HomeMy WebLinkAbout232932 5 /21/2014 %1 4,p�;• CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350737 ONE CIVIC SQUARE THE TWAY COMPANY CHECK AMOUNT: $****'**546.26` a ?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 1525 CHECK NUMBER: 232932 'M«oN-�.` INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 CHECK DATE: 05/21/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 14003609 370.36 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 14003804 175.90 OTHER EXPENSES r�►� c� INVOICE ° i,reosva,rs Pei 1609 Oliver Avenue P.O.Box 1525 Indianapolis,Indiana 46221 Indianapolis,Indiana 46206 INVOICE DATE /(�/3)/J17) 636-/2591 D r �oidtinq anal ///ateiial— /analin9 equipment 1140036CO19 05/06/9.4 J. 1480 142571 S CARMEL WATER-WASTEWATER UT I L-I T H CARMEL WATER-WASTEWATER UT I L I T D 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY P 9609 HAZELBELL PKI.41.. T I 1*EI?I ANAPOL I S IN 46 280 T INDIANAPOLIS I N 46280 0 0 TOTAL DUE 370•36 WIRE ROPE - MANILA ROPE - COTTON CORDS - CHAIN - SLINGS - FITTINGS - BLOCKS - WINCHES - ELECTRIC HOISTS - JACKS ORDER DATE SHIP DATE SHIP NO. (�1 016/05/1.4 05/16/1.4 14.02571.SS 04/24/1.4 05/03-/14 142571 • CUSTOMER P.O. 2/10,n/30 913983 DELIVER OUR TRUCK ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE • 1.270 00 EA 2 2 26.81 53.62 EE2-9, 02-1' 2" X e' EYE. & EYE TUFF-EDGE POLYESTER WELD SLING V=c�4[30L_8w, C=5000LBti, 8=12,900LB-M, EE2801TY,6 00 EA 2 2 14. 16 28.32 EE2-8011T 1" X 6' EYE & EYE TUFF EDGE POLYESTER SL I Nim V=3200LBS, G=2500L-BS, B=640OLEiS f 1103A , - .1 00 EA 4 4 9. 50 38.00 I. EN80.1. 1' k. 4' ENDLESS TUFF-EDGE POLYESTER WEB SLING V=:_1200LB, C=2500LB, B=6400LB EE2801.TX3 UG .EA 4 4 10. .10 40.40 EE:2•-001T 1" X 3' EYE: & EYE - TUFF EDGE POLYESTER WEB SL INC V=3,20 0LBS, C=2, 500LBS, H=6,400LB EN2801TX4• 00 EA 4 4 19.66 78.64 EN2--801.T 1" Y, 4' ENDLESS TUFF-EDGE POLYESTER WEB .SL.11,dG V=6,200LBS, C=4,900LBS, 8=12, 400LBS ( t_c:Int.int-zeci on n2Xt� page) WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS ! NONTAXABLE • WARNING: Inspect this product and review industry and OSHA standards before each use. The product may fail if damaged, abused, misused, overused or improperly maintained. RESULTING IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. !�'SlIBPOBA /FO 1609 Oliver Avenue Indianapolis,Ifadiana 46221 A.Win9 .,J 196a1eri.1_ anAingt equipment TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Any shipping dates provided are approximate only.Time is not of the essence unless specifically stated. 2. The buyer shall inspect the goods immediately upon their arrival at buyer's location and shall, within 5 days of their arrival, give written notice to the seller of any claim that the goods fail to conform to the contract terms. Failure to give notice within the time limit shall be deemed acceptance by buyer and a waiver of any rights to revoke acceptance. 3. The seller warrants to the buyer that each new product is free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and maintenance. Seller's sole obligation under this warranty shall be limited to repairing, replacing or allowing credit for, at seller's option,any product or part of a product which under normal and proper use and maintenance roves defective in material and workmanship, P P P P, provided that notice of any such defect and satisfactory proof thereof is properly given by buyer to seller and thereafter such part or product is returned to seller.This warranty does not apply in respect to damage of any product caused by improper maintenance, misuse, overuse, neglect or accident, nor does this warranty apply to any product which shall have been repaired or altered in any way which, in seller's reasonable judgment, affects the performance, stability or general purpose for which it was manufactured. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES (EXCEPT OF TITLE) EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF A FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 4. Seller shall in no event be liable for prospective profits or special, indirect, or consequential damages; nor shall recovery of any kind against seller be greater in amount than the purchase price of the specific merchandise purchased hereunder which caused the alleged damage. 5. THE BUYER SHALL INSPECT THE PRODUCTS COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT AND REVIEW INDUSTRY AND OSHA STANDARDS BEFORE EACH USE OF THAT PRODUCT. THE PRODUCT MAY FAiL IF DAMAGED, ABUSED, MISUSED, OVERUSED OR IMPROPERLY MAINTAINED. 6. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. There are no understan- dings or agreements, warranties, or representations, which are not specified in writing herein. 7. A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1112% PER MONTH WILL BE ADDED TO ALL ACCOUNTS NOT PAID WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF INVOICE. I i I rye co. INVOICE o /N C O`P O Jr A f f/ 1609 Oliver Avenue P.O.Box 1525 Indianapolis,Indiana 46221 Indianapolis,Indiana 46206 • • INVOICE (317) 636-2591 1460 05 /06/14 2 -ieiing and Material JdandDny eq.ipnenl s 14130 142s71 o CARMEL WATER—WASTEWATF_P. UTILIT HCARh1EL WATER—WASTEWATER UTILIT D 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY P 9607 HAZELDELL PKWY . TINDTANAPOL [S IN 46230 TINDIANAPOLIS IN 46260 0 0 TOTAL DUE 370.36 WIRE ROPE - MANILA ROPE - COTTON CORDS - CHAIN - SLINGS - FITTINGS - BLOCKS - WINCHES - ELECTRIC HOISTS - JACKS DISC DUE DATE 1 . ORDER NO. ORDER DATE SHIP DAT E 1=0310 037 06/05/14 05/16/14 1-l0257IG 04/.24/14 05/01/14 14257:1 011 TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER,P.O. NUMBER SHIP VIA F2/10'.-1/30 S139E33 DELIVER OUR TRUCK TX UNIT OF ITEM ID CL MEASURE ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE EXTENSION EN1201TX3 00 EA 4 4 8. 17 32.68 EP41-801T 1" X 3' EI\sDLESS TUFF-E.DGE POLYESTER WEr�S-L.ING V=3200LBS, C-2500LBS, B=640019S 1119 00 EA 6 6 16.45 98.70 HUGGER,LOAD 2" X 27' W/FL.AT HOOKS ` WLL_ 3,3331-8 .24" FIXED END I UK1\11 0O EA 2 0 87.95 .00 UKiV-1 1 TON WELD ON HOCK i3' kor-d 2 WE APPR -C I ATE YOUR }JUS I NESS '. Subtotal 370. 36 NONTAXABLETOTAL .00 370.36 .00 .00 370.36 WARNING: Inspect this product and review industry and OSHA standards before each use. The product may fail if damaged, abused, misused, overused or improperly maintained. RESULTING IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. 1609 OZiverAve✓ncce Indianapolis,I'idia✓aa.46221 oiyting and Material Aandling sfguipment TERMS SAND CONDITIONS 1. Any shipping dates provided are approximate only.Time is not of the essence unless specifically stated. 2. The buyer shall inspect the goods immediately upon their arrival at buyer's location and shall, within 5 days of their arrival, give written notice to the seller of any claim that the goods fail to conform to the contract terms. Failure to give notice within the time limit shall be deemed acceptance by buyer and a waiver of any rights to revoke acceptance. 3. The seller warrants to the buyer that each new product is free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and maintenance. Seller's sole obligation under this warranty shall be limited to repairing, replacing or allowing credit for, at seller's option, any product or part of a product which under normal and proper use and maintenance proves defective in material and workmanship, provided that notice of any such defect and satisfactory proof thereof is properly given by buyer to seller and thereafter such part or product is returned to seller.This warranty does not apply in respect to damage of any product caused by improper maintenance, misuse, overuse, neglect or accident, nor does this warranty apply to any product which shall have been repaired or altered in any way which, in seller's reasonable judgment, affects the performance, stability or general purpose for which it was manufactured. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES (EXCEPT OF TITLE) EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF A FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 4. Seller shall in no event be liable for prospective profits or special, indirect, or consequential damages; nor shall recovery of any kind against seller be greater in amount than the purchase.price of the specific merchandise purchased hereunder which caused the alleged damage. 5. THE BUYER SHALL INSPECT THE PRODUCTS COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT AND REVIEW -- INDUSTRY--AND-OSHA-STANDARDS-BEFORE EACH USE OF THAT PRODUCT THE PRODUCT MAY- FAIL IF DAMAGED, ABUSED, MISUSED, OVERUSED OR IMPROPERLY MAINTAINED. 6. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. There are no understan- dings or agreements, warranties, or representations, which are not specified in writing herein. 7. A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1112% PER MONTH WILL BE ADDED TO ALL ACCOUNTS NOT PAID WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF INVOICE. wre:o ° 1Xf9ffP9ffAfFff INVOICE 1609 Oliver Avenue P.O.Box 1525 Indianapolis,Indiana 46221 Indianapolis,Indiana 46206 INVOICE NO. INVOICE (3I7) 636-2591 -Aidtin9 anti ///aterial—gandlin9 �yuipmant7-1- n0.S �J4' ©5f� �1 :1. 1480 000004 O CARMEL WATER—WASTEWATER l!7'I L.I T H CARMEL WATER—WASTEWATER UT I L.T T D 9r)'9 HAZEL L DELL PARKWAY P 5'609 I#AZELISL_LL PKWY. T INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 TINDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 O O TOTAL DUE 175. 90 WIRE ROPE - MANILA ROPE - COTTON CORDS - CHAIN - SLINGS - FITTINGS - BLOCKS - WINCHES - ELECTRIC HOISTS - JACKS SLS2 DUE DATE DISC DUE DATE I ORDER NO. ORDER DATE SHIP DATE SHIP NO. 067 /08/14 05/19/14 1402571G +J4/24114 05/0 9/14 oC)GCJ4 O1 TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER P.O. NUMBER 2/10,n/30 513983 DELIVER OUR ,TRUCK •-. . . UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UKN1 00EA :2 2 87.9:5 175.90 UKN-1 1 TON WELD ON HOC] WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS ! Subtota I 9.75.90 NONTAXABLE SALES TAX MISC CHARGE TOTAL .00 1'75.97 .00 .00 .00 175.90 WARNING: Inspect this product and review industry and OSHA standards before each use. The product may fail if damaged, abused, misused, overused or improperly maintained. RESULTING IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. / 'FOB POAA PFB 1609 OliverAvenae Indianal;olis,Indiana 46221 .lttoislintg and Material Aandfling etluipmenf TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Any shipping dates provided are approximate only.Time is not of the essence unless specifically stated. 2. The buyer shall inspect the goods immediately upon their arrival at buyer's location and shall, within 5 days of their arrival, give written notice to the seller of any claim that the goods fail'to conform to the contract terms. Failure to give notice within the time limit shall be deemed acceptance by buyer and a waiver of any rights to revoke acceptance. 3. The seller warrants to the buyer that each new product is free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and maintenance. Seller's sole obligation under this warranty shall be limited to repairing, replacing or allowing credit for, at seller's option, any product or part of a product which under normal and proper use and maintenance proves defective in material and workmanship, provided that notice of any such defect and satisfactory proof thereof is properly given by buyer to seller and thereafter such part or product is returned to seller.This warranty does not apply in respect to damage of any product caused by improper maintenance, misuse, overuse, neglect or accident, nor does this warranty apply to any product which shall have been repaired or altered in any way which, in seller's reasonable judgment, affects the performance, stability or general purpose for which it was manufactured. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES (EXCEPT OF TITLE) EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF A FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 4. Seller shall 1n no-event be liable for prospective profits or special, indirect, or consequential damages; nor shall recovery of any kind against seller be greater in amount than the purchase price of the specific merchandise purchased hereunder which caused the alleged damage. 5. THE BUYER SHALL INSPECT THE PRODUCTS COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT AND REVIEW INDUSTRY AND OSHA STANDARDS BEFORE EACH USE OF THAT PRODUCT. THE PRODUCT MAY FAILIF DAMAGED, ABUSED, MISUSED, OVERUSED OR IMPROPERLY MAINTAINED. 6. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. There are no understan- dings or agreements, warranties, or representations, which are not specified in writing herein. 7. A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1112% PER MONTH WILL BE ADDED TO ALL ACCOUNTS NOT PAID WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF INVOICE. VOUCHER # 138018 WARRANT # ALLOWED 350737 IN SUM OF $ THE TWAY COMPANY - Indianapolis, IN 4620 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR i 1 Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 14003609 01-7202-06 $370.36 41003$0q 01--7a0a-0ff 1 -7 51to 5%,a�o i Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 350737 THE TWAY COMPANY Purchase Order No. 602 North Park Avenue Terms Indianapolis, IN 46204 Due Date 5/14/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 5/14/2014 14003609 $370.36 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 A///// Date dFficer