HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Ordinance requirementsCITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE APPENDIX A: SCHEDULE OF USES P = Permitted SU = Special Use A = Accessory SE = Special Exception n = Prohibited ®= Per Primary Zoning E = Excluded by Overlay Overlay Zones All uses which are permitted in the Primary Zoning District, except those excluded (E) below. 1 of 7 Autumn 2012 v1 Prima Zonin . Districts Overlay Zones Type Of Use � , N x N x M x vi. � o: Vl � x a s N c 6 M oa 4 b o a S o a 00 as , M c N � o a 6 < Old Meridian Zones Per Primary Zoning a a 0 � a O/1,10 0 0 � 0 0 Keystone Parkway i[JS 31/Meridian US 421 /Michigan Old Town Home Place Cannel Dr - Range Lull Residential Uses Single Fain ily Dwelling P P P P P P P P P P P P P Two Family Dwelling P P P P P P P F E Multiple Family Dwelling SU P P SU P P P P P P E Accessory Dwelling P P P P P P Mobile Home Court SU F Fi F F F. Attached Dwelling P P P P Home Occupation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Residential Kennel A A A A A A A A A A A A A A P A A A A Bed & Breakfast Inn P P P F Model Home P P P P P P P P P F E Guest House A A A A A A A A Bona Fide Servants Quarters AA A AA A A A Boarding or Lodging House SU SU SU SU SU SU Nursing /Reurement/Convalescent Facility SU SU P P P SU P P P P P P P P Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) SU SU P P P SU P P P P P P P P Private Swimming Pool, etc. A A A A A A A A A A A Office Uses Clinic or Medical Health Center SU SU SU SU SU SU P P P P P P SU P P P P P P Research Laboratory / Facility P P P P P P P P P P P General Offices S U P P P P P P P P A P P P P P P P Professional Office SU P P P P P P P P SU P P P P P P P P Training Facility P P 1 of 7 Autumn 2012 v1 CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE CARMEL CITY CODE CHAPTER 10: ZONING & SUBDIVISIONS ARTICLE 1: ZONING CODE CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 2: COMPLIANCE WITH THE REGULATIONS 2.00 Compliance with the Regulations. 2.01 Building and Land Use. 2.02 Height. 2.03 Yard, Lot Area, and Size of Building. 2.04 Lots. 2.05 Parking Space and Loading Berths. 2.06 Ownership. 2.07 Mobile Homes. 2.08 Compliance with Current Standards of the City of Carmel. 2.09 Compliance with Transportation Plan. 2.10 Subdivision of Land. 2.00 Compliance with the Regulations Except as hereinafter provided. 2.01 Building and Land Use .I No Building or land shall be used and no Building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered which is arranged, intended, or designed to be used for any purpose other than a Use which is permitted and specified in a District in which such Building or land is located without first having had an appropriate Use Variance approved by the Board. 2.02 Hei ,aht.2 No Building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered to exceed the limits of height established and specified for the Use and the District in which such Building is located prior to having had the appropriate Development Standards Variance approved by the Board. 2.03 Yard, Lot Area, and Size of Building 3 No Building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered in any manner which will encroach upon, or reduce in any manner, the Yards, Lot Area per Dwelling Unit, Ground Floor Area of residential Building, or Lot Coverage regulations, established and specified for the Use and the District in which such Buildmg is located prior to having had the appropriate Development Standards Variance(s) approved by the Board. Section 2.01 amended per Ordinance No. Z- 453 -04, §d. 2 Section 2.02 amended per Ordinance No. Z- 453 -04, §e 3 Section 2.03 amended per Ordinance No. Z- 453 -04, §f. Chapter 2: Compliance with the Regulations 2 -1 as amended per Z- 369 -02; Z- 453 -04; Z- 530 -09; Z- 558 -12 Autumn 20I2 vl CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE 2.04 Lots.4 In no case shall there be more than one (1) Principal Building used for residential purposes, and its Accessory Buildings, located on one (1) Lot. Every Building hereafter erected shall be located on a platted Lot or on an unplatted Lot or tract as approved by the Director, which abuts upon and has adequate frontage on a publicly dedicated Street and has adequate storm water drainage; unless the appropriate Development Standards Variance(s) has been approved by the Board and/or the appropriate Subdivision Waiver(s) has been approved by the Commission 2.05 Parking Space and Loadine Berths.' Every Building hereafter erected shall provide Parking Space for Motor Vehicles and Loading Berths as specified heremafter for the Use to which such Building is to be devoted. 2.06 Ownership. Cooperatives, Condominiums and all other forms of property ownership do not affect the provisions of these regulations and all requirements shall be observed as though the property were under single ownership 2.07 Mobile Homes.6 All inhabited Mobile Homes shall be located in a Mobile Home Park that has received Special Use approval No inhabited Mobile Home, outside an approved Mobile Home Park, shall be connected to utilities except those Mobile Homes being offered for sale Mobile Homes used for all other purposes shall be placed in accordance with the regulation of this Ordinance. 2.08 Compliance with Current Standards of the City of Carmel. All Improvements and installations required by this Ordinance shall be in accordance with current standards of the City of Cannel. 2.09 Compliance with the Transportation Plan ' In addition to meeting requirements of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all projects and Improvements or authorizations under the jurisdiction of this Ordinance that adjoin, include, are served by or affect existing streets bearing a designation in the Transportation Plan shall conform to the requirements of the Transportation Plan Section of the Comprehensive Plan in regard to: (1) the dedication of public Rights -of -way; (2) design and construction of the improvements indicated by the Transportation Plan across the roadway frontage of the project; (3) Setback; and (4) any other affected development standards. The petitioner may elect to provide a monetary commitment equal to the value to otherwise design and construct the improvements indicated by the Transportation Plan across the roadway frontage. The value of the commitment shall be equal to the difference in the value to otherwise design and construct the improvements indicated by the Transportation Plan across the roadway frontage, minus the cost to design and construct those improvements indicated by the Transportation Plan across the roadway frontage that will be installed by the petitioner. The values established above 4 Section 2 04 amended per Ordinance No. Z- 453 -04, §g. ' See also Chapter 27: Additional Parking and Loading Regulations. 6 Section 2 07 amended per Ordinance No. Z- 453 -04, §h ' Section 2.09 amended per Ordinance No. Z- 369 -02, §a, Z- 530 -09, §c; amended and renamed per Z- 558 -I2 Chapter 2: Compliance with the Regulations 2 -2 as amended per Z- 369 -02; Z- 453 -04; Z- 530 -09; Z- 558 -12 Autumn 2012 vl CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE shall be approved by the Department of Engineering. Conformance with the Transportation Plan as outlined above shall be in addition to any improvements required by- (1) (2) (3) Subdivision Control Ordinance Chapter 5, Sections 5.03.05 and 5.05.02(3); Zoning Ordinance Chapter 24, Section 24.02 (B)(5)(e); and Other applicable standards. 2.10 Subdivision of Land.' The Subdivision of land may occur in accordance with the Subdivision Control Ordinance in all zoning districts established in Section 4.01. $ Section 2.10 amended per Ordinance No. Z- 453 -04, §i. Chapter 2: Compliance with the Regulations 2 -3 as amended per Z- 369 -02; Z- 453 -04; Z- 530 -09; Z- 558 -12 Autumn 2012 vi CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 2: COMPLIANCE WITH THE REGULATIONS AMENDMENT LOG Ordinance No. Docket No. Council Approval Effective Date Sections Affected Z- 369 -02 160 -01 OA April 1, 2002 April 1, 2002 2.09 Spnng 2002 v2 Z- 453 -04 150 -02 OA August 16, 2004 August 16, 2004 2 01; 2.02; 2.03; 2.04;207;2.10 Suuuner 2004 v 1 Z- 530 -09 09030015 OA July 20, 2009 July 20, 2009 2.09 Summer 2009 vl Z- 558 -12, as amended 12010005 OA November 5, 2012 November 5, 2012 2.09 Autumn 2012 vI Chapter 2: Compliance with the Regulations 2-4 as amended per Z- 369 -02; Z- 453 -04; Z- 530 -09; Z- 558 -12 Autumn 2012 vi V CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE F. Streets and alleys will be built to City of Carmel standards, (see dimensional minimums, Figures 3 & 4) including pavement, curbs, sidewalks, lighting and signage. G. All streets and alleys in the District shall be dedicated to the City. H. Street cuts along Old Meridian Street shall occur as shown on the Plan, Resolution No. CC- 12- 06 -99- 01 I. Section 20G.04.02(A), Section 20G.04.02(B) and Section 20G.04.02(H) are inapplicable to the Mixed Medical Zone. 20G.04.03 Pedestrian Circulation. A. The installation of sidewalks shall be mandatory for all projects in all zones, per Figures 3 -4. 13 Walkways shall be provided, as applicable, between buildings in non - residential and multi- family zones to provide access between rear parking areas and Principal building entrances or the street. Unless otherwise noted in this ordinance, the minimum width for walkways shall be eight (8) feet. C. Walkways for buildings fronting on Old Meridian Street shall occur at intervals no less than one hundred -fifty (150) feet. D. Sidewalks and walkways, when adjacent to commercial buildings should be covered to shelter pedestrians when walking from place to place. E Neither sidewalks nor walkways shall be used by automotive traffic. F. Pedestrian trails indicated on the Plan (Exhibit C) must be provided as a public easement in approximately the location shown on the Plan. 20G.04.04 Lighting and Fencing. A Street lighting shall be provided as part of all projects, on both sides of the street when possible, and spaced no less than one hundred (100) feet apart, and of a design per the adopted City style B. All exterior architectural, display, decorative and sign lighting shall be generated from concealed, low level fixtures C. The maximum height of light standards in parking areas shall not exceed the building height, or twenty - five (25) feet, whichever is less. When light standards abut or fall within ninety (90) feet of single family residential, their height shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet. D. Parking area lighting and street lighting shall be of uniform design and materials E. Exterior lighting shall be architecturally integrated with the building style, material and color Rooftop lighting shall be prohibited. F. Exterior lighting of the building or site shall be designed so that light is not directed off the site and the light source is shielded from direct offsite viewmg. For any use, illumination levels shall not exceed 0.5 footcandle at the property line G. The design of fencing, sound walls, carports, trash enclosures and similar site elements shall replicate the architecture of the Principal building(s) in construction material and detailing. 20G.04.05 Parking. A. All off - street parking shall be paved with asphalt or concrete, and curbed using poured -in -place concrete curbing. Alternatives to poured -in -place curbing and paving surface may be approved by the Commission when conflicts arise with tree preservation issues. B. Parking areas shall be located at the rear or side of buildings, and screened from the sidewalk by low walls, low fences, or hedges. C. Off -street parking areas for Principal Buildings in the Mixed Use, Office, Special Use and Village Zones are to be located to the sides and rear of Principal Buildings; however, if necessary to meet Chapter 20G- OM/Old Meridian District 20G -4 as adopted per Z -352. As amended per Z- 365 -01; Z- 369 -02; Z- 389 -02; Z- 415 -03; Z- 453 -04; Z- 558 -12; Z- 561 -12; Z- 577 -13 Autumn 2013 vl CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE minimum requirements, parking areas may extend into an adjacent zone and shall be a permitted use in the adjacent zone, accordingly. D. Parking space dimensions shall be 9' x 20', or 10' x 18', including two (2) feet for bumper overhang. E. No curb cuts are allowed on Old Meridian Street, except as shown on the Plan, (Exhibit C) Adjacent /adjoining parking lots shall be interconnected either by alley or internal driveway. Bicycle parking shall be provided in non - residential zones, one space per one hundred (100) feet of building frontage. H In the Mixed Medical Zone up to fifteen percent (15 %) of parking may be located in front of the Buildings; provided such parking areas are partially screened from the street right -of -way pursuant to Chapter 33: Commercial Development Landscape Ordinance, Old Meridian/Mixed Medical Section. Curb cuts in the Mixed Medical Zone shall be as set forth on Exhibit D. Bicycle parking in the Mixed Medical Zone shall be provided in the ratio of one (1) space per two hundred fifty (250) feet of building frontage 20G.04.06 Landscaping See Chapter 33: Commercial Development Landscape Ordinance. 20G.04.07 Product Material & Refuse Storage. A. Material or product storage shall occur within the Principal building or an Accessory building, unless otherwise directed in other areas of this ordinance. B. Any Accessory Building for storage shall: (1) Be architecturally compatible with the Principal building and integrated into the overall site layout. (2) Be approved by the Commission. C. Any Accessory Building for storage or disposal of refuse shall: (1) Accommodate waste and recyclable materials, and, if applicable, grease or other cooking refuse. (2) Be architecturally compatible with the Principal building and integrated into the overall site layout. Be approved by the Commission (3) 20G.05 Development Zones.' Eight (8) development zones are hereby established, each with its own development standards. Only those uses detailed within each zone shall be permitted. Sections 5.01 through 5.08 provide design standards for withm each development zones. 20G.05.01 Single- Family Attached Zone (SFA). A. Permitted Uses: See Appendix A: Schedule of Uses. B. All developed land shall be divided into side by side attached smgle family dwellings, which shall be fee simple or condominium ownership, with a maximum of one (1) dwelling unit per attached or detached building (Figure 5), except as indicated in Subsections C and D below C Condominium projects may include commonly held property, which may be used for purposes in support of residents, e.g. trash enclosures, parking access (alleys), visitor parking or open space Section 20G 05 amended per Ordinance No. Z- 369 -02, §an; Z- 389 -02; Z- 415 -03, §be -bl; Z- 453 -04, §cg -co; Z- 561 -12; Z- 577 -13. Chapter 20G: OM/Old Meridian District 20G -5 as adopted per Z -352. As amended per Z- 365 -01; Z- 369 -02; Z- 389 -02; Z- 415 -03; Z- 453 -04; Z- 558 -12; Z- 561 -12; Z- 577 -13 Autumn 2013 vl CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE D. Within each lot, a separate living unit may be allowed as an accessory use to the main unit. Household employees or relatives of the main occupants of the single family home may occupy this Accessory dwelling This unit may not have a separate door visible from the street. E. Accessory buildings in this zone shall not be permitted, except for detached garages, which shall be constructed of the same materials as the Principal biuldmg with winch they are associated. F Building Height, Setbacks and Construction Requirements. (1) Building Height of the front elevation. (a) Minimum: Twenty-five (25) feet. (b) Maximum: Forty -five (45) feet. (2) Front Setback. A portion of the front wall of the Principal building must be placed within the minimum and maximum front setback lines. Stoops, stairs and bay windows may extend into the front setback up to five feet. (Figure 6) (a) Minimum: Four (4) feet, measured from right -of -way. (b) Maximum. Ten (10) feet, measured from right -of -way. Side Yard Setback. Most units will be attached dwellings, with no side yard setback. (a) A maximum distance between buildings shall be six (6) feet. (b) No parking or driveways are allowed in side yards. (4) Buildmg Width. Single - family units shall be a minimum of twenty-two (22) feet and a maximum of thirty -five (35) feet wide. (5) Maximum Lot Coverage. No more than seventy percent (70 %) of the land may be covered by buildings, including enclosed garages, and accessory buildings. G. Building Orientation. (1) The front door of the main unit must face the public street and the main front wall of the building must generally be parallel with the street. (Figure 7) (2) Accessory buildings shall not face the street. H. Architectural Design. (1) Design Intention. The design intention for the Single Family Attached Zone (SFA) is to create a zone of detailed, durable and high quality construction. Each house is to be constructed as an individual unit and the facade of the house is to be composed and interpreted as a single unit rather than a part of a larger complex. (Figure 8) (2) Materials: (a) Any side of the building facing a public street must be clad in brick or stone and trimmed in wood, stone, tile, precast concrete (no vinyl, aluminum or plywood siding shall be permitted) (b) Windows must be framed in wood or alummum - clad/vinyl -clad wood. Aluminum storm windows or doors are not allowed. (3) (c) Exterior walks, steps, stoops and paving must be masonry or stone pavers, or poured or precast concrete Exterior stair handrails and other stair details may be stone, precast concrete or wrought iron. (Figures 9 and 10) Wood decking and handrails are allowed only in the rear of a building. (d) Cornice. An articulated cornice must be provided where the roof meets the top of the building wall. (Figure 11) Chapter 20G. OM/Old Meridian District 20G -6 as adopted per Z -352. As amended per Z- 365 -01; Z- 369 -02; Z- 389 -02; Z- 415 -03; Z- 453 -04; Z- 558 -12; Z- 561 -12; Z- 577 -13 Autumn 2013 vl CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE (e) Entrances. The front door must face the street and be recessed from three (3) to five (5) feet from the front wall of the building facade. (Fig. 12) A paved walkway from the stoop to the front sidewalk is required. Finished Floor Level. The finished floor level of the first floor shall be two (2) to six (6) feet above sidewalk level in the front, but may be on grade in the rear. (Figure 13) This is to create visual privacy for windows on the street, and to create a rhythm of stoops. Foundation. The foundation should be articulated in a different material than the main facade There may be windows in the foundation wall which respond to a partially below -grade lower level. (fl (g) I. Lighting and Fencing. Exterior lighting is restricted to lamps mounted on the building and low- wattage landscape lighting. Low, wrought iron fences and stone or brick walls no taller than thirty (30) Inches are allowed in the front yard setback. Wrought iron, shadow box wood fences, or other approved fence, or brick or stone walls up to six (6) feet tall are allowed in side and rear yards. Fences must be placed at least four feet from the rear property line Chain link fencing is not allowed in this zone. J. Signs. See Section 25.07: Sign Ordinance. K. Parking. All units must have a minimum of two (2) parking spaces per unit included on the lot Parking may be paved or in an attached or detached enclosed garage. All parking must be accessed from the rear of the lot. No garage openings are allowed to face the public street. No parking of any vehicles will be allowed in the front yard 20G.05.02 Multi - Family Housing Zone (MF). A. Permitted Uses. (1) See Appendix A: Schedule of Uses. (2) unassigned (3) Uses related to the direct operation and exclusive use of the apartment or condominium project such as management office, parking structure, laundry facility, clubhouse, pools, ball courts or other recreation facilities. (4) Up to five percent (5 %) of the gross building area of a multi - family project may be used for commercial or public purposes that serve the residents of the project, such as a Convenience Market or bank ATM. B. Building Height and Setbacks, and Construction Requirements. (1) Building Height (a) Minimum: Twenty -eight (28) feet. (b) Maximum. Fifty -five (55) feet (c) Parking garages have no minimum height, but may not exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Chapter 20G. OM/Old Meridian District 20G -7 as adopted per Z -352. As amended per Z- 365 -01; Z- 369 -02; Z- 389 -02; Z- 415 -03; Z- 453 -04; Z- 558 -12; Z- 561 -12; Z- 577 -13 Autumn 2013 vi CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE (2) Front Setback. (a) Minimum: Four (4) feet, measured from right -of -way. (b) Maximum. Ten (10) feet, measured from right -of -way. (c) A portion of the front wall of the building must be placed within the minimum and maximum front setback lines. (3) (d) Stoops, stairs and bay windows may extend into the front setback up to four (4) feet. (Figure 6) Side Yard Setback. (a) Minimum. distance between buildings shall be six (6) feet. (b) No parking or driveways are allowed in side yards (4) Maximum Lot Coverage. No more than fifty percent (50 %) of the property may be covered by buildings, including enclosed garages. (5) Maximum Floor -area Ratio shall be 2.0 C. Building Orientation (1) At least seventy-five percent (75 %) of buildings in multi - family project must face a public street. (2) On public streets, at least fifty- percent (50 %) of the building front shall align with a Build -to line that is a minimum of four (4) feet and a maximum of nine (9) feet from the public street right -of -way. (Figure 14) This allows for an open courtyard or other recesses in the front of the building. D. Architectural Design. (1) (2) (3) Design Intention. This zone is intended to foster urban style multi - family development in keeping with the intention of the Comprehensive Plan. Various urban apartment types are appropriate Buildings with continuous facades that are sixty (60) feet or greater in width, shall be designed with vertical offsets (projecting or recessed) not less than four (4) feet deep, and at intervals of not greater than fifty (50) feet (Figure 15) All sides or elevations of any building shall be brick exclusive of window areas, gables, and recessed areas, and trimmed in brick, wood, stone or pre -cast concrete. (4) Buildings Entrances. (a) Building entrances shall be defined and articulated by architectural elements such as lintels, pediments, pilasters, columns, and other design elements appropriate to the architectural style and details of the building as a whole. (Figure 16) (b) For all buildings that face a public street, there must be at least one entrance on the front of the building. All buildings must be accessible from both the front of the building and the parking areas. (c) Exterior walks, steps, stoops and paving must be masonry or stone pavers, or poured or pre -cast concrete. Courtyards. Courtyards should be enclosed with a fence or wall, not more than six (6) feet tall. (a) Fence construction shall be wrought iron, shadow box wood fences, or other approved material. (5) (b) Walls shall be constructed of brick or stone (6) All upper level units shall be designed with either a balcony, mirador, or window seat which looks out upon a public street, a court yard, parking area, or public open space. Chapter 20G: OM/Old Meridian District 20G -8 as adopted per Z -352. As amended per Z- 365 -01; Z- 369 -02; Z- 389 -02; Z- 415 -03; Z- 453 -04; Z- 558 -12; Z- 561 -12; Z- 577 -13 Autumn 2013 vl CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE (c) Exterior walks, steps, ramps and paving must be masonry or stone pavers, or poured or pre -cast concrete. (d) Retractable or fixed fabric awnings are allowed, but these must fit within the storefront glass area and may not obscure details of the building. (e) The facade of the upper floors on any building which faces a public street shall be constructed of brick, stucco, or other masonry units, and trimmed in stone, contrasting brick, wood, or pre -cast concrete. F. Lighting (1) Storefronts shall be internally illuminated with spots or other incandescent lighting to prominently and attractively display the business or its products. (Figure 22) (2) Exterior lighting may be affixed to the building. (3) Pedestrian passages to parking lots (walkways) must be lit to a minimum of three (3) footcandles. G. Signs. See Section 25.07: Sign Ordinance H. Parking and Loading. (1) Parking shall be provided at the ratio of one (1) space per twelve hundred (1200) square feet of Gross Floor Area (2) On- street parking shall not be used to fulfill parking requirement. (3) Parking may be provided on -site or in a convenient remote lot not more than four hundred (400) feet from the property. (4) Parking requirements may be reduced if businesses with substantially different peak hour requirements agree to share parking. 20G.05.04 Mixed Use Zone (MU). A. Permitted Uses. (1) This district will provide a mix of compatible uses, including office, high density residential, and retail. (2) Retail uses shall only be allowed on the first floor of a building. (3) Retail uses shall not occupy more than fifty percent (50 %) of any building and be located in buildings that front Old Meridian Street, rather than interior to the site. (4) See Appendix A: Schedule of Uses. (5) Drive- through banking is allowed in this district, but no other drive - through facilities are allowed B. Building Height, Setback, and Construction Requirements. (1) Building Height (a) Minimum: Twenty -eight (28) feet. All buildings must have a minimum of two (2) occupiable floors. (b) Maximum: Fifty -five (55) feet (2) Front Setback. (a) Minimum Ten (10) feet from all public streets, measured from the right -of -way; (b) Maximum Twenty (20) feet Chapter 20G: OM/Old Meridian District 20G -11 as adopted per Z -352. As amended per Z- 365 -01; Z- 369 -02; Z- 389 -02; Z- 415 -03; Z- 453 -04; Z- 558 -12; Z- 561 -12; Z- 577 -13 Autumn 2013 vl CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE (3) Building Footprints (a) Minimum: 8,000 square feet. (b) Maximum. 15,000 square feet. (4) Side Yard Setback: Four (4) feet. (5) Rear Yard Setback: Five (5) feet. C Building Orientation. (1) Every site that has frontage on Old Meridian Street must have a building that fronts on Old Meridian Street and occupies a minimum of seventy percent (70 %) of that frontage. (2) Additional buildings may be built in the rear of this property (3) Unless otherwise approved, seventy-five percent (75 %) of all buildings must face a public street. D. Architectural Design. (1) Design Intention: This area provides a more sedate character than the Village Zone. The character is compact, with small front lawns and good pedestrian connections along the street. Building sizes are limited to provide a pedestrian scale. Buildmg design shall contribute to the neighborhood scale environment and be compatible with nearby residential uses. (Figure 24) (2) Materials. (a) Buildings other than multi - family must be faced in brick or stone and trimmed in metal, stone, pre -cast concrete, wood, or stucco. (b) Every face of the building must have openings for windows. (c) Large expanses of glass are allowed, but the building may not be constructed entirely of a metal and glass curtain wall. (d) Multi -family buildings in this zone must conform to all the architectural requirements listed in the Multi - family Zone (MF) E. Signs. See Section 25.07: Sign Ordinance. F. Parking Requirements. (1) Parking must be provided at the ratio of one (1) space for every six hundred (600) square feet of leasable area. (2) Some parking may be provided in shared or remote lots. (3) Parkmg must be located in the rear or side of buildings. No parking is allowed in the front yard setback. 20G.05.05 Office Zone (0). A. Permitted Uses (1) This zone will provide a mix of compatible, non - residential uses, including those permitted uses listed in Appendix A: Schedule of Uses. (2) Drive- through facilities are allowed if located in the rear of the site (away from the street) (3) Up to ten percent (10 %) of any building in the Office Zone may be occupied by retail uses which are for the express use and convenience of the occupants and users of the building, e.g. a snack bar or news stand for office workers. Chapter 20G: OM/Old Meridian District 20G -12 as adopted per Z -352. As amended per Z- 365 -01; Z- 369 -02; Z- 389 -02; Z- 415 -03; Z- 453 -04; Z- 558 -12; Z- 561 -12; Z- 577 -13 Autumn 2013 vl c___:\kPtf CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE D. Foundation Planting: (1) Foundation plantings shall be provided for all new commercial buildings and building additions (2) Foundation plantings shall occur within planting beds at least five (5) feet in width, with exceptions for appropriate approach Driveways, courtyards, plazas, and pedestrian access to building entrances. The primary landscaping materials used shall be shrubs, ornamental grasses and ground cover. Plantings shall cover 75% of the planting area. (4) Spacing for foundation shrubbery shall not exceed five (5) foot intervals; except where occupied by an impervious surface. E. Parking Lot Planting: Parking lot perimeter plantings and parking lot interior plantings [as defined herein] shall be landscaped on all sides. (1) Parking Lot Perimeter Planting. (a) The Parking Lot Perimeter Planting unit will only take affect when there is a Perimeter Bufferyard Type `A' planting requirement for front, side and rear minimum yard widths. (b) The minimum planting unit for this area shall include: four (4) shade trees and twenty (20) shrubs per 100 linear feet (2) Parking Lot Interior Planting - (a) Parking Lot Interior Plantings shall be located within parking lots as landscaped islands, medians, traffic delineators, at the end of parking bays, and between rows or parking spaces in a manner such that no parking space is located more than sixty-six (66) feet from a shade tree. A minimum of one (1) shade tree and five (5) shrubs shall be planted for every ten (10) parking spaces provided. (See also General Provisions, Section 33.03(A), for minimum planting area dimension requirements.) (c) When an existing parking lot is expanded or improved which increases either the total area of impervious surface or the number of parking spaces by thirty -five percent (35 %) or more, the expansion shall be required to comply with this Section 33.05(E): Parking Lot Planting. (3) (b) 33.06 Old Meridian District and Overlay Zones Landscape Requirements. Zoning District OM and Overlay Zone Landscape Requirements are meant to supersede the Landscape Requirements in Section 33.05, where applicable A. OM /Old Meridian District Landscape Requirements: (1) Development Zones. (a) Single - Family Attached Zone (SFA). No additional requirements. (b) Multi -Family Housing Zone (MF). No additional requirements. (c) Village Zone (V). No additional requirements. (d) Mixed Use Zone (MU) (i) No more than fifty percent (50 %) of the Front Yard Setback may be paved with decorative pavers to allow seating areas or outdoor tables, such areas shall be surrounded by shrubs or planting beds. (ii) On -site parking lots or structured parking adjacent to a Street must be separated from the Street Right -of -Way with a planting area no less than eight (8) feet wide containing shade trees, shrubs or fences /walls up to four (4) feet high. Office Zone (0). No additional requirements Special Use Zone (SU). No additional requirements. Meijer Zone (M). No additional requirements (e) (0 (8) Chapter 33. Commercial Development Landscape Ordinance 29 -6 as adopted per Z- 577 -13 Autumn 2013 vl