HomeMy WebLinkAbout231486 04/16/14 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359290 ® `il ONE CIVIC SQUARE MONARCH BEVERAGE CO INC CHECK AMOUNT: $"""""""'86.80" CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3737 WALDEMERE AVE CHECK NUMBER: 231486 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46241 CHECK DATE: 04/16/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1207 4239040 86.80 FOOD & BEVERAGES Monarch Beverage Company, Inc. World Class Beer, Inc. 9347 East Pendleton Pike Indianapolis, IN 46236 (317) 612-1310 www.monarch-beverage.com www.worldclassbeer.com Permit Numbers W49-08938 * W49-87358 * IN-P-1983 --------- ------------------------------------------------------- INVOICE 3104789 CUSTOMER 89924 04/18/14 O6:17AM PAYMENT TERMS: COD Sold By John Burney Deliver To Delivered By Route 5040 Brookshire Golf Club 12120 Brookshire Pkwy Carmel, IN, 46032 License RR29O3542 Permit Info: Beer #RR29O3542 Expires on 07/13/14 Wine #RR29O3542 Expires on 07/13/14 Liquor #RR29O3542 Expires on 07/13/14 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Delivered Goods [MBC] Item Pock UNet Qty Amount Blue Moon Belgian White 20757 QK 50.00 1 50.00 1/6 KEG 3O.00DPST 30.00 Coors Light 1/4 KEG 20680 QK 52.00 1 52.00 3O.00DPST 30.00 Coors Light 24 Lse Can 20610 CB 18.60 5 93.00 Heineken 12 Can 30975 CB 28.00 1 28.00 Lite 1/4 KEG 10180 QK 52.00 1 52.00 3O.00DPST 30.00 Lite 24 Lse Can 10110 CB 18.60 5 93.00 Samuel Adams Lager 1/6 KEG 24569 QK 61.00 1 61.00 3O.00DPST 30.00 Samuel Adams Summer 12pk 44125 CB 28.50 1 28.50 cans Total [MBC] 461.50 16 577.50 Total Delivered 461.50 16 577.50 --------------------------------------------------- Coors Light 2/9pk 16oz 20627 CB 15.90 -3 -47.70 Alum CAN DISCO Samuel Adams 43263 CB 28.00 -3 -84.00 Octoberfest 2/12 cans Lite 2/9/16oz Alum 10117 CB 17.10 -4 -68.40 Misc $30 Empty Keg Return 31164 RE 0.00 -5 0.00 30.00DPST-150.00 Redd's Apple Ale 12pk can 11039 CB 28.60 -3 -85.80 Samuel Adams Lager 12pk 25502 CB 28.00 -2 -56.00 cans Total Picked Up [MBC] -365.80 -20-491.90 Total Picked Up -365.80 -20-491.90 ----------------------------------------------------------------- REVIEW INVOICE Total Less Deposits 115.60 Total Deposits Collected 120.00 Total Deposits Redeemed -150.00 $85.60 Total Tax 0.00 Invoice Total 85.60 Your Total Line-Item Discount Savings -19.90 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Return discrepancies on this order Item Pack Ordered Shipped Misc $30 Empty Keg Return 31164 RE 0 -5 * Denotes product on back order ------------------------------------------------------------------ Y � \. � So ��kw Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/18/14 I 3104789 I Beer I $85.60 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Monarch Beverage Inc. IN SUM OF $ 9347 E. Penleton Pike Indianapolis, IN 46236-0000 $85.60 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Brookshire Golf Club PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1207 I 3104789 I 42-390.40 I $85.60 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the n materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, April 18, 2014 1 Director, Brooks e Golf Club Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund