HomeMy WebLinkAboutTree Preservation Plan 4-20-01 The Woods of Williams Creek LLC. also, have retained the services of Judson R Scott, Registered Consulting Arborist #392 to draft and to implement this Tree Preservation Plan. Discussion of the Arboricultural Features of the Property The property consists of three field areas recently farmed for soybeans. There is a strip in the North half of the property that consists of second growth woodlands. There is also a riparian corridor that runs across the property from Northwest to southeast. This riparian corridor has a nice growth of mature trees along it. There was at one time a farmstead in the southwest corner of the woodlands. It is my supposition that the woodlands are the result of pasture areas that were left fallow after the farmstead was abandoned. These retired pastures have reforested with a variety of hardwoods. There are mature trees that line 141st Street on the North, Springmill on the east and 136th Street on the South. The discussion of the arboricultural features of the property will be broken into three separate areas: 1. The Woodlands 2. The Riparian Corridor 3. The Roadway Trees The Woodlands The Woodlands strip runs fully across the property from West to East and is in the upper half of the development site. I believe it is the result of the abandonment of the farmstead that stood in the Southeast corner at one time. The farmstead probably had pastures attached to the North and East of the homestead as is evidenced by the farm fencing that runs throughout the woodlands. The woodlands are typical of the woodland tracts found throughout the Central Hardwood Forest Region, particularly the Central Lowlands that the property is located in. The forest vegetation would fall into the classification of a developing Beech-Ash-Maple forest. There is a large population of Maples (both Acer saccharum and Acer saccharinum), White Ash (Fraxinus americana), Hackberry (Celtis ocddentalis). There is a developing number of American Beeches (Fagus grandifoUa). There are also numerous other varieties of trees throughout the developing woodlands. They indude Boxelcler (Acer negundo), Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa), Black cherry (prunus serotina), Siberian Elm (Ulmus rubra), Hawthorn (Crataegus sp.), Red Mulberry (Morus rubra) American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) and Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides). Jud Scott RCM 392 Project #WWC..081200 Page 2 Copyright <e> 2001 Vine & Branch 04/18/01 With this plan we intend to protect the trees from construction damage. We intend to especially protect the critical root zone of the root system from damage. We will suggest various and institute various means to protect the trees and their roots during the process. Some of these procedures will include: . The installation of fencing to protect the critical root zone. . Installation of signage for Tree Preservation Areas. . Pre-construction fertilization of key trees. . Pre-construction root pruning of trees where root disturbance is necessary. . Weekly visits by Judson R Scott RCA #392 to monitor the development process with a report to the partners of the findings of each visit. . Education of construction crews on Tree Preservation procedures that are to be implemented. . Plans for individual homes to be submitted to Judson R Scott RCA #392 for approval of Tree Preservation measures undertaken on individual lots. This will indude a site visit with the builder and property owner to discuss Tree Preservation. . Tensiometer implementation to monitor water during the development process and a watering program if necessary. . Post construction vertical mulching may be recommended to break up any soil compaction that may have occurred within the root zone of the trees. . A homeowner's manual will be drafted and given to all future homeowners. . Survey of the Riparian Corridor with the Hamilton County Surveyors office representative to discuss any trees that are poSSible to preserve on the ''working'' side of the creek . A survey of the trees along the roadways to see if any are outside of the right-of- way. Overall the trees as they exist now are in harmony with each other. They are shading each other's roots systems and allowing other protection to each other. When you tamper with a forest area there is a lot of stress put on the trees that are to be preserved. They are exposed to water disturbance, more sunlight than they are used to, sunscald, root disturbance, limb removal, soil compaction and other disturbing factors. Our goal is to aid these trees wherever poSSible so as to limit these stressful factors and to aid the survival of the trees. Many of the procedures that we recommend are to limit stress to the trees. There is a classic misconception that roots are "as deep as the tree is tall". They are not! l11e root system of most of the trees throughout the property is very shallow. It is generally within the first 12-18 Inches of the grade and a large majority of the fibrous roots are with in the first 6-8 inches of the soil. See attachment A for a sketch of tree roots and their depth. It is because of this fact that the Tree Preservation Planning is necessary. Iud ScottRCA# 392 Project #WWC-081200 Page 4 Copyright <C> 2001 Vine & Branch 04/18/01 Appendix A Spanish Translations Los detalles del plan (Details of the Plan and Site Specifics) de la preservacion del arbollos arboles forestals se deben Protegra durante el proceso de la construccion. Los pasos de progresion siguientes se sugieren para su proteccion. Las especiticaciones para el sitio que borra el trabajo siguiente deben ser logradas antes de que la construccion ocurra dentro del dripline del arbol: 1. EI contratista del sitio se requiere satisfacer con al consultor en el sitio antes del trabajo del principio para repasar todos los procedimientos del trabajo, rutas del acceso y del transporte, y meclidas de la proteccion del arbol. 2. EI cercar de Ia protecciOn del arbol es ser instalado yapropiado H no incorpore H las muestras puestas. 3. EI claro de la porcion que clebe ser terminado se debe emprender por Arborists cualificado y no por los contratistas de la demolidon 0 de la construccion. EI Arborists quitara los arboles de una manera que no cause ningun daiio a los arboles maduros que deben permanecer. 4. Los arboles pequeiios que se quitaran en cierre dentro de las zonas protectoras del arbol seran qUitados a mano 0 con el equipo que se slenta fuera de la zona de fa proteccion del arbol. Los tocones se deben quitar par el usa de una amoladora del toeon para causar como poco disturbio de la raiz a 105 arboles restantes. S. Todos los arboles seran podados de acuerdo con las guias de consulta asociadas proporcionadas del ANSI Z-133 Y los estandares del ANSI A 300. Copla disponible por requerimiento. 6. Cualquier daiios a los arboles debido alas actividades del claro del sitio seran seiialados a consultar Arborist en el plazo de 6 horas para poder tomarla acci6n remediadora. La puntualidad es critica a la salud del arbol 7. Hay no ser arbol felled para tocar 105 arboles que deben permanecer. Cualquier miembro que este en confllcto con la corona de los arboles restantes debe ser mano podada apagado antes de tala. 8. Hay no ser nada roped apagado a los arboles restantes durante el proceso del claro del sitio. 9. Hay no ser estacionamiento dentro de la zona protectora del arbol. Hay no ser almacenaje de combustible del relleno del equipo dentro de las zonas protectorasdel arbol Iud Scott ReA# 392 Project #WWC-081200 Page 10 Copyright <0 2001 Vine & Branch 04/18/01 Las especificaciones de construccion (Construction Specifications) 1. todo 105 utilitarios, los downspouts 0 las lineas de la Irrigaci6n e iluminacion subterraneos del paisaje seran encamlnadas fuera de la zona de la proteccion del arbol. 51 y las lineas utilitarias debe atravesar el area de la protecci6n, seran tunneled oagujerearon bajo el arbol. 2. Ningunos materiales, equipo, escombros, 0 agua de la basura 0 del derrubio (especial mente equipo y las herramientas concretos) no se pueden depositar, salvar, o parquear dentro de la zona de la proteccion del arbol (area cercada). 3. La poda adicional del arbol requerida para la separaci6n durante Ia construccion se debe realizar por un Arborist cualiflcado y no por personal de la construcclon. 4. Cualquier herbicida colocado bajo pavimentar los materiales 0 en los pies de la fundaci6n debe ser aprobado por consultar Arborist en la escritura y ser seguro para el usa alrededor de arboles y ser etiquetado para ese uso. Cualquier pestlcida usaclo en sitio debe ser arbol-seguro y transportado no facilmente por el agua. 5. EI cualquier calificar, la construcci6n, la demolicion, 0 el otro trabajO que se espera que encuentre ralces del arbol se deben vigilar por consultar Arborist. 6. Un tensiOmetro se debeinstalar dentro de la zona critica de la raiz para vigilar la humedad durante el proceso de la construccion. 7. Los arboles preservados seran inigados de modo que reciba una pulgada de agua por semana. Esto es general mente una irrigaci6n por goteo de la hora 1-2. La inigaci6n deseada mojara el suelo dentro de la zona de la protecci6ndel arbol a una profundidad de 30 pulgaclas. 8. EI pajote se debe agregar a la zona crltica de la ralz de arboles preservados para guarclar las raices de secarse fuera de debido al nuevo clima que estamos haciendo para el arbol. Estara en un bosque pero no mas de largo tuvo que transici6n a un homesite. 9. Antes de que la construcclon 105 arboles preservados sea ralz podada cortando todas las raices limpio a una profundidad de diez dieciocho pulgadas. Las raices seran cortadas manual mente cavando un foso y cortando ralces expuestas con una sierra, un cuchillo que vibra, una sierra de la roca, un trencher estrecho con las laminas sostenidas, 0 un otro equipo raiz-root-pruning aprobado. 10. Cualquier raiz en Ios arboles preservados que se daiian durante calificar 0 la construcci6n debe ser Iud Scott ReM 392 Project #WWC-081200 Page 12 Copyright c:> 2001 Vine & Branch 04/18101