HomeMy WebLinkAbout235057 07/22/14 .J,��4�gti�i CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 365825 a �J. ONE CIVIC SQUARE AUTOMATED DOORS &ACCESS INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*******192.50* �a 4 032 6334E 32ND COURT CHECK NUMBER: 235057 ;? CARMEL, INDIANA 6 vy.(TON.�, INDIANAPOLIS IN aszzs CHECK DATE: 07/22/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1093 4350100 AIN070823359 192.50 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA INVOICE AUTOMM DOORS &ACCESS,MC "Qualify is Automatic" F . www.qualityisoutomatic.com 2 2014 PLEASE REMIT TOINVOICE NUMBER AIN0708233591 Automated Doors&Access,Inc. INVOICE DATE 6/27/2014 6334 E.32nd Court PO NUMBER X� Indianapolis,IN 46226 /� Phone:(615)471-5366 TOTAL DUE $192.50 BILL TO LOCATION Accounts Payable Monon Community Center Monon Community Center Monon Community Center Email: Carmel,IN 46032 mkilpatdck@carmelclayparks.com _ 1235 Central Park Drive East Contact:Matthew Bush Carmel,IN 46032 Phone:(317)721-2874 Phone:(317)573-5239 Description Issue-Pool exiUentrance door is staying open:Inspected doors.Found that exterior door control not working properly. Fuse is not staying inserted and control not working with opposite control.Replaced control with customer stock. Made adjustments.Tested-OK.1M/1H Service Call 140624-0008 MONON CENTER-POOL EXIT/ENT NO Salesperson Customer Number Order Date Completion Date Payment Terms. Shtpping Metftod -_ o 6r _ n �.. _ as , Ryan F Kell MONON COM CTR 6/26/2014 _ 6/26/2014 LOCAL DELIVERY Cost Code Totals , /, gtO EQUIPMENT $0.00 � �C. MATERIAL $0.00 LABOR $112.50 SUBCONTRACTOR $80 00 1 D 00 1v �13-- � o Subtotal $192.50 Subtotal $192.50 Tax $0.00 Amount Paid $0.00 Total $192.50 Page 1 of 1 Automated Doors fc Access, Inc.,6334 E. 32nd Court, Indianapolis, IN,46226 Phone(615)471-5366 Fax(615)471-5367 E-mail accounting@qualityisautomatic.com +;r AUTOMATED DOORS 6334 East 32nd COUrt 1105 Stones Rive., Court Indianapolis IN 46226 L:aVergne. Tennessee 37086 &ACCESS, INC Office. 317 472.7450 Office: 615-471-5366 ,.' "Duality Is AutomaFic" Fax' 317 472.7451 Fax: 615-4"11 5367 'Toll Free: 866 470 8099 servicerequest@gUaRtyisaUtcmatfc.com www cluaitylsautornatic.com SERVIC 11 %WT ORK ORDER NOT AN INVOICE CUSTOMER NQ E'.th49): 1v"C).LD NO- Lt.CAi-1t:NI {�fvt> + �-d L°' I'f�-jF.IN: TIME C L'T AE)DRt��: (✓ / �,� �1�7?�> E::`1 I11•IA'I'T.L) E>Ri)POSAtL 0 PARTS`0 PL.=MNIED'MAI\11_N:t,f':C'E Q REGULAR mit/ Fj,0-Ri.(rt..NC)'Q REE(;RN CJ 'ARRAN,0''� lfl': INTE;R10R - --...............-•- ........... 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S\','fTC'HNG ACCESS t)PI v tit,SPLFl3 ' �/ the()Ftw514_f Tt'1�1�(1 __.__-- j _ ERfatiSFgR4iFRcS)_.._ f v \HE FLS�L FiA�t T RS t t t Sp r SPl�I) �R[Sf.NCL_'SI�SOR.. y t)GC'ALS SIGNAtrk c. _ --- E3L�lT(.?kf trLfl7l S I1\Ii f)LC\l - St�Ff:l1 E3E:.t�R9S ~'C DAIL'r S FE:EY C HEC'4 PEIt)'jS�� Illi\(FS ! \1E'Pt �VE)B1Cf� CllECh5 11C"Tl�'A'f'I()l�'Sf;ySC)RS= �lr1't'S i CiOlt) RAIL�-S'HO S DRIVE 13FLI5 i. C"USEfEU\S SAFETYSENSORS;;1tAT f4aR�SFIOLDS i c,r' _ _.._...__..__......_._ __ _ C}PF:R.•\'I'C1R%GI rtRt;<l4 4 tlf'E N'I`i; 'C�L()SIN(, FORCF j m Git;>.LL SUttTCH[S COCKS%INDICkl )RS l �' tilt)7'C)R I1.11 IICsL\C'Y 43f{E3��}t1l` t'ORE) C()?v IC'"1'IO�S GLASS S t'OPS :. :IDA has completed sm bapecoon of ibe oho%te noted door_'1_hk mspeclioii!+mwn&d ti}ume,s Om do)r,s.Ay wmpiiance he performing a phtisicltl iespeoitm and�.ondttutft j�racatCn I(icltl Le;�FS de>i�med tet;tpj�rt,�nnate the r'esjuiruntents of(tta�•tRrrent.rl\tif�t341aUtrl standards 10(10 i<;�Ra I manufa:aurers met,ho<<aestjiti,maf reyuirtm><nt�f,r rcc�,rnntendutit, or their riyaip xro his arugly rlt;Clli mmdA shin the door remam rr contnl,ance nE'thr.,e standards for sale operation.We r"orn tend immrdhw d wommmd dew oj'wmG, of attt.oi tht ibo,e item,;mo noted"\-NOT IN CONIPLI.A:NC F.- iihin the mandcrds of the ntspecumi. RECt.t1EFi4:�1):1f'it)�S'f()CUS'Ct)1 LRL CITY, ?:;fZ"CS RE:C)I IREU: El PARTS RE((aVELIL_-NDFD: CLL]"E<S'if fA i.l) TECHANIC'MN INIEIALS NVE IISOU'THAT YOU HAVE A COW 10 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING AUTOMATED DOORy,1ND A('CESS, IN( WASTHO SERVKF PFRI UMM1'-E) i IS Q R S:A i'FO l it W' :)j'HCN ti.RESPf NSE:.: NEW 'a)r A),X it? I Y. , ,:�ir,� -:.� c•rc�:ct,:oe� nnrnrr•a.,aat_- i'ia's's -0 CIDc'ta.tty ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 365825 Automated Doors &Access, Inc. Terms 6334 E. 32nd Court Indianapolis, IN 46226 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 6/27/14 AIN0708233591 Repair to automatic doors to outdoor pools xx843 $ 192.50 Total Is 192.50 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 - , 20 Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 365825 Automated Doors &Access, Inc. Allowed 20 6334 E. 32nd Court Indianapolis, IN 46226 In Sum of$ $ 192.50 I ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 -Monon Center PO#or Board Members INVOICE NO. ALCCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Dept# I 1093 AIN0708233591 4350100 $ 192.50 i 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except i 16-Jul 2014 Signature Is 192.50 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund