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9;iroN��`.`' WASHINGTON DC 20036 CHECK DATE: - 05/13/14
601 5023990 042914 1,209.31 OTHER EXPENSES
651 5023990 042914 1,209.31 OTHER EXPENSES
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(202)6i9-2229-Fax(202)W)-5234-e-mail: Coil?
A-ril 29, 2014
Mayor James Brainard
One Civic Center Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
April 2014
Summary ofMaior Activities Undertaken in the Last Month for Carmel Utilties
Activi Date Description
Climate Preparedness and April 4, 18 Participation in teleconferences with Built
Resilience Systems sub-group of Climate Preparedness
and Resilience Task Force focusing on next
steps and the upcoming Des Moines Task
Force meeting;
Walmart Conference April 21 Participation in teleconference with Mayor
and staff regarding Mayor's participation in
Walmart Recycling conference;
April 23 Prepared and forwarded a memo to the
Mayor describing the challenges cities across
the country are facing in financing -their
recycling programs;
April 25 Preparation and forwarding of draft remarks
for regarding Mayor's participation in
Walmart Recycling conference;
USCM Annual Meeting April 21 Reviewed with USCM staff and follow-up
discussion with Mayor in connection with
planning for USCM Annual meeting in
USCM Climate Survey April 22 Participation in press teleconference with
Mayor upon the release of USCM Climate
TIGER Application April 4, 15 Worked with staff from the Office of
Congressional Support Congresswoman Susan Brooks in request of
her support for the City's TIGER grant
Land and Water Conservation April 1 —4 Worked with staff of the Office of
Fund Congressional Support Congresswoman Susan Brooks on a letter to
demonstrate her support for full
appropriations for the Land and Water
Conservation Fund in Fiscal Year (FY)
April 8 Worked with City staff and Mayors for Parks
staff regarding City support for
reauthorization and funding of the Land and
Water Conservation Fund;
Community Development April 15 Worked with the office of Congresswoman
Block Grant Congressional Susan Brooks regarding support for Fiscal
Support Year (FY) 2015 Community Development
Block Grant funding;
COPS April 16 Assistance to the Mayor in connection with
background on the COPS program in
preparation for his meeting with Senator Joe
April 24 Prepared and forwarded a grant memo on the
Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of
Community Oriented Policing Services
(COPS Office) release of an Application
Guide and program materials for the Fiscal
Year (FY) 2014 COPS Hiring Program
(CHP),which will open in mid-to late May,
to provide funding directly to law
enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire
career law enforcement officers in an effort
to increase their community policing
capacity and crime prevention efforts;
Corporation for National and April 11 Teleconference with staff of Corporation for
Community Service National and Community Service regarding
their work with Mayors and participation in
U.S.Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting;
DOE Solar Market Pathways April 25 Prepared and forwarded a grant memo on the
Department of Energy (DOE) Office of
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
(EERE) release of a Funding Opportunity
Announcement(FOA) for the Solar Market
Pathways Program to support regional,state,
or locally-driven efforts to develop multi-
year solar deployment plans;
HUD Promise Zone Initiative April 17 Prepared and forwarded a memo on the
Round 2 Department of Housing and Urban
Development(HUD),Office of Community
Planning and Development release of
revised eligibility criteria for the second
round of the Administration's Promise Zone
Initiative, which will open later this year to
designate an additional five communities;
DOL Grants to Address the April 17 Prepared and forwarded a grant memo on the
Skills Gap in Partnership Department of Labor (DOL) Employment
with Community Colleges and Training Administration(ETA) release
of a Solicitation for Grant Applications
(SGA) for the final round of the Trade
Adjustment Assistance Community College
and Career Training Grant Program to
provide support for the development and
provision of accessible training programs
that will connect people to available high-
skill, high-paying occupations in growing
industry sectors in conjunction with the
Department of Education(ED);
DOL Homeless Veterans' April 16 Prepared and forwarded a grant memo on the
Reintegration Program Department of Labor (DOL) Veterans'
Employment and Training Service (VETS)
issuance of a Notice of Funding Availability
(NOFA) and Solicitation for Grant
Applications (SGA) for the Homeless
Veterans'Reintegration Program(HVRP)to
support the provision of services to assist
homeless veterans, especially chronically
homeless veterans, with reintegration into
meaningful employment in the workforce;
NEH Digital Projects for the April 11 Prepared and forwarded a grant memo on the
Public National Endowment for the Humanities
(NEH) Division of Public Programs
announcement that it is accepting grant
applications for Digital Projects for the
Public Program to support digital projects
such as websites, mobile applications,
games, and virtual environments that
demonstrate potential to attract a broad
audience and significantly contribute to the
public's engagement with humanities ideas;
GROW AMERICA Act April 30 Prepared and forwarded a Special Report to
the Mayor,with background materials on the
Obama Administration's proposed four year
transportation reauthorization bill,called the
Washington Friday Report March 28 Prepared and forwarded the Washington
Friday Report to the Mayor, which covered
the following subjects: Tax Extenders,
Waters of the U.S. Proposed Rule,
Marketplace Fairness Act Update,
Transportation Reauthorization Update,
HUD FY14 Community Development Grant
Allocations, Appropriations Hearings This
Week, Affordable Care Act Enrollment,
Education Department Priorities, Grants
This Week, TIGER Webinar—Preparing a
BCA, White House Climate Data Initiative,
Modernizing E-Rate, White House Reentry
Champions of Change, and Mileage Based
April Prepared and forwarded the Washington
Friday Report to the Mayor, which covered
the following subjects: The Ryan Budget,
Tax Extenders Package Advances, TIGER
2014 Applications Opened This Week!,The
Vice President on Workforce Development,
Bipartisan Charter School Overhaul, Senate
FY15 HUD Appropriations Hearing,
Disaster Mitigation Hearing, White House
Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions,
Director of the White House Office of Urban
Affairs, Energy and Commerce Committee
on Spectrum, Smart Growth and Economic
Success, Grants This Week, How to Help,-
The Mudslide in Washington State, Mayor
Rahm Emanuel on Early Education Efforts,
Mr.Franken Goes to Washington,Salt Lake
City's Transportation Revolution, and Play
Ball:Boston's White House Celebration;
April 11 Prepared and forwarded the Washington
Friday Report to the Mayor, which covered
the following subjects: Secretary Sebelius
Resigns as HHS Secretary and Sylvia
Mathews Burwell Nominated,a Framework
for Transportation Reauthorization, 50th
Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, House
Adopts Ryan Budget and Rej ects
Alternatives, Appropriations: The Cabinet
on the Hill, HUD Deputy Secretary Nani
Washington Friday Report Coloretti Nomination Hearing, Grants This
Week, Senators Supporting LWCF,
Emergency Management - Alaska Field
Hearing, World Climate Change Report,
DOE Webinars - LED Plus More, and Can
"Free College" Save American Cities?;
April 18 Prepared and forwarded the Washington
Friday Report to the Mayor, which covered
the following subjects: White House
Initiative to Close the Skills Gap, Promise
Zones Round lI - New Eligibility,
Transportation Trust Fund Update,Attorney
General Holder on Rise in Heroin Use,New
Infrastructure Legislative Ideas, Affordable
Care Act Exceeds its Goals, HHS Asked to
Police LIHEAP and SNAP programs,
Treasury: New Scrutiny for Municipal
Bonds, Spotlight on NEPA, Grants This
Week, A Mayor in the Senate Crossing
Aisles, Straight Talk at the FCC, Rep. Tom
Petri Stepping Down,and Happy Easter and
April 25 Prepared and forwarded the Washington
Friday Report to the Mayor,which covered
the following subjects: COPS Hiring Grants,
A Busy Transportation Week, More on the
Promise Zone Initiative, New U.S. DOJ
Drug Clemency Policy, Waters of the U.S.,
Crude Oil Rail Safety, Mayors Take the
Lead on Tackling Climate Change, Grants
This Week,DOE Better Buildings Summit,
Earth Day 2014!, Remembering APPA's
Alex Radin, and White House Easter Egg
Professional Services for the Month of April 2014...................................$2,083.00
Expenses (see attached summary and receipts 71.4%)......................,..........$335.63
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE........................................................
.... . .... ...........$2,49.x.63
5 �. r.
357028 IN SUM OF $
1660 L Street, N.W., Ste 501
Washington, DC 20036
Carmel Wastewater Utility
Board members
PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code
042914 01-7360-08 $1,209.32
[ l
5 �
Voucher Total $1,209.32
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid under vehicle highway fund
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where
performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units,
price per unit, etc.
SIMON & COMPANY INC. Purchase Order No.
1660 L Street, N.W., Ste 501 Terms
Washington, DC 20036 Due Date 5/7/2014
Invoice Invoice Description
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount
5/7/2014 042914 $1,209.32
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and
correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6
Date Officer
Inter overnmenful Relutions(in(i Federal Affairs
1660 L Street N.W. ^Suite 501 ^Washington,D.C.20036
(202)659-2229^Fax(202)659-5234•e-mail len.siniorea<sllnoizcornpaiw.Coll?
April 29, 2014
Mayor James Brainard
One Civic Center Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
April 2014
Summary ofMaior Activities Undertaken in the Last Month for Carmel Utilties
Activi _ Date Description
Climate Preparedness and April 4, 18 Participation in teleconferences with Built
Resilience Systems sub-group of Climate Preparedness
and Resilience Task Force focusing on next
steps and the upcoming Des Moines Task
Force meeting;
Walmart Conference April 21 Participation in teleconference with Mayor
and staff regarding Mayor's participation in
Walmart Recycling conference;
April 23 Prepared and forwarded a memo to the
Mayor describing the challenges cities across
the country are facing in financing their
recycling programs;
April 25 Preparation and forwarding of draft remarks
for regarding Mayor's participation in
Walmart Recycling conference;
USCM Annual Meeting April 21 Reviewed with USCM staff and follow-up
discussion with Mayor in connection with
planning for USCM Annual meeting in
USCM Climate Survey April 22 Participation-in press teleconference with
Mayor upon the release of USCM Climate
TIGER Application April 4, 15 Worked with staff from the Office of
Congressional Support Congresswoman Susan Brooks in request of
her support for the City's TIGER grant
Land and Water Conservation April 1 —4 Worked with staff of the Office of
Fund Congressional Support Congresswoman Susan Brooks on a letter to
demonstrate her support for full
appropriations for the Land and Water
Conservation Fund in Fiscal Year (FY)
April 8 Worked with City staff and Mayors for Parks
staff regarding City support for
reauthorization and funding of the Land and
Water Conservation Fund;
Community Development April 15 Worked with the office of Congresswoman
Block Grant Congressional Susan Brooks regarding support for Fiscal
Support Year (FY) 2015 Community Development
Block Grant funding;
COPS April 16 Assistance to the Mayor in connection with
background on the COPS program in
preparation for his meeting with Senator Joe
April 24 Prepared and forwarded a grant memo on the
Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of
Community Oriented Policing Services
(COPS Office) release of an Application
Guide and program materials for the Fiscal
Year (FY) 2014 COPS Hiring Program
(CHP),which will open in mid-to late May,
to provide funding directly to law
enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire
career law enforcement officers in an effort -to increase their community policing
capacity and crime prevention efforts;
Corporation for National and April 11 Teleconference with staff of Corporation for
Community Service National and Community Service regarding
their work with Mayors and participation in
U.S.Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting;
DOE Solar Market Pathways April 25 Prepared and forwarded a grant memo on the
Department of Energy (DOE) Office of
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
(EERE) release of a Funding Opportunity
Announcement (FOA) for the Solar Market
Pathways Program to support regional,state,
or locally-driven efforts to develop multi-
year solar deployment plans;
HUD Promise Zone Initiative April 17 Prepared and forwarded a memo on the
Round 2 Department of Housing and Urban
Development(HUD),Office of Community
Planning and Development release of
revised eligibility criteria for the second
round of the Administration's Promise Zone
Initiative, which will open later this year to
designate an additional five communities;
DOL Grants to Address the April 17 Prepared and forwarded a grant memo on the
Skills Gap in Partnership Department of Labor (DOL) Employment
with Community Colleges and Training Administration(ETA) release
of a Solicitation for Grant Applications
(SGA) for the final round of the Trade
Adjustment Assistance Community College
and Career Training Grant Program to
provide support for the_dev_elopment and-
provision of accessible training programs
that will connect people to available high-
skill, high-paying occupations in growing
industry sectors in conjunction with the
Department of Education(ED);
DOL Homeless Veterans' April 16 Prepared and forwarded a grant memo on the
Reintegration Program Department of Labor (DOL) Veterans'
Employment and Training Service (VETS)
issuance of a Notice of Funding Availability
(NOFA) and Solicitation for Grant
Applications (SGA) for the Homeless
Veterans'Reintegration Program(HVRP)to
support the provision of services to assist
homeless veterans, especially chronically
homeless veterans, with reintegration into
meaningful employment in the workforce;
NEH Digital Projects for the April 11 Prepared and forwarded a grant memo on the
Public National Endowment for the Humanities
(NEH) Division of Public Programs
- - announcement that it is accepting grant
applications for Digital Projects for the
Public Program to support'digital projects
such as websites, mobile applications,
games, and virtual environments that
demonstrate potential to attract a broad
audience and significantly contribute to the
public's engagement with humanities ideas;
GROW AMERICA Act April 30 Prepared and forwarded a Special Report to
the Mayor,with background materials on the
Obama Administration's proposed four year
transportation reauthorization bill,called the
Washington Friday Report March 28 Prepared and forwarded the Washington
Friday Report to the Mayor, which covered
the following subjects: Tax Extenders,
Waters of the U.S. Proposed Rule,
Marketplace Fairness Act Update,
Transportation Reauthorization Update,
HUD FYI Community Development Grant
Allocations, Appropriations Hearings This
Week, Affordable Care Act Enrollment,
Education Department Priorities, Grants
This Week, TIGER Webinar—Preparing a
BCA, White House Climate Data Initiative,
Modernizing E-Rate, White House Reentry
Champions of Change, and Mileage Based
April Prepared and forwarded the Washington
Friday Report to the Mayor, which covered
the following subjects: The Ryan Budget,
Tax Extenders Package Advances, TIGER
2014 Applications Opened This Week!,The
Vice President on Workforce Development,
Bipartisan Charter School Overhaul, Senate
FYI HUD Appropriations Hearing,
Disaster Mitigation Hearing, White House
Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions,
Director of the White House Office of Urban
Affairs, Energy and Commerce Committee
on Spectrum, Smart Growth and Economic
Success, Grants This Week, How to Help -
The Mudslide in Washington State, Mayor
Rahm Emanuel on Early Education Efforts,
Mr.Franken Goes to Washington,,Salt Lake. ._
City's Transportation Revolution, and Play
Ball: Boston's YYhite House Celebration;
April 11 Prepared and forwarded the Washington
Friday Report to the Mayor, which covered
the following subjects: Secretary Sebelius
Resigns as HHS Secretary and Sylvia
Mathews Burwell Nominated,a Framework
for Transportation Reauthorization, 50th
Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, House
Adopts Ryan. Budget and Rejects
Alternatives, Appropriations: The Cabinet
on the Hill,HUD Deputy Secretary Nani
Washington Friday Report Coloretti Nomination Hearing, Grants This
Week, Senators Supporting LWCF,
Emergency Management - Alaska Field
Hearing, World Climate Change Report,
DOE Webinars - LED Plus More, and Can
"Free College" Save American Cities?;
April 18 Prepared and forwarded the Washington
Friday Report to the Mayor, which covered
the following subjects: White House
Initiative to Close the Skills Gap, Promise
Zones Round II - New Eligibility,
Transportation Trust Fund Update,Attorney
General Holder on Rise in Heroin Use,New
Infrastructure Legislative Ideas, Affordable
Care Act Exceeds its Goals, HHS Asked to
-- Police LIHEAP- and- -SNAP` programs;
Treasury: New Scrutiny for Municipal
Bonds, Spotlight on NEPA, Grants This
Week, A Mayor in the Senate Crossing
Aisles, Straight Talk at the FCC, Rep. Tom
Petri Stepping Down,and Happy Easter and
April 25 Prepared and forwarded the Washington
Friday Report to the Mayor, which covered
the following subjects: COPS Hiring Grants,
A Busy Transportation Week, More on the
Promise Zone Initiative, New U.S. DOJ
Drug Clemency Policy, Waters of the U.S.,
Crude Oil Rail Safety, Mayors Take the
Lead on Tackling Climate Change, Grants
This Week, DOE Better Buildings Summit,
- Earth Day 2014!, Remembering APPA's- -
Alex Radin, and White House Easter Egg
-- - - - Roll. - - -- -- I -
Professional Services for the Month of April 2014...................................$2,083.00
Expenses (see attached summary and receipts 71.4%)................................$335.63
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE........................................................ .... . .... ...........$2,418.63
357028 IN SUM OF $
1660 L Street NW, Ste 501
Washington, DC 20036
Carmel Water Utility
Board members
PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code
042914 01-6360-08 $1,209.31
I �
Voucher Total $1,209.31
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid under vehicle highway fund
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service,where
performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units,
price per unit, etc.
SIMON &COMPANY INC. Purchase Order No.
1660 L Street NW, Ste 501 Terms
Washington, DC 20036 Due Date 5/7/2014
Invoice Invoice Description
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount
5/7/2014 042914 $1,209.31
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and
correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6
s/a/V �✓ ,
Date Officer