HomeMy WebLinkAbout232750 05/21/14 (9, CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 027235 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BOSE, MCKINNEY &EVANS CHECK AMOUNT: S***"*5,733.24" CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 111 MONUMENT CIRCLE,SUITE 2700 CHECK NUMBER: 232750 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 CHECK DATE: 05/21/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1180 R4340000 31299 597121 497.00 LEGAL FEES 1180 R4340000 31299 597122 3,851.74 LEGAL FEES 1180 R4340000 31299 597123 1,384.50 LEGAL FEES BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: MC.i111AAr1��rTTL1 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVI11.•IS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 04-25-14P03 :30 RC 008824 City of Carmel ATTN: Douglas C. Haney April 14, 2014 One Civic Square Invoice No. 597122 Carmel, IN 46032 Fed. I.D. 35-0957980 For Legal Services in Connection With: Matter: 008824-0158 SW Clay Disannexation/Breach of Settlement Claim 03/03/14 B. Babb 0.2 71.00 Coordinate with S. Buschmann on selecting a mediator. 03/10/14 J. Hughes 0.4 102.00 Work on identifying issues for review correspondence related to discovery. 03/10/14 B. Babb 2.1 745.50 Attention to several issues related- to the upcoming mediation, including coordinating responding to discovery and identifying experts; send detailed emails to the team regarding same; conference with regarding same. 03/10/14 T. Kearney 0.1 16.00 Calendar discovery deadlines. 03/11/14 B. Babb 1.8 639.00 Continue coordinating our discovery responses and begin drafting same; reach out to opposing counsel for a continuance of deadlines; conference with as a possible expert and provide him background on what we would need him to opine on. BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNEY 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & E VANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 2 April 14, 2014 Invoice No. 597122 03/11/14 J. Hughes 0.4 102.00 Teleconference with fj� ,.J111M regarding expert testimony in response to petitioner's list of grievances concerning expenditures of municipal finances. 03/12/14 B. Babb 2.4 852.00 Continue coordinating our discovery responses and continue drafting same; , conference with D. Huffman (regarding " continue coordinating a gMENOW expert and work with T. Kearney to revise/update the chart to reflect J. Kashman's approach to responding to the discovery, including agreement; continue working with opposing counsel to secure agreed extensions on experts and discovery. 03/12/14 T. Kearney 2.7 432.00 Work on preparation of prepare drafts of Expert Witness Disclosure and Answers to Interrogatories and Response to Request for Production. 03/13/14 T. Kearney 0.1 16.00 Calendar extended deadlines for responding to discovery and disclosing expert witnesses. BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: 1VI('.11WNE 1 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 3 April 14, 2014 Invoice No. 597122 03/13/14 J. Hughes 0.3 76.50 Review correspondence related to discovery. 03/19/14 B. Babb 1.3 461.50 Continue coordinating our discovery responses and continue drafting same, reviewing prior emails and responses from team members; send email to team reminding them that I need to finalize our discovery responses for circulation tomorrow; review emails, from on their respective areas. 03/20/14 B. Babb 1.8 639.00 Finalize draft discovery responses and send same to team via email; conference with regarding same. 03/21/14 B. Babb 2.8 994.00 Work with. + and - to finalize discovery; finalize same and send to team for final review before signing and sending same to S. Buschmann, 03/24/14 B. Babb 0.4 142.00 Review revised from our detailed discussion on Friday and confirm that he has implemented all of our agreed-upon revisions. 03/24/14 T. Kearney 0.2 32.00 Attention to completion of discovery responses including service of same. BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: MCE,urNE i 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 4 April 14, 2014 Invoice No. 597122 03/25/14 B. Babb 2.8 994.00 Travel to Carmel to meet with and his staff and - and his staff, includng _ to finalize the document production. 03/26/14 B. Babb 1.7 603.50 Coordinate document production with review initial documents with her and provide guidance on how they should be organized for the production. 03/26/14 T. Kearney 2.1 336.00 , Review and organize production documents for imaging and numbering including preparation of production spreadsheets and review of 'emails for potential privileged documents. 03/27/14 T. Kearney 0.9 144.00 Work on redactions to emails for privileged information and preparation of Privilege Log. 03/28/14 T. `Kearney 0.5 80.00 Work on redactions to emails for privileged information and preparation of Privilege Log. 03/31/14 B. Babb 0.6 213 .00 Coordinate with opposing counsel regarding upcoming disclosure deadline for experts and also setting a pre-mediation meeting with HOAX; conference with Mayor regarding same. Total for Services $7,691.00 BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKENNL'Y 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 5 April 14, 2014 Invoice No. 597122 Disbursements and Charges Photocopies 7.90 Conference Call 4.58 Total Disbursements and Charges $12.48 Total This Invoice $7,703.48 OUTSTANDING INVOICES: DATE NUMBER AMOUNT CREDITS BALANCE 03/14/14 594902 $2704.00 $.00 $2704.00 Prior outstanding Balance -- '$2,-704.00 Total Balance Due $10,407.48 BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNEY 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 317 684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 6 April 14, 2014 Invoice No. 597122 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ATTORNEY SUMMARY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Billed Hours Bill Per Hour Worked Amount -------- ------- --------- B. Babb 355.00 17.90 6354.50 J. Hughes 255.00 1.10 280.50 T. Kearney 160.00 6.60 1056.00 TOTALS 25.60 7691.00 BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McYJNNEY 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 7 April 14, 2014 Invoice No. 597122 REMITTANCE COPY Matter: 008824-0158 SW Clay Disannexation/Breach of Settlement Claim OUTSTANDING INVOICES: DATE NUMBER .AMOUNT CREDITS BALANCE 03/14/14 594902 $2704.00 $.00 $2704.00 Prior Outstanding Invoices $2,704.00 Total Due Invoice 597122 $7,703.48 Total Balance Due Upon Receipt $10,407.48 PLEASE SEND WITH CHECK TO: BOSE McKINNEY & EVANS LLP 111 MONUMENT CIRCLE, SUITE 2700 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 Please call (317) 684-5140 with any questions. THANK YOU FOR .CHOOSING BOSE McKINNEY & EVANSI WE APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU. Y BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNE i 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel ATTN: Douglas C. Haney April 14, 2014 One Civic Square Invoice No. 597123 Carmel, IN 46032 Fed. I.D. 35-0957980 04-25-14P03 30 HCVD For Legal Services in Connection With: = Matter: 008824-0160 Blackdot Wireless/Lease Dispute 02/27/14 B. Babb 1.2 426.00 Conference with Ashley regarding background; review documents; reach out to Blackdot. 03/06/14 B. Babb 0.8 284.00 Reach out again to Blackdot (Lois) and review lease in more detail to prepare for settlement negotiations. 03/10/14 B. Babb 0.2 71.00 Attention to working with Sprint to find the appropriate contact in Sprint Legal to resolve this dispute. 03/12/14 B. Babb 0.3 106.50 Attention to working with Sprint Legal to resolve dispute; communicate Carmel's legal position to Sprint. 03/13/14 B. Babb 0.2 71.00 Attention to: continue working with Sprint Legal to resolve dispute, also connecting with L. Lachat of Blackdot. 03/14/14 B. Babb 0.2 71.00 Attention to: conference with L. Lachat of Blackdot and review her email and attachments regarding the settlement process. 03/18/14 B. Babb 0.3 106.50 Attention to: draft and send detailed email to D. Haney, attaching a copy of the release for purposes of finalizing the settlement agreement. Y BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNEY 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 2 - April 14, 2014 Invoice No. 597123 03/25/14 B. Babb 0.6 213.00 Re-send finalized draft release to D. Haney to see if we can finalize while I am at Carmel this morning; conference with D. Haney regarding the date that Sprint will commit to vacating the premises; conference with Blackdot regarding same. 03/26/14 B. Babb 0.1 35.50 Receive a revised release from L. LaChat; confirm same. Total for Services $1,384.50 Total This Invoice $1,384.50 Total Balance Due $1,384.50 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ATTORNEY SUMMARY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Billed Hours Bill Per Hour Worked Amount -------- ------- --------- B. Babb 355.00 3 .90 1384.50 TOTALS 3.90 1384.50 •,fib' BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNE 1 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVA S LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 3 April 14, 2014 Invoice No. 597123 REMITTANCE COPY Matter: 008824-0160 Blackdot Wireless/Lease Dispute Total Due Invoice 597123 $1,384.50 Total Balance Due Upon Receipt $1,384.50 PLEASE SEND WITH CHECK TO: BOSE MCKINNEY & EVANS LLP 111 MONUMENT CIRCLE, SUITE 2700 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 Please call (317) 684-5140 with any questions. THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING BOSE McKINNEY & EVANSi WE APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Bose McKinney & Evans Purchase Order No. 111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700 Terms Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 5/12/14 597122 Legal services rendered to the City of Carmel Indiana $3,851.74 per the attached Invoice (112 to be paid by Engineering) 5/12/14 597123 Legal services rendered to the City of Carmel Indiana $1,384.50 er the attached Invoice t ' Total $5-,236.24 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20— Clerk-Treasurer 20Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Bose McKinney R Evans IN SUM OF $ 111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 1 i $ $5,236.24 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Law 1180 430-40000 Legal Fees Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT:# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), 31299 E 597122 4340000 $3,851.74or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that 31299E 597123 4340000 1;384.50the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except i 20 l igna re Cost distribution ledger classification if Titl claim paid motor vehicle highway fund t BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNEY 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVA S LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 04-25-14 P03 23 RCVD 008824 City of Carmel ATTN: Douglas C. Haney April 14, 2014 One Civic Square Invoice No. 597121 Carmel, IN 46032 Fed. I.D. 35-0957980 - - > -For Legal Services-in-Cofinectiori-With:' ` --v- - - Matter: 008824-0015 General Review and Preparation of Contracts, Easements and Related Documents 03/31/14 B. Babb 1.4 497.00 Assist A. Ulbrecht with various issues concerning a process to remove cards from a city-owned right of way; conference with A. Ulbrecht on several occasions and review Carmel's ordinance to propose a solution for ticketing and then tagging the cars. Total for Services $497.00 Total This Invoice $497.00 Total Balance Due $497.00 i BOSE MAIL REMITTANCES TO: McKINNEY 111 Monument Circle,Suite 2700 & EVANS LLP I n v o i c e Indianapolis,Indiana 46204 (317)684-5000 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 008824 City of Carmel Page 2 April, 14, 2014 Invoice No. 597121 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ATTORNEY SUMMARY * * * * * Billed Hours Bill Per Hour Worked Amount -------- ------- --------- B. Babb 355.00 1.40 497.00 TOTALS 1.40 497.00 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Forth No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Bose McKinney & Evans Purchase Order No. 111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700 Terms Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 5/12/14 597121 Le al.services rendered to the City of Carmel Indiana $497.00 per the attached Invoice Total $497.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Bess MGKinney & Evans IN SUM OF $ �v�v�vrvr c�� I� I 111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 $ $497.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Law 1180 430-40000 Legal Fees Board Members PO#ori DEPT.# INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), 31299 E 597121 4340000 $497.00or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 201 r—4Wignatur!�... r(L e- Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund