HomeMy WebLinkAbout232013 04/30/14 oi. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352934 ONE CIVIC SQUARE ADAM HARRINGTON CHECK AMOUNT: $"'""'*697.72* 11 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 19546 TRADEWINDS DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 232013 NOBLESVILLE IN 46062 CHECK DATE: 04/30/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4343002 447.96 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA 1120 4343004 249.76 TRAVEL PER DIEMS Claim No. Warrant No. I have examined the within claim and hereby certify as follows: IN FAVOR OF That it is in proper form; That it is duly authenticated as required by law; That it is based upon statutory authority; f That it is apparently correct 1 incorrect On Account of Appropriation Noy�O Qr Disbursing Officer Allowed 20 Cro in the sum of$�y�. � 0 ~ (D n n N (D 5�-� x '0_(D m Io (D (Board or Commission) , ¢H FILED m m CD m (Official Title) Q Prescribed by State Board of Accounts General Form No.101(1955) MILEAGE CLAIM TOO—��c� a._�r DR. { Governments nit On Account of Appropriation No. for t Office,Board,Department or InsUtutlon) i DATE FROM TO ODOMETER READINGNATURE OF BUSINESS AUTO MILES MILEAGE 20 Point Point Start Finish TRAVELED PER MILE i I 1 i Auto License No. TOTALS "SPEEDOMETER READING columns are to be used only when distance between points cannot be determined by fixed mileage or official highway map. Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155,Acts 1953,1 hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct,that the amount claimed i*IJ-&d , allowing all just credits,and that no part of the same has been paid. Date ON of CAAA/F CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) /NOIANp EMPLOYEE NAME: �-o�-�� ��o ��� �''�'�- DEPARTURE DATE: TIME: IJV PM DEPARTMENT: �`�y- RETURN DATE: TIME: \1, A / PM REASON FORT RAVE CDESTINATION CITY: \�- , EXPENSES ARE FOR (check all that apply): TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL PER DIEM ✓ Transportation Gas/Tolls/ Meals Date Parkin Lodging Misc. Total Air-fare Car Rental Other g Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem $0.00 4/5/14 $30.74 $65.00 $95.74 4/6/14 1 $30.74 1 $65.00 $95.74 4/7/14 $30.74 $65.00 $95.74 4/8/14 $30.74 $65.00 $95.74 4/9/14 $65.00 $65.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 i$0.00 0.00 Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $122.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $325.00 $0.00 ii DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: I her `b i Wal allexpenses listed conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. APR 2 s 2014 Director Signature: Date: City of Carmel Form#ER06 Revision Date 4/25/2014 Page 1 Io � A E 6 1 S A D V I S 0 R Y 6 R 0 U P i Fire Advisory Group Meeting Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 Sam — 11 am Location: Adison East Outcome 7:30—8:00 A. Continental Breakfast/Networking (Room:Royal Palm VII-X) 8:00—8:15 B. Welcome and Opening Remarks • Member Introductions • Review Membership Terms and Status 8:15—8:30 C. Review of Ideas Results Report Affirmation of Findings 8:30— 10:30 D. Idea Definition Session Refined Idea • Confirm the"Who' Definitions • Confirm the specific"What" • Confirm the"Why" 10:30— 10:45 E. Feedback on Conference Sessions Conference Lessons Learned 10:45— 11:00 F. Wrap Up/Closing Remarks Session • Survey Lessons Learned • Session Feedback Discussion Box Lunch available in Royal Palm VII-X Advisory Group Dinner on Tuesday 4/8/14 evening at The Blue. By invite only for Advisory Group members who attend an Advisory Group session • Cocktails start at 6:OOpm • Dinner 7:OOpm—9:OOpm New World Systems -Confidential i i BOCA RATON RESORT &CLUB' BOCA RATON RESORT&CLUB <'�® 501 E.Camino Real I Boca Raton,FL 133432 T: 561.447.3000 1 F: 561.447.3183 A WALDORF ASTORIA RESORT W:bocaresort.com NAME AND ADDRESS: HARRINGTON,ADAM Room: 40704/RBA 19546 TRADEWINDS DR Arrival Date: 4/5/2014 2:08:OOPM Departure Date: 4/9/2014 11:28:00AM NOBLESVILLE,IN 46062 Adult/Child: 2/0 US Room Rate: RATE PLAN C-ANWSAG HH# AL: BONUS AL: CAR: CONFIRMATION NUMBER: 3119772267 4/9/2014 PAGE 1 DATE DESCRIPTION ID REF.NO CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE HILTON 4/5/2014 BAR LUNA#7283 LINTR 9520393 $78.72 HHONORS 4/5/2014 PARKING BBC#170 LINTR 9520789 $30.74 4/6/2014 GUEST OF GUEST PASS SK4 9523573 $35.00 4/6/2014 BAR LUNA#7766 LINTR 9525930 $84.98 % 4/6/2014 PARKING BBC#82 LINTR 9526139 $30.74 :>ILYKII n5i(Mia' 4/7/2014 PARKING BBC#42 LINTR 9531797 $30.74 4/8/2014 PARKING BBC#19 LINTR 9537615 $30.74 1. 4/9/2014 VS`5859 BR1 9540569 $321.66 C O N R A D BALANCE $0.00 ','I Hilton FAY)PI t.rPkY. Il,n 'Cunll:n lien' ACCOUNT NO. DATE OF CHARGE FOLIO NO./CHECK NO. VS'5859 4/6/2014 553270 A 1' Nav:owE tants CARD MEMBER NAME AUTHORIZATION INITIAL HARRINGTON,ADAM 014320 ESTABLISHMENT NO,&LOCATION ESTABLLL-T AGREES TO T—T TO—HE- nm PA— PURCHASES&SERVICES HOME®TAXES TIPS&MISC. HRinn CARD MEMBER'S SIGNATURE TOTAL AMOUNT Cnnd La— Ii.-MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES PURCHASED ON THIS CARD SHALL NOT BE RESOLD OR RETURNED FOR A CASH REFUND. PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT I 2014 Executive Cu storner LonTerence WHEN AND WHERE IS THE CONFERENCE? 2014 New World Systems-Aegis Public Safety Executive Customer Conference will be held on April 6-8,2014(Sunday-Tuesday).The conference will be held at the Boca Raton Resort (www.bocaresort.com)in Boca Raton,Florida. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? The conference is structured so that everyone in Public Safety who has any contact with New World Systems software solutions should attend.Law Enforcement,Fire/EMS,Dispatch,IT, Senior Management,Operations Management,Directors,Supervisors,Administrators,Etc.This is an investment your agency makes to maximize the use of the products licensed. HOW DO/MAKE RESERVATIONS? PLEASE REGISTER ONLINE: www.newworldsystems.com/2014conference/PublicSafety/Re iq ster Do not call the hotel.Because this is a group reservation,a different department manages the master account.Therefore,the reservation desk will not be able to assist you.If you have questions about your reservation,please contact Ruth Ann Hines (RuthAnn.Hines@newworldsystems.com)at New World Systems. CAN 1 SHARE A ROOM WITH A CO-WORKER? Yes.If you're sharing a room with a Package A,B,or C registered conference attendee,it's $775 for sharing a room. CAN MY SPOUSE OR GUEST ATTEND? Yes,they are welcome to share a room with you at no additional cost.If your spouse or guest will be joining you in any conference meal/networking receptions,there is a $300 Non-conference GUEST Fee per individual.You must register them separately www.newworldsystems.com/2014conference/PublicSafety/Guest.Registered guests will receive a special name badge that they must wear at all meals/activities.Guests are NOT eligible to participate in any conference sessions.All guests must be 21 years or older to attend any New World Systems event. Register Today Newworldsystems.com/2014conference/Public5afety/Register 2014 Executive Customer Conference WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE CONFERENCE PACKAGES THAT WILL BE BILLED TO MYAGENCY? ■ Package A: $1295 0 3 days/2 nights ■ Sunday-Tuesday • Hotel Accommodations ■ All Sessions • Meals Include:Sunday Dinner through Tuesday Lunch ■ All Conference Activities ■ Package B: $1595 0 4 days/3 nights ■ Sunday-Tuesday ■ 3`d Night:Choose(1) -Saturday Night -Tuesday Night ■ Hotel Accommodations ■ All Sessions ■ Meals Include:Sunday Dinner through Tuesday Lunch ■ All Conference Activities ■ Package C: $1895 0 5 days/4 nights ■ Sunday-Tuesday ■ 3`d&41h Nights:Choose(2) -Saturday Night Tuesday Night -Wednesday Night ■ Hotel Accommodations • All Sessions • Meals Include:Sunday Dinner through Tuesday Lunch ■ All Conference Activities • Package D: $775 o No Hotel Accommodations ■ All Sessions • Meals Include:Sunday Dinner through Tuesday Lunch • All Conference Activities Register Today Newworldsystems.com/2014conference/PublicSafety/Register 2014 Executive Customer Conference HOW DO I BOOK EXTRA NIGHTS AT THE HOTEL? Significantly discounted additional nights are limited and available on a first come,first served basis at our specially negotiated group rate.When filling out the 2014 Conference Registration form online,please fill in arrival and departure dates.New World will make all room reservations. Group rates are approximately$100 off the normal rate. HOW MUCH DOES AN EXTRA NIGHT AT THE HOTEL COST? Outside of the Packages A,B,or C Listed An additional night's stay at the Boca Raton Resort:$260.00 plus I I%tax.Customers are responsible for the cost of all extra nights.This is a savings of about$100 off the normal daily rate.Please keep in mind that New World must book those additional nights in order to receive the group rate. HOW DO WE PAY FOR THE CONFERENCE? WE DO NOT ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS OR ONLINE PAYMENTS. An invoice for the package selected will be sent to the billing contact at your agency.Additional night's stay will be billed separately by the hotel upon checkout(unless pre-arranged through your registration submission indicating that the extra night is to be added to the package fee that will be billed to your agency). WHAT IS THE CANCELLATION OR SUBSTITUTION POLICY? All cancellations must be made in writing.A credit will be applied if notified before February 28, 2014.Cancellations made after February 28,2014,will be subject to a$300 administrative fee.Substitutions for a registered attendee may be made by another employee by notifying Ruth Ann Hines and the submission of a new registration form. WHAT MEALS ARE INCLUDED? New World will provide a full breakfast and lunch both Monday and Tuesday.Dinner will be provided Sunday night at the Meet and Greet Welcome dinner and Monday evening at the Peer-2-Peer Networking event.Refreshments will be served throughout the conference. ARE THERE OTHER OPTIONS FOR MEALS OUTSIDE OF THE HOTEL? There are a variety of restaurants in the hotel.Additionally,the hotel is located in close driving/cab distance to many dining establishments off property.We will include in our conference communications a description of close,cost-effective options for our conference attendees. Register Today Newworldsystems.com/2014conference/PublicSafety/Register 2014 Executive Customer Conference _71 x. IS THERE CHARGE FOR INTERNET ACCESS? ■ No Charge:High-speed internet access in all guest rooms When you access the internet through the hotels'browser,put in your room number and accept the internet access.The fee listed will not be charged to your room. ■ No Charge:High-speed internet access throughout conference meeting rooms New World will communicate an access code onsite at the conference. WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS FOR TRANSPORTATION? GO SHUTTLE:800-244-8252 /www.Go-AirportShuttle.com(Approximate Pricing) ■ Ft.Lauderdale:$23/person shared shuttle ride/$75 Private Car-Seats 4 (Book prior to arrival or upon arrival) ■ West Palm:$115 Private Car-Seats 4(Book 48 hours in advance) ■ Miami:$120.75 Private Car-Seats 4(Book 48 hours in advance) TAXI:Ft.Lauderdale/West Palm:$70-$75 TOWN CAR:Ft.Lauderdale/West Palm:$95-$100 HOW MUCH IS PARKING AT THE HOTEL? • The Boca Raton Resort is VALET-parking only. ■ $29+tax($30.74)per night/ $11 day charge WHAT IS THE DRESS CODE FOR THE CONFERENCE? We recommend that you wear layers due to the temperature variations from room to room and outdoors.There are no dress code requirements for our attendees. WHAT IS THE DRESS CODE FOR THE CONFERENCE EVENTS? Sunday night dinner is on property and outdoors.We recommend wearing something comfortable and layers,as the temperature may drop in the evening.This year's Monday evening event will take place slightly off property and next to the ocean. WILL THERE BE ANY HANDS-ON EDUCATIONAL LAB SESSIONS? Yes.More information and how to register for the lab session will be listed soon.We suggest you register for a lab well in advance of the conference to secure a seat in a lab session. Register Today Newworldsystems.com/2014conference/PublicSafety/Register 4 2014 Executive Customer Conference 77 HOW MUCH ONE-ON-ONE CONSULTATION WILL WE RECEIVE? You can schedule a one-on-one consultation with a New World representative at any time prior to the conference(please see One-on-one Consultation link and register OR contact your customer care representative as soon as possible).Additionally,you will have an opportunity to schedule Service and Support consultations throughout the conference. To expedite questions,you have the opportunity to sit in on the"Ask the Expert"Learning Lab. On your schedule you will see the practice in which we have assigned team"Experts"to answer and work through any questions you may have in a running lab environment. WHEN ARE THE ADVISORY GROUPS TAKING PLACE? ■ If you are an Advisory Group member or are interested in more information regarding the Advisory Group,please contact Tom Wydra (Tom.Wvdra@newworldsystems.com)at New World Systems. ■ MOBILE and MSP Corrections Advisory Groups are being held Tuesday afternoon. ■ MSP Fire/MSP LERMS/MSP CAD are being held on Wednesday morning(please make sure you add an additional night stay to your registration submission). HOW MUCH FREE TIME WILL WE HAVE? Due to overwhelming requests from Conference Attendees and success from last year's conference schedule,we have included more sessions on Sunday afternoon and Tuesday morning.Your free time is based on what sessions you want to attend. Register Today Newworldsystems.com/2014conference/PublicSafety/Register Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) $447.96 $249.76 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Adam Harrington IN SUM OF $ $697.72 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 43-430.02 $447.96 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 43-430.04 $249.76 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except APR 2 8 2094 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund