HomeMy WebLinkAbout234317 07/01/14 1 u�SANM u/ \ CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366092 ONE CIVIC SQUARE INDIANA DESIGN CENTER, LLC CHECK AMOUNT: $*****5,094.14* S, ® q CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ATTN:LAUIE SILER CHECK NUMBER: 234317 770 3RD AVE SW CHECK DATE: 07/01/14 CARMEL IN 46032 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1203 4359003 2,000.00 FESTIVAL COMMUNITY EV 2201 4350900 MAY 3,094.14 OTHER CONT SERVICES INDIANA DESIGN CENTER One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW Carmel,Indiana 46032 June 18, 2014 City of Carmel Nancy Heck One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Reimbursement for IDC Speaker Fee for June 19 Event —_- - INVOICE_ Due: Upon Receipt Date Description Amount 6/18/2014 City of Carmel commitment of$2,000.00 to speaker fee $ 2,000.00 for the IDC June 19 Event Total Amount Due " $ 2,000.00 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: INDIANA DESIGN CENTER Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, IN 46032 i Vicki Sponcil From: Laurie Siler Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 6:09 PM To: Vicki Sponcil Subject: FW: Sponsorship Dollars Allocation - IDC Event This email is the approval from the City that they will pay. It should be included in the billing to the city. Laurie From:Andrea Kleymeyer Sent:Thursday, May 29,2014 2:48 PM To: Laurie Siler Subject—FW Sponsorship Dollars Allocation- IDC Event _— Hi Laurie, Below you will find the email from Nancy Heck that commits$2000 toward IDC's June 19 event.Thank you! Andrea Andrea Kleymeyer Indiana Design Center I Marketing Director Pedcor Companies 1 200 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 P: 317.660.3396 E: andrea(c)-indianadesigncenter.com indianadesigncenter.com From:<Heck>, Nancy S<NHeck@carmel.in.gov>. Date:Tuesday, May 20,20144:49 PM To:Andrea Kleymeyer<akleymeyer@pedcor.net>, "mmcvicker@carmel.in.gov"<mmcvicker@carmel.in.gov>, "Lentz, Melanie J" <mlentz@carmel.in.gov> Cc:Melissa Beeman Averitt<melissaa@pedcor.net>,Jennifer Cohen -SL Mag<iennifer@slmag.net>, "Alert Tom. Vriesman" <tom@designstudiovriesman.com> Subject: RE:Sponsorship Dollars Allocation- IDC Event We discussed in,our marketing meeting and all feel it is a good use of those funds. Sounds like a wonderful event. Let this serve as approval to allocate $2,000 for speaker fee for this event. Can the IDC pay the speaker and we will reimburse? Nancy S. Neck Director of Community Relations &Economic Development City of Carmel --— --- --_— — — — — - - —One Civic Square - i Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 571-2494 You From: Andrea Kleymeyer [mailto:akleymeyer@pedcor.netl Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 12:53 PM To: Heck, Nancy S; McVicker, Megan; Lentz, Melanie J Cc: Melissa Beeman Averitt; Jennifer Cohen - SL Mag; Alert Tom. Vriesman Subject: Sponsorship Dollars Allocation - IDC Event Hi Nancy, Megan & Melanie: IDC has an exciting event,in the works for June 19! The event will have great appeal to art collectors and enthusiasts. We have$3,000 in event sponsorship dollars committed from the City of Carmel for 2014,so I wanted to see if we could allocate$2,000 of the city's sponsorship dollars toward the event Speaker Fee(he's a NY Times best selling author traveling from Philadelphia). Attached you will find a document that describes the event plan and our request. I've also bulleted details below for your review. Please let me know if we are okay,to allocate the sponsorship dollars and if you'd like to meet and discuss. Thursday,June 19—6-9pm "Fakes, Frauds&Forgeries"speaker presentation by Robert Wittman, Founder of the FBI Art Crime Division and Author of PRICELESS • Hosted by IDC&Sophisticated Living(other sponsors to be included) • Selling(150)$25 tickets open to public-ticket includes presentation, lite hors d'oeuvres/cocktails reception, book signing • Garth's Auctions from Columbus,OH will conduct complimentary appraisals of art,jewelry and collectibles on event day at IDC • Portion of ticket proceeds go to Methodist Hospital Task Core • City of Carmel would be included as a Supporting Sponsor(details attached on page 2) Thank you! Andrea Andrea Kleymeyer Indiana Design Center I Marketing Director Pedcor Companies ( 200 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 P: 317.660.3396 E: and rea(cDindianadesigncenter.com indianadesigncenter.com 2 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Indiana Design Center ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF$ One Pedcor Square, 770 3rd Avenue S.W. Carmel, IN 46032 $2,000.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Community Relations PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#IrITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1203 Invoice 43-590.03 $2,000.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday,June 30,2014 Director, Community Relations/Economic Development Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF-CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours,rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 06/18/14 Invoice $2,000.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer INDIANA DESIGN CENTER,LLC One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave.SW Carmel,Indiana 46032 June 25,2014 City of Carmel: Street Dept. Attn: Dave Huffman 3400 West 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46074 RE: Billing in accordance with the Parking Administration Agreement between Indiana Design Center and The City of Carmel dated December 1,2011. INVOICE-May Due: Upon Receipt Invoice City% Date Vendor For Amount Amount 05/02/14 Duke Energy Garage/Stairwell Electric $ 1,454.52 $ 1,454.52 05/05/14 Carmel Utilities Water $ 432.04 $ 144.06 05/07/14 AT&T Fire/Elevator Phone Lines $ 304.06 $ 101.39 04/23/14 Leach&Russell Alarm Maintenance $ 313.85 $ 313.85 03/18/14 Indiana Department of Homeland Security Elevator Permit $ 120.00 $ 40.01 01/01/14 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Maintenance Contract $ 1,559.95 $ 520.15 04/01/14 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Maintenance Contract $ 1,559.95 $ 520.15 Total Amount Due $ 3,094.14 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: Indiana Design Center,LLC Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel,IN 46032} DUKE ENERGY i Account Number 6340-3678-02-6 CM 01 May 27,2094 $1,4.54.52 For more detailed billing information on your monthly bill,check box on right -- $ $ —-� HelpingHand Contribution Amount Enclosed #63170 86LH 02CWI SWOO# (tor Customer Assistance) 0000110 01 AV 0.378 "AUTO 10238846032-203670 4.01.1100110-1 1 6°It°�°I"l�lll�l�N$IBIi°�A°Iall°sal�ll�ll���ll°I�°l��$IE°IIiIILI Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laude Siler PO Box 1326 770 3Rd Ave SW Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Carmel IN 46032-2036 900 0000 ,454528 63403676025 ITS2720141 000131495305 PLEASE RETURN TIiETOP PORMN WrrH YOUR PAYMENT page 1 of 1 ... .................. ............ ...�.�:.;:.:..::......:..:.,..::.:::<.;.•,:n.:,.,{...,.-.:..::::.+...-;12:1:'':'.-•`.7%ti^'.'�;�3! Indiana Design Center,LLC Duke Energy 9-800-521-2232 6340-3678-02-5 200 Range Line Rd S Misc:Else Parti ()0 Q Carmel.IN 46032 1 :: �.. - x+psr : PO Box 1326 Payments atter May 02 not included ©ill prepared on May 02 2014 Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Last payment received Apr 21 Next meter reading dun 02,2014 f W. /y�¢�y VS.�. ti yyyp yy t-Yi Z.:• .. pp a:At3l... ::Pre Elec 106996865 Apr 01 Apr 30 29 7453 7540 160 13:920 28.80 :.}.:5i;};;:i::}=%?:1:':;:';'tri':i%•:.:t:: - J ^}:••k:::y Y+:.,.........::.�.. - - :<yCsYyl::;jyJ'Y:,:`^i Nil%ilii::S': t.: ....,:.:.,.:.: : .. ::-,--.-:i-`,^:-'J_°.'a:,�'•!:-.sic:....,.,:s:.�....:;%:::- EJsage- 13,920 kWh 6.90 kVar Amt Due-Previous Bill $1,930.68 Duke Energy-Rate LSNO $1,359.36 Payments)Received 1,930.68cr Current Electric Charges $1,359.36 Balance Forward --"-'0_p0 Current Electric Charges 1,359.36 = ;•< :.:,•.>.;•{.;<a : ..<::., :>:: Taxes 95.16 Current Amount Due • "�'' 1,454.52 Taxers $95.16 V ] 1 F G 7 L , z z U D .is�;., cs#;3 r ;;; 'tYil 27`"201t:: AverageCost: $0.0977 perkWh ;> May 27,2014 >; $1,454.52 $1,495.30 DUKE "'ENERGY. 2388-01-oo-00(101IO-WW1-OOM270 vAvvt.tluke-ener@/.com '�S .....:0ECily Of nel Utilities Aomunt Number 0662496401 P.O. Box 109 Carmel,IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $432.04 Customer Service - - - - ww4v.carmeiutiiities.rom 81 571-2442 Mon Fri Sam-5Pm I Amount Due^ ` f. After Due Date ! $Q�61.71f Ir '�RiANA RES.GN , CENTER - 770 3RD AVE SW CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46032 141111111111 Otero It tltF!@�TStI C ALO C> ---715 4 0 ::IMMEN= o m ® q PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (432.04) 04/03/14 05/05/14 63083245 742 766 WATER 24 $95.75 SEWER 24 $148.68 STATE TAX $6.70 Total Location Charges for: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#R $251.13 04/03/14 05/05/14 63083248 834 843 WATER 9 $82.83 SEWER 9 $92.28 STATE TAX $5.80 Totat Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD##A $180.91 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $432.04 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $432.04 a AMOUNT DUE AFTER 06102/14 $461.71 Ov ;i:?i2.lfi YieiS�,;�ri3('iii iGr ypi1:'ra�;;,Yr1;3. i-`, .-aP: iii?Ci f;:':i.lYt'1ilkh yT;J. ,i!C:FIi. Service Location Account Number 0662496401 K:, armel 1 Utilities t TO avoid �rir<<i'fiP-.alkmv pr)]""?l >r7' ....M„.,�-. - :i if ran=lir loeforEt .4 lu:.=.char,;. $432.04 wrt: ,i., fiir,c+irU;-tr rnolai. 511 �1° 3 sl r• _ _ _ _ _ $461.71 CARMEL JTILITIES PO 80X 109 Amount EnC1088d CARMEL, IN 46082 Please use return envalope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. r a2'�1F JId F�"` k �.. .;a ���H� ,�}pFVx' 4 s^JYr�r?,, �z •";Y"r;Fr.:.y. , PEDCOR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C Page 1 of 2 ENTER LLC AccouatNumber 31770683638677 /§V.at&t 7203RDAVE SW Billing Data May 7,2014 r �, CARMH„Br dW3I.2a36 Web Sim 8tt.001t1 V lovalcafi mther 317705D3 9 Monthly Statement Apr 8-May 7,2014 Previous Bill 277.34 -Total AT&T Savings 223.50 Payment Received 4.2B-Thank Youl 277ACR Adjustments .00 Balance .00 NtoatlSe2vhae-M_o 7ttweJun 6 Charges 1er317 788-0305 Current charges 304.06 PAonthiy Cl arse$ 11.40 Flus local Calling Measured 44,08 Total Amount�Ug X304.06 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Amount Due in 1111 by 27,2094 Gaiting Name Display Caller tdentificadon By choosing Bus local Caging Measured, you 610 saving 54430 over the cost of Ute same services purchased separately. SilganQuestions?Visit etLe"N fining CEuugesmr3177064M2 Monthly Charges 6.90 Mans and Servicas 304.06 Bus Local Collins Measured 44JM 1-900490-SM Individual Message Business Repair Service: Measured Plan 1-800-727:2273 Catfing Name Display Caller Identification Total of Current C@targes 304.06 By choosing But Local Calling Measured. you are sexing S44.10 ever theeostof the same services purchased separately. Chagos 1or317706.0334 Monthly Charges 5.90 Bus Local Calling Measured 44.00 Individual Message Business Moasurad Pull Caging Name Display Caturldentification By choosing Bus Local Ceiling Measured, you are saving 544.70 over the cost of the same serviced purchased separately. Charges for 317 7064MS Monthly Charges 5.90 TEVEM• DISCONNECT -LONG DISTANCE INFO BUSINESS RATE CHANGE See'News you Can Use for addidansf information. Cowl 6eviens IsmuR edby AT&T Gaols.AT&Trndtaea,AT&T KzKoaa, AT&Tehloa AT&T Mmndn bored npontheseroieand&ro Bowdon. Rewmbaaom pamian vdth yoarchn4ln"0110sw 4malope. Ge GREEN-Ema111npapodowbgino. `. N«mcc o"e...,,:,,:.,o.,,• DUE BY. May 27,2014$304.06 LATE After May 27,2014$319.06 PEOCOR IT BBA INDIANA DESIGN C q.p� BIIEnoDate May?, Account Number 317 706.0308 8677 ENTER LLC YEBW •a IOL't Piaasa lartudayour accaantnumberon ymtr chaos. CARMI IN460 ��.�. CARMf:L,IN dEQi2.2038 Mata Cheats Payebbs to AT&T PO BOX 5080 CAROL STREAM IL 60197.5080 11111tITr�Itllllis aI1111111 111111111111111mIIts 11111111 7317070600308867741490020000000000000000000304060000031906 t... PEOCOR It OSA INDIANA DESIGN C Page 2012 ENiRDA AceBUtidamher MW7,.03�fi67) t2a3RdAVES{N BURngOala Mey7,2d14 at&t CARMEL IN4 PJ24W6 Invoke Number 31710603005 r StrtcheraesegdaIbyEyes 94•1 EmorgerM System IYroAtdlY Serotee-Caadahmd BDfed for the State of Indiana 4,50 Bas[meat Calling Measured 4490 federal Universal Service he &3D Individual Message Bashross IN Universal Service Surcharge 1.17 Measured Plan IN Utility Recelptswcharge 2.60 Calling Name Display Telecommunications Relay Service Js Caller Idstnidcadoo twat Surcharges,and Other Fees 15.72' By eheosing Bus Local Calling Measured, Taxes you aresavingS9 Aover the costo!the aama Federal at3% 7.01' sarvieee purchased soparetely. State at7% 15.73 Total Texas 25.54 MaadhlY Charges Cbwa tor3t7T� 32 IntelPlaesandSentces 39.116590 Bas Local Callfag BBaesawd 44JDO Indrv':dual Message Business Measured Pian s Calling Name Display CaOerldenaTxation PREVENT DISCONNECT Oydwosing Bus Local Call*Measured Thankyou for being a valued customer.Itis imponent to inform you you are saving 544.70 over the cost of the same that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current services pmcheaed separately. and preventcaliectionacdMes.In addition,please he aware that we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST bepaid in Tow MummySeadae 255.011 order to prevent Interruption ofbasiclocelservice,Thosecharges are already included in die Total AmountOue and are S3KM jMdIda s and Changes to SaMn If you don't agree with the emea ddue,you should dsputo the portion This section of vont bill reflects charges and credits resulting from you disagreewfdt before the payment due date. accwrnacti ty. LONG DISTANCE INFO Item, y Amount Our records indicate thatyau have chosen not to have a Na, Description Quantity onto Rete Billed 1kta:MeY7,2814 Incaltolloralong distance company. Ordartlamitar 119084382725 BUSINESS RATE CHANGE Eflead"May t,2014,Your Bt71 rebm an increase 0f Effective July Z 2014,the monthly charge for Message Rate Exchange S28.0010ycur Monthly Access lines whin increase from S67.25to Saco.For questions,please Service charges.Charges are can the number on your toll. prarstad Gom May 1,2614 tbru May 6.28H L Meetly Samoa 400 Fatal Calla CaUfol Charged to 317706-00 64easwadphutPlan Smamary 3O MmutolalWad atSDM par mimne M Total Caff(s)Charged to 317IM0385 9O Cal({slCharged to317706.0632 t4Teaswed Pfnn PiaO Summary 30 Minutals)hided atSOA3 per minute W Total Calls)Charged to317706.0532 Total Lotal Calls 1.80 41SIAK 51fROLOMA000100NNNNNWY9476ZA75 sem. I 9E0Z-U09V N!13WW.7 MS 3AV OUE OZG D7T d31N3 O N91S30 VNV10Nl V8011 1:10303d . nr1�L{rlll�llllqIh'I'IIJill lldllll"1111'lltell IHill rlllll se,WVO AV l GE9t9'ACZ 9'LBL4 I Lead & Russell Mechanical Contractors, Inc. r+ 5151 Ford Circle Invoice Fishers,Indiana 46038 va R USS E L L Phone:(317)841-7877 ncHAutcAL Fax: (317)841-74.60 Invoice plumber: 30224 o Pedcor Invoice Date: 04/23/2014 355 City Center Drive Our Job Number 148077 m Carmel, IN 46032 Job Name: Pedcor IDC Garage _ 0 O 2 Your Purchase Order Number Labor needed for service to the CO monitoring system in, above location, Changed the dip switch settings and calibrated the trip points. (See copy of work order attached) s ' Subtotal $310.00 Indiana sales tax $3.85 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $313.85 I r I • r I .� p l • t Terms: Due Upon Receipt z566-x'9 WORK ORDER O. .EACH & RUSSELL ......... _ M. __ MECHANICAL, CONTRACTORS, INC. 9151 Ford Circle Attention: Fishers, Indiana 46038-3000 Phone (317) 841-7877 Fax(317) 841-7460 WORK RELIUESTED; ._..___....._._.... .-.--______...�..._.�........._...�____-_ ---P dtu._._._._.- ,.._...�..+_ ».._.....__,....__.—_ YlContracl jOrderTaken � material & terlat :Order No. Job complete � ^' . _. ....___...... tneamptat..s 0� �.._.. , Phone W _�otMumber. Number: ESorial Mumber_....._.....,...,...M.........�.;.._..__- Number: gip._ 7ruck ChargetLA I �.M QTY MATERIALS AM&U--Nf _--.� ...-_...-_........._._...n..........�._... . . .........__.... ...r...Y...wt w.+..._ .�x..>...._n._.._,+._x......_a.........._..n_.r_...u..__...._......_........_._._..__.__•_._..--- _.__..,..._-,__....._. ..�._.,..m.��r -.....�,. ._..._.._:_..:w.w—r.-..,...-_.....__._._.....�_.a_�_.,,._. ... .....o-,.-u.-.rrr .._........_.....__..._-.-u. TOTAL Abr OF i tlER CHARGES � t\./L✓^f I, ;_ _.nn�.w..ns.........n._.n......._....._......._....._...... ..._._....r.�i :.. .1 i._••_•___...n.-.-.-t ...._..__.._.w..r..rr....._...._. ;...._.....���__.._.._.��.. r..:l.._�..._: _' pg�y' �garygwa LA ryp�gppp9p�.g�. ._.._.'".1 1 QAE F— , hmfi"�Ib10R Ij Ud T 6.L^9 � 0 u AMOUNT i r ....................................... ...._ �.._„ 7 � 7 . .... ....... .. , ........................ ........ f`, w. �..\ .. ✓;. ........ > J . c: ................._...x..__..,.._............._............i ; ........................... . ..� e.� .- _L LABOR _i_ TOTAL MATERLAL, ETHER&LABOR alta ;o ' . Wwk ordered Sy! TAX Sign Eur TOTAL 5 «ro to go s s fago compe o0 o e a ove�r5E-ff wor an n' o end •payment a} n receipt of inveree, ELEVATOR OPERATING CERTIFICATE INVOICE TY ASSOCIATION II 37 E DdAIN ST LEE CLOUSE CARMEL TAT 46032 j al test report is due before a permit is issued. r Test report is due before a permit is issued. be paid before a permit is issued. t in service please request an "ELEVATOR OUT OF SERVICE ver Due Location Address S o.00 200 SOUTH RANGELINE ROAD, CARML IN 46032 LA e y Invoice Date please submit ENTIRE document with payment 02/21/2014 Unit(S) 1 Total Due upon receipt of 1 $ 120.00 of $ 120.00 014 -1 $120 of $ 120.00 Invoice Date 02/21/2014 i a check made payable to the Department of Homeland security. You can pay all your � site https://myoracle.in.gov/dfbs/idhaFeesFines/stv.rt.do with visa/master mer Id on this letter or State Number on the invoice to pu11 up information when :omplete the following information and return by mail :Indiana Department of )epartment, 302 W.Washington St., Rm : E221,Indianapolis, IN 46204 or fax to mll(317)232-6427 or E-mail:elevator-invoiceedhe.in.gov 2.25% convenience fee payments. :rd .t State Zip Code 3S/Discover/Master Card ONLY (circle one) Exp.Date (mm/yy) ltact Phone Number Signature r agrees to the obligations set forth by the Cardmember's Suer. 114 -1 $120 of $ 120.00 Invoice Date 02/21/2024 THYSSE KRUPP ELEVATOR CORP. ORIGINAL INVOICE TERMS:NET-INVOICES ARE DUE WHEN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMIT TO TKE CORP CONTACT: 317-595-1125 PO 33468 ATLANTANTA GAA 31193.3004 3 INDIANAPOLIS BRANCH t THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW. -- w. 0.00 trlEst:.,'n� 1,559.95 3tDT41 =fi35l1R0EIi'`V "'S= 1 tNDIANADESIGN CTR ONE PF.ACORE SQ C� �. PEDCORE HOMES CORPORATION ° �I, 1200 S RANGE LINE RD I 770 3RD AVE SWI} �` I CARMEL IN 46032-2135 CARMEL IN 46032-2036 �0 United States STNS tC?. 11Li OENs'`x=r :, �nr 1 24060 1' US5679 01-JAN-14 eERVIF'�PE GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH 3000$66$92 I 01!01/94 TO 01/39/14 f THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938,AS AMENDED. I _ FV-042 THYS EN UPP ELEVATOR CORP. STOMERCOPY � TERMS:WHENET-REINVNDEREDICES DUE WHEN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMIT TO TKE CORP CONTACT: 317-595-1125 PO BOX 933004 33468 ATLANTA GA 311933004 INDIANAPOLIS BRANCIi sj x". $ 1,559.95 t THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW.VY _ ;..... z : ��� V ia3.Ys3C ;<aI 0.00 ONE PEDCORE SO ! INDIANA DESIGN CTR PEDCORE HOMES CORPORATION 200 S RANGE LINE RD 770 3RD AVE SIN �. 19- Iy f; OARPAEL IN 46032-2135 CARMEL IN 46032-2036 FC�'� i United states " EiR3fl1ffl 24060 I US5679 01-JAN-14 GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH � 3000$66892 01/0111 TO 03!31/14 / THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938,AS AMENDED, FDLO42 ET-INVOICES ARE TmHYSSE K LPP ELEVATOR CORP. REMITTANCECOPY TERUEWHE'RENDERED DUE WHEN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMIT TO TKE CORP CONTACT: 317-595.1125 AT BoxLANTA A 37 GGA 31M193-3GC4 33468 AT INDIANAPOLIS BRANCH == 4LS% `<S� 1,559.951 THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW. ,• � 0.00 ONE PEDCORE SO INDIANA DESIGN CTP PEDCORE HOMES CORPORATION t 200 S RA IN E LINE RD 770 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032.2036 i United States 24060 US5679 01 JAN-14 GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVO110E WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WFTH 3000866892 01/01/14 TO 03/31/14 THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1936,AS AMENDED. INVOICES ARE THYSSENKR PP ELEVATOR CORP. ORIGINAL INVOICE TERMS:WHEN DUE WHEN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMIT TO TKE CORP CONTACT: 317-595-1125 PO BOX 933004 1427 ATLANTA GA371933004 "-� INDIANAPOLIS BRANCH � Vii'$ 1,559.95 _THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW. �� K '. . - - -•=�-' $ 1,559.95 00. y ONE PEDCORE SO INDIANA DESIGN CTR PEDCORE HOMES CORPORATION 200 S RANGE LINE RD 770 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032-2135 CARMEL IN 46032-2036 United States ; y 24060` I US5679 M 01-APR-14 • hi''r��i'��'1� •.inGG'YwM- Tt+tf'+i_.. �'r.� ... - 'r.n'V�.y.�rv. . GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH 3000954472 04/01/14 TO 06/30/14 THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACI.OF 7938,AS AMENDED. FDL042 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP. CUSTOMER COPY TERMS:NEE—INVOICES ARE €TUE WHEN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMITTO TKE CORP PO BOX 933004 CONTACT: 317-595-1125 ATLANTA GA 31193-M04 1427 � INDIANAPOLIS BRANCH - .THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW. 0.00 cxl y $ 1.559.95 ONE PEDCORE SQ INDIANA DESIGN CTR PEDCORE HOMES CORPORATION 66 200 S RANGE LINE RD 77770 33RD AVE SVV . t CARMEL IN 46032-2135 CARMEL IN 46032-2036 v i United Stales 777 24060 US5679 01-APR-14- ;, GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH 3000954472 04/01/14 TO 06/30114 THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938,AS AMENDED. FOL042 INVOICES ARE TH 8 SSENK PP ELEVATOR CORP, REMITTANCE COPY TERMS:NET RENDERED DUE WREN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMMTO TKE CORP PO BOX W3004 CONTACT: 317-595-1125 ATLANTA GA 31193.3004 1427 N_ INDIANAPOLIS BRANCH v $ 1,559.95 THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW. r' ~� �� ` 0.00 $ 1,559.95 ONE PEDCORE SO . IND►ANA DESIGN CTR PEDCORE HOMES CORPORATION 200 S RANGE LINE RD 770 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 4&032-2135 CARMEL IN 46032-2036 United States 24060 US5679 01-APR-14 GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BYTHIS INVOICE WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH 3000954472 r 04/01/14 TO 06/30/14 THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938,AS AMENDED. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler IN SUM OF$ 770 3rd Ave. S. W. Carmel, IN 46032 $3,094.14 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 I May I 43-509.001 $3,094.14 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 1) '7 o , 4 P.4 IMF Friday, June 27, 2014 Street Commissioner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/25/14 May $3,094.14 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer