HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket to Subdivision 5-25-01 --- --- --- --- --- --- ~ t RECEIVED lAY 25 2001 tJ DOCS 1"=00' "" l ' ~ .. , \ \ ---.....~.,. ", ". .........- ~ \ \ \ \ \ " ~ \: \. \ \ '." :1,." :. '.~.;)"'. ,.' ,', .." . ..". '.> .~ , . '\":".aAMitrON:CQUNTY':. '.': :.~ .,' . .... :': if ~ ..:,.. : ~. ,,' ~ ' '.' .'.' :' '. . " '. . . .... ,. . . . t , .....t . . ' · .~17~;i;4i$i<:,.. > Fax: 317'-776-ii.oi :~I.::.., .,: . .. 'ii.:! . ". .:: ':,'. ,:.:.:":;;':.' . . '.' 11-~ 8 Sou ~ h 9 ~ h S tr ee t · N 0 b lu v i lie ~ I' N · 4 606 0,,'3'7: 4 5 .......: :.': . . , '. '. . .' .... ':'.: I .' . " . .. . . " . "'~: . :! '. :. : ~~'.:.':;."- .... ,''-. : :-. .... .'" . ': ." '.' I .' . .' . . . .' . '.' . .:..:-,.....<::::::.;..,'....::, .:':.' ". ;'..:' .r I " "': :'. ".. 'r.:..' .:May 24, 4001' .."! . ".: ;:); .', :~"~ .':. : ~ .~', ~..::i. :..:: '-:, . "': :::~'. :....\:;..::..~::.~.; ::'>. ;:..:....: '::' , :.:: ". '..:.' .' .. . . .:" . ......:: i'.' ... " :.! :. :.,' .:.' '. '.Mr..Dave'.B~es .' . ..'-:: ::-:.,': i.':<,:. :~. " ':.'. ....:-':., <:....: . 'Weihe,Etigine~ring ., . ." . '. ,::'->:'.:: ,... ~.,<. .' ':1:'0565. N {~on~g~ 'A:~en~~ .: . '. ...... :/.. ::.'=. r:, /....r '. ~,:~: ... .. . .>.' ....:... .'~. :...~d~aD.apolis,.IN 4~28.d. , '.., . . · ' , .' " '. : /.,:, . ,. . . . . .' .' . .. ..., '. ..... ':' .. ,: . , .:....:' .' .,'" ~" . ':" . . .: . . . . . . ' .~ '..' "I'. I:. :': . ......,.. ......~.. \.:';':...:,:......:.::.:. ~.:" .:::. ;'" . :..' '. . . .r.. ,'.... . . · . /:': '. ; ":;..: :'" :":..::'. ; ~e~ :W o~dS a( WilJJ~~: Cre~k P~ar.y Plat .' ::".'.:.. .. ....~. .' ::,:: :;. .... . '., >' ;.'::':. . ; :". .::.':":' ,:;.: .':- .;.. . . , '. .:'" . .';)' .:';' ~'. ::.: ::: :'. .. :':'. .,: ::.> .';~":> ...., ~e~ '~~~;' · : ~ . .::" ::'" ....'o . '. .... ,,::-..:: " .,. .:..:': :',:: : :,<"~". ".:: .... '~'.:/:. ')';hav~ rC;'cefvc~ ~~ J:cvi~~ tht.adcijtion~ information about the primary.pl~t fof.the' . .:.. '. ..... ;'. <.. '.: .:::: :..;. /; :,"!,' '.:""..':;'" :W~q~s at Willi'an'is C(cck. The full floodplain should remain undeveloped'. Ifstnall ai'e~ . '. .... ::.~ ';." :....: : ::~.~.'. .::..:.... 'i: :". )ver~:~lt~i.eil 'th' proVide: for !llot ottwO, I would support the plan. This plan creates ten ..:' . :. '. -' '. ./.' .:' . . ....;..: ,. :;. .:".;::.~.:-. . '.: Joi~'~y' fi:'l1ing J~e ~iood ronge. The fQlIowil1g are several reasons why floodplains should ..... . ." · . ...'... ; "';'. " '. :. .. "'.::: :' .::'. ..' · 'b.e li'lainWfjed!':. : ': .. . . :. . .. .:. ,. . . '. 'o::::' :: ::'~':';:' ~'. .:: ::: ...... '~" ~~ d~line~t~ob, pf floQdplaim is not an.exact science. FE~ recently published!l' ...' : ..';'," '. :.!:.:. "'" .:: .' '. . .::. .:. :::~ .:.... i. ~. : ": " . "~'.:-' list pf flop'dWaYS' that ~e changed in Hatnilton County. All but one had an : · . <. . ....: " . :" :': '.: :.:.'.:" .....i:...: . '>'" . ::." '. .;":. "'iiitr~~cd f1~od ,~lev.8.tion. ~ flood fringe is valuable.storage and allows.the . . .. :'. : .. ,~.::.: ~: ~:.:' ". '. '~":" ..: '.:-.. : , . '.' .... : ." ::'. fl~~d,,!:~Y:~' be . p,ro~ened wi~out increasing the elevation.' · .,'. '.::: . . '. '; .....:...::- :;. '-:,.:'. >.c':',:':' ~';'.". . Nat.uJ;al' flo.odplaips m1uce se<Umentation and filters .pollutants from the stoml' '. ... .: .. ,':'. . ;"/ .... :~'.. '.' .,.,' ... ". :. {. . 'H'ter" a" . ". '.:. . .' >:'~. .~ . " .' .. .' ". .' wa; .nmoJ,J:. . '. . . :<.. ::.(:.':':::;..' :.,..> ._;.: :N~.&j:flo~dpl~.promotc infiltration ofstonnwater and groundWater rechar$e.' :. ....:. ..... "'; '.:':,:~~ '.;':; ~ ::'. >:..... :';' ..'. . ':..::-. ..... Low. s1rc;:arti floWS dcipend on ~oundwaterrecharge. . . -: · ..... >..;.... ..: ':. " . .. ....' . .: '. ":. . . ; ,': .: . . . . .'. , . .' . . ".. .. '. <:':' .', .... ':: .<::.< lJi~':foll~~g"co~ent5 rcilate directly to this project and th~ cut and fill plan. · · .:. .... .:: :/;,..: .... : ." .:": '.. : .: ':.<. :.'. :-" .:........ .:..... .' ::'. '. :. . .'.., . ; . .... ... . . .:' '-:. . : . !~:..,'. ...: :.:... :~ ;.:' '..,::-' ._: !be pl3:tmeP ex~ava~on'ofth~ flo~dway will compact the soils~ ~duce storm '. . ',. .... :..''' ;. . : . :.' ':- :;. ::.. .... ':;. ..:.'. w:a,ter .infiltiati6~ rCDlove na~~ ~eed and eliminate the valuable topsoil. . . . ~'" . :.::'.:' .....: .... :: :.. .:" ....,.,:': )" . 'e:: SQil or~hQljSes ~1l filllQ'ts 6-9. This volume needs to be compellSate~ The: area ". '~: ::. ;::'. ~.:''''.:~':-':::' ..':. '. . : .:.'.:'.. ..' . r.". >1:. .......: bQtwe.e~ the 'pad and. .the .R/W' needs to be included as fill forlots 4 &5. . ' '. ....' .... · :. '. :.: . ':\:".; . .',:- . '. .~. :. ..Tii~,.piOpos~d cuts k the' floodway will channel the flow of water and. increase .the "" . .:.:" ," :'. '..: .;.....::: <'.:.,',...... ::..'::. :.:.:'.: ,:,:' . ~.' ~~r,yclo~ity ~~.8 flood flqws. The increaSed velocity may cause increased. . :". ;." > ";.:': .:'.... .....:=..).: ':' ,,:' sof1e~siot\:and'hankin~bi1i~. .' .' · ..:..:.<........ ....,.: "'.., ..'......'.:. ,/...e How~l1thccxeavatcdarcas.drain? '" . ' .' ;..> .' '::'. i'~ . . :.:.:: . \ . . :.~ ..':.. ~:-. \.' · . . · . : .: '. ""'. '::: ...::. . ", .....:... .<. . ':'~~o~d y~ ~Ve qliestion9 conteming th~e comments, please contact me. ,'. I' ..... · r . , . '\ '., ..:': \ "':.. '," 11f. .' ; 1.' ,... ~ . ". . · .. ........ ~ ..' . , .' i:)lnce.reJ:Y'~~ . .' i: "t' '. .' . . '\::</.':\ ,,'~'/':;{ ; \tJ/<' :.~. :0..:.:: . .:.." '.:. ..... .' . ....... . . :.',.. '.:" ,: .,'. ':::'.,'. :' :. l)., .' '.J." '.: . ' :...,.. .'. ........ ,,' ':.. '.' .,' .i....,:.:B SAlI...th":'p D. . I ." . ,'. .:. 'I'" I..... '\. . , ..... OWl ' :. ~'" . J.J( " . 'J .. . < .<~ '''}. :".:, ;'Y'::'::." :':. (jertifi~d. ~fe's.s'iorial'~ Eio~io~ ~d S~djrntfut Control ./::: ;:. ::: ~ ..;. ;'~. :::; :'~,:: ~>~ :::.:< ..'~' i.': . ....c.. ,~.:'~ i....,..:... . . .:~" .' . \ Y';. '~t".. ..':<..:" :~c. .." ~~~Qe ~.ilUg:: \., .:..... .. I . '. ,'.. ',.. ~~. ,,' I. . '.: S'le"'ve' ~as' h',' , '. '".''' '. .., : . ' I" . . 'N V ' '; ;.,: ~:I,; ,.:',,:', ~~,' '",' i,.. Seott B' . ':"l~r .',' · . ~ ..... ':. ",' :.' ,..' '.~~" . . .. 1t""Y."".~ '~. :;', . . , , " ('()f\S.:I(\'.~'I",(}N I) IS"'I{I< "I'