Copyright 02012 Practising Law Institute 1 PLI: Seminars - Understanding Employment Law 2014 Page 1 of 2 Login Contact Us in All Contend'' Advanced Search Seminars Ft Webcasts On-Demand Publications Patent Office Exam The SEC Institute PLI Discover PLUS Blogs Seminar ti"?Enuu! vh�= �f`nnt Understanding Employment Law 2014 Items;53289 Location:Atlanta,CA Select a Location: PLEASE NOTE:This program has New York,NY Webcast Atlanta,GA Chicago,IL reached our seating capacity.If you Mar.28.2014 Mur.28,2014 Mar.28,2014 Ala.30,2[14 wish to be added to our Wait List, 9:00 Au Eastern s:tn Asp.Eaacro v:aJ AM lwtcrn please call Customer Service at(800) Grvtflxust Lnouic'^ 260-4PLI(Inside the U.S.)/001.212- 824-5700(Outside the U.S.),or email info@pli.edu.We are sorry for any inconvenience. Srrminar attendance includes course handbook SCHEDULE FACUI_iY TRAVEL(tJFO CREDIT and associated course materials.A OVERVIEW SC downtoadv".e crouse:Nindbook rill also he avaitatite severs(days prior Lo the prugram Morning Session:9:00 a.n.-12:45 p.m- start for your review. 9:00 Opening Remarlts and Introduction Willis J.Goldsmith CREDIT INFORMATION 9:15 Discrimination law Basics credits far. New York • Feieral em(ptoyment(aw requirements le.g.,Titte VR.FL SA,ARA.A!3EA,FMLA,and GINA) • federat enforcement mechanisms and KOC trends:Criminal badsground checks,credit history,whemployment CLE-Ny Credits as it protectn_d class and more f redit Status:Approved • Fedeial.and state lav:trends,inducing developments in lace acrd sexual onentation taw Transitional• No • Analyas of lite latest Court of Appeals and Supreme(:omt rKnrdons of note 'iota(Credits: 7.50 • Enployrxr/indep,'ndent contiactm issues Ethics: 'LOO Professional Practice: 6.50 RaecfvA L.Adru»s,i(e-sha-Ann G.Gray.Theodnre 0.(topers,Jr'. CPID-LIK Credits 10:.30 Labor Law Nits and Bolts Notes:phi is an autt,oised external p"wide r of CPD credit in the United Kingdom by the • The taw of urnian organizing Sokcttois Regulation Authorib/{SRA). • -f he representation election process Credit Status:Approved • The law of collective bargaining 'total Credits: 6.25 • Recent enforcement trends by the N(.RB Genera(: 6.25 Harry 1.Johnson,Ill,Hanan B.Kollo.Bruce R.Millman CPD-BC Credits 11:30 Networkin Break Credit Status:Approved g Total Credits: 6-25 11:0 Retaliation and Whistleblower Claims General: 5.25 Ethics: 1.00 • What it takes to make out a retahation or claim Who wins/loses these cases and why Credit Credits • Antiapat(ng and preventing I etabation and whistle bi(Wier rtauns Total Status:Pending6.25 • Recent case taw developments Total Credits: 6.25 General: 5.25 Jonathan Ben-Asher.Louis D1Loresizo,Vicki%VaIcotL-[dim Ethics: 1.00 12:45 Lunch Break CPD-QC Credit Credit Status:Approved Afternoon Session:1:45 p.m.-5:00 p.m. -total Credits: 6.25 General: 5.25 1:45 FLSA/Wage and Hour Update Ethics: i.00 • FLSA requnemenu HR Credits • Classification/exemption issues Credit Status:Pending • General trends in federal and state law Total Credits: 6.2.5 • Regular rate of pay,training nine,off-the-clock issues,and fluctuating work week considerations General: 6.25 • DOL Initiatives hhirbefe R.Fisher,Matthew 1N-Lampe CHECK SPECIFIC STATE CREDIT REQUIREMENTS 2:45 Interplay Among Leave Laws Oyenriew of ADA;I MLA,i 1-SERith and ollher li ave lavas • Recent dey 20fime,ts under the o W.and the F;.4.A • ADA issues,rni(ndinr Unc;,r-rnnti:nndaPion poce VU&A issues,indudint�intermittent!E-ave • Rot practices;po(icies Rrnheit M.HaLe,Debra L.Raskin 3:4.5 Networking Break 4:00 Ethical Practices in Employment Negotiations and Investigations • Ethical issues encuLurtered in the nefotiatiun of enp(o;nient contracts • Conducting professirohally nespxpsiLde internal investngatir»ns The disciptinary process-ethical littfalls • Reactiving work{place disprile;etlncalty and practically littp://www.pli.edu/Content/Seminar/Understanding_Employment—Law_2014/_/N-4kZ 1 z 1,.. 3/24/2014 "PLI: Seminars - Understanding Employment Law 2014 Page 2 of 2 Dylan S.Pollack,At L.Rosenberg,Laun a S.Schnell 5:00 Adjourn Contact Us,Help RELAi ED ITEMS FOLLOW PLL On-Demand Programs Understanding Employment Law 2013 Apr.19,2013 Course Handbook Archive Understanding Employment Law 2014 Understanding Employment Law 2013 Michael J.Gray.Ames Gay WI(Ils.1.Goldsmith,Jones Day Michael J.Gray,kmes Dav Peter Sung Ohr.National Latx)r Relations Eoard,Region 13 Mile'Pierson,ME Local 150 flougla;M Werman,Wer man Sala, P.C. Anna Wennutti,hltckter Bulger Titson hiruidt a Pe;nrson LLP Robert T.Bernstein,Laser,dluchin, Lknnbrow,Becker,Levin and Tomtnberg,L td. Brett Rawitz,McDonald's Corporation Brian Bulger,Heckler Bulger T ikon Marick u-.Pearson;LLP Michaet G.Cleveland.Vedder Price P.C. Nigel F.Teiman,Prostsaucr Rose LLP Brian West fAsfey,.Jones Day Laura B.Friedel.Levenfeld Pearistein,LLC: John M.Dickman,Winston(i Stiawn LLP hlarni Heffnnd,Huron Consulting Group Brenda H.Fels.Fels Goldy LLC Jeffrey K.Ross,Seyfarth Shaw LLP John C.Hendrickson.U.S.Equdl Employment Opportunity Commisison Thomas F.Hurka,Morgan,Lewis ti Bockius LLP Adam S.Forman,Miller,Canfield, Paddock h Stone,P.L.C. About Us(Membership i Program Cataloq(Pro Bono(Credit info(Media/Press inquiries(Disclaimer,(Privacy Policy('Terms of Use Alt Contents Copyright©1996.2014 Practising,Law Institute.Continuing Legat Education since 1933. ihttp://www.pli.edu/Content/Seminar[Unclerstaiiding_Employmeiit_Law_2014/_/N-4kZ1 zl... 3/24/2014 HILTON ATLANTA 255 Courtland Street NE I Atlanta,Georgia 30303 Ilton T: 404 659 2000 1 F: 404 2216368 ATLANTA W:hilton.com NAME AND ADDRESS: HANEY,DOUGLAS Room: 1752/1<1 13828 SMOKEY RIDGE DR Arrival Date: 3/27/2014 2:26:OOPM Departure Date: 3/28/2014 10:23:OOAM I CARMEL, IN 460339101 Adult/Child: US Room Rate: 194.00 RATE PLAN L-AA HH# AL: BONUS AL: CAR: CONFIRMATION NUMBER: 3115375766 3/28/2014 PAGE 1 DATE DESCRIPTION ID REF.NO CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE HILTON 3/27/2014 GUEST ROOM KLYNNCOD 10112307 $194.00 HHONORS 3/27/2014 STATEROOM TAX KLYNNCOD 10112307 $15.52 3/27/2014 OCCUPANCY TAX KLYNNCOD 10112307 $15.52 3/28/2014 GSMIT 10114392 $225.04 XNIN BALANCE $0.00 c;GeaRl,:. �:IILi'lf Thank you for choosing Hilton. You'll get more when you book directly with us-more destinations, more points,and more value. Book your next stay at hilton.com. ACCOUNT NO. DATE OF CHARGE FOLIO NO./CHECK NO. 03/27/2014 1822406 A CARD MEMBER NAME AUTHORIZATION INITIAL .,.- HANEY, DOUGLAS 317262 ESTABLISHMENT NO.&LOCATION FAABIILIM[Nl-B TOTMtlSMiT TOC"DDOIDCX fOA PAYMENT PURCHASES&SERVICES TAXES TIPS&MISC. IWasT CARD MEMBER'S SIGNATURE TOTAL AMOUNT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES PURCHASED ON THIS CARD SHALL NOT BE RESOLD OR RETURNED FOR A CASH REFUND. PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT P, — Haney, Douglas C From: Delta Air Lines <DeltaAirLines@e.delta.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 4:16 AM To: Haney, Douglas C Subject: DOUGLAS C INDIANAPOLIS 27MAR14 v o e e z LTA delht�.coni My TAps Earn Miles YOUR ITINERARY AND RECEIPT Please review before your trap: Check in for your flight up to 24 hours prior to departure at delta.com or with the Fly Delta app-also check flights, change To access your boarding pass at seats, reserve car and hotels, and much more. the airport, print email now and scan at a Delta self-service kiosk. Make changes to eligible electronic tickets through My Trips at delta.com. If you need to contact Delta for assistance ,. please call 1-800-221-1212 or visit delta.com/help. :g,. 4 Tl�lanks for,choosing.®i°Ita t Fhght Confirmation # �FIQSS3" Ticket# Q0613514Q9215`'2 �l Your Flight Information Thu 271riAR _ . cv 12:QON INDIANAPOLIS AR ATLANTA DELTA 1127 ECONOMY(U) i Alk Lv 7:44pm ATLANTA AR INDIANAPOLIS DELTA 1532 - -- - ECONOMY(U) L3ffsaE i ue`Cartab' Emissions We have partnered with The Nature Conservancy to allow you to offset your carbon emissions for this trip. Go to delta.com/CO2 to calculate your CO2 emissions and learn more about offsetting. Your Flight Details Manage Trip> .,6' ser+ger,Detaits Flights- Seats ree.l3ags 1 DOUGLAS C HANEY DELTA 1127 See delta.com OPC SkyMiles#*******013 Silver DELTA 1532 See delta.com OPC ***Visit delta.com or use the Fly Delta app to view,select or change your seat If you purchased an Economy Comfort seat or a Trip Extra, please visit My Trips to access a receipt of your purchase. „`Receapt Ynfbirmation Billing Details Passenger: Payment Method: Ticket Number: DOUGLAS C HANEY 00623514093215 FARE: 286.52 USD Taxes/Carrier-imposed Fees: 43.48 wicket Amount: 330.00 USD This ticket is non-refundable unless iss<ied at a fully refundabie fare. Some fares may riot allow changes. If allowed, any change to your itinerary may require payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result in cancellation of your remaining reservation. Note: When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets,remaining credits tray not be refunded. Additional charges andJor credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below. ''Details Taxes/Carrier-inipased.Fees Total: 43.48 Itemized: 5.00 AY 9.00 XF 8.00 ZP 21.48 US IND DL ATL143.26UA21ATN7 DL IND143.26UA21ATNI USD286.52END ZP INDATL XF IND4.5ATL4.5 v�- .. .TtcketongkCleta�ls,. y.... �`:�:> .j- . z...✓�.,wri°,. >... „ '. . r.. ,. . .: .t_�.r_.K. Passenger: Ticket#: Place of Issue: Issue Date: Expiration Date: DOUGLAS C HANEY 00623514093215 LAXWEB 07FEB14 07FEB15 Baggage Fees n1mva e. tW: r.Y:= ``F�°;==�� " _ :`k': �} ,BOas�raessEii#e�IFlrsf/,Baasiriess:4 �6Baggage Feesg - Econa►msey Class � - � 5 : }�; ,;Ztass � � x > r {per passenger , >Fees,; ` ! leogl`%XiS ae ; 'fees, eight%Sias 2 PRESCRIBED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS MILEAGE d .+ off' s'na�� y� �� L M(GOfVERNM NTAL UNIT) �G k� (OFFICE,BOARD,DEPARTMENT OR INSTITUTION) DATE FROM TO SF POINT POINT STAR', % r r+ 1 I is6 o .s 35:3a 3'1 I -i a =nC\;&(kCc i,S r ri— fV(A Io DL 3111 i a n l' a is to a I .5 LaA a i �► rc turn 5 G " AUTO LICENSE NO. + SPEEDOMETER READING columns are to be used only when distance between points cannot be deter Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing end that no part of the same ha been paid. Date I 'u I z o l GENERAL FORM NO. 101(1986) CLAIM ,q TO l� v ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION NO.' � FOR f�✓Qi�� I� 'EEDOMETER EADING .+ AUTO MILEAGE NATURE OF BUSINESS MILES @ � FINISH TRAVELED PER MILE 0 35095 s Lt 5do Laiiz16- ,ve i -7 3& 356' LI CLQ l as to C 3& yv �35 8 u3 — 11A - tin 1 7 R Z Ll 3b 0 o ' -1 1 I 5 9-7-1 !6 A t-6- 14 3 5v TOTALS /_I 4— nined by fixed mileage or official highway map. account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits , Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Douglas C. Haney Purchase Order No. Terms Carmel, Indiana 46033 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 4/18/14 2 Reimburse Dou las C. Haney for monies he personally $726.04 3/27/2014 PLI - Employment Law Seminar Seminar- per attached affidavit Total 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Douglas G. Haney - IN SUM OF $ Carmel, Indiana 46033 7a� , 9V $ $ 44 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Law - 1180 4 430-43002 External Training Travel Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), 1180 43002 _$726r04 or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that 7023 the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except I 20141 A 6� ig rev Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund