HomeMy WebLinkAbout232400 05/12/14 r CIN . CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 060000 '` CHECK AMOUNT: $ 517.40- CARMEL, d ., ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL UTILITIES �'�"�" CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 WATER&SEWER UTILITIES CHECK NUMBER: 232400 +y_oN,�o,r CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 05/12/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4348500 80.14 0562107100 1125 4348500 315.22 0391262001 2201 4348500 40.68 0522323700 2201 4348500 61.02 0572324000 2201 4348500 20.34 1822424000 i moll city.of �C�rmel Utilities Account Number 0562107100 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $80.14 Customer Service Due Date 05/28/14 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon- Fri Sam-5pm Amount Due $80.14 After Due Date FIRE STATION #46 C014 - ' o 0 2 CIVIC SO CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 Service •. _ Reading ,.- • -• • . •- • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (64.66) 03/26/14 04/29/14 48889161 4903 4903 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: 540 W 136TH ST IRR 7 $20.34 03/26/14 04/29/14 48889164 1464 1470 WATER 6 $29.90 Total Location Charges For: 540 W 136TH ST#2 $29.90 03/26/14 04/29/14 48889163 1433 1439 WATER 6 $29.90 Total Location Charges For: 540 W 136TH ST#1 $29.90 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $80.14 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $80.14 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 05/28/14 $80.14 s 0 U 0 Retain this portion for your records. PAYMENTSPayrnit,,ntri are due at ffie C,',amnei offic�,,, on the due date printed (in the nifl. Be sui,e your aci,;ou,,� vi� -etlrned for nompayirient, Custorners can Dav io the ioOovvinq ivays: C„?.0 clr�n-loney orders. Cavy ei Utilities'Jiarages a $33 fee for hecks '"n i lklai? the payrneint Pitt n3turn stub in the eriveft-Je provided V) the cavinei Ufi�ilies office, Ailow suffiuer-O' Postai de4ivery iii-ne as your account be assessed penaitios if i1 is, not rec.t.Jved in uuv offic,tys by the Oue date.. Bring.your Pavr-neint and refi,,+rr stuill to the kCarinei Ulkkkke.s offices ��d 30 W. Main Street during n'.n-nai business houre. Dr(5 your envelope-d paynnent arnd reeurn stuth In one�c,4' our pa.ymeiit 5. p drop-boxe& (See map-1, usua! billina each mon�th Sign up for bank draffil a We will send vou, i, D1 o p Wv� w4h a notalooq "BANK DRAFT ON DUE [)ATF5, No, inore 44 g and,its aiwason wies RATES: WNIMUTA CHARG'E , The ba'Ai,-of O '0-,op "i i CU'RRLENT USAGE -'Fhc'arnounk of water consuined in a L]�,1'5no periced. fr SUMWER SEVVEF? HEIJE-�JF (Resiidentia*! isi".0iod torse,,,,vecusagem tF-,e rnonihs of May thirough Oc(ober basea on the aveiage usat k IP 3 ge for'he prpvious monthz� Novennbe.r Onroug!) I pril, This is- ,, adowsi for the voiurne- of ivai�,v rnea�,uied tilm-uph the water meter but t-v-,ed or,lav,�---ns and other aFe,"is externai W the seivice adaiess and not passing the sewee iine3 to be procussed. NEW CUSIFOMIER FEE -'Ff-icre is a ono-tir-ne serv;,,ce fee fo3,neiiv accounls of S20. T� he wale,meler wfl�i be reaed on the boginrw)�§SeciliCe Cate a-rid each month th—eafter. ESDPOATP.-, - Occasionadiv hilis inu�,� be e--;Iimatedl -,vInen a rrlc-,�er is inacces..R-,i!.- 3lsuaiivdi.,�e lo exlreme uitililbes est`n,ia-fes� biii5 onty when ilnaUe to, n-,SMin Feankrigs. 11, pizinti!--o'g'.: 0' sngrj,,i A,g O;. -y kind block, acce-s�� ,i) Me mete.?r p . N-lic, (c,adinels i-na.V be esOrnated unt!N 1ho,obsknoc-fion i, removad, DELINQUENT NOTICE: A deitonquent iicAkice- -z,fJil be sent to ariv accoucq with an owslanding balance. ovt,,n 41--,, Idays. Thu-, is, -a hnai rerninder prior Jo lecrninnthon of sei-vicp, Should you re-l-eive sucn a noxice be Sume to conlact cilly offilces �Irnniediateiy to verilfv our rec-or; if you have rinade payrnenti. if Pnvrnen” is nk,�T re Tara by 'h(., due daie on this ncilice, your wates'service vviii be tenniinated arid vou wil' be cnamed a service dec-i. A,,sl to 5n-ak with ou! Delinquent Account RepresenitzIM,,e 4 you need assistance in resomIng"nis debt. HIGH USAGE: Leaks or in Ic"Oels, Ovate,,softeners, faucc,,,ts? i.ce rn*,eys, homnidifiers, and ;wP;!n sprinklers, cause high usage, ies,',or ie-ayks. read vour nietc-ir bi lore going to bed anci again in ff e inorning il-lefora USj�L.�g FX�jy if i n the rneter's read rir -s chanced and no wafe.,was knowlngiy used- a proble3i-? n-my ex�st, Toiiets are ncDsl often trie,cause- Check to see, !if wpteris n-inn�ng into*he tzink,overflow: if it is, there is a proNern. if not, add toad coior to the fank, and crlecN the bowl an hoff later. tt the dye has seepcd !ndothe bovvi or is ni-A vl;-s3bie in the lank, a !PaR ex,'sts,, if ffie problern cc,-,nfl[nues:,, or can-lm find the leak'. f-rinSO,1, a (ivaii'led Pvsun to rrialkelhle nece.,-Fary re-PaRs" carmei utilifle".3 is not re��,,ponsib;o foi servic'e"iines lhronn'he waier nntete� 'to the service a-ddress, Meter Pi tvice Line, ResWenfial custcomers ---------- ------ The property owner Oivvns the nneter pil and,servicf.",iines lc)the reslderlce� C,3in)e!Water UH!ifies is,respionsible fivaier sev"lice lines Imm 't'he meter pill, lid,and casting are the horn eaviner's respon-sibiiiN. home is the responsibiflity o4 the homeowner, includirici ariv house s'�de valves and meter v-ke, Ait repairs to the ytcruse side piumbi,`io and any associaled costs a,,o the homeowner'���,esponsibility. It there is a cur slo , LA punlbing past the cu�b is the responsib�ktv of ffie P —rb slop are,lhi�,hoinneowner's responsil-.)li�y, Carnied Uiiiifle-s maini,.lins ovone�ship oi hameowne-�- Ali-t5 Pit and associated cosis after the c" the nnOei-arid any radic eqrPpmer)!. ar 0 a requ--�--;t to keep From time to hire v(.,,u niay 3ecerve notice fnl-n us of a need to povide a .�erv�:ce Yepair tc-�th�-'-; roatt . Usuaily th�s;s I- j n GOV, nMs Oy,int-rfen t -.�il ,, repijcs�damaged parts- Your resp,,_in,�e within,Iii-, gmss or any oi.hei maner ftorr F ing with,the ne!e�c�. L iid o�l a request tc days oi the dale of 1ha n'.)uce, is neederi in order to have accurate, readings ot your vva�le, mater. At no Ylinne shci,,fld planting or structi-ire ne placed on the rieler pi'%. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 0562107100 46 $80.14 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Utilities IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 $80.14 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 0562107100 43-485.00 $80.14 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except MAN Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund i Invoice city of `Carmel Utilities Account Number 1822424000 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $20.34 Customer Service Due Date www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 05/23/14 Mon -Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due $20.34 After Due Date ' oo 712 CARMEL STREET DEPT 116TH/MCKENZIE/IRR 3400 W 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 PeriodService Meter Meter Number PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (20.34) 03/21/14 04/22/14 66982504 1576 1576 WATER 0 20.34 A Leak as small as the tip of a ballpoint pen can waste 6,300 gallons of water a month! Check your sprinkler system this.spring. Please refer to your account number above when contacting our offices at(317)571-2442. U Retain this portion for your records. PAYMENTS: Payments am due M Me Ca"el WiMs Kim on Me due date printed on the bill. Be slure to sborte' your accolunt rvurnber on. cnecks or mey orders. Carmel Utilles charges a$33 fee for checks returned for nonp,,,tyment, Customers can pay in the foliolving ways: W the payment and return stub in the erywrAope provided to Me, id nwv2 0'\; Carmel "."Wities offii�e Allow sufficient postal delivery time as your account wfl!be assessE-rd penalties.if it, is hot received in oui,office—s by ffie due data BAg ywr payment and miumstub 10 the caiinei Utilities offices '-i" 30 W, Main Street during nonnal business hours. g gy Drop,your enveiopod paymW and woxn stub in orm of our payrnent drop-boxes, (See map) S4i up V bwk draffing We will send your usual billing each month Pamieg Lei �I Dsop,iiEet ,xit LA notalkini 'BANK DRAFT ON DUE DA-i`E, No more cheCK wi-iting arid its,,. ahva,,ys,on firne" RATES: WNWUM,,�-�',HARGE- The bats of Wh charge is the size of thie nielet servinq the P!operxy locado?n- CURRENT USAGE --ifie arn,,ount of wmer consumed in a billing j-,�oriod- SIUMIMEH'l SEVIVER", F'iEUEF (Rasidenlial pri-)�perly" -The cusic-imey is Niled For se"Ner usagie in rie nioniffis oi�N4,ay thror-,,gh on Me ave�sqo- uz,,,� qe",-rr the pre'vi-our.., moriffis Novs,Tibt,r througly April. This is tu, adjust for the volunle ul wfo�righ the www navy hy umd on swris,and othe'r,areas externat tothe service address and not passing through the sewer lines to be Wacc=Dj. iNiBAJ FEE -Thwe 2 a ono-time seivice fee.for na,,`.,accounis of S201� Tne�,Ialum nieterwit be read on tlh:,,�beginriing sc-,vice- da!e arid€: a, mcinth tbensafiier. US-IRTOA'111-,�`� - Occasioria.!{y &&a nwW be esbmwed when a meter is inaf.cessibiF: usual$y dkio fo eMrem�'' we'ai":er con"JiVoll's. Gamic! WIN, esliniaies. bill� only when unaWe to obtain readings. If plantings or struchiies of any ksnd blc�ckaccesszo Itie nieter pit, The readingismay be esilimati-d immil the obsivintion is removed. DELINQUENT NOTICEz A dkiryquent note W be smil; lo any ac"'oun't with an owmanding balance over 45 days� This notice is a final reminaer pryar to terrninWian of seNd& Should you mcerve such a. nixice be sum to cora our offices ii-Irriedflatety 10 iferlty our"'ecord, it you i-rave i-nade p3yMCq,tL If p0pnent I m-4 coceeived by the due date on this notte, your water service, will be termhand Srd you will be rhaqed a seMce be. Ask to speak with ow DeliriMmN Accum,Representative it you no-ed ass0swrice in msoNing Mrs W- HIGH USAGE LeMs or niatfuini-,irons in toilek water saftenem. Wxists, ice niakers, huriodifiers, and ir Sprinklers cause, higli usage. To t test fol ieaksl rend your nieler betom going to bed and again in the morning before minvy ctrl,,?water. if Me mAx's reading has changed and no water was kmwhgy med a probleni may exit. T=Ws am most alten the cause. Check f see if:,`Ptei'is n-Enning into z1he tank o4enios4�,,: It it is, -Mere is P problem. if net, zidd food color to the lank mW check Me bovvi an how lann V Me Q'-, has seepadl into the bowl or is hot visible in the tarik, a lem< E,'Xists� it ,fie problem umunuet or you caamt find Rm KaK conaA a quMled paiscri W rn,.ike ',he ne(-(,1'--'5,-ai'y -pain;L Carmet Utilities is not-?sl-.ionsiblo foi-service fines froin the wakrmet,er to Me SarviCe address. thkMr PKV—Pe ry icgk 4n op B ies-1 0e,n!I MI-g-q s!o m e rs The Properzy owner amm Me arety"A mid ser0ca lines to the reSiCier',Co -,�s is --)onsibie --vice ii, ., C"�rmei Water titfilk re�,q or water sei ,firs.''.-from, he water mat to we meter piii. The meter PT Ha and ca=g we the hommwnw's responsibily. Ali plurribing tronni the meter pt lo,the home is the responstrility 0 Ta lhompowlior. inciudmg a"home Yale valves and meter yoke, Ait repairs W thine home side pkm*Mg and any assonaled costs are Me homeowners responsibility. all plumbing past the curb stop is the responsibility of the homeowner Ali repaics, and associated cosis after the curb stop are the homeowner's responsibilly, Gamnel Utilities m;ximdns ovvnership of the nieter and any r30,,)oquipniie�nt. F:rom tirne to tinne you, anay receive notice from us or a need to provide a,service repair to the tiiete;'pit. Usually this is a reque,,st to keep grass or any other matter tam covering arimerfering Win the rrieter lit t lid or a request to replace daniaged parts� You, response within '3:--! days of the date of Me notice I needed in order to have acamate, teadings 0 yow watm,meter. At no time shou;d planting or structure be placed on we meter pick. Appiovc,d byStam Board atAcQuin's for it m City of Caine!,2008 i Carmel Utilities Account Number 0572324000 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $61.02 Customer Service Due Date 05/28/.14 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon -Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due After Due Date $61.02 CARMEL STREET DEPT o 0 3400 W 131ST ST CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 ..- Amount Billed PeriodService Meter- • • Number-, • • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (61.02) 03/26/14 04/25/14 51187521 496 496 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: W 141ST&SPRINGMILL RDB $20.34 03/27/14 04/28/14 49672645 734 734 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: W 136TH&SPRINGMILL RDB $20.34 03/31/14 04/25/14 51187338 1469 1469 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: W 136TH &OAKRIDGE RDB $20.34 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $61.02 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $61.02 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 05/28/14 $61.02 s s LL Retain this portion for your records. PAYMENTS� P,,-3y, en,'%" we dtue ?,< the C,',aariel UliRies on the due date pnnted on the biO. Be sure to youraccou-n num!�ei on checks ol-nrioney ordefs. Cam1e', Oflilitsest-Jimge,a $33 See for checks,mti krned tor ni:Nmpayrrlent. Customefs can pav sn,',he ways: Mail the paymel-it and relturn stub in the envelope prOvided to the Czinnel WiMlies office� Aflov\t sufficieni, postal rleliveqy tune as youf accowii v"M be assessed panaRies if if is not Feceive-01 in ou-;,of6ce-s-b,y the due date. Bring your paymernt and refurn At to Me Crirme! Ufiiil,,es. office��i at =77 30 W. Main Street during normal business,houm, 5 tom, 1+Your errvelo ,d payn-ien'� and return stub in one of our ow ml po yme dri,n-boxes heap) i) ug bank draffing. We`v`,;fl send your u,uai Niling each fir"Orill 4,,Jth a n c t I o-n "B A,N K DRAPT ON FINJE' DAT E'. No more check wi-iflng and il's hp,,ays, on RATM- U INININWUNI 11he hasi--s of fl-i-is ch ir-e!Li`he the YMife,serving the oropeny locadr-­ ' CL)Fd KE:NT USAGE Thi.,,rjrr�ount.z, watercoriso,3ned In 2,biliir t '�e� S I J r,01 MFEE R E W E R R E L i KE F (Raside,rd i P Fog eT riy I -The c,k�sic,inne T s bi l led �or seipvte,c tu saelo i n tthe !nonth s of May t h rough Octobe,f base D tj on the -avetage 1,1.-,r'ki-te prewclus months Novennber, through April. This is',,u= ad:ust for the voiuime c,4 %vaicf innewsured. th?oucP-1 tOM- na o -vice addm,;*Is�s and r) a n sews,-i::, pnx�,,ssed. water n �-m used on la\,iir,_�an j offii-r rea,,;ext& i t h e et 0, p ,C g t h,o 1 f U_ll-i b P_ iii ,to b.- NE Vj GUIS-l'OME R FE EE -T-W.?re!is a one-l"inne,ser,!ice fe,-,fQi,ne.��i,,accounl,,i of'$'20 Thf,walv'n,meker v,�i��,be ead'on the se-,vic-e dap andi each month E" ?Sea'; " :iii)',,..ltv CONOWK"TiS Me� jS, M 'f", t 11 US iiy U,Iiiities eslima�es bffls, o,:Aiy when i)nabie to oblim readings, N Nantinigs or strurlu,,es, of -,,,iiy kind biock access to line, mete', trtat. ;he readings may be esflnam-d unfl!the ob,,snucfion'is removed. DELINQUENT NOME� A det;,nqPerit no'Oce be sent to any -aucouni wilh art oi-Ststanding baiance over 45 days. This iolicrl is --a a3 reminder prior zo terminabon ol Should you ren;; '1e such ri notice be sure to cr)ntarl our officers Pmf-nediateiy to VpifV ous recsa--ds if You havn nnatji5 PaViTIC5i'llL IS l)01 �'ece;Ve�o oy the dAte of this notice, Your waterservice, wifl be ano vou wdi 0e, charged a-set-vice fee. Ask to k-,iith our Deiinquent Accourit Reoreseri WWe;T1 vou need,Fxs,,,i,,,iance in lesolving this&-ht- HIGH USAGE: Leaks or In toiiea�e ts, wc softenescn , lauts, ice makeys, hunndlfieand rs, sp,inkler s, cause,high ge, To test for ieaks� reO vour niele,?,beyiLxe ocimin, to beO and again in the morning before,LiSif`i�,.') 1ny%�jatE,,,, if meter's,reading has ci,iangedl no tvair-,was knowinch used. a proble-?n ynay exist. ToRlets xe most often O)e cause,, Check to see if iva'kw is ri-Mriing intolhp� an rflo--n; if 11 is, lhere is P pmbiem. 11, not� add food color to 'h�p iank and ch.eck the bowl an hour !ater, N'the dye has seepad into the bon or is nlut vis;b'e in ffie tank, a leak exists. N the proi)lptn continues, 01 you C"Wwtot find thte, concuil, a quafified person to nmakinlhe necessary tepaim, Carmel Utilltips nat esponsiblc,fr.)?,service fiin.es frorn the waler rine£N'iothe sei'vice adafe,-ss, Meter_PI VService Line Residential customers ---------------- The P',q)etly owner ov'lns the nnelei,pit and's,"ervi.Crf,,n.e. to the residence. (,,am)v WaTer Ufflilie,,�is responsible for water service Sines liom the water rnair,to meter pA, The meter pit,lid, and casting are'he horneowner's respons,it)Qity. AQ plumbing fironn the meter pA,10 thro, home�s Ithe ,esn(-,,ns;b;U4 ol the horneowne�, lFicluding any house side valves,and meter yoke, Ail, repairs to the ihouse sidle plumb'Ing andi any aissoda!ed costs are 1,fie h0ns'ieuwr"W.S rssponsibililv, It there ii a curb slo , ali plAUrnbing past the curb stop is the,esponsibflitV 1,-:4 the P homeowner- Ail repairs,,ind a,.�sodwled costs afier the curb slop are Tl hon�eowne,'s Fesponsir'Mity. Carniel U'0i!!i,,-,s mpiMlins,owne-ship of ihfj mieter and any vado enuvinen; . Fom N-ne to tvmeyou n-3ay receive nolice from us of a need io provde,a service repair to inn,aipirpr pii, Usuaiiy tnis i-a reqv,,s:si hi keep, gm,ss or any clher malter from covering or inlet' w4h tho rneAer or'ild or a request to repiace darnaged oarts, YwUr rospoilse with.1n days(if the dale of the nonce t5 noisderl in cirde!,to have,accurate rewdllngs ot youir to meter, Al,no fimnishcmld planifing on stnucture bc piaced un the rnele'r PlI, Ar!{ 'sued i),,.13,_siq Soar,!d Accounts lou'iii?City of C,,Yrnei,2008 i _ — City of Carmel Utilities Account Number 0522323700 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $40.68 Customer Service Due Date 05/28/14 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon-Fri Sam-5pm Amount Due $40.68 After Due Date CARMEL STREET DEPT R0121 @@Flrb@&0&9@9 3400 W 131ST ST CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 •• Meter. .• ,.- Amount Billed • • •- • o PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (40.68) 03/26/14 04/25/14 49672619 592 592 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: OAKRIDGE&BNNT RDBT $20.34 03/26/14 04/25/14 49672627 428 428 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: OAKRIDGE&ADIOS RDS $20.34 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $40.68 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $40.68 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 05/28/14 $40.68 s Q 0 Ur 0 Retain this portion for your records. PAY10ENTS: Pay rnontsv we dm V we Camw! LRTHas office on the due date pin nn Me Win Be swe M wnk your acammt nanber on checks or maney orders. Carnal WilMes charges a$33 fee fcar checks returned kv nmVEqmmA Customer%scan pay it,,the laitowing mays: RhH Me p4mers and Man sub in 'he erivelope provided tel Me Carmel Uiilifies office, Allow suMber-if postal delivery time as your account be asse.sslsd ponaikes: if it is no,received in oa off by t h e du e da 1,e Bmg your payment end rasm MO to he Carmel WilWas offices Ed 30 W. Main Street during nornnat business hours, Drop your enveloped payrinerif and reiu,r,, stub in one of our pa,,,rron? dropboxe& (See rnap) 1 3,, Palog i Sign 0 for bank waMV. We witl send your usuai billingeach� month v,,lM a- niotaticrn "BANK DR4'�FT ON I.'--,UE DATE'. No more check Raw un Q North RATEV M it,aiiL U M,CHARGE- I a basis o f t{" s c 1 a r g e is 1?L'size,o f 1,f,i e a el e r ;e7-vin g I'ha p op e i` 1 a 1,i c'i CURRENT USAGE- The amoun-,of water coriiA,mned in billing poriod, SUNIMCR 1-,';EWER RELIEF QeddenA.,li Prcijni-*n'ty) -Tr-a custorne, is billed ilni, usage in the monMs of May Ruwgh AWberbased on the average usage tor the previous inonths November through ApdL Thi:; is 11-i;-Wpust flrn ine voliune. ul. Y ,-imeasi-ared thiough the Ed ater meter bw toed an Woms and&her areas exismallo Me service address and not passul Mroug:h the sewer lines to be processed. NEW DUSTOMEER FEE -There is a one-lunne sei-vice fee to? niu-,,%,acr.aunts,of$20� The vvaler mctervAl be reiid on the beklinnirIg se vice d�nke arivi;'eai..-.rnc- til - i bills �je estimwed whon a ineter a inamenible usu^ due to exivmpe UW&es es6mates. bMs any vVen unatte to almain madn& R pWAnW or .i i' of any kind block, access to the triete! pit, Ine madin,gmay be es,�flrnated,umii the is removed.s r DELINQUENT NOTICE: A deimwerV iVice wM bu set to any account with an baian�c-,a over 45 days, This notic-,, �,�s a tinai rerninder prior roterminalMn of seway Shouid you rec-eive, such anotice) be sure to corm an our offices it—aaediany ta v''i` our record�---- if you havp made payment, H paymal is tv received by the rMe date on Mid; notice, yow water service. v0ii be; terminated and YOU will be charged a service fee. Ask to speak oath uur DelinqueW Amo ixt Representative it you need asistance iniesolving this de b'L HIGH USAGE: LeakS or nrlalfunclions in toilets, wal-ersolteners, favrets, We owns, Jantudders, and fa-vtin sprinklers cause hiji usage. To t test for ieaks7 read 4cia mai',,before gd)g !o bed and again tnthe rwmirig before usIng mygmer. H ^ metf>r's reading ha�s changed and no water was krinwingly used. a prohle�ff? in,3y eXiSl� T01let-3 arenf,DSI oltpn,the cause- Chc-.,-,k to if is numning inh v. d?tank,over-flnjv: it a is, there is a. plobiem. if not� add tood color to lat-rk wid check he bowl Ein hoa later. lfthe dye has se�4,�edl intothe b6w! D,is n-,l visible in he tank,; a Nalk m4A 4 he problenn cui*ltinues-�, or you CEll-unr-j 1 re" - 4, lind a.quf!l�fipci.per��qn WfTlake,!' , necessary repairs, Carmel Utilities I not responsible V sentle Wms hnm Me wd&Methr to the service address The propely owner ovvn.. ,,he iireWr pq and sewke Ins W Ac-msideme. Came!Warer UtHies is msponsibio for waler Fervice tinesfron, he wMar main W he Wer pT The meter pM Ha and casting are the horneavvirtert responsitiNity. AP plumbing finnitthe meter pit zo the- horne is the responsifjili�y of Me )"lomeownel, including a, home sde valves and meter yoke, AH rq)airs to the ,'muse side-plumbing and any -,,sso6-:--tted costs am to henneewner's responsibility, Qthemixfs a stop- all pit,,inibing pas Me cWb stop is the responsibility of 06, homeo%einer. Ali iepaim and anodaWd cots affm the ewb stop are the honnowne-i's responsibilty, Carmel LAHMes mairi!Mns owneizhip 0 the tnetec and any radio equipnwant Harr)tinne to time you nnayeceive notice from us of need to provide a service mp-,air tothe roater pit. Usually this is P requa,;t to keep grass or any ot-hec a-lailer from covenng o0meaaring with the mete;-pq Nd at a request to replace darnagea paW. Ymr myonse w0in WD' days of the date of Me notice A needed in order to have amumle, madiMs of yuH wafer mater- At no bnne srtoould planitinig or structire'be placed on Me matm ght. App;rwed F3oarr!et Accounts i itm Ify of(!Amnej,2003 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 05/05/14 $20.34 05/08/14 $101.70 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Utilities IN SUM OF $ P. O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082 $122.04 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 43-485.00 j $20.34 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 43-485.00 $101.70 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except A/A Fri 014 X./W V W %-Ov S ��B?fl?t�i§�18R�r Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund i cit � Invoice.,/20 y o/ of��q�i O i1I el Utilities Agcount Number �}.,�►,.,/�. . P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $315.22 Customer Service Due Date 05/23/14 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon- Fri Elam-5pm Amount Due After Due Date $315.22 �J�i of o 0 592 CARMEL CLAY PARKS 11675 HAZEL DELL PKWY#A 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032-7611 SeNice .. Metdr - - Amouhi'Billed Number PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (143.51) 11/12/13 04/23/14 62555357 1262 1274 WATER 106.43 SEWER 79.79 WATER 12 106.43 SEWER �� 12 79.79 2" METER INSTALLAY0 6 214 109.00 NEW SERVICE FEE 20.00 7Y: A Leak as small as the tip of a ballpoint pen can waste 6;300 gallons of water a month! Check your sprinkler system this spring. LL Please refer to your account number above when contacting our offices at(317)571-2442. U 0 Retain this portion for your records. PAYNiENT& Paymell%s, are 'AW at ihe' C'r.*',,�'fnel Uities on 'he. due date iannted on e bill. De slivck) -,,�vnte, your accouni nurnher on or inoney c 'ar, iei i)tflitJes cio�ges a$33 fee for cl ecifs returned for nonpayment. Customan,can �e —Nif'ig WaYS� �rdecs ;Y NPVlil 'hP payrnent and rf5turrl stub in the enveop'ie provided to the calrnei uziiili�es Office, Ailow sufficier-,t postal d();ive,,,y time as yciur accolint be as---,,&,-3sad Penaliles if it is not s(,,�ceNed in oui'officics by IkIe Que dale. Brinig your pavm.--iint and reuui'n slut to the C>Nnel UtilOies officias it 30 W. Main Street curing normal business hours. cb V p y5ur onvelope?.) payrn ,- n� and reourn stub �r o,-,R Our payi-non' D 1-0 drup-boxie,--i, lSee lriap, Sign uo lor bank draffiria. We wM sei-id vour usuai bilima each rriiorith Perk;nk ij)l w Ih a j J�*� DA'vP', No more cheo" North i, n,ot'\iioR "B,'M DRAP- ON lX W(iiina anal ii's ahAva-,,s on iim&! RATES: i"H! RC--'�E T he basis iA this charge is the size of the f*ylf^{et serVir)g the propohy icir;advfjn C"L)RH-EN It' i,iSAGE, - he amoura of water corisurned in a,Nfling perlocj ff SUMMER -SEW1-1:_-Tq RE-LifIEF iResiden!"ai P,onertyl -The cuslonf.ie' is bilted for�.ewef usage vi the mnonths of Maythri ugh October ba--cl ,on the aveariege 10,the vy-av' Yn onths Ncrvernber through Aprit, Tt is is tc, acipust tor tile. volurrie %�i*aier moasi'ved thmugh 10- waie.,rrietar nut used on"avvils an"',all ier-areas exteinal to the se-vice zloout-,ss and nol pas-sing through,the lines, to be NEW CUS 1-0,1VIER FEE -There is a one-limne serv;ce fee foc nevv accountz;ot $20. The vvaber meter ,viii be react on the-beginnif'lq,si date and eacrimonth EST'MATE,S - Occas;onai'v m0u�." be e";'umaled %e,-eln a meter is inaoe >'t-ic, usla-aliv cjuo vo extreme ccndAlo-s. inei u,"'vities e-limatesbilis only whel) unaUe to obun ir adu-iriS. if. oiantina.i or strucluiv?s' of ainy ki?)d tiicick, Fic:cess to Mi.-,: ine',ef pil, thG i`i'nmiings rli'a"Y be esir,aa d umil"hEi-c)bs1rlli-.1ion ls removed. DELINQUENT No'rICE, A ulenqilent nollce sml'i be sent to any accciunt with ar, oufs,aniding balai-ice ove,, 45 days. Thin notift'? cs a final to XV 0�1� i'C'Cord' remin'-�ef-prior to teCrll�nalicin o� service- Shou�d vou receive such a nol;ce be sure to tx.maac� our office's; llrnrrrediat(-,,�y I _ yclu have, Ynade, pavmeit$, 11 pavnient I's no! cacvc*,id by lh&� di-ie date an this nolice, yair watw servicP vvill be ierfninated and vois will be chary, -d a servvCe, lep. As,*to s000k with c-�ur Delin.uuent Ac.coi.mt Representative if you ripect issisiance,in lesoiving',his debt. gc HIGH USAGE. Leaks or malfi-inclinns 10-1 loiiets' vqatel-�a,-rfteners, faucets, ice rake%s, huvflidifies, and !--prinkie,s.ca-losa high usagrTo - :5 1 test for ieaks, rerid vour ineiet h0ure going io bed and again l?n the Ynorning before usifig any if the meter's reading haschariged no waier was knowinq�v iised, a probie-irl Ynav Toile's are I-nos"oflen the'cause- "'hec'!K io see ff%va'mris ri-linino in�othe tarik it i, is, the,e is a Pyo;ie if not- *'Ood Color io "he lank and check the bowl an hour i a i e r. If the e, hens s e,e.c ;Gs }rico t i i e bj,,v 1 0.i is in cri- visibie in the P ieak exists. if 14-le prob!e-'! cootiriuesz� or you ca.nnol find the k-i�,�k consOt a quaiified DCr,40ri W Make the necessary rapalis, Carmet 1U'l;iflt'!'P&i not resp c, f0v serviGe iines fro-'ii the water ine'er to the seivice addre�ss, Meter Pit!Servic-q-Liries,� Residential customeis _.> i --T prq)eny.ow"). r _, p �)�Jl_-C-rvicc)lines lo the residenco. Carmel Walet Uti�ilie�� is res�nnsible Toy waier servic'e liries ffo,.-, rC ci the vialar,main to thle Yrieter P;,,. The meter it, lid,and casting are the homeowners rrisponsibl'!Mv. Ali plumbing frenn,the mewpit to lhe hornia is the, resporis;biiity of lh& horneownor, fnclt,kfinc,s anv house sicle valves and meter v-..)ke,, All repaiis to the 'house sidle furbi.Pl_ _ii^ a4ny,,lsso6a!ed costs+arc the, hnmecmrner's res ponsibilftv. It-there is a curbsio , all plumbing pastille curb 5vop)is the responsibiiitv c-4 1-he homeowner. Ail iepaics find a,scrc;atedc-usts afier'he curb stop are the horneowre,'s re-cPQr1z-'il-.A-ky' cam,"! Ut;'ifios'rrjainlMns owriersfirp C" P,e irlelel-and ariv vadio equipillient. From lirne to lurrie Vou may recu've notice fro-i us of-1 need 10provk-21e'a sewice repair t;;'he rnieter plit- I'S E, Ue st i Cop -iafly!Ms ;S a r q' 'M k- qra;.'s"';"any ocher rriarle,from covering or intaffeing with the ineter pil lid ora requisst to replace darna�ed pads- Youf response wilhml 301 jays rl�the date of"16 n0tiCe,is (leyed-ed in ofdei� have j.ccuirate,f-cadings(,,if your swater mety r, Al no hme should plai",tin,,gi •or struivuft'3'f;f° cj,"the-, rnaler pit. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be property itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 060000 Carmel Utilities Terms PO Box 109 Date Due Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1341235001 West Park 2700 W 116th 4/22 141932300 Inlow Park- 6310 E 131st St ""* 11/27 512156500 North Trailhead -.1251 Rohrer Rd 4/11 5/5/14 1 391262001 ***River Heritage/Founders Park 1212 $ 315.22 631903500 Monon Water Fountain - 1 st St SW 4/15 692331800 Adm,Maint,mtg house - 116th St 4/11 6002047001 South Trailhead - 1430 E 96th St 4/15 691302002 Monon Center- 8 meters 4/11 ** is shut off in winter- need to contact in April to turn back on r Total $ 315.22 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer i Voucher No. Warrant No. 060000 Carmel Utilities Allowed 20 PO Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 In Sum of$ $ 315.22 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General & 109 Monon Center PO#or Board Members INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Dept# 1125 1341235001 4348500 $ - I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 141932300 4348500 $ - bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the 1125 E512156500 4348500 $ - materials or services itemized thereon for 1125 -AQ1 962001 4348500 $ 315.22 which charge is made were ordered and 1125 - received except 1125 I - 1125 1091 - _ 8-May 2014 I Signature $ 315.22 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund