HomeMy WebLinkAbout234532 07/08/14 G`�•.sgpr CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 319510 ® ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAINGER INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*******700.58* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 804572097 CHECK NUMBER: 234532 PALATINE IL 60038-0001 CHECK DATE: 07/08/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1093 4235000 9465974856 322.68 BUILDING MATERIAL 1093 4350100 9475526075 74.82 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA 2201 4237000 9476889895 303.08 REPAIR PARTS GRAZNGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052008 INVOICE NUMBER 9476889895 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 06/26/2014 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256-1017 DUE DATE 07/26/2014 www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 303.08 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: CIVIC SQ FOUNTAIN in the description section CALLER: BILL HIGGINBOTHAM CUSTOMER PHONE: (317)850-5962 BILL TO ORDER NUMBER: 1211610811 MDG2014 00013111 1 AB 0406 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131ST ST CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 Interested in receiving invoices via email? Sign up for paperless invoicing at: www.grainger.com/paperiessinvoicing THANK YOU 1 FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-800-472-46643 P, D. • fUANTITY-----UNIT PRICE TOTAL — LINE# The following items were shipped to: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131ST ST CARMEL IN 46074-8267 *'k 3F]Y8 PRESSURE SWITCH,SPDT,1/4-18FNPT 1 303.08 303.08 MANUFACTURER#9012GNG4 Delivery#6263709021 Date shipped: 06/26/2014 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 303.08 These-items.are-sold.for-domesbc_consumption.—fEexportedfpurchaserassumes.ful[responsibility — - - for compliance with US export controls. Diversion contrary to US law prohibitied. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS.PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNTDUE303.08 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A.SALES POLICY FOR PRODUCTS !iii)211 Customer Care at 1-88a-361-8649.and provide the date,the o ginal invoice number,the stock number,and a description of the Grainger sells its complete offering wholesale to business customers,were also serving individuals. defect.Proof of purchase is required in all cases. 1.Prices_ 5.Manufa urer's W«ani. Prices usled are wholesale.do not include freight,handling fees,taxes,and/or duties,and are subject to correction or change withoul notice. The manufacturer's complete wa«an'ry for any product can be obtainer,free of charge by immuclJng the local Grainger branch or calling Market sensi va commodity products will be priced according to current market conditions.Customer should contact the treat Grainger Customer Care at 1-688-361-8649. branch or check online at v:+vw rrainaeccom for current pricing.Export orders may be sub!of to ifner special pricing. Grainger reserves S.Prad ct Com lie an ancd Sui a ill the vont to accept or refect any order- Jurisdictions have varying lavas,codes and regulations governing construction,installation,and/or use of products for a particular,purpose. 2.Sales Tax. Certain,products may,not be available for sale m all areas.Grainier does not guarantee compliance or surability of the products it sells with Customers are responsible for payment of all applicable state and;ocsl taxes,or for providing a valid sales tax exemption ceddicate.When any la'cis,codes or regulations,no,does Grainger accept respeisibfitg for construction,installation and/or use of a product.it is customer's plating an order,customer shaft indicate chich products are tax exempt. responsibility to revieva time product application and all applicable laves,codes and regulations for each relevant jurisdiction to he sure that the 3.Pa mr�ept anrfCre if Terms. construction,installation,and/or use involving the products are compliant. Grainger accepts cash,checks.money orders,Visa.MasterCard,and American Express.For business customers with established Grainger credit,payment terms are net thirty(30)days from the date of shipment or pick-up.All credit extended by Grainger to customer,aid the D.PRODUCT INFORMATION Slits of such credit,is at Graiegers sole discretion,and may be reduced or revoked by Grainger a[arty time,for any reason.Grainger 1.CalataaANehIi s In rnl1.k'rog - rasermas the right to charge a congPbic ce tee for late payments.Grainger further resPnes the righito charge customer a late payment fee Grainger reserves the fight to correct publishing errors in its catalogs or any of its websites.Product depictions in the catalog or viel)sites are at the rate of one and ane-halt percent(1-112%)of the amount due for each month or portion thereof that the amount due remains unpaid, for irustratii e purposes omv.Possession of,or access to,any Grainger catalog,literature or websites does not constitute the right to or such amount rs may be permitted under applicable lava.Anticipation and cash discounts are not allowed.Export orders are subject to purchase products. special export payment terms and conditions.All payments must be made in U.S.dollars.Grainger shall have the right of set-off and derive ion forany sums ow.pd by customur tp Grainger If custamur fails to make payment within thirty(30)days of shipment or pick-up.or Despue our efforts,occasional pricing a«o s may occur in the Grainger catalogs and websites.Grainger reserves the right to cancel any and faits to comply with Grai.ger's credit terms,or fails to supply adequate assurance of full performance to Grainger vrithin a reasonable time all orders resulting from such pricing errors.even if customer has received an order confirmation from Grainger. after requested by Grainger(such time as.specified.n.Grairger's request),Grainger may defer shipments unci!such payment or cnmpharl 2.PrLftMS tt fi&Lt is made.require cash in advance for any further shipments,demand immediate payment of all amounts then awed,elect to pursue collection Products and country of origin)may be substituted and may not be identical m catalog orwebsita published descriptions and'or images. action(including without limitation,alarneys'fees and any and all other associated costs of collection),and/or may.at Its option,pence!ail 3.Wcu Safely as Health Administration("OSHA")Hazardous Substance. or any part of an unshipped order. klatenal Safety Data Sheets$'MSDS")for OSHA defined hazardous substances are prepared and supplied by time ramulactmers.GRAINGER MAKES 140 WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY TO ANY CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY Customer agrees to assume responsibility tar,and customer hereby unconditionally guarantees payment of,as provided herein,all OF THE INFORMATION OR THE SUITABILITY OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN ANY MSDS.CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY purchases made by customer.its subsidiaries and affiliates.Each at customer's subsidiaries and affiliates purchasing from Grainger wilt be RELIANCE ON OR USE OF ANY INFORMATION,AND FOR USE OR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCT. jointly and severally liable for purchases yAth customer,and customer is also acting as agent for such subsidiaries and affiliates. 4.MSDS and Promisither 65 Product Requests. 4. rrdit Balance, Information on MSDS and a list of Proposition 65 products are available:(i)at the local Grainger branch;(ii)by contacting Grainger,Dept. Customer agreesnal'any credittiataneetsj issued lig GrT fg rrNaz, tea la us.u�Ci:un" tr cam rr me ttat fafl and Sat r[TDept-100 Orahige arlway talig-brPst.tt60Da5-520ri1S jiprby atmgr Grainger's MSDS zAthin one(1)year of its issuance.IF CUSTOMER HAS NOT REOUESTED THE CREDIT BALANCE WITHIN ONE(1)YEAR,TO THE EXTENT Request Line at 1-877-286-9860;or(v)by logging on to wvmgraingeccom and clicking on the"Resources"tab at the top of the page.A PERMITTED BY LAW,ANY REMAINING CREDIT BALANCE WILL BE CANCELLED,AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER LIABILITY. complete list of Proposhioa 65 regulated chemicals is available by logging on to'r,'wlv.oehha.ca.gov. 5.Imporlani ttatice to Federoif ssiomers Be:Country of Ori i B.FREIGHT POLICY While all products listed on GSAAdvantage!9 meet the requirements of the Trade Agreements Act("TAA"),as implemented by Federal Prices stated are EO.B.origin,freight prepaid to destination specified in the order.Grainger charges a shipping and handling fee(which Acquisition Regulations Part 25,other products sold by Grainger may not meet the requirements.At the time of purchase,Grainger will advise includes internal handling and related costs)on each order crhich is applied at the 5me of order and reelected on customers invoice. cu<_tamers lath proper identification as an authariied schedule customer vherher or not a product is IAA-compliant"Any federal customer Receipts for shipping and handling charges i'vill not be tumis6ed.Grainger covers shipping and handling tar standard ground delivery for purchasing a ran-TAA ifam will be maiang an"open market"purchase that is not covered by any contract.Federal customers are advised that orders over L'S$1500 before lax and freight(including any back orders).C.O.D.shipments are net permitted.Other terms and conditions the open market purchases are NOT GSA schedule purchases.9,,purchasing any product on the epee market,the customer represents that it play apply for other than standard delivery("Other Freight Services'),including wilhoul fimit3tlon,expedited same day dobvery,air freight, has aurharitty,to make such purchase and has complied with all applicable procurement regulations. freight collect.export orders,hazardous materials.customer's carrier,shipments outside the contiguous U.S.,or other speciid handling by 6.ARRA Orders. the carrier.Any charges incurred for Other freight Sarvic^.s.must be paid by customer,Fuel surcharges may be applied.Title and risk of It is the customer's respmasiGJty to advise Grainger whetharthis order is funded in any part by funds from or related to the American toss pass to customer upon tender of shipment to the carrim if the product is damaged in transit,customer's only recourse is to file a claim Reinvestment and Recovery Act(',,,RRA');Pub.L.No.111-5)(i.e.,Stimulus funds).Upon request,Grainger will provide country of origin .with the carrier. iiformation so that customer may determine compliance with any applicable requirements under ARRA Section 1605 or any other applicable regulations. C-PRODUCT WARRANTY POLICY 1.SATISFACTION GUARANTEE TO ALL CUSTOMERS. E,GENERAL TERMS Customer should contact Graingerif not satisfied vrilh a product for any reason:Grainger will promptly provide an exchange or refund if the 1.Force Mal ore. product is returned wilhin 30 days pt delivery.in its original packaging and with proof of purchase from Graioger. Grainger shall nut be liable for any delay in,or impairment ol,performance resulting in:'chole or in part from any force majeure event, including but not limited to acts of God,labor disruptions,acts of sear,acts of terrorism(evhether actual or threatened),govemmental decrees 2.GRAINGER LIMITED WARRANTY FOR BUSINESSES, or controls,insurrections,spidemia,quarantines.shortages,communication or power tuiures,fre,accident,explosion.inability tr procure ALL PRODUCTS SOLD TO BUSINESS CUSTOMERS ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY FOR USE IN BUSINESS,GOVERNMENT, pr ship product ar obtain permts rind licenses.inability to procure supplies ar raw materials,severe wether conditions,catastrophic events, RESALE.OR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE AGAINST DEFECTS IN VJORK14ANSHIP OR MATERIALS UNDER NORMAL USE FOR or any other circumstance or cause beyond the reasonable control of Grainger in the conduct of its business. ONE(1)YEAR AFTER DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER.AT GRAi MEWS OPTION,THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY PRODUCT IT 2.Gralmor's Performance of ervices. DETERMINES TO BE DEFECTIVE iN WORKMANSHIP OR MATERIALS WILL BE REPAIR,REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE Cuslornar will hold harmless and indemnity,Grainger,its officers,directors,employees,agents,subcontractors or representatives from and PRiCE. agehed any and all claims,including bodily injury,death,or damage to personal property,and all other losses,liabilities,obligations,demands, actions and expenses.:vhether direct or indireft knmun or unknown,,absolute or contingent,incurred by Grainger related to the performance 3.WARRAEITY ptSCLAItAE(i A tDt LIM{TAT!O�J OF LIMB LI ITY TO ALL f�USTgMEG$, of services for customer(including t,fhml limitation,settlement costs.alameys'fens,and any an'all other expenses for defending any a.EXCEPT AS SET FORTH HEREIN AND WHERE APPLICABLE,NO WARRANTY OR AFFIRMATION OF FACT OR DESCRIPTION,EXPRESS actions or threatened actions)arsirg out of,in vihple or in pad.any act or omission of customer,tts employees,agents,subcontractors or OR IMPLIED,IS MADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER. GRAINGER DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF representatives. MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 3.Cancellation, GRAINGER ALSO DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF PRODUCT MISUSE,141PROPER PRODUCT SELECTION, All product order cancellations must be approved by Grainger,aid may be denied or subject to restocking fees and other charges. IMPROPER INSTALLATION,PRODUCT MODIFICATION,MISREPAIR OR MISAPPLICATION. 4.Product Return lar Business Customers. Far business coslomers,product returns,if allc%ed most be-mala sithinepa+l)year from dare of purchase.uhf>sotbenrisa milicated: h.ANY LiA8i1,11'Y FOR CDNSEOUENTIAL.INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY,OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES IS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED TO CasfrmErshould call the local Grainger branch.or go to iwilvirralemercom for instructions.Re'umed product must be in original packaging, THE EXTENT PERMISSIBLE.GRAINGER'S LIABILITY IN ALL EVENTS IS LIMITED TO THE PURCHASE PRiCE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT mhused,undamaged and in sa!eah!a cendifior,.Proof of purchase is required in all cases.Product re2cns maybe denied or made subjectto THAT GiVES RISE TO ANY LIABILITY. reslacring fees and other charges by Grainger. 4.k'Jgjolit Product Return. Defoe returning am,+product,austrmersheg:(i)write or call the local Grainger branch from which the product was purchased;(ii)in the F.EXPORT SALES case of as Internet order,contact Grainger In,logging on to s::°ww.graiogeccom,clicking on the`Contact Us"link at the bottom of the gaga. Orders for export sales are subject to the terms condibo;s found atyrrnv-grainoercom and an CP a ressed by liekng an the"Terms of than,chn'xing on the"Email US"link and provide the date,the crigmal invoice number,the stack number,and a description of the defect;or Sale':ink. -Q rl 11l CM1IT Q�IPV�CO'^'" - _'/It,IC IC f.IIR 11!141 C(M1M1I,!(Illy ro',- ' `Ir%l4Q/ill TMDV pCCC4C�!'�_______� VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Grainger c�I J� IN SUM OF $ Dept. 864G 2QQ 0 p`/ yl-I Palatine, IL 60038-0001 $303.08 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 I 9476889895 I 42-370.001 $303.08 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except c Street)y8rm1 4ply 02, 2014 Street Commissioner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund I 1 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/26/14 9476889895 $303.08 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer GJFAZNGERe PAGE 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE III- GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 84751 521 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE NUMBER 9465974856 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46256-1017 06/13/2014 www.grainger.com INVOICE DATE DUE DATE 07/13/2014 AMOUNT DUE $322.68 SHIP TO ATTN:JIM v� MONON CENTER ��* ' �3'KT� PO NUMBER: 37180 Jim Ransford PROJECTMOB: 37180 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E REQUISITIONER: 37180 CARMEL IN 46032-4421 JUN 1 6 2014 CALLER: DAWN KOEPPER CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 ORDER NUMBER: 1210702950 BY; INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEINUM.BER 36-1160280 ' FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-800-472-4643., . PO ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINE# 1 2W235 STD CAP.PLEATED FILTER,24X24X2,MERV7 60 3.29 197.40 MANUFACTURER#2W235 2 2W234 STD CAP.PLEATED FILTER,12X24X2,MERV7 48 2.61 125.28 MANUFACTURER#2W234 Delivery#6262602560 Date Shipped:06/13/2014 Carrier:UPS GROUND NoW Pkgs:9 Wt:114.000 Trk#:1Z6Y07A40387734101 1Z6Y07A40387734110 1Z6Y07A40387734325 I w� 3 80 -'�)3 0 0 � 10 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 322:68 These items are sold for domestic consumption.If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls.Diversion contrary to US law prohibited. PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 days-PAY THIS INVOICE.NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE $322.68 GRAINGER® PAGE 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE +�1 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE NUMBER 9475526076 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46256-1017 06/24/2014 www. rain er.com INVOICE DATE 9 9 ! DUE DATE 07/24/2014 f �U� 52��4 AMOUNTDUE $74'82 SHIP TO ATTN:JIMPO NUMBER: XX-788 ` MONON CENTER PROJECT/JOB: XX-766 Jim Ransford REQUISITIONER: XX-786 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E CARMEL IN 46032-4421 CALLER: DAWN KOEPPER CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 ORDER NUMBER: 1211524666 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-..1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 9-800-472-4643- PO ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINE# 1 6XMH4 WASP AND HORNET KILLER,AEROSOL,20 OZ. 8 8.24 65.92 MANUFACTURER#18320 2 4LRF8 PENETRATING SOLVENT,HD,SIZE 11 OZ 2 4.45 8.90 MANUFACTURER#0-32167-10001-9 Delivery#6263545068 Date Shipped:06/24/2014 Carrier:UPS GROUND No:of Pkgs:1 Wt:18.700 Trk#A Z6Y07A40388847363 �(IA gpYC1y i ��1 ver ii )o(-799 l O q 3-4-350100 (J.T�sns-fard) INVOICE SUB TOTAL 74.82 These items are sold for domestic consumption.If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls.Diversion contrary to US law prohibited. PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 days-PAY THIS INVOICE.NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE $74"82 IACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 319510 Grainger Terms Dept 804491322 Date Due Palatine, I L,60038-0001 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO# Amount 6/13/14 9465974856 Air filters Unit 7 37180 $ 322.68 6/24/14 9475526075 Bug spray&oil solvent xx788 $ 74.82 Total Is 397.50 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. I 319510 Grainger Allowed 20 Dept 804491322 Palatine, IL 60038-0001 In Sum of$ i- $ 397.50 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR ! 109 Monon Center i Po#or Board Members De t# INVOICE NO. CCT#/TITL AMOUNT P 1093 9465974856 4235000 J $ 322.68 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1093 9475526075 4350100 $ 74.82 hill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and deceived except 3-Jul 2014 $ 397.50 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if 1 Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund