HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Impact Analysis I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIATES - PARKWOOD EAST TRAFFlC IMPACT ANALYSIS .; TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................... ................. ............................................. II CER TIFI C A TIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . · · . · · . . · . · · · . . · · . . · · · . · . · .. III INTROOOCTION .............................................................................................................................. .......... ............... 1 PuRPOSE .............................................................................................................................. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . · . . . .... · . . · .. 1 ScOPE OF WORK......................................................................................................................... ............................ 1 DESCRIYfION OF TIlE PROJECT........................................................................................................................ ......... 3 STIJDY AREA........................................................................................................................... ....... ........................ 3 DESCRIYfION OF THE ABUITING STREET SySTEM.... ....... ....... ........... ... ....... ....~.. .................... ...... ..... ............. .......... 5 TRAFFIC D AT A......................................................... ....................................................... .. . ..................................... 5 10- YEAR. PROJECTED TRAFFIC VOLUMES ................ ........ .............. ................ ... .................................... .................... 6 GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................... 6 TABLE 1 - GENERATED TRIPS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ........................................ ...................................... 6 INTERN AL TRIP S ...........................'.................................................................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 PASS-By TRIPS ............................................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . · . . . . . .. . . . . . · . . . .. 7 PEAK HOUR...................................................................................................................... ........... ....... ...... .......... .... 7 ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBUfION OF GENERATED TRiPs........................................................................................... 7 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT GENERATED TRIPS ADDED TO THE STREET SYSTEM ......................................................... 9 CAPACITY ANALySIS...... .......... ..... ... ......................... ... .... ........ .............. ................................................................ 9 DESCRIYfION OF LEVELS OF SERVICE.. ..... ...... ................................................................................................ ....... 11 CAPACITY ANALYSES ScENARIOS ... ........ ........................ ................... .... ..... ... ... .................. ...................... ............ 13 TABLE 2 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-96n1 STREET AND MERIDIAN STREET .................................................. 17 TABLE 3 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-96n1 STREET AND COLLEGE AVENUE .................................................. 18 TABLE 4 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-REAL ROAD AND WESTFIELD ROAD ................................................... 19 TABLE 5 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-I-465 EASTBOUND OFF-RAMp AND MERIDIAN STREET........................ 20 TABLE 6 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-I-465 WESTBOUND OFF-RAMp AND MERIDIAN STREET....................... 21 TABLE 7 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-96n1 STREET AND WEST ACCESS POINT .............................................. 22 TABLE 8 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-96TI1 STREET AND EAST ACCESS POINT ............................................... 22 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 REco M MEND A TI ON S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIATES - PARKWOOD EAST TRAFFlC IMPACT ANALYSIS DESCRIPTION OF THE ABUTTING STREET SYSTEM This proposed development will be served by the public roadway system that includes 1-465, U.S. 31, 96th Street, College Avenue, Westfield Boulevard and Real Road. IN1ERSTATE 465 - is a major Interstate loop that surrounds the greater Indianapolis metropolitan area. MERIDIAN SlREET/U.S. 31 - is a north-south, four-lane divided highway that runs the entire length of Indiana and serves as a major arterial to several mid-size cities throughout the state. This roadway becomes Meridian Street within the Indianapolis City limits. 96m SlREET - is an east-west, two-lane roadway that runs from Michigan Road to Keystone Avenue. This street becomes a four-lane facility at Keystone Avenue and continues east to 1-69. WESTFIELD BOULEVARD - is a north-south, two-lane roadway that provides access to several residential areas throughout Marion County and Hamilton County. 9(/h Street & U.S. 31 - This intersection is controlled by a full actuated traffic signal. The northbound approach consists of an exclusive left-turn lane, a shared through/right-turn lane and three through lanes. The southbound approach consists of two exclusive left-turn lanes an exclusive right-turn lane and three through lanes. The westbound approach consists of an exclusive left-turn lane, an exclusive right-turn lane and a through lane and the eastbound approach consists of an exclusive left-turn lane, a shared right-turn/through lane and a through lane. 9(/h Street & College Avenue - This intersection is controlled by a full actuated traffic signal. All approaches at this intersection consist of an exclusive left-turn lane and a shared right- turn/through lane. Real Road & Westfield Boulevard - This "T" -intersection is currently stop controlled with Real Road stopping for Westfield Boulevard. In the near future a traffic signal will be installed at this location. TRAFFIC DATA Peak hour manual turning movement traffic volume counts and 24 hour volume counts were made at the study intersections and along 96th Street by A&F Engineering Co., LLC. The traffic turning movement counts include an hourly total of all "through" traffic and all "turning" traffic at thee 5 I ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I y ~ I 0 0 I f'- N I II I 0 ~ ~ X w O'l 0 I 0 /' O'l 0 0 /' 0 0 0 I N /' 6 3 q, r---7 5%-' ~ o N ~ ~ 10% h-.: CJ) @ f5 ~ COLLEGE HILLS GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIA TES ~~ Q)O .... ~~ WESTFIELD RD 0) ~ ~ ~~ ~ '\t ~ -t ~ ~ Q) ~ <0 0) L L ~L CJ) ~L ~C ~4% ~10% ~* AI ~4% ~~ ~ -q- 14%. .- ~,+ t 5% ~ ~o Lt") .- ~ l 5% :J' ~ t t ~~ NO 72%. r-.- ~ N r- ~ ~ ~ t 10% ON C> Lt") .- .- t ~ N LEGEND 3 t C ~ JL ~ I FIGURE 2 II ASSIGNMENT & DISTRIBUTION t OF GENERA TED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT t/!. C'I .... 8 * = NEGLIGIBLE @ A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 "All Rights Reserved" I .. I .. ~ 3q, ~ CI) ~ I (Q WESTRELD RD 0) I I to LO ..- * (*) to N I ~~ ~ 20 (4) (58) 9 ~ ~ t ~,+ CO' (*~ *.... ~,.,., Ol ,.,.., I -...- h: (45 7. o~ CI) ...-- C> ~ ~ I (Q 0) ';:;) _N_ N ,..,., N t ~~~ 25 (5) L() I ;1~ N r- ~~ J COLLEGE (5) 253' t (22) 3~~ t I ~ ~ C> to to L() ,.,.., (322) 50. ~o to ...- ~-...- I ~ CJ) ~ L @ ~ ~ ~~ I ~ L ~~ ~ -t ~L I ~ CI) ~L I ~C I LEGEND ~ 00 = A.M. PEAK HOUR SE (00) = P.M. PEAK HOUR 3 I 0 0 C * = NEGLIGIBLE I ...... N I II JF FIGURE 3 I c.::> 3= ~ X w l GENERA TED TRAFFIC VOLUMES en c; COLLEGE HILLS I 0 /" en GERSHMAN-BROWN FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT c; 0 /" & ASSOCIA TES 0 0 0 @A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 I N /" U "All Rights Reserved" 10 I . e I h: ----3 ~ r---7 Ct) ~ I <0 WESTRELD RD 0) ~ I ~ (9 686 (1757) ~~ .... I 21260550) , t It') l.(') ,.,., to -- - ....450 (686) _0 I o l.(') . 71 (133) It') ,.,., N- - (706) 682 -. ~ t+ - 164) 210. ~ 00 a_ Ll') 0 ~ to Ll') It') I -t:::.. h: 0 CJ) 00 ,.,., 0 -- m ~ +l ~ 173~307) I <c 0) I I AVE I he.: ~ Cr) L ~ ~ ~ 5:~ I "" L ~ '\t ~ -t ~L I ~ CJ) ~L I ~C I LEGEND ~ 00 = A.M. PEAK HOUR ~ (00) = P.M. PEAK HOUR 3 I 0 c * = NEGLIGIBLE 0 , ,..... N I " JL I 0 FIGURE 4 ?; ~ II x w en 5 COLLEGE HILLS EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES I <:) ,,/ en GERSHMAN-BROWN 0 0 ,,/ & ASSOCIA TES 0 <:) <:) @A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 I N ,,/ "All Rights Reserved" u 14 I .. e AI h: I -3~~ CI) ~ (() I WESTRELD RD 0) X 17 I ~ 1035 (2634) t/~ ..- '7 I 2672 (ji 07) ~ t "-450 (686) LO 0 .......- -- ~ 111 (168) o LO I ....... 'oo::t (706) 682'" ~ ~ LO lJ") -- - 288) 352. ; ~ - 000 co C> h: e.:::, I CO ~ (() I 0) I I I I--...: )...: Cr) L ~ ~ 5:~ I ~ L ~ ~':t ~ ~ ~L !e I CI) ~L I ~C LEGEND 00 = A.M. PEAK HOUR I (00) = P.M. PEAK HOUR * = NEGLIGIBLE ~ ~ 3 I 0 c 0 I l"- N JL I FIGURE 5 II I C) SUM OF EXISTING, YEAR 2011, 3: II ~ x V ACANT LAND w ~ COLLEGE HILLS TRAFFIC VOLUMES (3 I 0 /' 0) GERSHMAN-BROWN (3 0 & ASSOCIA TES /' @ A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 0 0 0 "All Rights Reserved" N I~ 15 I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I 0 0 I r--. 0 I ~ II I '-' ~ ~ x w ~ 0 I 0 /'" 0') 0 0 /'" 0 0 0 I N /'" U ~ ~ r---7 2824 (ii 35) ~ t It'') 0 ,......N at:=) ,...... U) It'') L/') -.... - _en CX) - CX) 0 e.::::, a- NN U) LO i ~ 237~144) h..: C1) ~ ~ ~ COLLEGE HILLS GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIA TES ~ CI) ~ (Q WESTRELD RD 0) ~ C/) ~ <0 0) ~ ~ ~~ ~":t ~ ~ ~ L L ~L CI) ~L ~c 3 C JL II 16 It AI 1 K. ~ ~ <(-t() ~ 6 -~ N "oc::t .:::, ';;; 2 ~ * (*) ~ ~ * .- * (*) +I ~ '+. * (*) (58) 9 ~ ~ t t+ (*) *.. ~ ~ * (45) 7.. '0=2 - L/') -...- L/') e a m _ "oc::t L/') -.... --00 L/') ,...... N l{") +I~ (22) 3 ~ ~ t (322) 50. ;;; c; ,..,., N 3~~ N U) CX) - ,..,., N ~ LEGEND 00 = A.M. PEAK HOUR (00) = P.M. PEAK HOUR * = NEGLIGIBLE FIGURE 6 SUM OF EXISTING, YEAR 2011, V ACANT LAND AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC VOLUMES @ A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 "All Rig hts Reserved" I' I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIATES - PARKWOOD EAST TRAFFlC IMPACT ANALYSIS CONCLUSIONS The conclusions that follow are based on existing traffic volume data, trip generation, assignment and distribution of generated traffic, capacity analyses with the resulting levels of service that have been prepared for each of the study intersections, and the field review conducted at the site. These conclusions apply only to the AM Peak Hour and PM Peak Hour that were addressed in this analysis. These peak hours are when the largest volumes of traffic will occur. Therefore, if the resulting level of service is adequate during these time periods, the remaining 22 hours will have levels of service that are better than the peak hour, since the existing street traffic volumes are less during the other 22 hours. 1. 96TII SlREET AND MERIDIAN SlREET Existing (Scenario 1) - A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes and existing geometries, has shown this intersection is operating at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. Year 2011 (Scenario 2) - With the traffic volumes from the vacant lands and the background traffic through the Year 2011 added to the existing traffic volumes, this intersection will operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and below acceptable levels of service per the City of Carmel Guidelines during the PM Peak Hour with the proposed intersection geometries. The proposed geometries are illustrated on Figure 7. Proposed Development (Scenario 3) - When the traffic volumes from the proposed development are added to the existing, Year 2011, and vacant land traffic volumes, this intersection will operate below acceptable levels with the proposed geometrics outlined in the Year 2011 scenario. These proposed geometrics are illustrated on Figure 7. 23 I- I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIATES - PARKWOOD EAST TRAFFlC IMPACT ANALYSIS 2. 96TH SlREET AND COLLEGE AVENUE Existing (Scenario 1) - A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes and existing geometries, has shown this intersection is operating at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak HOUf. Year 2011 (Scenario 2) - With the traffic volumes from the vacant lands and the background traffic through the Year 2011 added to the existing traffic volumes, this intersection will operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and PM Peak Hour with the proposed intersection geometries. The proposed geometries are illustrated on Figure 8. Proposed Development (Scenario 3) - When the traffic volumes from the proposed development are added to the existing, Year 2011, and vacant land traffic volumes, this intersection will operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and below acceptable levels of service per the City of Carmel Guidelines during the PM Peak Hour with the proposed geometrics outlined in the Year 2011 scenario. These proposed geometries are illustrated on Figure 8. 3. REAL ROAD AND WESTFIELD BOULEY ARD Existing (Scenario 1) - A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes has shown this intersection will operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour with the planned intersection improvements. These improvements include the installation of a traffic signal in the near future. Year 2011 (Scenario 2) - With the traffic volumes from the vacant lands and the background traffic through the Year 2011 added to the existing traffic volumes, this intersection will operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and below 24 I' I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIATES- PARKWOODEAST TRAFFlC IMPACT ANALYSIS acceptable levels per the City of Carmel Guidelines during the PM Peak Hour with the planned intersection improvements outlined in the existing scenario. Proposed Development (Scenario 3) - When the traffic volumes from the proposed development are added to the existing, Year 2011, and vacant land traffic volumes, this intersection will operate at acceptable levels with the proposed intersection geometrics and the planned installation of a traffic signal. The proposed geometrics are illustrated on Figure 9. 4. 1-465 EASTBOUND OFF-RAMP AND MERIDIAN SlREET Existing (Scenario 1) - A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes and existing geometries, has shown this intersection is operating at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. Year 2011 (Scenario 2) - With the traffic volumes from the vacant lands and the background traffic through the Year 2011 added to the existing traffic volumes, this intersection will operate below acceptable levels per the City of Carmel Guidelines during the AM Peak Hour and at acceptable levels of service during the PM Peak Hour with the proposed intersection geometrics. The proposed geometrics are illustrated on Figure 10. Proposed Development (Scenario 3) - When the traffic volumes from the proposed development are added to the existing, Year 20 II, and vacant land traffic volumes, this intersection will operate below acceptable levels per the City of Carmel Guidelines during the AM Peak Hour and at acceptable levels of service during the PM Peak Hour with the proposed intersection geometries outlined in the Year 2011 scenario. These proposed geometries are illustrated on Figure 10.t 25 I- I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIATES- PARKWOODEAST TRAFFlC IMPACT ANALYSIS - 7. 96TH SlREET AND EAST ACCESS POINT Proposed Development (Scenario 3) - When the traffic volumes from the proposed development are added to the existing, Year 2011, and vacant land traffic volumes all approaches at this intersection will operate at acceptable levels with the proposed intersection geometrics. The proposed intersection geometries are illustrated on Figure 11. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on this analysis and the conclusions, the following recommendations are made to ensure that the roadway system will operate at acceptable levels of service if the site is developed as proposed. 1. 96TII SlREET AND MERIDIAN SlREET · This intersection should be reconstructed to include the geometries illustrated on Figure 7. These improvements should be constructed based on future vacant land traffic and are not solely a result of the proposed development. 2. 96TII SlREET AND COLLEGE AVENUE · This intersection should be reconstructed to include the geometries illustrated on Figure 8. These improvements should be constructed based on future vacant land traffic and are not solely a result of the proposed development. 3. REAL ROAD AND WESlFIELD BOULEY ARD · A traffic signal is planned at this intersection early in the Year 2001. Furthermore, a left-turn and right-turn lane should be constructed along the eastbound approach as traffic increases due to the proposed development and surrounding vacant lands. The proposed future improvements are illustrated on Figure 9. 4. 1-465 EASTBOUND OFF-RAMP AND MERIDIAN SlREET · Due to the large amount of traffic exiting 1-465 and along Meridian Street, this intersection might experience delays during the AM Peak Hour. These delays will occur independently of the proposed development as traffic increases over time and as traffic is generated from vacant land development. · The Indiana Department of Transportation has future plans for the modification of this interchange. However, before these improvements are made, an eastbound right-turn lane should be constructed to better serve the eastbound to southbound exiting vehicles. These improvements are shown on Figure 10. 27 I. I" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o o I c;; o o o /" o o o N I ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 96TH STREET ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .- ~ r=f} <? .- ~ ~ Existing Traffic {F + ~~ Signal + t- w w a: t- en z CC - C - a: w :E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t t tt~ ~ CD ~ 0 0 I O'l 0 I 0 II <.:> ~ 0 :i x w (1) Level Of Service Legend (AM Peak/PM Peak) Existing Lane Configuration <C/C) Year 2011, Vacant Land & Proposed Development Configuration (DID) FIGURE 7 96TH STREET & MERIDIAN STREET PROPOSED INTERSECTION GEOMETRICS COLLEGE HILLS GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIA TES @ A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 It All Rights Reserved" 29 I. I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I 0 I 0'> 0 I 0 II I <.:> ~ 0 I x w ~ 6 I 0 / 0'> 0 0 / 0 0 0 N I / N o o 1 ~ REAL ROAD ~ Planned Traffic Signal .:1' .~ 00 c a: C > w .... ::) o m c ..... w - LL I- en w ;: ~ ~ ~ t o o Level Of Service Legend (AM Peak/PM Peak) Existing Lane Configuration with Planned Traffic Signal (B/C> Year 2011, Vacant Land & Proposed Development Configuration with Planned Traffic Signal (B/C> COLLEGE HILLS GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIA TES FIGURE 9 REAL ROAD & WESTFIELD BOULEV ARD PROPOSED INTERSECTION GEOMETRieS 31 @ A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 nAil Rights Reserved" I · I · I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I 5 I (J') C> I 5 II I c..=> 3: 0 ui x w ~ 6 I C> ,/ ~ 0 C> ,/ C> C> C> N I ,/ N CD o 1-465 EB OFF-RAMP o ~ ~ ~ CD ~ ~ ~ ~:ff ~:ff ~:ff ~~ ~ ~ Existing Traffic Signal I- W W a: I- en z CC - C - a: 111 :E ~ ~ ~ ~ t t t t Existing Lane Configuration (C/B) AI CD o Level Of Service Legend (AM Peak/PM Peak) Year 2011, Vacant Land & Proposed Development Configuration (E/C> COLLEGE HILLS GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIATES FIGURE 10 1-465 EASTBOUND OFF-RAMP & MERIDIAN STREET PROPOSED INTERSECTION GEOMETRieS 32 @ A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 "All Righ ts Reserved" I · I · I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I 0 I 0') 0 I 0 " I 0 3: 0 lli x w ~ 0 I 0 "..,.- 0') 0 0 "..,.- 0 0 0 N I "..,.- N o o o ~~~~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Existing Traffic Signal I- W W a: I- en z c( - C - a: w :E ~ ~ ~ t t t AI ~~ ~~ .fF~ .fF~ .fF~ 1-465 WB OFF-RAMP 00 o o Level Of Service Legend (AM Peak/PM Peak) Existing Lane Configuration (C/B) Year 2011, Vacant Land & Proposed Development Configuration CD/C) COLLEGE HILLS GERSHMAN-BROWN & ASSOCIA TES FIGURE 11 1-465 WESTBOUND OFF-RAMP & MERIDIAN STREET INTERSECTION GEOMETRICS @ A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 "All Rights Reserved" 33