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:.. ?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 760 3RD AVE.SW#102 CHECK NUMBER: 232462
+,,,ETON�� CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 05/13/14
504 4355101 AGREEMENT 190,240.00 SUPPORT FOR THE ARTS
{ 1 •
This Grant Agreement (herein referred to as "Agreement") entered into by and between the City
of Carmel (the "City") and Carmel Symphony Orchestra (the
"Grantee"), is executed pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein. In consideration of
those mutual undertakings and covenants,the parties agree as follows:
1. That on behalf of Grantee, a not-for-profit corporation, I, Alan L. Davis
an authorized representative of Grantee, have applied for a City of Carmel
("Grantor") Arts Grant, said application attached hereto and made a part hereof as
2. Grant Agreement. The City, after review and recommendation by the Mayor and by
the City Council, agrees to grant$ 19 0 ,2 4 0 .0 0 to the Grantee for
the eligible costs of the project (the "Project") or services as described in Exhibits
"A" and "B" of this Agreement. The funds shall be used exclusively in accordance
with the provisions contained in this Agreement.
3. Design and Implementation of Project. The Grantee agrees to use any and all grant
funds in accordance with the proposal contained within this agreement and any
documents attached to this Agreement,which are incorporated by reference.
4. Warranty of non-profit status. Grantee hereby represents and warrants that it is a
not-for-profit entity with a determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service
declaring that it is exempt from Federal income tax.
5. Payment of Grant Funds by the City. The payment of this Grant by the City to the
Grantee shall be made in accordance with the following conditions:
A. This Agreement must be fully executed and signed by both Grantee and Grantor.
B. Grantee has attached all the following information, which it represents and warrants
to be true and accurate,all which have been incorporated fully by reference:
1. An application and description of the proposed use of the grant funds (EXHIBIT
2. A budget for the calendar or fiscal year for which the grant is requested
3. Certified copies of incorporation as a not-for-profit corporation under state law
4. A not-for-profit application or determination letter from the U.S. Internal Revenue
Service identifying that it is a not-for-profit corporation that is exempt from
Federal income tax(EXHIBIT D);
5. Any audits, reviews or compilations available describing the financial condition
of the Grantee, including IRS Form 990 for the previous calendar year or the
attached Affidavit(EXHIBIT E);
6. A list of the Grantee's board of directors and officers listed(EXHIBIT F);
7. A Year End Report from the previous year IF Grantee received an Arts Grant
from the City of Carmel in the previous calendar year, pursuant to paragraph 7
herein(EXHIBIT G).
C. Any other grant conditions that City requires to be met by Grantee, specifically:
6. Grantor's right to request audit or review. Grantee shall submit to an audit or
review by an independent Certified Public Accountant of funds at the City's request,
and shall make all books, accounting records and other documents available at all
reasonable times during the term of this Grant Agreement, and for a period of three
(3) years after final payment of funds under this Agreement, for the purpose of an
audit by the City of Carmel,the State of Indiana, or their designees.
7. Year end review. Grantee agrees to provide the City of Carmel a year-end report
("Year End Report")for each year, describing how the grant was used and the impact
of the dollars received. This Grant award may not exceed one third(1/3) of Grantee's
combined contributed income, revenue of sales, and/or ticket revenue from the
previous year. If the Grant amount is in excess of sixty thousand dollars
($60,000.00),the Grantee agrees to provide,at Grantee's cost, a review or audit of the
grantee. Said review or audit shall be performed by a Certified Public Accountant
("CPA')who is neither an employee of Grantee nor a member of the Grantee's Board
of Directors,to be provided to the City of Carmel by March 31 of the following year.
8. Funding Credit. Grantee agrees to credit the City of Carmel in the printed materials
associated with a funded program or project. The City of Carmel will supply, upon
request,Grantee with the graphics/logos necessary for compliance.
9. Statutory Authority of Grantee. The Grantee expressly represents and warrants to
the State that it is statutorily eligible to receive these monies and it expressly agrees to
repay all monies paid to it under this Grant, should a legal determination of its
ineligibility be made by any Court of competent jurisdiction.
10. Use of Grant Funds by Grantee. The funds received by the Grantee pursuant to this
Agreement shall be used.only to implement the Project or provide the services in
conformance with the Budget and for no other purpose. If it is determined by the
City that misappropriation of funds have occurred, the Grantee must return all funds
received by Grantor and individuals who misuse Grant funds may also be subject to
civil and/or criminal liability under Indiana or Federal law.
11. Employment Eligibility Verification. The Grantee affirms under the penalties of
perjury that he/she/it does not knowingly employ an unauthorized alien.
The Grantee affirms under the penalties of perjury that he/she/it has enrolled and is
participating in the E-Verify program as defined in IC 22-5-1.7. The Grantee agrees
to provide documentation to the City that he/she/it has enrolled and is participating in
the E-Verify program.
The City may terminate for default if the Grantee fails to cure a breach of this
provision no later than thirty(30)days after being notified by the State.
12. Governing Law; Lawsuits. This Agreement is to be construed in accordance with
and governed by the laws of the State of Indiana, except for its conflict of laws
provisions. The parties agree that, in the event a lawsuit is filed hereunder, they
waive their right to a jury trial, agree to file any such lawsuit in an appropriate court
in Hamilton County, Indiana only, and agree that such court is the appropriate venue
for and has jurisdiction over same.
13. Relationship of Parties. The relationship of the parties hereto shall be as provided
for in this Agreement, and neither Grantee nor any of its compensated officers,
employees, contractors, subcontractors and/or agents are employees of City. The
Grant amount set forth herein shall be the full and maximum compensation and
monies required of City to be paid to Grantee under or pursuant to his Agreement.
14. Severability. If any term of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under any
statute,regulation, ordinance, executive order or other rule of law, such term shall be
deemed reformed or deleted, but only to the extent necessary to comply with same,
and the remaining provision of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
15. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with any exhibits attached hereto or
referenced herein, constitutes.the entire agreement between Grantee and City with
respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior oral or written
representations and agreements regarding same. Notwithstanding any other term or
condition set forth herein, but subject to paragraph 15 hereof, to the extent any term
or condition contained in any exhibit attached to this Agreement or in any document
referenced herein conflicts with any term or condition contained in this Agreement,
the term or condition contained in this Agreement shall govern and prevail. This`
Agreement may only be modified by written amendment executed by both parties
hereto, or their successors in interest.
IN WITNESS WHEROF,the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as follows:
Carmel Symphony Orchestra ("Grantee")
Printed Name of Officer: Alan L. Davis Title: President & CEO
Date: 2/25/2014
_---CIT-Y- _C ;'Grantor"
James Brainard,Mayor
Date: 5 JF2 ).2 01 q
If you have any question concerning the City of Carmel's 2014 Arts Grant Program,grant writing,guidelines or application materials,contact:
Sharon Kibbe,City of Carmel,One Civic Square,Cannel,IN 46032,Phone:317-571-2483,skibbg@cannel.in.gov.
Carmel Symphony Orchestra
760 3rd Avenue, S.W., Suite 102
Carmel, IN 46032
Support For The Arts
504 Agreement 43-551.01 $190,240.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the
materials or services itemized thereon for
which charge is made were ordered and
received except
Monday, May 12, 22014
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
' I
Purchase Order No.
Date Due
j Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s))
05/08/14 Agreement $190,240.00
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s), is(are)(true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5-11-10-1.6
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