HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 2014 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton _Indiana. June 06,2014 Prepare four copies 1 hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Carmel 2.County Treasurer who is of Carmel V#003176 3.CountyAudttor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $18,392,579.94 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions Examination Net Total Name of Fund General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise of Records Other Distributed 0101 Corp.General - 6000 17,009,668.18 1,859,150.89 18,868,819.07 3,571,058.03 1,180,234.82 0.00 0.00 14,117,526.22 0708 Corp.DINH - 6000 3,949,793.62 431,538.68 4,381,332.30 828,913.40 273,951.64 0.00 0.00 3,278,467.26 2391 Corp.CCD - 6000 872,786.99 95,358.42 968,145.41 183,163.57 60,535.85 0.00 0.00 724,445.99 2482 Corp. Redevelopment Bond - 60( 326,454.12 34,902.96 361,357.08 67.059.07 22,157.54 0.00 0.00 272,140.47 Totals 22,158,702.91 2,420,950.95 24,579,653.86 4,650,194.07 1,536,879.85 0.00 0.00 18,392,579.94 ent June Settlem TikoncoucAdak-• County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1995) Hamilton .Indiana June 06,2014 Prepare four copies 1 hereby certify that 1 have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of North Illinois Street 2.County Treasurer who is of North Illinois Street-W034429(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) "s.County Auditor in the sum of 51,965,076.45 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed N Illinois St Fxl ansion-Carmel 1 1,904,797.10 0.00 1.904,797.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 -670.24 1,905,467.34 North Illinois Street 59,590.97 0.00 59,590.97 0.00 0_001 0.00 -18.15 59,609.12 e Totals 1,964,388.07 0.00 1,964388.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 688.39 1,965,076.46, 0—)\r-O-1°1\° 1 ec '�/.4,\I • County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(R.ev.1998) Hamilton _Indiana. June 06,2014 I hereby certify that t have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton Prepare four copies 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Amended Illinois Street 2.County Treasurer who is of Amended Illinois Street-V,;105.5865(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor in the sum of $70,152.4 4.SBITC(State Tax Board) on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions ' TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Amended Illinois Street 77,562_55 0.00 77,562.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,410.12 73,152.43 Totals 77,562.55 0.00 77,56255 W 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,410.12 73,15243 n\lo (k) ‹.--60 June SettBflleflt County Auditor Presorted by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22-(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that l have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of West Clay EDA 2.County Treasurer who is of West Clay EDA-V 49112(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) "s.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $63,891.95 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions ' TIF Net Total 71F District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed West Clay EDA 78,350.55 0.00 78,350.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,458.60 63,891.95 Totals 78,350.55 0.00 78,350.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,458.601 63,891.98' (2)\'•e- f-'()° , ' '4rC.�t G County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. June 062014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Una County Indiana in favor of Parkwood East 2.County Treasurer who is of Parkwood East-V#024100(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SSTC(State Tax Boarc) in the sum of 5422,492.18 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions T1F Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Parkwood East 422,332.52 0.00 422,332.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 -159.66 422,492.18 Totals 422,33252 0.00 422,33252 0.00 0.00 0.00 -159.66 422,49218 fi) °13 1 \ June -. County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1992) Hamilton .Indiana June 062014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Packwood Crossing 2.County Treasurer who is of Parkwood Crossing-V:024100(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SSTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $641,007.70 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Parkwood Crossing 651,729.64 0.00 651,729.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,721.94 641,007.70 Totals 651,729.641 0.00 651,729.64_ 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,721.94 641,007.70 "\\ ib(750 June .. 4—:`Al, }l74 :C County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No 22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Old Town ShopPeS T1F 2.County Treasurer who is of Old Town Shoppes TIF-W049102(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) B.County Auditor $46.628.39 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Old Town Shoppes TIF 46,812.35 0.00 46,812.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.96 46,623.39 Totals 46,812.35 0.00 46,812.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.96 46,628-39 °\.0 4")\ 1° ' June Sett! emeflt! County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton ,Indiana. June 06.2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Old Town 2.County Treasurer who is of Old Town-1P#039493(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SB'TC(State Tax Board in the sum of 3109,103.13 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Old Town 109,060.93 0.00 109,060.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4220 109,103.13 Totals 109,060.93 0.00 109,060 93 0.00 0.00 0.00 -42.20, 109,103.13 .76 u.n /' Settiement Junes , , t , 'I I Cam' ,•• 7ln County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITORS CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1993) Hamilton .Indiana June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Old Methodist TIF . 2.County Treasurer who is of Old Methodist TiF-W049103(Cannel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of 5585,14 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Old Methodist T1F 584.92 0.00 584.92 OAO 0.00 0.00 -0.22 585.14 W Totals 584.92 0.00 584.92 0.00 0.00, 0.00 -0.22 585.14 4 (1)\ June '4.'`m`° .......,..A./.,;,,-.4.� County Auditor Prescribed by State Board ofAccounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Old Meridian 2.County Treasurer who is of Old Meridian-Vi39492(Cannel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SSTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $285,708.68 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed _ Old Meridian Expansion 304,586.37 0.00 304,586.37 0.00 0.00 5,648,48 3,22921 295,708.68 Totals 304,586.37 0.00 304,586.37 0.001 0.00 5,648.48 3,229.21 295,708.68 ,,l .... /)\) \\ V r: „,,,,,,, 7,.,,..Li , „..,,,,, n -..",,,- �-/ vvv }.. ire' I, ' County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITORS CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev_1995) Hamilton Jndiana June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of National City TAA 2.County Treasurer who is of National City TAA-V#049111 (Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $1,738.09 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed National City TAA 1,737.43 0.00 1,737.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.66 1,738.09 Totals 1,737.43 0.00 1,737.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.66 1,738.09 (6(1) - ())K0 .. Settlement County Auditor Prescribed by Smote Board of Accounts COUNTY`AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Fcrm No.22(Rev_1998) Hamilton .indiana June 052014 I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton prepare four copies 1.Taxing unit County Indiana in favor of Merdian&Main Ind Spine Group 2.County Treasurer who is of Merdian&Main kid Spine Group-V=87831 (Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor in the sum of4 $8 4.SSTC(State Tax Board) on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Meridian&Main Ind Spine Group 74,856.58 0.00 74,856.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74,856.58 Totals 74,856.58 0.001 74,856.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74,856.58 1 1 f� . 1)0 t^ f. l 1 K _- t` ())\( \) ; June SettJfleflt r = = f 1/4,...X„,,./V..;:;-"e-t4,5:',. County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR`S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No,22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Merchants Pointe 2.County Treasurer who is of Merchants Pointe-v#024101 (Cannel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SB T C(State Tax Board) in the sum of — $152,039.08 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total • TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed 2006 Merchants Pointe TIF 10,703.01 0.00 10.703.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.12 10,707.13 Merchants Pointe 148,457.75 0.00 148,457.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,125.80 141,331.95 Totals I 159,160.76 0.00 159,160.761 0.00- 0.00 0.00 7,121.681 152,0339.08 ./..\--? ("})\:\(:\.--. '\ ` s € m p ' �, LE k e f f�;i}' "i F 'V "� � County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts County Form No. 22 (Rev 199$) COUNT),AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION PREPARE FOUR COPIES Noblesville, IN L Taxing Unit I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. 2. County Treasurer on the Treasurer of Hamilton County,Noblesville,Indiana, 3. County Auditor in favor of: Meridian&Main Vendor 074309 4. SPTC in the sum of: S25.84 Date: .:.:_, 6.,,, .;,.c/ on account of taxes due said government unit as follows: Description General Property 1 License Excise Total Other Net Distribution rn eni d ia,-; c.,/y14,,(4._ 0.00 0.00 0.00 _2524 25.84 [ - 'TOTAL 0.00 0.00 -25.84 25.84 AUDITOR: - . „„, c--, ..--.. — - — '........ 'E, '744?e.'.i. . 1-12.•,77. '?(-11-i e....A.,...,...,.. ,........." , .4..r.,:„..:,,c, Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Lurie TIF 2_County Treasurer who is of Lurie TIF-V#049104(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor in the sum of $11,630.80 4.SETC(State Tax Board) on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows - Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Lurie TIF 11,629.78 0.00 11,629.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.10 11,630.88 Totals 11,629.78 0.00 11,629.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.10 11,630.88, ° Th°1C1 (6°‘\ e June v T'✓'. r, County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No 22(Rev.1998) Hamilton _Indiana June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Legacy 2.County Treasurer who is of Legacy-V=68248(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $204,428.98 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows- Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Legacy 214,046.58 0.00 214,046.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,617.60 204,428.98 Totals 214,046.58 0.00 214,046.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,617.60 204,428.98 0\17f, SetUement J u ,�3 tfy. ',rid Z County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Lauth-Walker TIF 2.County Treasurer who is of Lauth-Walker TIF-V#049101 (Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of 5244,149.72 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Lauth-Walker TIF 316,962.57 0.00 316,962.57 0.00 0.00 69,634.51 3,178.34 244,149.72 Totals I 316,962.57 0.00 316,96257 0.001 0.00 69,634.51 3,178.341 244,149.72 / , qp1/4.-7 z, County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Hazel Dell South-Cannel 2.County Treasurer who is of Hazel Dell South-Carmel-V#039491 (Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor in the sum of $551 135 22 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Hazel Dell South-Cannel 551,104.93 0.00 551,104.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 -80.29 551,185.22 Totals 551,104.93 0.00 551,104.93• 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.29 551,185.22 6)-'''..-°-.6"/"(.7\ June Settemeflt ,,, rye,11rr.^ ,f,?is ' R�"' County Auditor Presaged by State board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No_ on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Hazel Dell North 2.County Treasurer who is of Hazel Dell North-V#039491 (Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor in the sum of S1°7'4',0'19 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Hazel Dell North 157,597.03 0.00 157.897.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 466.84 157,430.19 Totals 157,897.03 0.00 157,897.03 0.00( 0.00 0.00 466.84 157,430.19 .17\ r � "' County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No_22(Rev.1996) Hamilton .Indiana. June 062014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Gramercy 2.County Treasurer who is of Gramercy-■#049108(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of 64.16 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total 11F District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Gramercy 4.16 0.00 4.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.16 Totals 4.16 0.00 4.16 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.16 /2)\P---diC: \\ d June : :71k1....":;-, ,- r, ''f)i j d T. County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITORS CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.199o) Hamilton .Indiana. June 062014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No_ on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1_Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of CRC Parcel#12 TIF 2.County Treasurer who is of CRC Parcel#12 TIF-V#049106(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SSTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of 569,58126 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed CRC Parcel#12 TIF 89,547.36 0.00 89,547.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 -33.90 89,58126 Totals 89,547.36 0.00 89,54726 0.00 0.00 0.00 -33.90 89,581.26 0 /1 <,"-a)0 4; ors:r`G s `..�`.. County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev_1998) Hamilton .Indiana. June 066,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Carmel Merchants Square 2.County Treasurer who is of Carmel Merchants Square-V39327(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor in the sum of 5230,087.83 4.S6TC(State Tax Board on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Carmel Merchants Square 236,46823 0.00 236.46828 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,380.45 230.087.83 Totals I 236,468.28 I 0.00, 236,468.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,3380.45 230,087.83 (I)\‘(-6C15/\19) SettTefl 1 � 't 'L-P"_" County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .lndiana June 06,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No._ on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Twang Unit County Indiana in favor of Cannel Drive TIF 2.County Treasurer who is of Carmel Drive TIF-VD)49100{Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of 881.355.70 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes 1 Deductions TlF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Cannel Drive TIF 81,326.411 0.00 81,326.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2929 31,355.70 Totals 31,326.411 0.00! 81,326.41 0.00 0.00 0.00I -29.29 81,355.70 (A \-o-1° June m It Ag? 4 -' _" _ County Auddor • Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITORS CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1993) Hamilton .Indiana. June 06,2014 Prepare four copies t hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Trews'rrer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Cartel Downtown EDA 2 2.County Treasurer who is of Carmel Downtown EDA 2-V, 49099(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.S3TC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $61,577.52 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Carmel Downtown EDA2 61,55328 0.00 61,55323 0.00 0.00 0.00 -24.24 61,577.52 Totals 61,553.28 0.00 61,553.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 -24.24 61,577.52 0 5 Jufle i Pip' r- - -=—'� County Auditor County Form Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DiSTRIBUTIOt No.22(Rev.199 3) Hamilton .Indiana. June 06.2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Carmel Downtown EDA 1 2.County Treasurer who is of Cannel Downtown EDA 1 -V:049093(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor in the sum of $403,471.33 4.SSTC(State Tax bard) on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Carmel Downtown EDA 1 403.326.16 0.00 403,326.16 0.001 0.00 0.00 -145.17 403,471.33 Totals 403,326.16 0.00, 403,326.16 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 445.17 403,471.33 • SetUemeflt H1� _^u��� County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1990) Hamilton _Indiana_ June 06,2014 Prepare four copies 1 hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer cf Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Carmel City Center a County Treasurer who is of Carmel City Center-V#024098(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor in the sum of S430,153_18 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise* Total Advance Tax. Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Carmel City Center 369,098.61 0.00 369,098.61 0.00 0.00 1,940.31 9,447.27 357,711.03 Carmel City Center Amendment 72,412.51 0.00 72,412.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 -29.64 72,442.15 Totals 441,511.12, 0.00 441,511.12 0.00, 0.00 1,940.31 9,417.631 430,153.48 ./.\ relC) 4,- �() R y june . .. l` A. " County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE County Form ATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION Na.22(Rev.1992) Hamilton .lndiana. June 062014 Prepare four copies 1 hereby certify that 1 have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1 Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Arts District Lofts&Shoppes 2.County Treasurer who is of Arts District Lofts&Shoppes-V#068247(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor in the sum of $432,720.24 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows Taxes I Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Arts District Lofts&Shoppes 686,985.51 0.00 886,985.51 454,343.05 0.00 0.00 -82.78 432,72024 Totals 886,98551 0.00 886,985.51 454,348.05 0.00 0.00_ -52.78 432,720.24 r`. p . . A 74.i#,, i . t �1v County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNT(AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.11995) Hamilton .Indiana June 06.2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on The Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Amended 126th Street 2.County Treasurer who is of Amended 126th Street-V#003173(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of S3,796,089.62 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Amended 126th St.Expansion 540,910.41 0.00 540,910.41 0.00 0.00 56,362.15 4,240.88 480,307.38 Amended 126th Street 3,377,631.71 0.00 3,377,631.71 0.00 0.00 19,193.36 42,656.11 3,315,762.24 Totals 3,918,542.12 0.00 3,918,542_121 0.00 0.001 75,555.51 46,896.99 3,796,089.62 0- q, ":13.. ‘,.„..1, """c5=7:7 1 Q rn P.i 1� ------ County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTIOII County Form No.22(Rev.1993) Hamilton .Indiana June 062014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of 116th St Centre 2.County Treasurer who is of 116th St.Centre-VJ74308(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor in the sum of 5933.105.15 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed 116th St Centre 133,09927 0.00 133,09927 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.88 133,105.15 Totals 133,099.27, 0.001 133,09927 0.00 0.00 0.00 -528 133,105.15 00ij 0—)\?- June SEttlement ,t. ---- County Auditor Prescribed by State Board of Accounts County Form No. 22 (Rev 1998) COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION PREPARE FOUR COPIES Noblesville, IN 1. Taxing Unit I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. 2. County Treasurer on the Treasurer of Hamilton County,Noblesville,Indiana, 3. County Auditor in favor of: Carmel Clerk Treasurer Vendor 003176 4. SBTC in the sum of: $10,945.29 June 6,2014 on account of taxes due said government unit as follows: FIT SPRING DISTRIBUTION DESCRIPTION FIT TAX OTHER FIT GROSS TAX ADVANCES NET FIT TAX 6051 0101 General 8,405.39 0.00 8,405.39 0.00 8,405.39 6051 0283 MVH 1,951.00 0.00 1,951.00 0.00 1,951.00 6051 0708 Redevelopment Bond 157.77 0.00 157.77 0.00 157.77 6051 2391 CCD 431.13 0.00 431.13 0.00 431.13 6051.0000.0000.5000 TOTAL 10,945.29 0.00 10,945.28 0.00 10,945.29 AUDITOR: 2.ivn `o I. C.,,-.11, TIF Distribution 2013 pay 2014 3/14/2014 -does not include Not final: waiting County delinquencies for adjusted rates Fund Total Year Referendum Total Year June Number Captured AV Billing Excluded Billing Settlement Collections Estimated Quietus Jas of 4!1712014 Gross Tax Circuit Breaker from TIF Net Tax Distribution %to Billing Due December County TIF 96th Street TIF 4598.4509.0000.R108 3,611,472.49 - 323,023.74 3,288,448.75 0% 3,611,472.49 146th St.Ramps East 4599.4614.0000.R108 380,454.50 - 31,190.70 349,263.80 0% 380,454.50 146th St.Ramps West 4596.4616.0000.R108 1,606,640.36 - 131,716.79 1,474,923.57 0% 1,606,640.36 Thompson TIF 4597.4505.0000.8108 2,104,136.62 172,502.90 1,931,633.72 0% 2,104,136.62 Westfield Village Park 4595.4401.0000.R108 1,843.890.91 - 175,395.95 1,668,494.96 0% 1,843,890.91 County Total 9,546,594.88 - 833,830.08 8,712,764.80 - 0% 9,546,594.88 Carmel TIF i'2006 Merchants Pointe 1,162,227 23,306.13 - 1,903.73 21,402.40 0% 23,306.13 Amended126th'St.Expansion 59,280,583 1,188,753.57 - 97,101:60 1,091,651.97 ' - 0% 1,188,753.57 —Amended 126th St. 374,600,821 7,511,870.27 - 613,596,15 6,698,274.12 0% 7,511,870.27 Carmel City Center of 40,366,287 809,465.15 - 66,119.98 743,345.17 0% 809,465.15 Cannel City Center Amendment �i�8.F'(`8T" . 8,083,639 162,101.22 - 13,241.00 148,860.22 0% 162,101.22 Carmel Merchants Square A+ 28,924,857 580,030.17 - 47,378.92 532,651.25 0% 580,030.17 a- Hazel Dell North , 15,904,061 318,924.16 - 26,050.85 292,873.31 0% 318,924.16 Hazel Dell South-Cannel 49,261,422 987,839.33 - 80,690,21 907,149.12 0% 987,839.33 Merchants Pointe 12,233,300 245,314.36 - 20,038.14 225,276.22 0% 245,314.36 North Illinois Street 5,271,343 105,706.22 - 8,634.46 97,071.76 0% 105,706.22 N,Illinois St.Expansion-Carmel 206,543,994 4,141,826.67 - 338,319.06 3,803,507.61 0% 4,141,826.67 All exempt parcels now r Old Meridian - - - - - #DIV!Ol - ✓Old Meridian Expansion 35,350,942 708,892.43 - 57,904.84 650,987.59 0% 708,892.43 i Old Town 11,842,600 237,483.68 - 19,398.51 218,085.17 0% 237,483.68 Parkwood East 45,860,600 919,642.62 - 75,119.66 844,522.96 0% 919,642.62 Parkwood Crossing 72,411,211 1,452,062.01 - 118,609.56 1,333,452.45 0% 1,452,062.01 Cannel Downtown EDA 1 46,736;806 937,213.17 3,395.36 76,277.54 857,540.27 0% 937,213.17 .'Cannel Downtown EDA 2 6,684,000 134,034.24 - 10,948.39 123,085.85 0% 134,034.24 ,.,Amended Illinois Street 8,422,428 168,894.95 - 13,795.94 155,099.01 0% 168,894.95 Carmel Drive 8,269,714 165,832.57 - 13,545.79 152,286.78 0% 165,832.57 -CRCParcel#12 9,723,845 194,992.25 - 15,927.66 179,064.59 0% 194,992.25 Gramercy 452 9.06 - 0.74 8.32 0% 9.06 Lauth-Walker 34,418,600 690,196.18 - 56,377.67 633,818.51 0% 690,196.18 ,•Old Methodist 63,210 1,267.55 - 103.54 1,164.01 0% 1,267.55 Old Town Shoppes1. 1.�� ,.c.IV,j b C4.J.,iI 5,083,300 101,935.40 - 8,326.44 93,608.96 0% 101,935.40 West Clay EDA 4 41 I 30,668,200 614,989.42 - 50,234.51 564,754.91 0% 614,989.42 National City TAA 188,864 3,783.28 - 309.03 3,474.25 0% 3,783.28 ,-LurieTlF 604,800 12,128.06 - 990.66 11,137.40 0% 12,128.06 Arts District Lofts&Shoppes 47,061,600 943,726.26 - 77,086.90 866,639.36 0% 943,726.26 Legacy 23,131,141 463,848.77 - 37,888.81 425,959.96 0% 463,848.77 �116th Street Centre 14,453,097 289,827.94 - 23,674.17 266,153.77 0% 289,827.94 Meridian&Main Ind Spine Group 8,128,589 163,002.60 - 13,314.63 149,687.97 r Meridian&Main - - - - - #DIViOI - Carmel Total 24,278,899.69 3,395.36 1,982,909.09 22,292,595.24 - 0% 24,278,899.69 Noblesville TIF Corporate Campus East—Nob FC 703,212.88 3,961.85 36,234.59 663,016.44 0% 703,212.88 Corporate Campus East-FC - - - - #DIV/01 - Corporat Campus East—Nob Wayne 655,243.85 134,436.43 28,530.91 492,276.51 0% 655,243.85 Corporate Campus East—Wayne 222.98 - 17.32 205.66 222.98 Corporate Campus West—FC 1,157.76 - 87.23 1,070.53 0% 1,157,76 Coporate Campus West—Nob Twp - - - - - Corporate Campus West—Nob City 818,687.10 65,285.99 95,223.47 658,177.64 0% 818,687.10 Corporate Campus West—Nob FC 9,919.09 1,402.95 441.30 8,074.84 0% 9,919.09 Corporate Campus West—Nob SE 1,353,615.62 121,824.62 63,402.32 1,168,388.68 0% 1,353,615.62 Corporate Campus West—Nob Wayne 188,780,93 41,496.45 8,068.55 139,215.93 0% 188,780.93 Hazel Dell Rd—Nob City 1,387,558.14 1,009.70 175,247,89 1,211,300.55 0% 1,387,558.14 Hazel Dell Rd—Nob City-2006 86,398,08 1.38 10,919.81 75,476.89 0% 86,398,08 Carmel Downtown EDA 2 12.12 12.12 24.24 24.24 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Carmel Drive 15.64 13.65 29.29 29.29 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Carmel Merchants Sq (6,427.17) 46.72 (6,380.45) (6,380.45) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Gramercy - - - - Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Hazel Dell North 29.55 (496.39) (466.84) (466.84) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Hazel Dell South-Carmel (0.54) 80.83 80.29 80.29 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Lauth Walker (14,775.81) 61.94 (14,713.87) 11,535.53 (3,178.34) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Legacy 50.95 (9,668.55) (9,617.60) (9,617.60) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Lurie 1.10 - 1.10 1.10 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Merchants Pointe (7,146 98) 21.18 (7,125.80) (7,125 80) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Meridian&Main 0.28 25.56 25.84 25.84 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund N.Illinois St Expansion-Carmel 317.06 353.18 670.24 670.24 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund National City 0.33 0.33 0.66 0.66 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund North Illinois St 10.70 7.45 18.15 18.15 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Old Meridian Expansion (859.13) (2,827.64) (3,686.77) 457.56 (3,229.21) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Old Methodist 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.22 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Old Town 21.10 21.10 42.20 42.20 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Old Towne Shoppes 9.39 (193.35) (183.96) (183.96) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Parkwood Crossing (10,842.10) 120.16 (10,721.94) (10,721.94) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Parkwood East 79.83 79.83 159.66 159.66 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund West Clay (14,512.88) 54.28 (14,458.60) (14,458.60) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund 96th Street US 421 16B (1,169.75) (2,943.07) (4,112.82) 12,268.92 8,156.10 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund 96th Street US 421 Clay (1,565.61) - (1,565.61) (1,565.61) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund CCW-Nob SE (576,90) (469 15) (1,046.05) (1,046.05) Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Clarian 12.93 11.73 24 66 24.66 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Downtown-Fishers FC 1.79 - 1.79 0.65 2.44 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Saxony 15.55 (1,155.54) (1,139.99) 2.89 (1,137.10) Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Shops at Geist Pointe-Fishers FC 6.06 (12.83) (6.77) (6.77) Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund St.Vincent 0.76 0.76 1.52 1.52 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Town 2.52 2.51 5.03 5.03 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Village Center 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.08 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund CCE-Nob Wayne 21.73 20.04 41.77 41.77 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund CCW-Nob Wayne 8.45 8.51 16.96 16.96 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund CCE-Nob FC 17.03 (241.10) (224.07) 78.85 (145.22) Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund CCW-Nob FC 0.17 0.11 0.28 0.28 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Town Center 49.04 (473.53) (424.49) (424.49) Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund 146th ST&US 31 Ramps East (7,910.54) 41.17 (7,869 37) (7,869.37) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund 146th ST&US 31 Ramps West 192.92 192.92 385.84 385.84 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Thomson Consumer Electronics 319.27 180.99 500.26 500.26 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Total TIF Adjustments (147,425.25) (74,431.48) (221,856.73) 43,196.86 (178,659.87) Sheridan School Ref Fund 70.10 from school Westfield Washington School Ref Fun (1,555.13) to school Noblesville School Ref Debt Fund (38,076.91) to school 64.14% Noblesville School Ref fund (21,288.51) to school 35.86% Hamilton Southeastern Ref Debt Fund (2,652.90) to school Carmel Clay School Ref Fund (115.156.52) to school Total Referendum Adjustments (178,659.87) 116th St Centre 2.94 2.94 5.88 5.88 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund 2006 Merchants Pointe TIF 2.06 2.06 4.12 4.12 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Amended 126th St Expansion (3,024.40) (3,104.39) (6,128.79) 1,887.91 (4,240.88) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Amended 126th St. (25,257.16) (18,953.71) (44,210.87) 1,554.76 (42,656.11) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Amended Illinois St (1,273.24) (3,136.88) (4,410.12) (4,410.12) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Arts District Lofts&Shoppes 82.78 - 82.78 82.78 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund CRC Parcel#12 16.95 16.95 33.90 33.90 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Carmel City Center (9,643.43) 38.98 (9,604.45) 157.18 (9,447.27) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Carmel City Center Amendment 15.88 13.76 29.64 29.64 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Carmel Downtown EDA 1 74.25 70.92 145.17 145.17 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Carmel Downtown EDA 2 12.12 12.12 24.24 24.24 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Carmel Drive 15.64 13.65 29.29 29.29 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Carmel Merchants Sq (6,427.17) 46.72 (6,380.45) (6,380.45) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Gramercy - - - - Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Hazel Dell North 29.55 (496.39) (466.84) (466.84) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Hazel Dell South-Carmel (0.54) 80.83 80.29 80.29 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Lauth Walker (14,775.81) 61.94 (14,713.87) 11,535.53 (3,178.34) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Legacy 50.95 (9,668.55) (9,617.60) (9,617.60) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Lurie 1.10 - 1.10 1.10 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Merchants Pointe (7,146.98) 21.18 (7,125.80) (7,125.80) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Meridian&Main 0.28 25.56 25.84 25.84 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund N.Illinois St Expansion-Carmel 317.06 353.18 670.24 670.24 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund National City 0.33 0.33 0.66 0.66 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund North Illinois St 10.70 7.45 18.15 18.15 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Old Meridian Expansion (859.13) (2,827.64) (3,686.77) 457.56 (3,229.21) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Old Methodist 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.22 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Old Town 21.10 21.10 42.20 42.20 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Old Towne Shoppes 9.39 (193 35) (183.96) (183.96) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Parkwood Crossing (10,842 10) 120.16 (10,721.94) (10,721.94) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Parkwood East 79.83 79.83 159.66 159.66 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund West Clay (14,512.88) 54.28 (14,458.60) (14,458.60) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund 96th Street US 421 16B (1,169.75) (2,943.07) (4,112.82) 12,268.92 8,156.10 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund 96th Street US 421 Clay (1,565 61) - (1,565.61) (1,565.61) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Adjustments to TIF and School Referendum Funds due to 2013 Calculation Error June 2013 Stlmnt Dec 2013 Stlmnt Total Adjustmen TIF Refund New gain or(loss) gain or(loss) gain or(loss) Referendum "Other" From TIF Due TIF Total Webster-Adams - - - Sheridan School Ref Fund Sheridan Industrial Pk 2004 Expan 0.53 0.53 1.06 1.06 Sheridan School Ref Fund Sheridan Industrial Pk 33.62 33.61 67.23 67.23 Sheridan School Ref Fund St.Rd 47/Mule Barn Rd 0.29 0.29 0.58 0.58 Sheridan School Ref Fund Webster-Sheridan 1.23 - 1.23 1.23 Sheridan School Ref Fund Westfield Eastside-Wash Twp (1,700.34) 0.04 (1,700.30) (1,700.30) Westfield Washington School Ref Westfield Eastside Wash Expan 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 Westfield Washington School Ref Aurora 1-Westfield 5.45 2.36 7.81 7.81 Westfield Washington School Ref Aurora 2-Westfield 1.12 1.12 224 2.24 Westfield Washington School Ref Eagletown-Westfield 106.98 98.79 205.77 1,018.76 1,224.53 Westfield Washington School Ref Grand Junction WF Expansion 1 66.91 18.29 85.20 724.62 809.82 Westfield Washington School Ref Grand Junction WF 133.04 (65.28) 67.76 65.44 133.20 Westfield Washington School Ref Mainstreet 3.19 3.08 6.27 6.27 Westfield Washington School Ref Westfield Eastside (4,437 14) (10,131.61) (14,568.75) 9,071.55 (5,497.20) Westfield Washington School Ref Westfield Eastside 2007 Expan 24.71 20.17 44.88 44.88 Westfield Washington School Ref Westfield Village Park 1,683.30 1,728.94 3,412.24 3,412.24 Westfield Washington School Ref Westfield AG Abated Eagletown 09A 0.56 0.56 1.12 1.12 Westfield Washington School Ref WF AG Abated Grand Junction 09A 0 1 0.03 0.16 0.16 Westfield Washington School Ref Stoney Creek East Nob Twp (1,262.94) (75.47) (1,338.41) (1,338.41) Noblesville Schools School Ref FL CCW-Nob City (12,359.41) (1,195.32) (13,554.73) (13,554.73) Noblesville Schools School Ref FL Hazel Dell Rd Nob City 2006 (56.75) (56.74) (113.49) (113.49) Noblesville Schools School Ref FL Hazel Dell Rd Nob City {921.62) (13,841.59) (14,763.21) (14,763.21) Noblesville Schools School Ref Fi Noblesville TIF (8,089.70) (1,217 09) (9,306.79) 4,329.54 (4,977.25) Noblesville Schools School Ref FL Noblesville Commerce Park (2,120.38) (2,293.57) (4,413.95) (4,413.95) Noblesville Schools School Ref FL SMC Allocation (283.65) (257.60) (541.25) (541.25) Noblesville Schools School Ref FL Stoney Creek East Nob City (14,651.16) (5,011.97) (19,663.13) (19,663.13) Noblesville Schools School Ref FL CCE-Fall Creek - - - - Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund CCW-Fall Creek - - - - Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Downtown-Delaware - - - - Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Britton Park 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.16 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Crosspoint 2.25 2.25 4.50 4.50 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Downtown-Fishers 3.96 0.04 4.00 25.32 29.32 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund Fishers Automotive 0.67 0.53 1.20 1.20 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund River Place 0.03 - 0.03 721 7.24 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund State Rd 37 (15.92) (22.70) (38.62) 10.17 (28'45) Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund State Rd 37 Expansion 0.02 - 0.02 0.02 Hamilton SE Ref Debt Fund 116th St Centre 2.94 2.94 5.88 5.88 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund 2006 Merchants Pointe TIF 2.06 2.06 4.12 4.12 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Amended 126th St Expansion (3,024 40) (3,104.39) (6,128.79) 1,887.91 (4,240.88) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Amended 126th St. (25,257.16) (18,953.71) (44,210.87) 1,554.76 (42,656.11) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Amended Illinois St (1,273.24) (3,136.88) (4,410.12) (4,410.12) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Arts District Lofts 8 Shoppes 82.78 - 82 78 82.78 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund CRC Parcel#12 16.95 16.95 33.90 33.90 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Carmel City Center (9,643.43) 38.98 (9,604.45) 157.18 (9,447.27) Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Carmel City Center Amendment 15.88 13.76 29.64 29.64 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund Carmel Downtown EDA 1 74 25 70.92 145.17 145.17 Carmel Clay School Ref Fund