HomeMy WebLinkAboutBNY Mellon 682887 April 2014 ci.zr .ft- BNY MELLON the Clunk of New York Mellon Trust Company, N A. CITY OF CARMEL Account Statement DIANA CORDRAY 1 CIVIC SO Statement Period 04/01/2014 Through 04/30/2014 CARMEL IN 46032 Account 682887 CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA TAXABLE u. z ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS. m SERIES 2002(PARKWOOD EAST PROJECT) Go Paperless. Securely access your account online to view your statements. BOND FUND$3.560.000 Ask your BNY Mellon contact how we can help you access your accounts,enter (SUCCESSORED FROM FIFTH THIRD BANK) ° your own transactions or submit an audit confirmation online.Also be sure to ask how Connect(SM),our new web-based, single sign-on platform can help you ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACT LAURA CRAWFORD go paperless. 525 WILLIAM PENN PLACE AIM 153-3800-38TH FL PI ITSBURGH, PA 15259 Visit us at www.bnymellon-com 412-236-9788 LAURA.C RAW FOR D©13NYMELI-ON.COM CLIENT SERVICE MANAGER DONNA SHORT 300 NORTH MERIDIAN STREET INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46204 3171637-7779 DONNA.SHORT @BNYMELLON.COM Account Overview Percent of all Investments - Assel Classification Market Value 100% CASH AND SHORT TERM 290,66892 /!1 100% TOTAL OF ALL INVESTMENTS 290,668.92 Summary of Assets Held Asset Classificalion Market Value Cost Accrued Income Psi Annual Income Market Yield FIXED INCOME 0.00 0.00 n.00 0.00 0.00%� CASH AND SHOW TERM 200,868.02 290,008.52 090 29.07 0,01% ACCOUNT TOTALS 290,668.92 299,668.92 0.00 29.07 0.01% Summary of Cash Transactions _ Current Period Year-to-Date Realized Tiarsaerlmi Category Income Principal CelnsilLat os Income Principal OPENING BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DIVIDENDS 24.49 0.00 0.00 57 01 0.00 SALES AND REDEMPTIONS 0,00 2.531,109:78 090 0.00 2,768,79688 PAYMENTS AND WITHDRAWALS 0.00 2.591,109.39 - 0.00 0.00 2.788,79688 - FEES AND EXPENSES 24.49 - 0.00 0.00 97.01 - 0.00 • CLOSING BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0n The above cash Iransaclionc sunanmy is provided for informalion purposes only and nay not reflect actual taxable income Or darllrrllble expenses as reportable under the Internal Revenue Code. o 5. a 0 Page 11 of 16 Page 1 of 2 No- r- BNY MELLON Statement Period 0410112014 Through 04130/2014 Account 682887 Tbo Bank or New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. OARMEL-PARKWOOI]EAST BOND FUND Statement of Assets Held Shares I Market Price Marker Value Accrued Income Par Value Asset Description Average Cost Cost Est Annual Income Market'Nerd FIXED INCOME 1.000 DUKE REALTY 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00% LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NOTE 0.00000 0.00 0.00 SERIES 2002 CUSIP:SO6030030 Total FIXED INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00% 000 0.00 CASH AND SHORT TERM 290,665.920 FEDEIATED TREAS OBUG CAP ID 662 1.00000 290.660,92 0.00 0.01% CUSIP:599993200 1.0000(1 290,655.92 29.07 Tots!CASH AND SHORT TERM 290,668.92 0.00 0.01% 290,668.92 29.07 ACCOUNT TOTALS 290,668.92 0.00 0,01% 290,668.92 29.07 Total Markel Value Plus Total Accrued Income 290.668,02 Statement of Transactions Transaction Poetized Dale Transaction Description Income Principal Cost GainslLessos 04101114 OPENING BALANCE 0.00 0.00 2,881,776.30 04!02(14 Dividend 24.49 0.00 0.00 0(10 FEDERATE.DTREAS CHUG CAP ED 862 DIVIDEND 04/02/14 Cash Oehil 2449- 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEIIERA'I'EO TREAS COLIC CAP ED 862 INVESTMENT MAiNTENANCE FEE 04102/14 DAILY ENDING BALANCE 0.00 0,00 2,881,778.30 0.00 04110114 Sale 0.00 2,591,109.30 2.591,109.38- 0.00 FEDERATED TREAS OULIG CAP ID 062 2,591,109,38 SHARES 04110114 Cash Debit 0.00 2,591,109.38- 0.00 0.00 SPOH DS TO DNYLOANS AiC 250440 TI4Nf15P140,41040■31100 04/10114 DAILY ENDING BALANCE 0.00 0.00 299,668.92 0.00 04,704 CLOSING BALANCE 0.00 0.00 290,660.92 0.00 Cumulative realized capital gain and loss position horn 1213112013 for securities held In principal of account: Short Term: 0.00' Long Term: 0.00 'The above gain and loss position does not include Transactions where tax cost information is incomplete or unavailable. • Cash and securities set lamb on this Account Slalenlerit are hold by'the Bank of New York Mellon,an affiliate of The Rank of New York Mellon Trust Company,NA, In addition. The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company.N.A.may utilize subsidiaries and alllllates In provide services and certain products to the Account. Subsidiaries and affiliates may be r, Compensated for their services and products_ The value of securities set forth on this Account Statement are obtained by The Rank of New York Mellon Trust Company,NA..from its affiliate,The Rank of Now York Mellon which determines such values for CorperaleTrusl on the basis of market pikes and infermation obtained by The Bankol New York Mellon from unaffiliated third parties(including independent pricing vendors)("third party pricing services;). The Flank el New York Mellon has not verified such marker values or information and makes no assurances as to the accuracy or correctness of such market values or infer motion or that the market values set fur 01 on This Account Stelement relied the value of the securities That can be realized upon the sale of such securities. In addition,the market values for the securities set tunlr in this Acdwnl Statement may differ frets the market prices and infer metier'Tor the same securities used by Piper business units of The Hank of New Volk Mellon Trust Company,NA..The Rank of New York Mellon or their respective subsidiaries or affiliates based upon market prices and information received ham other third party pricing services utilized by such other business units. Corporate Trust does not compare its marker values with o those used by,or reconcile different marker values used by,other business units of'Ole Dank or New Yolk Mellon Trust Company,N.A.,The Bank of New York Mellon or their w respecfrve subsidiaries or affiliates. Neither the Bank 01 New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A.nor The Bank of New York Mellon shall be liable for any less,damage or expense incurred as aresult of or arising from or (elated to the[leaked values or ielormalien provided by third party pricing services or the differences in market prices or information provided by other third party pricing services, Page 12 of 16 Page 2 or 2