HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence JUN-19-2001 12:55 NELSON FRANKENBERGER ~ ~ ~ lMAS..C\~ .~ ~ ~(~~-- IV'\ \l~' 4. I ' \\ \, , \ ,(<1 .').-.) '(V /' ' '\/, . ~ AOt;.g ,'- ~ -05. ' If' .~? Co ^ (I ~ 06:;11 0.1 tSv-b .~ t)J ~ -th':: ~ ( 1 : f\ \ Vff:.. If\"" , ~ . ~ 7 Q I ~, \{ \)0 6. ej/v~ U~ S. (I tlAi~ tIt!,,- 'Cf- /lbti- j(~r (g) s. Binding on SUCCessOR and AJsip. After Effective Date (defined below), these Commitments are binding upon the Developer. bman Brown, Duke-Weeks, and each subsequent owner of the Real Estate. and each pe son acquiring an interest in the Real Estate, unless modified or terminated by the Commissi D. These Commitments may be modified or terminate, d only by a decision of the Commiss~n made at a public hearing after notice is provided by the Rules of the Commission. I Effective Date. The Commitments contained h,ein shall be of no force and effect until the occurrence of all of the following: I (a) The acquisition of title to the Real Estate y Gershman Brown, Duke- Weeks, and/or their assignee; and (b) The annexation of the Real Estate to the City of Cermel, Indiana; and (c) The assignment to the Real Estate of an i 'tial zoning classification ofPUD and the granting of all other approvals necess to develop the Real Estate as intended by Gershman Brown and Duke-Weeks; an . (d) The commencement of the developme t of the Real Estate by the Developer, Gershman Bro~ or Duke-W eeks~ or eir assignee. ' Recording. The undersigned 8:l1hioriza the Se -/ of the Commission to re"'...ord t~ese Commitments in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton COut1ty, Indiana, upon the oc~urrence of all of the ev~nts referred to in p ph 6 above. 8. Enforcement, These Commitments may be Carmel) Indian8~ the Developer, and/or any 0 reed by the Commission and the City of er of part or all of the Real Estate. -2- 1J'.l1A k ~ /\.It - L ~~j\ · t ~ ~ l'\ l."\aJ---~~V"1') \ ~\~ ~~ v-mf'\ ~v , 1{\I' < ~t-+k $ t; OrJ \j ^A_) . vA'l'r., f'JV"'Y'^~ ') . b vrl~~ ~\-~ ? l ~"1 -r~Y- ~J *\~ b4 ~jJJ ~ ;.., " a " :, ,- -"-~A--:':":"u,~oatJ~. ~k~~ .x.u..} · ,~: -.:..~ - . - ~ ___- ~ t " , />2~.'.~' /~, r'~ !-3~~.L._~ ~~: ~. 2501:' ~ Pls,t~:co~lege H1l1:~t 2~K JUfy .19Z~ _~.........~ ...:1.-"" .. I.IW>..- n A>l_UItIbl~ .I .d _...__......,..__........_..._-.....__.. .-..--- ." Lbe Unc:leJ'91.~ned ~"rpb~ r.er~lr~ th9t the wIthIn p19t, of'''col..LI';lrr H1J,LS" 15 'J'J'\18 9'A.I .ar;e:Jt fJnd Represents So S\.lbdl"~~cn into ,t,reets and ',lots or Part 'of ~he s Cut,t;'Nest .u~rter of Ee:tlan 12, 'l'cwr.sb.1p 11 Nc,rTh R9nge 3 'East more P81'tl:uls.rl:, oes~r.1uftn 9.5 0110W8 "'d-wi t: , /. . 8eglnnln~ tjt, . poInt i'n Lbe sCi~t,h :\lna ~r SaId qu~rt,e'r sfJ~tlon 82.5 teet f!9St of be soutbwest ~orn"r thel'ecf, tben~e r~n~ntl aa8: along and wIth s!J..1d south llne 118.45 eet. to a point.. then:e north 100 parallel W'n~ the wost lIne or saId qU9rtol' se.~tlO1i I 6.,1.56 feot to . pOl.qt~n the no!.t,h'11n, 'or:.,...b1 q~rter sejt..1on, t.henJe WI'st, along nd wIth sald norih ~lr.~ 1118.45 ~eet to .... 'p01nt, a.id pOlnt be1r.g ",here the eest. rIr.(ht. , r ".1 I1ne Gr tti. UDU"~i1 r9~'I'lon C:omp9D)' lnterest~ sald D<iJ'tb lIne. dlst9r,t, 82.5 feet. .sst, of the ncrt,h.v!'J8t,\~"J'n!!1' or saId qUirte.r se.:::tio.n. Lben;). so\;.th ,lont( and w 1t,h .s "ld '1~ht, of ."a~ line 2688.~'a5 teet. tc t.he pl~.:e. or Begln,nln~ :ont!lln.uH~ 6B.5~ a~res more or ess . ", \ . ThJs sub~lV1S.1~'J:l conus't,s or l~o lot.s numbered trom 1 to 13Q bc,th .1rIJll.,41"o. "'he .D.1mer.slons s'hcw( on wl.thln plst are 1n raet'.and de~l.lI51 p~rts there of WItness our sJgn9ture th.1s .26th da)' at June 1928. Gear]e G. S~hmldt & Co. ~ur"eYcrs B)f D; C. Walton 'rho und.~signed. se~urit~ 'rurst. Company. 'l'rustef'. p~ Ir.~ng w. l.emaux j,t-s resIdent and WiLlialll C. Kassebaum, its Se~r.,t"l')l, Helteb)' CertlfIe3 tb9t it, t.~s ~r Pla.ttod and subdl "lde,d ,nd do he~ebJ 1 a~ or1! Plat and subdl vlde Into.. I c,t.s ~nd tl'eet.k in 8:2.:0.:19.n:e ."Ith the wlt1bln -piat (hereln abo". ~ert1rled b) 'leolt(8 I. E-:hnlldt t Co., Eur"e)orSO or nesl est!lte as ID!ntioned in the roRegolng ~eRtlrl;)f&t,e b) said ur"e~ors, s~1u subdl~ls1on shall be known Ind' designated as .Collega Rills. and addlt.io o LhA CILy or Ind.1aDapo11s. "'h~ ur,doJ'sign-,Q o~ner8 _hereb~ este.bl.1sh .front )<ard lines ss st't(.wn cn the 'Nlt,hin l!lt t the location. 01" these lines on the 8e veral. lots 81'8 shom 1n teet ba~k fron-. the . ropert:; l1r,p.s of the ~ se feral streets, b~t,w__en wbi~h lines and the propel.t~ tiri~s or the' tre8ts there shall be eJ'ft~t.et1 or mIntained no bu.i..1dings 0.1' struJtures oLher th~n open De-stor)' POICbeS. The right to enror~e these pro\'lsJ.ons bJ inJldlJtlon to-~e f,,hp,r wI t.b he right to ~ause the remo~al by pro~ess ot lB. 1s hereb)f dedl~at8d tG the publl~knd 8 ~lso reserved to the se~er&l owners or'the sev~ral lots .i.n th1s Bdd~t~on and th~lr ssJ.gns . There are strJp, or grolADd 4 teet in wIdth '8 shown cn thlt wIthIn pl,t r~8.r"od 1'0' ,he use or p\.lblJ~ .\.lt11J.tes (not. In;:lud.1ng street. c"J'eoer.tha~."P'ertatlon ~<ilDp!Ln.1e8) for nstal1atlon and ms1nten.n~e or poles malns. wlre8..du~ts !Lnd et~.. for ~omp9nles su~h s telephone toiegrIlP~;1'\g!ls, water and eleJt,ri~ 11~ht, ~ompnnlp:J' sut,,,1n~t, gt- all tlrres o the propel' authorlt1es snd 8ubJe:t further to t.be eB.$~ment, hereIn ~I'~nt,ed. No per- nent or otbel" stl.uatw.es are tc be are:Jted or m.alnt.9ined upon saId stl'lps b) the ownet. l' owners ~r su~h lot 'ot',lot.s, but SUJh o..ners ahal1 t.!lke their tlt.le subJe~t Lo the tlIlt)' ",ompanles sod ~'9 .the rIght ot' the owners or tho ot.her lots .1n sa.ld Bpditlon on nd to the easemnt. her~.1n gl"ant,p.~ for in~res8 and egress I~ along .';1'008 a1Xi. through he 8e teJ'al strIps, or gro~nd hereIn des~rlbed. ,,,,; Th.e streets heJ.etorore not. ded.1asted are herob) QOdI:J~Led to the rUb'ii~. PrIor t~ tho tIme' t~lS addition is annexed to ~he Cit,~ and zoned ,~), the ~lt) of ndi9napol.1s, onI)' sJ.ng1e ram!l)' dwell.1n~s m..)' ue built, on an area or not les:I ttl'lD 650 ."\l8~. ~..t, or a lot. e1Jept that douole ~-ouses m!L)' be truilt. on !In, ~orner Ib~~'.~ xoepi' 5150 that .lots 11; 12, 13, 14. 23. 24, 25, 28. 27 .~ 28 maf de used "t'or b~.int;8s ul'poses. ' . ~' . For a per.1od of' 50 )teal's. no lot,~ or pal't ot lot, .In thIS addition sh!lll be used or \~. ~:)upIed b~..8n)l person 01' persc,ns other t,han ID!mb!rs of'the pure ~aU:29sJan ra.:e t dotpest.l J"r: :. ;:.' e l' ~9n t,s e xae .pt,ed. \ ~/; ). '.;. In 1f 1 tn.s s wbe re or thU d'l1 or Ju1)/ 1928. the ue ~Ul' 1 1.)/ trus t Conlps n)-o 'l'r1l.8 l.ee . nt, , as o9used It,s n~1De to b., :Jubs~rlDed and lts .::orporat-e seal t.o lJe heret.o afl'lxed end ':J'i~. ..:'., he same to bo stte3~ed ~~ the sl1(n9tures of Irw.1ng W. Elmaux, its PresIdenL and WIllIam G;:: J"~ ...j-;. Kassebaum, . '.l:ts se~ret'8J:f, hf'rellnto dul) authorlz~d. .' " " ~ \: Ft. .U.~:. '" , ..I / ~, ..,~ ..1. ,~'.' "'if.... ,. SeQUrJ.tl Trust romp!)ny, "'J'uste.' '^ t~. /(- ~~.' ., ., 1 rwl ng U'bem91U Pres ll1e nt. -, ~'" . .I11t1 ,;; ..'.:.:., W.1111am c. Kassobaum Se~u'et9r)'Y~.. .._"Q It I' : ' tat e . 0 r 1 nd 1 ana C 0 un t, ) 0 r . )da r 1 on Sa ' ,. 4 .. ~ ;,/ :Ill ::f..~ Per80n811~ appealted betore Me the undersigned, a notar)' publ.1~ in and for Dold '.,' '" l, .:..!_.~.4. ount,J '900 state t' t.he seouI'it)' TruJt ComplInYi Tt'ust,ee b)' lrwlng W. ,LeIMUX. its PreslaenL - na W1LLiam ~. Kas:.ebaum, .its .se~J'et,aJ')', separaLel)' and severally ~~nollledged Lbe ox- ij.~~i; {,;,: : :l ut.1 on of t he I) b o"e ~ nd fo 1'8 go 1 nt:! :le 1't1 f1;: a te !IS the 11 "0 lunt. !ll' ~ 8 J I. !l nd 11 e e d r 0 r t h~:\: :;. 1 f es ana purposes thereIn expre:ised. '~"f.)'...\ ":"'. . ,~;, ;.:,;;. \'1tn~s9 m)' hlond and not! r hi seal tb19 17t. h da)' of J ui)' 1928, lI.a r)' N. SMa:: k .' )1',..... ~ \ · 'It'!. i, "i Commiss1on nxPlres July ~1 1929 !....; ~J1 'J- .....'\..,. ~' . ~.~: ~. t.h.ls l'lth day of July, 1920 ~lty plan ~omnl1~slon ;.~.,.~. ~,-,/ ,.~ I;;, " ._---. t' . t-:. f. ~ t I i I . r ~ . r' land :~. ~ , J. ..( i \,. , , , ) (36) Z ..I t o ~ :I: o (17) (H3) (14) .) MARWOOD I (ll) e (40) (13) (1 I P~1) I (66) i I (1 r I I ~ I I ~ I I I I I I (1:?1) \ (106) (107) (6) (7) (1) (52) (8) (5) (1) (109) (9) e e -----------------------------------------------------------~----~---- (104) (S-j) (103) (50) (49) (Wi) (56) (1) (5) (-jOO) (6) (47) (99} en (59) (S8} (S) (45) W > W (S) (44) <( (61 ) > Z <( 0 W ~ Cl .J W 0 .J (43) .J (10) a: 0 a: 0 <( 0 (1!i (12) (Lln (54) (97) (il;:-:) W > <( 0 a: e, 0 U. ::.! :J Cl (114) (n5) (' (is) (34) (33) w > <( Z o I- .J .J o a: <( o (28) (129) -- (110) (10) (;::'j Cl-l-I) o (130) n . e 4. Commitment. Along with the application for Final Development Plan approval, the Applicant will include a tree survey that will (i) identify and designate only Preserved Trees, (ii) calculate the Net Reforestation Requirement, and (iii) specify preservation protection methods. Upon approval of the Final Development Plan, Gershman Brown, Duke-Weeks, and/or their successors or assigns, shall, at the discretion of the Carmel Department of Community Services, either (i) deliver a check to the Carmel Department of Community Services equal to the cost of acquiring the trees necessary to satisfy the Net Reforestation Requirement or (ii) arrange, at their cost, for the purchase from an approved nursery of the trees necessary to satisfy the Net Reforestation Requirement. 5. Binding on Successors and Assigns. Mter the Effective Date (defined below), these Commitments are binding upon the Developer, Gershman Brown, Duke-Weeks, and each subsequent owner of the Real Estate, and each person acquiring an interest in the Real Estate, unless modified or terminated by the Commission. These Commitments may be modified or terminated only by a decision of the Commission made at a public hearing after notice is provided by the Rules of the Commission. 6. Effective Date. The Commitments contained herein shall be of no force and effect until the occurrence of all of the following: (a) The acquisition of title to the Real Estate by Gershman Brown, Duke-Weeks, and/or their assignee; and (b) The annexation of the Real Estate to the City of Carmel, Indiana; and ( c) The assignment to the Real Estate of an initial zoning classification ofPUD and the granting of all other approvals necessary to develop the Real Estate as intended by Gershman Brown and Duke-Weeks; and (d) The commencement of the development of the Real Estate by the Developer, Gershman Brown, or Duke-Weeks, or their assignee. 7. Recording. The undersigned authorize the Secretary of the Commission to record these Commitments in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, upon the occurrence of all of the events referred to in paragraph 6 above. 8. Enforcement. These Commitments may be enforced by the Commission and the City of Carmel, Indiana, the Developer, and/or any owner of part or all of the Real Estate. 9. Compliance Confirmation. The Director of the Department of Community Services of Carmel, Indiana, shall, when requested by the owner of the Real Estate, given written assurance, in letter form, that the owner of the Real Estate has or has not complied with these Commitments. -2- e e t C\J CD C) ca a. ...-.. .,..00 .,.. ......., 000 OO~ .,.. ......., ...-.. ...-.. .,..0('1') ,... ,... ......., ......., oC")C\JO 000 00,... NOC"),... cfl.cft.cfl. ~_C\Jcx) Ll)('t) CO NO) (\1,...1'- LL*U.~CO V.,... ,...CX) oc!S . U. .,.. NcO"": <(()<( co.,... UJa: J- ONN 00 ... 0Ll) (ft.tJ!.(/l. .Cf)iL;~ It)('i ...... ...~ ~... ...CX) ('1)0...... >=It:u. ,... ,.;~~ w · c( . GO ... a:Oa: 01- ,... 0 ('I) 0)(\1 I'- C\J C") LL;iCl) oc!SWf!: <(Cl~ I- en · ,... 0 ,... ('I') . . . en c I'- ,...::)0..- . N-'ii:CI) '0 W <(....a: 0 0 0 0 I-en ,... .,... ,... ,... ea en · . . . ,... v::>o..v en Ii) cc-'a:* X . '0 a: <(.... t-;- ..,.. > ~ w ~ II: ~ UJ co v ('t) W ,.. 0 :E ,.. 0 ::) a:ci~ eft. eft. ~ 0 0 C\I ..J ....-~ ~ oqo ~ 0 wen"" ,... -w > Co: OZI- a: ffl. eft. eft. ~ --::) 0 u.cnO ....v~ ~ ~ v LL~(J) ~* c(a:a. C a:'-a: t-~I- <C~ C <C W I- >1- CONO 000 O..,..v mo~co ~ffl. (IJ OUJ()VCC ('I')LO 0 v~ ::><u:NI'- lO.,... ,... ,... m en ,... ::) ,... me ~Uu.. I'N ..., cnw< C .ca:a: ......O~ U c( ~u. NC\JO 000 00,... mo~co cfl.ffl. .5 C\JQ~~ lO,... I' ..,..co v,... ,...1'- 00 Ii LL:tt:U. ,... r--:cr.i e ~ . ll.. co,... ;: <({)<C :i C/)a: U) -c l- e 7i) 0 000 00,... COOvLO ffl. 0 :;:: .O~~O lOl'- c.c I'-LO C -;LL~U:N<C v LO 0 ca CDoc!S_ll.. ..,.. ci (.) ~<Cx<C 0 e;: wa: ,... CD ~ l- E ct. ...: en e e Page 3 o o (1 ) (1) (19) (10) (2) o o o (7) o American Consulting, Inc. 4/24/01 PM PEAK ADJUSTED TRAFFIC VOLUMES PM TRIPS IN -70 -7 96th and College PM TRIPS OUT -430 -21 , A&F A&F 96th STUDY ADJUST ADJUST A&F REV. A&F EXIST. se. # 2 FORECAST DISTR DISTR TRIPS TRIPS GEN. se. # 3 SC. # 3 TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC #4 RESID. #4 RESID. TRIPS TRAFFIC TRAFFIC 89 158 201 158 158 489 538 621 2% 538 538 116 140 172 10k 50k 0 0 5 144 145 58 67 81 5% 0 -1 22 88 89 174 310 374 20/0 72% -4 -15 323 614 633 54 68 78 4% 5% -9 -1 22 80 90 66 56 63 4% 50k -1 0 5 59 61 364 435 496 7% 435 435 113 168, 194 168 168 173 240 290 4% 240 240 222 337 427 7% 72% -2 -5 66 396 403 135 169 207 169 169 2053 2686 3204 443 3089 3129 100.00/0 76.40/0 64.1 ok 66.5% 65.6% 23.60/0 35.9% 19.2% 20.2Ok 14.3% 14.20/0 2001 0136REV - TR.xls e e ." s.u co CD ~ OON .......... 000 NOO .......... ~ON .......... .......... 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(1)..... · ~ a (,)~~e?cr t:ro~rl-~ ~ tfJ (1) S 0 ;=:~~(1)t-f) (1)saa.~ ~ 0 ~..... ~ ..., -< 0 tfJ rJ'J g_ e. t-t s>> ~ ~. ~ CfJ CfJ (t)L.....J(t)ei:s t:S ~ ..- t:S cr' ;r fii' OQ c- (1) "" (t) t-t 'U P> ~ "" CJQ(1)t:SI-1(D ~ p-. 0.. PJ a -d ::t ~ ::: 0 < 0 ..... · rJ'J ...- t=.: t;j < ..... · .... · .- CD ~ OQ CIJ ~t-1i-+t:St:r 1-1 en (t) CD ~~~~p. ~ <: ~ u ~ (t)(1)~ot:r PJcr~t:S(1) (')~OQ~P3 o t:3 (t) ...... 0 to(j (t) 8 '-< ~ 1-1 o a t-+) (1) ~ p)f3 0 t-:rj~ ~ td~~ ~ rn t-1 =:s ~ t-1 ~.~ t-1 PJ <: .....0 t9. p.. a ~ b_ ;:= ~ ~ t:S ..... :=: S (1) en CT' ~ ~ s>> t-+ <. CD. cr t-+ s:; 0 (1) ""1~ (t) CfJ rJ'J ~ ~ (t) to CfJ~~ t:S~~ (jM-t-t~ · 0 e:r ~..... tfJ ~ t:r CD (1) (t) t-+) 0 (t) 0 .-. iir p:a (1) -< ..d .- · r+ 0 t-1 1-1 t:S H- ::l. ..- .... · <; ~ "'"" p.. OQ t'\.. ::1: (1) .... · P3 CfJ ~ p) CD CD to"'" .... · ~ ('1) t:S (1) ~(1)~I-1t-1e.M-~o..~t:r 0.. ~ <; 0 (1) ;:r t-1 tIJ ~ rJ'J ~o8'>~(1)~o~trJ . ~;+::t ca 0 '-< ~~ .-. t:S t-3 ~. Ct> tfJ $< ;:s CD (1) tfJ g. ::rr+rnO............(1) (I) t:ro ct ~ Pin> g.o e ~ ~ i>> 0 ~ o. t:S 0.. (1) 0 cr::;1. ""'"'l::+e:::so.soaa~::l: (1) ~ to rJ'J. "0 (1)< ~. CD a ~ ~ o t-1 ""1 p"" (t) a ~ H) (') ~ (1) 0 e.. (') cJ ~ ..... p.> ~ g <; !t~ ~ @ ~ fij ~ ..- CD 00 ~ ..... a ~ PJ.-. '< ~ t-+ (l) ..... . rJ'J (1) L....-::J r+ rJ'J a 00 ~ 0 CD < ~ tfJ Ct> g. 0 e. ~. t:S ~ ~ g- s. ~ :; p-. 0. a ~ 0 (1) ~ .- .-. ~ Po' g g: g e: ~lJQ ~ g er I:i' 00 rJl P fJ'J <: to-ot c:::,l.. . $'rg..c;g a ~~ ~ ~ s ~ .-. (1) ~ r+ .-. f'+ ~ 0 ~ .-c P3 tj trJ (1) (JQ.-. r.I'J I ~ ""' ~ p u ~ ~ rJ'J cr-\oJ eo- toQ ~ .., c-+ r+ ~ ~ (1) ""1~ "'""0 (1) ~ ~ n tT ~ =-: "0 g ~O(1)<(1)(l)~"- tI < CD ~ .- (1) @. .-. ~ 0 (1) Ct> (') .- P> =:s . ~ ...., 0 ~ rJ'J 0 o.:::s cr J-3 (JQ .- · p.. OQ rl- ~ OQ 0.. ~ t:r en <1 (1) ::r .- . 00 (1) ~ CD 0 t-A · <; 1-1 (1) <: 0 ~....... tot:j p. (1) ~ tfJ (1) (1) ~ i-+ (D. ~ ::t. g 00 P' ~ a ~ C\l g e: g g tt. r+ .." '-' .." lJQ ~ g. s, -. ~ ~ ~ ~ -< ~ {JQ ~ ~ (fJ.... . ..... t::1' (1) ~ (1) (1) t:S (1) totj ~ t::: f"+. 0.. ~ 8 ~ t-A. 1-1 ~ 0 cr' 0 tJ:j PJ ~ ~ a tfJ ~. ~ g. (1) t-d ""1 .-c ~ff81~fD;1.~g~~s ~~S2~~~g.~o~o ~ (1) ~ ~ ~ PJ (1) ~ 0 ~ ~ t:S P. a. o. t:S tfl ~ 0.. ~O-: S 0. tf1 tI) r-+ L~.... · r-+ ....... fJ'J 0 ~ -.. rl'- ~ ~ (') ...... ~ q- ~ a -<; < ~ ~ rn "'""~. Ct> . ~ ~ (') CD t::ho g. a ~ ~ rn t-t;. a C\l CD~. " ..." (') tfJ .-+ t"""fo- "'"" pr t:r 0 0 t:T ~ (1)::t ~ g a. ~ Q (') (1) ......~ =:r "'"" 0: '< C7 "'"" .... · t-rt ~ 0 t;j t-J-4 ..... 0 OQ 0 o:afl)~ ..... .. CT" t:S (t) rJ'J (JQ ~ trJ CD . (1)~ a. ~ ~ ..... n ~&~ f-+(l)""1 tfJ(:l&~ ~u (1) ~t~ ~("t)P' (I) t-1 t:S - ~(1)~ 0..~(1) t-A.J.1 ~ ~(l)(;) ::1. t:r "'"" c:rOOQ ,.... 0 ("t) ~. ~ "'"" o ~ s>> ~ totj ~ ~ "rJ'J ~ ...- (t) b ~ ~ ~o. t:r~~ (1) t:r en =:s (1) t-+ ?j@~ "-c .-.(1) p) rn et> .-. ~ r+~ e.t:ro \oJ ("t) .- . 0) CD a . ~ rIJ >(1)0 ~. ~ ~oo t:" t-1 0 o P' ::s x (') (") crgg o en P ;>< en ~ fI) p.. (t) ;:r 0 .. o 0 s:: "'"1 -d ..- r+ ;:: . 0..0:::: erg....... (Det>t:T o (1) t:S rn ~ o o e: o e. ~ s. tIl o ~ (J I. ~ ~ a. (1) ~ s- o "-> o <:) ....... l'Tj ~ \0 Post-it®Fax Note 767 Dated : pa°gest / T(�1�� / From `!�/l�JA Co. pt. Co. I Phone# Phone 9 ' Fax# Sj/ ^�7 .2_ Fax# aperiofirsingin Cannel—Clay Planning Commission c/o Mr.Mike Hollobaugh Department of Community Development City Hall One Civic Square Carmel,Indiana 46032 March 20,2001 Re: College Hills Office Park East 96i'Street,between College Ave. and Westfield Boulevard Cannel,Indiana Dear Planning Commission, I have reviewed the traffic study submitted for the College Hills office park and have several comments and concerns. Assuming that the report's levels of service were correct,the report on pages 18 and 20 indicates that the levels of service will be worse with the development than without it. On page 19,it indicates that the level of service at Westfield Boulevard and Real Street will improve with additional traffic but no additional capacity. This seems highly unlikely. The DOCS file did not contain the appendix for the traffic study for us to review. I have made numerous simulations of the as zoned and as proposed scenarios using the traffic forecasts and geometry from the study. My findings indicate that the system wide delay in the morning would more than double. In working with the Parkwood West traffic study,we found several issues that remain unresolved in this study. The biggest of these was the extreme congestion at 1-465 and US 31. This interchange will be way over capacity. At the direction of the City's traffic consultant, I ran a simulation that kept the ramps from backing up by giving them preferential traffic signal progression. This resulted in a line of cars on the southbound US 31 from the eastbound exit ramp through 106n Street, moving at about 4 MPH. College Hills proposes to add traffic to this horrible situation. It is reasonable,in fact directed by the Cannel Traffic Study Guidelines,to assume that traffic will divert from southbound US 31 to College Avenue and Spring Mill Road until these routes are equally as congested as US 31. This has not been done. We,therefore,do not have a credible traffic forecast for the AM peak. If traffic diverts to College Avenue and Spring Mill Road, their levels of service will be lower than what is shown in the report. Again, adding the College Hills proposed traffic to this situation will only make it worse. The study lacks information on several of the intersections within the study area, including two that we noted in the Parkwood West study would need signalization. I recommend that credible traffic forecasts at all of the signalized and some of the unsignalized intersections within the study area be developed before moving further in this review process. Sincerely, Yarger Engineering,Inc. Bradley/William Yarger,P.E. President BWY/bwy 1401 Miming°Drive Indianapolis,IN 46260-4058 Voles:317-475-1100 Fes:317-475-0100 ZO'd 9I:1J TO, Z .add OOTO—SZV—LT :xe3 9NI?i33NI9N3 e139dLIA YARGEIL: 1 Col:10:31 ...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. I G® SPeciatizingbz keic Engineering Fax Transmittal To: Clint Sparks, ACE,Ramona,Cannel Planning Commission Telephone: 547-5580,571-2412 Fax: 543-0270, 571-2426 From: Brad Yarger, Yarger Engineering,Inc. Telephone: 475-1100 Fax: 475-0100 Sheets: 2 including this sheet I Day:Monday, April 02,2001 Time: 10:50 AM Notes: Per your requests. 1401 Alimingo Drive Indianapolis,IN 46260-4058 Voice:317-475-1100 Fax:317-475-0100 TO'd ST:TT TO Jdu 00TO-SL17-LIi:xed 9N1d33NI9N3 d39dUA e e 8- ~. ~: !l~ s-~~ ~"s:'l ~~~ ~8-~ ~~ ~ . . ~ ~ [ g ~ go ~ g- ?S ~ ~ g" S' ~ a g ~ g- g- 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.2 ~ a- Q (1) ~.... ~ ::s g (1) ::t CIJ ;J ~ g. = (1) Eti e: .... ..... 3 ~ . · ~ 8 (1) '<: ~ 8 o ~ ~ 8 ~ . g (j~. 0 "5l <~ {ii' c:: ~ 0 g. ~ So S "d g.. n (") ::t ~ ~ n -tj ~ CD ~::r (1) :s"" {Il ~ {Il::S (1) (1) ('D... ........ .... · s>> .... ~ f'Jj =' ~ ~ s>> ~ ~ I>> (') ~ ~ 0 8' ~ So {I} ~ C I>> ... n ~ a ~ ~ (') I>> tT1 (j ~ ~ ~. = g ~ I ..- I>> 0 ~ n .... 1ooo4o) ('D :s CD 0 ::r 8 ~ Q. =' ~ ~ 0.. ... 0 < ~ {I} ~ :s I>> 0" = n = ~ ,.,... cr ..... S' ('D .... f;i. t;' :.... Q.. .... = (1) ('D '< ~ ~ = ; '< () ~ ('D CIJ I>> ; e · ::J c.. 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