HomeMy WebLinkAbout234863 07/16/14 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350391 t. . ONE CIVIC SQUARE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR-DEFERRAXtFCK AMOUNT: S••`"14,235.00' CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ATTN:TERESA,AUDITOR'S OFFICE CHECK NUMBER: 234863 9 M,•..._._.o` ONE HAMILTON COUNTY SQUARE STE 134 roN c CHECK DATE: 07/16/14 N08LESVILLEIN 46060 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 101 5023990 14,235.00 COUNTY DEFERRALS a r - o D LE$,BUCKINGHAM,II • PROSECUTING ATTORNEY 7. OFI'ICI OF THE`PROSECUTING'ATTORNEY 24TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT HAIviILTON COUNTY, INDIANA CLAIM-VO­' UCHER DEFERRAL P ROG RANf.,FEES For Monfh of: JANUARY 2014 Court: Carmel City Court ; To: Carmel City Court Clerk Attached is.a list of participants in the Infraction Defgrral.P' ram.who. paid ;a.User'Fee. to. yotar:court. Please submit payment for,these-cases in;the:amount of !P6 Teressa.Meredith,'Hamilion County Auditor's-'.Off'.ce, 33".North: Nin /. '",L2"1, Noblesville,.'IN 46060.to':be,applied,to'Fund # 2500.2505:0000':R502. Teressa can be.reached at 317 776 8295 l Should you have ahy qu1estions,or concerns about the;:list,, please,.contact Laurelee. Hawkins, Deferral Program Clerk, at 317-7708860 or,`you`rriay contact me._at 317-776 8418: Thank'you for'yotar.assistance' ' incer y, J Lisa Pacfor `Pre=trial Dive`rsion�Coord:inator:` Enc: One'Hamilton County Square, Suite 1J4, Noblesville,Indiana 46060 : ':" Pre Trial-Di version.776=8418 =- .Bad Check Pro.gram;774-251 `.(317)7.7-8595 o`FaX°(317,)776-8469 Deferra1770-8860; v I'ax.(3M776-8469 6fax-(317)776-8491 a ®� D TEE:BUCKINOHAM, II ®� ROSECUTING ATT 'PORNEY OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY 24T`'"JUDICIAL CIRCUIT:` HAMILTON COUNTY;;IN DIANA- > CLAIM VOUCHER DE .FEES ROG RANI _ DEFER P• - - For Month of .FEBRUARY Court . - Carmel City Co:urt To: Carmel City Court Clerk ' Atfache;d is a list of.participants-in the°Infraction Deferra,P.rograrri m paid a User Fee :to your-court.;Please submit payment for these cases in the amount of, Teress'a.Meredith, Hamilton County Auditor's Office, 33 North Nint ree ui e ,L`21' Noblesville; IN 460.60 to. be applied to-F.and #.2500.250.5:000O:R502;' Teressa can be,reached at 317.=.776=8295 Should you,.have any questions_or concerns7abqut theaist, please'contact Laurelee . Hawkins; Deferral 1?r.ogram Clerk, at 317-7.70-8860 or',,you may contact me at 317-.776 84.18: - Thank you for your assistance' incere Lisa P.acior• Pre-trial Diversion Coordi-nator Enc One Hamilton County Square Suite-1 34 Noblesville `Indiana 46060 +: . 'Pre Trial,Diversion 776-8418 Bad Check Program.794-251 , , (3I7)776 8595 m Fax-;(3.17)776 8469, ='• Deferra1770-8860 o Fa (317)776=8469 Fax:(317)776-8491- r, - D 21, LEE BUCKINGHAM II ® PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Q.rFIGE OF TRE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY o '24.1 JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, HAMILTON COUNTY,.'NDIANA CLAIM' HE DEFERRAL PROGRAM . FEES for Month of: . MARCH 2014... kT -Court Carmel.City.Court To` Court Clerk::Carmel City " :Attachetl is a list:'of participants.'rn the Infraction Deferral Prog"ram who:paid a''User.;Fee . to;.yotar court =Please subMit,payment for these casesthe amount of __ to Teressa Mo.redith-,.-Hamilton.County Auditor's Office, 33 North'Nin a ite ' L�21 '.Nobi6iviIII6,:1_N ;46060 to:be applied'to Fund # 2600250.5:0000.R502 .>Teressa '-can be reached at317 776-8295 Should ou have:an ue'stions or concerns about the list lease contact Laurele6 Y. Y q : . p Hawkins, Deferral-Program Clerk, at -770-8860or,:.you.ma y.contact,me.at 317--776 8418 Thank'.you for;your assistance. -S' cere Lia Pa i r co Pre-trial-Diversion Co rdina or o t Enc. One Hamilton County Square:Suite 134 NoblesvilIndiana 40662--' Pre Trial`DiV69ion 776=8418 Bad Check-Progrdm'774-2513 (317)776 8595 o Eax,(317)776-8469" -Deferra17.70-8860. a Fac-(317}77G-8469 == Fax(317)776-8491 Al 'J � JC/ LA Q / P ~• �, D LEFBUCKIN(JHAM, II ® N ATTORNEY ( PROSECUTI G .. .. - - r OFFICL•OF THE-PROSECUTING ATTORNEY _24TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Y HAtvIILTON COUNTYJNDIANA CLAIM VOUCHER `DEFERRAL P OG.RAM :FEES For Month of.--:APRIL�2014 Court: Carmel City:Court To:'Carrrlel City.Court Clerk Attached is a list of participants;.in the,Infraction.,Deferral:PYogramrwiio.paid a`,User Fee to :your court _Please submit payment for these cases in the'amount.of e Teressa'Meredith,;Ham ilton County Auditor's Office, 33:North Nint: , L21, Noblesville, IN 46'060-.td be apphed,to Fund #'2500.2505:000Q.R502. Teressa ,.'` , can be reached at-.'.3l7-7767-S,295,:, ,...Should you:have any questions, or-concerns about the.list;"p'leas&contact Laurele'e' Hawkiris, Deferral P,,rogram Clerk, at`317 7.70 8860 or,, ou may contact rrie'at 31.Z-776 8'4.18 Thank you for your assistance ., Si cerely Lisa Pa for Pre trial•Diversion'Coordinator Enc r One"Hamilton County' 'Square Suite 1�4 ' Noblesville .Indiana 46060 : Pre-Trial Diversion 776`8418 D,ad Check Program 774-2513 (317)776 8595 o Fax(317)776 8469. Deferra1770 8860 rax(3:17}726.8469 •Fax(317)776-8491 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Al, 0ML Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Total ILI.S, L06 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Ae1,k�� (1, Iallzzol IN SUM OF $ JJ,41 �- Z //Z 4 $ ON ACCOUNT OF AP TION FOR Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 6_Q 20 l at Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund