HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes BZA 04-28-14 600F C11/14f, r,e3iTNERs.,n e. a ��.. I of City FOR TO\IORRiW / l \: \NDIAN% MINUTES Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Regular Meeting Monday, April 28, 2014 6:00 p•m• Council Chambers, Carmel City Hall Present: Alan Potasnik,Vice President Leo Dierckman Dennis Lockwood Kent Broach, Alternate James Hawkins, President(absent) Earlene Plavchak(absent) Connie Tingley, Recording Secretary Staff members in attendance: Alexia Donahue Wold, Planning Administrator Mike Hollibaugh, Director, Dept. of Community Services ILegal Counsel: John Molitor Action: In Mr. Hawkins' absence, Vice President Alan Potasnik led the meeting. Previous Minutes: On a motion made by Leo Dierckman and seconded by Dennis Lockwood: The Minutes for the meeting dated March 24,2014,were approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Department Report: Alexia Donahue-Wold: • Nothing to report Legal Council Report: John Molitor: ® Nothing to report Public Hearing: I1. (V) Wise Garage Addition, Eden Glen, Lot 31. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance for an attached garage: Docket No. 14030014 V ZO CH: 7.04.03A: Min Front Yard 35 ft, 13 ft requested The site is located at 12027 Eden Glen Drive. The site is zoned R-1/Residential. Filed by Brad Smith with Site Architecture on behalf of the owners Nathan and Michelle Wise. WWW CARMEL.IN GOV Page 1 of 5 (317)571-2417 Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals April 28,2014 Meeting Present for the Petitioner: Brad Smith, Site Architecture, Nathan and Michelle Wise Brad Smith: • Site plan shown o Corner Eden Glen Drive and Hampton Court o Setbacks were indicated • 10 feet on north and east sides • 35 feet on west and south sides; front yard setbacks o One story above grade; one story below grade • Walk out level with three bay garage and laundry room o Current driveway access off Eden Glen Drive • To garage underneath ground level of house • Images of house shown o Poorly constructed porch will be removed from west end of house for new addition • New construction more compatible with house • Images of area shown • Existing driveway shown o Two stone retaining walls • Difficult to see pedestrians on sidewalk and traffic on Eden Glen Drive • Proposed addition shown o Single car garage and laundry room o New addition just short of 13 feet from existing right-of-way o New driveway onto Hampton Court • Photos shown of existing porch structure o Porch projects 12 feet from existing house • Encroaches over 35-foot setback o Renderings shown with laundry room and garage projecting over 35-foot setback • Garage more compatible with existing home • Match siding of existing house • Photos of neighborhood showing other homes with more than one curb cut for driveways o Curb cut will need Engineering approval • Motivations for homeowners: o Safety pulling in and out of existing driveway o Accessibility and safety within home • Main level garage and laundry o Replace existing poorly constructed porch • Aggregate setbacks of all sides per Zoning Ordinance would be 90 feet o Current existing setbacks total 181 feet o New setbacks would be 167 feet • Well over aggregate setback total Public Hearing closed. Department Report: Alexia Donahue-Wold • Corner lot site considered to have two front yards with 35-foot setbacks • Proposed one-car garage on west side of home o Functions as side yard even though adjacent to street Page 2 of 5 Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals April 28,2014 Meeting o Proposed setback would be 13 feet • Meets normal 10-foot side yard setback • Proposed addition approximately 28 feet from street because right-of-way and property line do not go all the way to the street pavement • Department concerned about negative affect on neighbor directly across Hampton Court (west) o Have not received any negative remonstrance Department recommended positive consideration. Discussion: • Four-foot drop in grade from floor line to street o After design approval from Engineering, retaining walls will pull grade back for even slope from garage to drive • Site lines will be improved from those on Eden Glen Drive 1 • Hampton Court has less traffic • Retaining walls will be much lower for improved visibility . Motion: On a motion made by Leo Dierckman and seconded by Kent Broach: Docket No. 14030014 V, Wise Garage Addition, Eden Glen, Lot 31, be approved for minimum front yard setback (35 feet required, 13 feet requested). MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY IOld Business: 1-8. (UV, V) KG Main LLC, Old Meridian and West Main. The petitioner seeks the following development standards variance approvals: Docket No. 13120027 V ZO CH: 20G.05.04.B(1)(B)—Max Bldg Height of 55 ft; 89 ft requested Docket No. 13120030 V ZO CH 20G.05.04.D(2)(D)—Multi Family Uses Must Conform to All Architectural Requirements in the Multi-Family Zone (ZO CH 20G.05.02.D) Docket No. 13120031 V ZO CH 20G.05.02.D(2) - Vertical Offsets Required at Intervals of 50 ft for Bldgs with Continuous Facades of 60 ft or Greater Width; Intervals of greater than 50 ft and Architectural Detailing on Facades as per Submitted Elevations requested Docket No. 13120032 V ZO CH 20G.05.02.D(3)—All Sides of any Bldg Shall be Brick, and Trimmed in Brick, Wood, Stone or Precast Concrete; Fiber Cement Siding/Paneling requested. Docket No. 13120034 V ZO CH 2.09- Compliance with the Transportation Plan; Petitioner Wants to Deviate from the Proposed Street System Lay Out. Docket No. 13120035 V ZO CH 20G.04.03.A—Sidewalk along Main Street Required; Petitioner States that the City or the CRC will install it. Docket No. 13120037 V ZO CH 20G.05.01.F(1)(B)—45 ft Max Bldg Height; 89 ft requested Docket No. 13120041 V ZO CH 20G.05.01.H(2)(A)—For any Bldg Facing A Street, Fiber Cement Siding/Paneling in Addition to Brick and Stone requested Page 3 of 5 Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals April 28,2014 Meeting The site is zoned OM/SFA (Old Meridian District, Single Family Attached) & OM/MU (Old Meridian District, Mixed Use.) It is located at 12960 Old Meridian St., at Main St. Filed by Paul Reis of Krieg Devault, LLP on behalf of Keystone Realty Group, LLC. Present for the Petitioner: Paul Reis, Krieg DeVault, Michael Patarino, Keystone Realty Group, Brandon Bogan, CSO Architects, and Ross Nixon, American Structurepoint Paul Reis: • Information packet included summary of what had occurred o Variances tabled pending review of project by Plan Commission • Project was unanimously approved by Plan Commission on April 15, 2014 • Requesting BZA remove tabling and approve variances o All issues related to Development Standards have been reviewed and approved by Plan Commission o Project will proceed as approved under ADLS application Public Hearing closed. Department Report: Alexia Donahue-Wold • Several variances were tabled as project moved through Plan Commission process o Received approval for site plan and architecture • Use Variance previously approved to allow apartments • Project straddles two different zoning districts o Attached Single Family (ASF) zone for some variances • Increased height from 55 feet and 45 feet (ASF) to 89 feet o No negative effect on surrounding commercial properties o Height due to grade change on site; 77 feet on west end • Architectural requirements for vertical offsets o Comfortable with proposed 70 feet o Architecture has improved during Plan Commission process • Amount of brick has been increased o Limit variance to new percentage being proposed of fiber cement siding/paneling o Would need to be built based on approval from Plan Commission • Transportation Plan deviation o Petitioner working with City and Engineering Department for agreement on Main Street • Petitioner agreed to connect to project to south when that development is built o Department will need to see connection plans Department recommended positive consideration of all variances Discussion: Brandon Bogan • 39% will be used for fiber cement in approved plans o Original plan was close to 50% • Sidewalk will go in at some time after construction of this project and improvements to Main Street after US 31 project o Believe City received some INDOT funds for Main Street improvements Page 4 of 5 Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals April 28,2014 Meeting I Motion: On a motion made by Leo Dierckman and seconded by Dennis Lockwood: Docket Nos. 13120027 V, 13120030-32 V, 13120034-35 V, 13120037 V and 13120041 V be approved for Development Standards Variances for: 13120027 V: Maximum building height (55 feet permitted, 89 feet requested) 13120030 V: Multi-family uses must conform to all architectural requirements in the Multi-Family Zone 13120031 V: Vertical offsets required at intervals of 50 feet for buildings with continuous facades of 60 feet or greater width; intervals of greater than 50 feet and architectural detailing on facades as per submitted elevations requested 13120032 V: All sides of any building shall be brick and trimmed in brick, wood, stone or precast concrete; fiber cement siding/paneling requested 13120034 V: Compliance with Transportation Plan; Petitioner wants to deviate from the proposed street system lay out 13120035 V: Sidewalk along Main Street required; Petitioner states the City or the CRC will install it 13120037 V: Maximum building height (45 feet permitted, 89 feet requested 13120041 V: For any building facing a street, fiber cement siding/paneling in addition to brick and stone requested with the Commitment a maximum of 39% fiber cement siding will be used. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Adjournment: Motion: On a motion made by Leo Dierckman and seconded by Dennis Lockwood: The Meeting be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The meeting adjourned at 6:36 p.m. Approved this O3( day of /Reims 20% /7 0 qir tii-7‹,?:<— ■, ' z \/, Present— : - . j Secretary—Conn` Tingly ki - Po-�gsvii GC I Filename:4.28.2014 regular meeting.doc Page 5 of 5