HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-07-08-14 Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday,July 8,2014,6:00 p.m.
® Monon Community Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
Carmel,Indiana 46032
The Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation will govern in a proactive manner as it applies to providing safe and well
maintained parks, recreation facilities and programs in a fiduciary and responsible manner. The Board is a policy governing
board, fulfilling its duties as mandated by state statute, putting the welfare of the citizens of Carmel and Clay Township
first, and enabling staff to manage the park and recreation system in a manner that reflects the vision and mission. Our
promise to our citizens is that we will leave the parks and recreation system better than we found it.
Tentative Agenda
I. Roll Call
II. Call to Order& Pledge of Allegiance
III. Public Comments
IV. Staff Reports
V. Committee Reports
A. Standing Committees
1. Personnel Committee—Linus Rude
2. Finance Committee—Jenn Kristunas
3. Properties Committee—Richard Leirer
VI. Action Items
A. Minutes—Joshua Kirsh
1. June 24, 2014 Park Board Meeting
B. Financial Reports—Jenn Kristunas
1. City of Carmel Financial Report for June 2014;
2. Clay Township Financial Report for June 2014;and
3. CCPR P&L Statements for June 2014.
C. Claims—Jenn Kristunas
1. Claim Sheet July 8, 2014; and
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet July 8, 2014.
D. Monetary Gifts, Grants, Partnerships, and Sponsorships for June 2014—Audrey Kostrzewa
E. Consideration of Matters regarding Central Park Dog Park—Mark Westermeier
VII. Attorney's Report
A. Tort Claims;and
B. General.
VIII. Director's Report
IX. Discussion Items
X. Information Items
A. Plan Commission—Joshua Kirsh
B. School Board—Kathie Freed
C. Parks Foundation—Wendy Franklin
XI. Board Comments
XII. Adjournment
Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday,July 8,2014, 6:00 p.m.
3 Monon Community Center
Members Present: Donna Cihak Hansen, Wendy Franklin, Kathie Freed (arrived after roll call),
Joshua Kirsh,Jenn Kristunas, Richard Leirer, Linus Rude, Rich Taylor
Member Absent: James Engledow
Others Present: Mark Westermeier, Director; Michael Klitzing, Chief Operating Officer(COO);
Audrey Kostrzewa, Business Services Director; Debra Grisham, Park Board Attorney
Roll Call,Call to Order& Pledge of Allegiance £
Vice President Taylor welcomed everyone to the July 8th meeting.Vice President Taylor asked Mr. Kirsh
to call the roll. Mr. Kirsh stated there was a quorum, at which timeVice President Taylor called the
meeting to order(6:00 p.m.) followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comments >',Y_
There were no public comments. €� \1N,
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Staff Reports
COO Klitzing stated that some of the standard,reports wereiincluded in the packets; however, most of
the monthly reports were not available a the
t time of packet assembly due to the early timing and the
holiday (Independence Day) and will be included ine�August packets.
Committee Reports , e U,,,,,
Personnel Committees.Linus Rude § ;
Mr. Rude stated that the Personnel Committee has nottmet.
Finance Committee Jenn Kristunas I,
Ms. Kristurtas'announced*that the�Finance Committee will meet at 6 p.m.on Monday,July 14, 2014, at
the Administrative Offices to..discuss ttyhe 2015 budget.
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Properties Committee—Richard Leirer 4
Mr. Leirer statedythat the Properties,Committee will meet in the very near future.
Action Items k err ;
Minutes—June 24, 20114 Park Board Meeting
Mr. Kirsh made a motion totapsprove the minutes as presented, seconded by Ms. Kristunas, and
unanimously passed 8-0. >;
City of Carmel Financial Report for June 2014
Ms. Kristunas stated that the City of Carmel Financial Report for June 2014 was not available.
Clay Township Financial Report for June 2014
Ms. Kristunas stated that the Clay Township Financial Report for June 2014 was not available.
0 CCPR P&L Statements for June 2014
Ms. Kristunas stated that the CCPR P&L Statements for June 2014 were not available.
Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday,July 8, 2014
Monon Community Center
Claim Sheet July 8, 2014
Ms. Kristunas made a motion to approve the Claim Sheet as presented, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and
unanimously passed 8—0.
Clay Township Claim Sheet July 8, 2014
Ms. Kristunas made a motion to approve the Clay Township Claim Sheet as presented, seconded by
Mr. Leirer, and unanimously passed 8—0.
Monetary Gifts, Grants, Partnerships, and Sponsorships for June 2014,—Audrey Kostrzewa
Ms. Kostrzewa presented the following and asked that the Park Board acknowledge these contributions:
$250—Children's Dental Center(Kids Koncerts); $250—Hapoyedmily Brands (Kids Koncerts); $150—
Rusty Bucket(Kids Koncerts); $132—Kona Ice (MCC Scholarship Fund); and$10—"Jeans Friday"
program that also benefits scholarships. COO Klitzing announced that$1,562 has been contributed by
CCPR staff from September 2013 to June 2014 to the�scholarship fund through the "Jeans Day" program.
A motion was made by Mr. Kirsh to acknowledge receipt as presented, seconded by Ms. Kristunas, and
unanimously passed 8—0. � �
Fad ._ L k
Consideration of Matters regarding Central Park Dog Park= Mark Westermeier
Director Westermeier stated that there were no matters to bring to the Board.
Attorney's Report
Ms. Grisham stated that one tort claim was filed�(today) regarding a fall'',in°<the Monon Community
Center gym, and the investigation has,started Two other;claims,(previously filed) are in the process of
being reviewed, and she expects resolution on both soon. �
Director VVester,meier and COO Klitzing recently,gave Brian:Rawlins, Associate Manager of the General
Liability Division of Travelers Insurance, a tour. He was very impressed with the facility and the process.
He was alsoable to see a unique condition where staff"had to react to a weather issue.
Ms. Grisham attended the annual Municipal Law Seminar and will be assembling highlights to be
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emailed to Park Members '":
Director's Report 4Vv 4.2
Director Westermeier stated thatFhis report was included in the packet.
Discussion Items
There were no discussion items.
Information Items
Plan Commission—Joshua Kirsh
Mr. Kirsh stated that the proposed Monon Lake development (Monon Lake PUD Rezone) did not leave
the committee with a favorable recommendation. This will now go back to the full Plan Commission.
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Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday,July 8, 2014
Monon Community Center
The Monon Overlay(Monon Greenway Overlay Rezone) is a set of guidelines to protect the integrity of
the Monon. The number of remonstrators has dwindled over time.This petition was set forth to have
the southern environmental section fall in compliance with the northern environmental section of the
Monon Trail. The Monon has three sections: a northern environmental section, an urban middle
section, and a southern environmental section. In short, the overlay does not apply to single-family
School Board—Kathie Freed
Ms. Freed stated the July Board Meeting is next Monday (July 14),"of course,the public is always
invited. She added that the schools are now on summer hours to,savelenergy. Brief conversation
followed. * i r
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Parks Foundation—Wendy Franklin ` 'C
Ms. Franklin announced that the next meeting is August,2f1, 2014. 0ya
Board Comments t,
Mr. Leirer apologized for missing the June meetings. t ',;
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Mr. Rude said he visited the new pavilion (Willfong Pavilion)`infFounders Park. It was full of activity with
lots of happy people (parents and kids) and grateful staff. K
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Mr. Kirsh said that Carmelfest was awesome;hand Vice°Pre„s;ident Taylor4oncurred.
a i q ¢Adjournment i t v . ,, ,,f
There being no further business, MrLeirer made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and
unanimously passed. (Tit�meeting was adjourned at 617 p.m.)
Approved,la , icy - �s ,� �G t
4Evw Lam
,,,,,3t-,-, �rE` Date
Signature ` ,1,7 Date
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