HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 5-1-01
May 1, 2001
4. Docket No. 25-01 Z; College Hills PUD
Petitioner seeks favorable recommendation of a rezone from the R-l/residence district to a
PUD/planned unit development district on 20.5:1: acres. The site is located northwest of East
96th Street and North College Avenue. The site is zoned R-l/residence.
Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger for Gershman Brown &
General Comments:
Mr. Houck had asked for minutes from a city council meeting regarding comments Councilor
Koven had made regarding 96th Street / Meridian Street traffic conditions. Staff was not able to
find minutes from the city council meetings relating to a discussion of any length made by
Councilor Koven. However, there was a great deal of discussion at the March 14, 2001
redevelopment commission meeting regarding traffic in the area of 96th and Meridian. A portion
of the minutes for this meeting are attached.
With respect to the petition the Department advises the committee to review the following
characteristics and observations in making a determination of how to forward this item to the City
1. This proposal is consistent with the 1997 Land Use Plan when considering the guidelines
attached to the plan (please refer to page 5-25 of the plan). The fundamental tenets of the
comprehensive plan map identify this area as being between the area for special study
surrounding the Westfield Boulevard and 96th Street intersection and the high intensity
Regional Community Employment areas represented by the Parkwood development to the
2. The Department feels from a land use perspective that the petition has merit and should be
considered favorably by the Subdivision Committee and Plan Commission as a whole
Committee Report 2001-05-0 l.rtf
provided the following can be adequately illustrated by the applicant:
a. That the Medium Intensity Community Employment Use is appropriate for this
location today.
b. That adequate buffers and transition areas exist between this site and low density
residential uses.
c. The site is adequately served by 96th Street, College Avenue and its proximity to the 1-
465 and Meridian Street interchange.
3. The Department has retained the services of John W. Myers, P.E., AICP with the firm
Parsons, Brinckerhoff: Quade and Douglas, Inc. to evaluate the roadway improvements
proposed by the applicant and the presumptions made in coming to their conclusions.
John Myers will be present to provide some perspective on the 96th Street impacts. I
hope you will find the info helpful. Please let the Department know of any specific info
you will find beneficial.
4. It is not the intent of the Department that this development would unduly influence
decision making regarding the need for a 96th Street bridge at 1-465 or the comprehensive
improvement of the corridor. We believe that these are regional issues and the proposal
does not impact the area required for ultimate construction of a bridge if needed. Nor
does it significantly impact the ability of the appropriate agency's decision making process
when examining improvements appropriate for 96th Street in the future. However, the
application should be prepared to upgrade the intersections at College/96th and
Real/Westfield as well as the adjacent roadways to offset the impact of the proposed use
and improve the existing levels of service at those specific locations.
The Carmel/Clay Vision Plan represents an overview of the community's agenda for the future to
establish a broad-based policy direction. The plan indicated that additional study needed to be
done in the area to the east of the site regarding future land use and infrastructure improvements
(specifically roadways). This has been done and in all of the studies the proposed land use was
never considered. The Department believes that with the appropriate roadway improvements the
proposed transformation of the subject property from residential to a moderate intensity
community/regional employment area is appropriate at this location.
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