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232390 05/07/14
♦y u•C�gyf - / • CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 360074 31 ONE CIVIC SQUARE SUE WOLFGANG CHECK AMOUNT: $**'**.R**5.92' r =Q CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 - C/O HUMAN RESOURCES CHECK NUMBER: 232390 'MUTON` ONE CIVIC SO CHECK DATE: 05/07/14 CARMEL IN 46032 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1201 4357004 5.92 EXTERNAL INSTRUCT FEE .�.....-.-.....�..... ...�-. ..... ..moi ...� .. ..�...... iIA�V. 1 Vl 1 aF.'.azon.co , Details for Order #106-6194594-6789008 Print this page for your records. Order Placed: April 17, 2014 Amazon.com order number: 106-6194594-6789008 Order Total: $190.87 Not Yet Shipped Items Ordered Price 1 of: Human Resource Management, 13th Edition, Mathis, Robert L. $186.88 Sold by: WISDOM-MART (seller profile) Condition: New Recently Listed (MARCH 2014). Condition - BRAND NEW. Fast Sh... see more Shipping Address: Susan E. Wolfgang 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-7569 United States Shipping Speed: Standard Shipping Payment information Payment Methnrl, Item(s) Subtotal: $186.88 Shipping & Handling: $3.99 Billing address Total before tax: $190.87 Susan E. Wolfgang Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00 168 Aspen Way Carmel, IN 46032 United States Grand Total:$190.87 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Please note: This is not a VAT invoice. Z -134 ALE, 'PD Conditions of Use I Privacy Notice© 1996-2014, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates Submitted To MAY 052014 Clerk Treasurer https://www.amazon.com/gp/css/summary/print.html/ref=oh_pi_o00_?ie=UTF8&orderID... 4/17/2014 Sue Wolfgang<swolfgang1212@gmail.com> ------................... Amazon.com order of Human Resource Management.... 1 message .._...._..._._.._..............................----__..........-......_... auto-confirm@amazon.com< auto-confirm@amazon.com> Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:31 AM Reply-To: "auto-confirm@amazon.com" <auto-confirm@amazon.com> To: Susan Wolfgang <swolfgang1212@gmail.com> Your Recommendations Your Account Amazon.com ttlz Order Confirmation Order#106-7197819-1450651 Hello Susan Wolfgang, Thank you for shopping with us.We'd like to let you know that jay10989 has received your order,and is preparing it for shipment.Your order details are indicated below. If you would like to view the status of your order or make any changes to it, please visit Your Orders on Amazon.com. Your estimated delivery date is: Your order will be sent to: Thursday, April 17, 2014 - Susan E. Wolfgang Friday, April 18,,2014 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-7569 Your shipping speed: United States Two-DayShipping Order Details Order#106-7197819-1450651 Placed on Monday.April 14, 2014 Human Resource Management, 13th Edition $170.00 Mathis, Robert L.;Jackson, John H.; Hardcover Sold by jay10989 . Condition: New 91 10 Item Subtotal: $170.00 Shipping & Handling: $14.95 c,5 SJe-�5 OT `vel d� \- � Total Before Tax: $184.95 `�� �� v'l�N'• �' Order Total: $184.95 �I https://mail.google.com/mail/u/O/?ui=2&ik=dd' 4/14/2014 -�5"-'aPMA, --2--HR IPMA-HR Invoice No: 24199026 INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MANAGEMENT 1617 Duke Street Invoice Date: 02/28/2014 ASSOCIATION for HUMAN RESOURCES Alexandria, VA 22314 PO#: 2(p-1:56 Tel# 703-549-7100 Page: 1 Fax:703-684-0948 Federal Tax ID: 36-.2177151 http://www.ipma-hr.org I N V O I C E BILL TO: SHIP TO: ID#: 00225246 ID#: 00225246 Sue Wolfgang Sue Wolfgang Benefits Administrator Benefits Administrator City of Carmel City of Carmel 1 Civic Square 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 TRANS EVT/MTG TOTAL DATE REGISTRANTS QTY FEES DISCOUNT AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/28/2014 HR Certificate Spring 2014 00225246 Wolfgang, Sue 0.00 0.00 Full Certificate Program 1 899.00 0.00 899.00 SUBTOTAL 899.00 - --------------- BALANCE DUE 899.00 1 60 V Credit Card Payment Visa/MC Account # Exp. Date Signature Description of Program Modules Module One-Public Sector HR Basics: This module provides an overview of the HR function in public organizations,and includes: 0 Understanding the differences between public and private sector HR operations; 0 History of laws that have affected the development of the public sector HR function; 0 Review of the major laws and regulations that govern HR operations; o Roles and responsibilities of HR professionals in organizations; 0 Discussion of typical organizational structures; 0 Use of Information Technology to enhance HR operations; o Strategic HR operations; 0 Professional HR Organizations; ® Importance of Ethics in HR. Module Two—Recruitment: i 0 Role of workforce planning; 0 Planning and utilizing recruitment strategies; 0 Executive recruitment strategies; 0 Longterm recruitment strategies; 0 Importance of background and reference checks; 0 Negotiating with selected candidates; 0 Importance of evaluating recruitment strategies. Module Three—Selection: • Selection in the public sector; 0 Merit system considerations; 0 Typical selection methods; 0 Test development and design; 0 Test administration considerations; 0 Scoring methodologies; 0 Use of preference points; 0 Use and management of eligible lists; 0 Other qualification considerations. Module Four—Job Classification and Compensation 0 Applicable laws and regulations that govern job classification activities; 0 Concepts and principles of job classification; 0 Job analysis techniques; 0 Classification processes; 0 Methods for establishing classification relationships; 0 Importance of classification strategies to other.HR disciplines. 0 Translating classification into compensation; 0 Pay for performance; 0 Executive compensation; 0 Importance of compensation strategies to other HR functions. 2 Description of Program Modules (continued) Module Five—Employee Benefits: 0 Benefits terminology; 0 Types,characteristics, and funding of benefits; 0 Selection and negotiation with providers; - ® Budget and cost control; ® Applicable laws that govern benefit plans; 0 Retirement Plans; 0 Importance of benefits strategies to other HR functions. Module Six—Labor and Employee Relations: • Applicable laws and regulations that govern labor/employee relations activities; o Bargaining units; 0 Collective bargaining models; 0 Forms of collective bargaining agreements; 0 Work interruptions/stoppages; 0 Laws and regulations that affect collective bargaining processes; 0 Discipline procedures; 0 Grievance administration and arbitration; 0 Labor/management relations. Module Seven—EEO and Diversity: 0 Laws that govern EEO and Diversity strategies; 0 Regulatory/oversight agencies; 0 EEO concepts and employer's policies; 0 EEO Uniform Guidelines and selection policies; Discrimination complaints, investigations, and resolution; 0 Reasonable accommodations; 0 EEO reports and monitoring; 0 Importance of diversity programs to other HR functions. Module Eight—Organizational Development: o Organizational culture and change strategies; Employee development; 0 .Performance management; . Progressive discipline and counseling and coaching; Application of organizational development strategies to succession planning. 3 Public Sector HR Essentials Certificate Program: Spring 2014 Schedule Module 1 — Public Sector HR Basics April 15—April 29, 2014 Module 2 - Recruitment April 29- May 13, 2014 Module 3—Selection May 13—June 3, 2014 Module 4—Classification/Compensation June 3 —June 17, 2014 Module 5— Benefits June 17 —July 1, 2014 Module 6— Labor and Employee Relations July 1 —July 15, 2014 Module 7— Equal Employment Opportunity& Diversity July 15—August 5, 2014 Module 8 —Organizational Development August 5 —August 19, 2014 - � �--'� ISR Certificate Program INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MANAGEMENT for Entry-to-Mid-Level Human Resource Professionals ASSOCIATION for HUMAN RESOURCES Course Syllabus This course was designed specifically for new Human Resource professionals, or those seeking knowledge of other HR disciplines outside of their normal work assignments.The course will cover all of the major areas within a full-functioning Human Resources operation.The information presented is intended to provide a working understanding of each of the following disciplines: e Public Sector HR Basics o Recruitment o Selection Job Classification and Compensation o Employee Benefits o Labor and Employee Relations o EEO and Diversity o Organizational Development The course is divided into the eight subject areas,or Modules, listed above. Each Module is self- contained,and can be used as a stand-alone session.Where appropriate,we have included cross references to material or information contained in other Modules.This reflects the inter-relatedness of each of the functional disciplines within the HR umbrella. Materials used as part of this course include: a Human Resource Management, Thirteenth Edition, by Robert L. Mathis and John H.Jackson (must be purchased separately) o Human Resource Management in Public Service:Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems, by Evan M. Berman,James S. Bowman,Jonathan P.West,and Montgomery Van Wert (Chapters available as reprint in course materials—do not need to purchase separately) At the beginning of each module,we have listed the reading assignment from the Mathis and Johnson textbook,which is the main text for this course. The reprint from the Berman, et al text is used only for the Module on Public Sector HR Environment. This online course provides a number of benefits to participants: o Ability to select those portions of the course that are of value to you; • Flexibility in completing class assignments on YOUR schedule, with the freedom of location and time of day; • Opportunity to interact with other HR professionals from around the country; © Addresses the needs of all types of learners, and those reluctant to speak in groups are drawn more readily into the discussions. Coursework(to include required reading, both textbook and IPMA-produced material, responding to exercises throughout the course, and successful completion of four mini-exams)for all modules must be completed during the twenty(20)week session to be eligible for the HR Certificate.Those who complete individual modules are eligible to receive a certificate of completion for individual modules. ''VOUCHER`NO WARRANT NO. ALLOWED: 20 Wolfgang, Sue IN SUM OF$ , Employee,; $5.92 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel HR Department . PO#1 Dept. _ INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT,. Board Members 1201 16-61-94594-678901 43-570.04 I $5.g2 _ I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or.. bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for I which charge is made were ordered and i received except Monday, May 05, 2014 Director, HR Title Cost distribution ledger classification if. claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City;Form No-201(Rev.1995) -. , - s.:, ACCOUNT PAYABLEYOUCHER CITY-OF-CARMEL.. . An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered, by whom,-rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit,Rtc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice -Invoice Description 1. `„Amount Date Number (or note attached-invoice(s)or-bill(s)) 04/17/14- )6-61194594.-678901 Reimburse bal due $5.92 ',- hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correctandI have audited 1same in accordance ;with I:C 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer